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The Rookie - Season 7 Episode 9 | Full HD ,
The Rookie - Season 7 Episode 9 ,
The Rookie - S 7 Ep 9 ,


00:00Let me have your attention for a moment previously on the rookie
00:02I am proud to announce that my rookie has reached the capacity of solo beat officer band detective
00:09Harper's easier than being mama or mrs. That one is really tough right now the constant arguing over policing is wearing me out
00:17anybody else smell smoke
00:19Look at the fire shelter. Have you ever used one of those? I'll be on YouTube. What?
00:23Blasters here you are here to help volunteer get lost. Hug me Kylie. He's with the six street devils. Let me help you
00:33I have to tell Harper I would give James a chance to come clean first
01:04Need a big piece of plastic get any piece of cotton hold it on Jason
01:21Yeah, James was shot
01:23Say again, there was a drive-by at the shelter and they got James. It's bad. It's it's it's really bad
01:31Yeah, oh
01:33I still smell like a trash fire. We need to go to we spa and get a salt scrub. Ooh
01:38Manicures my nails are a mess
01:42Everyone decent. Yeah, we're clocked out. Whatever it is get midnights to do it
01:49What happened
01:51It's James
01:59What are we supposed to do with these inhale keep the yellow ball in place it's supposed to help repair your lungs does it work
02:06GSWs ribcage and upper torso pressure dressings are in place started 16 gauge in the AC and gave 800 milliliters of saline. That's James
02:17Ready here steady
02:23ABCs for a male victim airways are clear breathing adequate with o2 pulses ready estimate of all else on scene is
02:29960 trauma surgeon set up an OR 1 yes double gunshot wound to upper torso and ribcage the bullets still inside
02:35Where's that typo coming?
02:38Vitals heart rate 120 BP 138 over 92 respirations 20
02:4328 year old female GSW to the torso a sucking chest wound treatment with three-sided dressing. Hey, what the hell happened? I drive by
02:52Where is he? They just pushed him into the ER. Is it bad? Yeah
03:03Hey, baby, I'm here you are you're gonna be fine. Okay, you're gonna be fine
03:13He's in good hands, okay
03:17Who is she
03:22Kylie something she works at the community center with James. Are they close? I don't know
03:41Hey, it's not great, but it's all they had
03:45Kids are squared away
03:47Lila's with Donovan the boys are with their mom and Leah can stay with Lopez as long as you need
03:51What do they know nothing yet that can wait till tomorrow
03:58Hey, um
04:01They looked really bad
04:03Yeah, like I don't know if I've seen anyone survive those kind of injuries I have a couple times I
04:12Think you're lying to me, but I don't mind
04:16The doctors here are amazing. He's gonna be okay, right?
04:21This half the station's milling about outside if you need anything, they're all eager to help who is the lead investigator?
04:27Angela good cuz what I need is for whoever did this to be behind bars. They will be
04:39Nothing hey any word no not yet
04:44Do you need anything nothing that you can give me
04:48Yeah, I need to steal no, that's fine. I will be here
04:57I'd appreciate it. Thank you
05:00We're still processing the reunification center, but we confirm the shooter is Connor Lowe. Why is that name for me?
05:05He's a member of the Sixth Street Devils. We've got units kicking in doors as we speak so far no sign of him
05:11He shot a cop's husband if he has any sense. He's halfway to Mexico. We're checking on associates
05:15His face is out to every law enforcement agency in the state
05:17He can't hide for long any theories on motive the other victim Kylie Thomas came up in the same neighborhood used to run with the same
05:24Lately she's been spending more time at the community center getting herself squared away, maybe the gang saw James as a threat
05:30They've done worse for less. There's another motive. We need to explore
05:34Jealousy there's evidence that James and Kylie were
05:38More than friends what evidence?
05:43Yesterday at the reunification center, I saw James and Kylie kiss
05:49Are you sure
05:52You're wrong James wouldn't cheat no you have to admit Harper and James have been fighting a lot recently
05:57They've been fighting since the day they met yeah
06:02In my head that was a better counter-argument the defense will argue that Harper knew about the affair now
06:07It's an affair had Connor kill her husband and his mistress. Oh, that's a stretch
06:13The jury supposed to believe that she trusted some random criminal to get the job done
06:17They didn't even know each other Harper arrested Connor 18 months ago on a gun charge
06:22Wait how long have you known about the kiss a few hours hours during which the world was on okay, okay enough
06:28Wesley's right
06:30Harper's the spouse. She's automatically a suspect. I'll handle the investigation into her involvement
06:36The best way to prove that she's innocent is to find Connor and get a confession on it
06:44Gotta get to the office the DA wants a briefing. We'll keep you updated
06:48Where do you want me with me and Nolan you cannot tell Harper what you saw?
06:54She's a suspect. I decide when and what she knows
07:04I need to talk to Harper, then we'll head out. Yes, sir
07:08Hey, I got here as fast as we could house James. Oh, we don't know yet. How'd you get the fire contained?
07:14Yeah, we got lucky with the winds
07:16Are you okay? He's just a headache. You need to get some rest. Hey
07:22Can I get some help here? What happened? I don't know. She just passed out
07:36Hey lean on a few CIs
07:38I think we have motive for the shooting Kylie works at the Phoenix room
07:40Wasn't there a murder there last week a member of the rolling 60s was shot and killed outside
07:44We confirmed with the manager Kylie was there that night and you think she saw something
07:48Tracks of the altercation yesterday Connor tried to intimidate her whatever she said man thinks she was gonna talk
07:53So he came back to silence her so James was never a target
07:56Did we ever think he was anything's possible I need you two out there looking for Connor got it
08:12Any news
08:14But there's something we need to discuss
08:16We've identified the shooter, but the motive is unclear. So you have to rule me out, right?
08:22Maybe I got tired of James leaving the seat up and I had him killed
08:29Look I know this is hard. Yeah, that's fine
08:31I'm the wife I get it and I will sign any consent to search forms and anything else you know, I appreciate it
08:39Hey, how you holding up? I
08:45Can't remember the last thing I said to him
08:48It's like I was so
08:51Focused on getting glass or
08:55We barely even saw each other these last couple weeks you're gonna say everything you need to when he wakes up
09:11What happened it's nothing she almost died I was a little dehydrated
09:15Dehydrated dangerously dehydrated is what the doctor said they exaggerate you are in EMT. You should know better
09:22Oh, there was a lot going on and there's still a lot going on. Why are you two even here?
09:27Well me my wife almost died. So I was a little lightheaded. He's supposed to be with gray. You should go. I've got this
09:34Really? Okay, if she tries to discharge herself, I will physically detain her. All right, I'm right here
09:40I can hear you you rest the city will get by without you. Will it? Yeah, we'll muddle through
09:47Thank you. Call me with anything. Oh
09:51Okay, well we should get your room no, I'm fine out here there are so many people injured worse than me
09:58You were there when it happened, right?
10:01yeah, yeah, yeah, I went outside when I heard the shots, but
10:16Went to Kylie first the other victim now, she was in worse shape. So I started helping her
10:21Well, that's what you're supposed to do
10:23Yeah, but James is one of us if he dies because of those seconds I was with her and not him
10:30I've been there when every second counts you rethink every tiny move you made, but you did the right thing
10:37James is gonna be okay
10:48Do you remember when we danced at their wedding, of course, we were that dress with the
10:58The sleeves I
11:00Was gonna say that the shiny stuff. Well, right Mary. It's very astute
11:06You looked amazing
11:08All units be advised citizen reports are possible on suspect Connor Lowe's vehicle northbound Pico at 26 one minute ago
11:15Any you did in the area seven out of 100 right around the corner attach
11:33Control seven out of 100 we have suspect vehicle 26 at Lester
11:39Zero when we light him up. We're not gonna light him up. He's gonna run if we do get us a few more units out
11:44here code three
11:50100 is in pursuit southbound Vermont speed 60 light traffic. Where's the nearest unit?
11:55720 is coming cold three from Sterling looks about four out
12:0370 and we're eastbound Washington at 44
12:14We lost visual standby
12:42Seven out of 100 suspect has hit a pedestrian 70 year old female broken leg compound bone exposed
12:48We need an R.A. to Carson and Alhambra.
12:51Going with the victim now.
12:52I'm grabbing the first aid kit.
12:53Okay, we're here, ma'am. We're here.
12:54Ambulance is on the way, okay?
12:56I need a belt! I need a belt to turn to get in.
12:57You got a belt? Thanks.
13:00Anyone see which way he went?
13:04Vehicle versus pedestrian. She's bleeding out.
13:06No C-spine tenderness or step-offs.
13:07We scooped her up rather than wait.
13:08Good move. She's in hemorrhagic shock.
13:11Get those I.V.s started.
13:12We need emergency release blood.
13:13Who's gonna tell Gray that we had Conner low on our sights
13:15and we lost him?
13:17Maybe lead with the part that we saved an old woman's life?
13:24She's not safe yet.
13:29Copy that. Update the BOLO to include vehicular assault.
13:34Conner Low struck a pedestrian and fled the scene.
13:39He's currently at large.
13:42You okay?
13:43I know that searching James and Harper's house is protocol.
13:46Doesn't mean I'm gonna like it.
13:48Especially since the only reason the spotlight is on Harper
13:51in the first place is because I saw something I shouldn't have.
13:55So you can't unring that bell, Nolan.
13:58Best just to push forward and get this done
14:02as quickly and efficiently as possible.
14:08What? You find something?
14:10Maybe, but nothing to do with the shooting.
14:12Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is James
14:15palling around with Leonard Kelsey.
14:17He's an anti-police extremist.
14:20Kelsey does more than just protest.
14:23He has a warrant for his arrest for burning up a bunch of cop cars in December.
14:26And this photo was taken six weeks ago,
14:27which means James invited a known fugitive into his home.
14:32And Harper has a whole new problem to deal with.
14:39What's up, girl? How you living?
14:43Oh, me? I'm just hydrating.
14:48That's quite the bandage you have there.
14:50Yeah, Wi-Fi cooked up me and my boy.
14:54I'm just trying to get some oxy from Nurse Foxy so we can bounce.
14:58You know what I mean?
14:59You know, when we're, uh, when we're fixed,
15:02I can slip you one if you want.
15:04My mama told me to share.
15:06You're looking for painkillers?
15:08No, check out my arm, yo.
15:11What about him?
15:12Smoke inhalation made him nauseous.
15:26Oh, hey.
15:27I told Nolan I'd check in on you, but I don't want to hover.
15:31I'm just waiting for my IV to drain, but can you do me a favor?
15:34Sure thing.
15:35These two guys across from me,
15:37one said he was burned in the fire
15:39and that the other was feeling nausea from smoke inhalation.
15:43Except he's lying.
15:44Nausea comes from low oxygen, but he's at a 98%, which is normal.
15:49And the burns?
15:50More consistent with acid,
15:52hydriotic or hypophosphorus acid, to be specific.
15:57It's an acid byproduct that's created when you cook meth and get sprayed.
16:01Okay, if they were injured doing something illegal,
16:03why are they hanging out here?
16:04Because they're waiting around to score payments.
16:06I think they figured with all the fire injuries,
16:08no one would notice the difference.
16:11Well, damn.
16:12First case has a P2.
16:14I'm going to locate their lab
16:15and have narcotics enforcement take it down.
16:21All right, Kaylee.
16:25Any news on Connor?
16:26Patrol found his car abandoned in Hollywood.
16:28We're sending extra units to search now that he's on foot.
16:31Kylie's in surgery, but it doesn't look good.
16:33And still no updates on James' condition.
16:36I know you didn't find anything at that house
16:38connecting Nyla to Connor,
16:39but please give me that good news officially
16:40because I need some right now.
16:44What is it?
16:49Is that Leonard Kelsey?
16:50Ticket at Harper's house.
16:52This is bad.
16:53I'm going to reach out to North Hollywood,
16:54see where they stand on the case.
16:55Look, I don't need to tell you that.
16:57We need to keep this between us for the moment.
16:59The list of things I'm not telling my partner and best friend
17:01just keeps getting longer.
17:03How else can this day go wrong?
17:05Well, I can think of a couple ways.
17:10When were you planning on telling me about this?
17:13The photo of James and Leonard Kelsey
17:15was listed and on search warrant receipt.
17:18I'm assuming that's how you learned of it.
17:19I would have appreciated a phone call.
17:21I didn't realize you were taking over for Wesley.
17:23Yeah, Wesley recused himself
17:24because he's, you know, too close, obviously.
17:29Look, James' relationship with Leonard Kelsey,
17:32while concerning,
17:33is not relevant to our shooting investigation.
17:36What about the investigation into Detective Harper?
17:39You know as well as I do, there's nothing there.
17:41Oh, careful Wade.
17:43Don't let your confirmation bias
17:45drag you into a conclusion too quickly.
17:47I resent the implication.
17:48Detective Harper has a relationship with Connor Lowe.
17:50She arrested him on a gun charge.
17:52They're not friends.
17:52Yeah, maybe not, but her husband is piling around
17:54with anti-police fringe and wanted fugitives,
17:56not to mention making out with the woman 20 years his junior.
17:58Hey, hey, hey.
17:59There's only evidence of a single kiss.
18:01All I'm saying is maybe Detective Harper
18:02got tired of cleaning up her husband's messes.
18:06Thought it'd be easier with him gone.
18:08All it would take is a phone call to Connor,
18:10all her problems would be over.
18:11I think your theory is garbage.
18:15But we are following every lead,
18:17crossing every T and dotting every I.
18:19See that you do.
18:21Because I'm eyes on this investigation.
18:24I'll make sure this department
18:26isn't any more compromised to the minority as...
18:29I got a call that my mother was in some kind of accident.
18:32Her name is Shirley Van Walden, V-A-N-S.
18:35Oh, excuse me.
18:36Hi, are you Mrs. Van Walden's daughter?
18:38I am. Who are you?
18:40I'm Sergeant Bradford. This is Officer Chen.
18:42We responded to your mother's accident.
18:44She was in a crosswalk, and she was struck by a motorist.
18:47Oh, my God. Is she all right?
18:49She has glaucoma, so her eyesight isn't very good,
18:51and she's on blood thinners.
18:53Here, I brought all of her medic...
18:55Wait, is she...
18:57They were able to resuscitate her.
18:59They did have to put her on a ventilator to help her breathe.
19:02She has a DNR.
19:03That's something for you to discuss with the doctors.
19:05Now, that said, they don't think she'll survive
19:08when she's removed from life support.
19:10Can I see her?
19:12Yes, of course.
19:15Oh, A.D.A. Eckert.
19:17Detective. I hold him up.
19:19As well as can be expected,
19:21but this is not a sympathy call.
19:23No, I'm afraid not.
19:25Uh, have you seen this before?
19:29No, and how did you get it?
19:32It was discovered during the search of your house.
19:35Oh, I see.
19:37I'm sorry.
19:39I don't know what you're talking about.
19:41It was discovered during the search of your house.
19:45Does your husband know where Leonard Kelsey may be hiding?
19:48I have no idea.
19:50And you know what?
19:52You can ask him yourself when he wakes up.
19:54But you acknowledge that he might be keeping secrets from you?
19:56What is this about?
19:58Because as far as I know,
20:00James was in the wrong place at the wrong time,
20:02and Kylie was the target.
20:04Yeah, you seem pretty certain about that,
20:06but how well does your husband know Kylie Thomas?
20:09If you are implying something...
20:11We have a witness
20:13who saw your husband and Kylie Thomas
20:15sharing a very intimate moment
20:17just hours before the shooting.
20:19What do you mean, intimate?
20:21I mean, they were clearly
20:23more than just good friends.
20:25Are you saying that you know nothing about that, either?
20:27I am not answering any more questions
20:29without my union rep, John Nolan.
20:31Well, that's gonna be difficult,
20:33because Officer Nolan is the one
20:35who found the photograph at your house,
20:37and he is also the witness
20:39who saw your husband kissing Kylie Thomas.
20:49What's going on here?
20:51Detective Harper and I were just having a little chat.
20:53More like an interrogation.
20:55Vivian, a word in the hall, please.
20:57Look, I wasn't trying to...
21:07So what the hell do you think you know?
21:09You cannot question one of my officers
21:11without following protocol. There are rules.
21:13I am not questioning her.
21:15I'm just simply trying to determine
21:17how much she knows about the facts.
21:19Did you read her number on the rights?
21:21Or the law bargain warning?
21:23Did you advise her that this could lead to discipline?
21:25Exactly which section of the peace officer's
21:27Bill of Rights didn't you trample on?
21:29The part that says that officers are held
21:31to a higher standard.
21:33Mid Wilshire is fresh off a corruption scandal,
21:35and it's not your first.
21:37Then Detective Harper's husband
21:39is mysteriously gunned down with his lover.
21:41Now we find out they're harboring a fugitive.
21:43Come on. You are...
21:45You are misconstruing the facts that you know.
21:47Yeah, you're blind to the facts.
21:49You need to go in there and put her on admin leave.
21:51Or you're gonna be the next cop I'm investigating.
21:55Walls are thin.
21:57I'm not asking you to handle me.
21:59You don't have to ask. Here.
22:01She's right.
22:03Appearances matter.
22:05If we lose the trust of the public,
22:07we lose everything.
22:09I promise.
22:11We'll get to the bottom of this.
22:13You better, because I do not have a fallback career.
22:15I'm sorry.
22:17I'm sorry.
22:19I'm sorry.
22:21I do not have a fallback career.
22:29Eckert said that James
22:31was engaged in
22:33an intimate moment with
22:35the girl that he was shot with.
22:39It was a kiss.
22:41Beyond that, I just don't know.
23:01I got something on Kelsey.
23:03I tracked down the other two men in the photograph.
23:05According to them, they are both adamant
23:07that Kelsey is innocent.
23:09They got any proof?
23:11No, but they believe the fire was set by a white supremacist
23:13militia group intent on discrediting their movement.
23:15Won't be the first time.
23:19This is a whole other thing,
23:21but if Kelsey is innocent,
23:23then Vivian can't charge James with aiding and abetting
23:25or Harper with fraternizing with a fugitive.
23:27This was originally North Hollywood's case, right?
23:29Yes, but near as I can tell,
23:31they decided Kelsey was guilty
23:33just based on his social media posts alone.
23:35I mean, the guy talks up a game,
23:37but no history of violence.
23:39Go back over their investigation.
23:41Let me know as soon as you get anything tangible.
23:43Yes, sir.
23:46You okay?
23:48That woman is about to lose her mother.
23:50For what?
23:55Look, if you try to ascribe logic to evil,
23:57you drive yourself crazy.
23:59I know. It's just...
24:01Sometimes this job just feels like
24:03we're screaming into the void,
24:05like no matter how many bad guys we catch...
24:07We can't protect people we care about.
24:11Should we check on Harper before we leave?
24:15The clerk said that you're the officers
24:17that brought in Shirley Van Malden.
24:19We are. Are you a relative?
24:21I'm her daughter.
24:23Oh, great. Okay, I'm not sure if your sister's had a chance to...
24:25I'm sorry, my sister?
24:29I am that woman's one and only daughter.
24:31What the hell do you think you're doing?
24:35You know this woman?
24:37This woman's my mother's maid.
24:39I'm her caregiver.
24:41Do you have any idea what I've had to put up with
24:43for the last seven years?
24:45Your mother's hit me, thrown things at me,
24:47spit at me...
24:49Which is what we pay you for.
24:51Well, it's not enough. I deserve this.
24:53Ma'am, give me the rings.
24:57You know, the last few times
24:59her mother was in the hospital,
25:01she didn't even bother to show up.
25:03I had to say I was Shirley's daughter
25:05just so the doctors would talk to me.
25:07Okay, I'm afraid that doesn't matter.
25:09Here, I'll hand you back.
25:11I believe those are mine.
25:13No, absolutely not.
25:15Those still belong to your mother.
25:17You can claim them alongside the rest of her possessions
25:19if she passes away.
25:25Is the doctor coming in?
25:27Because my pain is maxing out that frowny face, Chuck.
25:29Right, Bradley?
25:31Yes, sadly, not yet.
25:33And I have more bad news.
25:35See, when you both arrived,
25:37you told the intake nurse that your injuries
25:39came from your house burning down,
25:41but according to our records,
25:43you live 10 miles away from the fire.
25:45I didn't mean our house.
25:47However, LAFD did report an explosion
25:49less than a mile away from you,
25:51and they determined it came from a meth lab.
25:53That's crazy.
25:55Yeah, it was crazier.
25:57We ran tests on samples taken from your burns,
25:59and it's positive for hypophosphorus acid,
26:01a byproduct of cocaine.
26:03You guessed it.
26:07You can tell that?
26:09It's all right here.
26:11Gentlemen, I'm gonna have to arrest you both
26:13for manufacturing a controlled substance,
26:15unless you're confessing.
26:17Yo, yo, yo, we didn't make any meth, I swear.
26:19Shut up, all right?
26:21I'm serious, you just robbed these guys.
26:23Bro, seriously, you ain't just...
26:25Okay, now we really need a doctor.
26:35Mind if I join you?
26:45Any word on James?
26:47Uh, they finished one surgery
26:49and then started another,
26:51and then during that surgery,
26:53they found something else was wrong,
26:55and honestly, I am losing track
26:57of the things that are broken.
26:59I know things are dark right now,
27:01but you have to have faith.
27:11I know you know about the kiss.
27:13I do.
27:15And this fugitive photo.
27:21Was James cheating on me?
27:25Listen, I know that you guys
27:27are best friends and you have your bro code,
27:29but you are my friend, too,
27:31and I am losing my mind here.
27:33I am as shocked as you are.
27:35And the photo?
27:37Not so much.
27:39An activist on the run
27:41is the exact kind of person
27:43James would invite home.
27:49Never talked about her.
27:51And he never expressed anything
27:53but absolute devotion to you.
27:55To you.
28:15I know you're in hell right now.
28:19You'll get through it.
28:25I have something tangible.
28:27This is video
28:29from the night of the firebombing.
28:31You can see that's our suspect,
28:33and you can see he has the sleeve
28:35of a gray sweatshirt.
28:37Kelsey was arrested wearing a gray sweatshirt, Nolan.
28:39This ain't helping.
28:41Yes, sir. Bear with me.
28:43You notice the Explorer police shoppie standing next to you?
28:45That is exactly 70 inches tall.
28:47Kelsey's 5'10".
28:49If this was him, his head would be in the picture.
28:51This suspect's at least 6'2".
28:53Sir, then I saw this man.
28:55He is wearing a black hoodie,
28:57but it has gray sleeves.
28:59Who is he?
29:01His name is Brock Showhausen, 6'2", 260 pounds.
29:03Video shows him before the bombing
29:05with a backpack, after the bombing
29:07without a backpack.
29:09This was found at the scene of the crime.
29:11It is the same backpack.
29:15He has one, two, three, four,
29:17six counts of assault on an officer
29:19with great bodily injury.
29:21I'm going to pick him up.
29:23Sir, I may have a safer idea.
29:25Is that money?
29:29I guess you weren't lying about the robbery.
29:31Told you.
29:33Is he going to be okay?
29:35He should be fine once we get the foreign objects out.
29:37Are you going to cut me open?
29:39No. Take three of these every hour
29:41until nature takes its course.
29:43But be forewarned, it's going to hurt more coming out
29:45than it did going in.
29:48Okay, let me get this straight.
29:50You guys knock over a meth lab,
29:52take the cash,
29:54accidentally spill chemicals on yourselves.
29:56I mean, it makes sense in a way,
29:58but why stick money up...
30:01We heard sirens
30:03and panicked.
30:07You also have?
30:15We're going to need more pills in here.
30:17Mr. Showhousen.
30:19I'm Officer Nolan. I'm the one who called you.
30:21Where's my dad? Is he okay?
30:23He's going to be all right.
30:25I'll take you to him right now.
30:27You know, your father is very lucky
30:29that the men who mugged him weren't carrying guns.
30:43My dad's not here, is he?
30:45No, he's not.
30:47He's at home with an officer
30:49making sure he didn't answer your phone calls
30:51because you were under arrest for arson
30:53and detonating an explosive device.
30:55These gentlemen are with the LAPD's MMA team.
30:57So if you decide to fight,
30:59well, let's just say it won't last long.
31:05Smartest thing you've done all day.
31:07Turn around.
31:09Hands behind your back.
31:17I know you're a busy man,
31:19so I'll get right to the point.
31:21I can't wait.
31:23You and I have an aligned interest.
31:25Connor Lowe. You know him as Widows.
31:27What about him?
31:29He shot a cop's husband, and we both know
31:31that brings more attention than you can handle.
31:33This thing is spiraling so far out of control,
31:35it might even alert the Rolling 60s
31:37that you guys were behind the Phoenix from shooting.
31:39No, I never heard the place.
31:41You're not paying attention.
31:43I don't care about your beef with the 60s.
31:45I just want to find Connor.
31:47Why would I help you with that?
31:49You need to take him off your board
31:51before he makes another desperate move
31:53and you have an all-out war on your hands.
31:57Nolan, I got a location on Connor Lowe.
31:59You want in?
32:01Hell, yeah, I do. Where am I going?
32:03And you can see
32:05it's a variety of actors outside
32:07getting ready to...
32:09Well, I'll give him this.
32:11Never in a million years would I have thought
32:13to look for Connor here.
32:15His cousin's a security guard. According to George,
32:17he's laying low on the set of a TV show that's on hiatus.
32:19What show? Don't know. Don't care.
32:21What are the odds he's laying low unarmed?
32:23No. He's in there strapped and desperate,
32:25and he's got a gun.
32:27He's got a gun.
32:29He's got a gun.
32:31He's got a gun.
32:33He's got a gun.
32:35He's got a gun.
32:37He's got a gun.
32:39He's got a gun.
32:41He's got a gun.
32:43He's got a gun.
32:45He's got a gun.
32:47He's got a gun.
32:49He's got a gun.
32:51He's got a gun.
32:53He's got a gun.
33:15It was a pack from this so-called
33:17Appreciation Day, a fancy dinner...
33:19Police, show me your hands!
33:26Connor's on the run. East side of the stage.
33:33Police! Stop right there!
33:36Stop it!
34:25Cop a feel.
34:28The TV show set that Connor was hiding on.
34:30It's a police psychiatrist drama.
34:32Cop a feel. It's great.
34:34Oh, okay. I've never heard of that.
34:37He just woke up. He's groggy.
34:39Okay. Thank you.
35:07If they let you in to see me,
35:10that must be a good sign.
35:18The doctor said the surgeries went well.
35:22And they are cautiously optimistic about your recovery.
35:31I'm so sorry I put you through all this.
35:35It's not your fault that you got shot.
35:38I know.
35:42But I have to tell you something about Kylie.
35:44We don't have to talk about that right now.
35:46You need to get rest.
35:48So you knew about the kiss?
35:50I told you.
35:51Now is not the time.
35:54Yes, yes, it is.
35:56Before the shooting, Kylie did kiss me.
35:59I was surprised by it,
36:01and I did push away.
36:03All right, I could tell that she was in trouble,
36:06and I was just trying to help her.
36:10Maybe I gave her the wrong idea, but, Nyla...
36:15I love you, and I am so sorry.
36:21I will never hurt you.
36:26I know.
36:29I know.
36:35I know everything.
36:37At all times.
36:39Okay? Remember that.
36:43Will do.
36:59That's right, gentlemen.
37:01That's right.
37:05I heard you got two arrests today.
37:08You know, not bad for my first felony pinch as a P2.
37:11Is that the money?
37:13You want to know the worst part?
37:14They thought this was 10 grand.
37:16Turns out it's only 500.
37:18Yeah, it's all small bills.
37:20Doesn't seem worth the trouble.
37:22Oh, I heard James is out of surgery.
37:24Yes, and Kylie is going to pull through as well.
37:27They both have you to thank.
37:29Two weeks in, and I'm already the best P2 ever.
37:33Well, nobody said that.
37:34It's in the subtext.
37:36Is it, though?
37:37Hey, you process Sylvia?
37:40She never stopped complaining about the abuse she put up with.
37:43Honestly, I'm with her.
37:44Sylvia deserved that ring.
37:45Turns out the old lady agreed.
37:47Just got off the phone with one of the Walden family lawyers.
37:49Surely left her entire fortune in the will.
37:53Well, I guess she can afford a good lawyer now.
37:55You headed home?
37:56Um, actually, I'm going to pick up some food and head to the hospital.
38:00I'm sure James and Harper will appreciate the company.
38:03Actually, I'm going to go sit with Kylie.
38:05I mean, the whole station is rallying around Harper and James,
38:07but I don't think Kylie has anyone.
38:09You really need to cool it with the compassion.
38:11You're making the rest of us look bad.
38:13It's not a competition, but I am winning.
38:19Connor confessed to everything.
38:23Kelsey has been fully exonerated, and you have nothing.
38:26Oh, I think you misunderstood me.
38:28I couldn't be happier to have this whole thing behind us.
38:31Yeah, we're all on the same team.
38:32We all want a justice system that treats everyone equally.
38:35And this had nothing to do with your campaign?
38:39Of course not.
38:42I really hope she doesn't win.
38:44That's tomorrow's problem.
38:46Tonight I'm going home.
38:47Any chance I could join you?
38:49Look, Angela's never going to forgive me for keeping the kiss a secret.
38:51Wesley, it was two hours max.
38:53She's very strict.
38:54I would offer you my couch, but I don't want to.
38:57Guess I'll have to face the music.
38:59Good luck.
39:02I saw Vivian leaving.
39:04It's done. She's not pursuing charges.
39:06And I'm reinstating Harper effective immediately.
39:09That is good news.
39:10I'm on my way to the hospital to pick up Bailey.
39:12Do you mind if I tell Harper?
39:16Be my guest.
39:22I'm sorry.
39:29Hey, am I intruding?
39:31No, I was just resting my eyes.
39:33They took James for x-rays.
39:37I have something for you.
39:47I have something I need to get off my chest.
39:52I was the witness who saw James and Kylie kiss.
39:57I already knew that.
39:58You did?
39:59Yeah, Vivian threw you under the bus.
40:01And the guilt was just radiating off of you.
40:04I wanted to tell you so bad, but then after the shooting...
40:07I know it was an active murder investigation. I get it.
40:12Sorry, are you two good?
40:14He said that she kissed him, and he pushed her away.
40:19And I believe him.
40:20Okay, good, good.
40:24That was really weighing on me.
40:26Not that today's about me, but I just...
40:29I really did not like having to lie to you.
40:33You were...
40:35And this is gonna sound goofy when I say it out loud,
40:38but you are in no small way my hero.
40:41And that's not just because you've helped me out of some really tough spots, but...
40:46Because there's just no one better.
40:50As a cop, as a mom, and as a human.
40:54You just...
40:58I know you had a hell of a day, and I just hate that I was in any way a part of that.
41:03I appreciate that.
41:09If you need anything, do not hesitate. I can be back here under 12 minutes.
41:33This is really sweet of you, but I think I can walk from here.
41:36Do not listen to her. I will take it from here. Thank you very much.
41:40You are overreacting. I was dehydrated.
41:44Oh, I'm not doing this because I was worried.
41:46No, definitely not.
41:47No, no, no. I'm doing this to keep an eye on the competition.
41:49I heard that you busted a meth lab from your bed.
41:53I was mostly Selena, but I do think I qualified for a police pension.
41:57I'll look into it.
41:58And one of those badges I can flash when I get pulled over for speeding.
42:01How often do you get pulled over for speeding?
42:04Not at all. A small, reasonable amount of times.
42:07How about we remember how worried you were when I passed out?
42:10Let's hold onto that.
42:15Case Life.
42:16Practicing medicine on the high seas.
42:20Not being stuck.
42:25Doctor Odyssey, all new Thursday 9, 10, Mountain on CTV.