Get the Jynxzi charm HERE:
Get the Jynxzi charm HERE:
Get the Jynxzi charm HERE:
Get the Jynxzi charm HERE:
Get the Jynxzi charm HERE:
00:00First clip of the day. Let's get it. Let's go
00:07So this is a siege X
00:12Dual front clip first dual front clip
00:20Seeing Doc rappel trips my brain out
00:30Is he it is he in a sink right now
00:52He's in a sink
00:55Why did Batman just type who's your daddy
00:58Yo Batman. Hey, dude. Hey Batman. Take it down a notch
01:04next up a bit of that
01:06This absolute psychopath Batman just typed. Who's your daddy?
01:12Yo, Batman, bro. I'm 20 minutes into the street. I haven't even had a coffee yet, dude
01:17Fake chat. Yeah, bro. I literally said his user
01:23No, it's cool chat is everybody having a good time next come in today coming in from Garrett
01:30Here we go
01:36Stop halt hold the hold the horses
01:41Two shields in the back
01:43Hold the horses
01:45Two shields in the same hallway pointing the same direction
01:50Have you ever heard of a flank brother?
01:53Why would you have to this shield?
01:56Literally is blocked by the shield in front of it
02:07What is it
02:24Can tell you're like pretty new to see it so I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna be lenient
02:30They said I
02:35Decent mediocre, right?
02:40Okay, I'm pretty sure you just heard him climb that ladder he's in that hallway
02:45left behind you
02:47You turned your back to the sound cue
02:52Are you trying to piss me off?
03:01Well done
03:04I guess that shield ended up working out
03:18One point three out of ten hi guys, I'm going Xbox desktop by the way
03:22one point three out of ten
03:24Actually, no, I'm gonna go three point three out of ten
03:27Jack shirt swap
03:30I guys go full cam shirt swap
03:56Tell me that it's an aura
04:00Tell me that is an aura Xbox desktop chat try to sit here and tell me that that is an aura, please
04:12Chopped okay. Tell me that is an aura
04:16Tell me that is an aura. Tell me that is an aura. All right. All right Xbox desktop
04:29How long has he been there no a chat how long has he been
04:46Xbox desktop
04:49This is a double bar, but she ain't even see my chauffeur bitch, I'm body knocking door head up G like a looter
04:58Next clip of the day
05:09Now you're a little bit of a body shot warrior see listen to me bro
05:13Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is a one-shot headshot game. That means if you aim high you're gonna kill faster
05:21Instead of taking four bullets. This scenario would take one bullet
05:28And ash just ran into a cap can trap
05:31Wait a damn minute. Are your teammates calling out through text chat?
05:38What rank is this wait, this is the emerald they're calling out through the texts
05:45What rank is this wait, this is the emerald they're calling out through the texts
06:01What was that oh
06:05You had a red thing, okay for a second, I thought you like sound wall banged him good way to react to the red thing
06:24Think you got what is what are you doing?
06:30Wait a minute was he trying to put him in an edit did he do the data data data? I think he just did that
06:40That would have been aura I'm not even that would have been aura
06:47Better go four point three out of ten. You're not terrible for an M. No, I'm gonna go six point three out of
06:55Did somebody slap the fuck out of your right cheek dude, holy shit
07:00I'm gonna go four point six out of ten
07:03Someone in the chat just said anyone can hit a good clip
07:09That might be
07:11Actually, I kind of know what you mean. I kind of
07:14Know what you mean?
07:16Yeah, would you guys agree or disagree? I I
07:25Disagree I don't think anyone can hit a good clip. I
07:29Don't think anyone can hit a good clip I think like
07:34You have to at least be decent at siege to hit a good clip
07:37Cuz like if you're just like shooting circles around people bro, it's not gonna be a good clip. You know what I mean?
07:42Next clip of the day coming in from prodigy
07:51Head up my clips buffering
07:54Okay, you're signaling to doc that you need a heel this is good duck
08:02Stop why is the wall behind you guys not reinforced? That is a recipe for disaster
08:10Wall should always be reinforced
08:17What did I just say what did I just fucking say
08:33Blackbeard why are you solo pushing into two people?
08:40You know how to quick peek
08:43Okay, this guy's got some quick peeking capabilities here chat staircase
08:53All right, the leisure minds just saved you I'm not gonna buy it
08:58Pings the diffuser to alert his team that the diffuser is dropped on the main stairs so they don't peek. Oh wait
09:08Friendly Victoria prodigy not a terrible clip. I see a lot of potential here prodigy
09:314.5 out of 10
09:354.5 out of 10
09:38Prodigy Oh, what the fuck?
09:42Next a bit of it
09:44Let's give it a
09:49Atrocious aim
10:07I think this is a high rank just judging off of this Mira strategy that shotgun holes the Azami like
10:14This is probably a high rank
10:24To V for scenario you're kind of pinned on this mirror here one V for
11:01Might say best clip of the day so far. No, that is the best clip of the day
11:09Okay, next clip coming in from it's grippy
11:20Three oh
11:22You're on Fenrir. Oh dear heavens. Why why why are we barricading the site doors? Oh
11:32Lord I
11:35Don't even want to see what's I didn't want to see I don't even want to see this clip
11:40Once the site set up scuffed the rest of the clips always scuffed
11:44Alright, so you hear let's count how many bullets you hear on the east side of the map. Let's hear let's listen
11:5930 30
12:06All right around 150 shots were fired over there what the fuck are you looking at dude, thank you
12:17Good day
12:22Wow, um, I wanted to vomit watching this slow peek. Hold on. Let's see how you peek this corner
12:28You knifed accidentally
12:31And then did that
12:33So if there is an enemy combatant in this room, you're gonna be aiming at a door frame and then a carpet
12:47What's buck doing
13:12Don't want you to take this the wrong way
13:18But you should consider retiring
13:22That was probably the worst ace I've seen in the last six to eight months
13:28That was probably the worst ace I've ever seen in the last six to eight months
13:32I'm actually like genuinely bewildered right now
13:37That is the worst ace I've seen in the last six to eight months
13:41Chat I'm not an L bully guys. I'm not an L bully
13:54What am I what
13:57Did you just try to shoot through the shield
14:00Did you just try to shoot through the shield
14:27All right, and the worst prefire of the year goes to TTV dumb, man
14:30worst reaction time of the year goes to bandit you shot like 19 bullets and he
14:36just stood there what is this free fire what what is this how did bandit not
14:44even I'm about to fucking throw up dude how did bandit not even shoot a bullet
14:49in response
15:00jump in and look right there's an enemy combatant on a camera well done free
15:12kill on duck 1v1 scenario versus a clash literally all you have to do is sprint
15:21to clash punch her shield and shoot her legs that's it
15:24no what they give you the five gifts it sprint no shoot this no punch the shield
15:32shooter legs nice punch her shield and shoot her legs he won the round that's
15:47all that matters um yeah all right all right I have a feeling how this clip
15:52sessions gonna go coming in from R.I.P. moon 1v3 scenario ace is acing your wall
16:09study balcony good luck
16:16you clipped this shit
16:43all right bro hold on all right yo R.I.P. moon little bit of a pro tip
16:52here bro um you can't control recoil stop using Goyo you can't control
17:01recoil don't use Goyo that's all that I'm gonna say next
17:09coming in from ZT this looks like a tournament clip it's five to six
17:27vanity they give it a ten gifted vanity appreciate you baby I think they're
17:32going for a sight rush
17:43killed Skype
17:51wait this is against us
18:02why would I not check the corner oh my god I look like a bot in this clip
18:22okay chat I was clueless but I was only clueless cuz echo walked right through
18:27the room you can't blame me for that bro echo walks directly through the room
18:34you literally cannot blame me for that Jones with the ten gifted W comes in
18:39the chat Jeremiah with the ten gifted no you can't blame me for that two sets of
18:53barbed wire 3v3 scenario oh that guy has a og rank charm dude that's from
19:02operation shifting tides which is 2020 bro that charms five years old which
19:09means if this guy was plat five years ago he's got to be champ now he's shooting
19:19the karaoke machines to cut off the music I do the same exact thing chat
19:25this guy might be champion no troll his teammates gonna drone him up what was
19:37that what just happened did he like teleport or oh the clip just cut okay
19:55good night yeah this guy's champ bro if you have a plat charm from five years
20:03ago you got to be champ now oh yeah this guy's definitely champ
20:26I love this
20:33I love this Claymore because if mute goes to defuse he's not even gonna be
20:58looking at this damn we might have a new clip of the day we might have a new
21:16clip of the day you played that absolutely fucking perfect someone in
21:23the chat said he's literally ass dude I guarantee you that guy's champion I
21:28guarantee you that guy's champion chat am I ever wrong when it comes to
21:32champion predictions dude if you have a plat charm from 2020 you're definitely
21:37champion unless you literally quit siege for like five years yes yes yes every
21:45time I'm wrong every time really really yes yeah okay chat are you fucking
21:55next ever today next year today the ones that lean you over this a double up she
22:04ain't even see him up so all right lock in whoa talk about the drip let's talk
22:13about the drip good drone work chat white attachment skin black ice with
22:26the Jinx each arm that is the best combination for the Jinx each arm
22:30imaginable mid all right no that looks clean that looks clean dude I love my
22:45charm bro it's so clean double claymore for the jump out see I actually want to
22:51talk about this for a second so normally you would put one claymore on this
22:55window but what he's doing he put one on the jump out right but then most
23:01players might jump out and pre fire this claymore you know like a good player
23:04like a veteran player is gonna jump out and pre fire that claymore so what does
23:09he do he puts the claymore on the window jump out but this might get shot right
23:18so then he puts another low-key claymore that you're never gonna be looking for
23:24I love this I love this black I fucking love this black 2v5 scenario I have high
23:41expectations for this guy close oh my god the claymore hit him
23:54is he Zim chat is he Zim chat
24:11that look that looks Zim bro chat I'm not even trolling that looks Zim no he's
24:30not on PC look at the bottom right look at the bottom right it's console
24:41no he's got to be Zim he's got to be Zim there's no way he's not on PC
25:11he's not Zim yo Lil Roy Lil Roy if you are Zim take off the jinxy charm
25:22immediately if you're not Zim good clip bro good game but I don't know
25:27obviously the only person in the world that 100% knows is him but I'm gonna say
25:32like I'm 60% certain he's Zim 60% not Zim you are absolutely ass out of this
25:46game thanks bro I'm glad your day's going well too like what the fuck like
25:54what the fuck who says that shit bro he typed good rain okay he literally
26:01responded and said good rain next game of the day what's wrong with being Zim
26:06um let's see everything let's see literally everything stop Lord have
26:17mercy are you playing on 60 FOV sir
26:24drone on your feet I haven't seen someone play on 60 FOV since 2018
26:36moldy James just gifted 50 fucking subs can I get a W James in the goddamn chat
26:42James I love you brother W fucking James
26:53who is that Flores you didn't drone for even a second and loudly repelled into
27:02the center of the objective
27:06actually a good shot on that guy
27:26all right so I'm gonna make this simple for you so you can improve and I'm not
27:31gonna be mean when there's red text on your screen flashing spotted by scan
27:36spotted by scan spotted by scan that means there's a drone on you so the
27:42first thing you should be doing here is looking for the drone you shouldn't
27:44wideswing with a red ping on you because normally when you get into higher elo
27:47lobbies you're gonna get pre-aimed and pre-fired but it worked in this lobby
27:51because I think this is like cobblestone all right yeah no we're going to your
27:56chat that's the first zero out of ten clip of the day that's the first zero
28:01out of ten clip of the day chat 100% I don't know if it's even possible to
28:08surpass that clip you know what I'll go one out of ten because you did hit a
28:13good shot on the second guy Flores repelled into the center of the
28:17objective without droning you're on 60 FOV you got non-stop red ping for
28:23probably two minutes consecutively and didn't even didn't even try to find a
28:28drone let's give it a next give it a coming in from move Feli
28:43stop I hate these head holes I don't know who started this head all thing I
28:48know it's the new age of rank 2.0 players who want to peek everything over
28:52and over and over again nobody uses these head holes in comp I've never
28:56played a tournament where our teams use these head holes maybe one time against
29:00a bunch of Zim idiots nobody uses these head holes stop using these head holes
29:05reinforce the wall make a shotgun hold above it cook a c4 in your hand wave
29:10them the walk-in trophy throw a c4 low risk high reward this high risk high
29:16reward this is just stupid Josh this is stupid don't do these head holes
29:27it's like this new age of ranked players that think that that's good
29:36this a double r but she ain't even see my chauffeur beat somebody not and do it
29:42up you like a rotor I'm sorry I would play close with a shotgun here pre chat
29:51typing of course I would play close trophy with a shotgun I would play close
29:59trip see this is why I hate these head holes what did I just say so doc good
30:06job with the head holes bro you died got instantly first picked and now they
30:10ashed open the soft wall that you created so now instead of wasting time
30:16and utility they instantly opened up the attic wall good job bro great fucking
30:20work way to dodge the flash way to dodge the flash I actually love this c4 this
30:31is my type of c4 never throw c4s all in one motion and what I mean by that is
30:38this don't throw a c4 like this why did I throw my phone you get the point throw
30:45a c4 like this have it cooked in your hand for like 10 20 seconds then when an
30:52enemy approaches you they're gonna think it's safe then you throw the c4 at them
30:56rather than cooking the c4 and throwing it all in one motion because when you
31:01cook a c4 it goes yeah and they're gonna hear that every time as soon as they
31:06hear that click they're gonna run away click the c4 and wait what did I say
31:25or move Feli this is that I'm adding this guy move Feli that's my type of c4
31:35dog what did I say move Feli that's my type of c4 no but I'm being serious I'm
31:41giving serious advice here hi guys shut up I'm giving serious said this guy's
31:48gonna piss me off today you're never gonna see a good player throw a c4 all
31:53in one motion very rarely does that happen good players will click their c4
31:58and hold on to it because like I said when you click it it goes yeah and
32:03they're gonna hear it next ever today lair so I want to puke just looking at
32:10this map but I'll hear you out
32:27exactly what I thought this is first time picking up a controller this is his
32:32first time picking up a controller chat I don't want you guys to take what I'm
32:36about to say lightly that's the most recoil I've ever seen in my life then
32:44you run away give up ground give him site control give him an opportunity to
32:48plant okay bionic popcorn this is the worst clip of the evening sir
32:55bionic popcorn is there a reason why you're bot walking moldy James with the
33:0610k bits moldy James I fucking love you bro W James nice clip bro that was
33:16awesome you should buy a lottery ticket while you're at it that that was so
33:20skillful and talent and talented what a talented clip bionic popcorn all right
33:26now let's get down to the nitty-gritty so bionic popcorn I want to make myself
33:31abundantly clear right now you sir cannot control recoil I don't know what
33:39it is with all of these players using high recoil guns like the SMG 12 or
33:44goyos vector when you can't control recoil this is a heaping steaming pile
33:50of dog shit if you would have just had an mp5 here or like a normal to gun with
33:56a normal recoil you would have got this kill stick to snowboarding brother and
34:03popcorn here's the thing snowboarding's dope like this is what I'm trying to say
34:07like guys first of all I love all of you guys bro I want to see you guys go far
34:13and do things that you're great at bionic popcorn siege keep it as a hobby
34:17for now because that was some of the worst recoil that I've ever seen sir now
34:22I want to see you become a professional snowboarder I can't snowboard
34:29bionic popcorn siege might not might just not just keep it as a hobby for now
34:34dog okay you're right chat I'm being a bully you're right chat everybody type
34:42W bionic popcorn bionic popcorn we love you bro we fucking love you in this chat
34:49so you're sending me a clip of you in a 3v1 so this better be like a one-tap
34:53wallbang or I'm clicking off
35:12above you above you above you wait a minute are you using angled grip on the
35:22SMG 12 bro do you realize how much recoil that's gonna have
35:42next minute I heard the carpet crinkle I'm gonna rewind because I know there's
36:10a lot of people that are watching this that don't understand siege sound I'm
36:14gonna teach you right now listen for this sound I'm gonna listen for that
36:22sound ready
36:30did you hear that did you hear that that is the red staircase red carpet which
36:38means in about t-minus two seconds in enemy combat it's gonna be right in
36:42front of your crosshair brilliant now when you understand sound at that level
36:50you can start pre firing people every map has its own individual sound cues
36:56whether it's carpet wood bricks tile metal it doesn't matter they all have
37:00their own individual sound cues once you learn them and learn the maps instead of
37:04GG instead of waiting you can actually pre fire this dog so like instead of
37:10giving him a little bit of a shot there you can just pre fire 1v2 scenario
37:23you're on ash r4c you don't have the diffuser and you're offside right now
37:27this is a blunder by the enemy team they should be on this default camp
37:34knocked him going for the finish is pointless yeah there you go prioritize
37:46the kill well done I think you're a good player I think you're aware you reacted
37:52at the sound the one thing I want to see next time is I want to see a pre fire
37:55there cuz if you GG if you pre fire him there he doesn't even have a chance of
38:00killing you dog you understand you get what I'm saying GG if you brief like if
38:05you wait to shoot it's it's like a you know it's like a 70-30 gunfight if you
38:09pre fire it's like 95 5 the only way he survives that is if he randomly decides
38:14to crouch which why would he do that when he's standing flanking next clip of
38:19the day coming in from desktop oh my god he has Jaeger black eyes
38:30that'll be a good clip are you on 60 fov
38:44he's on 60 fov
39:004v4 scenario
39:204v4 scenario
39:30take it off take it off they gave this motherfucker Jaeger black eyes but not
39:42me they gave this motherfucker Jaeger black eyes you just reloaded did you
39:50just reload right there you just reloaded with 22 bullets they gave a guy
39:56that reloads with 22 bullets Jaeger black eyes but not me
40:10Riora the doors opening the doors opening the doors opening you heard the
40:14sound nevermind that's a headshot
40:27desktop desktop
40:47popping that goyo is not a bad play you're denying the plant if you pop that
40:51goyo that's gonna burn a fire behind the bomb for 20 seconds so if they try to
40:55sprint in quickly and plant they can't I actually like that play I actually love
41:04that play
41:12Oh and Echo's still alive okay this is easy bro the echo drones right up here
41:18underneath the chat all you have to do with echo is just stay alive let them
41:25plant and then he can just deny it with his echo drone all right so listen I
41:37notice you're gaming on 60 fov and I'm actually gonna say this with respect out
41:41of respect to this guy might be on old gen because on old gen you're limited to
41:4660 fov I'm pretty sure if you're on like Xbox one you're limited to 60 fov and by
41:52the way we all came from old gen I was an Xbox one gamer for like eight years
41:56if you're not on old gen and you're using 60 fov you are crazy why are you
42:03oh you're not oh you're not wrong not true no you aren't oh so you can use 90
42:11fov on old gen and you're choosing to use 60 fov brother man I'm gonna tell it
42:18to you straight up too I'm not gonna
42:31I'm gonna tell it to you straight up and I'm not gonna sugarcoat it you should
42:35not be on 60 fov the reason why 80 fov 83 84 90 fov is better than 60 fov is
42:43because you can see more things it's that simple bro if something's out of
42:48the corner of your eyes it's gonna be much easier to see chat that was not a
42:53real PFP I mean it was the most crudely pasted image of my face ever like guys
42:58that that that was not don't even do this shit right now next up today I love
43:11the movement when I watch clips I I really do enjoy seeing people that
43:16react like this you're getting shot at and notice how he crouches and uncrouches
43:20quickly the reason why he's doing this is he's changing the position of his
43:25head it's much harder to headshot somebody that's moving up and down than
43:29somebody that's standing still or crouch still the problem with crouching like
43:33this is it negatively affects your aim but it seems like this guy still has to
43:37figure it out to where his aim is still good good this guy might be diamond or
43:42champ I don't mind this angle it's a little too wide for my liking I would
43:54like that tighter like you could definitely make this tighter I don't
43:59think you should be taking on an angle that's this wide I would move slightly
44:01to the right where you have that vending machine and then the edge of that window
44:04so your angles like that rather than that you could go much tighter on that
44:10angle it's fine though it's not a big deal
44:13the third in the hatch 1v3 city why are you guys tapping pause okay you know
44:19what I'm saying come on guys you know what I'm saying
44:21geez you know what I'm stop chat don't do that right now 1v3 scenario they're
44:33ramming bird on you they're gonna try to set up a plant soon all right they're
44:37gonna drop that bathroom hatch and go for a plant I'm 156 percent certain what
44:42you need to do is you need to reposition and take down somebody quickly if you
44:46let this remain a 1v3 you're gonna lose cuz then they're gonna be able to drop
44:49the side hatch hold both of your doorways and then they're gonna plant
44:52you need to make a play quickly
44:56all right they're dropping the back hatch now he dropped he dropped he's in
45:01bathroom there's the flash one guy dropped ones on the hatch way to dodge
45:09the flash wait a damn minute way to dodge the flash wait a damn minute a
45:14double flash dodge
45:24this guy's potential
45:34he's one HP thermites literally
45:44one on four remaining
45:57located the diffuser destroy left
46:01beautiful beautiful he fell for it well done very well done very well done on
46:17the diffuse bait seven out of ten not using that number actually six out of
46:28ten I think you have so much potential the double flash bang dodge was my
46:34favorite part of that clip I think you have a lot of potential um I just think
46:39you need to work on your aim yep I knew that was coming in the chat
46:44gotta work on your aim that's it just gotta work on your aim and you're in
46:46you're good
46:59um what I don't even see anybody oh you can kind of see him under the rubble
47:14got it got it oh okay Logan big y'all have sight control which means he's
47:26flanking yep well done this is a super easy way to get kills but whenever you
47:31see that your teammates are inside just immediately look at the flank what show
47:38is this from wait is this from back to the future I think this is from the
47:44movie back to the future chat is that dude that is a peak movie if you guys
47:49have never seen back to the future watch back to the future that movies peak
47:54diary of a wimpy kid wait what I could have swore that wait who plays the dad
48:01in diary of a wimpy kid
48:08we don't dad in back to the future oh
48:14oh Chad you guys see the confusion that's the dad and back to the future
48:21Chad you guys see the confusion dude it kind of looked like him okay I don't see
48:34a whole lot of maestro gameplay these days but I'll give it a shot
48:45to before scenario all right rubber ducky charm now listen if you want to
48:54lose siege aura overnight like instantaneously put on the rubber ducky
48:58charm I've never met a good player with a rubber ducky charm stop got to work on
49:08the crosshair placement right as of right now we're aiming at penis level
49:14still aiming at penis level on the window repelled into the window on your
49:26got a friend operator remaining
49:44got a four remaining
49:47Hi guys!
49:49Hi guys!
49:51Hi guys!
49:53Cut it out!
49:55Cut it out!
49:57I'm going
49:59I'm going
50:01I'm going
50:09I'm going
50:19you got to work on your crosshair placement you're aiming at penis level
50:22if you work on your crosshair placement I would go six out of ten you got to
50:25work out your crosshair placement you're aiming at penis level dude
50:32HI GUYS!
50:34HI GUYS!
50:381v2 scenario-
50:45Bravo's a tricky operator to reload, just finish the reload animation, people always
50:48cancel it early.
50:50Alright, listen, you are in a 1v2 scenario with an Echo and a Clash, which means you
50:56need to isolate your 1v1 with Echo and then you can focus on Clash.
51:01You're not gonna be able to kill Clash as long as Echo's alive, you're gonna have to
51:04kill Echo first, then Clash.
51:08Wait a minute...
51:10He hacked Echo's EchoCam?
51:13Oh my god, this guy's actually a genius.
51:24I know what he's gonna do.
51:35You're the smartest- no, you're the smartest and most creative player I've watched in months.
51:51That's my favorite clip of the day.
51:54No that might be my favorite clip of the month.
51:58He saw that Clash was close on his wooden wall, so he put a claymore, which obviously
52:06that claymore's not gonna do anything, and then he shotgunned the wood so the claymore
52:11would reach Clash.
52:13Dude, Clash has no idea what the fuck just hit her.
52:18Okay, that is my favorite clip of the day.
52:21I'm not even trolling, that is the most creative clip of the day.
52:25That's the most creative kill of the day.
52:27Yo, SRTCarries, I'm giving you a 10 out of 10 for creativity.
52:33And he hacked an Echo drone.
52:35I'm giving you a 10 out of 10 for creativity.
52:38No I actually loved that clip.
52:41LeBron, did you get your monitor fixed?
52:45No, I'm gonna have, um, I'm gonna fix it tomorrow.
52:51I'm gonna fix it tomorrow.
52:54I'm gonna fix it tomorrow, chat.
52:56No, that was a creative kill.
52:57I like that.
52:58I respect that.
53:00I respect that.
53:01Yo, so chat, if y'all are in school right now, isn't the school year like almost over?
53:07Because I remember when I was in school, March was like peak because school was almost over.
53:10Chat, how long do y'all have until school's over?
53:18How long do y'all have?
53:19How long do y'all have until school's over?
53:21Nine more weeks?
53:22Bro, that's peak.
53:23So just two months and y'all are done?
53:25Bro, that's peak.
53:26Dude, I remember the best, chat, this, I can't, I'll never be able to recreate this feeling.
53:33The best feeling in my childhood was when I was in middle school and it was the last
53:40day of the entire school year and you heard that 7th period bell ring and you knew like,
53:48you knew that you were done with school for the next like three months.
53:51Dude, nothing can match like the last day of school.
53:55The teachers are always chill on the last day of school.
53:58Everybody's happy.
53:59It's like peak life, bro.
54:00I don't know how to explain it.
54:02There's, there is no, like, you know what I'm saying, chat?
54:05It's literally like peak life.
54:12And people are typing 7 because I said 7th period and not processing anything else.
54:21There's a person in my chat named Ariana Grande 7.
54:28Next, Twitch F2 4v5 scenario, your teammate left.
54:46All right, here's what I want you to do.
54:49If that guy's your friend, I want you to never speak to him ever again because he's
54:53an absolute fucking coward for leaving before the game is finished.
54:58Block him on every social media platform.
55:02That's a coward, dude.
55:08Punch the cade.
55:09Kind of pointless.
55:10Honestly, you guys don't even have a hard breacher.
55:12There's like no point of even doing this, but I respect the effort, I guess.
55:20Okay, so the biggest blunder you made right here was you actually had the element of surprise.
55:26So what you could have done is you could have droned underneath the barricade, then wall
55:29bang somebody when you yellow ping them.
55:32But now that you shot open the barricade, they all know where you are.
55:34Good luck.
55:35Oh, they don't have a mirror looking at you, my bad.
55:42One friendly operator.
55:43Good aim.
55:44One's on your left, you heard him on the freezer metal.
55:50One left.
55:51Freezer, freezer.
55:53Do you guys hear that?
55:56That's either somebody proning or somebody knocked.
55:59Sounds like a prone, though.
56:00That does not sound...
56:01Or no, that sounds like a knock.
56:02It doesn't sound like a prone.
56:03That sounds like a knock.
56:04I'm pretty sure you're in a 1v1.
56:07Yeah, that's definitely a knock because you can hear the blood.
56:14Quick little sound cue advice here.
56:15There's a difference between proning and knock sound.
56:18So when somebody's knocked, you can actually hear them bleeding out, especially when they're
56:24Wait, wait.
56:25Listen right here.
56:26Yeah, right there.
56:29That's the blood splatter, like 100%.
56:31So this is one of the better clips of the day.
56:36I feel like you made a slight blunder, though, by not droning.
56:39I'm going to go 5 out of 10.
56:41I'm going 5 out of 10, brother.
56:425 out of 10.
56:43Next clip of the day.
56:58Love that you turned on the goggles.
57:19You're aiming a little too low for my liking.
57:286 out of 10.
57:37You're good, but I think the lobby you're in is terrible.
57:41I think you're in a terrible rank.
57:43Phone's ringing.
57:44Do you just want me to rename the stream to watching clips for 18 plus hours?
57:50Why have we been watching clips for two hours straight?
57:59Has it actually been that long?
58:00Holy shit.
58:01I got lost in the moment.