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00:00Game mode and there's a lot more to talk about
00:03Siege X will deliver sweeping updates across all of siege with a strong focus on
00:10modernizing our maps
00:12Refining our gameplay and evolving our audio with much much more to come
00:23We want to take a moment to recognize those who have made all of this possible you
00:33I'm a veteran player
00:37Your commitment and support over the years has shaped siege into what it is today. Oh my god. It's happening special
00:43It's happening our appreciation
00:45Let's take a look at our veteran rewards
00:49What this is a special what celebrate your time with siege for each year. You've been with us
00:55You'll receive a unique reward to honor your dedication
00:58If you've been with us since year three, for example, you'll receive seven rewards from year three to year nine
01:06And for those who have been with us since year one, we've prepared something truly special
01:12What is that a new?
01:14exclusive black ice kid
01:20This is our way of saying thank you for standing with us through every battle
01:25Every season and every moment that continues to shape the future of siege
01:31We also want to celebrate your legacy in siege with a special badge of honor
01:36This exclusive badge marks the year you joined the fight
01:47Whether you're a recent recruit or a battle-hardened veteran this badge is yours to wear with that sick
01:54That's now it's time to talk about an important change that's come into the game
01:59Recently we introduced cross play giving you the ability to play with your friends no matter which platform they're on
02:06With siege X we're tearing down barriers ready to welcome more players that want to experience the best
02:14tactical FPS
02:16We want to make it easier to invite your friends to play the game
02:19We want to continue to grow the community and we want to continue to build this game with veterans and new players
02:26from around the world
02:28Starting June 10th with the launch of siege X new players will be able to download the game for free
02:36Jump directly
02:44Will help grow the siege community, but we want to ensure that siege remains fair and protected
02:51Particularly for ranked and siege cup. So let's break it all down
02:55So, you know what to expect as a new player and a veteran
03:00With free access players can dive into our brand new game mode dual front
03:06Learn the mechanics through our onboarding playlist. Oh my god, sharpen their skills in quick match
03:11Have fun and seasonal events and we heard you
03:16Unranked is making its long-awaited comeback
03:22Unranked offers a competitive yet approachable experience for free access players to test their skills and explore this amazing pick and ban
03:31What you'll see in action in our show match later on
03:34Free access players can experience core siege gameplay and access training modes earn XP and unlock rewards
03:42As part of the new onboarding process players can earn and customize up to 26 operators through play
03:49Additional operators can still be unlocked using the currency. They earn to continue to grow their roster
03:55The most competitive playlists ranked and siege cup are high stakes and reserved for those who unlock the next level of siege
04:03competition through premium access and as always you'll need to be level 50 to participate
04:09Also, I want to reassure our dedicated players
04:13You will keep access to everything you have
04:20That's right, don't worry veteran players you'll keep access to everything you've earned over the past 10 years
04:26Your access to our competitive playlists such as ranked and siege cup your progression your operators your
04:33Inventory will all be yours to keep and to continue building for the future. No payments or action required to transfer your progress
04:42As siege continues to grow. We're not just preserving your legacy. We're refreshing the experience for every player
04:49With siege X our totally revamped UI will be more than just a new
04:56Through game modes browse your battle pass and interact with siege is faster. It's more intuitive and more immersive
05:04The UI overhaul also streamlines your experience as you track your journey as a siege player
05:10So whether you're a veteran bringing in new friends or a fresh recruit, we've revamped sieges global progression system
05:18Clearance levels reward unlocks and challenges have been improved making it easier to track your progress and navigate the early stages of the game
05:27Our focus was to make getting into siege as fun as possible
05:31Well giving you the tools you need to learn the deep and rewarding systems of the game
05:37We're thrilled to welcome new players into siege with free access and we know that a grown community comes with
05:44Responsibility finally free with siege X. We're making sure the game is the most secure it's ever been
05:51that means industry leading player protection fairer matchmaking and
05:56Continued efforts to encourage a positive game that welcomes everyone
06:01First let's talk about game security
06:05Last month of the six invitational we introduced our six shield guard our latest anti-cheat initiative
06:11To catch up on the current status of our six shield guard. Let's hear from programming team lead
06:17Anti-cheat update anti-cheat update lock-in anti-cheat update lock-in
06:22Cheating and toxicity has no place in siege and we won't rest until it's a thing of the past
06:26At SI we introduced our new initiative and bo6 shell guard
06:31Our social guard takes a multifaceted approach to anti-cheat
06:35Our QB system distribute different executables to our players
06:39Preventing tempering an issue in sanction when detected
06:42By doing anything is the act of encrypting and hardening of game code to make it even more difficult to temper with
06:49Our security measures have rendered cheat makers capacity to come back online much harder with some of them exceeding the scene entirely
06:57Gameplay violation our in-game defense system that allows for detecting players performing impossible behavior within the game like sprinting while shooting
07:06This system basically renders reaching a thing of the past and we are working to keep it that way
07:11Our next line of defense mousetrap detects the use of mouse on keyboard in console pools
07:16Our final line of defense is there we use AI and analytics to detect irregular and exploitive behavior in the game
07:23With siege X our social guard updates live without the need of a schedule maintenance
07:28Cheats will be harder more difficult and costlier to make and shit makers won't be able to anticipate
07:34Security updates before they come in our system guard is a long-term investment. We're here to stay and we can't wait to show more
07:50We're taking anti-toxicity in the game seriously as well
07:53Now we've made huge strides to make sure that everyone feels comfortable playing the game
07:58We've doubled down on our mission. There is no room for abuse of language and harassment in siege
08:03Here's Lancelot Satjay associate director of player protection and game security to talk about the systems. We have no cursing
08:14We know that toxicity has become more frequent in game
08:18Especially with a constant increase over the past two years
08:21But the good news is since airline season for the past December we are not seeing the first decrease in toxicity
08:27This is thanks to features such as our rework reputation system that addresses recurrent toxicity
08:34while rewarding constant positive behavior
08:37Plus our recently implemented automated text chat moderation
08:41Since it's released in the airline season for the number of unacceptable messages has been divided by two
08:47We are constantly working to improve and balance detections
08:51We are also dedicated to protect potential targeted players with our privacy setting features
08:57In year 10, the reputation system is fully activated
09:01It means that the most toxic players
09:03The one with a dishonorable standing have been removed from ranked standard and siege cup matches as they were impacting
09:1025% of games played players with a positive standing are receiving rewards and specific car backgrounds
09:17The more feedbacks we receive the better and fairer our systems are to do so use the in-game board function
09:24Or contact us through air six fix
09:27We are listening to your feedback and player protection will continue to evolve to make sure that the game is safe for you
09:33even more with free access
09:40Anti-cheat and anti-toxicity are top priorities for us on siege and I want to thank Adrian and Lancelot and their teams
09:47Oh my god, look what's coming up next chat
09:50Look what's coming up next
09:54What's up next
09:57Now it's the moment let's talk about the maps and visual updates we mentioned
10:05Listening refining and working behind the scenes to bring you game-changing updates to core siege gameplay
10:13Seajacks isn't just about the new experiences. It's about making the 5v5 siege you love even better
10:20From mechanics to quality of life improvements and everything in between we're ushering in a new era for siege
10:29One of the biggest changes coming to siege is our modernized map update
10:34We know how important maps are in siege and we've been hard at work improving visuals
10:39Readability and overall gameplay flow to make every engagement more tactical and immersive
10:45These updates will enhance lighting and textures and be more in line with a dark gritty tone that people picture when they think of siege
10:52Oh while maintaining the strategic depth players love
10:57But words can only do so much. So let's take a look at how these changes. Oh my god in action. This is it
11:03This is it
11:06Pre beta
11:16Oh my god
11:21Look at the graphics
11:53Shall I oh my god, that looks good
12:21Y'all see that there might
12:28That's right
12:29at launch
12:33Modernized maps clubhouse chalet bank cafe and border
12:39After the season of siege X's debut each new season will deliver three more modernized maps
12:51We've done significant work on these environments
12:54We've rebuilt the lighting engine to bring more realistic atmosphere with richer contrast and colors
13:01All major surfaces have been redone with materials looking more real. Thanks to updated
13:07Physically based rendering standards displacement mapping exposure compensation and increased resolution
13:15For PC players that means an optional true 4k texture pack for the sharpest Wow detailed
13:22environments possible
13:26For those watching the stream we'll be sharing all of these videos today at full resolution so you can see the difference
13:34Building on the technology of lighting and modernized maps
13:39We're also introducing a feature that adds a whole new layer to tactical awareness
13:45first person shadows
13:48Wait, oh my god
13:54Twice about your positioning if you're entering a room or passing a hallway
13:58You'll be able to see whether your shadow is revealing your location to waiting enemies
14:03This small but crucial detail makes movement and positioning more important than ever
14:09The reason we can make all these changes and still ensure a competitive experience is because of a major change
14:16We're doing and we're making our outline our enemy outlines updated
14:21When we talk about stealth and siege, we want players to focus on how much noise they make not how visible they are
14:28We always want enemies to be clear and identifiable
14:31The new outline system means even with the more immersive lighting enemies can't hide in the shadows
14:38this is a big change, but one that over time feels natural and ensures a fun and fair game as
14:45Usual, we'll keep listening to your feedback and make it just advance repel
14:50Advance repel big change advance repel repel up. Oh my god
14:55Bringing more options to the most unique movement mechanics in first-person shooters
15:02Repelling has always been a defining feature of siege, but we knew it could be even better with advanced repel
15:08You can now sprint along the wall and you can pull off what we saw Callie do back in the playbook story trailer
15:15You can now transition around corners while on repel
15:18including when sprinting
15:21Here's those improvements in game
15:24God oh
15:54Wow, they recorded it in person
16:03Oh my god, it looks so nice the game looks so nice
16:18Smooth cornering and sprinting makes repelling on a wall and executing a plan so much more satisfying
16:26It's all about giving players more control making movement feel natural intuitive and immersive
16:32This is why we've also taken the time to update our basic movement in the game to include momentum as well guys
16:39This looks amazing. I'm not gonna mind but true flow and responsiveness
16:43Let me give you a concrete example of this in action
16:45Picture yourself moving across the bed in the club in the gym the bedroom gym side of clubhouse
16:51Before the changes as soon as you ran off the bed, you would immediately stop running drop straight down and then start
16:57On the floor
16:59With the momentum based movement update you will continue to run off of short drops and carry your momentum with you
17:05This achieves a new level of flow and immersion in the moment. That's good. I like that
17:10We can't wait to see the creative plays that these changes will inspire
17:20We've talked visual improvements and new movements, let's dive into something that's going
17:26I've been wanting to hear this one. Hello to destructible ingredients
17:33During an operation
17:35every detailed matters
17:38Your intent your loadout
17:42Your position but above all else
17:46your environment
17:48Oh my god
17:53Oh my god
18:04No way
18:27All right, I freaking love these things
18:31Destructible ingredients are shaking things up and that's so baller fresh tactical opportunities for both
18:37Defenders, these aren't just environmental details
18:40They're strategic tools that swing the outcome of combat engagements in modernized maps and dual front
18:46first up fiery extinguishers
18:50You'll see these scattered across the map and when they're just Wow
18:53Release a thick cloud of smoke giving you some quick visual cover, but that's not all
18:58If an enemy is standing too close when one burst, they'll be concussed setting you up for the perfect push
19:03Okay, that's so realistic. We have gas pipes and these can really disrupt that so realistic
19:10Shoot it and it releases a controlled flame cutting off rotations and forcing rumors to move
19:16But here's the catch
19:18Once the fire reaches its peak the pipe explodes covering the area in flames and creating a brutal area denial effect
19:26and finally
19:28metal detectors
19:29You have seen these before but they're a little more responsive than you've come to know them
19:35Metal detectors are now fully interactive
19:41That is so cool
19:44You can add even temporarily or permanent Wow
19:48Control over when movement is detected
19:50Do you disable them to sneak through unnoticed or leave them on to bait enemies into giving away their position?
19:57You can even destroy them outright with explosives
20:01Well, this is so sick dude like
20:05These destructible ingredients introduce new tactical possibilities giving players more ways to manipulate their surroundings and
20:11outplay their opponents
20:13Each of these destructible ingredients adds a new layer of strategy and creates fresh opportunities for creative play
20:20Whether you're using them to gain an advantage or counter an opponent's plan
20:24They'll keep every round dynamic and unpredictable. We can't wait to see the tactical strategies
20:30Destructible ingredients will be available in modernized maps and in the dual front game mode and we're not done working on destructible ingredients
20:39We'll be listening to all of you to see how do you wait? That's my jam. That's my jam of this thing. Oh, yeah
20:46In siege is one of the most important tools a player can use to get a competitive edge
20:52That's why we're introducing the biggest audio overlaid
20:57Every gunshot footstep and explosion will be more accurate more immersive and more clear Wow than ever before
21:05You're gonna want to turn up your volume and put on your headphones for this one. Okay, get ready. I'm listening here the different
21:12I'm listening. I'm listening
21:20I'm listening. I'm listening
21:30Guys turned it up. We're on max volume
21:33In Rainbow Six Siege audio has been overhauled to convey a greater sense of accuracy
21:39In order to give players more cues to reliably detect enemy actions
21:46These audio enhancements add a layer of spatial distinctions making it easier to tell if someone is coming from your left
21:54Or your right
21:59Sound propagation has been upgraded
22:02with sound traveling vertically and
22:05Allowing players to know if an enemy is pushing from above
22:10Or below
22:15Sound also propagates through openings created in surfaces offering more immersion
22:24Sound reverberation is more realistic relaying whether nearby actions are coming from a big room a
22:32Small room
22:35Indoors or outdoors making pinpointing enemy locations more reliable
22:42These audio innovations offer new tools to adjust response tactics
22:48deliberately cause noise to draw rivals into an ambush
22:53Or use carpeted areas to limit the sound of infiltration and use flashbangs to mask the sounds of powerful abilities
23:03Making for a more immersive refined and satisfying tactical shooter experience
23:21Did goosebumps every time I hear the new audio
23:25With this audio overhaul every sound in siege is more precise and immersive than ever
23:30You'll be able to pinpoint gunshots
23:33Footsteps and explosions more accurately whether they're coming from the left the right above or below
23:40Until makes or breaks great plays in siege with these enhancements
23:45Audio has become an even greater Intel asset and is more reliable than ever
23:50Audio will be able to provide the Intel you need to succeed but to truly dominate
23:55Teams need to be able to share that Intel coordinate attacks and call out enemy positions
24:01But we know that not everyone is comfortable using voice comms
24:05That's why we're introducing the
24:08Communication we want a new tool to design communication faster
24:13Clearer and more accessible for our what?
24:17In the heat of battle communication is cool. That's why the communication is so important
24:23It's your new way to call for solo queue squad and sink
24:27Need help with a breach or a rotate call out this. I love this
24:32Is an area clear let your squad know it's safe to reposition
24:36Ready to make a push tell your team you're moving in and lead the attack
24:41And when a teammate makes the right move confirm it with an okay or send them a quick
24:46Thank you to keep the team work flowing
24:49The communication wheel I love there's the tools to share their strategy regardless of their play style keeping your team one step ahead
25:00My god, look what's next looks what's next we covered a lot of subjects, but what about weapons?
25:06We know how much players love their weapon skins and now
25:11Siege, you can check them out with weapon inspect
25:17Yeah, I know we've been looking forward to inspect just as much as you have okay
25:24Pistol shotgun see jazz over
25:27Weapons in the game and you can inspect every single one of them on the battlefield
25:33Now is the time to flex your favorite skins and appreciate every single detail
25:40You're about to see all of these changes in action, oh my god, I've show match with your favorite creators
25:46Yes, but before we get there. Oh
25:51He's emotional I wanted to take a moment to speak directly to all of our veteran players and community I
25:58Just like to personally thank you for making siege what it is today. Oh my god
26:02I myself am a year one player in the last 10 years have been incredible
26:09Thank you for the laughs
26:10Thank you for the revives
26:12Thank you for the adrenaline pumping clutches
26:15And thank you for the MPs and cover fire as I was trying to open the main breeches my boy third night
26:29This guy's awesome dude
26:30This guy genuinely tears of this game and the moments that have come with it are truly something to celebrate
26:36And I can assure you that we still have plenty in store throughout the year to celebrate this momentous milestone with all of you
26:43Wow, we've been building towards this moment for three years, dude. Oh my god
27:03We've been building towards this moment for three years and it feels unreal to finally be able to share it
27:09See jacks marks the beginning of a new era of Rainbow six siege
27:14This is our commitment to keeping siege at the top as the best team based tactical shooter out there
27:27This is our commitment to the next 10 years of siege
27:37This is our commitment to you our players for being here this whole time, thank you
27:54See Jack