PREP FOR SPRING BREAK || Choatic mess: shopping, nails, everything shower, etc!!
TIKTOK AND INSTAGRAM : @alisson.gonzalez07
Business 📧
TIKTOK AND INSTAGRAM : @alisson.gonzalez07
Business 📧
00:00What up guys? Welcome back. If you know anything about me, I overpack my schedule every single
00:11day. So I'm always in a rush. I'm always late. Today's Tuesday. My spring break pretty much
00:15starts Thursday. I have not prepped at all. So today we're going to prep. I have a two
00:18hour window to get everything I need to get done, done. Because later today I'm going
00:22prom dress shopping. It's an hour away and we need to leave at four and I really want
00:26to look good for this appointment. So we're going to do my hair right now. But anyways,
00:29welcome back guys. The chaos has begun. Most of you guys have guessed it, but my friend
00:34Ava Ray is coming into town. Today's Tuesday, as I said, and she comes in town on Thursday
00:38night. So today I'm going to target and get some snacks for when she's here. My dad meal
00:42prepped so much food also. That's his love language is making food for people. So we
00:46meal prepped rice, ground beef, burgers. We'll have a fully stocked fridge when she's here.
00:51I'm so excited. And I'm like the biggest planner in the entire world. So we already have every
00:55single day planned out. I'm also going to try to stop by the mall and do some shopping.
00:58I'm going to get my toes done. I'm going to quickly finish my hair and then we got to
01:02get going. All right, let's go. Literally who told me to go to the mall? Bro, are we
01:17so dead serious? The entire interstate is red. Why is there traffic? Like actually tell
01:22me why is there traffic? It's only one exit. So maybe I could just ride this lane all the
01:27way to the exit. JK. We have come to a stop. I don't understand traffic. Like why can't
01:31we just go? Especially on the interstate. Like what are we stopping for? It's not like
01:35there's stoplights, but I'm gonna be patient. So let's just go over what we need to buy.
01:38I love lesser evil popcorn. My favorite thing ever. And I love snacking on it. So I already
01:44know that I need to stock up my car with snacks because we're going to have some long drives
01:48this week. I want to get maybe some pretzels for her. She said that she likes what I like,
01:53so I'm just going to stock up on my favorites. I want to get yogurt, the Chobani 20 grams
01:57of protein one, specifically strawberry. I want to get peach Elanis. Guys, don't even
02:01get me started. I'm going to rant right now. Why? Like really tell me why Celsius thought
02:05that they needed to buy out Elani. Elani was so good. Like she was up here. Celsius was
02:10all the way down here. The formula is like medicine to me. I don't like it. And now they
02:15just bought out Elani, which I just doubt that the formula will stay the same. They're definitely
02:18going to tweak it in one way or another. They better keep the same packaging because it's so
02:22cute. And I went to Publix yesterday to get an Elani before my workout. Why was there no Elanis?
02:28And there was a little sign that says we are currently not selling this. What do you mean?
02:32Literally, what do you mean? So if there's no Elani at Target, which I know that they're always
02:37stocked, we're going to have an issue. Actually, it's probably a blessing because I've been trying
02:40to back off of it and I've been pretty good with it. Like I only have one like once or twice a
02:44week because I was getting addicted there. I'll see you guys when I get to Target. We have made
02:48it. Senior assassin is currently going on and your only form of protection is goggles or a floaty.
02:52And I don't know who has me yet, but I don't want to wear my goggles in Target. I think I'm just
02:56going to risk it. Let's go into Target and get all the goods we need to get.
03:14That was quick and very successful. So let's do a haul. I got two packs of these because I had
03:25been looking everywhere for them. At Publix, they like don't have the salty version. They only have
03:30the Himalayan sweetness. So I got two packs of this eight pack. Here's one, here's the other.
03:35Those are just perfect to take when we're on the go because we're going to be on the go a lot. And
03:38then I actually love these. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but gluten-free pretzels
03:43are like so much better than regular pretzels. Also for when we're on the go, I got these lightly
03:47salted almond packs just because it's just so easy to just grab and go. And then I got four
03:52of my favorite Elanis. We're back to the peach flavor. And then I've seen people talk about this
03:56and I wanted to try it. It's the purely Elizabeth organic granola. Honestly, let's just try it right
04:02now. Mmm, cinnamon. Okay, that's pretty good. I got this four pack of Okie's pro yogurt. This is
04:08a 20 gram of protein one, the strawberry flavor. This mixed berry pack of fruit, which we can make
04:14like acai bowl or smoothie bowls with the granola also. It is now 2.40, so I need to be back at the
04:19house and ready to go by like 4, 4.15. So I think I have time to head over to the mall or should I go
04:25to T.J. Maxx and Marshalls? Okay, I'm thinking to just go to T.J. Maxx or Marshalls because I don't
04:32need much clothing right now, but cute little knickknacks are necessary. So let's head over
04:35there. Made it! Let's go.
04:55I'm going to a concert on Thursday before I go pick up Ava from the airport. So I was thinking
04:59this top, but I think it's too big because there's so much space right here. I would actually flash
05:03somebody. I love the color, but it's far too big. I would flash everybody again. Okay, I have literally
05:09so many white maxi skirts, but the print on this is so cute. I love the detailing. However,
05:14I definitely do not need another one. I have like four.
05:22All right, done at Marshalls. That was actually kind of successful. This was my first purchase and
05:25when I tell you I walked in and saw this and I was like, I need it. I have seen these on TikTok
05:29and they're the most gorgeous bags ever. Like the detailing is so beautiful. I've been loving
05:36coral orange. I think it's beautiful, the color of the summer. So I got it and I'm actually in love
05:41with it. So many fun details all over it. This is the exact vibe I wanted to get for spring break.
05:45Oh my gosh, this is handcrafted in India. It was $30, which is a bit pricey, but it is just so
05:50detailed and so amazing. They had such a great bag selection today. So I also got this little pouch.
05:56I love the detailing on it. Like this colorway, like the cream and the light blue is my favorite
06:01and I think I'm gonna put this in my beach bag for all of my beach products, like the sunscreens,
06:06the hairbrush. This one was $12.99. My boyfriend's calling, but quickly I'll show you the last thing
06:12and then I'm gonna head home because it's already 3.30. I got these clips. They're so fun. There's
06:17a seahorse and then a little starfish one, but let's head home because I have to get ready for
06:22prompter shopping. It is much later and as I said in the beginning, I want to get everything done
06:25today, so I didn't get the time to go to a nail place to get my toes done, so we made the nail
06:31place at home. Ow! Toes by mom. I have gel on, so she's trying to figure out how to take it off,
06:36but we need to get new fresh toes for spring break.
06:39Pero yo no puedo.
06:40Si puedes.
06:41Toes are done. I need to let them dry. So I failed. It is now the next day and we're gonna continue
06:46prepping. Right now I'm going to go work out and it's actually my rest day, but I'm doing pilates
06:51and cardio and then guys, one thing that I feel like just makes you look 10 times better is being
06:56tan and the uv is gonna be like 9 or 10 today, so I need to hurry up and get my workout done so I
07:01can go outside and tan. Let's go work out. It's a short walk to my sister's room. Her room's always
07:05quite messy, so let's make this look like a pilates studio.
07:16All right, it's pretty organized now, so let's turn on my youtube video and do like a 30-35
07:20minute pilates workout.
07:45All right, just finished the pilates. Now I'm gonna head out to my treadmill and go walk.
07:48Emma just went out to tan and I really really want to go join her, so let's quickly go do this walk.
07:58Done! I am watching Lexie Hidalgo and Gabe's podcast, but let's check the uv.
08:05It's currently a 9. Let's go put my swimsuit on and let's go tan.
08:19It is now day 3 of prepping. I just cleaned my entire room. I had such a mess in here, but I put
08:27all my clothes away, got everything cleaned, and now I'm gonna go take my everything shower. It is
08:30currently 10.50. I didn't go to school today. Today's Thursday and Ava flies in at 9 o'clock tonight
08:35and me and Maddie are going to a Hudson Westbrook concert right before, so it's gonna be a day, but
08:39I'm gonna take an everything shower. Shower is complete. It is now 2.32. I showered and got
08:44straight to editing, but I forgot that I want to prep a room for her. She's gonna be here for like
08:48four or five days, so if she wants her alone time, I'm gonna prep a room for her, so let's go do that.
08:53Um, so this is the current state of this room. Oh my gosh. I'm going to a concert and I actually like
08:58need to start getting ready, like it's 2.30. We want to leave at 5, which definitely is enough
09:03time, but I still need to edit my video and I don't even know what I'm wearing for this concert,
09:07so you could say that this prep is low-key a fail because I feel way unprepared, like way unprepared,
09:12but let's try to figure this out. This is our closet of suitcases.
09:19There's that. I'm literally gonna shove so many things in here. Okay, like literally, where do I
09:24even start? Like I have a Christmas tree in here. This is a bag of clothes that we want to give away,
09:29so I'm gonna put the other clothes around here and here. We got two bags of clothes. I'm gonna
09:36scoop the couch a little bit so I can move this. I'm gonna make this into a bed. Oh yeah, boom,
09:46boom, and I'm gonna put like pillows and a blanket for her just in case she wants to
09:50use this room. She probably won't even end up using this room. So many bags.
09:57The Christmas tree is falling out of the box.
09:59This Christmas tree is on the verge of falling out of here. I'm gonna close this up. I'm just gonna
10:09put this. Okay, I think that's as good as it's gonna get. I'm gonna bring in some pillows and
10:15some blankets. All righty. You guys are just not ready. I'm not ready for the week I'm about to
10:22have. I am like so excited, yet I need to get my work, my schoolwork done because it stresses me
10:27out. Like I'm still in college classes right now and they are stressing me out. I'm gonna go finish
10:31everything I gotta do and I will see you guys in the next video which will be my spring break vlog.
10:36Prepare yourself because it's gonna be a fun one. I'll see you guys then. Bye.