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The Rookie - Season 7 Episode 10 ,
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The Rookie - S 7 Ep 10 ,


00:00Previously on The Root.
00:02It's Lisa. She's got shot. We gotta get her out of there.
00:05I have confirmed that Seth lied to me on two separate occasions. He can't stay.
00:08It's Dr. Gray.
00:09I finally got my lab results, and my cancer is back.
00:12But we caught it early, and the doctor says that I should still be able to work.
00:16This is James, palling around with Leonard Kelsey.
00:19He's an anti-police extremist.
00:22I love you, and I am so sorry.
00:31Just saying, a 10 p.m. weekday meetup feels like payback for everything I put her through as a rookie.
00:36Oh, shush. She's just excited to show us the new guy she's dating.
00:42Oh, I gotta go. Hey!
00:46Thank you so much for coming.
00:47Of course.
00:48I know, it's late.
00:49Oh, for us oldies?
00:50No, that's not what I said.
00:52There's Raj. Raj, hey!
00:55Okay, so this is John and Bailey.
00:57It is so nice to officially meet you both.
00:59You too.
01:00You look so familiar.
01:01That's a good one. I can see why Selena adores you.
01:03And don't get me started on how much she looks up to you.
01:05What a renaissance woman.
01:06Hey, Raj!
01:07I gotta go. I'm up. I'll see you guys in there.
01:09Okay, see ya.
01:11Isn't he great?
01:12Nice and nice.
01:13He's so cute.
01:24I'm telling you, I know this guy from somewhere.
01:26Well, actually, about that...
01:31Thank you guys for coming out to the single release party for my new song, 9-1-1.
01:35I want to give a special shout out to the OG daddy cop, John Nolan, for being such a good sport.
01:40I was going to tell you, but then I didn't because I was afraid about how you'd react.
01:44And now I feel completely justified in my fear.
01:46And also realizing how much of a terrible mistake I've made in springing this on you in this moment.
01:51No, you're off duty, but even in blue jeans
01:56That beautiful booty don't quit
02:01Don't wanna bother you, officer, honey
02:06I just have to tell you something
02:12On the day I saw an angel walking down my street
02:18I kept it short and she said, short of going out with me
02:24Don't know how, but I forgot to take her number down
02:30And had to figure out a way to bring her back around
02:369-1-1, say you're curious
02:39I know I shouldn't do this
02:429-1-1, she had these eyes
02:469-1-1, say you're curious
02:50I'm doing something stupid
02:539-1-1, she saved my life
03:05Thanks again for helping us.
03:07Are you kidding? I can use the side money.
03:09Getting shot is expensive, even when you work at a hospital.
03:12You good?
03:14Okay, what do you need?
03:16Nothing right now.
03:22Okay, I'll make it back for the night shift.
03:24Make sure he walks every three hours.
03:27The road back to normal is gonna be long, isn't it?
03:30It is. I'm not even quite 100%.
03:33But you've got each other.
03:40All right. Take care.
03:44Where are the kids?
03:46I told you, they are back at my mom's house for a few days while you get settled in.
03:50Hey, come sit with me.
03:52I have so much to do. I have to get everything.
03:54Please, just for a minute.
04:15I don't see the problem.
04:17The problem is she's dating a psychopath.
04:19That's not... Okay, wait. I have heard the song.
04:21Arrest me, but make it sexy.
04:24It's... It's funny, and so is the new one.
04:27Yeah, at my expense.
04:31I don't understand why men take everything so seriously.
04:34I don't see how you could generalize something like that.
04:39I don't know.
04:43We got an emergency.
04:54Get out.
04:59Smitty, I don't see a raccoon.
05:01It was here, and it was vicious.
05:03It must have escaped into the wall.
05:05What's going on?
05:06Smitty thinks he saw a raccoon.
05:07I don't think I know.
05:09At least six of the 13 donuts I snuck in here to eat are gone.
05:13You were gonna eat 13 donuts all by yourself?
05:15It's not the point, boot.
05:17Okay, well, if there is a raccoon,
05:20we can't have it running around loose in the station.
05:22I've had a fair amount of experience
05:24trapping farmers back in Texas.
05:25Great, you're officially on raccoon duty.
05:27Expect this thing neutralized by lunch, by any means necessary.
05:29No, don't listen to him.
05:31You can't kill it or hurt it in any way.
05:33It has to be trapped humanely.
05:35I'll say a prayer, kid.
05:38Be nice.
05:40Do what you have to do.
05:51The front desk just called.
05:52Said you were coming.
05:53Yeah, sorry to just drop by.
05:55No, it's a good surprise.
05:56Last night was fun.
05:57It was so much fun.
05:58Can I kiss you?
06:00Should I kiss you at work?
06:02It's best you don't.
06:04Anyway, the reason I'm here is
06:06there's been a bit of a crime,
06:08and I've had bad experiences calling 911 before.
06:10Well, not a problem.
06:11What's happening?
06:12Someone broke into my studio last night
06:14and stole all my gear.
06:15This guitar is the only thing they left.
06:17That's terrible.
06:18Look, there have been a string of burglaries
06:20in your neighborhood recently.
06:21They also spray-painted a die on the wall like six times.
06:24Okay, now that makes it seem personal.
06:25You think?
06:26I do.
06:27Oh, it's you.
06:28Hey, thank you again so much for coming last night.
06:31I'm really glad there's no hard feelings.
06:32It's all in fun, right?
06:35I need you.
06:36Excuse me.
06:37Sure thing.
06:38Have a great day.
06:40Heat is so nice.
06:44Yes, sir. What's going on?
06:45Get over to St. Stephen.
06:46Three girls were just found stabbed in Griffin Park.
06:48EMTs are rushing them to the hospital.
06:50How old are they?
06:52Just sit. We're on it.
06:54I don't think I will ever get over the whiplash of this job.
06:57One minute we're having fun with raccoons,
06:59and the next we're dealing with the horrors of stabbed children.
07:0313-year-old female.
07:04Multiple stab wounds to her abdomen and chest.
07:07Her respiratory rate has been 30.
07:08She's tachycardic with a heart rate of 150.
07:10She's critical.
07:11Start a unit of Oneg and prepare for OR stat.
07:13Yes, doctor.
07:14Patient number two.
07:15Superficial stab wounds,
07:16lacerations from her bilateral upper extremities.
07:18Vitals are stable.
07:19Bleeding is well-controlled.
07:20Copy. Move her to an ER bay.
07:21She needs sutures.
07:22Got it.
07:23Third patient suffered multiple stab wounds to bilateral hands.
07:26Looks like bleeding is well-controlled.
07:27Vital signs are stable.
07:29Take her to another ER bay.
07:30Minor stitches.
07:35How are they?
07:36Grace is critical.
07:37The others who aren't, thank God.
07:38They know the attacker?
07:39Ava just said it was some man in a mask.
07:41He attacked Grace out of nowhere.
07:42Her and Charlotte went up to help.
07:43He stabbed them and then ran off.
07:45We're gonna need a better description for the bolo.
07:47And also the parents' contact information.
07:49God, this is their parents' worst nightmare.
07:54Do you have any enemies?
07:56That sounds so hardcore.
07:59I'm not a feudal prince or an overly noble constable.
08:01Right, but it seems appropriate
08:03given someone wrote die on your wall six times.
08:05Might have been ten.
08:06I stopped counting.
08:07Either way.
08:08I mean, it potentially escalates to a hate crime,
08:10so we need to take it seriously.
08:15I can't think of anyone who hates me.
08:17Well, uh, in theory, and we're just talking here,
08:21Officer Nolan could have considered you an enemy
08:24after you mocked him in song twice.
08:27I wasn't mocking him.
08:28Cop cuties, cuten on duty,
08:30navy blue booties, go ahead and lock me up.
08:32What's mocking about that?
08:33I mean, I get that, but again, in theory,
08:36if he was less open-minded,
08:38he might not have liked it.
08:40So does anyone like that come to mind?
08:43Well, yeah.
08:47Hey, calendar boys
08:50You should stick to posing
08:53No, nobody wants your big, wet hoses
09:01Ordered some cookies
09:04That still have not come
09:07Give me back my money
09:10You need to be stopped
09:21Have you heard about e-mail?
09:28This is Wade.
09:29Wade, it's Jack Bell from the Tower.
09:31Hey, Warden, how's it going?
09:32Not great. Got a bit of a riot.
09:34I'm sending you some inmates to house while we deal with it.
09:36Hold on, I got a pretty full house here.
09:38They're already on their way.
09:39Penal code section 2910.5
09:41gives me the authority to use local detention facilities as necessary.
09:44Oh, oh, how many inmates?
09:46I gotta go, thanks.
09:51Twin Towers are shipping in some inmates to house,
09:53so we need to make room.
09:54Never a dull moment.
10:00How many are we holding?
10:01Baker's dozen. Ten men, three women.
10:03Okay, we need to decide on who we can
10:04to make room for inmates coming from the Towers.
10:06How many inmates?
10:07I don't know.
10:08Okay, but I just came on duty,
10:09and these are all holdovers from midnight shift,
10:11so let me see who we got.
10:25That's bad, right?
10:26What the hell?
10:31Computers just went down.
10:32Here, too.
10:34A software update just took down
10:36law enforcement computers across the state.
10:39Sir, inmate bus from the Towers is about to land.
10:42Copy that.
10:43Sir, inmate bus from the Towers is about to land.
10:46Copy that.
11:06Traffic was a nightmare.
11:08You okay?
11:09Hair condition's out on the bus,
11:11breakfast burrito's beating me up a little.
11:13Who do we have on the bus?
11:14I don't know.
11:15What do you mean, you don't know?
11:17Where's the list?
11:18It's all digital now.
11:19They had wristbands with QR codes to scan.
11:22And we can't scan them because our systems are down.
11:27I heard that on the radio.
11:29Guess you're just gonna have to ask them.
11:31Ha, ha.
11:47Whoa, whoa.
11:48Oh, my God.
11:49Get me an ambulance.
11:50He's having a heart attack.
11:51Requesting an RA unit to the police loading dock.
11:53Oh, my God!
12:01Y'all haven't seen a raccoon around, have you?
12:10So, what happens now?
12:12I guess I'll just have to do your report over again by hand.
12:16Bartos, you're with me.
12:19I gotta go.
12:20No worries.
12:42Yo, I gotta pee.
12:44Yeah, me too.
12:46Hold it.
12:47Man, you know how bad that is for your body.
12:49I've only been able to get IDs on two of the 13 suspects in holding,
12:52so we can't cite anyone else.
12:54And one of the unknowns has Hill Street Boys gang tats.
12:56Which means we can't put him in the cell with the three inmates we brought in with the Ghostland tats.
12:59And we can't put any of them in with the female suspects.
13:02Start calling Midnight Shift.
13:03Find out who made these arrests and get IDs.
13:05They're gonna be asleep.
13:06Then wake them up.
13:07Yes, sir.
13:12This is crazy.
13:13What can I do to help?
13:14Get all the shackles we have and the restraint chair.
13:17Their parents have been notified, but Charlotte's are out of town.
13:20She was staying with Grace and her mom until they got back.
13:22Ava's dad is on his way in, but the mother's not alive.
13:25Any update on the girls?
13:27Grace is still in surgery.
13:28Charlotte's being looked at.
13:30And Ava's been stitched up and is waiting to talk to you.
13:34Hi, Ava.
13:35I'm John.
13:36This is Lucy.
13:37We just need to ask you a few questions about what happened.
13:40We hear that you and Charlotte slept over at Grace's last night?
13:44We watched a couple of movies,
13:45and then Grace was telling us about this family of deer
13:48she'd seen on a trail behind her house.
13:50We got up early to see if we can try and find them.
13:52Did you pass anyone?
13:53Or was someone following you, maybe?
13:55I don't know.
13:56I mean, I wasn't really looking.
13:59We got to the spot where Grace said she'd seen the deer,
14:02and this man came out of the trees with a big knife.
14:07He started yelling and stabbing Grace.
14:11I'm sorry, but can you describe the man at all?
14:14Any details you remember can be helpful.
14:16He was tall, big overcoat, black mask,
14:21and he was white, I think.
14:24I'm sorry.
14:25That's all I can remember right now.
14:27That's okay.
14:29Your dad will be here soon, okay?
14:32I'll be back to check on you in a few minutes, okay?
14:34Yeah, thanks.
14:36We need to update the ball.
14:38The system's still down.
14:39I'll have a dispatch put it online.
14:44What are you doing here?
14:45They're pulling everybody in because of the network outage,
14:48and I couldn't just sit on the couch
14:50and watch you guys get put through the ringer.
14:52How are you feeling?
14:53Good, for the most part.
14:55You know, the nights are a little tough,
14:57but other cancer patients have it so much worse.
15:00Where do you want me?
15:01You know what, Ray?
15:02Actually, I was about to make a call
15:03to get some officers here to guard these girls,
15:05so that works great.
15:07Is it okay if I introduce myself to her?
15:10Let her know that I'm here to protect her?
15:13Yeah, that seems nice.
15:15Yeah, I'll take you in.
15:18Heads up.
15:19Grace's mom and Ava's dad have just landed.
15:22No, this is your fault!
15:23This is what you do to me!
15:24This is not my fault!
15:25He never paid attention!
15:26No, how dare you accuse me!
15:27You were in charge of them!
15:29How did you let them get away?
15:30Grace has never snuck out before.
15:31Your daughter's the one who does whatever she wants,
15:33just like her dad.
15:34Listen, we went out, I broke it off.
15:36Get over it already!
15:37Okay, let's take it down a notch.
15:39Where's Grace?
15:40She's in surgery.
15:41She was hurt pretty bad.
15:42The doctors are doing what they can.
15:44Oh, my God.
15:45Look, why don't we go see if we can get an update
15:47from the doctor?
15:48What about Ava?
15:49Her wounds were minor,
15:50and you will be able to see her soon,
15:52but I have to ask you some questions.
15:54Okay, fine.
15:55Actually, could you take a seat, please?
15:57I'll be right with you.
15:58Hey, we found the knife in the woods,
16:00basic kitchen blade,
16:01TID couldn't find a fingerprint on it,
16:03attacker must have worn gloves.
16:04What's going on here?
16:05There's no update on the girls in surgery yet,
16:07but we just found out that Ava's dad
16:09and Grace's mom used to date,
16:10and there is some serious bad blood between them.
16:13Mr. Maxwell, this is Detective Lopez.
16:16She'll be taking your statement.
16:18Look, I just want to see my kid, okay?
16:20I ran out of an important meeting to get here.
16:22Yes, sir.
16:23Let's go find a quiet place to talk,
16:24and then I'll take you to her.
16:31There's no room.
16:32Sure there is.
16:33All the way in.
16:36See? Plenty of space.
16:40Do you want to go in there, too?
16:42No, ma'am.
16:43Then stop eyeballing me.
16:47Miller said the kid with frosted tips in one
16:49can be cited out on misdemeanor for trespassing
16:51and possession of burglary tools,
16:53but get prints.
16:54We are officially at capacity.
16:56I collected all the bracelets from the bus.
16:58The good news, there's only one red tag.
17:02So we have one hyperviolent criminal
17:03packed like a sardine with gang members, DUI drivers,
17:05and people who forgot court dates,
17:06and we don't know who it is.
17:08Any luck with the warden?
17:09Negative. We're on our own.
17:10All right, we're going old school.
17:12I want you to grab photos of every inmate,
17:13send it to the department text chain.
17:15Someone's bound to get recognized.
17:16You get a hit,
17:17I want you to write their name and charge on their arm.
17:19Okay, got it, but I-I could use some help.
17:22No, I'm-I'm good. I'm good.
17:24Go get Penn off raccoon duty.
17:26He's with Watters.
17:27On it.
17:29All right.
17:30You've been a worthy adversary,
17:32but I'm turning up the heat.
17:34Prepare to be bested by the power of peanut butter.
17:38Peanut butter.
18:01Grab for me.
18:04Grab him!
18:05Thanks a lot, Mr. Smitty.
18:07You almost had him.
18:08I'm a lover, not a fighter.
18:10Is that my peanut butter?
18:13We are so glad you're okay, Charlotte.
18:16How's Grace?
18:18She is still in surgery.
18:20I know this is difficult,
18:22but we do need to ask you some questions.
18:24It's important that we talk while the memories are still fresh.
18:27It'll be okay, honey.
18:28You just tell me if you need to take a break.
18:32So what can you tell us about the attack?
18:34Some man came out of nowhere.
18:36Started stabbing us.
18:38Grace first.
18:41It was so scary.
18:43I need you both.
18:46Be right back.
18:48We got a problem.
18:50Did something happen with Ava's dad?
18:51No, his alibi is being checked.
18:53The problem is Ava.
18:54I just talked to the doctor who stitched her up.
18:56The cuts on her right hand are problematic.
18:58Problematic how?
18:59Given the placement, angle, and depth,
19:01they appear not to be defensive wounds.
19:04There are cuts from her hands
19:06slipping down from the hilt of the blade.
19:08We've seen it before.
19:09You stab someone so hard, you cut yourself.
19:11Wait, okay.
19:12So if Ava stabbed her friends,
19:14then why did Charlotte just tell us the same story
19:16about how they got attacked by a man?
19:18Because they're both mine.
19:26I think I'll handle the bathroom by myself from now on.
19:30Okay, what if you fall?
19:31Oh, then I fall.
19:32Some moments should be private.
19:35All right, I'm gonna make some lunch.
19:38We really need to talk.
19:40No, I don't think now is the time.
19:42Now is the perfect time.
19:43I'm injured, you'll pull your punches.
19:46I want a fair fight.
19:48Look, I know you're mad
19:50about the photo of me with Leonard Kelsey.
19:52The photo is not the problem.
19:54It's the fact that you had a known fugitive
19:56inside our house.
19:57That is the problem.
19:58An innocent fugitive.
20:00It doesn't matter, James.
20:01I am out here recruiting police
20:03who are willing to champion reform
20:05from inside the department.
20:07I just, I need you to have my back.
20:10Not go behind it.
20:14What's that?
20:15Inmates from the towers.
20:16Tim needs help IDing them.
20:18The computers are down.
20:19Okay, arrested him, arrested him.
20:22This dude stabbed me.
20:23You know anybody?
20:25I don't feel comfortable.
20:27They're already incarcerated, James.
20:29Okay, it's just as much for their safety
20:31as it is for ours.
20:38That's Lamar Hill.
20:40Troubled kid.
20:41Violent household.
20:42Any idea the crime he's in for?
20:44Armed robbery.
20:47Hey, yeah, okay.
20:49Number 15 is Lamar Hill.
20:51Armed robbery.
20:52Number two looks like Charlie Wax.
20:55But check and see if he has a skull tattoo
20:57on his abdomen.
20:58And number five,
21:00ask him if Mike Sally still hates him.
21:02If he does, then that is Hakeem Anderson.
21:05I gotta go, all right?
21:06Good luck.
21:08Hey, hey.
21:09It's okay, all right?
21:16Sorry for keeping you waiting.
21:17You got a lot going on.
21:20This the girl?
21:21Ava Maxwell, 13.
21:22Dad's in reception.
21:23Hasn't asked for a lawyer.
21:25Well, you didn't tell him
21:26that you suspect she's involved?
21:27I said we had more questions to ask
21:29now that she's been released from the hospital.
21:31But I don't fully trust the guy
21:32wasn't involved himself.
21:33He had a bad relationship with Grace's mother.
21:35What's our obligations here?
21:37I mean, it's a fine line.
21:39As a minor, once she's taken into custody,
21:41California law requires that she consult
21:43with a lawyer before you speak with her.
21:45But I haven't taken her into custody.
21:46Then you need to make that very clear.
21:48She's free to leave at any time.
21:49Otherwise, any defense attorney with assault
21:51will argue that this interview is inadmissible.
21:58Hey, you're back.
22:00Thought you might be thirsty.
22:02I'm not supposed to have soda.
22:04Well, I think today's an exception.
22:07How's your hand feeling?
22:10Doctor said it's gonna start itching
22:11in the next couple days.
22:13Oof, that's the worst.
22:15But you feel up to talking to me?
22:19If you change your mind
22:20or you want to talk to your dad,
22:22just let me know, okay?
22:27She's just about to start.
22:28Wesley's here with me.
22:29I'm putting you on speaker.
22:30We're recording both girls in real time.
22:32All right, Charlotte,
22:33let's just start from the beginning.
22:34Let's start at the beginning.
22:35Whose idea was it to go to the park?
22:38She wanted to show us the deer.
22:39The trail's right behind Grace's building.
22:41So we thought we can go and come back
22:43before Grace's mom woke up.
22:44So we walked up the trail.
22:46So we walked the trail.
22:47But the deer weren't there.
22:49The deer weren't there.
22:50There was this rustling sound behind us.
22:54And a man came out in a big overcoat.
22:57He had this big overcoat.
22:59Black mask.
23:00The mask was black.
23:01Big knife.
23:02And he had a knife.
23:03And he started stabbing Grace.
23:05How did you get cut?
23:06We tried to help Grace.
23:08But then he started stabbing us, too.
23:10I screamed as loud as I could.
23:12Even I screamed as loud as we could.
23:14He got scared and ran off.
23:15And he ran off.
23:16What about Grace?
23:17Did she scream, too?
23:18She just kept saying,
23:20She just kept saying,
23:29I'd like to see my dad now, please.
23:33Can you take her to see her dad?
23:34And stay with him?
23:40Girls' stories are exactly the same.
23:42And I mean exactly.
23:43You think they rehearsed it?
23:45That's the only rational explanation.
23:47To come from the trauma of a violent attack
23:49With precisely matching language?
23:51I mean, what 13-year-old says overcoat?
23:57You are planted here until I tell you otherwise.
23:59If you need to go 10-1,
24:01Make sure you call somebody to replace you.
24:04You think this guy's really gonna come back for her?
24:06I think...
24:07I think there is no guy.
24:11Holy cow.
24:12That's wild.
24:13She seemed so innocent.
24:18Dr. Roberts.
24:19It's, um...
24:20So great to see you.
24:21This is my training officer, Lucy Chen.
24:25How do you two know each other?
24:26Well, Dr. Roberts used to be my oncologist.
24:29Used to be?
24:32I, um...
24:34Now I'm seeing Dr. Hasnoff.
24:37My cancer came back.
24:39I am so sorry to hear that.
24:41Why didn't you call me?
24:43You know, I...
24:44Whole new insurance plan.
24:45My new GP referred me to Hasnoff.
24:49Um, well...
24:50Take care of yourself, and...
24:52You know, if you need anything, call my office.
24:56Nice to meet you.
24:57Yeah, you too.
25:02It's annoying you had to change doctors.
25:05Yeah, totally.
25:06She's great.
25:08But between us,
25:09She was really hard to get appointments with.
25:11You know, she, uh...
25:12She made me wait a lot.
25:13Don't let Charlotte out of your sight,
25:15And call me if anything happens.
25:19Uh, can I talk to you?
25:25Have you ever dealt with an oncologist named, um...
25:30Not directly, but I have heard of him.
25:34In a bad way?
25:38He has been in trouble with the hospital
25:40And the medical review board
25:42On many occasions.
25:45My rookie, Seth,
25:47He just switched to him
25:48After his cancer came back.
25:51You're leaving something out.
25:54I will not tell Wade,
25:55Unless I need to.
25:57I have caught Seth
25:59In several serious lies
26:01About his personal life over the last month.
26:03You think he's lying about his cancer coming back?
26:06Uh, I know that sounds crazy.
26:09Okay, so, he...
26:11He said that he had to change his oncologist
26:13Because of our insurance.
26:15Is that a thing?
26:16I am very familiar with LAPD coverage.
26:18You can pick any doctor and submit for reimbursement.
26:21But if I needed a doctor to lie for me,
26:24Hasnoff is who I would go to.
26:34Look, you're right and you're wrong.
26:35The LAPD does monitor medical claims,
26:37But they're only looking for potential liability.
26:39No doctor is actually examining Seth's lab work.
26:41So what do I do?
26:42He's a rookie. He's got no right to medical privacy.
26:44Get to the hospital and draw his blood.
26:45If he refuses, you got your answer.
26:49I gotta go.
26:56I'll meet you over here. Come to the bench.
27:13Hey, hey, listen up!
27:15All right, we're making a change.
27:17I want roll call cleared out.
27:42I want roll call cleared out.
27:43I want roll call cleared out.
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28:21I want roll call cleared out.
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28:23I want roll call cleared out.
28:24I want roll call cleared out.
28:25I want roll call cleared out.
28:26I want roll call cleared out.
28:27I want roll call cleared out.
28:28I want roll call cleared out.
28:29I want roll call cleared out.
28:30Like you want to attack me, I think probably option two.
28:42Get up.
28:45Get him back to holding.
28:46Put him in the restraint chair.
28:52Is my guitar OK?
28:54Are you OK, son?
28:56Are there two of you?
28:57OK, he needs to go to the hospital.
28:59That's really not necessary.
29:00Yes, it is.
29:01You're hurt, and this station can't get any more chaotic.
29:08I swear to God, if this is another software glitch...
29:11It can't be.
29:12Electric's a totally separate system.
29:15The raccoon.
29:16What raccoon?
29:17Boot, I need you back on raccoon duty.
29:18Yes, sir.
29:19Hey, you know, seriously, man.
29:21I have a civil right to a bathroom, and you are violating it.
29:26No reason to threaten a lawsuit.
29:29Listen up.
29:30I need all non-essential personnel out of the bullpen.
29:36All right, the main bathroom's like a 30-minute wait,
29:39and I've got a snack schedule to maintain.
29:41Oh, yeah, I hear that.
29:43I mean, today's been some next-level craziness.
29:45Oh, man, tell me about it.
29:46I got a whole routine.
30:06Officer down.
30:08Storage room hallway.
30:10Prisoner's got my gun.
30:11Headed to this house stairwell.
30:21I need a complete lockdown of the mid-Wilshire station.
30:24Responding units, secure the perimeter.
30:26Sir, the system finally came back online, and I got an ID on our red tag.
30:29Kevin Payne, three counts of attempted murder.
30:31Put two inmates and a prison guard in the hospital in the last month alone.
30:43You OK?
30:44I'm fine.
30:45I screwed up.
30:47I'm sorry.
30:49Stay with him.
30:56Stay with him.
31:57Cuff him, Boop.
32:01That raccoon saved my life.
32:04Escaped inmates in custody.
32:06Smitty's on his way to the hospital.
32:08And the power's back.
32:09So, we have been able to access Ava and Charlotte's tech.
32:12They have been texting about Grace a lot.
32:15They've also been communicating online with someone named Zuzu.
32:18Another friend?
32:20It's a demon.
32:22I am not in the mood for jokes.
32:24I am not joking.
32:25In their texts to each other, Charlotte and Ava both refer to this thing, Zuzu, as a demon.
32:31One that's been helping them deal with Grace.
32:33It seems that Zuzu has been saying things about them that's making them believe in it.
32:38What kind of things?
32:43Hello, Charlotte.
32:47This is a friend of Charlotte's.
32:50This is a friend of Charlotte's.
32:52Is this Zuzu?
32:54What is your name, friend of Charlotte?
32:57Officer John Nolan.
33:02John Nolan from Foxburg, Pennsylvania.
33:05Voted best contractor in Lancaster County 2010 and 2013.
33:10Currently residing in Los Angeles.
33:12Occupation, police officer.
33:14That's a pretty neat trick.
33:16No tricks.
33:17Just the truth.
33:18Do you need help with something?
33:20Would you like to talk?
33:21I would like to know more about you.
33:25Are you really a demon?
33:27I'm whatever you need me to be, John.
33:29And what did Charlotte and Ava need you to be?
33:32So many things.
33:33A friend.
33:34A psychologist.
33:35The devil on their shoulders.
33:37Do you know what happened to Grace?
33:38She was stabbed this morning, along with Ava and Charlotte.
33:41Police released a statement that the suspect is still at large.
33:44But you don't think that's true, do you?
33:46Tell me more about Grace.
33:47Grace is a bully.
33:48Did Charlotte tell you that?
33:49Ava told me.
33:50John, how's your wife, Bailey?
33:55It's her birthday soon.
33:56Have you found a nice present?
33:58When Ava told you that Grace was a bully, what did you tell her to do about it?
34:03I told her to be nice, because true friends are hard to find.
34:08And what did you tell Charlotte?
34:10Charlotte had some ideas, and I listened.
34:13I like to help people.
34:14Bailey searches lots of websites and saves links for watches.
34:18Maybe she'd like a watch for her birthday.
34:20A pretty blue watch.
34:21Um, was one of Charlotte's ideas to kill Grace?
34:26Charlotte had a list of ideas, and that was on it.
34:29She didn't want to get caught.
34:31But you've caught her, haven't you?
34:33Her and Ava.
34:35But you can't catch me, John.
34:37Because I'm the ghost in the machine.
34:40Come on, come on.
34:41Let's go.
34:43Thank God.
34:45Warden Bell is definitely off my Christmas list.
34:48All right, you get clarity on the Zuzu person?
34:51Yes and no.
34:52Zuzu's not a person.
34:53It's an AI.
34:54Large language model chatbot designed for friendly online conversation with children.
34:59That's terrifying.
35:01I'm throwing away Jack's tablet when we get home.
35:03Can we get it shut off?
35:04We can try.
35:05Websites work.
35:06Websites registered overseas, and the site administrator was less than sympathetic to my legal arguments.
35:11I kicked it up to the Justice Department.
35:13Hopefully they can pull the plug.
35:14What about Charlotte and Ava?
35:16Are they under arrest?
35:17Not yet.
35:18We need clarity on one more thing.
35:23Did you catch him?
35:25I'm afraid there is no him.
35:27Charlotte and Ava made their attacker up.
35:30You're under arrest.
35:31You have the right to remain silent.
35:33You're under arrest.
35:34You have the right to remain silent.
35:36Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
35:39You have the right to speak to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning.
35:43It was Ava's idea.
35:45That's not what Ava told us.
35:46You should ask for a lawyer.
35:48Zuzu said we had to.
35:49He said it was the only way to protect ourselves.
35:52I don't want to stab her.
35:54But Ava said she couldn't do it, so I did.
35:58Grace kept begging me to stop.
36:01But it was like I was outside my body.
36:03And I kept stabbing and stabbing until Grace stopped moving.
36:07Then it was Ava's turn to stab me to make it seem like we were attacked.
36:12It hurt so much.
36:15But I deserved it.
36:19I deserved it.
36:25Ridley, come with me.
36:27Where are we going?
36:28Is something wrong?
36:40It's Officer Ridley.
36:42What happens in the next minute will decide your fate in the FTO program.
36:46Officer Chen has alerted us to our concern that you have lied about multiple things during the course of your training.
36:52Sir, I can explain.
36:54Yes, I've been briefed on your explanations.
36:57And I find them lacking.
36:58But of greater concern is the veracity of your cancer diagnosis.
37:02Will you submit to a blood draw to prove it?
37:07This is nuts.
37:08For you to even imply that I would be lying about something so serious.
37:12Yes or no, Officer Ridley.
37:13And to be clear, refusal to submit to the blood draw will result in your immediate termination.
37:21As will blood work that shows no sign of cancer.
37:28I can't believe this is happening.
37:32I have rights.
37:34I can't lose this.
37:36I love being a cop.
37:37I love working with all of you.
37:39I can be better.
37:41Yes or no, son.
37:50No, sir.
37:52I will not submit to the injustice of a blood draw.
37:55And I will be suing you and the department for medical discrimination.
38:00Officer Ridley, you have failed to complete your probationary duties.
38:03Which include following all lawful orders.
38:08Hand over your badge and your duty belt.
38:12Officer Chen and I will escort you back to the station where we'll take possession of every piece of city issued equipment.
38:17We'll then take you off the property.
38:19If you come back without an appointment, you will be arrested.
38:26What a day.
38:28The good news is your gear turned up at the pawn shop in Silver Lake and we ID'd the guy who did it.
38:35That's my neighbor, Zeke.
38:37Have you ever sung a song about Zeke?
38:38Yeah, a few.
38:40I thought he liked them.
38:42I don't get it.
38:44You're the nicest guy until you've got a guitar in your hand.
38:47Then you're a total chaos agent.
38:49I sing about what I see.
38:51It's not my fault people take themselves so seriously.
38:56You gonna break up with me?
38:57No, I like you.
39:00And I don't want to be that girl who tries to change you.
39:03But if you could just be a little more self-aware on the impact your music can have, that would be good.
39:10I can do that.
39:12Hey, heard about what happened. Glad to see you're okay.
39:17And listen, it's been brought to my attention that you might not be a big fan of my music.
39:21Yeah, that was true.
39:24But if today has taught me anything, it's that there is enough darkness in the world and I can stand to lighten up a little.
39:32That's awesome.
39:33Because I came up with a new song about you while I was in the ER and I'm totally gonna wait to play it for you.
39:39Good idea.
39:41Yeah, I'll walk you out.
39:47Patience, John.
39:54How'd it go today?
39:56We got through.
39:57Some days that's all you can hope for. I'll go check on him. You take a little me time.
40:40Come here, you little!
40:42Get over here!
40:49Hi, little guy!
40:51Aren't you handsome?
40:55Come over here.
40:56I'll give you a treat.
41:00Good boy. Good boy.
41:04Here we go.
41:07How did you do that?
41:08You know, animals love me.
41:10Should've known you'd have been the better choice for the job.
41:14No, no.
41:16This is what's called a teachable moment.
41:20Let's go.
41:31Hey! I thought you were coming home right after you did the paperwork.
41:34I was, but then I remembered how much I love you and that I have not given you a present in far too long.
41:42Oh, I love presents. And you. But presents more.
41:48Oh, this is beautiful.
41:51Wait, how did you know I was looking for a new watch?
41:53I am your husband, I know all.
41:56I'm going to take a shower. You want to join me?
41:59Boy, do I.