• 11 hours ago
Raylee receives an invitation to play Hunter VS. Prey for $1,000,000. Knowing if she wins, that amount of money would save her mothers life she decides to play. The problem is, the game is deadly. If she loses, she loses her life...

I hope you enjoy my spin on Hunter vs. Prey. Thank you for watching!


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#pov #acting #skits


00:00Play Hunter vs. Prey for a million dollars?
00:03Here mom, drink this.
00:06What do you know about the Hunter vs. Prey game?
00:09It's their newest version of the Hunger Games.
00:11Volunteers are put into an arena and whichever team survives wins money.
00:15So everyone else dies?
00:17Yes. Don't play Rayleigh. Winning is nearly impossible.
00:21People train their whole lives for those types of games.
00:23But you need more help than I can give you. You need a doctor. We could afford one.
00:28I'm okay.
00:29Earth to Rayleigh.
00:31Girl, are you drooling over Brad or what?
00:34No. I was just thinking about the game.
00:36You're not actually thinking about playing, are you?
00:39We could really use the money.
00:40We all could. But let's be real.
00:42Five foot you isn't going to beat six foot bodybuilders that could snap you in half.
00:46You really don't think I could win?
00:47Rayleigh, you're my best friend. So it is my duty as your bestie to be 100% honest.
00:52I don't think you'd last an hour.
00:54No, no, no. I know that look.
00:56Me telling you you can't only makes you want to do it more.
00:59Pretty much.
01:03Mom, are you okay?
01:05I'm fine.
01:08She needs a doctor.
01:12You're crazy. What are you thinking?
01:14I'm thinking I have to win. Please watch over my mom for me.
01:18Of course.
01:19And if anything happens to me, I...
01:21Nope. We're not doing that. I'll see you when you get back.
01:26Hello, you courageous contestants.
01:29The game will begin shortly.
01:31Everyone will be divided between Hunters and Prey.
01:34We will play until one team is completely eliminated.
01:37Wouldn't the Hunters automatically win? I mean, they are the killers.
01:40Not necessarily. Prey will do anything to survive as well.
01:44They might not be given the same tools as Hunters, but they are certainly just as capable.
01:49Everyone will be given a weapon to hurt the other team.
01:52Some just might not be as conventional.
01:55You will all be given your marks when the game begins.
01:58Red are Hunters. Blue are Prey.
02:01The game will begin in three, two, one.
02:12Prey? No. I need to be Hunter. It'll put me in a better position.
02:16Think. Think. Think.
02:30Hopefully no one finds out or I'm extra dead.
02:33Three Prey and one Hunter have been eliminated. Happy hunting.
02:38Please don't kill me.
02:40You're a Prey.
02:41Yeah, so I guess we fight now. Go on. Throw a punch.
02:44Shh. Relax. I'm not gonna fight you.
02:47But you need to find a better hiding spot. You're out in the open.
02:49Okay, I will. I'm Sal, by the way.
02:51I'm Rayleigh.
02:52Here, I found some berries. They're really good. Take some.
02:55We're gonna need all the energy we can get.
02:59One more Hunter has been eliminated.
03:02There are now seven Prey and eight Hunters still out there.
03:05Happy hunting.
03:07Don't eat that.
03:09They're poison berries. A Hunter already died eating one.
03:11It's the Prey's weapon.
03:14Where did you get that anyways? Are Prey nearby?
03:16No, or I don't know. I just found it on the ground and thought I could use the energy.
03:20I'm Zane, by the way.
03:22I'm Rayleigh, but people call me Ray.
03:24The other Hunters are hanging out over here. Follow me.
03:27Zane, did you bring us a Prey to destroy?
03:31No, she's one of us.
03:32What happened to your hand?
03:34Oh, um, I fell on a rock.
03:37Must have been one sharp rock.
03:39It was.
03:40You don't happen to still have it, do you?
03:42No, why?
03:43Seems like it'd be perfect to use on a Prey.
03:47Alright Hunters, here's the plan.
03:50Everyone take a different corner of the arena and make sure you're looking up because the Prey might be hiding in the trees.
03:56Now when you see a Prey, you kill them immediately.
04:00Hit them before they have the chance to hit you.
04:02Shouldn't we go in groups? What if the Prey are hiding out together like we are?
04:06We'll cover more ground if we separate.
04:08You got this. Don't worry.
04:10Yeah, I got this.
04:16Who was that?
04:18Who's there?
04:22Crap, not you again.
04:24Howdy, I see you didn't eat my berries.
04:26No, but thanks for trying to kill me after I let you go. That was really nice of you.
04:31Oh please, you weren't going to kill me. You don't have it in you.
04:34I do too. I really want to win this game.
04:37Come on.
04:38No you don't, just like I don't either. Hence why we're not fighting each other right now.
04:42I mean, you kind of have it in you. You gave me poisoned berries.
04:45I knew you were smart enough not to eat them.
04:47You're right. I didn't even consider eating them. I just threw them down immediately.
04:51Two more Prey have been eliminated. The count stands at five Prey and eight Hunters left.
04:59What did you say?
05:00I said, oh, we're making great progress.
05:03Yeah, the Hunters are moving quickly.
05:06Luckily for you, this was my area to search, so no one should be back here again tonight.
05:10But again, find a better hiding spot. At least hide in a tree or something.
05:14Yeah, that's not a bad idea.
05:17I should get back. Stay safe.
05:19You too.
05:20No, no, please don't kill me.
05:22It's not personal. It's part of the game.
05:25I know. Please.
05:26Just eat the berries. It'll be less painful.
05:33The Prey are finally taking action. Maybe I shouldn't have switched my mark.
05:38There have been great changes in the past twenty minutes.
05:41The count stands at five Prey and five Hunters left.
05:45Yes! We're tied.
05:47What happened out there? How did our plan completely backfire?
05:50Rey warned you. The Preys must have teamed up. We were outnumbered.
05:54Okay, from now on, no one splits up. We go everywhere as a unit. We're stronger in numbers.
05:59Rey, did you see any Prey in your section?
06:01No, not one.
06:04Everyone, we're sleeping in shifts. Rabies, you can have the first shift.
06:08It's Rayleigh. Rabies is a disease.
06:11Whatever. I'll take it with her. Just don't get killed.
06:15So why'd you sign up for this?
06:17Same reason everyone did. The money.
06:19Yeah, but what do you need the money for?
06:22My mom's really sick and we can't afford the proper care she needs.
06:25I'm sorry to hear that.
06:27What about you? Why'd you sign up for this?
06:29Both my parents are addicts and I've been on my own since forever.
06:32But it's hard. I'd use the money to rent a place so I'd have somewhere to go home to every night.
06:37The sun's coming up. That means it's our turn to sleep. Come on.
06:41Wakey, wakey, Rayleigh.
06:44What, Ben?
06:45We went to search your section again and found someone. Does your friend here look familiar?
06:50I don't know him.
06:51I'm sorry, Rey. They were going to kill me, so I told them about how you let me go twice and that we're friends.
06:57He's lying. I was going to go back for him. I was going to kill him.
07:01Oh, you were?
07:02Yeah, I was.
07:03Well, then it's a good thing we brought him back here so you can take care of him in front of everyone.
07:09Come on. Show us what you were going to do to him.
07:12I'd rather do it in private.
07:14You'd rather not do it at all, you little liar.
07:16You think you can win and make us do all the hard crap? I don't think so.
07:20So, to play this game, you have to get your hands dirty. Now kill him or I'll kill you.
07:26Come on, Ben. That's really not necessary. She's one of us.
07:29Which means she gets a piece of our million dollars. I'm not going to give her a piece if she's not going to play.
07:34Fine. I'll do it. Okay? Let me just... let me go get a rock.
07:41I should run. I mean, I can't kill my own teammate. I'm prey.
07:47But I've made it this far and he's going to die regardless.
08:00Finally, you're back. Go on. Put him out of his misery.
08:05I'm sorry.
08:06Please. Please don't do this. Please. I have to.
08:09Come on already.
08:11Three. Two. One.
08:17Really, Zane? That wasn't your prey to kill. It was Ray's.
08:21Oh, shut up, Ben. It's done. Now let's just move on.
08:24Don't worry, Ray. We'll save the next one for you.
08:28There's four prey and five hunters left.
08:31I need to do something to kill the hunters, otherwise there's going to be too many left for me to fight at the end.
08:36Heck, they're too big now for me to fight.
08:38Somehow, I need them to eat some poison berries.
08:40What you thinking about?
08:42I need to go to the bathroom. Are you going to be okay keeping watch by yourself?
08:45Yeah. Be safe.
08:47If I put the poison berries in water, it might be enough to kill them.
08:50All I need to do is...
08:52Step one. Give Sean and Pablo the water when no one's looking.
08:55Hey, Sean. You want some water?
08:57Yeah, I'm so thirsty.
08:59Here, Pablo. You can have some, too.
09:02Step two. Get an alibi.
09:04Hey, Zane. Did you want an alibi?
09:06Get an alibi.
09:07Hey, Zane. Did you want to go looking for prey?
09:09No, Ray. I told you. We're all sticking together.
09:12Step three. Get in a loud fight with Ben so no one hears them choking on their poison.
09:17Why do we always have to do what you want to do?
09:19Because I'm the leader.
09:21Self-appointed leader.
09:22Should we take a vote?
09:24Yeah, we should.
09:25Guys? Guys? Sean and Pablo are dead.
09:28The current count is four prey and three hunters left.
09:32A prey must have poisoned their water.
09:34No one drink any water until we can get fresh.
09:36How would they have gotten in our camp?
09:38Step five. Provide reason for the chaos.
09:40Sean and Pablo went out by themselves. They probably found a trap.
09:43I bet they did. Which means they can't be far.
09:45Come on. Let's head out.
09:47Wait a second. What is it?
09:49The announcer said there were three hunters left. Right?
09:53So then why are there four of us?
09:55That means someone here isn't actually a hunter. They're an imposter.
09:59I bet that someone killed Sean and Pablo, too.
10:03Now hold on. So you think someone changed their mark?
10:05I guess so.
10:06I bet it was you.
10:09Yeah. It all makes sense now why you didn't want to kill the other prey.
10:12Because you're one of them.
10:14I didn't want to kill him because I'm not a killer.
10:16You know what? I bet it's you. The one who's trying to point fingers.
10:19I'm just going to have to kill you and find out.
10:21Hey, cut it out. We don't know who it is, okay?
10:24In the meantime, let's just focus on finding the last few prey.
10:27I'm not searching with her. I don't trust her.
10:29Fine. You go with Gabe and I'll go with Ray.
10:32Meet back here in an hour. We need to split up.
10:35No way. If Ben finds me alone, he'll kill me.
10:39Then hide for a while. But I need to do something on my own.
10:43The less you know, the better. Trust me.
10:45I trust no one here.
10:47There are two prey and three hunters left.
10:50Ben must have killed the other prey.
10:53Zane, where are you?
10:55There are two prey and one hunter left.
10:58What? Is Ben just killing everyone now because I was pretending to be a hunter?
11:04I bet he killed Zane.
11:06And now he knows I'm the fake. I have to find the other prey.
11:10Prey? Prey?
11:12There you are.
11:14Zane? You're alive?
11:16Yeah. Ben and Pablo got into a fight with a prey and ended up dead.
11:20And now there's only one hunter left.
11:22Yeah. I guess the truth is finally out.
11:25Please don't kill me.
11:26I don't have a choice. I've made it this far. I wish it didn't have to be this way.
11:30Because the truth is, I'm falling for you.
11:32Then let me live.
11:33We both can't live.
11:35But I don't have it in me to kill you. So here, kill me.
11:38Wait, Zane, you're bleeding. Did someone stab you?
11:41Yeah, Ben, before he died.
11:43Did you kill Ben and Gabe?
11:45I thought that was obvious.
11:46No, you said Ben and Gabe were killed by a prey.
11:49Yeah, I'm prey. Hence why you're the only hunter left.
11:53No, I'm not a hunter. I was also pretending to be a prey.
11:56So this whole time we've both been pretending to be hunters?
12:00I guess so.
12:01Then we're on the same team. Neither of us have to die.
12:05But then where's the other hunter?
12:09Wow, you're tall.
12:10Where have you been this whole time?
12:11Hiding out, waiting to make my appearance in the grand finale and take home a million dollars.
12:17So you've just been letting everyone do the dirty work for you?
12:20Exactly. Much more easier than getting emotionally involved in a game like you two.
12:25But now that it's just me, I'm ready to win this.
12:28Run. I'll fight him off.
12:30No, wait. I'm not leaving you.
12:31Seriously, run. I can break both your necks in two seconds.
12:35On second thought, we both run.
12:37Good idea. Please tell me you have a plan.
12:40Not a good one.
12:41But you do have one.
12:43Yes. I need you to lead him to the giant rock pile in the middle of the arena.
12:46And when I say now, run as far away from there as you can.
12:51Just trust me. Go.
12:52Hey, big guy! Over here!
12:55Looks like your little boyfriend left you alone.
12:58He's not my boyfriend.
13:00Well, don't worry. You two will be together soon enough in the afterlife.
13:05Zane, where are you?
13:06He's not coming to save you, princess.
13:16Is he...
13:17Congratulations! Prey win!
13:21We did it! Pushing that rock on his head worked.
13:24I couldn't have done it without you if you didn't lead him towards the bottom.
13:26I can't believe we won.
13:28Me either.
13:31Mom, I'm home.
13:32Really? Oh, I was so worried about you. Come here.
13:36I missed you.
13:37I missed you too.
13:38And who's this?
13:39I'm Zane. It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard wonderful things.
13:42Zane and I won the game together. I wouldn't be alive without him.
13:46I'm just so happy you're home.
13:48And we're going to get you all the help you need, okay?
13:51I don't need doctors. I need you.
13:53Thanks, Mom. But that's not true.
