• 4 days ago
Minecraft but I become a BOW in PVP CIVILIZATION...the first INSANE episode of PVP CIVILIZATION CHAPTER 2...

Voice Actors: Evbo, Teddy, @wemmbumc , @PrinceZam , @minutetechmc , @ParrotX2 , @seawattgaming
Actors: Evbo, Teddy, Grayson, @JoofyLooby

Featured Song: "DO OR DIE" - @TheStare-band Kevin Creel (Streaming on Spotify!)
Animation: @Qdandy

Follow me on Twitch, Twitter, and Tiktok!
Tiktok: @evboshorts
Twitter: twitter.com/evboyt
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/evbolive​​​​​​​​​

"Hit the Streets, Rynos Theme, Floating Cities, Leaving Home, The Descent, Screen Saver, Intrepid, Industrial Cinematic
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0


00:00Open up, it's time to shoot your bow.
00:02Great, just when I thought the mandatory PvP checks were over.
00:05Alright, let's get this over with.
00:07Depending on how this goes, this might be my last day alive in PvP civilization.
00:11You owe me one PvP attack.
00:13That is, if you want to survive another day.
00:15Now that I'm a bow in PvP civilization,
00:18my life is determined by the amount of shots I have left with my bow.
00:21If my bow were to break, well, then my life would be over.
00:25Which means my life is essentially 381 days long.
00:29Just over a year.
00:30Because I have to pay an attack to the PvP guards every single day.
00:33If I want to live.
00:34Not putting up a fight today, I see.
00:36Smart choice for someone as fragile as you.
00:38Man, I'm shocked you can even lift up that bow.
00:41Your arms look like sticks.
00:42Okay, bro, are you serious?
00:43What is wrong with you?
00:44We went over the script and that was definitely not in the script.
00:47Because I would never write something like that.
00:49It's called improv.
00:50You were the one who told me to get into character.
00:53Alright, I'll admit, that would be something you would say.
00:55Let's just run it from the top again.
00:57Just say your lines right, okay?
00:58I told you I would do this whole pretend thing one time.
01:01So that's the best you're getting.
01:02Bro, come on.
01:03We have nothing better to do.
01:04It's not my fault the entire bow civilization turned out to be empty.
01:08I don't know how long Parrot's been gone for,
01:09but clearly things have changed since he got sent to the sword civilization.
01:13Fine, just do whatever you want.
01:14I'm gonna go journal.
01:15But just a heads up, this will be a long one, so please no interruptions.
01:19Bringing a video journal machine to the bow civilization
01:21was quite possibly one of the smartest things I've ever done.
01:24I might have died of boredom if I hadn't.
01:26Alright, this is my first video journal update as a bow and PvP civilization.
01:31It took sacrifices to get here, some of them being unnecessary.
01:34I don't want to talk about it.
01:36Uh, Evbo?
01:38Ugh, I told you I need peace and quiet.
01:40I'm talking about emotional things.
01:42And I'm gonna need a solid reason as to why I should keep you alive.
01:47Video journal machines only come from the sword civilization,
01:50which means if you're a natural born sword,
01:52I'm being generous by giving you one minute to explain yourself.
01:56Um, okay, there's a lot we need to catch up on.
01:58Let's just run it back a little bit.
02:00The story takes us to a few days ago where I was in the PvP marketplace
02:03following Tabi's betrayal.
02:04Obviously, this was an emotional time for me,
02:07so I had to do some shopping therapy, retail therapy,
02:09I don't know, whatever you want to call it.
02:11But that's when I stumbled upon something magnificent.
02:14An item that was almost too perfect for an irrational spender like myself.
02:17A PvP speaker system that cost 300 attacks.
02:21As far as I'm concerned,
02:22this was the most expensive purchase in PvP civilization.
02:26It's probably bad that I view that as an achievement,
02:28but well, someone's gotta buy it.
02:30I found the perfect spot in my PvP mansion
02:32to place down my new PvP speaker system,
02:35right next to my video journal machine.
02:36No way, you actually bought the speaker system for 300 attacks?
02:40Look, it's a part of my healing process,
02:42but fine, I'll hear your lecture on spending.
02:45No, this could be good for us.
02:46The vibes have been off ever since Tabi stole the eternal sword.
02:49Oh, thank you, you understand.
02:51Oh, that's a relief.
02:52Don't tell the others I told you this,
02:54but I'm pretty sure if you buy more speakers,
02:56they all sync up with each other.
02:57Once Wenbu said that,
02:58well, it didn't take much time for my diamond sword to be reduced to 61 hits.
03:02But since I'm practically immortal,
03:04my concern was less about my lifespan
03:06and more about proper placement for these new speaker systems.
03:09I placed one at the battle simulator
03:11in hopes that the sword civilization one day rebuilds itself,
03:14and I'll actually be able to battle here.
03:16I placed another on the giant map that showed all of PvP civilization.
03:20For, of course, when I want to study the map.
03:22Julie was very unhappy with this placement,
03:24but I told her studying was better with music.
03:26A third speaker system went into the video journal HQ,
03:29but that place is practically my second home,
03:31so that placement was an obvious one.
03:33And the final speaker system went right in front of the statue of the eternal sword.
03:37My goal was that one day,
03:39new diamond swords will drop down to this level,
03:41hear the music,
03:42and be happy
03:43without having to worry about the world outside
03:45that wants them gone for just being a sword.
03:47All right, well, let's turn this thing on.
04:21Now you're high
04:23To feel like somebody else
04:28You walk around with your glass half full
04:32Your shoes untied
04:33You fall like a fool
04:35It's empty now
04:36What should you do?
04:38It's empty now
04:40What should you
04:41Insume or die
04:43When I'm looking in the mirror
04:47To force a smile
04:49And take a better picture
04:56I'm looking in the mirror
05:02I'm looking in the mirror
05:08I'm looking in the mirror
05:15I'm looking in the mirror
05:20In another life,
05:21I would have loved to be exploring the outside for the first time with my best friend.
05:25But now, I have to go and try to stop her.
05:28And I have to go alone,
05:29because apparently the other diamond swords don't want to risk their lives.
05:32We've already gone over this.
05:34It would be strategically unwise for us to explore the outside,
05:37given that we have one life.
05:39I know, I know.
05:40It was a joke.
05:41That apparently didn't land.
05:42Minitek and I realized that if I were to leave and try to come back,
05:46I wouldn't be able to climb back up,
05:47since the waterfall stopped one block short of the ledge.
05:50Fortunately, buying a water bucket should solve this issue.
05:53Unfortunately, I don't exactly have the funds to buy one.
05:56Look, I'm a little low on PvP attacks right now.
05:59You think you can spot me?
06:00This will cost me precisely 3.2% of my lifespan.
06:04Sorry, even though some of the other diamond swords disapprove of my spending habits,
06:08we're practically family now.
06:09And that means they've got my back.
06:10So that means I gotta have theirs,
06:12by going out into the world and figuring out why everyone wants the sword people gone.
06:17If I can understand that,
06:18then I have a chance to save my friends,
06:20and maybe change Tabby's mind in the process.
06:23But in the meantime, I have to figure out how to survive in the outside world first.
06:27So let's try to do that.
06:28My feet touched the ground,
06:29and I stared out to an endless desert with nothing in sight.
06:33Looking back, I realized that this is, as far as I know,
06:36the first time in my life that I've been outside of a structure.
06:39Seeing how unfathomably large the sword civilization was
06:43made me proud at how far I've come.
06:45I started venturing out,
06:46and soon saw giant mountains form in the distance.
06:49As I got closer,
06:50the mountains seemed to give way to a giant valley,
06:53almost as if the landscape was forming a path for me to follow.
06:56As I journeyed ahead,
06:57I thought back to the map of PvP civilization.
07:00If I was right in assuming that I was in the sandstone part of the map,
07:03then that means each civilization has a valley that leads to the center point of this world.
07:08After a short while,
07:09I soon realized that I was probably correct.
07:11The valley opened up,
07:13and in the center was a giant pyramid-like structure
07:16with waterfalls flowing all the way from the top.
07:18If I had to guess,
07:19this was in fact the center of our world,
07:21which means this structure is the origin for every single player in PvP civilization.
07:26I could tell that there were statues up at the very top,
07:29but I could barely make out what they were.
07:31Oh, alright, guess I'm going up the waterfall.
07:33On the ground in front of the waterfall,
07:35there was a small platform that had the same red coloring
07:37as the walls of the sword civilization.
07:39Looking back,
07:40I probably should have paid more attention to my surroundings
07:43instead of the architecture of this place,
07:44because when I looked up at the waterfall,
07:46there was a player dropping down right in front of me.
07:48I couldn't tell what weapon this player was holding,
07:50but whatever civilization they were a part of,
07:53they will definitely try fighting me the second they see my diamond sword.
07:56Okay, looks like we're fighting.
07:57Let's just hope the 61 PvP attacks I have left are enough to get the job done.
08:01From around the corner,
08:02I watched as the player reached the bottom of the waterfall.
08:05They started walking towards the platform,
08:07and I could see the weapon they were holding,
08:08and it was a wooden sword.
08:11They walked straight up to the red platform,
08:13and then just disappeared.
08:14Look, I know how this sounds,
08:16and I also know my credibility is a little bit low
08:18given that I've been caught talking to myself a few times,
08:21but I can promise you I saw this right.
08:22The player just disappeared.
08:24So, I decided to walk up onto the platform myself.
08:26All of the sudden, my surroundings changed,
08:29and I was in...
08:30I was in my room at the wooden sword level,
08:32the same room I wake up in every time I die and respawn.
08:35What's strange is that this time I didn't die though,
08:38and I still have my diamond sword.
08:40My best guess at this point is that
08:41platform sends you to the beginning of the sword civilization.
08:44I was about to go leave and find that wooden sword that just teleported here,
08:48but that's when I realized something.
08:50The last time I was in this room,
08:51Prince Zam threw a trident at my head,
08:53fortunately missed, skill issue,
08:55and it was stuck in this wall.
08:56But now it's not here,
08:58which means he has it,
09:00and that probably means I'm gonna get jump scared again.
09:03That wasn't fun.
09:04But at the very least, I have my diamond sword now,
09:06so I guess that's a little more intimidating.
09:08Anyways, back to finding the wooden sword.
09:09I have a good reason to believe that this player was a newborn wooden sword,
09:13and if that's the case,
09:14they would be in the same spot I was when I first woke up here.
09:17Turns out, I think I was right,
09:19and I found the player that teleported here
09:21that was clearly trying to understand the mechanics of the armor stand door.
09:24Eventually though, the door opened back up,
09:26and I could confirm my theory.
09:28This player had no clue where she was,
09:30zero wins to her name,
09:32and no memories of anything at all.
09:34This was definitely a newborn wooden sword, all right.
09:36I tried to fill them in on the basics,
09:38you know, having to PvP to survive and such,
09:40and apparently they took that very seriously because they tried to fight me.
09:43But that's when I realized her attacks did no damage at all.
09:46I even taught her a critical hit,
09:48but still, I took no damage.
09:50Other than dying by Tabi with the eternal sword,
09:52this was kind of my first time taking damage as a diamond sword.
09:55Maybe that has something to do with it.
09:56I wish the player good luck,
09:58and I encourage them to buy a bigger house.
10:00Am I a bad person for telling a wooden sword
10:02to waste most of their life on just a bigger house?
10:05But come on, what's the point in living longer
10:07if you're not going to have fun in life?
10:09So by that logic, I might be a good person.
10:11Anyways, I took a little detour at the iron sword level
10:13to check up on a friend.
10:15The last time we spoke,
10:16my guard friend was on a journey of self-discovery
10:18to figure out what being a shield in PvP civilization means.
10:21So last time we spoke,
10:22you said there's a door down there that might lead to other civilizations.
10:25How's that looking?
10:26No progress yet.
10:27I still can't get the door open.
10:29I'm starting to think that maybe being a gold level guard
10:31might let me open it,
10:32but that's my only guess.
10:34Okay, well, if you need to be a gold level guard,
10:36then let's just work on ranking you up.
10:38Okay, I'm not sure how many more hits it's going to take
10:40for your helmet to break,
10:41but, uh, I'm running quite a bit low on PvP attacks myself.
10:45How is that even remotely possible?
10:47I thought diamond swords have enough durability to last a lifetime.
10:50You know, you would think.
10:51Apparently they don't hold up so well when buying speaker systems,
10:54but, uh, don't worry about it.
10:55I think I have a solution.
10:56If I could, I would just die, respawn, and get a new diamond sword.
11:00But with Prince Zam out there threatening my chances to respawn,
11:03that doesn't seem like a great option.
11:05So instead, I think it's time to bury the hatchet,
11:07or bury the axe in PvP civilization terms,
11:10with Perriton.
11:11Because I think it's about time I forgave him.
11:13It doesn't look like you're too shocked to see I have a diamond sword.
11:16If you've got a diamond sword,
11:17that must mean you came here from the outside.
11:20So that means Tabby won,
11:23but she let you live.
11:24Ah, you are right about that.
11:26She did win, just like you predicted in your message.
11:29I just wish I could have realized what was happening sooner.
11:32If I did, then maybe the Eternal Sword would still be here,
11:35and we wouldn't all be in danger.
11:36You're not the one to blame.
11:38No one in your position would have expected you to stop Tabby.
11:41Honestly, it's a miracle you're still alive.
11:44I should be the one to apologize.
11:47I should have warned you sooner.
11:48And because of that,
11:49my civilization will pay for the consequences of my actions.
11:53You see, the bows, axes, and tridents never attacked each other.
11:58But each one of them knew that whoever obtained the Eternal Sword first
12:01would seek to wipe out every civilization.
12:05I can't say for certain how long we have,
12:07but the axes are the most ruthless civilization of all,
12:10so it's safe to assume they won't hesitate to attack.
12:13Wait, I don't get it.
12:14I thought all of the civilizations were against the swords.
12:16So why would Tabby and the axes attack the other civilizations?
12:20Each civilization holds their own Eternal Weapon.
12:23If one civilization were to collect all five,
12:26there would be no stopping them.
12:27Well, this is just great.
12:28I didn't just cause the downfall of the swords.
12:31I guess I caused the downfall of the whole world.
12:33That is, unless we stop her, right?
12:35If I can go to the other civilizations and stop Tabby from getting all five Eternal Weapons,
12:40I mean, there's still a chance.
12:41Unfortunately, me being a diamond sword kind of makes that complicated.
12:45The only way you'll have a chance of surviving in another civilization
12:48is by getting another weapon.
12:50But I can help you with that.
12:51Let's go!
12:52I'm gonna be able to get another weapon?
12:54Okay, sounds like a plan.
12:55Wait, hold on.
12:55I actually need your help with something.
12:57And before you say no, you owe me.
12:59Parrot and I came up with a plan,
13:00and that plan was to make me a bow in PvP civilization.
13:03Parrot was confident that if Tabby was going to infiltrate another civilization,
13:07it would be the bow civilization.
13:09So that's where we need to go if we want to try to stop her.
13:12Parrot gave us some extremely valuable information.
13:14He said that PvP guards have access to any civilization through an advanced tunnel system,
13:19which means if my guard friend can get through that door,
13:22he can come with me to the bow civilization.
13:24So how does this work?
13:26Does your helmet just grow back?
13:28And does your shield just change color?
13:30I'm not really sure.
13:32In the past, when I've ranked up,
13:34I would just be walking around and then suddenly I'd feel stronger.
13:37Okay, uh, well, when that happens, meet me in the bow civilization!
13:41Now that I know that Parrot was actually a bow,
13:43I guess it makes sense why he didn't want to come down to the diamond sword level.
13:46I tried to convince him again,
13:48but he said the diamond swords have no reason to trust him.
13:51So for now, he's just gonna stay at the iron sword level.
13:54I don't know.
13:54I mean, Wemboo and Julie are super chill.
13:56Minitech, a little strange, but more analytical.
13:59And Faray, uh, it's hard to say.
14:00Faray really doesn't say anything, but now that I think about it,
14:03if Faray knew that Parrot was a bow, yeah, he'd probably die.
14:06All right, I guess it's fine that he stays here.
14:08As long as he uses his durability wisely, I mean, he should be fine.
14:11It's not like there's anyone there to fight him.
14:16You and I are gonna talk.
14:18I want to know why you're the only one still alive.
14:21Here's when I realized something crazy.
14:23This is the first time I've gone through the sword civilization as a diamond sword.
14:27And I'm pointing that out because that's the only reason I can think
14:30as to why I kept my water bucket when I dropped down to the golden sword level.
14:34Normally, I would have lost all of my items by now,
14:36but I guess that could explain how Tabby was able to bring her items down to the diamond sword level.
14:41Anyways, the reason why this is so important is because when I figured this out,
14:45I, uh, went straight outside and back to the top of the sword civilization again.
14:49I grabbed one of my spare video journal machines.
14:51I mean, come on, did you really think I wouldn't buy extras for emergencies?
14:54And now I could make sure that the video journals didn't end when I went to the bow civilization.
14:58Speaking of video journals, uh, well, obviously I had to update the video journal eventually.
15:02This is kind of getting weird.
15:03This is like a video journal within a video journal.
15:06But anyways, here's what I said in that video journal.
15:08All right, well, it's been a minute, but now I'm preparing to go to the bow civilization.
15:12If I have any chance of surviving there, I'm gonna need a bow of my own.
15:15Fortunately, Parrot filled me in on how to get one.
15:18So here's how it works.
15:19In PvP civilization, if a player eliminates someone with a sword, or any weapon of that matter,
15:24the defeated player drops the weapon they were holding,
15:27and the durability of that weapon gets added on to the weapon they were defeated by.
15:31So that's why when I eliminated some of the axes that were here,
15:34all it did was just add durability to my sword.
15:36But check this out.
15:37If a player is defeated by a secondary item instead of an actual weapon,
15:41the defeated player's weapon can be picked up and put in your inventory to be used as another weapon.
15:47So that's how all the other civilizations got swords, and that's how I'm gonna get a bow.
15:51I could only assume that the outside world must have been overwhelming,
15:55given the fact you're journaling instead of sharing your knowledge with all of us.
15:59Or I, uh, I just forgot.
16:01Uh, yeah, I should probably fill everyone in on everything I just learned.
16:05Uh, so, signing off.
16:06After getting everyone caught up, well,
16:08I needed a flint and steel as a secondary item if I was gonna get a bow.
16:11And since I virtually had no durability still, well, Wenbu clutched up this time.
16:16Like I said, we're family, and, you know, what's family without asking for a few handouts?
16:20Alright, it's time to get serious though.
16:21If I do manage to successfully get a bow,
16:24I'll be going into a civilization where everyone is against the sword.
16:27So naturally, fights will be inevitable,
16:30but I'm gonna try to avoid that as much as possible,
16:32because even though I'll respawn,
16:34Prince Zam is still definitely out there, and I don't wanna die for real.
16:37I made it back to the center of PvP civilization,
16:40and already there was a player dropping down the waterfall.
16:42This was my perfect chance to get a bow.
16:45As far as I know about these newborn players,
16:47they should just walk straight to the platform.
16:49So, well, hopefully this is enough fire.
16:51Unfortunately, the player was walking way too fast,
16:53and I kind of panicked and had to end it right there.
16:55Okay, I know this video journal has been really long,
16:57but remember from the beginning when I said there were some unnecessary sacrifices made?
17:02Yeah, that, uh, that was this guy.
17:04I was so focused on placing down the fire,
17:06and I didn't even realize that that wasn't even a bow.
17:09What is wrong with me? That was a wooden sword!
17:11After that, I stood there for a few minutes in complete silence.
17:14I kept thinking about how he didn't even get the chance to fight back.
17:17This world is so unfair.
17:18At the end of the day, it was an honest mistake,
17:20and the only thing I can really do now is dedicate this video journal to that guy.
17:24So, this one goes out to the blue hoodie man.
17:27Anyways, I walked around the structure to the correct side,
17:29the one where I was supposed to be,
17:31and I saw the walls of the giant structure changed from a red color to green.
17:35The same green color that was on the map of PvP civilization.
17:39If I'm at the right place, then I guess green symbolizes the bow civilization.
17:43So now, I just have to wait for a newborn wooden bow to drop down,
17:46and hope that whatever's left of my flint and steel will be enough to get the job done.
17:50A few moments later, I saw a player coming down the waterfall,
17:53and I made sure this time that it was a player holding a bow.
17:56The only way this works is if I take out the bow with only a flint and steel.
18:00If I hit the player with my sword once, I won't get the bow.
18:03I thought the player was gonna walk past the fire and make it to the platform,
18:06but just then, the player took one more hit of damage,
18:09and the bow was left sitting there on the ground.
18:11I walked over to it, and instead of adding on to my durability of my diamond sword,
18:15the bow was in my inventory, along with a singular arrow.
18:19I'm not really sure how that got there, but it worked.
18:21I was hesitant at first, but I went for it, and for the first time in my life,
18:26I was holding a weapon that wasn't a sword.
18:28I was now a bow in PvP civilization.
18:31I had to be careful when switching out my weapons,
18:33because everyone knows in PvP civilization,
18:36if you stop holding a weapon, well, it's game over.
18:38But for the journey ahead, I would only be needing a bow.
18:41I stepped up onto the green platform, and instantly was teleported somewhere.
18:45I was inside of a room that looked similar to the one I started off in in the sword civilization.
18:50The only things in here were a bed and a sign that said I had zero wins.
18:55I was definitely in a new civilization.
18:57So at that moment, I knew I had to be prepared for anything once I opened the door.
19:01I wasn't sure how this worked, but I shot my one arrow at the armor stand, and the door opened.
19:06Naturally, I tried to go retrieve the arrow, but it didn't look like it could be picked up.
19:10However, a few seconds later, I checked my inventory,
19:12and somehow there was another arrow there.
19:15I guess being a bow in PvP civilization means you always have an arrow on you.
19:19I stepped out of my room to explore the bow civilization,
19:22and I saw that my room was basically on the edge of a cliff with water down below.
19:26I saw giant walls with a more intricate green design.
19:29I saw armor stand doors, just like in the sword civilization.
19:32But what I didn't see were people.
19:35Now, I know this is PvP civilization,
19:37and people don't come out too often because they don't want to risk their lives unless they absolutely have to,
19:42but this civilization was definitely different.
19:44There was not even a single guard in sight.
19:46It was completely empty.
19:48That was until I saw the miraculous sight of a PvP guard holding a golden shield.
19:53It looked like my plan worked, and my guard friend made it to the bow civilization with me.
19:57Then I set up my video journal, did the whole skit thing with the PvP guard, was kind of unsuccessful,
20:01and, uh, now we're here.
20:03I should probably get off though, uh, because there's a bow standing right here.
20:06Uh, so on that note, signing off.
20:08While it's hard to make sense of any of that,
20:10I can't imagine the other diamond swords would have wanted that story told here.
20:14I'll admit, I probably shouldn't have said any of that in front of you, but I'm committed to the journal.
20:18To be quite honest, no explanation was going to help you survive.
20:21I just wanted to see what I could learn.
20:23Now, I'll do my part in making sure the swords never destroy this world again.
20:27Look, you don't understand.
20:28I came here trying to save your civilization.
20:31Someone has the eternal sword, and they're coming for the eternal bow next.
20:34I just want to help.
20:35Take a look around you.
20:36What do you think happened here?
20:38They stole the bow and wiped most of us out.
20:40And as far as I'm concerned, you led them here.
20:42The eternal bow is already gone?
20:45Wait, what do you mean by they?
20:46How many were there?
20:47Two diamond axes.
20:49That's all it took to wipe our civilization off the map.
20:52In all my time alive, I've never seen players like them.
20:54The speed, the strength, the intelligence they had.
20:57We fired off every single arrow we had, and it got us nowhere.
21:01The only thing that secured my civilization's survival
21:04was my promise to them that I would help deal with the rest of the swords.
21:07So, as it stands with the deal I made,
21:10I can promise you there's no reality where you leave here alive.
