• 5 hours ago


00:02DMs from fans
00:07I sometimes get DMs from my fans saying,
00:09I like you, Haru-san.
00:11I sometimes get DMs that seem like confessions.
00:14But for those, I reply to them with lies and stuff.
00:19That's great.
00:20You don't ignore them.
00:21That's right.
00:22I only get DMs once in a while,
00:24so I reply to all of them.
00:27Then one day,
00:28I made an account recently.
00:30I didn't have an account icon,
00:31and I had zero followers.
00:32That's true.
00:33I got an account like that,
00:35and someone sent me a message saying,
00:37I really like you, Haru-san,
00:38so let's go out for a meal sometime.
00:40At the time, I was like,
00:41that's a lie.
00:42There's no way I'd go.
00:43So I replied,
00:44I really like you, so I want you to go.
00:47That's how it came about?
00:49A lot of people sent me messages.
00:51I was happy,
00:52but I ignored them for a while.
00:54Then one day,
00:55I got another DM.
00:57It said,
00:58I've actually met Haru-san before.
01:01I was like,
01:02you've met him before?
01:03Is he a TV personality?
01:05That's creepy.
01:06But I thought,
01:07comedians don't do stuff like that.
01:10No, comedians don't.
01:11So I was worried.
01:12Then I got another DM.
01:14If you go out for a meal,
01:16I'll reveal your identity.
01:18What's that?
01:19That's scary.
01:20That's creepy.
01:21I thought it was creepy,
01:23so I replied,
01:24I'm sorry, but I can't go out for a meal.
01:26That's scary.
01:27So I replied,
01:28I still want to meet you.
01:31Let's go out for a meal.
01:32I got a lot of DMs,
01:33but I ignored them for a while.
01:35I see.
01:36Then one day,
01:37I got home around 11 p.m.,
01:39and I was wearing a new pair of pajamas
01:42from Gelato Pique.
01:44Then I got a DM.
01:46I looked at it,
01:47and it was from a fan.
01:49It said,
01:50Gelato Pique.
01:51Wait a minute.
01:52That's scary.
01:53I got goosebumps.
01:54That's scary.
01:55It's scary.
01:56There was no tweet
01:57about me buying Gelato Pique.
01:58That's scary.
02:00I was too scared,
02:01so I blocked it.
02:02That's scary.
02:03In the end,
02:04I didn't know who he was.
02:06That's it?
02:07That's how I spent my time.
02:08It's not solved at all.
02:09Believe it or not,
02:10it's up to you.
02:12That's scary.
02:14Then I got a DM.
02:15You're amazing.
02:16It's a real experience.
02:18It's a real experience.
02:20What is this?
02:21It's like a slay runner.
02:22It's a real experience.
02:26Yarisugi City Legend Special Edition
02:30New Occult Order
02:32This time,
02:33it's a strange real experience
02:35that the comedians have seen.
02:38It's just like what's in the picture.
02:39A good one.
02:41Wow, what is this?
02:42It's a pretty good way to show it.
02:44It's perfect.
02:47The New York City cut in
02:49to the seat right before the event.
02:52It's the picture of when we were in Egypt.
02:54Wait a minute.
02:56Let's hear more.
02:58This is a very unusual,
03:00mysterious video.
03:03I've heard a story about Mamouk you're afraid of.
03:05I like it very much.
03:06Koji Sukiga is now
03:08employed as a show-stopper
03:10at a bar called Thriller Night
03:12in Shinjuku Kabuki Town.
03:14Really? That's amazing.
03:16It was when I was in high school.
03:20I had a good friend in high school.
03:22I was hanging out with him.
03:24And he told me there was this amazing rental video store.
03:27I asked him if I should go.
03:29He said, sure, let's go.
03:31So I went.
03:32When I got there, it was a really small rental video store.
03:37It was about the size of a convenience store.
03:40It was a really small place.
03:41I thought, what's so amazing about this?
03:43But when I went in, there was no genre.
03:47There was no sci-fi.
03:49That's rare.
03:49It was all horror.
03:52All horror?
03:53All horror.
03:54I was like, this is really amazing.
03:56I looked around the store.
03:58I found a ranking on the opposite side of the register.
04:01From 1st to 10th place, it was all pure white DVDs.
04:06That's scary.
04:08What's that?
04:09It was like a DVD-ROM for copies.
04:11I didn't know what it was.
04:13It was all pure white DVDs with numbers on them.
04:15I was like, what is this?
04:17But I was really curious.
04:19You were curious.
04:20I thought, this is the top-ranking horror DVD store.
04:23It's got to be amazing.
04:25So I went to the register with my friends.
04:28I said, excuse me, I'd like to rent this.
04:31They said, is it expensive?
04:33I asked how much it was.
04:35They said it was 4,000 yen for 2 nights and 3 days.
04:37That's expensive.
04:38It's really expensive.
04:40It's expensive for a student.
04:41And it's a high-end store.
04:43I asked why it was so expensive.
04:45They said, this is actually a real copy.
04:49The original owner of the copy went to a temple to pray for it.
04:55Our store bought it at a high price, so we can't get it at this price.
05:01So it's not a product that's being sold as a work of art.
05:05It's just a DVD.
05:06That's right.
05:07That's funny.
05:07So the owner is a real fan.
05:10I think so.
05:11So I rented it and told my friends to watch it.
05:15When I played it, it was a really old video.
05:19It didn't match the current LCD TV.
05:21So there was a thick line on both sides of the screen.
05:24Yes, yes, yes.
05:25On the black border.
05:26It didn't match the frame.
05:26That's right.
05:27The top is a thin black border.
05:29I thought it was really old.
05:31When I played it, it was a home video.
05:34Home videos are scary.
05:35It's a video of two kids playing.
05:38I thought one of the fathers was taking a video.
05:42The video continued for a while.
05:47I thought I was fooled.
05:49I was wondering what it was, so I watched it.
05:53Then the two kids switched to the scene where they play in a swing.
05:56The two kids are swinging in a swing.
06:00At that time, I noticed something strange for the first time.
06:03The thin black border on the top.
06:06That part is rounded down.
06:09I was wondering if this was what I was looking at.
06:14Then I observed it closely.
06:16It was a black line.
06:18The black line was coming down.
06:21It took a long time to come down.
06:24When it came down, I noticed that it was the face of the man who was upside down.
06:30The man who was upside down was clearly reflected.
06:33I was looking at this side.
06:36To be honest, I thought it was a fake.
06:39The man's face was not reflected.
06:41The man's face was reflected all the time.
06:42I thought this was too much.
06:45I thought I was going to laugh.
06:46I see.
06:47I thought it was scary, but it was a lie.
06:51If I laughed, I would ruin the atmosphere.
06:54I laughed and watched it with my friends.
06:57I told my friends that it wasn't scary.
06:59My friends' faces were pale.
07:01They were very frightened.
07:05I asked them what they were afraid of.
07:09They pointed at the screen and said,
07:10I'm the kid in the picture.
07:14I'm scared.
07:15What is that?
07:17I'm scared.
07:19That's not true.
07:20I'm scared.
07:21I told them not to lie.
07:23I'm from MIE prefecture.
07:27I remember playing in HOKUSEI CHUO KOUEN.
07:31I called my father to confirm it.
07:34I called my father and told him that I was watching this video.
07:38My father said,
07:39I saw something strange in the video.
07:43I don't think you sold meat at the temple.
07:46I didn't tell anyone about this.
07:48Why do you know that?
07:51When I heard that, I thought it was all true.
07:55I was very surprised.
07:56It's a miraculous probability.
07:58That's right.
07:59Believe it or not, it's up to you.
08:01That's great.
08:04That's great.
08:05You should go to the main story.
08:07Is that okay?
08:08I don't want to stay here anymore.
08:12A UFO appears in front of you.
08:17I like to look for aliens.
08:21Is that so?
08:22I went to see an old lady who had been kidnapped by aliens in Kyoto.
08:28Did you go to see her on your own?
08:30I went to see her in private.
08:32You like her.
08:33I went to see her because I like her.
08:34That's interesting.
08:35I was talking about that with my friends.
08:40I was walking with my friend at 3 o'clock in the morning.
08:46My friend said,
08:46I want to see that.
08:48I looked at the sky.
08:49I saw a picture of a UFO.
08:54Is that a ZAI UFO?
08:55Yes, it's a ZAI UFO.
08:56There are a lot of ZAI UFOs.
08:58Where is it?
08:59It's in YOYOGI.
09:01I had to take a picture of it.
09:03I took a picture of it on my cell phone.
09:06I broadcasted it on Instagram so that everyone could see it.
09:12We did it together.
09:15At that time, a woman came up to us with a can of beer.
09:24She said,
09:25I found out that you were taking a picture of it.
09:28I thought she might kidnap me.
09:30I thought it was too early.
09:32So I tried to persuade her.
09:35I have a video of that time.
09:45I was going to say that.
09:46Wait a minute.
09:49This is when the ZAI UFO was in YOYOGI.
09:53What is this?
09:55The ZAI UFO was in a group of people.
09:58Doesn't the ZAI UFO move?
09:59The ZAI UFO doesn't move.
10:01Does the ZAI UFO move like this?
10:02At first, the ZAI UFO was moving in a group of people.
10:04The ZAI UFO gathered and became this.
10:09I have a video of this.
10:12This is when the woman came up to us with a can of beer.
10:15I found out that you were taking a picture of it.
10:19I thought she might kidnap me.
10:24This is amazing.
10:27I was able to take a picture of it.
10:28I usually talk to various people.
10:31I was able to talk to a person called CONTACTI, who is usually connected to aliens.
10:36I was asked what this was.
10:39I was able to understand what the woman was saying.
10:44I was able to recognize the UFO.
10:46I was able to understand what the woman was looking at.
10:51The sound of the ZAI UFO was cut off.
10:53So the ZAI UFO was cut off?
10:55The sound of the ZAI UFO disappeared.
10:57So the ZAI UFO could be the trick of the UFO or the alien?
11:00The sound of the ZAI UFO could be cut off.
11:06I was able to understand the words of CONTACTI.
11:10I was able to understand the word that the woman said at the end.
11:16I found something strange.
11:19I remember that I had the experience of something being done to me in my real experience.
11:23While I was sleeping, the room was all blue.
11:29I woke up in the morning, and I couldn't move because I was tied up.
11:34I couldn't move to find out what was going on.
11:37So I just moved my eyeballs to see what was going on.
11:41I could see the door under my feet.
11:46It looked like the door was shining blue.
11:49There was a window on the top of my head, and the light was coming in from there.
11:54I was trying to look at this window.
11:56I thought I could see it if I turned my head.
11:59I tried hard for about 10 minutes.
12:02But I couldn't move.
12:04I gave up and fell asleep.
12:06I explained to the contactee that I had this experience.
12:12This is a common occurrence among aliens.
12:15They use this blue light to treat people.
12:20At that time, if someone is in danger, they come to treat them.
12:27It takes about 30 minutes for them.
12:30It takes about 10 minutes for humans.
12:33This is what I experienced.
12:35It took about 10 minutes.
12:37I don't know if I was taken away or if I was treated on the spot.
12:44I had a surgery at that time.
12:47I heard a lot of rumors.
12:50I heard that there are people who make contact with aliens.
12:56I heard that there are a lot of people who are specially designated for observation.
13:03People who have this experience may make contact with aliens in the future.
13:12It's up to you to believe it or not.
13:15That's a great story.
13:17Was the woman also a contactee?
13:22This is my personal opinion.
13:24I think it's a hologram.
13:26A hologram?
13:28Is it a hologram that aliens have projected?
13:32I feel like I'm just here to say that.
13:34Do you need a can of beer?
13:36Why do you say that?
13:38It's a hologram that gives you a sense of security.
13:41It's a hologram that gives you a sense of security.
13:45Why are you here?
13:47What did you see at the end of your illness?
13:50I'm sure you've all seen a dream.
13:54When something happens, you say,
13:56I've seen this in a dream.
13:59It's a dream that's similar to this.
14:04When I was in the third grade of junior high school,
14:06I was hospitalized for nine months because of a blood cancer called Axelimpas.
14:12You're in the middle of it.
14:13That's right.
14:15It must have been hard for you in junior high school.
14:17Due to the effect of anti-cancer treatment, my immune system becomes very weak.
14:21I catch a cold or get sick.
14:24There was a time when I had to go into a white room in an inorganic room.
14:33When I got in there, I had to eat, go to the bathroom, and take a bath in that room.
14:38I couldn't go outside.
14:40It's a lot of free time.
14:41I've been living like that for about a month.
14:45One night, I couldn't sleep, so I was reading a mystery novel.
14:50When I finished reading it, I was confused.
14:58My heart stopped beating.
15:04I was crying unconsciously.
15:07I called a nurse and whispered,
15:09I want to see a star.
15:13The nurse looked at me and said,
15:16I'll make it special.
15:18She put a mask on me, put me on a wheelchair, and took me outside.
15:24On the way out of the emergency exit,
15:30I ran into an old man.
15:35But that's not the time to go out.
15:39There was an old man in a hospital uniform.
15:42The nurse and I were surprised.
15:45I thought he looked familiar.
15:50Who was it?
15:53The moment I remembered, I got goosebumps.
15:58It was exactly the same as the face of the killer I imagined in the novel I was reading.
16:08Believe it or not, it's up to you.
16:14I've never heard of it.
16:19Miraculous Hospital Led to Misery
16:25It's that, right?
16:27That's right.
16:29It looks a little like Kawamura.
16:32The shape is similar.
16:35It's very similar.
16:37Your relatives are similar.
16:40Let's talk about it in real life.
16:43This is a story I experienced in the summer of 2021.
16:49When I was at home, my throat suddenly started to hurt.
16:55I was wondering what it was.
16:58The next day, my throat hurt so much that I couldn't breathe.
17:05When I measured the temperature, it went up to 39.5 degrees.
17:10It was a time when COVID-19 was popular, so I thought I was infected.
17:16I called an ambulance.
17:18I just had a pain in my throat and a fever.
17:22Everything else was normal.
17:26I was told that I couldn't go to the hospital because of COVID-19.
17:33So I chose to stay at home.
17:36The fever went up and the pain in my throat increased.
17:40Even if I drank water, it hurt so much that I cried.
17:43That's pretty painful.
17:45I was sweating and crying just by drinking soba.
17:50At that time, I got a lot of LINE messages from my comedian friends.
17:56I got a lot of DMs.
18:02I was wondering what it was.
18:05So I opened the LINE of my comedian friends.
18:08When I looked at it, it said,
18:10Are you okay, Nori-chan's uncle?
18:13Oh, I see.
18:16At that time, I didn't know what was going on.
18:20When I opened the DM on Twitter,
18:22I looked it up.
18:23It's your uncle.
18:25Apologize to him, too.
18:26That's what it said.
18:29When I searched my uncle's name for the first time,
18:32I got a lot of medals.
18:34At that time.
18:36This is the picture.
18:39How did you know at the same time?
18:41At exactly the same time.
18:44I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't watch the Tokyo Olympics.
18:48I didn't know what was going on.
18:50I found out through the LINE of my comedian friends on Twitter.
18:54I had a fever of 39.5 degrees and couldn't go to the hospital.
18:57There was a moment when it went down to 37.9 degrees.
19:01I thought it was here.
19:03I went to the hospital while I was shaking.
19:06At that time, there was a rule that people over 37.5 degrees couldn't go to the hospital.
19:13I couldn't go to the hospital after all.
19:17But I was really sick and shaking.
19:20I was walking down the street thinking I'd come all the way here.
19:24Two young men were walking in front of me.
19:30These two men said,
19:32Do you know that?
19:34The mayor of Nagoya is stupid.
19:37I was listening to that behind my back.
19:40I was so frustrated that I wanted to tell you something.
19:44I followed that young man.
19:47Then that young man went into a dark back alley.
19:53When I followed him, I found a private hospital in the back alley.
20:00It's a neighborhood near my house.
20:02First of all, I didn't even know there was such a road.
20:05Of course, I didn't even know there was a hospital.
20:07You can't find it on the map.
20:09It's a place you can't find.
20:11I felt like I was being told to go to this hospital to be guided.
20:15I thought it was a miracle.
20:17I went to the hospital and had an examination.
20:21Actually, I thought it was Corona.
20:23It wasn't Corona.
20:25It was a disease called myocardial infarction.
20:28I don't think you're familiar with it.
20:30There's a part of the throat called the myocardium.
20:32The myocardium swelled up.
20:35I was trying to block the path of my throat.
20:39When I looked it up, I only had a few millimeters.
20:42You can breathe.
20:44The doctor told me,
20:46I'm coming to the hospital today because my fever has gone down.
20:49If you can't come, you'll die tomorrow while you're asleep.
20:58That was close.
20:59I was influenced by my uncle, both good and bad.
21:04Thanks to my uncle, I was saved.
21:10If it hadn't become such a hot topic from your mother,
21:14there wouldn't have been any young people talking about it.
21:17You didn't go to the hospital.
21:19That's right.
21:20There's a possibility that this saved you.
21:22That's right.
21:23Believe it or not, it's up to you.
21:26That's a good story.
21:28I believe you.
21:29I believe you.
21:36It was more than 10 years ago.
21:39I had a girlfriend.
21:41I went to her house for the first time.
21:43As soon as I entered the house, I got goose bumps all over my body.
21:48I thought this house was a little scary.
21:50It's rude to tell my girlfriend.
21:53I ate lunch and went home.
21:55After a while, there was an earthquake.
21:58We became smokers.
22:00I rolled into the house.
22:03It was the first night I stayed there.
22:05At night, the doorbell rang and no one was there.
22:09When I went to Hong Kong, no one was there.
22:13When I tried to go to bed, I heard the sound of water.
22:17Did you recognize her?
22:19I recognized her.
22:20I was about to go to bed.
22:22When it was about 2 o'clock, she was sleeping next to me.
22:25She suddenly held her neck and started screaming.
22:29She looked like she was going to die.
22:31I asked her what happened.
22:33She said a man she didn't know was strangling her neck.
22:36I thought it was strange because it continued for a long time.
22:39I asked other people.
22:41She said there was a man who could cast a spell on her.
22:46I didn't know if it was true or not, but I went to see him.
22:49At the moment I saw him, I didn't have a spell on her.
22:52However, there was a self-destruct spell in the room.
22:56The self-destruct spell was that she was betrayed by her lover.
23:00She committed suicide in the room.
23:02The room she committed suicide in was the opposite of the room she lived in.
23:06She committed suicide there.
23:08She committed suicide because she was jealous of her lover.
23:11I see.
23:12I don't know the reason, but the girl who lived next to her played the piano for about 3 hours in the afternoon.
23:18She played only one phrase for about 5 seconds.
23:21She played it for 3 hours forever.
23:23That's scary.
23:24Her lover's junior happened to live next door.
23:27When I went to his house, there was a card all over the wall.
23:30However, I couldn't cast a spell on her.
23:33I see.
23:34I couldn't cast a spell on her.
23:36Instead, I was told that I should give her this.
23:39I got a salt in a small bottle.
23:41The salt contained my power.
23:44If I cast a spell on her, she would go to the salt.
23:48I see.
23:50If I cast a spell on her, the salt would turn gray.
23:54If the salt turned gray, she would call me.
23:57I was half-believing.
23:59I took the salt in a small bottle.
24:01I put it under her pillow.
24:03When I went to bed, she screamed at 2 o'clock.
24:06I checked the bottle.
24:07The salt-filled bottle turned black.
24:10Was it water?
24:11Yes, it was water.
24:12It was liquid.
24:13That's scary.
24:14I wondered what it was.
24:15I called a psychic.
24:17I said,
24:18It's a black water.
24:19He said,
24:20It's really dangerous.
24:21He told me to leave the house as soon as I was in danger.
24:23I didn't have a place to live.
24:25I lived in a manga cafe for about a month.
24:27Finally, I had a place to live.
24:29I moved.
24:30Then, I had nothing.
24:32By the way, she and I got married.
24:35A week after the wedding,
24:37I had an affair with a comedian.
24:41That's how the story goes.
24:44It's not her fault.
24:46It's because of the spell.
24:48It's up to you to believe it or not.
24:50I want to believe it.
24:52I want to believe it.
24:54It's a great story.
24:56Is there still such a story?
24:58Yes, in Ekoda.
25:01From now on,
25:02I'd like to talk to Mr. Toshidensetsu Seki Akiyo.
25:06Nice to meet you.
25:07Nice to meet you.
25:08I'm Mr. Toshidensetsu Seki Akiyo.
25:12Thank you for a very solid introduction.
25:15You did a good job.
25:17It's the first time I've been to this Sekilberg Cafe.
25:20I've seen it on YouTube.
25:22I'm getting excited.
25:24Do you get something at the interview?
25:28There are a lot of things.
25:30I can get something interesting.
25:33I see.
25:35You put it on display.
25:38I saw what the guests saw here.
25:41I see.
25:42I see.
25:44I heard a lot about the holy place.
25:47This is the place.
25:49I saw it on TV.
25:51This is the Illuminati card.
25:53This is the Illuminati card.
25:56This is the picture where Trump predicted that he would become president.
26:03He's already fed up with it.
26:06He's already said that.
26:08This is the picture, right?
26:10It's a picture of a pistol.
26:12This is the picture of Trump's assassination attempt.
26:14He was assassinated in 1924.
26:17This picture is even showing it.
26:19I see.
26:21It was taken in the 1990s.
26:23That's strange.
26:25So it was a picture that looked exactly like Trump.
26:29At first, we drew this Illuminati card in 2016 in the United States.
26:36And we said on TV that Trump would become president in this Trump war.
26:41And then, as predicted, Trump became president.
26:45But there's still a chance of Trump winning.
26:50Yes, yes, yes.
26:52There's still something hidden here because it's up to 2028.
26:57I didn't know what the line was until last year, but that's what it means, isn't it?
27:03It's connected, isn't it?
27:04There are three times twice.
27:07So why is there something like a cell here?
27:13It's a cell.
27:14This is a cell.
27:15It's a cell.
27:17There are three times twice.
27:20If three coincidences overlap, it's inevitable.
27:25What's going to happen to this cell?
27:28You'll know what's going to happen when you watch the next Yarisugi Urban Legend.
27:35Do you understand?
27:36Yarisugi Urban Legend has already begun.
27:39You already know, don't you?
27:41Of course.
27:43It's all set up.
27:45The world is only going according to the scenario.
27:49It's only going according to the scenario.
27:51I want to drink alcohol.
27:54I want to open the bottle while listening to Mr. Seki's story.
27:57Is this Illuminati card a card that goes according to the prophecy?
28:03There are things that are going to happen, and there are things that are already happening.
28:08Is this already happening?
28:09The yellow pyramid-shaped thing is exploding.
28:13What's jumping out of it?
28:18It's always an experiment.
28:21The explosion is already happening.
28:25It's already happening?
28:27One, two, three, go!
28:31What's going to happen?
28:32Mr. Seki, you go first.
28:33Don Don Don Don Don
28:35Don Don Don Don Don
28:36Don Don Don Don
28:38Gan Gan Gan
28:39Do you understand?
28:43I don't understand.
28:44I don't think I can do this kind of thing.
28:49I'm just thinking about last year.
28:52Last year, the number of entertainers...
28:58Isn't it strange?
29:00It's strange, isn't it?
29:06It's really under control.
29:08That's why the immune system is being weakened.
29:12Trump's camp is on the move right now.
29:17The people behind it.
29:20We're already under information control, just as they want us to be.
29:31In a lot of ways, how do you make this TV interesting?
29:38And now, of course, there's a P.
29:41There's a P, but there's a gesture, right?
29:45I want you to read it.
29:48Are you giving me a hint?
29:49The hint comes from the TV Tokyo Yarisugi Tochi Nensetsu.
29:54If you're looking for a hint from there, you should go into the internet world.
30:00Thanks to that, it's been almost 20 years.
30:04Is that so?
30:06The Yarisugi Tochi Nensetsu started late at night.
30:11The overseas filming started in 2009.
30:14Now, Mr. Utsuki is in Yarisugi.
30:17I've been to Mexico. I've been to Mexico.
30:21I've been to Peru. I've been to Peru.
30:24I've been to Peru.
30:26I've been to Peru.
30:29I've been to Egypt.
30:31I've been to Egypt.
30:34I've been to Egypt.
30:36I've been to Egypt.
30:37From a skeleton in the tomb of Tztan Kamen's remains...
30:40I've been to Egypt.
30:41I've been to Egypt.
30:43I've been to Egypt.
30:44As you can see, it's not a human face anymore.
30:49It's not a human face anymore.
30:49It's pretty big, right?
30:50It's pretty big, right?
30:51Your head is big.
30:52It's a big head.
30:53I'm looking at my nose, and my mouth.
30:55And well, through various worlds...
30:57I've seen many worlds.
31:01What is this?
31:03This is a picture of when I went to Egypt.
31:07I'm really curious about the flip side.
31:11What is this?
31:12There is a picture that is hidden.
31:15This is an interesting picture.
31:17Are you hiding this?
31:19Why am I hiding it?
31:21Because you can't show it.
31:23If you show it now, it's not good.
31:25First of all, it is not allowed to show it and talk when it is on air.
31:30This is a story from last year.
31:32In 2024 and 2025,
31:36Mr. Trump said that it would be good if he talked about the Warren Report.
31:45The Warren Report is all about Kennedy assassination.
31:51He said he would publish it.
31:54He said he would publish it every time.
31:57But he said he would publish it in 2039.
32:02It's still a long time.
32:04He published it after 76 years since Kennedy was assassinated.
32:11He said he would publish it every time.
32:19He said he would publish it every time.
32:24He said he would publish it every time.
32:31He said he would publish it every time.
32:38It's a real alien life form.
32:43But in order to understand this, you have to listen to what Seki has experienced.
32:48If you don't have that, you won't be able to do anything.
32:52First of all, when you go to Egypt,
32:55there is a king's stone temple inside the pyramid.
32:59The moment you enter the king's stone temple and lie down,
33:06you'll go beyond your imagination.
33:08What do you mean?
33:09It's true.
33:11The moment you lie down in the stone temple, you can see the universe.
33:18You can see the universe, and you'll be awakened.
33:2215 years ago, in the Egyptian pyramid,
33:27what was Seki's strange experience?
33:31Peace be upon you.
33:35What is the king's stone temple?
33:38When you enter the prepared stone temple,
33:41you perform a ritual to die once, and then you will be revived.
33:46It's amazing. I'm so tired.
33:50When I thought this was not a real power spot,
33:53my eyes were open.
33:55My eyes were open.
33:57My eyes were open.
33:59I told you.
34:01The moment you lie down, you can see the universe.
34:08You can see and hear the universe.
34:11The action of the universe is completely different from what you think.
34:14How did you feel?
34:16It's a spiral.
34:18It's a spiral galaxy.
34:20Did you understand everything at that moment?
34:24Didn't you forget everything after that?
34:26Yes, I did.
34:27If you overdo it, it will start in earnest.
34:31The strange experience is unlimited.
34:35It's a real experience.
34:37It's a real experience.
34:38The king is controlled by the weather.
34:41It's amazing.
34:42He was time-slipping in Shimokitazawa.
34:44It was really dangerous.
34:47Seki Akiyo's Yabasugite Talk Live
34:50will be held from 7 p.m. on March 25th
34:55Tickets are also on sale.
34:58Please keep your promise.
35:01There was a click sound.
35:04The reason why I couldn't do business.
35:06One, two, three, go.
35:09What's going to happen?
35:12Seki Akiyo's Yabasugite Talk Live
35:15will be held at CULIC HALL TOKYO
35:18from 7 p.m. on March 25th.
35:20Tickets are also on sale.
35:23Please keep your promise.
35:25When Seki Akiyo said the word,
35:28it sounded like a lie.
35:31Then I asked who said it.
35:35It was the real person.
35:38When the sound came out,
35:40the person who said it first noticed it.
35:42Then the person who said it started talking.
35:45Then the word reached the public's ears.
35:48I see.
35:49Then the person who said it
35:51was definitely behind me.
35:57You got it, right?
35:59Then I realized
36:02I was just being used as a monitor.
36:06I see.
36:08You were just being used as a monitor.
36:12You didn't make it from scratch.
36:15You were in a situation where you were definitely behind.
36:19You were in a situation where you were definitely behind.
36:23You should send a message to those who are in danger.
36:27I think I need silver
36:31as a material for the space shuttle.
36:36I bought a silver shell.
36:38But it's not worth it.
36:40I thought it would be valuable.
36:42It's a good price.
36:44I think it's a good thing to buy silver for the space shuttle.
36:47It's a good thing.
36:49It's the first time I've been praised.
36:50If you buy silver,
36:52put osmium in your head.
36:57From now on, when you make contact with the outside world,
37:01you may need it.
37:04I've never heard of osmium.
37:06What's that?
37:08Osmium was discovered
37:10just 200 years ago.
37:12But 1,000 years ago,
37:16Osmium came out of the chest plate
37:19of something other than humans
37:22that existed on this earth.
37:24Wow, that's interesting.
37:27That's why it's used to communicate with the universe.
37:32In order for humanity to evolve,
37:35there may be a time when osmium is needed in communication devices.
37:39I think it's going to be a great cover.
37:42Unlimited distribution.
37:44You can't stop the mysterious experience.
37:46This is a real experience.
37:49The emperor can control the weather.
37:53I was doing a time slip in Shimokitazawa.
37:55That's really dangerous.
37:57I don't know, but if you're so good at it,
37:59don't switch it on for me.
38:01Then I won't be able to watch TV.
38:03I see.
38:04You can't watch TV.
38:07Yarisugi Toshidensetsu will be broadcast on TVer and U-NEXT.
38:12Yarisugi Toshidensetsu will be broadcast.
38:15A scary urban legend that has been supported for several years.
38:19Will the prophecy of July 2025 come true?
38:23We're getting closer to the truth.
38:26Thanks to this program,
38:30Yarisugi Toshidensetsu will be broadcast
38:33on TVer and U-NEXT on March 25th, Tuesday, at 7 p.m.
38:38It's a talk show.
38:40The keyword is,
38:42It's a talk show because it's too dangerous.
38:44It's a talk show because it's too dangerous.
38:47It's too dangerous.
38:50No matter what you see,
38:52no matter what happens,
38:54prepare for it.
38:56Prepare for it.
38:58Prepare for it.
39:00Mr. Trump will inaugurate the show in the second half of January.
39:04He's going to talk about various things.
39:08He's going to talk about various things.
39:11Then, prepare for it.
39:14Are you okay?
39:17I feel like I'm selling a lot of alcohol in this store.
39:20I'm drooling.
39:22I'm drooling now.
39:24Please close the door.
39:27Good luck with the show.
39:29Good luck with the show.
