В этой серии мы ЗАВЕРБОВАНЫ... Но на своих условиях! Ведь я же им зачем-то нужен?!
👽 Мой Мерч: https://mirohodec.ru/ (Доставка в любую точку России и не только)
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.
Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...
Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt
Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
👽 Мой Мерч: https://mirohodec.ru/ (Доставка в любую точку России и не только)
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.
Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...
Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt
Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
00:03I can get up! I can fix everything quickly and not worry!
00:11So, I need to...
00:15Ladies and gentlemen, a great choice!
00:18Agree to join the organization on the condition that you will not be tied down by time!
00:22Let's do it this way, if the organization is not even ashamed to hide that I am interested in something there,
00:27and that they are even ready to go on a variety of concessions, then we will check whether they will agree this time or not.
00:32I have two minuses if I don't get tied down.
00:35The first is that I can't get into some kind of synclete, and the second is that I can't travel through other branches,
00:41which is obvious, that is, I will have to sit only in this branch.
00:45But the feeling is that even if they agree, it won't be for long.
00:48Then they will still start to pressure me to get tied down by time.
00:52But that's later, right now we would just get an answer.
00:55Therefore, hello everyone, dear friends, I am Lololoshka, welcome to the point of no return, let's go!
01:16And again, hello everyone, dear friends, I am Lololoshka, welcome to the point of no return,
01:23let's go!
01:53And again, hello everyone, dear friends, I am Lololoshka, welcome to the point of no return, let's go!
02:23No, seriously, I am now in a world where there is a certain concentrated time in the air,
02:29my survival depends entirely on the efficiency of the bunker, cars, spacesuits,
02:34and I am a peacekeeper, but I hardly use my spark, because I am surrounded by skintonite all day long.
02:40But even if I can use this spark, what's the difference?
02:45I teleport to a world where I see everything the same, because the end of time happened in all the branches.
02:52And how to get out of this branch, I have no idea.
02:56Well, yes, when your brains are so-so, your thoughts are also so-so, Lololoshka.
03:01No, really, I'm lonely, I always have something hurts, somewhere all the time something breaks.
03:07So what should I do?
03:09I have only two options, either to continue to live as I live now,
03:13or, damn it, join an organization that kills those few who were able to survive the end of time,
03:21and, to be honest, I really hope that they will agree to hire me without a suspension of time,
03:28although on the other hand I understand that I will not be able to fully spy on them, because I will not be suspended,
03:34I will not even be able to get to their headquarters, but no, no, no,
03:38suspension sounds so terrible that in no case.
03:43I still can't come to my senses after talking to Lai,
03:47to live all these deaths, and...
03:50Yes, I could think that this is similar to my situation, because I am an intermediary, but...
03:55there is a difference between life outside of time and just a long life.
04:00This is not life at all.
04:02But why then is Maletsky satisfied with everyone?
04:05And I also remember Lai said that for peacekeepers the suspension is more painful than for everyone else.
04:11Hmm, to be honest, I would not want to test all this on myself.
04:15However, given my hopeless situation, at some point it may turn out that I really will not have a choice.
04:26All that remains is to wait for the response of the top management of the organization.
04:30Are they ready to hire me without a suspension?
04:35Breathing is intercepted by the thought that I will not have a chance to escape.
04:41Ah, stop, no!
04:43Something broke again!
04:45Ah, so, now I understand!
04:47Attention, attention!
04:48The air purification system has failed.
04:51An oxygen generator must be repaired urgently.
04:54It is located in the upper part of the above-ground vacuum compartment Utkar.
04:58Inaction will lead to the failure of oxygen-dependent systems and the inevitable penetration of the external environment into all modules of the bunker.
05:04Possible consequences...
05:06Asphyxia, nausea, dizziness, oxygen starvation and...
05:12Yeah, yeah, okay, I got it.
05:13Super fast!
05:14The task of repairing the oxygen generator.
05:16We dress up!
05:18And here the charge is also spent!
05:20I remember, I remember!
05:20Yes, quickly!
05:22Now, what's interesting in terms of weather?
05:26Aaaah, that's what it is!
05:28Again this dust storm!
05:30Damn storm, how I hate you!
05:33So, okay.
05:33This time I have everything more or less normal.
05:36I can climb up!
05:38I can fix everything quickly and not worry!
05:41How does it work?
05:43Oxygen generator, 4 steel plates and a high-voltage cable.
05:47Damn, who knew that?
05:50We take the plates, we shift the cable, we repair the oxygen generator, and the task of repairing the oxygen generator is updated.
05:57As far as I remember, yes, we need to start the fans, 2, 3, 4, and, in my opinion, from this side, 5, 6.
06:07Oh, it's done.
06:09That's it, well, he doesn't give a damn, as they say, breakdowns are bad, but such weather is even worse, thank goodness they give me experience for all this.
06:17I already have 18,000, by the way, right?
06:21We take off the spacesuit, charge it, just in case, we check everything here.
06:25The system is restored, the level of air pollution is insignificant.
06:29Lead 1 to build a new room.
06:32What do you want to do?
06:34Uh, I don't want to do anything, thank you very much.
06:36So, I was ...
06:40Uh ...
06:42I ...
06:44You ...
06:46I honestly don't even know what to do.
06:50Who is this?
06:52Wait, maybe ...
06:54Look, look!
06:56She also has a gray strand!
06:58Also a gray strand!
07:00Everyone in the organization has a gray strand!
07:02So, I ...
07:04I ...
07:06I ...
07:08So, I ...
07:10Oh, hello, Lolo!
07:14My name is Luisa de Sal.
07:16I am a member of the board of directors of the organization.
07:18So ...
07:20And ...
07:22Ah, Maletsky passed the information, I understand.
07:24Yes, press.
07:26Oh, very nice, miss ...
07:28Miss ...
07:30Lady ...
07:32Oh, don't.
07:34You can just call me Luisa.
07:37In fact, you still can't pronounce my name.
07:39Well, that is, you are in vain, Luisa.
07:41In fact, I am very good at pronouncing difficult-to-pronounce names.
07:43Oh, yeah?
07:45Well, then we can try.
07:47My real name is ...
08:03Okay, I think I give up.
08:07Well, don't be upset.
08:09I like my fake name even more.
08:13Why don't we sit down?
08:15What do you think?
08:17Uh, yeah, okay.
08:30Well, okay, I won't ask questions yet.
08:34So, what's the result?
08:37Please, these chairs are also time-bound.
08:41You're funny, you know?
08:43But let's get down to business.
08:45I think you understand perfectly well
08:47why I'm here, don't you?
08:49Well ...
08:51Yes, yes, of course.
08:55You see, Luloshka,
08:57on the one hand, we are very interested in you
08:59as employees,
09:01and on the other hand,
09:03we have never received such a strange offer.
09:05Why don't you want to go through
09:07the process of time dematerialization?
09:09Well ...
09:11Okay, I got it.
09:13The conversation is apparently serious,
09:15it's not some kind of raffle,
09:17so let's think about it.
09:19It turns out that Maletsky conveyed the information
09:21that I told him, like, can I join,
09:23but without dematerialization,
09:25without time-bound.
09:27Now we have a choice.
09:29Why don't I want to time-bound?
09:31Me, Laetana, warned about how terrible it is.
09:34Eternity scares me, Luisa.
09:36Maletsky said that the process is irreversible.
09:38Probably there is no need to talk about Laetana, right?
09:40Well, Maletsky said that the process is irreversible,
09:42and by the way, it really scares.
09:44Come on.
09:46You know yourself,
09:48it turns out that I will never be able to live
09:50in any of the existing worlds,
09:52in any of the existing branches.
09:54Yes, you are right, unfortunately.
09:56To join the organization,
09:58you really need to be full of determination,
10:00devote a whole eternity to saving others.
10:02I will tell you frankly, Loloshka,
10:04time-bound dematerialization
10:06is an act of self-sacrifice.
10:08Ah, well, then ...
10:10However, I would like to note
10:12that the organization does not take on the recruitment
10:14of beings in which it doubts.
10:16Therefore, you, Loloshka,
10:18I know for sure,
10:20are capable of doing this for the sake of others.
10:22In addition,
10:24the above procedure
10:26has significant advantages
10:28that somewhat compensate
10:31your sacrifice.
10:35what kind of compensation is this?
10:37So, first of all,
10:39you will be able to move to Sinclit,
10:41a real paradise for the employees of the organization.
10:45Our administrative and economic department
10:47takes care of ensuring
10:49that all our employees
10:51are provided with all the conditions
10:53for the most comfortable rest and leisure.
10:55You know,
10:57my personal favorite place in all of Sinclit
11:00is the dining room.
11:02Yes, yes,
11:04we have taken away from time the best chef
11:06of all times and universes.
11:08You can order any dish
11:10that has ever existed
11:12in any branch
11:14and it will be prepared for you
11:16in the best way.
11:18And do not worry
11:20about the fact that you will not be able
11:22to find friends.
11:24Sinclit is just huge.
11:26The organization is a large-scale institution,
11:28with a large number of branches,
11:30so you will always find someone
11:32to spend time with.
11:34Yes, yes,
11:36believe me, you will like us.
11:38Let me admit right away,
11:40before we ...
11:42the risk of error was higher.
11:44We really sometimes recruited
11:46not those creatures,
11:48creatures that were unable
11:50to pass the procedure,
11:52but we learned from our own experience
11:54and brought the selection algorithm
11:57to perfection.
11:59So I can assure you, Loloshka,
12:01you are definitely suitable for us,
12:03and we are definitely suitable for you.
12:05Well, what do you say?
12:07So, wait,
12:09what department are you from?
12:11Again, how did she tell you about herself?
12:13Is she a director?
12:15Okay, we'll see it later.
12:17Good luck.
12:19Still, I would prefer not to give up time.
12:21No, well, yes, yes, yes,
12:23I can join the organization,
12:25literally the death of everyone.
12:27Well, that is, for me, as Loloshka,
12:29this is just a clean sheet.
12:31I would prefer not to give up time.
12:33Well, then, Loloshka,
12:35tell me, please,
12:37how are you going to work for us
12:39if you refuse to go through
12:41the time dematerialization procedure?
12:43You understand that an organization employee
12:45requires at least
12:47to move between worlds regularly,
12:49not to mention branches.
12:51Well, yes,
12:54of course, I understand, this is Luisa,
12:56and I, being a world hunter,
12:58am able to do this on my own.
13:00Well, in a spacesuit,
13:02which contains anti-skint,
13:08How do you know
13:10that it is part of my spacesuit?
13:14Loloshka, you know
13:16that the employees of our technical department
13:18came to scan your bunker.
13:20Well, of course, we know
13:23how your catalytic filters are made.
13:25Samples of the material were transferred
13:27to the research department.
13:29Active investigations are underway,
13:31and we hope that your discovery
13:33will help us move forward in our work.
13:35Hmm ...
13:37So, Loloshka,
13:39we talked about your spacewalk ...
13:41Yes, Luisa, exactly!
13:43You know, I can still move
13:45through the out-of-time void.
13:47Yes, yes, as you can see,
13:49I am much more capable without a bandage.
13:51Well ...
13:53Okay, Loloshka,
13:55I'm ready to make concessions.
13:57We have never hired anyone
13:59under such conditions,
14:01but for you I am ready to make an exception.
14:03However, Loloshka,
14:07you will be able to use your abilities
14:09for the organization
14:11only until a certain moment.
14:13As far as I know, world hunters
14:15do not know how to move between branches,
14:17but while survivors remain in this branch,
14:20you will not be able to pass the procedure.
14:22Okay ...
14:24Hmm ...
14:26And since you are already familiar
14:28with Agent Maletsky ...
14:30Yes, I will assign you to his team.
14:32Soon you will go
14:34to your first task, Loloshka.
14:36But do not worry,
14:38the first few times
14:40you will not need anything
14:42except for the usual presence.
14:44Newcomers, you know,
14:46always go to tasks with their coordinators
14:48Maletsky is an experienced field worker,
14:50an excellent partner
14:52and just a nice
14:54young man.
14:56So I'm sure
14:58following him, you will easily
15:00navigate, Loloshka.
15:02And there we will give you the first task,
15:06But still, I want you to understand,
15:08at some point we will close this branch,
15:10that is, the survivors
15:12in this branch will end.
15:17professional jargon.
15:19When this happens, Loloshka,
15:21you will have to,
15:23you will need to make a decision
15:25to go through temporary dematerialization
15:27or ... well ...
15:29the second option.
15:31But for now, relax,
15:33you still have time.
15:35Test yourself as an organization employee,
15:37look at how Maletsky works
15:39and ...
15:41What? Do you agree?
15:43Yes ...
15:46Already ... already something ...
15:48Ask time to think,
15:50refuse ...
15:52Agree, yes. This time, yes.
15:54Hmm, great, Loloshka.
15:56So ...
15:58I'm sure we'll work with you.
16:02it remains only to sign this contract.
16:04Do not worry,
16:06do not worry, it is temporary for now.
16:08You know,
16:10I have to say, I'm in a terrible mess
16:12led our department of personnel,
16:14when I asked them to make a temporary contract,
16:16can you imagine?
16:18Yeah ...
16:20So, okay, I already agreed, so ...
16:22Damn, why didn't anyone
16:24warn me about the contract?
16:26Okay, sign.
16:28Damn it,
16:30how does it look?
16:36Did you read it, Loloshka?
16:38You read it, didn't you?
16:44Well, that's all.
16:46Welcome to the organization,
16:48agent Loloshka.
16:54Agent Maletsky will give you a uniform,
16:56badge and read you
16:58detailed instructions.
17:00I wish you good luck on your first task,
17:04And see you, agent.
17:10I ...
17:13I can't believe it.
17:15I ...
17:17I really just
17:19joined the organization.
17:21Yeah ...
17:23Laia will kill me when she finds out about it.
17:25Damn it,
17:27now I'm starting to doubt.
17:29I definitely made the right decision.
17:31So, okay, the contract is temporary,
17:33and I haven't quit yet.
17:35As if nothing
17:37forces me to stay in the organization forever.
17:41And still ...
17:43Yeah, it's better to talk to Laia.
17:45Damn, wait, what if ...
17:47What if it's a trick?
17:49What does a temporary contract mean?
17:51There is no time here.
17:53That is, it turns out that while I am here,
17:55in this timeline where time has stopped,
17:57I cannot refuse the contract now, can I?
17:59I really have a slightly different question.
18:01Why do I only find out about the contract
18:03when I have already agreed?
18:05No, well, really,
18:07the way they talk about the organization
18:10I don't even want to ...
18:12I don't see any problems, as if.
18:14But obviously I need to talk to Laia,
18:16so let's get dressed.
18:18Next, we prescribe Brunus.
18:22Well, of course.
18:24Well, Laia,
18:26why are you never at home when you need it so much?
18:32Are you already calling this place home?
18:35Oh, new information.
18:37By the way, this is good.
18:39What does Lololoshka think himself?
18:41Because one thing is when we
18:43think about something,
18:45and another thing is when the character.
18:49So, uh-huh.
18:51As a result, Laia ...
18:53No, it's a shame that he wrote ...
18:55Wow, how many things you combined!
18:59The administrative and economic department
19:01is responsible for the existence of the synclet.
19:03That is, the headquarters, the personnel department
19:05make contracts?
19:07How and why does the end of time happen
19:09only the management knows?
19:11This is a very good question, really.
19:13I would like to know.
19:15So, what do we have here?
19:17Department of decision-making, stormtroopers,
19:19department of control, technical department
19:21responsible for the installation of cameras,
19:23analysis of technology in different worlds.
19:25Damn, in fact, how many departments they have!
19:27This is tin!
19:29Just in case, let's check here.
19:32I can't even discuss it now.
19:34Maybe something appeared? No.
19:36Laia does not leave anything.
19:38Then we rewrite it back.
19:42And in fact, I'm starting to notice comments
19:44in the spirit of ...
19:46Hey, Loloshka, why did you say that you would pump the modules
19:48and do not pump?
19:50In fact, because there was no need,
19:52but now I understand that my food is running out.
19:54I have a little bit of a bum timing again.
19:56We need a greenhouse module
19:58where we can grow agricultural cultures.
20:00What's there for pumping?
20:02So, this is fertilized soil, fertilization, glass.
20:04I already have this.
20:06This is also present.
20:08In fact, the hardest thing is fertilized soil.
20:10And this is fertilization.
20:12Oh, wait, bone flour.
20:14In my opinion ...
20:16Yes, I can now create it!
20:18God, how easy it will be!
20:20Then be sure to track.
20:22Task module, thanks.
20:24We fully charge the spacesuit, put it on,
20:26and it turns out right now that ...
20:33I'm now ...
20:35I'm now like ...
20:37I almost screamed like a psycho.
20:39I don't know what stopped me.
20:41Hi, Molet.
20:43And I was just going to knock on you.
20:45In short, okay, you know,
20:47usually I suggest you take a walk,
20:49go somewhere and all that,
20:51but this time the weather is nasty, right?
20:53Let's talk about it in the bunker.
20:55What do you think?
20:58I say, everything is so fast there
21:00due to the fact that you are not tied to time.
21:02No, let's go for a walk,
21:04the weather is not so bad.
21:06Well, yes, the weather is gorgeous there.
21:08Let's go somewhere
21:10to the arcade, for example.
21:12Yes, let's better in the bunker.
21:14Well, come on, start, what did you want to say there?
21:16Well, actually, why did I come?
21:18I wanted to congratulate you
21:20on joining the organization!
21:22Hey, Loloshka!
21:24How cool, right?
21:26We will now work together!
21:28I haven't had such a partner for a long time
21:30that, well,
21:32with whom you could make friends, or something.
21:36I'm sure you'll like it here.
21:40True, your contract is temporary
21:42and you were taken under some strange conditions.
21:44I still don't quite understand
21:46how they agreed to this at all.
21:48We usually follow the protocol very clearly.
21:50How did you manage to talk to Madame de Stal?
21:57Well, this one, the Steel Lady.
21:59This is how Louise is called in Sinclair.
22:01Oh, I see.
22:03No, Malecki, I didn't have to talk to her.
22:05Oh, even so?
22:07Yeah, even rather the opposite.
22:09It seems that she agreed to all my conditions,
22:11but, damn, I have no feeling
22:13that she still talked to me.
22:15Yes, yes,
22:17this is a normal feeling after talking to Louise.
22:19Well, except for those cases
22:21when she is unhappy with you.
22:23But when you talk to her,
22:25the feeling is much sharper.
22:27Tell me, is she a gorgeous woman?
22:29Well, how can I tell you...
22:31Oh, come on,
22:33don't be shy,
22:35everyone has their own spoon.
22:37No, no, Malecki,
22:39I'm not shy at all.
22:41Well, why are you mumbling then?
22:43Tell me that she is not to your liking and that's it.
22:45Don't worry, there is someone to choose from in Sinclair.
22:47Well, first of all,
22:49we will choose a pet robot for you.
22:52Otherwise, we may have disagreements, Lolochka.
22:54No, wait,
22:56what pets? What Sinclair, Malecki?
23:00I didn't even agree to be tied up.
23:02I'm not going to agree to her.
23:04Oh, well, yes.
23:06Well, you haven't agreed yet.
23:08In general, nothing, nothing.
23:10The main thing is that I was made your coordinator,
23:12so we will go on missions together.
23:14And then you can go bowling,
23:16play machines,
23:18or just walk around the world, right?
23:21Are you happy about that?
23:23Well, yes.
23:25Yes, I'm probably happy.
23:27How happy can someone be
23:29who is stuck in a dead end
23:31and who is forced to join an organization
23:33that kills the survivors?
23:35Yeah, I understand.
23:37You know,
23:39we all live not the most fun life,
23:41in fact.
23:43Our work is hard,
23:45but when you think about how it is necessary,
23:47how these poor people need help,
23:49it becomes much easier.
23:51You'll see the spoon yourself,
23:53I'm telling you.
23:55Okay, I have to go back.
23:57I still haven't handed in the report.
23:59See you soon, right?
24:01Yeah, see you soon.
24:03Bye, Malecki.
24:05Bye, bye, bye.
24:09Well, damn it,
24:11the organization has already reached him.
24:13How quickly do they really disperse
24:15all this information?
24:18We are now taking a wooden silo,
24:20putting on a spacesuit,
24:22getting out of the bunker.
24:24And with this not the most pleasant weather,
24:26yes, I agree,
24:28we find a workbench.
24:30Here. So, carefully,
24:32we'll get up here somewhere.
24:34Next, we need, it turns out,
24:36a little bit of rot,
24:38we combine all this,
24:40we put the raw material,
24:42we get bone flour,
24:44and right now we are finishing
24:46No? How does it work?
24:48I already forgot. I used this force
24:50with me, but let's say 3,
24:522, 1.
24:56Did they give me anything?
24:58Oh, yes, yes, fertilization.
25:00Nice, it works.
25:06The car is still standing.
25:08Well, it's good that it stands.
25:10Damn, in this sandstorm,
25:12you know what I realized? It's easy to get lost.
25:15I don't even have a compass.
25:17But luckily I didn't go far,
25:19so that's it, we're coming back.
25:33Oh, yeah, the task
25:35of the greenhouse module is completed.
25:37Good. Now let's go
25:39and improve it.
25:45Hmm, look at this.
25:47Now we can grow
25:49two types of plants.
26:01I still haven't taken a picture of you, right?
26:03So, as a result, now we have some bushes growing here.
26:05This is interesting, this is some kind of
26:07new mechanics, right?
26:09Well, obviously nothing new has appeared here.
26:11That is, it turns out ...
26:16Look how beautiful!
26:18Here we have tomatoes.
26:20Well, let's try.
26:22Lettuce seeds and ...
26:24Lettuce seeds.
26:26Oh, and here are the seeds of radishes,
26:28beetroot seeds, tomato seeds, flax seeds.
26:30I can now wait
26:32until something grows here
26:34and seeds will appear.
26:38Only, you know, I need to create some expensive food
26:40that will not spoil.
26:42I need to create canned soup.
26:44Here is the research, here is the soup.
26:46And we need 320 rots.
26:48Okay, in short, I promise that I will deal with this rot,
26:50but in the next episodes.
26:52Let's do it this way.
26:54Now we need to understand what we will do
26:56for the organization,
26:58and how we will convey this information to Lai.
27:00It really all happened so messy
27:02and they really persuaded me.
27:04I feel that throughout this season
27:06there is a persuasion, rather not in the direction of Loloshka,
27:08but in the direction of me, Roma, the player.
27:10And this is really very good,
27:12from the point of view of psychology.
27:14That is, here, it seems like a job, you know,
27:16both for the game character
27:18and for the one who plays this game character.
27:22What will Lai say?
27:24What will be our first task?
27:26And what will happen when all the survivors die?
27:28Will we agree to dematerialization?
27:30Let's see, as they say.
27:32We still need to understand if this is approved by the viewer.
27:34But, yes, again, let's see.
27:36Please do not forget about your likes,
27:38do not forget about the subscription.
27:40I said it many times, I will say it many times.
27:42Your support is the best boost of motivation,
27:44no matter how dry it sounds.
27:46The main thing is that this is true.
27:48Once again, thank you very much.
27:50Well, if you are here for the first time,
27:52you can also call your friends.
27:54And with you were Loloshka and ... food.
27:56And also not just Loloshka,
27:58but agent Loloshka.
28:00Good luck to everyone.
28:02Bye, bye, bye, bye.