• 1 hour ago
We're back in #amongus , and this might be our most chaotic video yet—we've enabled EVERY role in the game!

00:00Today we're back in among us and we have an all roles enabled video
00:03But I am the imposter and not only am I the imposter
00:07I am also the shape-shifter will I be able to pull this off while all the other crewmates are playing as the other roles
00:12Let's find out
00:20Why are you screaming Craner? It'll make sense later. See you nerds. What what?
00:26Okay, so Craner is insinuating that he's one of the
00:30So yeah, we are the imposter. We are the shape-shifter. This is gonna be great for us
00:36There is like all roles enabled though, which we've got to be a bit careful of we've also got Katie who's invisible
00:43I don't really know how that ability even works. I don't I don't think I've ever even been a shape-shifter before
00:49Yeah, this is gonna be oh no
00:51I have but I feel like this is still gonna be kind of difficult
00:54Like I don't know how long it takes to warm up the the shape-shifting
00:58But I just feel like it's really easy to get cool
01:02Doing it. All right already. Okay, interesting stop
01:07Baby who did it? Why did you say what you said, by the way, Craner? Yeah, what are you saying Craner?
01:13Oh the screaming thing. Yeah, I mean it makes sense for the people watching the video, but I don't want to spoil it
01:19All right
01:19Oh, we got here guys want me to just be honest to say what I feel like that ruins it a little bit if I tell
01:24You I don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Okay. Well, what do we have then?
01:28So wait, so we've got who reported it Katie. Well, you just her engine. Hey Tejas. Why'd you see?
01:38Bob's that entire round acted sus said and say you saw Katie kill. Okay. What do you have to say for yourself?
01:46The shape-shifter work like is it is it a limited time thing?
01:49What do you mean like so if the person became became Katie?
01:53Like do they only have a limited time to kill them and then they gotta like like what I mean is like
01:58Someone following them for a long amount of time. It doesn't last long
02:01Okay, so, okay
02:02It depends if like other people were with Katie or it was just like just so can anybody clear?
02:08I feel like we should just take a name and vote. Yeah, I feel like maybe we just kick out. I want to murder
02:13I'm getting patient. Okay, I'm Katie. Nobody can clear Katie. I think Katie's done it by the way
02:20You guys are gonna love why I scream do it. Okay, why funny joke it makes sense later
02:27Don't you worry about it? Yeah
02:32Anything Wow all of the votes wait, wait, who skipped who skipped I didn't see that
02:39Why do I never I should need to look at this better someone. Yeah, you need to do better Josh. Okay, Karina. Ah,
02:46Oh, he's screaming. Why is he screaming? I think it's cuz he's the noise maker, but I'm just sort of pretending just to keep
02:53Finn confused. So this is a bit of a problem
02:57Katie got kicked out. So basically it's all down to us now, and I don't know how we're gonna be able to pull this off. Oh
03:06Okay, so we can just shape-shift to whoever we want. Interesting. That's actually probably not a bad place to do it
03:12So we want to kill someone and then
03:16Okay, I also forget to do the sabotage is
03:19Okay, who's a good person to accuse though, that's the question
03:33Okay, all right
03:37Okay, I was trying to get someone to see me do that
03:41All right, that was actually pretty good timing on this one I'm gonna stick with Lewis okay, this is good this is good
03:48This is good
03:50Somebody died again
03:52Lewis found Bob's where where we find
03:57Well interesting. Why is that interesting?
04:00Cuz I me and Lewis who was the other third person we walked down there. So the body was in communications
04:07Okay, Lewis has done medbay. So I guess he is clear unless and stone has a theory. Let's
04:14Let's hear it. What is your theory, buddy?
04:18Was about to do trash and so we're gonna get this theory anytime soon. I am three to four business days
04:26Okay, this area is not anything I was watching
04:36So crane how much he's taken I don't think you can see that can you no he can't I don't even know what gap gas
04:42You need to take gas. You need to take gas two times
04:46And stone you are on to nothing and that makes me sus of you, okay
04:52We've only got skipping come on we are voting for Ed stone. Oh, oh, yeah
05:01Great, you can't move so because they wanted to vote you
05:04Well, I'm just saying it was a little bit weird that he was like, oh, it's sus that you're doing this completely normal thing
05:10Oh my god, look at the boat. I mean it might not be normal that I
05:17Know I didn't
05:19Alright once again Craner stupidity is helping us a bit, which is this excellent
05:25For us on to the next one, I guess I'm gonna be pretty quick with these. Okay, that's where we killed before
05:32Okay, we've got Karina here. I like killing in the bottom right hand corner
05:36It feels like quite a good spot or over in the right side. But yeah, there's quite a few people on cameras as well
05:43Okay, what is this? Okay. I need to ask someone something Josh. Can you confirm?
05:50Right. I just need to confirm. So Craner just told me he's a noisemaker. Is that imposter or a crewmate?
05:56That's a crewmate. All right, man, you little knock it dude. Hey, I'm just
06:02making sure
06:04I will be honest. There's just like Craner. He's not known for like intelligent plays. However
06:11He also could be using that to his advantage by really trying to make it obvious that he's a role
06:16It's anyone else the noisemaker because if someone else is a noisemaker
06:20I fit I felt like you didn't have to say that in front of everybody because now everybody knows what I am and before it
06:25Was just you
06:30Personally, I think Craner's probably telling the truth. Thank you Josh Finn. You're a dog. Nobody likes you. Hey, listen
06:36I'm just being clear. Okay, you're an idiot. You're an idiot idiot. It's actually noggin as well
06:42Okay, now that you don't have wait who voted
06:47Lewis voted Lewis
06:49No, you could do that. Okay. Oh my god. Okay. This is so difficult like on my own of all these roles
06:57There's a couple of people I want to like shape-shift into people that like don't
07:02Say as much. Okay Craner's being a little bit weird. I got to be careful here that we don't do anything different
07:11All right. We just turned that off Craner's gonna follow us for a bit. So that's fine
07:16He does sort of do that. He gets a bit attached to you and we got to be a bit careful about that with him
07:21Okay, no one's on cameras Tejas is in there. I feel like we should do another shape-shift
07:31We just walked past Finn oh
07:34Man, there's no one here. There's no one here. Where is everyone?
07:39Okay, we're gonna it's gonna undo it
07:45Gotta be careful with the venting here
07:56Oh god, oh god, we're so dead. Ah
08:03By the way, what was that thing on the floor Josh that I was dancing by we were dancing around like it was in communications
08:10We were dancing around like I think it was like someone's body or something. Anyway, I don't think Josh is sus
08:18Following me a lot. So I'm getting a bit sussed out with roosie guy
08:24Guy because every time I see them, right? Yeah, just stroking their ham
08:34Wait, are they stroking their meat? It's every time I see them though, but that's what I'm saying. That's what it's not
08:40My are we about to kick out?
08:42Roosie for stroking. Yeah me. Okay guys, we need to
08:46Solid evidence, please
08:49Yeah, you have stroker you
08:53Yeah, we're nearly done to be honest Brina said you walked away from the body wait what oh
09:01Interesting interesting
09:03Good then. Whoo. Goodbye. Loser guy. Sorry ham stroker and
09:13That could be the first imposter though you guys
09:17It's no longer being stroked. Okay. All right, let's get back to it guys. So I genuinely thought we got caught there. I
09:25Don't know how that even happened like how we got away with that. Okay Finn's following me
09:32So we got to be a bit careful here. Yeah, I don't know how we got away with that one
09:36I genuinely thought they saw us and the fact that the Roosie got blamed as well is crazy
09:41We might lose this from tasks, but it's been different with all roles. Anyway, it's gonna be crazy difficult to be honest
09:48All right. Let's go to our kill zone. Who do we we want to lose?
09:55Today just seems like an easy one to vote out. Okay
10:01All right
10:06Rainfall we could potentially blame
10:10Why are you calling an emergency meeting Josh I just thought it was a bit weird like nobody's dying so
10:17Rain, so who was with me on the thing that so rain fall, but Finn you were watching, right?
10:24I was yeah, so watching what so we so rainfall was already there when we got there and
10:31But it wasn't done they they weren't doing it and I was like, why is this person not doing it and then I did it
10:36Add to that. I have something to add to that, right? So crane. Oh, we're having a little dance
10:41Yeah, we did
10:42We had a dad and rainfall comes into the room sees what we're doing as a little dust and then leaves
10:47Oh, he's been dads with us. Yeah, so
10:51Guys we can't
10:59Guys we can't do this every round by the way, I'm a happy Finn that without talking we managed to have a dance-off
11:08Okay vote why is always somebody not voting dude, who's
11:12Who's dark gray
11:18Well, this might just be the guy though rainfall is now in heaven and
11:25The dance theory didn't work. No, it might be there might be another person
11:31Do we go for the guy we call out strategy
11:34We're gonna look like to the viewers
11:41Like the stupidest people guys, we need to actually hide I'm used to that Josh
11:45Yes, but I don't want to be looked at as a stupid person my domain. I don't want to be considered stupid
11:59That was wait, what is going out if we win this because
12:08Say goodbye to my little friend. Goodbye Mexican, man. Okay. I think he is Mexican actually
12:15I think he might be Indian, but it's fine
12:18He's been ejected. Yeah, okay guys
12:22Okay, another theory. Well, maybe they're pets behind in this another theory. Let me think of one
12:28Let me think of one potato boy. It must wait. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait. Where's Tejas? Where's he gone?
12:35Spin and you
12:37Yeah, what are you saying?
12:40Okay, I think it might be fit. I think it might be fit
12:45I'm a crewmate and Josh. I followed you around like yeah on your own earlier on. I actually funny enough
12:50I feel like what if before if me greater event just kicked out everyone except us
12:59Cuz like I feel like you like we we've hung out enough of each other. Well, I don't know about Finn necessarily
13:05No, no, it's not me Craner. I don't think it's I don't think it's us three
13:09No, so you but like so if we were to just vote so it do we do potato?
13:12Yeah, so we just we just vote up Maggie now. I mean make PS devil hordes. That's gotta
13:18I would I do think if we were to like randomly pick someone and we were in that would be pretty baller
13:22Yeah, yeah. Yeah, but wait, wait, we don't everybody line up
13:25We don't have we don't have a line up against this wall. Nene. Thank you. You have a meeting
13:31Rita do not turn against me, please. You look at me
13:38Guys guys Rita failed the test
13:43We cut we can't even call a meeting so we'd have to convince one of these guys to call a meeting to vote one
13:48Of them out. No, listen, I am this is
13:53Okay. Well, okay, I guess it's not Nene now then cuz he called the meeting. Yeah
13:58Breeder it might be Brina. Look at how cute little advertise with the pink dump sign
14:06Evidence for baggy, he's a potato boy looks dodgy. Yeah, he's got a
14:13Genuinely don't think we vote out a single person because of evidence so far. Okay. Listen, I've got I've got theory. Okay
14:20It could be McPee because when we were all just talking there he was the only one not moving
14:28Well, they could have been about to do a
14:30Sabotage. Okay, fine. Fine. I'm glad that we've got something
14:36He's wearing a potato bag, so let's vote him out
14:39I'm going for McPee, dude. Yeah, baby
14:44Can we please watch you nae nae and actually vote? Can I watch nae nae vote, please? I wait nae nae
14:53That's actually a fair point no
14:56No to be fair. I I genuinely think crane is not smart. He is the noise maker which thank you
15:01however now makes me sus of Nene because
15:04Everybody's clear. It's pretty clear that crane is the safe and
15:09Nene might have called the meeting to protect them from being voted out Becky. Do you guys did you guys just hear anything?
15:16I just said Becky
15:19Wait, hold on wait, can't we just follow my moves exactly? Okay, this is going
15:26Well, call a meeting call a meeting call a meeting who's got a meeting
15:30Can't we just finish our tasks what is happening? Well, some of the ghosts might not be finishing the tasks
15:37So, okay vote me if you want, but I'm not imposter. Okay. I don't know
15:43That could be reverse psychology
15:45Us do I got to do you guys who you guys want to pick a baggy bag ghost imposter can do it. Oh, it's true. I
15:55Don't know. I've got a bad feeling about needy guys. I did needy. Let's do needy, but also guys seriously at this point
16:02We gotta have more hard evidence because we're losing by voting people out right now
16:08This is the last dumb vote we do please. Okay, then we finish tasks. Let's see. What's that it dude? Oh
16:17My god
16:20No boy careful there cuz we could that could have it could have been Nini and we might just have one I am panicking
16:26Yeah, okay. Let's just go
16:29Maybe it is Josh. What what Rina? I don't know
16:34Okay, mute mute mute. Okay
16:37Okay, let's get ourselves a kill here. Okay Craner and Finn are running together. We got to be a bit careful of that
16:46Do want to leave Craner and Finn alive though, because I think that's gonna work best for us
16:51What do we do? We've got no emergency meetings. This is gonna be really difficult
16:56Finn's gonna be following us
16:59Mmm, dude, I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this
17:02We got a we've got a drop Finn as well because he's kind of bothering us
17:11Fixed that
17:15Okay, I want to vent I want to vent I want to see someone vent see me vent see me vent see me vent no one
17:22Oh, why does this always happen to me?
17:34Okay, Craner saw us do that now we just need to kill someone because Craner thinks it's Finn
17:46Saw Finn vent right in front of me
17:51Somebody shapeshifted as me
17:55It's Brina, I'm telling you it's Brina. No. No, I saw I saw Brina somewhere else. It can't be her
18:02Listen, I was on this. Okay. It's been Josh. It's been he's
18:11You've just lost I think it's Craner then I actually that's actually crazy that you you God honest saw Finn but like then you're
18:19Saying that yeah
18:26Right in front of me, you've just lost it for yourselves. You've just lost it. Oh, uh-huh. I'm voting Brina. Oh, it's either Brina
18:36Why are you laughing because it is
18:48Jesus Christ that it's Brina. Wait, what?
18:52Call it Craner. We can't call it Brina. Don't kill us Brina, please. Oh, wait. Oh, is it Craner now?
18:59I'm now I'm concerned wait
19:02Me it's not me Josh. I'm a nice man. Okay, so you want to vote Brina then? Wait? Yeah, we have to
19:10She's the only one left. It's gotta be snow green is very me. Okay fine. Okay, that's pretty obvious then wait Brina
19:17Are you saying I'm getting played? He's smart. He is smart. You're right. She's trying to turn you against me, bro
19:24I know Josh is smart Brina. She's trying to tell me. Oh my god, man. I'm conflicted, bro
19:30I don't know who to listen to anymore. But Brina, why do you not think it's Craner then because she knows I'm not so odd
19:37I have a dumb stick. I couldn't pull this off. Okay, that's the worst excuse
19:44Get out of here Brina get out of here
19:51You've made a big mistake Craner
19:54What do you mean you've made a very big mistake Craner? What do you mean? I've made a big mistake Josh
19:59You've made a very big mistake. No, I
20:25God you guys got played
20:29We got played heavily doing congratulations Josh. You're the biggest snake. We know
20:35How did you know it was me
