• 1 hour ago
Every location in this Geoguessr Map is from my life! Subscribe to ! @JackSucksAtLife @JackSucksAtStuff thanks to @jackuw for making the map!

on JackSucksAtGeography we upload a range of easy to watch & sometimes educational geography related content. I have successfully learned all 197 countries and flags of the world. I also look at interesting maps to teach us more about different parts of the world and their culture. On this channel I also play Geoguessr.

video edited by: https://instagram.com/kairossbest

instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmasseywelsh
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tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jackmasseyw
twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmasseywelsh

business email: j4ckmw @ gmail . com
00:00Today I'm playing a custom GeoGuessr map called JackSucksAtGeographyLocations.
00:04This is 32 locations related to me in some way.
00:07Some locations may be very significant to the JackSucksAtLive universe,
00:10some may be a tidbit Jack has once shared from his past,
00:13and others may just have a small mention in a random video.
00:17Sounds exciting, doesn't it?
00:18This map was sent to me and made by Jackwa, JackWu, JackOW, JackUW.
00:26Thank you, Jack.
00:27Now in theory I should recognise every location,
00:29but I have a feeling I'm probably not going to.
00:32Let's click play, we'll be able to do a few run-throughs.
00:34We are on the motorway to begin with.
00:36Ooh, we are on the motorway in Wales.
00:39Is this where I got a speeding ticket?
00:41I bet it is.
00:42I've only had one speeding fight in my life and it was on my way to Wales.
00:47I went 46 in a 40.
00:49I made a video about it over on my Tesla channel
00:51because I had to do a three-hour speed awareness course,
00:53and I am assuming that this is the road where it happened.
00:56That is such a funny first location.
00:59I don't know exactly where this is, but I reckon I can get kind of close.
01:03So it is northern Wales around here.
01:06Right, yeah, we see Llandudno, the sign for it.
01:07We can also see the A470, which is what's linked there.
01:11So that's Junction 19.
01:13Does it say junctions on here?
01:14I don't actually know.
01:15It does.
01:16Half a mile.
01:17Okay, and presumably what direction are we heading?
01:19We're heading south right now, so it's got to be like here, right?
01:23Half a mile from Junction 19.
01:24Should we see if we can actually work it out exactly?
01:26We've got 44 seconds left.
01:28I would say I'm probably pretty good where I am.
01:31Do you reckon?
01:32Do you think that's about half a mile?
01:34Maybe a little bit further up.
01:35Let's go there and guess.
01:39Not quite a perfect score.
01:40If I'd stayed where I was, I probably would have got a perfect score.
01:42See, I don't actually know for sure if this is where I got the speeding ticket,
01:46but I assume it is.
01:46That is a really, really funny first location.
01:49Hit me with the next one.
01:50What have we got?
01:51Another very rural area.
01:53Is this the-
01:55Is this the wee-wee bush?
01:57Four years ago, I did a GeoGuessr in real life,
02:00and I did need to go ahead and have a urination at one point,
02:03so I did it in a bush.
02:05But this doesn't actually look like the wee-wee bush location to me.
02:09That was in a place called Eggleton,
02:10so let's go down the road and see if we can work that out,
02:13because I don't think this is where that is.
02:17No, I don't think this is the wee-wee bush location.
02:19Where are we here then?
02:20This is a bit of a weird one, I'm gonna be honest.
02:22I mean, it could be like from a previous GeoGuessr video that I made years ago.
02:26Who knows?
02:26Yeah, this is not where I filmed GeoGuessr in real life.
02:28I used to have that phone case.
02:30That's crazy.
02:31I don't know where this is.
02:32What have we got?
02:32The Anchor Inn.
02:33It's definitely UK.
02:34It's very, very UK feeling.
02:36Uh, Teenford?
02:37I've not heard of that.
02:38What is this location?
02:39People are gonna have to let me know in the comments of this video what this location is.
02:43Upper Teen?
02:44When have I talked about this place?
02:46There's gonna be some debate in the comments of people trying to work out
02:49why this is significant to me, because I don't know what it is.
02:51I've only got 16 seconds left.
02:52Looking at these houses, and based on the fact that I am in the north,
02:56I should go somewhere north, right?
02:58Like, I could go up here.
03:00Maybe I'll find out where this is.
03:01We've got three seconds left.
03:02I've clicked a random place.
03:04Let's see.
03:04I should have gone further south.
03:06Okay, what have we got then?
03:07Where are we?
03:08Why is this important?
03:09This specific area.
03:11I have no idea.
03:12Okay, not a great answer there.
03:13Let's play the next one, see where we are.
03:15Right, what have we got?
03:19Where's this?
03:19Is this Newcastle?
03:22Okay, um...
03:23It doesn't immediately stick out to me.
03:25It's so weird knowing that the-
03:28Are we in Scarborough?
03:29That says Scarborough Hotel.
03:30Leeds Station.
03:31Wait, what?
03:32Why is Leeds on here?
03:33I was in Leeds, like, two days ago, and I did mention it in the Reddit video.
03:38So has this location been added just because of that?
03:41Maybe so.
03:41Okay, well, let's go to Leeds.
03:43Let's find Leeds Station.
03:44Here it is.
03:45If I can click there.
03:46Let's see if we can return to start and work out exactly where we are.
03:49We've got one minute.
03:50Shabab Restaurants.
03:51Okay, if we zoom in here, do we have Shabab Restaurants?
03:54I don't think we're quite at the station, are we?
03:56Because there's a sign to it.
03:57Scarborough Hotel.
03:58Do you think we can see Scarborough Hotel?
03:59Maybe I need to zoom out a little bit.
04:02I'm not sure I'm going to get there just in time.
04:04What road is this?
04:05Uh, the A653 is nearby.
04:08Can we see road names from this distance?
04:10A5A, M60...
04:12Okay, yeah, we got that one.
04:14Okay, I'm just going to go in the city centre because I'm about to run out of time.
04:16Let's see where we were.
04:17Oh, I should have stuck just at the station.
04:21That would definitely have been a perfect score if I just stayed where I was.
04:24Yeah, I think the only reason I made it in is because I literally mentioned a few days ago
04:27that I was at Leeds over the weekend.
04:29This is really cool.
04:30Let's keep it going.
04:30We've not got a bad score.
04:32We let ourselves down a bit on the one before that.
04:34Oh, I know where we are here.
04:35Sent into space.
04:37This is the company that I worked with when I sent MrBeast's 100 million play button into space.
04:41So there is a shot near the beginning of me driving and parking right here.
04:45So, can I find that?
04:46They are based in Sheffield and it's kind of on the way to Sheffield from like this direction,
04:51I think.
04:52It's probably more in the grey bit.
04:54I think it's along the A57.
04:56I would like to find the exact spot.
04:58I know that they are like pretty much just off the motorway or the dual carriageway.
05:02Whereabouts do you think they would be?
05:04I've got a minute.
05:06Let's bail out.
05:06Let's like try and leave and see if we can get to the road.
05:10Okay, yeah, I remember this.
05:11It was down here.
05:12So it was two years ago is the last time I visited this place.
05:14Yeah, I remember being on these roundabouts.
05:16Okay, we've got some signs along here.
05:20City centre, M1, M18.
05:23It's probably on the M1 rather than on the A57.
05:26I think it's more over here, right?
05:27Could it be like around here, maybe?
05:29I'm sure it was like just off the motorway or something.
05:32It's got to be around here, but I'm not sure.
05:34Let's just guess, see how far away we were.
05:35Once again, I was pretty much at the location and then I moved at the last bit.
05:40Yeah, I was clicked around here, wasn't I?
05:42Okay, we're still pretty close.
05:43We were two miles away.
05:44And if we go to my space video, here we go, look at this.
05:48There's my car parking up.
05:49Wait, there I am getting out with my PewDiePie briefcase.
05:52Here I am having a meeting with all the lads.
05:55Okay, one round left of this game, but I'm definitely going to play a few times.
05:58Ooh, we're at a Tesla station.
06:01Is this the place that I picked up my Tesla?
06:04It's got to be.
06:04That was Leeds, I'm pretty sure.
06:06Oh, this might be where my car was serviced, which was Nottingham.
06:09Yeah, I think this is Nottingham, right?
06:12Yeah, I parked right there when I had my Tesla serviced.
06:15So, can I find Nottingham first of all?
06:19Yes, I can.
06:19Was it central Nottingham or was it on the outside?
06:22The only time I've been to Nottingham is to get my car serviced.
06:25So I don't really know the area.
06:26I don't know if it was like in the thick of it.
06:28I feel like I got there kind of quick.
06:30So I'm going to kind of look from the M1 and hope for the best.
06:33Where could it be?
06:35They're often near a McDonald's.
06:36T and S motors?
06:38That sounds kind of close.
06:39This is the sort of area that it could be.
06:41I suppose really I should look at some signs, shouldn't I?
06:43And I could work it out.
06:44I'm being lazy, truth be told.
06:45Town centre and the A52 Grantham.
06:49Can we find the A52?
06:50I find the A60.
06:52I guess the town centre is going to be around here.
06:54I think I'm probably not that far away.
06:55Let's drop a guess.
06:56Okay, it was actually other side of town centre.
06:58It's down here.
06:59Let's have a little zoom.
07:00Tesla centre Nottingham.
07:01Okay, here I am the actual video and you can see there I am pulling in
07:05and then I get parked up there three years ago.
07:07Track of word, there's some great little locations here.
07:09It's a real variety.
07:10Okay, how did we do?
07:11We got 24,000.
07:13Basically, we got all of them other than this one
07:16and it's the one I can't remember why it's significant.
07:19I'm honestly really curious.
07:20Right, let's go again.
07:2132 locations.
07:23We can definitely get a few games out of this.
07:25Oh, this is something a bit totally different.
07:27We are presumably in Madame Tussauds, right?
07:31Yeah, Madame Tussauds.
07:32So I went to Madame Tussauds probably when I was about 10 years old.
07:35There wasn't anything crazily significant about the trip
07:38but I must have mentioned that at some point in the past for it to be on here.
07:41So Madame Tussauds is in London.
07:43I don't really actually know whereabouts in London.
07:46We've got John Wayne over there.
07:47We have Daniel Craig, Judy Dench, Anna Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis.
07:52Who's over there?
07:53We've got, that's Steven Spielberg.
07:55I have a photo of me and Steven Spielberg.
07:58I'll try and find it after this round.
07:59Wait, why am I just looking around Madame Tussauds?
08:01I meant to be looking for it on the map.
08:02Whereabouts could it be?
08:06What's the way of looking for this?
08:08If I have no idea on the location, it'll probably show up from this distance
08:11because it is a fashion and textile museum.
08:14No, it's quite a big tourist attraction.
08:16So you'd think it would show up from this distance.
08:18Tate Britain.
08:19Could it be around there?
08:21Buckingham Palace.
08:22Probably not super close to Buckingham Palace.
08:24I'm guessing it's on this side though, right?
08:26I've got 10 seconds left and I don't know.
08:29Tower of London.
08:30Do you know what?
08:30There's lots of like attractions over here.
08:32So I'll click in this area.
08:34Let's see.
08:35I once again moved.
08:37I think I've done that pretty much every round.
08:39I've moved away from where it is.
08:40So there it is.
08:41Madame Tussauds.
08:42Three miles.
08:43That's okay.
08:43All right.
08:44I've done what I always do when looking for old pictures
08:46and that is scour my mom's Facebook page.
08:48I could not find me at Madame Tussauds,
08:50but here I am dressed as Captain Hook.
08:52So hopefully that suffices.
08:54All right, let's play again.
08:55Ah, we've had this one.
08:57We know where this is.
08:59Well, I'm currently zooming into Spain.
09:00This is the Llandudno speeding ticket incident once again.
09:04This is our opportunity to get a perfect score.
09:06So it was here, right?
09:07If I click there, that's got to be 5,000 points.
09:10Ah, what?
09:11That's the worst.
09:12Just move on.
09:13Ah, we're getting too many of the same location.
09:16Let's go again.
09:17Let's get a fresh round.
09:18Ooh, okay.
09:20This is a familiar sight.
09:22So weird seeing somewhere like this pop up.
09:24If I have a little scroll down here,
09:27you will see the house that I grew up in.
09:30This is where I lived until I was about 12.
09:32It looks like the house is empty at the moment,
09:34but this door, I remember my mom picking out this door
09:38in the early 2000s.
09:39We have a little walk here.
09:40Yeah, obviously I spent so much of my time in this playground,
09:44having a little walk.
09:45Oh my God.
09:45Can I go down?
09:46I can go down the back.
09:47Oh my God.
09:48I did not know I could do that.
09:50Oh, this is crazy.
09:51That's my bedroom.
09:52That's where I grew up.
09:54And then if we look here, this is our old yard.
09:56Obviously these photos are taken from
09:58when we didn't live there anymore.
10:00But if we zoom in on this ramp,
10:01because my dad's in a wheelchair,
10:02so he had a ramp put in obviously.
10:04But on the day that the concrete was placed,
10:06our dog Rastus ran through it.
10:08So this little thing you can see on the left,
10:09that's Rastus's paw print.
10:11And it's just kind of cute that 20 years later,
10:13it is still there.
10:13Anyway, I've been withering on
10:15and probably ruined my chance at a perfect score.
10:17Can I get there?
10:18How fast can I find my own house?
10:19About there.
10:20I got there.
10:20I got there.
10:225,000 points.
10:23Would be annoying if I'd missed that one.
10:24That was a cute starting one.
10:26Ah, we got another repeater.
10:28It's an opportunity for a perfect score though.
10:30I'm not going to say no.
10:31Um, so it was, I think it was like around here, right?
10:34I think it was south.
10:35I clicked over here and it was actually down here.
10:37I should be able to see it, right?
10:38Can we make it pop up?
10:40Why is there a Hooters in Nottingham?
10:42Yeah, somewhere around here, right?
10:43Maybe around there.
10:44Unfortunately, I can't find the exact spot.
10:47What I will say though,
10:48is it's nice to be doing a solo GeoGuessr video.
10:50I don't think I've done a solo GeoGuessr video
10:52for what, over a year?
10:53These days I'm always playing with zigzags,
10:55but should I bring these back?
10:56Let me know.
10:56Okay, we were nearly there.
10:58We were a thousand yards away.
10:59I clicked near Hooters.
11:00It was on the other side of the river.
11:01All right, we go again.
11:02Oh, it's this stupid one.
11:04The place that I don't know,
11:05but it was near Stoke-on-Trent, right?
11:09Yeah, it was like around here somewhere.
11:11Alton Towers?
11:12Is it near Alton Towers?
11:13Is that why it's clicked?
11:14I've been to Alton Towers before.
11:15It was around here, right?
11:16Somewhere in that vicinity.
11:18Yeah, pretty close.
11:19Okay, next one.
11:20Ooh, somewhere new.
11:22Uh, do I recognize it?
11:24No, I don't.
11:25We've got some interesting stuff on the ground though.
11:27We've got a big tree.
11:28Uh, what does that say?
11:30I can't read it.
11:30Very, very unhelpful.
11:32This is a bit worrying,
11:33because this might not even be in the UK.
11:34I'm going to have to try and read the text.
11:36This mosaic has been designed to commemorate reformers.
11:42It is so hard clicking upside down.
11:44During the Reform League,
11:46Minister James,
11:48riots, 1866,
11:50the spot where reformers...
11:52This doesn't ring a bell to me.
11:53I don't understand.
11:54Where are we?
11:54Can I read that one?
11:55Hyde Park.
11:56Okay, that's all I need.
11:57Why is Hyde Park significant to me?
11:59When I did my Finding Flags in London vlog,
12:02I did visit Hyde Park.
12:04So I did find a few.
12:05So there's Regents Park.
12:06Here's Hyde Park.
12:08Can we find the monument?
12:09We can't see the Albert Memorial,
12:11which is kind of massive.
12:12So if I can't see it,
12:13I'm probably not that close to it.
12:15I may be more over this side instead.
12:17It'll be Reformers Tree.
12:18I think I found it.
12:18They said Reformer and there is a tree.
12:20Yeah, I'm feeling good about this one.
12:22Let's hit it.
12:22Let's click spacebar.
12:23Yes, nine yards away.
12:25We found it.
12:26Very nice.
12:27And here I am in Hyde Park,
12:29looking for my flags.
12:30What a great amount of fun I'm having.
12:31There's the Albert Memorial.
12:33Okay, next one, please.
12:35Ooh, I recognize this place as well.
12:37Once again, this is where I grew up.
12:39So this location,
12:41there is a church.
12:42That's where I was christened.
12:43We also have two ladies walking around
12:44in their dressing gowns.
12:46And some scary youths looking at the Google car.
12:48Yep, pretty much summarizing Evenwood.
12:50Okay, so the reason that it is pointed
12:52at this closed down pub
12:54is because as a child,
12:56I ate a big fudge cake there once,
12:59and then it gave me a migraine
13:00and I threw up all over the toilet.
13:03The most vomit I've ever been able to create.
13:05It was truly horrific.
13:06So that's a great little story to chat about.
13:08Let's find out where it is.
13:10So it's quite close to the house that I grew up in.
13:11Basically, I think we're right there.
13:14It's the Traveler's Rest
13:15and you can see it on the map.
13:16Hopefully the Traveler's Rest
13:17isn't actually closed down.
13:18That should be a perfect score.
13:19And it is.
13:20Very, very nice.
13:21Okay, that was a better game.
13:23That was almost a perfect score.
13:25We were five off.
13:26We did good there.
13:27Okay, we're gonna go again,
13:28but I would like to do
13:29maybe another video on this
13:30since there's 32 locations.
13:32Because so far,
13:33we've had pretty much all of them in the UK,
13:34but I think there are locations
13:36from all over the world.
13:37Right, we have...
13:39Where are we here then?
13:40Town Centre, but which Town Centre?
13:43The Gateway.
13:44Don't recognize this.
13:45Well, we'll have to have a little drive down then,
13:47won't we?
13:48Where's some signs?
13:49Take a look at some signs.
13:50What is this location?
13:52This is obviously UK.
13:53Town Centre again.
13:54Yeah, but which Town Centre?
13:56Station, okay.
13:57But which station?
13:58Stratford Enterprise Park?
14:01Got Premier Inn.
14:02We got a McDonald's.
14:03We just got lots of very classic looking locations here.
14:06Avonside and Stratford and Theatre
14:09makes me think we're in Stratford-Upon-Avon,
14:11which is where Shakespeare was born.
14:14And I did go on a holiday with my mum there
14:16when I was once again,
14:17probably around 12 years old.
14:19Is that why this is mentioned?
14:21Yeah, this has got to be Stratford-Upon-Avon.
14:23Yeah, it is, it is, it is.
14:25Shakespeare's birthplace.
14:26Okay, I now only have 30 seconds to find Stratford though.
14:29I don't really know where it is.
14:31So at the same holiday,
14:32it was a bus holiday and I also went to Bath.
14:34So I could see Bath, but can we see Stratford?
14:37I see Bradford-Upon-Avon.
14:38Oh no, I've only got 15 seconds.
14:40I shouldn't have chatted.
14:41I should have just started looking.
14:42And we went to Longleat as well for the third place.
14:44So it's got to be around here somewhere.
14:46Where is it?
14:46I can't see it.
14:47I'm so sad.
14:48Okay, where was it?
14:49It's quite a bit further.
14:50Oh, it was way further north.
14:5265 miles away.
14:53There we go, south of Birmingham.
14:55All right, we worked out where the location was.
14:56I just didn't find it quick enough.
14:57Oh, I recognise this one.
15:00This is from my Do You Guess In Real Life video
15:02because that is where I spawned in
15:05with my little chair and my blindfold.
15:07So I will be able to find this with ease
15:09and I'm not wasting any time.
15:13Hmm, where is it?
15:14It's in Rutland.
15:15Where is Rutland?
15:16It's like, is it around here somewhere maybe?
15:19Hmm, I did just say I would be able to find it with ease.
15:22Hang on, hang on.
15:23I know it was near a big lake.
15:24It was near Peterborough, kind of.
15:26I think it's along the A1 actually
15:28because I sometimes see signs of it when I'm travelling south.
15:30I'm looking for somewhere that's called like Ortling or something.
15:34There we go, Orkham and Egleton.
15:36And there's the big lake.
15:37Okay, yeah, we got it, we got it, we got it.
15:39So Egleton's a really tiny village.
15:40The Triangle.
15:41It didn't used to be called The Triangle.
15:43I think that might've been added in by one of my subscribers.
15:46But yeah, I can remember I spawned in
15:48and I went to have a look at this post box
15:49to see if there was any info on it.
15:51So let's drop a guess.
15:52There we go.
15:53And you can already recognise the thumbnail
15:55that that is the spawn location.
15:57So there I am.
15:57Look at that.
15:58I'm on the little triangle.
15:59And let's see me check out the post box.
16:01Ah, there it is.
16:03It would be criminal if this location was not included.
16:06And then my wee wee bush is like along here somewhere.
16:08Next location.
16:09Where are we?
16:10Oh, I recognise this one.
16:11Another one close to where I grew up.
16:13There's a real amazing variety of locations.
16:15So this is the Manor House Hotel and Spa.
16:18And they have a little pool in the back there
16:20which we might be able to go get a glimpse of, to be fair.
16:22If we can just head through here.
16:24Yeah, the pool is like there.
16:25Can we get any further down?
16:27Maybe we can approach from the back.
16:28Maybe we can get a little photo of the pool on this sign.
16:30Yeah, there's the pool.
16:31That's the pool.
16:32Well, anyway, that pool is where this infamous image
16:34of Jack in a pool was taken.
16:36That was about eight years ago.
16:38So once again, that is over in the North East
16:41in County Durham, Bishop Auckland,
16:43specifically West Auckland.
16:45And I should be able to find it
16:47if I can just get my bearings a bit.
16:49I've got 32 seconds.
16:50I should be able to spot this.
16:51I just can't quite get my angles correct.
16:54So if you travel from me,
16:55wouldn't you go down that way?
16:57So it's gotta be more over here then.
16:59There it is, Manor House and Spa.
17:01Yes, excellent.
17:01So I think I'm fine pretty much clicking there.
17:04Let's get it.
17:05Yeah, very nice.
17:075,000 points.
17:08Ooh, what have we got here?
17:10This one is familiar actually.
17:12Like I feel like I've been here
17:13but I don't recognise why.
17:14Are we in North Yorkshire, maybe?
17:16I'm gonna have a little walk down here.
17:18Spruce Gill.
17:19This looks really, really familiar
17:21but I don't actually understand why.
17:23That's so weird.
17:24Where are we here?
17:24Let's get down over here, please.
17:26Can I go down that way?
17:27No, I can't.
17:27This feels very much like North Yorkshire to me.
17:30Oh, I can't get out.
17:31Let's return to the start.
17:33I need to get out of this housing estate
17:34and try and find some signs.
17:36This feels like where me and Becky
17:38used to walk Becky's dogs
17:40when I lived in North Yorkshire for a bit.
17:42But I don't know, once again,
17:43when on earth would I have mentioned that?
17:45Oh my God, it is.
17:46Yeah, when did I mention that?
17:49Becky's family used to live in one of these houses here.
17:53I have no idea when I've talked about that.
17:56That is so, so weird.
17:57Okay, it's the first place I thought of
17:59but I didn't mention it
18:00because I was like, well, it won't be there.
18:01When have I talked about that?
18:02So it was a skew
18:04and it's probably there is what I would guess.
18:07I'm not 100% confident on the area.
18:10Yeah, I'm gonna go there.
18:10Let's guess.
18:11Nice, perfect score, baby.
18:15When have I talked about that?
18:17Right, we play our last location.
18:20It looks like UK wants to get Penistone.
18:23Yes, Penistone or Pennystone
18:26as the locals like to refer to it as
18:28is a place that I've always dreamed of visiting.
18:31It's somewhere around here in the Peak District.
18:34I'd often drive past it on my way to Wales
18:37and there was a video I did ages ago
18:38called Strigubingo
18:39where I had to try and find the word penis somewhere
18:42and Penistone is the first place I thought of.
18:44And it's amazing because anytime you mention it
18:46you get Penistone residents commenting on the video
18:48and they say it's pronounced Pennystone.
18:50Whereabouts would it be though?
18:53It's probably somewhere around here, right?
18:55I think it's a bit more out of the Peak District.
18:57I don't think it's quite in it.
18:58I recognize these places because I've visited them.
19:00I don't think it's that close.
19:01Is it more north?
19:03It is, it is.
19:03Yes, yes, yes, we found it.
19:04Okay, what is it that we're next to right now?
19:06Church Street, the Carpet and Bed Shop.
19:08Okay, Church Street, anyone?
19:10There's Church Street, Carpet and Bed Shop.
19:12That should get us a perfect score, right?
19:14Yes, it absolutely does.
19:16What did we get?
19:18I'm disappointed I couldn't find Stratford-Upon-Avon
19:20because otherwise that could have been a pretty much perfect score there.
19:24Okay, I really enjoyed that.
19:25We have 32 locations though, so I could play that again.
19:27Big shout out to Jack for creating that map.
19:29He must have done a lot of research
19:30because there's some really specific areas mentioned there.
19:33Anyway, thanks guys for watching and I'll see you later.
