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В этой серии мы испробуем истину мощь ПОБЕГА СКВОЗЬ ВРЕМЯ... Пустошь, веди меня!
👽 Мой Мерч: https://mirohodec.ru/ (Доставка в любую точку России и не только)
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru

Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.

Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...

Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru

• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt

Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
00:00Well, where should I go to get to Maletskiy?
00:05This is...
00:06Even in a half-dead state, he did not lose his abilities.
00:11How creepy...
00:13Hey, down there! Watch out!
00:19The first Lolozhka!
00:20Almost the first world hunter!
00:22And, it seems, the first person who was able to sign an eternal contract with the organization,
00:27so also on conditions where I do not deprive myself of time.
00:30Well, cool, right?
00:31Let's do it this way, I'll be honest.
00:32Either they hang noodles on my ears normally,
00:35or they don't tell me why I'm so interested in the organization.
00:39Let me remind you.
00:39When Lolozhka tried to fill his price with the phrase
00:42«And I can also move through out-of-time wasteland»,
00:45the employee either did not believe me,
00:47or just thought of something.
00:49It is not clear.
00:50But what is definitely clear, ladies and gentlemen,
00:52this is Agent Lolozhka.
00:55An agent working in one single time branch.
00:58At the same time, Laia does not know about it yet.
01:01Let's go tell?
01:02I hope they don't spit in my face.
01:03In general, hello to all dear friends, I'm Lolozhka.
01:06Welcome to the point of no return.
01:09Let's go!
01:12And again, hello to all dear friends, I'm Lolozhka.
01:16Welcome to the point of no return.
01:19The season in which we, Agent Lolozhka,
01:22from now on call me only this way.
01:24Well, okay, if seriously, then we are employees on dog rights.
01:27I'm a dog, and you're a dog.
01:29I'm a dog, and you're a dog.
01:31I'm a dog, and you're a dog.
01:33I'm a dog, and you're a dog.
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01:37I'm a dog, and you're a dog.
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01:43I'm a dog, and you're a dog.
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01:45I'm a dog, and you're a dog.
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06:32I'm a dog, and you're a dog.
06:33I'm a dog, and you're a dog.
06:34I'm a dog, and you're a dog.
06:36Hey, stop!
06:37I thought about it.
06:38I told Maletsky and that woman with the contract
06:41that I was able to move through the out-of-time void.
06:45Although, I'm not even sure about that myself.
06:48I can move, but how?
06:51John didn't explain anything to me then,
06:53so I have no idea what to do.
06:56Besides, a lot of the United Forces
06:58and not only ours with John
07:00went to all this last time.
07:02That time also helped a lot.
07:06There's something else that bothers me.
07:09And the longer I think about it,
07:10the more it bothers me.
07:13It all happened because of me.
07:16The end of the world,
07:17the disappearance of life in all worlds.
07:20What if this is the consequence
07:21of the careless use of this force?
07:24What if this is a time paradox?
07:29That's why the one watching me is watching.
07:32Although, I think there would be other consequences for me
07:35if it were really because of me.
07:38So no, no, no.
07:40However, in any case,
07:41I really hope that I won't have to
07:43return to this void anymore
07:45and everything will be limited by moving around the worlds.
07:49Even so, it will be problematic with my filters.
07:52On the other hand, by the way,
07:54I remember that John seemed to care about anti-skint.
07:57Maybe it's not so dangerous for me either.
07:59Hmm, okay.
08:00I can definitely handle this.
08:02Although, recalling my last transitions,
08:04will I have enough strength?
08:06Okay, okay, okay, Lolo, just pull yourself together.
08:09That woman, Louisa, said that our agreement is valid
08:12as long as there are survivors in this branch.
08:15So yes,
08:16I hope I won't have to move around the branches
08:18while this agreement is valid.
08:20Isn't that great?
08:21Sounds cool.
08:23By the way,
08:24they didn't explain to me why I gave up.
08:27Molesky then left the answer very abruptly and...
08:29Eh, well, no.
08:30And I didn't leave anything then.
08:32I said as it is.
08:35But you, apparently, look,
08:37decided to cheat.
08:39No, I didn't decide anything.
08:41No, no, no, Lolo, I just heard.
08:44You say you can jump over the branches,
08:46but you hope that you won't have to.
08:49No, Molesky, you got it wrong.
08:51I can jump over the branches.
08:53It's just that I'm not sure I can do it often.
08:56Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:58Listen, the first rule of working in an assault squad.
09:01Never, never...
09:02Molesky, listen, let's not do this, huh?
09:04Besides, you didn't knock again.
09:06Oh, well, okay, okay.
09:09Let's be serious, okay?
09:11I brought you the stuff you need.
09:13Now, wait.
09:15Here, this is one.
09:17Oh, a badge!
09:18The badge of that girl?
09:20So, what's this?
09:22And this is two.
09:24I hope you guessed the size.
09:26If anything, tell me, right?
09:28Here, take it.
09:29What? Clothes?
09:32Damn, okay.
09:33Wait, the badge of an organization employee.
09:36Just like Lai's.
09:37Yes, indeed, it turns out
09:39it's still the badge of the organization.
09:41Well, okay, then let's take this clothes.
09:43Okay, but...
09:45Molesky, why do I need a uniform
09:46if I still have to wear a suit?
09:48Well, I thought the same last time.
09:51That's why you didn't bring it.
09:52But I was told that it's a must.
09:54That you, like any other new recruit,
09:57need to follow the regulations.
10:00Plus, maybe you still dare to wear it.
10:03Well, if you understand what I mean.
10:06No, I won't refuse.
10:08I'm more comfortable in a suit, thank you.
10:10Yeah, well, okay.
10:11So, did Madame De Stijl give you the instructions, right?
10:14No, she said you'd give it to her.
10:16She said you'd give it to her?
10:17Oh, yeah?
10:20Okay, then, look.
10:22First of all, our work, as you could understand,
10:24is built on a strict structure.
10:26We are given information about the target,
10:28descriptions and coordinates.
10:30We eliminate the target.
10:33Lulushka, no exceptions.
10:35Hey, Molesky, I'm serious.
10:37No exceptions?
10:38Yes, no exceptions.
10:40Well, what if the target hasn't lost her mind yet
10:44or is going through a less painful time?
10:46No, Lulushka, that doesn't happen.
10:49Okay, but what about me?
10:51I'm here.
10:52I haven't been eliminated yet.
10:54Why are you rolling your eyes?
10:56Oh, mother of God.
10:58How many times have we said this already?
11:00Yes, you're an exception.
11:02You can be proud, Lulushka.
11:04You're the first one like this in my memory.
11:07There won't be anyone like you.
11:08That's it.
11:09I want you to understand that.
11:10And don't build any hopes.
11:13Usually, all survivors, remember,
11:15look and behave like that god.
11:17Let's continue.
11:19Don't interrupt me, newbie.
11:21We eliminate the target.
11:23We do this in accordance with the rules
11:25on safe behavior in the field.
11:27And, in short,
11:29make sure that there are as many targets
11:31as indicated by the accounting department.
11:33If there are more targets,
11:35like you, for example,
11:36give them this information
11:38and don't act without the command of the management.
11:41Eliminate only those who are needed on the mission.
11:43Before eliminating the targets,
11:45by the way, you need to make sure that...
11:48this is some kind of a whole lecture, isn't it?
11:50To be honest, I'm very bored.
11:52Maybe you can show me an example, huh?
11:55Leave me alone!
11:57You're very frivolous, newbie.
11:59Actually, I'm your coordinator,
12:01which means that...
12:05Okay, okay, calm down, I'm kidding.
12:07So, now...
12:11Well, okay.
12:13Sign here, then.
12:15Like, well, you've passed the introductory training.
12:19Damn, Maletsky, you're so cool!
12:22Wait a minute.
12:23The jacket of the organization's employee.
12:25The last whistle of fashion.
12:29Look at that.
12:31Now, Maletsky, wait.
12:33I have a test drive of a new jacket here.
12:35Well, to be honest,
12:37you could have brought pants,
12:39but what's this? Why do I need this jacket without pants?
12:41Oh, no, stop, I really got it.
12:43Here, the pants of the organization's employee.
12:45I'm stupid.
12:47That's it, change your clothes.
12:49Wow, that's another thing.
12:51Well, shoes would have been given, by the way,
12:53but no, shoes, alas, no.
12:55Come on, then, wait, we'll put the cartridges somewhere here,
12:57take off the suit,
12:59and, again, sign, right?
13:01Well, okay.
13:03Listen, Maletsky,
13:05I hope I haven't just sold you my soul.
13:07I did it back then,
13:09signed a contract with Louise.
13:11So, in short, look,
13:13I was given another task,
13:15and we'll go together again.
13:17Here are the coordinates.
13:19Oops, that's another branch, Lolo.
13:21Oh, hell, no, no,
13:23not another branch.
13:25Well, so what?
13:27I shouldn't have hoped
13:29that they wouldn't send me to another one.
13:31Damn, what should I do now?
13:33What if I create some time paradoxes now?
13:35I think if I go to something completely ugly,
13:37the viewer will get in the way.
13:39Yes, he can't be as alienated
13:41as he tries to show himself.
13:45Have you changed your mind already?
13:47The contract is signed, albeit temporary.
13:49There is no way back.
13:51Come on, look.
13:55so what?
13:57Is there any reference to anything?
14:01Well, to be honest, I can only look at it, nod my head and say,
14:03well, okay, okay.
14:05So, what is it?
14:07Well, I'm telling you, coordinates.
14:09So, what do these coordinates mean?
14:11Spatial-time reference.
14:15how am I supposed to move
14:17with such a reference?
14:19Well, how would I know, Lolo?
14:21You're the peacekeeper here, not me.
14:23Damn, okay.
14:25Are you ready to go now?
14:27Well, how else? The duty does not wait.
14:29Do you need to get ready?
14:33Yes, yes, for now, wait, yes.
14:39Damn, I mean, wait.
14:41Why did you say that then,
14:45You know, if Lolo
14:47hadn't said that he could teleport
14:49through time branches, then
14:51Luisa wouldn't have agreed.
14:53Although, on the other hand, she most likely would have agreed.
14:55It's just that we've never really done it.
14:57And it's obvious that it will exhaust
14:59all the power of Lolo.
15:01I mean, why did we do it then?
15:03Because there was Lolo, there was John,
15:05and the power of the mother.
15:07And now, in fact, only Lolo with a skintonite.
15:09Well, that's awesome.
15:11Let's do it this way. I don't know what awaits me in another branch,
15:13so let's get ready.
15:15First, we'll remove everything unnecessary.
15:19Don't forget to take bandages,
15:21load your suit,
15:23put on your suit, and...
15:25So, as far as I remember,
15:27you were in the wasteland when that technician
15:29tried to move me.
15:31Yes, yes, I remember.
15:33That is, you want to say that Malecki should try to do the same thing?
15:35Like, move me to Sinklead?
15:37But at the same time, I'll end up in the wasteland.
15:39Malecki, let's talk.
15:41What, how, ready?
15:43Well, kind of.
15:45Yes, ready.
15:47Malecki, listen.
15:49Can you try to move me
15:51where you need?
15:53Well, no, no, no, it doesn't work that way, buddy.
15:55Yes, I know it doesn't work.
15:57Just try.
16:09It worked!
16:11So, super, now we need to get ready.
16:13Uh, watcher.
16:15Uh, watcher, hello.
16:17Don't, don't look at me like that.
16:19I, I understand your hint.
16:21I only agreed to understand how to get out of here.
16:23You don't help me.
16:25The ice gaze of the watcher does not express anything.
16:27What, seriously?
16:29This time I don't even have anything to say.
16:31Watcher, I can't play here
16:33endlessly with you.
16:37It was informative, thank you.
16:43Well, hey, watcher.
16:45Well, help me.
16:47Well, where should I go to get to Malecki?
16:53This is...
16:57Come on!
17:01The watcher
17:03really helped me!
17:05And how is it?
17:07Wow, here
17:09time still works up.
17:15Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
17:17What was that now?
17:19Maybe we need to go faster?
17:21As I said, this place does not like
17:23indecisive, right?
17:25Okay, so we run up
17:31Oh, it works!
17:35Thank you!
17:39Hey, spoon.
17:41Spoon, get up.
17:45Hey, buddy, how are you?
17:49It seems, yes.
17:51Get up.
17:53Look at yourself!
17:57you didn't lie, did you?
17:59You really can jump without a bandage!
18:03Quiet, quiet, please, Malecki.
18:05I have a headache right now.
18:07Yes, yes, yes, of course.
18:09Okay, sorry, I just...
18:11I really see this for the first time.
18:13It's just...
18:15Yes, please, just be quiet.
18:21So, what do we have here?
18:23Listen, damn, in fact, I'm starting to think
18:25that we should have
18:27improved the spacesuits to the fourth level,
18:29preferably, otherwise it will be wasted quickly.
18:31But in general, this is tin!
18:33Even the staff of the organization is surprised
18:35that we can move through the branch!
18:37But, Watcher, thank you very much!
18:39I don't know if you hear me or not, but thank you!
18:41It was powerful!
18:43I'm really very interested now,
18:45why did he do it?
18:47And did you notice or not, but I was given the effect of
18:49sparks fading.
18:51Oh, and I have a minus body!
18:53So, bandages, bandages, bandages, wait.
18:55Come on, then we'll recover quickly.
18:57I don't know, head, left leg.
18:59Straight to the full, to the full!
19:01It's very good that I took these meds,
19:03but I needed more.
19:05Everything, we are gradually recovering.
19:07Well, where are we in the end?
19:09Where did we get? What is this place?
19:11It looks like some kind of city.
19:13I thought it was Alt City from the perfect world,
19:15but no, this is not Alt City.
19:17Well, something like that.
19:19It turns out I'm in another branch.
19:21Just what does it mean?
19:23The Watcher not only did not stop me,
19:25but also helped?
19:29Yes, I'm also surprised why he helped.
19:31The story becomes more and more confusing and interesting,
19:33and I really enjoy
19:35watching all this.
19:37Especially from the first person, as a player.
19:39So, Maletsky, let's talk.
19:41So what? Where are we going?
19:43Wait a minute.
19:45What? Have you already come to your senses?
19:47So pale.
19:49Very funny, thank you.
19:51Listen, let's get down to business.
19:53My suit is still charging.
19:55Well, okay. Let's go find the target.
19:57Wait, wait.
19:59Don't you know where it is?
20:01I know, of course.
20:03Somewhere here.
20:05In general, judging by the report,
20:07this is a mobile creature.
20:09Or that there is no need for this.
20:11But the creature itself
20:13did not cope.
20:15Well, you know, like,
20:17to die.
20:19It regenerates constantly, something like that.
20:21Oh, sounds very scary.
20:23Hmm, poor dude.
20:25Well, or what is there, Chuvikha.
20:27Listen, how do you do it?
20:29How do you really move?
20:31Damn, if I could do that,
20:33I would never give up.
20:35I heard a little about peacekeeping.
20:37I even had to liquidate a couple.
20:39And still, I know that
20:41you usually don't jump through the lines.
20:43How, Luloshka?
20:47Well, okay. It's amazing
20:49that you don't know.
20:51Tell, refuse to tell,
20:53agree to tell in exchange for information.
20:55Well, in fact, it is clear
20:57why they do not know this information,
20:59because they are not available,
21:01how to say it so briefly,
21:03the concept of time.
21:05They don't know what time is.
21:07I understand that it sounds a little paradoxical
21:09and stupid, because they work with time,
21:11but that's how it is.
21:13Agree to tell in exchange for information.
21:15Yes, come on.
21:21what do you want to know?
21:23Oh, so, another choice. Ask about Lai,
21:25ask about the leadership of the organization,
21:27ask about Maletsky.
21:29The first two are interesting, the third is not particularly,
21:31because Maletsky himself says a lot about himself.
21:33Well, let's find out about Lai,
21:35and why, after all, what happened to her?
21:37It's really interesting.
21:39Yes, Lai.
21:41Wait, will you tell?
21:43Well, what exactly
21:45interests you, huh?
21:47Most importantly, why did Lai leave the organization?
21:53because she got in touch with a bad company,
21:55most likely.
21:57Listen, well, honestly, I don't know the details.
21:59Probably she was brainwashed there
22:01by someone from ex-employees.
22:03From ex-employees?
22:05Wait, in terms of ex-employees,
22:07are there such?
22:09Yes, there were fugitives.
22:11They said they learned something about the organization,
22:13that they don't want to work anymore.
22:15But most of them came back anyway.
22:19or they chose a different path.
22:21Well, I,
22:23in general, I think you understand what I'm talking about.
22:25That is, you want to say that Lai
22:27can either return, or ...
22:29No, forget it, Lai, she will definitely return.
22:31She is impressive to us,
22:33but still reasonable.
22:35She listened to the stories of all kinds of leaders.
22:37Hmm, stories about leaders,
22:39what are they, for example?
22:43yes, a typical story of dissatisfied employees, I don't know.
22:45The main thing, you know, is the situation in Sinclid.
22:47A whole sabotage.
22:49There was some kind of slush,
22:51because of which many refused to work.
22:53They wanted to dismiss the general, something like that.
22:55Oh, and why?
22:59Yes, one hundred percent because of some salary story.
23:01Yes, I don't know, a lie,
23:03but I was in the fields then.
23:05Not until the internal times arrived, you know.
23:07To put it briefly,
23:09some office clerks
23:11probably screwed up,
23:13someone miscalculated something,
23:15so the dissatisfied organized a mass action.
23:17They shouted that it was necessary
23:19to destroy the organization.
23:21Lai, by the way,
23:23also participated in the strike.
23:25Well, when everything calmed down,
23:27took and disappeared.
23:29Hmm, I wonder
23:31in more detail about this strike.
23:33That is, wait, because of the mistake in the salary
23:35to talk about the destruction of the organization,
23:39Maletsky, do you believe in it yourself?
23:43listen, well, I don't know.
23:45Maybe there is an organization somewhere,
23:47well, maybe it suits dark schemes,
23:49of course, I admit.
23:51Well, it's the same in any organization,
23:53you know, money is also not...
23:55Oh, I'm out of breath.
23:57Employees need to be fed,
24:01paid for something, and all that.
24:03Damn, come on, Lolochka,
24:05well, really, well, not a single organization
24:07is clean-handed, I know that for sure.
24:09But I still don't think
24:11that we have some extreme horrors going on there.
24:15Some departments may not act
24:17quite honestly, yes,
24:19if they don't work well there.
24:21All sorts of political stories,
24:23typical corporate shenanigans.
24:25Okay, okay, I understand,
24:27don't go on. But wait,
24:29I don't understand something.
24:33That is, there is a group of former employees
24:35that persuades everyone
24:37to leave the organization?
24:39No, not quite.
24:41I probably didn't express myself correctly.
24:43In short, someone wanted to leave,
24:45and apparently called Lai with him.
24:47But apparently Lai left,
24:49and she? No.
24:51And in general, since you only ask about her...
24:53Wait, wait, Maletsky,
24:55and you want to say that there are a lot of such
24:57dissatisfied employees, right?
24:59Well, no, definitely less than satisfied.
25:01Dissatisfied will still be.
25:03The organization cannot always work perfectly,
25:05although we strive for this.
25:07Everyone makes mistakes, Lolochka.
25:09There is nothing wrong with that.
25:11The main thing is that in the organization
25:13we immediately correct them.
25:15All those who staged the strike then, by the way,
25:17received some kind of compensation.
25:19And no one died then, Lolochka.
25:21Well, except those who
25:23had to die.
25:25Don't think about anything.
25:27I'm talking about the survivors,
25:29who died, yes.
25:31Damn, Maletsky.
25:33To be honest, from all this,
25:35I only have more questions.
25:37Well, yes, yes.
25:39Listen, but you won't answer my questions, right?
25:41As usual, you won't answer.
25:43By the way, look.
25:45We found a survivor.
25:49What an ugly sight.
25:51Even from here.
25:55By the way, it's quiet here.
25:57He is the last in all branches, most likely.
25:59Let's finish his suffering.
26:11I don't understand.
26:15Oh, by the way, duck, wait.
26:17What if I missed something?
26:21Okay, there is a roof, as if it was hard to miss.
26:23Logistics core.
26:25Here are some copper wires.
26:27We'll take it anyway.
26:29Let's go down then.
26:31Damn, you can teleport, of course.
26:33And you didn't tell me how to go down.
26:35Now we'll do it very carefully.
26:37It hurts in the leg.
26:43Okay, I'm already here.
26:45Maletsky, how are you?
26:49Even in a half-dead state,
26:51he didn't lose his abilities.
26:53How creepy.
26:55Wait, does it seem to me or is it...
26:59Hey, down there!
27:01Watch out!
27:05What are you doing, Maletsky?
27:09He's a killer, of course.
27:11With experience, damn it.
27:13And if it really hit me...
27:17Blood of Nectar.
27:19Guys, I just want to explain something.
27:21Nectars are very rare creatures.
27:23And at the time of the recording of the season
27:25Voice of Time, in the whole universe where we were,
27:27there were only 15 Nectars.
27:29We defeated one of them,
27:31and there are 14 of them left.
27:33Yes, I understand that now we are in another
27:35time branch, and
27:37there are probably more Nectars here.
27:39But damn it,
27:41Nectar's blood is valuable, as far as I know.
27:43Okay, let's pick it up.
27:45Damn, listen, I didn't hurt you.
27:47No, but why did you crush him?
27:49Couldn't you be a little more humane?
27:51At least shoot him, or...
27:53A spoon.
27:55I decided that even in his condition,
27:57he would quickly recover his tissues,
27:59damaged after a laser wound.
28:01So, bam!
28:03That's it, and right away...
28:05No, Maletsky, you just decided
28:07to bleed, admit it.
28:09Hey, you're hurting me,
28:11you're hurting me a lot. Okay, listen,
28:13I saw a bar nearby, let's go.
28:15Let's have a little rest, at least.
28:17Come on, come on, we did it anyway.
28:21This is how it really happens.
28:23Oh, a revolver?
28:25Wait, what is it?
28:31Oh, it's from this world, but I can't take it,
28:33damn, it's a shame.
28:35Listen, I probably need to use the batteries.
28:37And I guess that's it?
28:39There's no one left in this branch,
28:41and this branch is completely without living beings?
28:43Do I understand correctly that we are now
28:45alone in this multiverse?
28:47So, wait, the blood of Naktira
28:49brings back distant memories.
28:51Yes, the season of the voice of time.
28:53Let's talk.
28:55So, did you investigate everything you wanted?
28:59Listen, I'm sorry,
29:01but I'm tired of pissing you off.
29:03Stop, wait, wait, wait.
29:05Before we continue the dialogue,
29:07I will use the moment, I will not continue it.
29:09That is, you want to say that I could loot?
29:11So this is a good idea.
29:13Look, postcard and pen.
29:15Oh, a cap, chef's pants.
29:17I don't know, I'll take it just in case.
29:19Why not, right?
29:21I'm sure there must be a duck here.
29:23I'm a billion percent sure
29:25that there can be a duck here.
29:27And also, for about 2 billion,
29:29it's close and...
29:31Wait a minute.
29:33I think I see it. Here it is, here it is!
29:35It's a duck, right?
29:37Yes, yes, yes, no?
29:39Here! Cyberduck 7702.
29:41We got into the world of cyberpunk, it turns out.
29:43I can't take this yet.
29:45It's just a square here.
29:47No, I don't think I need to go here.
29:49Let's just move on.
29:51Let's try to find it here.
29:53So, a coconut drink.
29:55That is, it is implied that I will loot,
30:03This is very similar to...
30:05Yes! A fog of the watcher,
30:07a beating, a tightly
30:09clogged glass bottle.
30:11Contains echoes of an entity
30:13called the Watcher.
30:15The bottle emits unbearable cold
30:17and light vibration.
30:19Cool collection, we'll take it anyway.
30:21So here's the toilet.
30:23Well, okay, two things
30:25it's not bad,
30:27even three, the blood of the nocturne.
30:29Go on.
30:31Why didn't I pour you?
30:33You won't drink anyway.
30:35You know, I look at you,
30:37and you look very wrong.
30:41Like this, with a bottle.
30:43I'm always told that.
30:47So what?
30:49Will you answer my question?
30:51How do you move between the branches?
30:55Maybe, damn it, I want that too!
30:57Damn it!
30:59As soon as I think that it is still possible,
31:03Such a melancholy takes immediately.
31:05Someone, it turns out, has such an ability.
31:09And I don't have it.
31:11Well, what can I say?
31:13Whatever I answer, Maletsky will not be able to do so,
31:15probably because he is time-bound.
31:17I moved through the out-of-time wasteland.
31:19Not sure that time-bound
31:21people can do that.
31:23It doesn't matter how I moved, Kacper,
31:25you probably won't be able to do that.
31:29I can answer like this, without mentioning the out-of-time wasteland.
31:31Come on, sorry, but it won't work.
31:39What if I can?
31:41I would give a lot for such an opportunity,
31:43in fact.
31:45I love my job, really, really love it,
31:47but I would really like it to end someday.
31:51Well, not so that I would just retire
31:53and live in a pension opposite Sinclid,
31:55but like, well,
31:57for real, you know?
31:59I would start a family there,
32:01and not a dog that sometimes
32:03wedges and all the settings are reset
32:05to factory.
32:07I would start a live one.
32:11Hey, Kacper,
32:13maybe there is still some way?
32:15Come on, there is no way,
32:19Maybe we should get back to the out-of-time?
32:21No, no way.
32:23What, like, at all?
32:27Okay, I'll probably go fill out the report on the out-of-time.
32:29Wait, wait,
32:31you didn't register the death.
32:33Yeah, yeah, I'll be back later.
32:35Yeah, well, he's sad about that thought.
32:37Yeah, I hope he'll be okay.
32:39On a sad note,
32:41we said goodbye today.
32:43Maletsky praises the bandage so much,
32:45and he himself doesn't seem to be happy with it at all.
32:47Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
33:17Listen, I almost forgot. You seem to need help with the jump, right?
33:20Uh, yeah, by the way, it would be nice.
33:24Hehehehe, well, come on.
33:28Hmm, and by the way, what would I do without Maletsky?
33:32Hmm, great. That is, now, yeah, I need to urgently restore the body.
33:39This is an unbearable pain. Where is my medical module?
33:44Yeah, yeah, yeah, moving it is a very bad thing.
33:47Let's hope we won't be summoned in other branches.
33:49The fact that I have the blood of Noxyr has appeared is cool.
33:53I don't know why I will ever need it, but it fosters distant memories.
33:58Very cool.
33:59This season is really full of references, actually, that's what I notice.
34:01And I'm not saying it's a reference for a reference,
34:04but in the sense that the whole universe, thanks to these references, kind of lives.
34:08It remembers itself, the plot.
34:11We will definitely put a duck.
34:13Here it is, 59th.
34:15Not every collector will pull this duck.
34:17Reference that cyberpunk does not pull everyone.
34:19Yes, I understand, the fog of the watcher, come here.
34:21You hear the beating of the cold heart of the watcher.
34:23Oh, yes, look, really.
34:25A little bit, there is something there.
34:27And here?
34:29Ah, here is just a fog.
34:31Let's do it this way, I will not straighten up.
34:33It was WOW, not a series.
34:35Really good, I really liked it.
34:37Remember the most important thing.
34:39And among the workers there are some clashes.
34:41I do not think that the clash is related to the salary.
34:43As Maletsky says.
34:45It clearly sounds crazy.
34:47But this is definitely important information, we will remember it.
34:49And on this we will gradually finish.
34:51The watcher who for some reason helps me.
34:55Damn, okay, we'll get answers to this too.
34:57I hope you really do not forget to like.
34:59Do not forget to subscribe.
35:01As they say, more and more.
35:03And I want it to be more and more together.
35:05Therefore, do not forget to subscribe.
35:07And if you are here for the first time, then you can also call your friends.
35:09And with you was Loloshka.
35:11And the blood of Naktira, and badges.
35:13And moving through the branches, damn it.
35:15Good luck to everyone, bye everyone.
35:17Bye Bye Bye.
