• yesterday
1320 Video, Cleetus Mcfarland, Race Rebuild Repeat, KSR Fabrication, all the fun burnouts from our trip to Florida
00:00What? No way! We're back home. We're back in Canada. We're back in the shop. The car
00:05is not in here yet. It's too cold to start the car currently. So we're waiting
00:11for the weather to turn around a little bit so I can get the car in here. So I was
00:15trying to think of a video I could put out for you guys that you would enjoy
00:18and some of the stuff you might not have seen on Sick Week. So we, a couple things,
00:23we got featured in one of 1320's video and when you got Kyle from 1320,
00:29saying best burnout, like you know you're doing something right. So here's a
00:33video of all the burnouts we did during the week and we missed a few but we got
00:39to ride along on a few burnouts with Frankie from Race Rebuild Repeat and
00:44yeah, we had a lot of fun down there. We got to, we got to sign, sign their car as
00:51well with the grinder. I've never done that but hope you enjoy.
00:57How's it going? What's up? You guys ready to roll or what? How about you? I think so.
01:05How long is your wheelie gonna be? I don't know. I guess we'll see. Someone's
01:11got to go measure it. That's, that's the coolest part for me. I'm like, it's not
01:14as fast as I want it to be but then I get back to the pits and Ken's like, you
01:19did a wheelie. I'm like, no way. That's awesome. I don't care what my time was. We
01:23lifted this 4,200 pound car off the ground. You got your spare keys with you?
01:35Your pocket got all... Perfect. So we were going out for supper the other night and
01:43we come around the corner and these two guys, they got a tree branch
01:48lodged in their door trying to open it and a twig to open the window. It was
01:54awesome. Did it not work? It worked. We got in. So there's a hack for you. If you need it, use a
02:01tree branch, pry your door and then a twig to push a window, window lock down.
02:05So I'm walking into, we're going for wings tonight to get some supper and we
02:11walk up on this f***ing station wagon and they got a foot, check this out. What? No
02:17way. They're using a f***ing tree limb to wedge this s*** open and to try and put the
02:22window... For f***s sake. This is something I would do. Get it, get it, get it.
02:33She's in there now. Hold on, I... You got a tire iron you said? I was just going to say, in the back of the
02:39truck. All right, now we got a f***ing crowbar. We're going to pry this open. You got anything to poke the
02:44poker? Yeah, right here, bud. That long? Okay. There's an opportunity to be gentle. We could take it, bud.
02:48Oh, I let them do it. Then you're not breaking their shit. Maybe you can pry against the wood, bud. Can you get a
03:02lamp? A light, hold on. Well, I'm filming. Hold on. This is the most important part of the entire f***ing thing.
03:09We got a twig. This is a stick, brother. That's a twig. Are we not going to get... You might have to... We got to get over the rib part.
03:17What rib? This little stick, stiggly dude. Really get it out of here, dude. I don't even know if that's going to be
03:23long enough. It's so close. We got to have AMA down here, no? The door's getting bent. You're bending the door. Is that weird? Come on, bud. Do I have to push down on the button? I hope so.
03:37Oh, you bitch. Yeah, push down is down and then up is up, yeah. It's a dodge. Yeah, DM, that's the way it is. This is awesome. I'm sorry, but this is awesome.
03:50This couldn't have gone better at this point. You guys color rolling up with a crowbar? Great. Come on, you...
03:59Is the window down? It won't pull the other side. You have to do the...
04:02Oh, I'm so stupid. I'm doing the wrong one. Yeah, you have to have... Okay, here we go. Okay, I got it now.
04:10We got this. Oh, it's so close. He's on it. Oh, he's on it? He's on it, yeah. I'm just worried
04:16about my crowbar slipping back here. Oh, don't worry about that. Damn it. Then stick your fingers in there.
04:24I know, right? Come on, Betsy.
04:30He's pushing. It's close. Oh, fucker. Is it slipping off when you get it? It is, yeah.
04:37It's almost like it's got to come in. Yeah, like try it. Yeah, you didn't want to grab the camera.
04:41See what happens? What do you mean? Yeah, that's true. Good point. Yeah, but if I go in deeper,
04:47I can't reach it. It's got to start back here. Do we need a different bent stick or what?
04:51We got plenty of sticks out here. Timber tools. I guarantee you... This is feeling really good. If I re-grip?
04:57This one's feeling really good. I guarantee if I re-grip, I can get the door open forward.
05:01Okay. No, we're good. We don't need it. Okay. Come on. Come on.
05:12Oh, it was fucking gone. What was it doing? Was it moving? No, come on, dude. It was moving, yeah.
05:20I feel like we need to re-grip this, so leave the stick there for a second. No, we're good.
05:25I'm getting a lot more traction.
05:29Oh, yeah. Winning. Help me. Oh, God. Look at that. That's awesome. That's what we needed the whole time.
05:39Hey, those things. We got them. That's awesome. Thanks for the help, boys. Thanks for the help.
05:45We freaking did it, bud. Race, rebuild, repeat, guys, and so they got a Dodge Wagon,
05:55and we helped them break into their car a couple days ago, and I was like, yeah, or they asked me
06:01to sign it, and then they just said, oh, you should get a grinder and sign the car. I was like, I'm not
06:07that chick that does that, but I got a grinder, so here I'm digging my grinder out, and we're going
06:12to go sign a car with a grinder. Make it look wherever you want to put on your butt. This is my first time
06:17doing this. Well, fuck's sake. All right, so we helped them break into their car because they
06:24locked the keys in it, and we were going to just sign above the dent with a sharpie, and we joked
06:30about the girl that signs with the grinder, and I mentioned I have a grinder, so here I am with
06:35the grinder, and we're going to we're going to sign the car, and yeah, this is first for me, so if I mess
06:41this up, you'll be all right. We'll just go to that side to try again. Let's keep going. Yes, got it.
06:48All right. Get your nut right here, boys.
07:05Oh yeah. Awesome. Fuck's sake. Thank you. That's awesome. Well, that's a first. First of many. Yeah.
07:30Well, that's a first for me. I've signed some vehicles with sharpies, but never with
07:36with the grinder. It'll rust out, but it'll look good. Yeah. No, that's awesome. Thanks for letting me do that.
07:43We get to do fun things this sick week. It's pretty smoky in here. It's like we got to do some trailer
07:55burnouts in here. Here we are at Leadfoot City. We were going to come down here, but we broke our car.
08:12There we go.
08:13All right. Guess we come over here, and we do some burnout, trailer burnouts.
08:30Who doesn't like a good burnout? He is not going to do one.
08:34I begged. This is my husband. He said no.
08:41Oh, that's his flex. That's his flex.
08:46But this guy's going to do it. Have you watched what? No way. Have you watched the videos of that
08:51guy saying that? Yeah. No way. Yeah, that's him. Oh, shit. Here we go.
09:12yeah. Nice. Yes, sir.
09:35Dang. Best burnout. Fuck's sake.
09:44Holy shit. That's a big ass smoke.
09:50Oh, was that him?
09:55Yeah, we had to.
09:56Woo. Yeah, you did amazing. That was awesome. Who doesn't like trailer burnouts? Right?
10:18There is a whole bunch of smoke coming out of Leadfoot City tonight.
10:27Oh, good times there. Good times.
10:56Oh, yeah.
11:03Who doesn't like a good trailer burnout? Everyone here is doing them. That's awesome.
11:08Trailer is all covered in rubber. Good times.
11:13But I think we're going to hit the road, go get our hotel. Yeah, good times.
11:20I think I missed his burnout. Oh, he's going back for more.
11:27Uh-oh. Get in. Get in.
11:33Hold on. We'll teach you freaking Canadians how to really do a burnout. All right, let's go.
11:38My prior has put it in gear, eh? Might be one option.
12:08Woo. Yeah. Yeah, you got me.
12:20I could steer though, too. To be fair, we'll give you that one. Yeah, I can't turn left, so.
12:29That was awesome.
12:31Oh, love the smell of burning rubber. Oh, it actually fills the car up big time.
12:47There's got to be a parking spot up there somewhere. Somewhere, yeah.
12:53I could hear you, so I had to pull up there and park, and then all I could hear was rev limiter.
13:01Is it Tom Bailey's turn to do a burnout? No. Come on. We broke the rear end anyways. Huh?
13:08We only did a one-wheel deal on the burnout at the line today.
13:14Well, I'll just pull the cover off and weld it up. We got another one.
13:24Hey Ken, what are we doing? You want to change tires over. Why are we doing that?
13:30Because you're going to melt them, so we can replace them tomorrow. That's right.
13:35My wife doesn't know that plan. See, I already committed to a set of tires tomorrow.
14:00Well, I'm not going to beat that, but we're going to melt a set of tires off.
14:06I love you. Okay, so Kevin brought out the burnout car.
14:30All right, that was good.
14:37What's up Sean? How's it going? Good. Emily was telling me all about you.
14:42I'm Steve, Emily. I'm Steve from Wired now. Oh, okay. Yeah, nice to meet you buddy.
14:48Hey, that's hard dude.
14:55Need a little breeze here.
15:00He's just skidding his front tire.
15:11All right, so we just put our slicks on and we're going to burn them off.
15:17And then, I guess...
15:26Uh-oh, coming over here.
15:34Probably going to ask people to leave. Maybe they'll pull in and do a burnout.
15:48Ah, no way. Yeah, what did you do? I didn't do anything yet. I was putting on my slicks to come back out.
15:59Yeah, and then my car broke when I pulled it up. Oh, perfect timing. Broke more.
16:04Wonderful. You don't want to go to American jail, dude. Yeah, right.
16:10Ah, I mean, it was good while it lasted. Yeah, it was a good show.
16:22Well, dang. Oh, look who shows up.
16:29What's up guys? The second round of burnouts is just starting.
16:32Oh, really? Yeah, the cops have already left. We're good.
16:49Are you going to give us a signal? Yeah, I'll give you guys a signal.
16:54Kevin, keep coming. Keep coming.
16:55Kevin. Coming, coming, coming.
17:03Okay, hold on. I'm going to move Sean over. Stay right there.
17:11Sean, move up. Move over. Go three feet and then come straight back.
17:16Line yourself up with his car.
17:30Roll it in.
17:36Good. Go.
17:45All right.
18:45That was fun.
19:12Sorry to interrupt.
19:14Oh, it's all good.
19:16Thanks, Kevin.
19:17No problem.
19:18You make my dreams come true here.
19:19This is nice.
19:20Nice weather.
19:22Great day for a hard park in the Spark.
19:23Oh, my God.
19:25Nice first try.
19:26I got you.
19:27I got you.
19:28I got you.
19:29I got you.
19:30I got you.
19:31I got you.
19:32I got you.
19:33I got you.
19:34I got you.
19:35I got you.
19:36I got you.
19:37I got you.
19:38I got you.
19:39I got you.
19:40I got you.
19:41I got you.
19:45Nice first try.
19:46Very dusty.
19:47It's a dusty parking lot.
19:48Solid first try.
19:49Seems to go good.
19:56He's always trying it with the roll down.
19:58If the roll counted, you would have got it.
20:00No way.
20:01That don't count.
20:07He's getting so much closer now.
20:10When you hit the .
20:12little hot, little hot, little spicy bud, little wide, little hot, we'll take some pictures
20:27here a little further, let the brakes cool off a smidge, smidgens, the oldie brake didn't
20:38snag as hard on that last one, this is not where I expected Sick Week to lead me, hard
20:50to spark, you ready brother, let's hope the brake works, come on baby, oh, dang it, that
21:16was fast, I was low-key scared a little bit, no I was like how fast are we going here, 60,
21:36yeah and I'm really starting to get the range figured out, but I mean you're perfectly parallel,
21:51just half car, you watch it on the videos and it doesn't look that fast but he's flying,
22:06I mean, I mean he's parallel, he just missed the line, day 12, lock it in, see you are not feeling
22:32as good as you normally do at the end, well dude, yeah, I took a freaking week and a half off with Sick Week and I shouldn't have even gone on that, I should have brought the spark, I should have stayed here and done the spark challenge, we did a lot of cool things down in down in Florida, we got to hang out with Cletus McFarland and all his
22:52crew so that was fun, we got to do hard park the spark with them or watch him do it and I rode
22:57with him and scared me but yeah I wanted to show you guys some of the burnouts we did and we got to hang out with Nick and Frankie from Race Rebuild Repeat and he he's like like Frankie's like get in we got to show you how to do a burnout, well when I do burnouts I like to burn my tires right off and so you'll see it in this video but we had a lot of fun down there, well we missed a bunch of them but
23:26yeah we came home with no tires so that was fun, hope you enjoy the video.
