• 3 days ago
Minecraft but I battle the TRIDENTS of PVP CIVILIZATION...the third INSANE episode of PVP CIVLIZATION chapter 2.....how will it all play out?.....

Voice Actors: Evbo, Teddy, @seawattgaming , @Nufuli , @Hannahxxrose , @minutetechmc , @FerreMC , @TabiMC , @ClownPierce , https://www.twitch.tv/toph033, @PurpledMC , @kantje , @ludwig , Julie

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"Hit the Streets, Ghostpocalypse - 2 The Call"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0


00:00In the world of PvP, there are five different civilizations.
00:03Or four. Five? I don't know.
00:05Anyways, I've been to the Sword Civilization,
00:07and I have just now completed my journey to the Bow Civilization.
00:11But now, it's time to embark on a journey to a new civilization,
00:14which will be the Tridents.
00:16Prince Zan is probably on his way to take hold of the Eternal Trident,
00:19and Tabby might already be there trying to steal it.
00:21Oh man, I don't even know what to think of this situation.
00:24I mean, if both of those are true, the Axes will be fighting the Tridents there,
00:27and if I show up, they'll also try fighting me.
00:29Okay, yeah, it's safe to say I have zero clue on how to handle this situation.
00:33But if we're being honest, when have I ever had a plan?
00:36Anyways, let's just jump right into this.
00:37Stepping on this platform will send me directly to the Trident Civilization,
00:41where I'll be right in the, uh, in the middle of the action.
00:46Okay, is something wrong here? Why am I not teleporting?
00:48Is this one broken or something? How is that even possible?
00:51If this means I have to go through the main entrance
00:53and not get myself a room in the Trident Civilization,
00:55I'm gonna be very upset.
00:57Don't tell me that's a Diamond Sword standing right there.
01:00It looks like he's all by himself.
01:02What do we do? We're supposed to be weakening the Tridents right now.
01:05We don't have time to fight this.
01:06You go on ahead. I'll deal with this kid.
01:09Just make it quick. I'll meet you at the Trident Civilization.
01:12As I stood there on the platform, I heard the sound of footsteps
01:15rapidly approaching from behind me,
01:17and I could tell by the speed that this was someone eager to wipe me out.
01:20Which means it was time to tap into all the movement training
01:23I completed at the Golden Sword level.
01:25Just as the player was right up on me,
01:27I quickly jumped to the side and dodged the swing of an axe.
01:30This is now the second run-in I've had with an axe in the outside world,
01:34and I could already tell that this one wasn't gonna be like the last.
01:37This was not a player looking for a conversation.
01:39This was someone who wanted me dead.
01:41The axes are supposed to be the most ruthless civilization of all,
01:44and I could tell by the look in this guy's eyes that he wasn't all the way there.
01:47The player with the iron axe charged me,
01:48and I decided to keep up my strategy of dodging the attacks.
01:51This player was only trying to land critical hits,
01:54attempting to deal massive damage,
01:55but I wasn't letting that happen.
01:57As soon as I found an opening, I fought back with my sword.
02:00It's hard to tell if this player was blinded by rage,
02:02or the orientation of his eyes,
02:04but either way, this player's strategy for the fight ended with his death,
02:08and with me not suffering a single PvP attack.
02:11I gained back some durability by grabbing the iron axe,
02:14and I decided that staying out here in the open was probably a bad idea.
02:18My guess is that that player was on his way to the Trident civilization,
02:21and if that's true,
02:22I do not want to stay around here if more axes are gonna pull up.
02:25I still don't get it.
02:26I wouldn't have had to fight that player if the platform to the Trident civilization worked.
02:31I thought I had a good understanding of this whole center of the universe thing.
02:34I mean, a new player spawns, drops down, steps on the platform-
02:36Wait, what the-
02:37Just then, I thought I was about to get into another fight,
02:40but whoever this player was took one look at me,
02:42and turned around and started running away.
02:44Was that a bow?
02:45What were they even doing here?
02:46Okay, well, I guess there's more than one bow alive.
02:48Not sure what to do with that information.
02:50Get me out of here.
02:51Please get me out of here.
02:53Sending Toph out there by himself was a bad idea.
02:56If he gets hurt, this is on you.
02:58We need a sword to find this respawn power, and if we were to die,
03:02Toph wouldn't know how to rebuild an entire civilization by himself.
03:05Besides, he offered to go.
03:07Then he better come back, because if he dies from this,
03:10you're gonna be rebuilding the civilization by yourself.
03:13Okay, so using the platform to get into the Trident civilization
03:17doesn't seem to be an option.
03:18I'm just gonna have to go through the front door, I guess.
03:20But with the amount of people I've seen,
03:22I'm definitely gonna need more resources if I want to survive for longer.
03:25Wenbu, hello?
03:27Can you come over here?
03:28Water bucket, please.
03:30Thankfully, Wenbu was there to let me back into the sword civilization.
03:33I thought about telling all the diamond swords about the strange interaction
03:36I had with the mysterious diamond axe,
03:39but to be honest, I was running short on time.
03:41By the looks of it, the axes were already on their way to the Trident civilization,
03:45and I don't want to have a repeat of what happened with the bows.
03:47I bought five golden carrots and a flint and steel to prepare for my journey,
03:51a journey that could very well cost me my life in PvP civilization.
03:55I told Wenbu if I don't make it back alive,
03:57well, he gets full authority over the video journals.
03:59To be fair though, he was the only one in consideration for that role,
04:02given that no one else would voluntarily record video journals.
04:05Anyways, it's time to focus up,
04:07because I'm about to be putting myself in the middle of a battle
04:10between two civilizations that both want to wipe out the swords.
04:14I'll have to be prepared for anything.
04:16Even if it means fighting my best friend.
04:18This is our only chance.
04:20I only had enough attacks to afford one invisibility potion for this.
04:24Then you better make it count.
04:25Use it to escape.
04:29Yep, I'm not trying that ever again.
04:32I'm telling you guys, there's no way I'll have enough time to get a wooden sword.
04:35Are we sure we can't just go in through the front of the sword civilization?
04:39This is the only way in, Toph,
04:41which means you'll have to go back out there and wait for a newborn wooden sword to spawn.
04:45I mean, what if that guard is still here?
04:48That one that sticks with Evva?
04:49Maybe he might help us get a wooden sword somehow if we pay him enough.
04:53Toph, I know you're scared, but it's time to face reality.
04:56We don't have much of a choice here.
04:58I actually just don't get it.
04:59I don't get how someone can be so unintelligent.
05:02It blows my mind.
05:03Out of everything, he puts his sword in the item frame?
05:07An item frame?
05:08What does that mean?
05:10Uh, guys, you might want to check this out.
05:15I walked through the valley until a massive structure formed in the distance.
05:19Blue coloring on the walls, a cascading waterfall out in front.
05:23Yep, this was definitely the Trident civilization.
05:25And luckily for me, the giant door to enter the civilization was wide open.
05:29However, that fact alone means that this civilization isn't afraid of outsiders.
05:34The door being open doesn't just help me though.
05:36At this point, I just have to be prepared to fight anything.
05:39I got to the top of the waterfall and walked through the giant opening into the Trident
05:44Before seeing this, I thought the pool in my PVP mansion was the coolest thing ever.
05:48But now that I was standing on a Trident-shaped rock that was practically in the middle of
05:52an ocean, I'm not gonna lie, I was thinking about how much it might cost to move here.
05:56Then I had to quickly remind myself that I was in the middle of the ocean.
06:00I had no idea what I was doing.
06:03cost to move here.
06:04Then I had to quickly remind myself that I did not have time to get distracted by really
06:08cool architecture.
06:09Because I have a job to do, and that's find the eternal Trident before Tabby or Prince
06:13Zam gets to it.
06:14I came to the unfortunate conclusion that I probably wouldn't get to visit the PVP
06:18marketplace in the Trident civilization.
06:20Which really made me sad because, well, you know me, I would just buy anything really.
06:24But for now, paying three PVP attacks to open doors is, I guess it's kind of like a purchase.
06:29Alright, I'm not happy about it, but it does the job.
06:31I found myself in another room, not knowing what to expect.
06:34But all of a sudden, I heard the sound of a player taking damage and someone flew into
06:38the water below me.
06:39It was an iron axe, and he immediately started attacking me as soon as he saw me.
06:43I hit him away and jumped down into the water.
06:45I know I said I had to be ready to fight anything, but this encounter made me realize I was not
06:50ready at all.
06:50At the end of the day, I don't want to fight these people.
06:53But at this point, I realized that simply wasn't an option.
06:56I swam up onto a platform where I saw not the axe I was fighting, but a Trident.
07:01The player charged me, and my first battle against a Trident had begun.
07:04Prince Zam's plan to escape the Sword Civilization hinged on the fact that I've never fought
07:08a Trident before.
07:09But after the throw of a Trident knocked me in the water, leaving me at two and a half
07:13hearts, I realized it was a wise choice not to fight Prince Zam.
07:16Tridents were strong, much stronger than I anticipated.
07:19Even with my increased resistance as a Diamond Sword, it seemed like that Trident just tore
07:24right through me.
07:24Luckily, I made it out of that room in time to regenerate some health.
07:27But I do not like the fact that I've been in this new civilization for all of a couple
07:31minutes, and I've almost died.
07:33So first Prince Zam shows up, then the axes show up, and now a sword.
07:40Give me a break.
07:42Whatever that room was definitely seemed like a dead end, and I was back in the main room
07:45with no leads on where to find the Eternal Trident.
07:48That was until I saw the axe I was just fighting, and he was swimming down towards something
07:53at the bottom of the ocean.
07:54I swam after him, and when I got to the bottom, I stumbled upon some sort of underwater tunnel.
07:59Now, I know I'm no expert at PVP physics or whatnot, but this tunnel definitely seemed
08:04like it defied the laws of nature.
08:06Even with all the openings, it seemed like some invisible force was just stopping the
08:10water from flowing in, making for a breathable hallway at the bottom of an ocean.
08:13If I had to take a wild guess, I would say this is a more promising lead to the Eternal
08:19Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
08:21I walked down the hallway not knowing where I was going.
08:24I didn't even have a solid idea of what my plan was, but as I turned around to see an
08:28iron axe lunging towards me, I realized that my plan was quite simply to survive.
08:32The longer I survive, the higher chance I have of finding the Eternal Trident.
08:36If I find the Eternal Trident again, then there's a higher chance I have of seeing
08:40Tabby again.
08:41And if I do find Tabby, well, then there's a chance I finally figure out what she plans
08:46on doing with the Eternal Weapons.
08:48Right, so, survive long enough to get answers.
08:50That's basically what my plan boils down to.
08:53I won the battle against the iron axe with two and a half hearts.
08:56Thought Purple would have put up more of a fight, to be honest.
08:58And I was down to my last three golden carrots.
09:00With the way these PvP battles have been going, it's looking like I'll only have
09:03enough food to survive a few more fights.
09:06Unless I can miraculously fight like Foray does, that is, not take any damage from a
09:10fight, but I don't see that happening in the near future.
09:13So, for now, I just gotta be smart.
09:15Whatever this place in the Trident Civilization was, seemed to be a confusing network of hallways
09:19that went in all different directions.
09:21Now, more than ever, I had to be cautious about which armor stands I choose to hit.
09:25Because if I open the wrong door, well, someone might just be waiting for me on the other
09:30side to take me out.
09:31I actually like the fact that there's armor stands everywhere.
09:33Maybe I should make it a goal to hit them all.
09:35No, no, why am I thinking like that?
09:37Speaking of opening the wrong doors, when I walked into the hallway, an iron axe came
09:41charging in from the other side.
09:43This is now the second iron axe I've seen down here, which leads me to think this is
09:47definitely the place where the Eternal Trident is.
09:49Why I've only seen iron axes and not Tabby or the other diamond axe is another question
09:54in itself, but I came to the conclusion that that might actually be a good sign.
09:58The axes might be sending in their lower level players to weaken the Tridents for players
10:02like Tabby and the other diamond axe.
10:04Just a theory at this point, but if that is their game plan, then that means I'm not
10:07too late this time and they haven't found the Trident yet.
10:10But after I walked into another hallway and saw a Trident on the ground, I realized I
10:14was running out of time.
10:15The axes were wiping out the Tridents in numbers and soon enough, Tabby would be here to get
10:19what she was after.
10:20Knowing her, she might already be here.
10:23For all I know, she could be standing in the exact same spots where I was standing in and
10:27fighting in the same hallways I fought in.
10:30I know this sounds crazy, but I kind of just wish I would open one of these doors to see
10:34Tabby standing there.
10:35With everything she's done and everything she wants to do to the sword, I'm pretty
10:41sure I shouldn't be feeling this way.
10:42All I am to her is her enemy, but I couldn't help it.
10:45I couldn't stop myself from hoping that every PvP attack I paid, every corner I turned,
10:50and every hallway I ran through would lead me back to my best friend.
10:55So, looks like kicking you out of this civilization once wasn't enough.
11:00If you're after the Trident again, I can assure you, I won't hold back this time.
11:05I ate my last golden carrot as I stared down the hallway to the sight of something different.
11:10There was running water covering the door, and when I walked through it, I was in a room
11:14that broke the pattern of endless hallways.
11:16By the looks of it, I would guess this is the room where an Eternal Trident would be
11:20Alright, I guess it's time to go find out if it's still here or not.
11:23Let's hope for the best.
11:26Things were kind of a blur after that.
11:28Honestly, if I didn't log it into my journal right away, I probably would have forgotten
11:32what exactly happened.
11:34A few journals ago, I said I didn't know what I would do if I saw Tabby again.
11:39I'm bringing that up because when I heard someone come through the waterfall, I was
11:42getting ready to fight until I saw…
11:45It was her.
11:46And I didn't do anything.
11:48But I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to stay there.
11:51Because in that short moment, Tabby stared back at me not as an enemy, but as a friend.
11:57It was a look that seemed like she was relieved to see that I was alive,
12:01and I wanted to save her for as long as I could.
12:03I didn't get it at the time.
12:05I didn't get why she sent me back to being a wooden sword.
12:08But then I remembered I was seconds away from being erased from this world forever.
12:13And that was when I realized she saved me.
12:16She swung her axe at the last second, and because of that, I could respawn.
12:20I woke up back in my room, not knowing what to think.
12:25But more so sad.
12:27There was a lot of things that I wish I could have said to Tabby before I died.
12:31At the very least, I would have wanted some answers about what she wants to do with the
12:35eternal weapons.
12:36But now, now I just have to hope she makes it out of there alive, because she's stuck
12:41in there fighting Prince Zam with an eternal weapon.
12:43And I know, I know she's much more capable at PvP than I am, but PvP civilization is
12:49In our world, I've realized that it's not just your PvP abilities that determine whether
12:54you can survive or not.
12:55It's your ability to be adaptable in any situation.
12:58Prince Zam and Tabby both outsmarted the swords and I without using PvP at all.
13:02I know I'm dragging this, but point is, I don't know if this is a fight Tabby will
13:07And the worst thing about this is, I couldn't even make it over there in time if I wanted
13:12So I can't do anything.
13:13I just have to hope she makes it out alive.
13:16Well, I know this one has been pretty sad.
13:19I will, uh, I'll try to change the mood around for the next one.
13:22All right, signing off.
13:23I can do this.
13:24I can do this.
13:26I just gotta survive long enough to figure out anything I can about this respawn power.
13:30No, you know what?
13:31I can totally do this.
13:33After all, I am a diamond sword now.
13:37All right, we are back with another video journal update.
13:40Now at this point, I know whoever's watching is probably like, no way this is a back to
13:45back journal update, right?
13:46Well, I'm here to tell you, that's exactly what this is.
13:49And I did say I would improve the vibes for the next one.
13:52So here we are.
13:53Anyways, we haven't had a good video journal breakdown in a while to really digest everything
13:57that's happened in PvP civilization recently.
13:59That's why for this one, I convinced the whole crew to make an appearance.
14:03A lot of pressure this time because I got to show everyone how incredibly important
14:06these video journals are.
14:07Let's get to it.
14:08The encounter I had a bit ago with the diamond axe left me, well, very confused.
14:12He told me it wasn't my time to die.
14:15Any thoughts on what that's supposed to mean?
14:18Looks like I'm muted.
14:20All right, guess I'm solo speculating this time.
14:22That could mean the axe wants to use me for something first.
14:25What that might be?
14:26I'm not really sure, but all I know is that he had the eternal axe and chose not to erase
14:31me from this world.
14:32Moving on to the Trident civilization, Tabby could be fighting Prinz Am as we speak.
14:37But the fact that both of them have eternal weapons raises the question, what happens
14:42to an eternal weapon when someone dies with it?
14:44Okay, now we get to the last part of this journal, which is why I kind of brought everyone
14:48After a lot of near-death experiences recently, I realized the importance of having the ability
14:53to respawn, which is why I'm proposing all five of us diamond swords share the respawn
14:59Now that we know there's a way back up to the wooden sword bubble from the outside,
15:02all of us can use the armor stand.
15:05No, the respawn power isn't for us.
15:08A foe will be the only one allowed to have it.
15:11Wait, what?
15:12No, what do you mean?
15:13Wait, wait, wait, what?
15:15Okay, this did not go the way I thought it was going to go.
15:18So, signing off?
15:19It's decided then.
15:20None of us will be sharing this respawn power.
15:23As for the eternal weapons, I find it strange that this is now the second time Tabby has
15:28spared you.
15:29Whatever her motives are, I still think there's a slight possibility of changing her mind.
15:34Maybe, but wait, are we not going to talk about what is going on?
15:38No one wants to respawn?
15:40I don't get it.
15:40Uh, Julie, help me out here.
15:42Why in the world would Faray say no to something like that?
15:45Faray rarely speaks.
15:47So I can promise you he must have a good reason.
15:50But at the end of the day, none of us need a good reason to trust him.
15:54Faray is by far the most skilled out of all of us.
15:57I'm sure you've recognized that already.
15:59Before you got the power, he did exactly what you did to become a diamond sword.
16:04He figured out he had to break his sword on the armor stand, which led to him helping
16:08Wenbu, Minitek, and I rank up.
16:10Back then, he had no reason to help us out, but he did anyways.
16:15So, even if you might not agree with his logic, we trust him all the way.
16:18No, you see, that still doesn't make any sense at all.
16:20I mean, what could possibly be the downside of having you guys share the respawn power
16:24with me?
16:25Actually, you know what's even more strange is the fact that Faray had the respawn power
16:29I can't think of a single reason as to why someone would give up the power of immortality.
16:34When did he get rid of it?
16:35That, I don't exactly know.
16:37What do you mean you don't know?
16:38That seems like a pretty big thing to know.
16:40Do you think we would ask Faray every single time he dies if he has the respawn power?
16:44Obviously not.
16:45Well, now you see you probably should have been asking.
16:48But, thinking about it more, he must have given it up after he broke his sword, since
16:53I've never seen him die.
16:54Wait, if you've never seen him die, do you think he's lying about not giving up the
16:59What would he gain from lying about something like that?
17:01I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud.
17:03Okay, answer me this.
17:04How did he get so good at PvP?
17:06I mean, you've gotten significantly better, haven't you?
17:09Both of you use your respawning ability to your benefit.
17:12You probably just use it differently than he did.
17:14Wow, way to call out my shopping sprees.
17:17I guess that kind of makes sense.
17:18Faray must have been solely focused on getting better at PvP every time he died and respawned.
17:23I just, uh, I just don't get it.
17:25I don't know.
17:42Don't worry about us.
17:45We can take care of our own without the respawn power.
17:48I know you guys can.
17:49I just, I just want to help.
17:51I know you're here.
17:53Why am I still alive?
17:56Because I'm allowing you to stay alive.
17:59What do you want from me?
18:01I want you to give up the respawn ability.
18:03Better yet, let me rephrase.
18:06If you don't give up the power, I won't let you respawn.
18:12You, Faray, believe that one's PvP ability is the only metric that determines whether
18:18someone should live or die in this world.
18:21You and I are alike in the sense that we both share that philosophy.
18:25But the world doesn't need that right now.
18:28So you're going to give the power up.
18:31And I will see to it that this power finds the right person.
