• 18 hours ago
If you don’t know, my mom has really curly hair, so I thought it would be a great idea to try a curly hair routine to figure out if my hair was also curly!

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After doing a lot of research, aka watching a million TikTok videos and calling my mom, I put together a really simple curly hair routine that I followed for a couple of days. And you guys you’ll never guess how my hair ended up! Maybe I’m delusional, but I saw curls!

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The Mascara I used: https://lashnextdoor.com/products/lash-next-door-mascara?selling_plan=1895104575&variant=39847687028799
Hairitage Products I used:
Leave in conditioner: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/dK2Oa
Curl cream: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/dxUQf
Enhancing mousse: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/hOnme
Spray Bottle: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/a_EMl
Argon Oil: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/usyOU

❤️'s - Bailey

You can check out our shop HERE: www.lashnextdoor.com

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00:00Hello, hello, and welcome back to the channel.
00:03Today I'm doing something I've wanted to do
00:05for so freaking long, okay?
00:09I am trying a curly hair routine today.
00:13Let's get into it.
00:14Let's get into it.
00:17Okay, so I'm sure a lot of you are like,
00:19what is happening, Bailey?
00:20So basically, I have a lot of explanation behind this.
00:23But first, let's pop up a picture of my mom in high school.
00:26Her hair was so ringlet curly.
00:29She had curls for up until she had kids.
00:32And then something about pregnancy
00:34made her hair loosen those curls up.
00:36But those genetics, those are my genetics.
00:39Mine and Brooklyn's, we were born up until about seven
00:42or eight, we had ringlet curls just like that.
00:45I don't know if it was puberty or growing up
00:48that made it loosen up into what I would now call
00:51a crazy mess of wave straight curly confusion.
00:56But it did used to be curly, okay?
00:58Which means I've got it in there somewhere in me.
01:01So I'm here today to try.
01:03Okay, so to clarify, I have not done anything to my hair.
01:07I literally just showered and let it air dry.
01:09And this is what it looks like.
01:11Here's the full, the full experience.
01:14This is before I have done anything to my hair.
01:19I've actually never tried a curly hair routine.
01:21I don't think I've ever tried any product or anything.
01:24I think maybe I've done like a curl mousse once or twice.
01:27So I definitely need to do some extensive research
01:32behind what products I'm supposed to use,
01:34what order I'm supposed to use them in,
01:37if there's any hair tools I need to do, tips and tricks.
01:40So let's go do our own research.
01:45Do, no, D-Y, yeah, D-Y-O-R.
01:48Do your own research.
01:50Yeah, we're gonna go D-Y-O-R.
01:52My two sources of information for this video.
01:55One, my mom.
01:56Not only is she a hair expert, so we all know,
01:59Mindy McKnight, cute girls, hairstyles, all that jazz.
02:01Information bucket number two, tick freaking tock.
02:05I'm gonna call my mom.
02:08Hey, I am trying a curly hair routine.
02:12I literally have no idea what I'm doing.
02:14I've never done a curly hair routine before.
02:16So do you have like steps or products
02:18or things I should use, recommendations?
02:20Well, the three go-tos for most curly girls
02:23are a mousse, a gel, or a curl cream.
02:26I usually put in like the curl cream straight up
02:29and then kind of add the mousse, you know,
02:31after my hair's dried a little.
02:33And then I kind of scrunch it all.
02:35And then diffuse it.
02:36Okay, sounds good.
02:37Okay, I wanna see a picture when you're done.
02:39Okay, I will send one.
02:41Okay, bye.
02:42My mom has let me know mousse, gel,
02:44and curl cream potentially are the three
02:46like most used products.
02:48So now I'm gonna go watch some TikToks.
02:50I'm about to look up curly hair routine.
02:53Let's see what pops up.
02:54Even slightly wavy hair.
02:56I'm gonna change it up.
02:59I'm gonna watch this.
03:00I'm gonna take notes and I will tune back in
03:03to let y'all know what I've learned.
03:04After extensive research of AKA watching a million TikToks,
03:08every single routine pretty much is somewhat the same,
03:12at least product-wise.
03:14First, we've got wet the hair down till it's dripping wet.
03:18Then we're gonna brush and do leave-in conditioner.
03:22Then we're gonna add curl cream everywhere,
03:24but not scrunch yet.
03:25Then we do curl mousse,
03:28tip our head upside down and scrunch,
03:30especially in the roots.
03:32And then hair gel and scrunch upside down and sideways.
03:35Blow dry with a diffuser and then put hair oil at the end.
03:39Now that I know the things that I need
03:41for my curly hair routine,
03:42your girl's got to go to the store.
03:44But first I need to gather up all my stuff
03:46to take with me to the store.
03:48So I don't have shoes on right now.
03:49I gotta put shoes on, get my bag, gather the things.
03:53So BRB.
03:53Okay, my stuff has been gathered.
03:55I've got my shoes, check.
03:57Purse, check.
03:59And my new water bottle.
04:01This is the Lark Bottle Purvis 2.
04:05I know, fancy schmancy.
04:06Look at how cute she is.
04:08She's cute.
04:08I finally decided I was an adult
04:10and I needed a water bottle
04:11to accompany my new hydration goals
04:13because I decided I need to drink more water this year.
04:15So this water bottle's pretty cool
04:17because it has a whole app you can set up.
04:19Your hydration goals,
04:20it will actually flash a light at you
04:23to remind you to drink water,
04:24which is exactly what I need because I forget frequently.
04:29So something literally flashing a light at me
04:33telling me to drink water is important.
04:34Plus it has a cool thing,
04:35it has filters so it cleans out all the water.
04:38Plus it has UV technology
04:39which cleans out the water bottle
04:41to make sure it's actually clean,
04:42which if you know me,
04:43I'm a big germaphobe about dirty water bottles.
04:46Plus of course, it also keeps the water cold.
04:48So bonus.
04:49Pretty much this is everything I could want
04:50in a bottle and more.
04:51So this is my new go-to.
04:53Anyway, you can click the link in the description box
04:55for the Lark Water Bottle.
04:57Check it all out.
04:58You can twin with me.
04:59Plus like I said, she's cute.
05:00All right, to the store we go to go get curly hair products.
05:03Okay, to the store we go.
05:05Look who I recruited.
05:06Pick him with us.
05:06Ace is coming.
05:08Really we're grocery shopping
05:09and getting the hair products all in one.
05:11We're two in one-ing this grocery shopping-ness.
05:15All my words.
05:17All my words just left my body all at once.
05:19We're knocking out two birds with one stone
05:21going to the store.
05:22There we go.
05:26Hey, hey, hey, hey.
05:28Okay, made it to the hair care section.
05:30Curl cream, curl enhancing mousse.
05:34The girl's TikTok, Ashley Lamarca.
05:36That's the girl that I'm doing.
05:38She used this one.
05:39Even though there are others that are like curl gels,
05:42this is the one that she used
05:44and I'm gonna trust her and do this one.
05:46Ladies and gentlemen,
05:48we have all the stuff we need for the curly hair routine.
05:51I raided my closet.
05:54I have like an extras closet.
05:55Plus went to the store and we've got everything.
05:58Diffuser, the curling gel,
06:01even some microfiber towels,
06:03spray bottles, curl cream, curl mousse,
06:06oil, leave-in conditioner, brush.
06:10I mean, you name it, we've got it.
06:13Time to start the routine.
06:15So I think today I'm just going to do products and diffusing.
06:19Then I know there are some fun tricks people do
06:22like dipping their head in bowls of water
06:24or tying their hair off in old T-shirts.
06:26I'm gonna try that in like a day or two.
06:28So today is just product only
06:31and then the next couple of days will be like tips and tricks
06:34and hopefully by the end of the week,
06:36your girl will have curly hair.
06:38All right, time for step one
06:40which is getting my hair soaking wet.
06:42So I don't necessarily feel like getting in the shower.
06:44I just washed my hair last night.
06:46So we're gonna do the classic age old.
06:50Tip my head over and get it wet in the tub.
06:52I'm gonna look ridiculous.
06:53Woo, it's cold.
06:56Well, it's official.
06:57My hair is dripping.
06:59I've got my leave-in conditioner right here.
07:02I'm gonna spray my hair.
07:04Oh, hold on.
07:06Guys, you can already see just that alone.
07:10I haven't even done anything.
07:11This is proof, I think, that my hair wants to be curly
07:15because like look at that texture.
07:16And then she said, this is the only step you brush.
07:21Guys, if my makeup is completely melted after this,
07:26it's from the water.
07:27So far, the makeup is lasting through the bath
07:30and through the spray.
07:31Shout out to Lash Next Door mascara
07:34because I just sprayed my face with water a million times
07:36and it's still intact, so.
07:37The next step that she has
07:40that my mom also recommended was curl cream.
07:43In her tutorial, she said curl cream everywhere,
07:46but not to scrunch yet.
07:48So curl cream is going everywhere, including the scalp.
07:52And I'm not really sure what to do, how to do this.
07:57Maybe I should just go like this.
07:59It's right now, it's looking very straight.
08:01But she says not to scrunch yet.
08:02And the scrunching is where my curls come in.
08:04Curl cream has been applied.
08:06Again, like I said,
08:07my hair is looking very not curly right now,
08:12but I'm following the step-by-step instructions,
08:14so we'll see.
08:15Mousse time.
08:16Watch how satisfying this is.
08:18So fucking satisfying.
08:22I guess I'm gonna end up using a lot of this.
08:30We have put the curling enhancing mousse in
08:34and I'm starting to see the curls now.
08:36I'm trying to show y'all.
08:37We're starting to see some texture, some curls.
08:40It's potentially working.
08:42Next, the hair gel,
08:43which this is the exact one she used in the tutorial.
08:46I'm gonna pop this bad boy open.
08:48Yes, whoa.
08:50And this is where the scrunching happens.
08:53Ooh, it's sticky.
08:55I don't think I was expecting it to be that sticky.
08:58And then she says, just keep scrunching.
09:01We're just gonna scrunch and scrunch.
09:04Just keep scrunching, just keep scrunching.
09:12I mean, I'm starting to see curl.
09:15Holy cow.
09:16Look at that curl though, guys.
09:18Look at that texture.
09:21I mean, it's not as curly as I was expecting it to be,
09:24but I also think that comes with training.
09:26Like I know people say the first time you do it
09:29versus like the 10th time you do it,
09:31your curls will look a little different.
09:32But the fact that there's even texture there at all,
09:34like consistent texture throughout my hair is crazy.
09:37I have never diffused my hair before.
09:40So this is the very first time
09:42I'm even attaching the diffuser end,
09:46which I don't even know if I'm doing this right.
09:48Aha, update.
09:50All I had to do was pop it in.
09:52Now the one thing she doesn't say
09:54is if it's supposed to be hot or cold.
09:56So I'm gonna look it up.
09:58When diffusing curly hair,
09:59it's best to use a cool or low heat setting
10:01on your hairdryer.
10:03Low heat is best.
10:05And she said to take it, scrunch it,
10:06and push it right up against the scalp.
10:09So we're gonna try.
10:13Before I go finish diffusing,
10:16I just wanna get up close of this.
10:19Look at the ringlets.
10:23This is crazy.
10:30I'm literally shaking.
10:32I'm actually shaking right now.
10:38I mean, it's kind of a mess
10:39because I think my hair doesn't know what to do with itself.
10:42Like it's literally like, what the freak is happening?
10:44But look at this.
10:46Here are the results for day one.
10:51I am literally speechless.
10:52I just did every single step my mom recommended,
10:56every single step the girl on TikTok recommended.
10:59This side looks super good.
11:02Okay, I'm gonna call Asa in
11:03and get his reaction to the curly hair.
11:06Or one day one of curly hair is what I'll say.
11:09Babe, come in.
11:12Come see.
11:13Curly hair.
11:14Oh, wow.
11:17Wait, you didn't put,
11:18you didn't curl that?
11:20That's just, what, water?
11:21That's water and like a couple of products
11:24and then blow drying it, right?
11:26Isn't that crazy? Oh my gosh, dang.
11:27I'm so excited to see what the next couple of days hold.
11:30So we'll see y'all tomorrow.
11:32We'll see how these curls hold up overnight.
11:36Well, good morning.
11:38This is the next day.
11:40Okay, so I did the curl routine yesterday,
11:43went to bed, slept on these, woke up,
11:46and I literally have not touched them.
11:48So this is the result of one night of sleep.
11:52If you can see closely, this side flattened,
11:56but I felt like it was already kind of flat
11:58when I did the curls.
11:59This side is still curly, but it is ski wampus.
12:03Okay, I found a curl chart because I wanted to make sure
12:05that I was using the right language.
12:07Like, I don't want to say curly if it's not curly.
12:11This is what I'm going off of now.
12:12And based on that and what my hair looks like right now,
12:15I think that I'm firmly in the wavy category.
12:19Maybe at the most, I might get like the first one of curly.
12:24So what is it?
12:27I'm pretty sure my hair is a 2C.
12:28My goal is to hopefully, hopefully get it to look
12:31a little more curly by the end of this week.
12:34So today is shower day.
12:37So I'm about to get in the shower and wash my hair.
12:39I don't have any curly shampoo or conditioner products.
12:43I'm just going to use my normal products.
12:44I hope that's fine.
12:46But once I do all that, I'm going to redo the curl routine.
12:52And then it's time to try the T-shirt hair plopping trick.
12:57Okay, I'm officially fresh out of the shower
13:10and I'm currently finishing the scrunching,
13:13crunching portion of the routine.
13:16Yesterday, I diffused the curls with a blow dryer.
13:20Today, I'm doing what I've seen on TikTok
13:23as the curl plopping trick,
13:25which is where you use a T-shirt
13:26and you tie it up and air dry it like that.
13:29Now, like I said, this is my first time for everything.
13:31So if I'm doing this wrong, let me know,
13:34but we're doing our best.
13:36So I'm going to try and follow the instructions that I saw.
13:48And she tied these here.
13:52I don't think I did this right.
13:56Oh my God.
13:56I think this is my best look yet.
13:58I think this is the best I've ever looked, actually.
14:02I'm going to take it out and see what it looks like.
14:10No way.
14:12Why am I speechless?
14:14These are actual spirals,
14:16like actual spirals instead of waves.
14:19I think I should have left it in there for longer.
14:21Okay, I might try again tomorrow,
14:23but like maybe sleep overnight
14:26or just keep it in for a long time.
14:29But this is crazy.
14:30I want to see, I want to see.
14:33Crazy, right?
14:34What the heck?
14:35I don't know.
14:36Maybe I'm delusional and it just all looks the same.
14:38No, no, no, no.
14:39I'm just like kidding ourselves.
14:40These go all the way up.
14:41Looks just like real and natural.
14:43That's crazy.
14:44I think I should diffuse it like this.
14:46So it dries like this.
14:47Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:47Because I'm scared it's going to fall.
14:48Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:49It's going to dry and curl.
14:54I honestly can't tell if it looks like more ringlet-y.
14:57I can't tell if I'm like getting delusional
15:00or if it looks more ringlet-y.
15:01I think it looks a little bit more wavy than it did before.
15:06I think the hair plopping really helped.
15:09And tomorrow I'm going to be trying the dipping my hair
15:13in the bowl of water and then plopping my curls for longer.
15:17Okay, hello.
15:18This is slept on untouched after yesterday.
15:23With that being said,
15:24today is the last day of me trying a curly hair routine.
15:27And I have some new tips and tricks I'm going to try.
15:31And on top of that,
15:32I'm going to try the hair flopping technique
15:33I did yesterday with a t-shirt,
15:35but letting it dry fully that way.
15:37And we'll see what it does.
15:43You working something?
15:45I'm about to use this on my hair.
15:47I know.
15:48Bowl is secured.
15:49So basically what I'm supposed to do
15:51is fill this up with water,
15:53dip my hair in it,
15:54and start doing the whole routine.
15:57We're going to dip our hair.
15:59How do I get their whole head wet?
16:01I don't know how to get the back of my head wet.
16:03I feel like I'm going to have to flip upside down.
16:05Oh no.
16:08This is a bad idea.
16:10As always.
16:13How in the world do they get the back of their heads wet?
16:17This would have been easier
16:17if I just did the bathtub method.
16:21Tell me why I'm out of breath.
16:26First step after dipping
16:28is to put pearl cream to my hair.
16:34So we're going to brush it upside down.
16:43I look like someone from a horror movie.
16:45I look like a girl from a horror movie
16:47covering my hair, my face.
16:50I promise I'm in here guys.
16:51I'm here.
16:52So taking the gel,
16:53she glazes over like this
16:56and then squishes it to the top.
16:57She said to really quilt,
16:59get it in there.
17:00So we're getting it in there.
17:02Then the next step is the microfiber towel,
17:04which she says she just uses this.
17:05I think I'm done with the bowl now.
17:08Is it called micro quilting?
17:11I feel like I got that extra moisture out.
17:12And then she's doing the mousse.
17:13So she applied the mousse.
17:16Oh my gosh.
17:16Everything's falling.
17:17She doesn't ask for it.
17:20And she did that just like her gel.
17:21She glazed over everything.
17:23I can't really tell how this looks,
17:25but I think it looks good.
17:26Time for the t-shirt to enter the chat.
17:30So do this
17:32and tie that.
17:34We're back.
17:35All right, ladies and gentlemen,
17:37we are back with the hair plopping method.
17:39Now I did this yesterday
17:41and I only left it in for like 45 minutes.
17:44So today I'm going to leave it in
17:46for like three hours.
17:48And we're going to see
17:50if I can get my hair like to maximize.
17:53I don't think it's going to completely dry
17:55because it takes my hair forever to dry,
17:56but I'm going to try and dry it
17:57as much as possible in this method
18:00before diffusing it.
18:01Cause yesterday I really didn't let it sit all the way.
18:03And I think this really helped with the waves.
18:06It has been several hours
18:09and this is coming out.
18:12I don't think my hair is going to be completely dry.
18:14Yeah, it's still wet.
18:16Isn't that crazy?
18:17So I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do now.
18:20Do I leave it upside down and diffuse it like this?
18:22Like maybe I diffuse it like this.
18:24Let me go try.
18:29Okay, time for the official reveal.
18:33I'm nervous.
18:36First time I've tripped my head up fully.
18:45Not what I was expecting.
18:46Maybe I, maybe I break them up.
18:49Oh wow.
18:52Oh wow.
18:53Oh my gosh.
18:55I think it kind of worked.
18:58I think it worked, kind of.
19:01I tried to diffuse it until it was dry
19:04and it added so much volume to my roots.
19:08Like, first of all,
19:09that's the volume I've been missing this entire time.
19:12And now it's very fluffy,
19:15but I feel like this is a true representation
19:18of like wavy hair taken care of.
19:21Look at that, guys.
19:23Look at that, like springy.
19:25This is the final result of doing a curly hair routine
19:30for nearly a week.
19:32Crazy what your hair can do
19:34when it's taken care of properly.
19:36Like this is insane.
19:37I've never seen my hair like this.
19:38I keep looking this direction
19:40because this is where my mirror is.
19:43Can you guys see this piece?
19:44I'm gonna try and hold my hand in front of it.
19:46Look at that.
19:47Look at that, how springy that is.
19:49Oh my gosh.
19:52That's crazy.
19:53So ultimately I think this was a raging success.
19:57I don't know if I'll be able to maintain this forever
19:59because holy cow, I now understand y'all curly haired girls,
20:04y'all's routine is insane.
20:06Like insane.
20:07Y'all take care of your hair like crazy.
20:09But this was a super fun one to trial run
20:11and just like see how it goes.
20:13All right, I'm like literally just, I can't get over.
20:16I can't get over it.
20:17This is crazy.
20:18Look at how much volume.
20:20Normally, it's crazy to me
20:21because normally this would require like a hot tool.
20:24I would have to use some kind of curler
20:27or crimper or something to get this kind of texture
20:29in my hair.
20:30And today, today this is just natural.
20:34Okay, wait, I'm about to take the thumbnail
20:36and Asa, I wanted to get his reaction.
20:39Will you come here?
20:41Come look at my hair.
20:42Where are you?
20:46Okay, that actually works big time.
20:49Isn't that crazy?
20:51How the heck did that happen?
20:53I literally had it upside down for like three hours today.
20:57Oh my gosh, that looks great.
20:58It's fluffy, right?
20:59It looks really great.
21:01Okay, so me and my wavy hair are gonna say,
21:11thanks for watching this video.
21:13If you wanna see more stuff like this,
21:15like hair stuff or whatever,
21:17if you have any video recommendations, let me know.
21:20I think this may be the last video I am doing on my own
21:23because next week, Brooklyn will be back.
21:26Ooh, Brooklyn will be back next week.
21:28So everything will resume as normally.
21:31So thank you guys so much for just enjoying my book series,
21:34enjoying this video,
21:35just hanging out with me for the last month and a half
21:39and we'll see y'all next week.
21:40Bye guys.
21:41Y'all should subscribe
21:42because of how awesome these waves look.
21:44I'm just saying.
