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#Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks, developed by Mojang.
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#PhoenixSC #Creative
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#Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks, developed by Mojang.
Minecraft: https://minecraft.net/
#PhoenixSC #Creative
00:00It looks like we're now entering the Minecraft Play With Friends update.
00:05By the way, there's a new watch time quest thing. Head on over to twitch.tv slash phoenixsclive
00:09as I go live, testing out these new features. All you need to do is watch for 10 minutes and
00:13you can get this animated shirt. Anyway, Minecraft beta and preview
00:19They have added a new number to this, meaning this is now the start of the next Minecraft
00:25game drop. Very unusual, none of us expected this, and all of a sudden they're now releasing
00:29features for the new update before Minecraft Live even happened. Here's an image, you can see there's
00:34one major change, and that is the fact that the XP bar has been changed to look like this.
00:40Got two random dots on it, doesn't have the experience at all. I honestly don't think I like
00:45this. This is actually the Java Edition UI, and on the left side you can see there's a paper doll,
00:51and I don't think they're adding paper dolls to Java Edition anytime soon. So like,
00:55y'all photoshopped this again, huh? Now that all of the features for the first game drop of 2025
01:00are in testing, we thought we'd get started on the next one. This is called the player locator bar,
01:05and it's obviously used to locate or track your friends anywhere in the world in any server if
01:10it's enabled. So it's a UI element that replaces an existing one, which I do not like. So toggling
01:15will be available, and you can hide yourself with a carved pumpkin or some sort of player head,
01:19or using a potion of invisibility. Before I jump in, I've just noticed that the panorama is not
01:24moving. It's not froze- no, it's not frozen. Oh wait, is it a screen animation? Don't tell me the
01:29moment I toggle this back on, the- wait, what? Is that really gonna count as a screen animation?
01:35See, the only reason I disabled this is because it creates a lot of latency when I'm moving things in
01:40the game. So with them on, the inventory moves up, and then opening chat, this is just not necessary
01:44for me. It doesn't mean I'm gonna turn on screen animations again just for that. Alright, let's
01:48demonstrate. So here I have a realm that is now being run on my second account here. I have
01:53Phoenix-chan like down there. So you can see that immediately what's happened is that on the XP bar,
01:59where the XP bar is normally located, I have a player dot that sort of tracks left and right
02:04depending on where the player actually- I'm not gonna- fine, I'll emote.
02:10My- my arms don't even touch each other when I do that. She's right here, so I don't really
02:14need to use the locator to do this, but if I move my character to the left, I can no longer see
02:20where Phoenix-chan is. And you can see that if I look up, the locator points down to see that the
02:24elevation is a little bit different. Alright, let's mine our way down here. She just emoted to me.
02:30I'm gonna throw my pickaxe down there so she can mine herself back out. But you can see that she
02:35has now been located because- Okay, so what I'll do is I'll wander away a little bit so you can see
02:41just how powerful this feature is. It's sort of controversial because a lot of people don't want
02:46to be found if they're playing in a multiplayer world, and this basically negates all of
02:50that entirely. I would assume that I'm about 100 or 200 blocks away now, and if I wanted to know
02:54exactly where she is, I can literally look right there, and now that I'm looking directly at her
03:00local coordinates, I know precisely where she is. I may have to travel across the water. Crafting
03:05table, and a boat. There we go. Grab this, place it down, and I can travel. It almost functions
03:12like a compass. She's in the water. You're gonna drown! There's a mob. Oh, actually, it'll be
03:17interesting. I want to see what happens when she dies. All right, so the player locator disappears.
03:21Now she'll respawn, and- Oh, it flashed. Okay, so now I'll know- Okay, so she's respawned behind me. I can go
03:26all the way back into the land, and there she is! There is, like, no more privacy allowed if you're
03:31playing multiplayer unless they have a potion of visibility, which is very rare, or if they're
03:35wearing a mob head. Although a carved pumpkin probably isn't that rare anyway, so- And you'll see
03:41that once she's done that, the player locator completely disappears. So it's very much in line
03:45with Minecraft mechanics, such that if you wear something on your head, you sort of become
03:48invisible to the world around you. Shifting also hides the player, so crouching clearly is a form
03:53of stealth movement. Now, according to the Sumovoid, there might be a certain distance where the player
03:58locator begins to fade away from view. So I'm about 150 blocks away. I'm still seeing it. I can't really
04:05tell. Oh, maybe it is fading away already. Now, I'll keep going. 200 blocks away. Still there. Okay, no, it's
04:10definitely fading away. So I'm going closer now. At 250 blocks, it begins to disappear. So it looks like
04:15it does fade away quite quickly. We're at 300 now. They didn't really point it out in the patch notes,
04:21but we'll keep running. Oh, it's sort of stretching out now. Okay, I'm 500 blocks away. It doesn't seem
04:25like it's disappearing. It might be just a constant little blur. Okay, I'm a thousand blocks away. I'm
04:30still seeing it, so I don't think it disappears once you get to a certain point. Let's also try
04:34the nether and see what happens. Nope. Okay, so clearly this is dimension-specific, which makes a
04:39lot of sense. I can't see where she is. Okay, so I've also been assured that this works with maps,
04:43and I've seen it from other people's footage. The play locator does show up as different little
04:47colored triangles or player markers on a map, but I can't seem to get it to work, which is very odd.
04:53I am exactly where I am because you can see that I'm loading more of the map the more I move towards
04:57a certain location. So I don't know why it's not working, but it will. So you may be asking this.
05:01If this locator bar replaces the XP bar, what happens when you're getting XP? Does it show up?
05:07Does it replace it entirely? So what I'll do is I'll start killing some mobs around me to collect XP,
05:11and you can see exactly what happens. So you can see that the XP bar actually shows up for about
05:17five seconds, and then the player locator bar replaces it. This is very odd. I don't know
05:22whether I like this or not. I think the XP bar should be very much separate from the player
05:26locator bar. So now I can't even tell how much XP I actually have unless I update it with some sort
05:32of activity. So I've got half of it there. Here's a pig. So now leveled up. I'm level one, and the
05:37number one stays there. It's only that the progress for the XP does not stay there, and I don't think
05:43that's a good idea. So anyway, that is the player locator bar. You can see that it is entirely
05:47effective anywhere in the world. I'm not sure I love the way that's been implemented right now.
05:52The feedback has been quite compelling. You can see a lot of other examples. For instance,
05:56placing it above the XP bar rather than replacing it. This one seeks to superimpose it on top of
06:00the XP bar, and here's a classic RPG example with compass directions. There's a lot of tinkering that
06:06they'll need to do because there's no way that something like this should be completely replacing
06:11an existing feature that is utilized by everyone playing the game. Currently, the only way to get
06:15rid of it is to disable it in the multiplayer settings, although the developer note assures
06:20us that there'll be some way in the future to disable it in the client as well. However, this
06:24seems to talk about toggling the bar on and off rather than toggling your visibility on it, but
06:28for now it's only available on this bedrock preview. It'll be out on the snapshot maybe after
06:33Minecraft Live. So now if you're wondering, what about the Minecraft Java snapshots? What's
06:37happening there? Why aren't we getting this stuff on the snapshot yet? Well, we still have the pre-releases
06:41to get through, so it's not the same logistically. So what I'm going to do first of all... oh oops.
06:46It seems that Mojang is still getting through some of the fixes here before they can move on to the
06:50new material. First things first, you will notice that they've moved all of the old textures for
06:54the spawn eggs to the programmer art resource pack. So you can still see them all over here,
06:58which will be interesting because in future updates when Mojang adds new mobs to the game
07:03with new spawn eggs, they'll just be placed over here and they won't fit. I guess that is an issue
07:07with the programmer art option. TNT explosion behavior has also changed. So remember in a
07:11previous snapshot they added the TNT explodes game rule which prevents TNT from exploding. However,
07:16that came with a lot of problems, specifically all the loopholes that players found. So they
07:20forgot that one too. So if it's set to false and you try to explode it,
07:24the TNT is not just going to disappear now. What if I summon TNT?
07:33I thought it was just going to stay there forever. Nah, I guess it just won't explode anymore, so
07:37that's good. Okay, what about dispensers?
07:43Nope. And I guess finally minecart TNT. Nah, it won't explode unless I completely mess that up.
07:54Well, there you have it. There's so much happening right now with Minecraft. They're
07:58moving swiftly along on the update cycle and they're not even waiting for Minecraft live.
08:01So what's next? Is it really the play with friends update? Nah. As usual,
08:07let me know what you think about all this stuff.