• yesterday
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I tried Creatine for 2 months - Magnus Midtbø

Edited by Markus Skaane https://www.instagram.com/skaane
Shot by Magnus Midtbø and Markus Skaane

Music and Sound Effects: http://share.epidemicsound.com/vSnfn


00:00This is not chalk, this is day one of taking creatine.
00:05I've spent the majority of my life
00:06as a professional climber,
00:08and as you might expect, I've trained a lot.
00:11But the focus has always been on climbing, not the gym.
00:14In fact, I've never really been
00:16into traditional gym training or supplements.
00:19And that is why this is so exciting to me.
00:21Over the next few months,
00:23I'll be trying creatine for the first time ever
00:25to see if it can make a difference
00:27in my climbing performance, my strength,
00:29and just how I feel in general.
00:31I'm gonna find out exactly how it affects me
00:33and how my body reacts.
00:35And hopefully, along the way,
00:36I'm gonna set some new personal records in the gym.
00:39Does creatine really live up to the hype?
00:42And should climbers use it?
00:43I'm about to find out.
00:49It's currently November 13th.
00:53This is the first time trying this.
00:58Hopefully, I don't ruin my climbing by doing this
01:00because I am gonna get a little bit heavier.
01:02I'm excited.
01:03I'm excited to change my body
01:05and I'm excited to see the effect that it might have.
01:09I've heard around 10%, which is crazy.
01:12That's a lot.
01:14I've just eaten food because I know
01:15that it can upset your stomach
01:17if you do it on an empty stomach.
01:19I think this is supposed to be like seven grams of creatine.
01:24So I'm gonna use this for around two months, I think.
01:28That's my goal.
01:28But I'll start with one month to see how I feel.
01:30If I don't feel good, obviously, I'm gonna stop doing it.
01:36Hopefully, I've done it right.
01:42Doesn't taste like anything, really.
01:44So I weighed myself this morning
01:45and I weighed around 70, like 70.2 or three or something.
01:50If anyone has a foot fetish, this one is for free.
01:54I'm really excited about this though
01:55because it's like, I feel like I have a project, you know?
01:58Trying something new,
01:58seeing how my body will respond to it.
02:00And I guess the reason I'm doing this
02:03is maybe not to become a better climber,
02:05but I don't know if a lot of climbers are doing this.
02:07There are a few benchmarks that I wanna improve.
02:09Like I wanna improve my max weighted pull-up
02:12and I also wanna improve my bench press.
02:17Wonder what creatine really is.
02:19Naturally occurring substance
02:22that's found in meat and fish
02:24and also made by the human body and the liver,
02:27kidneys and pancreas.
02:32I don't know what is that, pancreas?
02:34It is converted into creatine phosphate
02:37and stored in the muscles where it is used for energy.
02:43Sounds interesting.
02:53Okay, so this is day one.
02:54Not that the physical side, that's not important to me.
02:58I don't really care about getting bigger or leaner, whatever.
03:01I just wanna become stronger.
03:03That's my only priority.
03:04Okay, so I wanna have some measurements too
03:06because weight is one thing,
03:08but most of the weight that I'll gain is water weight.
03:10So I also wanna check, I don't know, biceps.
03:14Okay, so if I flex 36 centimeters,
03:18my guess is that my left foot is 36.
03:21My guess is that my left foot is smaller, 34.5.
03:26Let's see my chest, I guess, too.
03:29One meter and three centimeters.
03:33Now let's just check my waist too, 83 centimeters.
03:37So I'm gonna try this for 30 days
03:39and see if I feel any improvement.
03:41If I do, I might even go for another 30 days.
03:45So it's currently November 17th, 2024.
03:49This is the fifth day of doing creatine.
03:51I don't expect to see any results yet,
03:53but I just wanna kinda see.
03:55This is gonna be more as a reference session for later.
03:59Larry Wheels taught me to first like pull up, engage,
04:05breathe in, hold my breath.
04:08Breathe in, hold my breath.
04:15I also did a little bit more research on creatine
04:17and I found out that I can possibly up my dose.
04:21I've upped it to around 14 grams.
04:24Sometimes I feel a bit queasy after taking it,
04:26like a little bit sick,
04:28but I think that if you wanna try it yourself,
04:30you should do your own research
04:32and find out how much you should try
04:34because there could be some side effects
04:36if you take too much.
04:38I'm actually gonna go up to 80 kilos.
04:40By the end of this, I wanna do 110.
04:45That is my goal.
04:46If that happens within the next couple of months,
04:48then I'm a believer.
04:49I'm a believer of creatine.
04:51I don't recommend anyone doing bench press on their own
04:55like I am now.
04:56This is very, very dangerous, but I don't have friends,
05:00so I have to lift alone.
05:03Now it is 95 kilos.
05:06This is where I usually top out.
05:11Okay, as I'm sure you saw, that was very close to my max.
05:14I'm just gonna add a 1.25 on each side.
05:17So now it's 97.5.
05:19I haven't lifted this in at least like a year,
05:22so do you say lift or push?
05:24It's kind of, you don't lift it, push it.
05:27I think it says something about how much I know
05:29about weight lifting.
05:34Okay, that was definitely my max though.
05:42But I'm gonna try 100.
05:43It's just a little bit sketchy when I'm alone.
06:03But I wasn't too far away though.
06:04No, I'm excited to keep trying this
06:06and to get to 110 hopefully.
06:09I wonder how long it's gonna take me.
06:16Start with 38 kilos.
06:18I wish that we had steel plates in this gym,
06:21like the narrow ones, because this is just so bulky.
06:2538 should be easy.
06:29Yep, that was okay.
06:3052 kilos, that should still feel pretty light.
06:36I'm not gonna train this.
06:37I mean, I'm gonna train it a little bit more
06:39than I usually would, but not that much more
06:41because then it would be the training, not the creatine.
06:44And I wanna test the creatine.
06:48If I add another 14, that's gonna be 66, right?
06:51I think so.
06:54Not quite.
06:55Almost, like two centimeters or something.
06:58I think that was enough from today five.
07:00I'll see you guys sometime in the future,
07:03where I'm hopefully a lot stronger than I am right now.
07:13Hey, how's it going?
07:14Hey, Jason, how are you, man?
07:15You're probably the biggest expert I know
07:18when it comes to both injuries and training
07:20and nutrition for climbing as well.
07:22So it'd be interesting to hear your take on this.
07:25Do you take creatine yourself?
07:27I do.
07:27I've taken creatine for years.
07:30I do believe that in the scientific research
07:33that it is very well supported and useful.
07:36So do you think that is gonna be beneficial for me
07:38for my climbing?
07:39Do you think I'll feel stronger or weaker taking this?
07:42It can provide a slight boost in power or explosiveness,
07:45but you probably won't notice
07:47a dramatic difference on the wall.
07:48I read somewhere that you can expect
07:51around a 10% increase in power.
07:54Do you think that's true?
07:55I think that might be a little excessive.
07:58I think the effects generally are more subtle and mild.
08:01I don't think expecting a huge performance advantage
08:05is going to be the right take on it.
08:07It is probably going to be pretty subtle.
08:09I'll keep you updated on my journey.
08:12Yeah, absolutely.
08:13I mean, hope you notice some positive improvements.
08:15So hopefully the added little water weight
08:17doesn't negatively impact your performance.
08:28Strong, but heavy.
08:29That's how I feel today.
08:30I'm gonna try a few of the purple ones.
08:33Those are the hardest ones here.
08:38Oh, it feels good though.
08:40It's strange, like some things feel easy.
08:43Some things feel very hard right now.
08:46I don't know, maybe I'm just making a big deal out of it.
08:48You know, I'm only a couple of kilos heavier.
08:51Maybe it's more in my mind than anything.
08:57Oh, elbow though.
09:02That was a hard elbow.
09:10That's the way.
09:16The top looks hard too though.
09:24The top looks hard too though.
09:26Okay, try something else.
09:29Orange holds, that's purple tag.
09:32The hardest tag here.
09:47I feel strong today, or stronger than I have been,
09:51but still like a little bit clumsy on the wall, like the way I elbow stuff.
09:56And just like I'm not really used to my body yet.
10:01I'm so curious to see how the next weeks are going to go.
10:04I'm going to see if I've gained some weight in the last 8 days.
10:07I'm going to see if I've gained some weight in the last 8 days.
10:18Alright, so it's day 8.
10:21I've taken creatine every single day for 8 days straight now.
10:26I feel a bit different.
10:27I'm going to weigh myself after drinking this,
10:30and I'm going to see if I've gained some weight in the last 8 days.
10:34I do think so. I do feel a little bit heavier, but I also feel stronger.
10:38This still tastes like soap, by the way.
10:40I'm not getting used to this taste.
10:42I feel like it's almost just getting worse.
10:45The last one is terrible.
10:47But actually, I kind of do prefer it just natural.
10:51If they added any flavor to this, it might have been more gross.
10:54Okay, time to weigh myself.
10:56I haven't weighed myself in 8 days.
11:00That was more than I thought.
11:04I do have a t-shirt and shorts.
11:06But the thing is, it's going to take a while to get rid of this extra water weight.
11:11Because I think they say it takes about a month for it to leave the body.
11:16So even if I stopped taking creatine today,
11:19I would still carry around this extra weight for another month.
11:27So I am on my way to the gym.
11:29It's December 5th.
11:31And I'm feeling a little bit sick.
11:34So I'm not sure if I'm going to feel that strong today.
11:37But hopefully, I can do better than last time.
11:53My goal is to do 100 today.
11:57I don't think chalk makes a big difference on this stuff.
11:59But I don't want to take any chances.
12:07Oh yeah, I feel strong today.
12:09I don't know why I'm grinning.
12:11I don't get this feeling while climbing ever really.
12:13So just having progression in something is really nice.
12:16My voice cracked.
12:19Day 2
12:25Hell yeah.
12:27That feels good.
12:28100 kilos.
12:29Should I go for a PR?
12:30Okay, 105 kilos.
12:32I mean, I have to go through failure every time.
12:36Day 3
12:47Well, I don't know.
12:49That didn't feel too far away.
12:52Maybe in a couple of weeks from now, I'm going to do this weight.
12:54I think so.
12:55I mean, I definitely think I can do this weight.
12:57Just need a little bit more time.
13:00Day 4
13:03So this today is not really a training session.
13:06I guess it's more of a testing session.
13:08I just want to see where I am now after three weeks.
13:11I feel like I struggle a bit with the upper part of the pull-up.
13:15So I think I'll focus more on that part in my next sessions.
13:18But I'm already feeling a lot stronger.
13:22It is December 7th.
13:25And I'm going to check my weight.
13:28I got a new scale actually.
13:30This one measures body fat percentages as well.
13:33Okay, let's see.
13:37Come on, turn on you piece of shit.
13:40Here we go.
13:43That's a lot for being in the morning like this.
13:46Other metrics.
13:47BMI of 24.2.
13:49Body fat percentage of 20.
13:51Oh, and something new that happened too is that I started taking...
13:55Why am I half naked?
13:58I also started taking a different type of creatine.
14:01And this one doesn't taste bad really.
14:04It's almost like I'm wondering, does it have to taste bad in order to be effective?
14:09But I've been feeling strong lately.
14:11Been feeling good and healthy and just like overall.
14:15Yeah, I don't know.
14:18I don't know.
14:19It might just be placebo, but I kind of like the creatine.
14:26Good morning guys.
14:27So it is December 20th.
14:30I got back from the French Foreign Legion like five days ago or something.
14:36And I was just wrecked.
14:38I lost a lot of weight I think during the tests and stuff.
14:42But after I got back, I ate so much food that I feel heavier than I've ever felt before.
14:48And I did some climbing and I don't think I felt so weak in years.
14:58It almost feels unsafe right now, you know?
15:01Landing with this much weight.
15:03I've never been this heavy before.
15:05And I think I'm going to get a lot heavier too.
15:08This is just the start.
15:10But I'm embracing this experience.
15:12I want to get heavier. I want to get stronger.
15:15That is the goal of this whole thing.
15:17So I'm not going to get frustrated.
15:19I'm not going to get nervous.
15:21I'm not going to get nervous.
15:23That is the goal of this whole thing.
15:25So I'm not going to get frustrated.
15:27I'm going to believe in the process.
15:28I'm going to keep going.
15:30So now I'm going to weigh myself.
15:31And this might be a shock because I think that I'm going to weigh a lot.
15:3574.8 kilos.
15:38This is definitely the heaviest I've been in so, so long.
15:41Look at this.
15:42Water is 60. That's good.
15:44And 74.8.
15:46But that is the goal, you know, to gain weight.
15:48I knew that was going to happen with creatine.
15:51And the thing is, in the beginning it was just water.
15:53But I think actually I've gained a little bit of muscle now too.
15:57So even if I stop taking creatine and the water leaves my body,
16:02which takes around two months or something,
16:04I still think that I've gained muscle weight as well.
16:10But it's good, you know.
16:11I'm 37 now, soon.
16:14Wait, am I 36 or am I 37?
16:18No, I'm 36.
16:20Yeah, no, I'm 36.
16:22All right.
16:24Yeah, and you know, as you get older, maintaining muscle mass is important.
16:30And I think this is the right time to start doing that.
16:33I'm excited about weighing more than I've ever done before.
16:35Even though my climbing has suffered a little bit,
16:37I think the long-term effect of this is going to be great.
16:45I'm excited to see if this creatine is actually working.
16:48Right now I'm the heaviest I've ever been.
16:51And I feel pretty strong.
16:53I have high hopes for today's session.
16:55Like I haven't felt that great up until now.
16:58But today I feel really great.
17:00My body feels younger again.
17:02I think that's the best way to explain it.
17:03And also I feel like the explosive power.
17:05I feel more muscular and I have more power and just more energy in general.
17:13So black is the hardest problem, or the hardest tag.
17:15I feel a little bit stronger today.
17:37That's crazy.
17:38Even though I'm like 74, 75 kilos right now, I feel pretty light.
17:48Let's go.
18:06I felt so clumsy the first couple of weeks.
18:09And now I just feel like I have a lot of energy.
18:13And I just feel really, really strong.
18:16Maybe my endurance is not the greatest.
18:18Probably not.
18:19But I think my max power has gone up a lot.
18:22So yeah, I don't know.
18:23So far I feel like this has been very successful.
18:26And I don't know.
18:27Maybe it's something I want to keep doing even after these two months.
18:30It feels really good.
18:42Okay, so it's been two months now exactly.
18:45It's the 13th of January.
18:48I take my creatine a little bit differently now.
18:51I don't have like a schedule of when I take it.
18:54So I just take a little scoop like that.
19:07I think that was about five grams.
19:10And then I might do another five.
19:16Usually I take it before working out.
19:19So it depends on when I work out.
19:21If I work out in the evening, I take it in the evening.
19:23If I work out in the morning, I take it in the morning.
19:26Oh jeez, 75.2 kilograms.
19:30So it looks like I'm still gaining a little bit of weight.
19:34But it's not as crazy as it was in the beginning.
19:37And today I'm also going to measure my arms because it's the last day.
19:42I'm going to measure my arms, my chest, everything to see if I've gotten any bigger.
19:48That was not really the goal.
19:50But I don't know. It's just interesting to see if I've gotten any bigger.
19:54And I'm going to test my max bench press and also weighted pull-ups.
20:02So the moment you've all been waiting for.
20:08It feels so awkward.
20:10I don't even know how to pose really.
20:12Like how do you do it?
20:13Is this it?
20:14I've seen this, people do this.
20:17But yeah, pretty big difference.
20:19I'm at my heaviest ever right now.
20:20So I'm going to see if it's all fat or if I actually gain some muscle.
20:24We're going to start with my right biceps.
20:26Last time it was 36.
20:29I'm really curious.
20:30I have not measured myself since last time.
20:33So it is 39 centimeters.
20:37So I've gained three centimeters just on my biceps.
20:41Maybe it's not biceps only. It could have been my triceps too.
20:44You know, from all the benching that I've done.
20:46I guess my arms are more accurate than calling it my biceps.
20:50Last time my left biceps was 34.5.
20:55Now it is 37.5.
20:58That is a big difference.
21:00And now the chest.
21:02This is probably going to be the most interesting because I've done a lot of benching.
21:05Also my girlfriend has said that your back and your chest looks a lot bigger.
21:10Okay, nipples.
21:11Like last time, like two months ago.
21:15Last time it was 103.
21:17Now it is 111.
21:21Oh my God.
21:22That is crazy.
21:24That is a big difference.
21:26103 and 111.
21:28Eight centimeters difference.
21:30That is massive.
21:32Okay, now the last measurement is going to be the waist.
21:35Last time it was 83.
21:37I mean, there's not really any reason for my waist to grow, I guess.
21:42But it probably has with everything else.
21:44So it's 85.
21:47It was 83, so two centimeters bigger.
21:50That was a massive difference.
21:52Arms and chest especially gotten a lot bigger.
21:56Now I'm going to see if I can set a new PR in bench press and weighted pull-ups.
22:01At the beginning of this, the goal was to do 110 kilos in bench press.
22:06By the end of this, I want to do 110.
22:09I think that was a pretty high goal for only training two months and not doing it like a lot.
22:15I think that was a pretty high goal that I set myself.
22:17And hopefully I can do it tonight.
22:19I do have a few clips that I shot with my phone of me failing on 110.
22:26I do feel like I'm close though.
22:28So I hope that I can do 110 tonight.
22:41So it's all been leading up to this moment right here.
22:44I'm a little bit nervous.
22:45I have tried 110 kilos before, but I failed.
22:49Looking back at the first time doing this,
22:53that was my fifth day of taking creatine.
22:55I failed on 100.
22:57I wasn't even close to doing 100.
22:58And now that is not my warm-up weight,
23:00but it's something that I think should be pretty easy.
23:08The thing is, I only have a few good attempts.
23:12So if I don't do 110 on the first lift or second lift, I think it's done.
23:19I don't have enough power.
23:20And I don't recommend anyone else doing this when you're alone.
23:23This is very dangerous.
23:25Like if I broke an arm or something and got that weight on my chest,
23:29and there's no one else here to save me, it's like super dangerous.
23:32So do not try this at home or anywhere else for that matter.
23:37It's the first time I actually feel a little bit of nerves.
23:39You know, it's the last chance.
23:41It's the last day of doing this.
23:43It's taken quite a lot of effort to film this video.
23:46And it's all led up to this moment.
23:49And also the weighted pull-ups afterwards.
23:53Okay, perfect lift.
24:03Oh, that was easy too.
24:06Oh, that was good.
24:07That felt super, super easy.
24:10You know what? I'm going to go up a little bit.
24:12I'm going to do 112.5.
24:14God damn, that felt so easy that time.
24:17I was honestly like super surprised that it went so easy.
24:28Oh, that's amazing.
24:31What the hell?
24:32I got to show you too that, look, this is 20 kilos.
24:38That is incredible.
24:40112.5, the new PR.
24:44It makes me almost want to keep going, you know?
24:46I think it'd be really cool to do twice my body weight.
24:49It's something that I miss about climbing, you know?
24:51The fact that I will never be as good as I once was.
24:55But with this sort of stuff, I have so much, like, I can still improve so much.
25:00I'm going to try weighted pull-ups now and see if I've had any progression with that.
25:11So the thing about this though is that I now weigh five kilos more.
25:15The total weight now, even if I'm pulling the same,
25:18I'm pulling seven, eight percent more than I used to.
25:22I am pretty sure that this is more than I've ever lifted.
25:35Oh yeah, easy.
25:37I'm pretty sure that was over.
25:39Okay, now I've got to try 70 kilos.
25:41I never thought I would be close to this weight.
25:49Maybe not quite.
25:52That was very close.
25:53I think that was as close as I was doing 65 before.
26:01That's really cool.
26:02It's been fun the last few months.
26:04It was a little bit frustrating in the beginning because I felt heavy.
26:07I didn't feel strong climbing.
26:09But then my body started getting used to the weight
26:12and I progressively felt stronger and stronger.
26:15And now I feel really, really strong.
26:23So after two months of taking creatine,
26:26my conclusion is that I do think that creatine can be beneficial for any climber
26:32who are looking to get physically stronger.
26:35If you want me to make similar videos in the future,
26:37please comment down below.
26:39And thank you guys so much for watching.
26:42I'll see you in the next one.
