• 2 years ago
Full story: https://www.asiaone.com/entertainment/best-lie-everybody-tai-tai-irene-ang-naomi-neo-xenia-tan-charlie-goh-e-junkies-hunt-xin-lang-ren-sha

AsiaOne takes a sneak peek into the production of the new game show The Hunt, which incorporates virtual production technology like ARXR into the commonly played werewolf game.

We sit down for a chat and play a round of rapid-fire questions with the cast, including Irene Ang, Naomi Neo, Xenia Tan, Lee Teng and Charlie Goh, to discover who is the best and worst at lying, their choice of partner in a zombie survival game, and more.

We also speak with local actor Wang Weiliang, who is one of the executive producers for The Hunt. He shares about his transition from acting on-screen to working behind the scenes, and what he has enjoyed so far in this new role.

The Hunt premieres on PaperPlane TV in December 2023.


00:00 So basically from morning 8am until now, he still hasn't realised that this is a lie.
00:05 So this shall be my biggest lie.
00:08 Hi Asia One, this is Irene Ang and welcome to Singlang Rensah.
00:17 This is Lee Teng, hi.
00:19 Hi Asia One, I'm Mew Mew.
00:20 Hello Asia One, I'm Charlie.
00:22 Hello Asia One, I'm Xenia Nana.
00:28 So we actually played this game during the COVID times using Zoom.
00:31 So it's like something like a murderer game or people say like a killer game.
00:35 But this one we call it Rangs Rensah, it's like a wolf game.
00:38 So each game right, we'll have like three wolves
00:40 and we have some different roles like civilians and some gods with abilities.
00:44 All the players right, we don't know each other's identity.
00:48 So we'll need to listen to everyone's speech and we need to do a voting at the end of the night.
00:53 Okay, and we need to vote out one player.
00:55 So it's either the good guys survive or the wolves survive.
00:59 I think the hardest part is because this show, the guests are all like influencers and actors.
01:04 So you really don't know whether they are really acting or they are really innocent.
01:09 I've never even played it in person before.
01:13 She never lied before actually.
01:15 Yeah, actually like I think the most difficult part for me is trying to convince other people
01:20 that I'm not lying or that I'm, you know, like the good or bad guy.
01:23 So I think that's the most difficult part for me.
01:25 Just to add on, Irene is the drama queen here.
01:29 She can act really well.
01:31 The person who surprised me the most definitely has to be Lee Teng.
01:40 Because every time right, when I'm seated next to him,
01:45 he will look at me with very big, yes, with your glaring eyes.
01:51 And every single episode when he says, "It's number 4, confirm it's Nana."
01:57 I'm really the wolf.
01:58 - You also surprised me. - Who?
02:00 - I believed you. - Me?
02:01 I gave my heart to you.
02:03 I really thought that you're a nice guy.
02:05 I am a nice guy, it's just not during the game.
02:08 - Don't believe me. - No, but you look really heartbroken.
02:09 Yeah, I was really sad okay.
02:10 My best lie is convincing Singapore that I'm a Thai Thai.
02:19 Everything about Rosie is everything I hate.
02:21 Wearing chunky earrings, tight clothes, colourful clothes.
02:25 I don't even like colourful clothes.
02:27 So I think I've lived that life for 25 years.
02:30 I think it's my height.
02:31 Because every time people meet me, they're like,
02:33 "I didn't know that you are so small in person."
02:36 So I think that's my best lie.
02:37 Because everyone thinks that I'm way taller.
02:40 Do you remember something about this?
02:41 - Can you tell them? - Oh my god, I knew it.
02:44 Also in the morning, she told me that this hair is wig.
02:48 The reason why she's wearing a wig is because she shaved her head for a show.
02:51 I said, "Oh, for another show, not this show right?"
02:54 She said, "Yeah, another show."
02:55 Then I came to her,
02:57 after maybe an hour when we came down from the make-up room,
03:00 then we were playing, then I was staring at her,
03:02 I kept staring at her head.
03:03 And he was saying, "Wow, this one very real."
03:05 So basically from morning 8am until now,
03:08 he still hasn't realised that this is a lie.
03:11 So this shall be my biggest lie.
03:13 (Laughs)
03:15 Obviously because all of them are very good actresses and actors,
03:24 I feel like I'm the only one without that power, like strength.
03:28 So I just had to play along with whatever they thought of me.
03:32 It gives me an upper hand as well because they don't know me very well.
03:35 So since they don't know me well, I can just act like what they think of me.
03:39 No, no, no.
03:40 Actually, from the beginning, we were very scared when we heard Naomi was coming.
03:44 So we were like, "I think don't, don't. Later, we all gonna cancel."
03:47 So after this interview, we were going to check our Instagram, TikTok, Instagram, everything.
03:52 You see, actresses are lying again.
03:54 No, no, not lying. This is a fact.
03:57 Why?
04:05 Because he's the host, so he starts with this tone.
04:08 Then whether he's the Lang or he's the God,
04:11 his tonality and his analysis of everybody is always in the same tone.
04:17 Every episode is the same.
04:19 So to summarise, I think what she's saying is your performance is very flat.
04:23 You need to improve.
04:24 Nah, just kidding!
04:25 I thought I'm quite expressive.
04:27 Sometimes I was like smirking.
04:37 Irene keeps saying, "Charlie won't lie. He's such a good boy. He'll never lie."
04:42 That's my mistake. I'm sorry. I apologise to the entire world.
04:46 Then when he says something he's not, right?
04:48 Then we all believe him.
04:50 That's not lying. That's, technically speaking, acting.
04:53 Right? Yeah, acting.
04:54 That's what I said. I didn't say anything.
04:56 Right smack in the middle.
05:06 Having Naomi in this episode taught me something.
05:10 That influencers who are very successful,
05:13 they are so confident and yet they are very true to themselves.
05:17 Like the whole time she's just laughing, laughing, laughing, laughing.
05:20 And then she dropped things. Then we scold her, so she's just laughing, laughing, laughing.
05:23 Irene.
05:29 Oh, really?
05:29 After every game, you can hear her analysing.
05:33 "Just now I should have done this."
05:35 And that's me in real life.
05:36 Whatever I do, especially as an entrepreneur or as an artist manager or whatever,
05:41 all these years, we have reviews and all that.
05:44 I always, or events, after events, I will sit down with my team and,
05:47 "Eh, just now the event not smooth like that. Why, why, why?"
05:49 I think Xenia is very analytical.
05:59 I noticed her throughout the whole game.
06:02 She brings a lot of facts.
06:04 Like they're all very spectral.
06:05 The reason why I chose Lee Teng is because he's very quick-witted.
06:09 But then again, when I think, I realised the question was a zombie apocalypse, right?
06:14 Maybe I might choose Naomi.
06:15 Why?
06:16 Yeah, because I need, I need...
06:18 No.
06:20 No, I...
06:20 No shout, you know.
06:22 I also voted Lee Teng.
06:24 I was trying to see who has like leadership qualities,
06:28 but at the same time can still feel like we are equal.
06:32 For Irene, she's very experienced.
06:34 I respect her too much, so I don't think I can be equal with her.
06:37 Whatever she say, I will listen.
06:38 I will just, "Yes!" with a bow.
06:40 Then I go and die or something.
06:41 She thinks that you will ask her to buy Benghimi.
06:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:45 Correct, correct, correct.
06:46 Xenia, can you go to 7-Eleven and buy Benghimi?
06:47 Yes, come.
06:48 Sorry, I have to go now.
06:50 Hello everyone, I'm Wang Weiliang.
06:52 In this new variety show, I play the role of a supervisor.
06:59 About this new "Wolverine",
07:08 it started from a very small meet-up, an idea.
07:14 Because we know that many people are playing "Wolverine",
07:17 but they are all in a room.
07:20 So everyone is using verbal communication.
07:22 I say you are "Wolverine", you say I am "Wolverine".
07:24 Or I think he is a good person.
07:26 Now we have added a new technology called AR/XR.
07:31 When our artists sit down,
07:34 there will be characters that they play later.
07:36 Yeah, those avatars.
07:38 Because those technology, those AR things,
07:42 will move and fly around in the back during the shooting process.
07:49 If you are "Wolverine",
07:50 let the audience experience it more deeply.
07:55 Say, wow, he is really "Wolverine".
07:56 I believe it can give the audience a better sense of vision.
07:59 Up and down, where is not smooth, where am I smooth?
08:08 I don't feel tired.
08:11 I don't think I am doing it as a hard work.
08:14 Because every day when facing problems and solving problems,
08:17 I feel a little excited.
08:20 The most interesting thing about this show is that
08:30 we are improving and improving every day,
08:35 making the show better.
08:36 After shooting every day,
08:38 when we sit down for the briefing,
08:40 besides talking about what we did well or not well today,
08:43 we also have to think about what value we can add tomorrow.
08:47 How can we do better?
08:50 I have changed from the front to the back.
08:58 What is the feeling?
09:00 I can do more things.
09:01 I can create more shows and platforms.
09:06 Then I can let more artists come to my show.
09:11 Remember to support and catch us,
09:12 "The Hunt"
09:14 coming to you at Paper Plane TV.
09:18 See what happens.
09:22 And remember to watch "The Hunt" in December.
09:26 Thank you.
09:27 Bye, A-Shia-Wan.
09:29 (upbeat music)
09:32 (upbeat music)
09:35 (upbeat music)