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00:00Let's give it a night
00:05Why did high-vis type yes, it's not a vape cough chat that would not that would not cause this
00:19Vigil roaming downstairs
00:31That's my favorite trick in rainbow six siege, I like to call it the bait and switch dude
00:48Stop I like to call it the bait and switch chat
00:51He shoots an ass charge on a wooden wall pushes through the single door vigil is gonna be looking at the explosion
01:07Well done that is how you bait and switch dude, that is exactly how you baited and switch
01:225v3 scenario
01:31I'd be droning here. I would drone here
01:41There we go, we're good I would go there
01:54When is fan mail it's in the goddamn title
02:00Wait, this guy's using amber eyes
02:04Chat this guy's a tryhard
02:09This guy's using amber eyes, dude
02:30Did he just has shown peak on a controller than one tap him
03:00Loading bag
03:17First clip of the day
03:25Going 8.9 out of 10, sir. You might have clip of the day
03:32This guy's a beast bro
03:35Mail to win fan
03:38Clips when
03:41Low key he's better than you
03:44Next up a day committed for Bart
03:51Vigil boss you
03:55Okay, let me explain
03:57Something you could do to get better at siege
03:59So when a lion scan is activated, you can actually activate your vigils your vigil ability and then walk right through the lion scan
04:08You don't need to stand still to win your vigil a little bit of a fun fact
04:20Good trigger discipline one friendly remaining
04:47Feet two they're gonna have to plant the diffuser soon. I would rotate towards the objective. Oh, he has the diffuser
04:59He has the diffuser so they have to push him
05:08You're on your left
05:21Okay, so you just gonna wait for them to grab that diffuser then just rip their fucking stomach off with the boss G
05:30Left left left left
05:35Good aim and good reaction
05:4015 seconds
05:43He's wrapping it around ten seconds to go
05:49Five seconds left
05:56Well played well play way to use time in your advantage bro 6.3 out of 10
06:05Way to use time in your advantage, dude. That's the shit. I'm talking about dog
06:13Best clip of the day
06:20Make sure y'all stay hydrated out there chat. Make sure y'all to stay hydrated out there gamers
06:28Classic nicotine stare what potato slayer with the five gifted W potato slayer
06:37Tourney finals clip wait tourney finals clip
06:45What type of class setup is this dude, you're using suppressor with like a stormtrooper scope on an f2
07:46Try so this isn't a tournament
07:59Oh God, oh no, you lost so much aura who the fuck is mingo JC. Oh
08:10No, no, no, you just lost so much aura, dude
08:14Dude, dude, you just lost so much fucking aura
08:19Yo chat should we get on fortnight tonight like for a little bit
08:23What are you guys feeling a little bit of fortnight of action after fan mail?
08:37Good aim, I don't know about the recoil control though
08:48Okay, this guy's either mouse and keyboard or his senses too fast
09:18What are you doing like have you even thought about that
09:22You're on 200 sensitivity. Just shooting at random walls. Like what are you actually doing? I
09:33Can't watch this guy. Yeah. Yeah, I actually I can't watch this guy
09:40You need to turn your sense down like 17 fucking calibers
09:49Like bro, I'm gonna be honest dude
09:54Clips like that aren't even like fun to watch this guy's just shaking his fucking controller
10:00Jinx II but good
10:03Are you doing fan mail today? Yo, dude for like the probably the 18th goddamn time
10:10It's in the title
10:14He's like you on roller tournaments dude, that's like the opposite of how I play
10:18I don't just like randomly shoot at shit in the action phase in the prep phase
10:23Sure in the prep phase. I'll shoot radios and shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, sure in the fucking action phase, dude
10:30Especially those 20 seconds left
10:36Almost like never prefire dude. I feel like if you bro, I feel like in siege
10:42Prefiring gets you killed more than it gets you kills
10:46tight shit
10:48Next to it
10:58Yo, hi guys, what's up?
11:03Man bro, it's in the fucking title, dude
11:12Hanging up read the title
11:19Bro, I don't even know where this guy is. Oh, he's on shall a in one of the bushes
11:27But you could have just turned off the call right, okay
11:36Dude they 100% miss drowned him
11:56Yeah, never play siege again, I mean dude that took about 24 more bullets than it needed to
12:09What is a zombie's gamer tag get mud flaps
12:24Friendly operator remaining
12:33These are in
12:41Bro, you guys are just
12:44You guys are playing this game like way too fast dude like bro in this scenario dude right here
12:52This is just the off the clips. I've been sent dude. You don't even have to peek this guy bro like
12:58You literally have an SMG 12 and you're in a close-quarters closet
13:02You can basically force a close-quarters gunfight with an SMG 12, but instead of doing that
13:07You walk out him while reloading
13:11Like bro, if ash is even remotely like scoped in right now, you're dead bro. Like what are you doing?
13:22Like I like bro, I don't know man
13:25Dude, there's always gonna be a part of me that wishes siege
13:30Like the place out of siege was how it was in like year one, but that shit will never happen, dude
13:36Broke his chat realistically bro. Like that's actually how I play
13:39Like I play like really fucking slow when I'm sort of doing I just spawn because everybody dies instantly
13:44But I'm only playing like that because that's how everybody else plays
13:50It's aura dude peeking somebody while reloading it's not aura
13:55What's on the staircase hundred-percent
14:03Okay, that was like a really good recoil control rewind that
14:13Who is jinx e oh, okay
14:18Staircase staircase
14:24Nice now drone
15:09Everyone beat drop the diffuser everybody beat down to one friendly. Okay, throw a drop throw a drop
15:18Instead of throwing your drone through in a Rooney you take the damage
15:25Nah, nah, I can't condone this. You just took 30 damage instead of letting your drone take the damage
15:32What are you doing?
15:51Least you're a loving your mom fan. Hey, bro
15:55Instead of throw it instead of tanking 30 damage from an Aruni throw a drone at it
16:04It literally would have it would have wasted 0.5 seconds and he had 48 seconds to work with
16:10There's no planet where that's a good play. No planet
16:18Yo monkey with the five gifted monkey, thank you for the five gifted one second
16:38All right, let's feel the rage
16:49Shit this guy's doing a 1v5. Is this aura?
17:02This guy's doing a 1v5
17:08Proceed to bomb location and defuse it stop
17:11What scope are you?
17:15Yo, does this shit look like a joke to you, bro? I
17:20Don't even I've never even seen somebody use that scope ever in a champion lobby not one time
17:32The worst scope in siege hands down without a doubt
17:37Okay, so we're not droning yet again 1v5 we're not droning oh
17:46He's playing an AI that checks out shoot the middle seat shoot the middle seat
17:52Okay, so I said shoot the middle see what you did I did not say shoot the random brick wall
18:04Sledge the barbed wire. Okay. It's a little bit of a pro tip instead of punching a barbed wire twice
18:09You can sledge it once and it would break
18:17Okay, so how do I explain this nicely
18:19Every time you're aiming at somebody it looks like your analog stick fell off
18:30Your tea bagging an AI in a combat scenario
18:36You're literally getting shot at by an enemy combatant in your tea bagging
18:43All right, yeah, I know the problem your sense is way too fucking high dude
18:47Dude I know the problem your sense is way too fucking high
18:55So you have sight control and can plant but instead of doing that you sledgehammer a wall open
19:06Did you just go to shoot the Thunderbird
19:15Went to shoot the Thunderbird is this shit a fucking joke
19:29Instead of shooting vigil he went to shoot the Thunderbird
19:34Do you guys realize how bad this is?
19:38Fanmail react Ronnie
19:41Next give it a day coming in from Joe
19:53Yo Sen bell, would you be down to 1v1 squirtle tonight?
19:59oldest r6 champion verse youngest r6 champion
20:04Would you be down you'd have to cap your frames though, Sam
20:08And I have to see if he's on
20:15Also send the how old are you if you don't mind me asking
20:21Down to one friendly
20:29Got a
20:37Got a
20:47Okay, this is easy, yeah, yeah, I was literally gonna say the same thing
20:50Nomad off both of his rotation points throw a flashbang to cut off sound then plant behind the half wall
20:58That is not behind the half wall you just plant it in the open you just planted directly in the open dude
21:13Met a loss for words
21:15I'm literally out of the last words. You're 33. Okay. Got it
21:20Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Okay. I don't know
21:24I don't know if it's not gonna happen tonight, but I'll let you know
21:371v1 pineapple, I'm actually down. It's pineapple long tonight
22:01Okay, they're in sight by the way, they're they're in sight
22:04Top of the staircase top of the red staircase
22:09Top of the red staircase top of the red staircase
22:18Let me get this straight this guy throws a goddamn grenade
22:24over you
22:26Instead of just continuously moving forward aiming in and shooting him in the head
22:32This is up there with one of the top three worst clip sessions of 2025
22:46Aiming at crotch level
22:49Got the kill though
22:52His gamer tag is
22:55Yo, bro, Oh what rating do you actually want bro, that's literally like a 2.3 out of 10
23:04There was nothing even remotely good about that clip
23:06You could have just aimed shot sledge in the head, but instead you turned and ran into his grenade
23:17Could have just aimed shot sledge in the head, but instead you turned and ran into his grenade
23:28You killed the vibe yo what
23:33You killed the vibe
23:36Hussein, how did I kill the vibe?
23:52Drum drum drum
23:56Thank you, thank you, bro. I appreciate you now, you know that it's clear now you can take the ground
24:05Who voted to surrender
24:07Y'all are down one to three. This is a completely winnable game and
24:13somebody voted to fucking surrender in a 5b5
24:23Would watch out for c4s here
24:31Okay, the hatch is cated a
24:34Lot of low ranks don't know about this
24:36But if you Habana the wood next to the next to the reinforcement on both sides, you can blow up the cake
24:43Wow, I finally got sent a good support player
24:52He knows about the tech I
24:55This is my type of player
24:57He droned his entry
25:00And he Habana tricked the cake trick
25:04This is my type of fucking player, dude
25:13Yep force the minimum requirement to break the hatch nice now if he's a true support player, he'll read drone right now
25:29If he's a true support player he'll read drone
25:43This is my guy, okay, he knows that there's no back arsenal holes
26:26My god
26:27He heard an enemy combatant in dirt instead of taking a gunfight like your average fragger
26:34He has a true support player new to shoot the Goyo on his door and cut off his rotation for the next 20 seconds
26:46I might actually give this guy clip of the day. Oh
26:51No, his teammate died with the fuser, I don't know what he's gonna do now
26:56It's time to frag it's time to frag baby
27:01Close right
27:04You know, one of the enemies is in dirt you already know that
27:09You gotta kill this game
27:13Cades walking out
27:18I would grab diffuser flash run in sight plant
27:2210 seconds left. There's the flash. Oh my god, he's gonna do it. He's gonna do it
27:34Yo centric mk12, let me tell this to you straight up dude
27:39You are a true pure support player, bro
27:43You droned your entry you knew how to have on a trick a cage trick you have bonnet the hatch you
27:50Redrawn to the objective you dropped sight popped both rotations from blue and dirt Goyo and got three kills
27:57The only thing you did wrong was you should have had the diffuser if you'd have a diffuser you would have won that round from
28:02the jump
28:03The only reason you lost that round is because you had to go pick up the diffuser
28:07W support player keep it up, baby
28:12Bro that's what I'm talking about dude like a pure support cuz bro like
28:17It's actually crazy dude chat 95% of the time when we get sent clips, bro
28:22By the way, you guys can send me support clips, bro
28:25Like I like seeing that shit like if you bandit trick a wall
28:28I want to see that you know what I'm saying? If you echo denied a plant, I want to see that
28:32You know if it's clean
28:34Bro, like show me your utility usage bro. Like I don't always want to see people run in with ash
28:50Right, so
28:52We're a minute and six seconds into the round. I'm assuming you drone, but the clip just kind of started
29:00All right doc, yo doc doc, give me the contact information
29:07He's there yo doc, how are you still reinforcing after he bucked open the site wall, dude
29:19See it's like right back to this. You know what I mean? It's just right back to this. I mean good, right?
29:24I don't know
29:25Good night, like your aim is good
29:32Dude I really enjoyed watching that support clip like that that that was my type of clip. I really enjoyed watching that
29:38You're not tough watch
29:42Watch my clip grandma. Ooh fan mailed in five minutes chat
29:50Fan mailed in five minutes when it is fan mail five minutes, dude
29:55Brain rot clips today. It's not even brain rot bro. It's just like when you buck into the objective and then get two kills
30:02It's like all right. I
30:05Don't think that would have worked in a decent rank
30:11Discord for a Mike and Ronnie movie. I'm not watching a Mike and Ronnie movie, dude
30:15I'm good. Thank you for the offer