• 6 hours ago
The latest installment of "Where Are They Now?" What people do you want me to follow up on next?

Sprinter: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9j6ktw4c-TM

Diabetic: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pwsCSk9y69I

Adenosine: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1A9B-QYvdQs

Visit www.FireDeptcoffee.com for gear!
00:00Hey everyone, our Where They Now adventure continues today with patients that were seemingly
00:04disconnected from reality and one that wanted to disconnect my head from my body.
00:09Calm down, you know we're here to help you.
00:11Flocka was by far the craziest street pharmaceutical I'd ever seen people on.
00:16I mean up to this point I'd seen your normal opioid induced nap nap or people screaming
00:22at the top of their lungs after their 60th line of booger sugar made their pacemaker
00:26start firing off multiple rounds of heart drilling electrified regrets.
00:32But what I had never seen was grown men in their full birthday suits gifted with Olympic
00:38level sprinting abilities like they had after consuming a fresh batch of Flocka.
00:43I just felt like running.
00:45And funny enough what my brain still can't seem to process is why every single one of
00:50them was being chased by wolves.
00:52Every single one of them.
00:54We're gonna get you, we're gonna get you.
00:56Which means they're either being transported to another dimension or we have invisible
00:59wolves running around us that none of us flack it up individuals can see.
01:03But good news is after a fresh batch of Haldol and Valium, they got away from those wolves
01:08and took a happy trip up to cloud nine.
01:11Mike, this is Jimmy, Jimmy's blood sugar drops.
01:15Have you ever been picked up by another person and thrown across the room like you were a
01:20human lawn dart?
01:21I have.
01:22And it was by this guy.
01:25Low blood sugar can be a very interesting thing.
01:27For most people when their sugar begins to drop off, they become weak, tired, or maybe
01:32even unconscious.
01:33But not this guy.
01:35Somehow this guy's lack of brain sugar caused him to become the insulin dependent Incredible
01:42And as a fresh medic, I figured this was my chance to show the world how strong and nimble
01:47a ginger stretcher fetcher could be.
01:51And then I got blasted across the room like a high powered fart in the wind.
01:55But after some great distraction techniques and very quick darting, we were able to get
01:59some glucagon in his arm, his sugar back up, and a lot of ice packs for me.
02:05Oh my God, is he?
02:08If you want to deposit a butt burrito in your pants while simultaneously looking another
02:12human in the eyes, give someone adenosine.
02:15I pooped my pants.
02:17Adenosine is a medication that we give to patients when their heart rates are too high
02:20to hopefully help slow it back down.
02:23But it has an incredible side effect of making the entire room smell like backdoor dumplings
02:28when you literally watch somebody's heart stop and then pray it starts back up before
02:34you have to start giving them the old staying alive cartilage cracker.
02:38Good news is though, the medication works 90% of the time, leaving them feeling a thousand
02:43times better and happy we came.
02:45Where the other 10% they get two things, a sedative and to ride the lightning.
02:50Try to catch me howling at the moon.
