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Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru

Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.

Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...

Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru

• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt

Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
00:00Hey, you! Turn around!
00:04What? What? You were not liquidated!
00:06Nothing personal, pleasant...
00:10Your mother, man!
00:12So, okay, what do we have?
00:14On the one hand, more and more new details about the organization and its employees,
00:18and on the other hand, Laia.
00:20Laia, who is already with literally irritation and tears in her eyes,
00:23shouts that I should never get into the organization's affairs,
00:27otherwise only death awaits me there.
00:29No, well, what can I say about it?
00:31And it's okay that they have a child with a man's voice, it's damn interesting!
00:35Only for this you can die.
00:37And this is Asa, a woman who, if you believe Laia,
00:40almost all employees hate in the organization.
00:43As they say, obviously, we want to know more.
00:46So, hello everyone, dear friends, I'm Lolo,
00:49welcome to the point of no return.
00:52Let's go!
00:59And again, hello everyone, dear friends, I'm Lolo,
01:12welcome to the point of no return,
01:15the season in which we get acquainted, although not directly.
01:19Yes, the employees of the organization,
01:21obviously playing not the last role in the career ladder,
01:24discussed not just a lot, but the most interesting.
01:27For example, first, initially they didn't even know about Lolo,
01:30and they thought that I was in a spacesuit,
01:32this is who they were hunting for initially,
01:34and they hunt for some elf.
01:37That's why Laia was surprised that I call myself Lolo.
01:41Second, they mentioned that some time particles filters were installed in the bunker,
01:45and apparently this is the same anti-skind.
01:48Damn, who owns this bunker, if he has such extensive knowledge?
01:52And finally, third, usually something goes wrong in every line,
01:56but in this line everything goes wrong,
01:59so additional actions will be taken,
02:02what actions are not yet clear.
02:04In short, at the moment it is obvious that life positions,
02:07if you can say that,
02:09Laia and Lolo began to diverge more and more.
02:12She, because she knows too much, does not want to tell anything,
02:15and I, because I know almost nothing,
02:18I want to know even more.
02:20Such a paradox.
02:21No, I kind of understand that she wants to protect me from something,
02:25like, she has already said many times,
02:27those who know a lot about the organization,
02:29live about nothing.
02:31But damn, I seem to need this information in any case,
02:34to try to survive.
02:36In short, I just take and go to her.
02:38Yes, I am without extra words, as they say,
02:46Damn, well, of course she won't be.
02:49No, no, no, Laia.
02:51Damn, well, where should I look for her now?
02:54Damn, really.
02:56Our previous dialogue did not end on the best note,
02:59she wrote Malus and that's it.
03:01Obviously, sooner or later she will return,
03:03because where else can she live, right?
03:05Maybe she left something?
03:07No, here, according to the classics, here he...
03:11Okay, let's see.
03:14While Laia is not here, I can structure the information.
03:18It's kind of awkward to do it with her, isn't it?
03:21Let's see, let's see, what is there at all?
03:24We probably need to remove all unnecessary.
03:27Oh, wow.
03:29And I thought that we would put a bunch of boards,
03:32and more and more of them would appear.
03:34But no.
03:35We will remove the unnecessary.
03:37As I understand it, now we will remove about the antenna,
03:39about the craft of the antenna.
03:44Yes, that's better.
03:49And now the most important thing.
03:51After all, Laia.
03:53What kind of reaction did you have, huh?
03:56Scream at me and run away, seriously?
03:58Of course, I'm glad that I'm not completely alone here,
04:01and that there is someone here who is on my side.
04:04On my side, right?
04:06But almost every dialogue with Laia
04:08causes me more questions than answers.
04:11Seriously, what's the point of getting mad at me
04:13if I just want to understand what's going on here?
04:16And she doesn't give me any normal explanations.
04:19She didn't even tell me anything about the end of time.
04:22But she promised, by the way.
04:25I don't understand why she doesn't want to share information with me,
04:29which I literally need to survive.
04:32How can I leave this line and return to my friends
04:36if I still don't even understand what threatens me?
04:39I gave her a shelter,
04:41and she began to insult me in response.
04:44Because I'm supposed to be a peacekeeper.
04:46Come on!
04:47That's not fair!
04:49But seriously, what's the point of helping her
04:52if she doesn't share anything with me?
04:55Okay, Lolo, not that way.
04:58Calm down, calm down.
05:00Laia is still the only person in the entire Archea
05:03who is not trying to kill me.
05:05At least, on purpose.
05:07But I'm not sure that even if I wait for her return,
05:10I can get anything from her.
05:13What does the end of time mean?
05:16Time is passing.
05:18The environment is changing,
05:20the night is changing the day.
05:22Laia managed to say that my ideas about time are very simplified.
05:26But who can help me figure it out?
05:29Well, who, except for Laia herself?
05:31There's no one else here.
05:33Only Laia and this fucking organization.
05:36And by the way, now everything really looks like
05:39if I follow the organization,
05:41I can get a lot more
05:43than trying to make contact with this Laia.
05:47After all, last time it seemed to happen.
05:50But I don't understand what to do next.
05:52Oh, wow.
05:53Wait for Laia's return,
05:55return to the bunker,
05:56and try to wait for someone from the organization?
05:59What a choice!
06:00Well, I don't know.
06:01Damn, to be honest,
06:03I want to believe in the plot armor infinitely,
06:06but at the same time I already have so many hints that it doesn't work.
06:09It feels like if I play with it for too long,
06:12Loloshka will disappear as a character.
06:15Well, I kind of don't believe it,
06:17but some too big hints began to appear.
06:20Okay, okay.
06:21I'll really try to go to the organization.
06:23I'll really try.
06:25Okay, Loloshka.
06:26Last time I managed to remain unnoticed.
06:28Well, almost.
06:30So this time I should also be lucky, right?
06:33In any case, I can always escape to the pocket dimension,
06:36and no one will ever hurt me.
06:39In any case, if I do everything quickly.
06:41And if the costume charge is enough.
06:44Awesome plan.
06:46Isn't it?
06:47Yes, yes, yes.
06:48I wanted to say, Loloshka,
06:49great plan.
06:50Not a drop of unrisked.
06:54Okay, I'll really go to the bunker.
06:58Why did your brains sink?
07:02I came up with it myself, damn it, I panicked.
07:03Before going somewhere,
07:05before going somewhere,
07:06let's check what we have here.
07:08Wow, damn it.
07:09So, it turns out that now we can look in chains
07:11where something is going.
07:12This is Archeia.
07:13What happened after I left Archeia?
07:16Where did the curtain go?
07:17And when did it disappear?
07:19Where did the skin in Archeia go?
07:21Oh, this is interesting, by the way.
07:22Did Iogannis see Tadmavriel?
07:24Who knew that there would be the end of the world?
07:26If Iogannis built a bunker,
07:28did he know about the upcoming disaster?
07:31What happened to the church of purification?
07:33These are very interesting questions.
07:35So, wait, and here?
07:38What is it?
07:39In general, the synclite was mentioned only by Laia.
07:42She said that she was walking on some damn synclite.
07:45If we google this word, synclite,
07:47we will get a meeting meeting,
07:50a meeting of high officials.
07:52This gives me little,
07:54but apparently this is related to some kind of court,
07:56with something very high in the organization.
07:58Next we have...
08:01Attackers are those who work in the lines,
08:03and sitters are those who work with documents in the organization.
08:06Accounting Department.
08:07They watch the survivors.
08:09Security Service.
08:10Control within the organization.
08:12Ah, that is, it turns out that within the organization they watch the organization.
08:17No, well, in general it sounds logical, right?
08:19So that they don't do anything there.
08:21Was Laia an attacker?
08:23Oh, by the way.
08:25It turns out that she most likely is.
08:27Decision-making Department.
08:28They are directly trying to kill me.
08:30The child works here.
08:32Why are they doing these murders?
08:34What are the lines?
08:36What does it mean, tied from time?
08:38Oh, damn, how many questions!
08:40This is so cool!
08:41Let's probably use the emergency battery.
08:44Next, without further ado.
08:45Come on, wait.
08:50And now all I have to do is go back to the bunker, right?
08:53Damn, in fact, this choice,
08:55like, stay and wait for Laia or go to the bunker,
08:58he, he, he is so scary.
09:00Like, as if I made a bad choice, right?
09:02Maybe I should have waited?
09:05Damn, damn, damn.
09:07Well, what is done cannot be undone, as they say.
09:09By the way, let's take the iron.
09:11Get in the car.
09:12Be sure.
09:14Come on.
09:19Oh, it's good that the weather is good, damn.
09:21This, this is just pleasing.
09:23No ghosts, no toxic rains.
09:25Of course, I would like more batteries.
09:27But in general, it's okay here too.
09:29There is a lot of fuel in the car.
09:32Drones, some patrols.
09:34So far, it seems to be not visible.
09:36And thanks for that.
09:37By the way, wait, did I take the ammo?
09:39Yes, there is ammo, okay.
09:40And here I am again.
09:42Let's park right here.
09:45The child said that additional actions will be taken.
09:49What kind of action is this?
09:53Hello everyone.
09:55I really can come in so calmly every time.
09:57Lord, why, why is everything so simple?
09:59I do not believe.
10:01This is too dangerous.
10:03As if, you know, in fact.
10:07In fact.
10:09They play with me.
10:10Oh, listen, let's go to the chest right away.
10:12Be sure to charge.
10:14So, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
10:15It is better to recharge the spacesuit while there is such an opportunity.
10:18In general, it feels like there is no one here.
10:21Everything looks the way I left it.
10:24As in the whole city.
10:26But no one touched the spacesuits.
10:28We remember that they are disassembled.
10:30Disassembled by me.
10:31We will definitely wait for the spacesuit now.
10:33And the ducks.
10:34Damn, by the way.
10:35It was necessary to take the ducks.
10:36Place here.
10:37It really seems to me that I will still return to this bunker.
10:39Therefore, I want to place all the ducks here.
10:42Just in case, let's check what we have here.
10:45Hey, seriously?
10:47They didn't even touch anything out of pure interest?
10:49How so?
10:51What kind of search was this, if everything is in place?
10:55This is rather some kind of inspection.
10:57Or did they specifically cover up the traces so that I didn't know that someone was here?
11:01But what's the point?
11:02They probably know that I saw them.
11:06No, well, listen, we already realized that the organization knows how to cover up the traces.
11:09Therefore, well, as if covered up, yes.
11:11Like touched, looked and put everything the same as it was.
11:15Smart, damn it.
11:16Really smart.
11:17Let's just go through here.
11:19Maybe we'll find something.
11:20Some kind of card.
11:21Maybe something they defended.
11:24Improvements, research.
11:25Well, the same here.
11:26The research itself is exactly the same as it was.
11:32Oh, healed.
11:33This is good.
11:34Why do I have 5 genome points every time?
11:36What kind of stupid visual bug is this?
11:38I know I don't have that much.
11:39I will spend literally 1.
11:40Everything will change here and become 0.
11:42But I can, for example, here.
11:43Removes damage from falling 6 blocks and less.
11:46Oh, by the way, this is cool.
11:47Come on.
11:48That's it, you see?
11:49Genome points are 0.
11:50But now I can jump from a high height and everything will be fine.
11:54To be sure, hello duck.
11:57You see?
11:58Build a new room.
11:59What do you want to do?
12:01The developers told me that with this duck, in fact, you can talk about what I want.
12:06It is clear that you need to pick up some correct words, but they told me this.
12:10I can write skint.
12:12The same skint about which there are so many questions.
12:14Come on.
12:15Skint is a mystical crystal mentioned in archaic chronicles in the period of awakening.
12:21What do you want to do?
12:23Come on.
12:24This is ... I got an answer.
12:27This is a normal answer.
12:29Listen, guys, if you want me to ask something, write in the comments.
12:33So, wait.
12:34You know, I'll ask you one more question.
12:37So, I learned more.
12:38I can ask how much time is now.
12:40This is a good question.
12:41So, how much time?
12:44The parameter is not found.
12:46What do you want to do?
12:49The parameter is not found.
12:51What about if I ask the population?
12:54The population of the city of Silangwa is ...
12:58No data.
13:00What do you want to do?
13:02Well, yes, I already remember asking this question once.
13:04Well, cool.
13:05That is, if I find some words that will trigger her script.
13:10Please write about it in the comments, guys.
13:12Really, write.
13:13So, wait.
13:14Can I get out of here?
13:15That is, I can really get out of the bunker now.
13:20And now we even have a night.
13:22What the hell?
13:24I was told ...
13:25Okay, not to me.
13:26I heard about some additional actions.
13:28About the fact that something is supposedly going to happen, but in the end it will be zero.
13:31We have no drone.
13:33No dangers.
13:35Everything seems to be the same here.
13:37Well, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
13:38They know how to cover up the traces.
13:39We know that.
13:40But not so much that I'm like a complete moron.
13:48So, drones are flying there.
13:49I don't know if I need to bump into them.
13:51Listen, car, car.
13:52Do you know what I want to do now?
13:53Infected duck, come here.
13:55Oh, a collectible.
13:56Wait, what?
13:57I'm taking it for the first time.
13:59And since I can now go in and out of the bunker like this.
14:02I don't know, I don't care.
14:04Go, let's go get another duck.
14:06I now have a feeling that I just had to find something in the bunker.
14:10But because I didn't find it, the plot just doesn't continue.
14:14But this is, by the way, even for us.
14:15That is, we can a little ...
14:17Not to pull, we can rather do ...
14:19Wow, what a high-quality preparation.
14:21So, that's it, car.
14:22Here, we find the garage.
14:24Be sure to open.
14:26Immediately, probably, we close.
14:28And duck, hello.
14:29Oh, good.
14:30Duck punk.
14:31Maybe, by the way, I can take something here.
14:34Oh, since the plot doesn't continue with us yet.
14:37And what if I make an emergency battery?
14:40Do you understand that now I am the master of time?
14:43Until I find something in the bunker, I can not be afraid of the plot.
14:47My things, however, are not here, but again in the bunker.
14:50But I don't think I explored this house.
14:52Now, maybe we'll find something interesting here.
14:54The same emergency batteries there.
14:55Maybe we won't even craft.
15:05No, something is not very good.
15:07Listen, let's just in case, you know what else we'll do?
15:09We'll write a prompt.
15:15Hey, hello.
15:17Returned, did not return?
15:18Maybe you left something here?
15:19Everything must be checked.
15:20I understand that now, you know, this is the very moment of the plot.
15:23Where either I can miss something.
15:25And in the future, many will complain that I missed something.
15:27Or I'll find something and everyone will be happy.
15:30That I didn't miss it.
15:32Everyone will be happy that I didn't miss it.
15:34This door, by the way, does not open in any way.
15:36No matter how hard I try, it doesn't work.
15:38Apparently, it's barricaded.
15:40We have already explored all these houses.
15:42Okay, car.
15:43In any case, we have two ducks.
15:45I think we took them for a reason.
15:47Let's start.
15:48Get in.
15:49And very carefully, without spending a lot of fuel, we get there.
15:52For some reason, it seems to me that now I can even kill drones.
15:54And nothing bad will happen.
15:56Now, if we meet, I'll try.
16:00Come on, somehow very carefully.
16:03I know you're somewhere here.
16:05As if by chance, just not a single one.
16:07We heard.
16:08Really, not a single drone.
16:09Everyone just disappeared.
16:10How so?
16:11Okay, let's not pull the rubber.
16:12Now we leave the car somewhere here.
16:14A good place.
16:15As if you can easily get away with anything.
16:16And we return to the bunker.
16:18I'm walking here like my own.
16:20It's just some kind of sur.
16:22It's really sur.
16:23The chest of the spacesuit.
16:26Let's go right away.
16:28And a punk duck.
16:30The process has begun.
16:31Come on.
16:32Infected duck.
16:33Despite the unpretentious appearance, it is very well cleaned.
16:38I see.
16:39Punk duck.
16:40She doesn't care.
16:42I see.
16:43I really hope that these ducks will be given something in the future.
16:46Like, how many do I have?
16:471, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
16:49If they give me something for the 9th and 10th.
16:51Like for the 10th.
16:52As a jubilee.
16:53It will be nice.
16:54Nothing has changed here.
16:56Here they really just looked.
16:58And that's it.
16:59They left it as it was.
17:01Oh, by the way.
17:02Maybe I really need to go through all the modules?
17:05They didn't touch anything here either.
17:08No note, maybe.
17:10You know, I just found the badge the same way.
17:13He was just lying around.
17:14Probably the most pleasant thing I can see here is the unbroken bunker.
17:18How long have I been here.
17:19He broke every series for sure.
17:21Now I have not been here for a long time.
17:23And he doesn't break a word at all.
17:25Let's check here.
17:27My kitchen area.
17:29Come on.
17:30Well, there really won't be anything.
17:31Here they didn't leave anything at all.
17:33Oh, by the way.
17:34What about the slime?
17:35Hey, hi.
17:37Oh, alive.
17:40Oh, how long have I not seen you.
17:42Listen, you don't have anything to change, do you?
17:45Damn, I haven't seen you for a long time.
17:47Come on, I'll stroke you.
17:48That's it, goodbye.
17:59What if I just dreamed it all?
18:01What if it was a blur of reason?
18:04Damn, it's a terrible state when you can't trust yourself.
18:12Stay here or go back to another shelter?
18:16Or go look for them yourself?
18:18Eh, no.
18:20So many choices that each of them seems absolutely wrong.
18:24Maybe I'm wrong?
18:27Oh, you're back after all.
18:39So, who is it?
18:41Oh my God.
18:45Damn it.
18:47But this is already very, very interesting.
18:50Is this a stealth mission?
18:54Hmm, yes.
18:55Standard security.
18:57The same as in many others.
19:02He has some kind of badge.
19:05And why does he need so much?
19:07Are you talking about the spacesuit?
19:11Hmm, I see.
19:13It's so easy not to rip off the trim.
19:15Eh, I would find vulnerable places.
19:19How many mutants.
19:21Why did they send me here at all?
19:25Oh my God.
19:27Who is this?
19:29Last time he was definitely not here.
19:31What is he doing here?
19:33Why does he need my trim?
19:35Okay, Loloshka.
19:37You just need to follow him.
19:39Looks like he's not particularly dangerous.
19:41So, yes.
19:47I thought we were just going to leave.
19:50I don't know where to take it.
19:51Let's probably take the spacesuit.
19:52Oh, damn.
19:53I hate stealth missions when everything depends on the player.
19:57Where did you go?
19:59Probably to the left, because the room is the closest here.
20:02There he is.
20:03There, there.
20:05Well, he's alone, but I don't know if anyone else will come.
20:11What are you doing?
20:15Oh, what?
20:16Right on the table?
20:17Why did you go out in the middle of the room, you fool?
20:19So, attack the unknown.
20:21Try to talk to the unknown.
20:25These are the choices in this series.
20:27These are some ultra-key choices.
20:29Continue to watch the unknown.
20:31That is, I can really talk?
20:33I kind of understand that either I'm going to the bank now,
20:35and still continue to rely on the plot armor, and so on.
20:38Or I...
20:39I don't know, I just don't want to wait for Laio.
20:41I don't want to attack the unknown either, obviously.
20:44Therefore, either watch or talk.
20:47I know how everyone will hate me now.
20:49I want to talk.
20:54Hey, you!
20:55Turn around!
21:00You were not liquidated?
21:03No, not liquidated.
21:05Don't even think about it.
21:08Friend, you...
21:09Quiet, quiet.
21:10I just want to talk.
21:12Yes, yes, yes.
21:13But it's obvious.
21:15Listen, brother, I'm just here for work.
21:17You know...
21:18Answer the questions.
21:19Why are you here?
21:22Brother, I told you, I'm just doing my job.
21:26Nothing personal, friendly...
21:29Your mother, man!
21:33Man, brother, I...
21:36You wanted to talk, right?
21:38Come on, let's talk.
21:39I don't mind.
21:40Let's talk, okay?
21:43Who are you?
21:44What are you doing here?
21:46Brother, I'm studying the materials from which this bunker was made.
21:50Keep talking.
21:51Why are you studying them?
21:53Because it's my job.
21:58Why are you studying my bunker?
22:03Because I was entrusted with it.
22:07Seriously, enough!
22:08Can you answer me normally?
22:11Brother, man, I...
22:12Am I answering you normally?
22:14What should I tell you?
22:16I don't know.
22:17Maybe something more informative?
22:19Well, I...
22:21Listen, listen, buddy, please.
22:23I don't know how to answer you.
22:26I wasn't even instructed about this.
22:28I shouldn't be here at all.
22:30I shouldn't work in the broken branches.
22:33What again?
22:34What branches?
22:35Well, I...
22:36Man, I...
22:37I'm just substituting a colleague.
22:39Come on, maybe you will deal with him, not with me?
22:44Yes, I swear to you!
22:46I'm going to retire soon!
22:48What the...
22:49What retirement?
22:50What are you talking about?
22:51Come on, quickly!
22:53Answer where your organization is!
22:55Why are you killing everyone?
22:57What happened in Archeia?
23:00Friend, I'm sorry, but...
23:02I have to report to the boss that...
23:05Don't move!
23:06Answer my questions!
23:08Just answer my questions!
23:10How many of you are here?
23:12They don't even pay me for this!
23:16Why did I agree to go on this shift?
23:22Listen, take me to your organization.
23:25Take me to your boss.
23:27Or let this boss come here himself.
23:30Without a weapon.
23:32Call him!
23:34Yes, okay, okay, man.
23:36I'll take you.
23:37I'll take you to the head office.
23:39And there, of course, of course, do what you want.
23:43Just drop your gun, yeah.
23:47Now, now.
23:49I just need to take something from here.
23:51So that we can make a jump.
23:57This is a real plot twist.
23:59Like, I expected anything, but not such a direct dialogue.
24:04And you know, I have a feeling that he himself does not understand what is happening.
24:06As if this is some kind of human machine.
24:08Make an unknown person call his boss here.
24:11Trust an unknown person.
24:12And make a jump!
24:14This is piss.
24:16Where did the plot go?
24:18Where did it go?
24:19I'm afraid to make a choice.
24:21Here is the 25th episode.
24:22This is the 25th episode, right?
24:24What's wrong with the choices?
24:25Wow, how huge.
24:26I'm here, damn it, I'm suffering over one, and I'm already 3 or 4.
24:30Well, okay.
24:31I actually understood so.
24:32It's like he really doesn't understand what's going on.
24:34I have a feeling that he is not going to deceive me.
24:39Although, damn it.
24:40Now he will get some kind of thing.
24:41Although, on the other hand, well, he will call his boss, right?
24:44Well, he will call, and he will come with a weapon.
24:46Or he will come with some kind of reinforcement.
24:48I probably better trust.
24:49Yes, because it's much faster.
24:51Let's go.
24:52Yes, yes, now.
24:54Hey, man.
24:56You just...
24:58Come on, really, no guns, okay?
25:01And I just can't let them fire me when I'm retired.
25:06Oh, damn it.
25:15What's going on?
25:18I'm back?
25:21I'm back!
25:23This is my chance!
25:27I can get out of here!
25:29So, urgently.
25:30I need to figure out where to run.
25:34This is a wasteland!
25:36This is an out-of-time wasteland!
25:38This is the place where the watcher lives!
25:40Damn it!
25:41I have such goosebumps right now.
25:45Okay, out-of-time wasteland.
25:49Okay, out-of-time wasteland.
25:51What are you?
25:52I can walk here for the first time.
25:54More precisely, I can walk here for the first time and not depend on some other plot character.
25:59Damn it.
26:00I'm shocked.
26:01I'm shocked by such a turn of events.
26:03Out-of-time wasteland.
26:05Hey, watcher!
26:07Watcher, are you here?
26:08I can talk to you here!
26:10I know you have a voice!
26:12Well, at least here.
26:18Where am I?
26:22He threw me!
26:24Where is that guy?
26:26What's going on?
26:28Where do I need to go?
26:29Damn, you know, I would have such speed as in the final of the Heart of the Universe.
26:33When I ran, ran, ran super fast.
26:43I don't understand.
26:44Am I running not fast enough?
26:48Am I stuck here?
26:57Someone, please!
27:00Well, please!
27:08Watcher, please!
27:17There he is!
27:18Damn, damn, damn!
27:19It's so interesting!
27:20You can talk here, right?
27:22Where are we?
27:24Where are you going?
27:26Please, don't!
27:27By the way, I have a spacesuit.
27:29And in this place, did you notice?
27:31There is no infection.
27:32That is, I can not wear a spacesuit here.
27:34Watcher, I lost you!
27:36There he is, there he is.
27:37That's it, that's it, that's it.
27:39Please, don't!
27:42Say something!
27:44What are you doing?
27:46Well, where are you going?
27:51Ah, I see.
27:52I see.
27:54Now, the main thing is that I have maximum satiety.
27:56But I have a lot of food here.
28:03Oh, old man, old man!
28:06Where, where did I get this time?
28:08You are still tied to me.
28:13What does it mean?
28:15In the sense of tied?
28:16You will have to make a decision.
28:19Which you have already made.
28:24Wait, but I don't understand!
28:31What is he doing?
28:36What is it?
28:39What was it?
