POV: Squid games come to America and people ages 1-100 are randomly chosen to participate. But will any of them survive?
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Copyright protected by Jessica Kaylee.
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Jessica kaylee, actress, jess povs, pov series, storytime, acting,
#pov #acting #skits
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Copyright protected by Jessica Kaylee.
✰TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8YEMy3o/
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Jessica kaylee, actress, jess povs, pov series, storytime, acting,
#pov #acting #skits
00:00Class, everyone has received an envelope from the government.
00:03What is it?
00:04The American government has decided to host their own version of the Squid Games.
00:08Isn't that when they force you to play children's games and if you lose, you die?
00:11Yes, Billie Jean.
00:13Now everyone, open up your envelopes.
00:14You will either have the word viewer or the word participant.
00:17Yes, or the word participant.
00:19No, no, I'm not playing. I refuse.
00:21Can we get some guards in here? We have a very upset participant.
00:24No, stop. Let me go. This is murder.
00:27Billie Jean, we can't just ignore this. We have to open them.
00:29Well, I'm throwing mine away. They can't take me if they don't know what I got.
00:33I'm sure they're keeping a record somewhere.
00:35Besides, we might not have even been chosen. The odds are like one in a million.
00:38Fine, we open them at the same time.
00:40One, two, two and a half, two and three quarters, three.
00:47I'm a viewer.
00:48You were right. I didn't need to be stressing.
00:50What did you get?
00:54There has to be a mistake. Are you sure you grabbed the right one?
00:57It says Jessica Cayley right on it.
00:59But you'll die in the games.
01:00I have the worst luck. Of course this happened to me.
01:03You're not going. I don't have a choice.
01:05Well, go in your place.
01:06You heard Miss Peppa. They don't allow switches or changes.
01:09Then I'll pretend to be you. No one will have to know.
01:11Billie Jean, I can't let you do that.
01:13Well, you don't have a choice.
01:14Hey guards, over here. I got participant.
01:17Billie Jean, stop.
01:18Billie Jean.
01:18You got participant?
01:20I sure did.
01:21What's your name?
01:22Jessica Cayley.
01:22Let's see here. Cayley, Cayley, Cayley.
01:25Ah, yep. She's right here. You're coming with us.
01:28I guess this is goodbye.
01:29Come on, don't look so sad.
01:31Who knows? Maybe I'll win.
01:32Please do.
01:34Come on, hurry up.
01:36Billie Jean, what's wrong?
01:37What happened to your face?
01:39Did someone hurt you?
01:40I'm so sorry, Jess, but they knew I was lying.
01:42They were threatening to kill me unless I took them to you.
01:45They're here to take you away now.
01:46I'm so sorry.
01:47Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Okay?
01:50I'm glad you told the truth.
01:51This is my battle to win, not yours.
01:53I really hope you win.
01:55Because if you don't, they said they would kill me for lying.
01:58What? They can't do that.
02:00I mean, you told the truth, eventually.
02:02They don't care, and they really don't think you're going to win.
02:04Otherwise, they wouldn't have made that deal with me.
02:07Well, joke's on them, right?
02:08I'm going to win for both of us.
02:11Time to go.
02:12Hey, stop. I'm not ready.
02:14Just one more second. Let me give her a hug.
02:16Nope. Sorry, we have to move.
02:17Bye, Billie Jean.
02:18Welcome, participants.
02:20The first game will be dodgeball.
02:22They're wasting no time at all.
02:31Ha ha. Take that, sucker.
02:33You're out.
02:36Why isn't he leaving? I just hit him.
02:37Um, that would be because you're not supposed to throw the balls at them.
02:39I'm not. Isn't the whole point of dodgeball to get them out?
02:42Not this dodgeball.
02:43We're only supposed to dodge their balls for five minutes.
02:46And he looks very, very angry that you hit him.
02:49How could you tell? He's wearing a mask.
02:50By his walk?
02:51Run. Run.
02:53The next game will start in two minutes.
02:56I'm Natasha, by the way.
02:57I'm Jess. I wonder what the next game's gonna be.
03:00It's going to be wrestling.
03:01Everyone has to partner up and you wrestle each other to death.
03:04Oh, I'm toast.
03:05Would you stop scaring her? He's lying.
03:08Caleb, Jess. Caleb's my cousin.
03:10The next game will be cookie cutting.
03:12You have five minutes to collect and cut your cookies.
03:15The cookies are over here. Follow me.
03:20My cookie keeps almost breaking.
03:21Mine too. One wrong move and the whole cookie might crack.
03:24Player seven, your cookie broke.
03:28This cookie will not be the death of me and Billie Jean.
03:33Guys, I figured out a trick.
03:34If you get the cookie a little wet, it breaks easier.
03:37Less cracking.
03:40You're right. It's working.
03:41Well, we only have one minute left, so hurry.
03:45There. I'm done.
03:47Me too.
03:49There will be a five minute break until your next game.
03:52I hated every minute of that.
03:54I've never seen squid games before.
03:56Do you guys know how many games there are?
03:57No. This is the first American squid games.
04:00It's pretty different than the other versions around the world.
04:02I heard one of the guards on the way in say that there were five rounds
04:05and everyone who survives all of them wins.
04:08So theoretically, everyone here could survive, especially if we work together.
04:11Theoretically, but as you can see, the games aren't easy.
04:14We started with over 500 people and at least half of them died.
04:17And if there's five rounds, that means we still have three more to go.
04:20The next game will be hide and seek.
04:23You have two minutes to hide.
04:25We better split up.
04:26There's no way all three of us could hide in the same spot.
04:28I'll find you guys when it's over.
04:31Hey, someone's already hiding here.
04:33Sorry, I didn't see you.
04:35Not so fast. I'm hiding there.
04:37I was here first.
04:38Girl, does it look like I care?
04:41Ow! We're on the same team.
04:45I'm running out of time to hide.
04:47I guess this will have to do.
04:4910 minutes on the clock.
04:51They have 10 minutes to find us?
04:53This game's getting harder and harder.
04:58Found you.
04:59Please don't kill me.
05:00I'll tell you where someone else is hiding if you don't kill me.
05:03There's a girl over there behind that greenery.
05:06That's me.
05:07Over there?
05:09You're still dead.
05:11He's coming for me now.
05:15I found you.
05:16Hey, what are you doing?
05:17The game's over.
05:19I found you.
05:20You were too late.
05:21Who says?
05:22Hey, dude, what are you doing?
05:23The round's over.
05:24You can't kill any more participants.
05:26Next game, you won't be so lucky.
05:30I can't believe he was going to kill you even though you won.
05:33I know.
05:33If that other guard wasn't there, I wouldn't be here.
05:36So there are some corrupt guards and some good guards in here.
05:38For now on, if we can, we all stick together.
05:41The more eyes on each other, the better.
05:43The next game will be red light, green light.
05:46Everyone, get in line.
05:48Green light.
05:49Red light.
05:50Player 88, you fail.
05:54Don't move so fast on green light.
05:56You have to make sure you can get your balance.
05:58Yellow light.
05:59Red light.
06:03I'm scared.
06:04Just breathe.
06:04We're doing good.
06:06Red light.
06:0715 seconds left.
06:08I think we can make it if we run as fast as we can on green light.
06:11What happens if we don't make it across in time?
06:14Green light.
06:16We made it.
06:17That's a lot of dead bodies.
06:19Caleb, if your source was right, that means there's only one game left.
06:23We're getting so close.
06:24I think we're going to survive this.
06:26Hey, don't jinx us now.
06:28My best friend from home, Billie Jean, well, she sort of got in some trouble before I left.
06:32And now if I die, they're going to kill her too.
06:35So I don't have a choice.
06:37I have to survive.
06:39The next game will begin soon.
06:41Everyone pair up into groups of 10.
06:43Game will begin soon.
06:45Everyone pair up into groups of two.
06:47What should we do?
06:48There's three of us.
06:49You guys are family.
06:50You can partner up.
06:51I'll find someone else.
06:51No, it's okay.
06:53You and Natasha can be together.
06:54Are you sure?
06:55Yeah, I can hold my own.
06:57And you two are great together.
06:58Good luck.
06:59For the next event, you will be playing rock, paper, scissors.
07:03You will play with your partner.
07:05Whoever loses dies.
07:07One of us doesn't survive?
07:09We partnered up together because we're friends.
07:11That's exactly what they wanted to happen.
07:13This game is twisted.
07:16We can rig the game.
07:17I'll lose.
07:17That's not fair.
07:18You and Billie Jean would both die then.
07:21Don't think about that, Natasha.
07:22You're a really good person.
07:23You deserve to live.
07:24No, I don't want to rig the game.
07:26I refuse.
07:27Whoever wins, wins fair and square.
07:29That's the only way to do it.
07:30Are you sure?
07:31Now let's play.
07:34Rock, paper, scissors.
07:37You didn't die.
07:38It must be best of three.
07:40Okay, you won.
07:42Me, zero.
07:44Rock, paper, scissors.
07:46You won.
07:47We're tied.
07:48Whoever wins, this next one lives.
07:51Are you ready?
07:57Rock, paper, scissors.
08:17The game is over.
08:18You all won $30 million.
08:21You won.
08:22That means Natasha did it.
08:24Caleb, I am so sorry.
08:26I offered to rig the game, but stop that right now.
08:28You do not feel bad about the choices we made in here, okay?
08:31Natasha's death is not your fault.
08:34It's theirs.
08:35Remember that.
08:36I'm so glad you survived.
08:38Come on, let's get home.
08:40Billie Jean, you're okay.
08:41You too.
08:42I'm so happy you're alive.
08:44And not just because if you died, I died.
08:46What was it like in there?
08:48Like you were living your worst nightmare.
08:49The government said it was successful, whatever that means.
08:52They're preparing to play again.