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В этой серии мы наконец узнаем, что такое ОТВЯЗКА ОТ ВРЕМЕНИ и с чем "её едят".
👽 Мой Мерч: https://mirohodec.ru/ (Доставка в любую точку России и не только)
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru

Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.

Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...

Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru

• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt

Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
00:00When you get rid of it, you realize that all the problems are due to a lack of time.
00:05I mean, really, there is no time, no problems.
00:12Well, as they say, the official version is to help the suffering.
00:15This is what Maletsky showed us literally and even in practice at the time of the murder of the suffering god.
00:21The god of Hatton Tapp.
00:23Let's put it this way, looking at him, it was clear.
00:25Hatton Tapp experiences all versions of himself every second.
00:29Imagine that at some point you have memories that you didn't seem to live through, but it turns out you did.
00:35And there are thousands of them, hundreds of thousands.
00:38Probably the only thing you want at such moments is to erase your memory.
00:42But I have a question.
00:43Should I really trust the organization?
00:46To be honest, it doesn't sound so doubtful anymore, but damn it, it's still doubtful.
00:50At least we need to talk to Lai about all this.
00:53Let's do it.
00:55Hello everyone, dear friends.
00:56I am Lolo.
00:57Welcome to the point of no return.
01:00Let's go!
01:16Hello again, dear friends.
01:18I am Lolo.
01:19Welcome to the point of no return.
01:22The season in which we saw death and murder.
01:26But it was the most atypical murder.
01:28Atypical, because to some extent humane.
01:32Seriously, even Maletsky said that he was not used to seeing all these creatures suffer.
01:36Therefore, with those who turned out to be in the same condition as Hatton Tapp, Maletsky understands quickly and cleanly.
01:43Let's do it this way.
01:44It is important for me to understand what Lai will say about all this.
01:46It is obvious that I am being hinted at.
01:48Don't make hasty conclusions.
01:50Therefore, first figure it out, then act.
01:53But a small distraction.
01:54Before teleporting somewhere, I noticed that I have a few lockpicks.
01:58Let's take some iron in advance, bang iron rods, and get a lot of lockpicks.
02:08Well, okay.
02:09It seems that I have calmed down more or less.
02:11A short break was good for me.
02:14However, after what happened yesterday in Misri, I do not know ...
02:18Can I really find peace in the near future?
02:21Or even someday?
02:24Oh, Hatton Tapp ...
02:28His pathetic twisted figure is still in front of my eyes.
02:32But he was not an ordinary creature.
02:34He was a god, damn it!
02:36A god, a patron of science, a god of knowledge!
02:39He was superior to the intellect and erudition of everyone else!
02:42And yet, these terrible torments clouded his mind.
02:47There was nothing left of the rationality of the most learned of the gods.
02:52Only pure madness remained.
02:55Such a spectacle is shocking.
02:58It shocks to the depths of the soul.
03:00So much suffering was in his eyes.
03:04Well, yes, we understand how this murderous time works.
03:08Damn it.
03:10It seems that now I really begin to understand Maletsky.
03:13And other employees of the organization who believe that they are helping these miserable.
03:18But ... I do not rest the gaze of Hatton Tapp.
03:23If you look closely, he was already dead.
03:26Dead before Maletsky pressed the trigger.
03:29But ... damn it.
03:31Is this really the only way out?
03:34I ... I understand that Maletsky believes in this, and the rest of the staff, apparently, too.
03:38But not Laia.
03:40Maybe she is convinced that you can somehow help these creatures?
03:44But at the same time, the organization does not want to do this?
03:47Or the organization just does not know how to help and is not looking for it?
03:51It would be great if Laia shared her thoughts with me.
03:55But on the other hand, maybe the organization just does not know how?
04:00But trying!
04:02Really trying to find it!
04:04But ... does not find.
04:06Not yet found.
04:08So, okay.
04:10Now I come back to the fact that the only way to find out what the organization is doing is to join it.
04:16However, for this I need to go through some kind of procedure.
04:20Laia said no.
04:22In no case can you agree to this.
04:24But at the same time, she still did not explain why.
04:27This is, by the way, the second question that I would like to ask her, and the answer to which would help me a lot.
04:33So it's time to visit my hospitable friend.
04:37Oh, I think we're going to torture her now.
04:40And this time she will not be silent, right?
04:42Although, on the other hand, she, as usual, can write Malus.
04:45In short, the spacesuit, hello.
04:47Next, Pronus.
04:51And in this ...
04:56Oh, wait, she has something ...
04:58She had something!
04:59Well, hello, Laia.
05:01Long time no see.
05:02Where have you been?
05:04No, no, it doesn't concern you.
05:06What news?
05:08Someone from the organization came to you again, right?
05:11Well, yes.
05:12Wait, how did you find out?
05:14Well, you look kind of lost and depressed.
05:17So I thought, what else could have brought you to such a state, except for the faithful dogs of the organization?
05:23Well, faithful dogs, seriously?
05:25You yourself worked there just recently.
05:28Together with these very dogs.
05:30Ah, well ...
05:31No, seriously.
05:32Did you really manage to get into them so quickly with such contempt?
05:35Oh, no.
05:37I'm not going to listen to your annotations.
05:39Yes, I myself recently worked with these ... dogs.
05:43And I was at the organization on a leash.
05:49Well, what else can I call these moral colleagues?
05:52Asa is a real Cerberus.
05:54Amaletsky is a trained sheepdog.
05:57And you, apparently, are Chihuahua, right?
06:02You're not bad.
06:03The hairpin is counted.
06:05I recognize you as a worthy opponent.
06:07And still, tell me, did they come again, right?
06:11Yes, Laia.
06:12Amaletsky came a couple more times.
06:14A couple?
06:15Uh, even more precisely, three.
06:17Or ... four?
06:19What do you mean, three or four?
06:21Have you already lost count?
06:23Oh, Loloshka.
06:25I hope he cleared you up because you categorically refuse to join the organization.
06:30And he is trying to persuade you.
06:32Well, by the way, yes.
06:34So it is.
06:35Hm, good.
06:36But, listen, Laia.
06:38To be honest, I came because Amaletsky almost convinced me to join them.
06:43Oh no, you did it again.
06:46I already thought that I found myself a relatively adequate ally.
06:50That sooner or later I will be able to trust you and together we will go against the organization.
06:55But, Laia, here you go again.
06:57Why not trust right now, huh?
07:00Why don't you tell me anything now?
07:02Don't you understand?
07:04I'm going to join the organization just to find out the truth.
07:11Well, let's say, okay.
07:13Tell me what you know at the moment.
07:16Yeah, and apparently we're telling, right?
07:19Yeah, I got it.
07:22From your point of view, it looks like joining the organization to understand its motives is, I admit, a good idea.
07:29But that's why I'm going to explain to you why this is not so.
07:33When you join the organization, you will be under its influence, Loloshka.
07:37You doubt it now.
07:39But believe me, they are all professional liars.
07:43And they have the techniques of persuasion like no one else.
07:46You won't be able to wrap your head around how they brainwash you.
07:49And you will be sure, all this time you will be sure, believe me, that trusting them is a completely rational decision.
07:57Yes, but, Laia, I'm warned.
08:00Even though you don't tell me why you consider them villains, I understand perfectly well that you can't literally believe what they say and...
08:07No, Loloshka, it all seems so to you now.
08:10But I'll say it again.
08:12You can't imagine how convincing they can be.
08:16But okay, I see that this is not a strong enough argument for you.
08:21Therefore, I will remind you about the mandatory condition for joining the organization.
08:25About the ban.
08:27I assure you, no one in their right mind would agree to this if they knew what it really was.
08:34Oh, you're saying that again.
08:36But why?
08:37What's so scary about it?
08:39Tell me!
08:41Okay, fine.
08:43I'll tell you.
08:45In all the details.
08:47Let's start with the fact that all your relatives, relatives and friends,
08:51any people with whom you managed to build a relationship,
08:54all of them die in front of your eyes.
08:57Their life is only a moment for you.
09:00Yes, the organization prohibits employees from getting in touch with the people they are attached to.
09:04And even more so, from getting into any relationship with them.
09:08But it's almost impossible to always obey this rule.
09:12Otherwise, you just start going crazy.
09:15And the starving brain craves normal communication.
09:18Not communication with colleagues, with these immortal dead in life,
09:23but communication with mortal creatures, Lolo,
09:26in which the soul is still alive.
09:28You know, sometimes you don't even allow yourself to talk to anyone,
09:32but just someone in the crowd will look at you,
09:35and then you watch this creature,
09:37watch it grow,
09:39make decisions,
09:41grow up,
09:44build relationships with anyone,
09:46but not with you.
09:48Because you can't.
09:51And all this time you need a friend so much.
09:54And then this friend, who never even knew you,
09:59All you see around you is death, Lolo.
10:03Lolo, have you ever thought about what death is?
10:07Death is time.
10:09And time is death.
10:12In fact, these are equivalent terms.
10:15I already said that the detached become immortal,
10:18so our job is to watch death around us forever.
10:23Do you think it's easy?
10:26Oh, you can't even imagine what it is.
10:30No, you know, actually, Laia...
10:32Yes, exactly. You are a peacekeeper.
10:34Perhaps, partially, probably.
10:38You can understand what I mean, but,
10:40believe me, Lolo, all this is only partially.
10:43None of the concepts of hell in the universe
10:46conveys even close to those torments
10:49that you have to go through all the time.
10:52And it changes you forever.
10:56It changes your personality,
10:58it destroys your soul.
11:00Very slowly, Lolo,
11:03like a woodcutter eats an ancient tree from the inside,
11:06as if a nasty parasite settles inside you,
11:10which, little by little, piece by piece,
11:12slowly devours your soul.
11:16And then you kind of notice it,
11:19you want to kick it out,
11:21but no, it's too late.
11:24You try to close your eyes to its existence,
11:27to believe that, no, everything is fine,
11:30that you will never lose yourself,
11:33you will never lose your soul.
11:35And then, one day, you wake up,
11:38and you no longer have a soul.
11:41In despair, you begin to walk along the corridors of Sinclit
11:44and look with your eyes.
11:46Does anyone of your comrades
11:48really notice this?
11:50Don't they see, don't they feel
11:52that there is nothing left of them inside?
11:56And now, after a while,
11:58you finally find the same insane,
12:00full of despair eyes as yours, and...
12:10Okay, you know, Lolo,
12:12I... I think you already realized
12:15that these are not toys.
12:17The advantage of the bandage
12:19is the most impudent lie
12:21you've heard from the Organization.
12:23For now.
12:25They promise immortality.
12:27And yes, they are really, in a sense, right.
12:30But even this immortality,
12:32as it paradoxically sounds, is not infinite.
12:35Moreover, given your...
12:39you should only be easier to understand
12:41that you don't need to do this.
12:43If even now I still haven't convinced you,
12:46I'll reveal one more detail.
12:48For you, peacekeepers,
12:49the bandage from time
12:50is especially painful
12:52and has extremely severe consequences.
12:56No, I can't tell you what exactly,
12:58because I don't know myself.
13:00But I can assure you
13:02that the person who told me about this
13:04definitely didn't lie.
13:05I hope now you understand
13:07that you can't give up.
13:09In no case.
13:14That was powerful.
13:16And you know,
13:17imagine a weight bowl,
13:19and throughout many, many episodes,
13:21he constantly weighed more and more.
13:23More and more and more.
13:25And then Laia,
13:26who finally,
13:27damn it,
13:28spoke up!
13:29Listen, okay,
13:30it was good,
13:31it was really cool.
13:32I'm really confused
13:33why you didn't say it earlier.
13:35So, uh, again.
13:36The advantage of the bandage
13:37is the most insolent lie
13:38you've heard from the organization.
13:40So far.
13:41Okay, I'm starting to understand Laia
13:43very well.
13:44This, of course, is still not a 100% concept,
13:47because she didn't tell everything.
13:48But she clearly told everything
13:50that was interesting to us.
13:51All this time was interesting to us,
13:53and here it is.
13:54She told.
13:55We just need to understand
13:56what she's doing in the end.
13:57When I came,
13:58she was holding some kind of parchment,
13:59some kind of paper.
14:00Okay, okay,
14:01what did you say again?
14:02I hope now you understand
14:03that you can't give up
14:04in no case.
14:06Well, you know,
14:07it really came.
14:09To be honest,
14:10I, as Roma,
14:11just like Roma,
14:12I always thought
14:13exactly the same
14:14as Laia said.
14:15You're trying to close your eyes
14:16on the existence of this parasite,
14:18to convince yourself
14:19that everything is fine,
14:20that you will not lose yourself.
14:22And then one day you wake up,
14:24and you no longer have a soul.
14:27Surely we have heard the phrase many times
14:29in the spirit of
14:30do not lose yourself.
14:31Well, it fits perfectly
14:32under this whole monologue of Laia.
14:33And the most important thing is
14:34that we don't even know
14:35what methods the organization uses.
14:37But I hope
14:38that we will still be able
14:39to reveal more information.
14:40And what do we want to say?
14:42To promise Laia
14:44not to get tired of time
14:45and not to join the organization.
14:47To promise Laia
14:48not to get tired of time
14:49and ask about the methods of the organization.
14:52Carefully avoid the answer to the question
14:54and ask about the methods of the organization.
14:56Uh, you know,
14:57I think I want to understand
14:58what Laia is doing.
15:00It seems she,
15:01she came up with something.
15:02So let's do this.
15:03Do not get tired of time
15:04and ask about the methods of the organization.
15:08Yes, Laia, I...
15:09I think I understand.
15:11You were very convincing now.
15:14I will not agree to the dismissal.
15:16But still,
15:17I have one more question for you.
15:19Why do you hate the organization so much?
15:22You are now...
15:23No, I...
15:24Really, I agree
15:25that there is nothing worse than murder.
15:27But why are you so sure
15:28that the organization
15:29just wants to kill?
15:31I went on missions with Malecki,
15:33I saw what was happening to the survivors,
15:37What? Again?
15:38No, wait, stop.
15:39To some extent,
15:40I even understand
15:41why the organization
15:42decides to end these sufferings.
15:44Hatten-Tapp himself
15:45prayed for a life-saving death.
15:47Oh, Lola,
15:48well, of course you give.
15:50You understand that
15:51there are no two options, right?
15:53Life in terrible torment
15:54or life-saving death.
15:56The third is not given.
16:00And what about
16:01dismissing everyone from time, huh?
16:03According to the organization,
16:04this is just a dream!
16:05They praise it so much,
16:06this is a wonderful practice!
16:08Why then just take
16:09and not make everyone happy?
16:12Why not accept
16:13all the sufferers into the organization?
16:16of course it's better to kill.
16:18But no, wait,
16:19you just said
16:20that dismissal is hell!
16:21Yes, yes,
16:22dismissal is really terrible.
16:23But at least,
16:24thanks to the dismissal,
16:25the creature can come to its senses
16:27and make an informed decision
16:29about its subsequent existence
16:31or its end.
16:33You said that your friend
16:34prayed for death, right?
16:36And Malecki,
16:38greatly freed him.
16:40And you didn't think
16:41that your friend
16:43was not able
16:44to make such decisions
16:45at that moment.
16:46Do you think
16:47he was sane?
16:48In a sober mind?
16:52I understand you.
16:53No, I don't think so.
16:56The organization
16:57confuses its employees,
16:58convincing them
16:59that death
17:00is the only way out.
17:01But I don't believe them.
17:03The organization
17:04makes decisions
17:05about the murder of other creatures,
17:06as if their lives
17:07belonged to it.
17:08Such power
17:09should not exist.
17:10No one
17:11should be a low-life.
17:15Of course,
17:16you can do whatever you want.
17:17I understand you.
17:18At one time,
17:19the organization
17:20also brainwashed me.
17:21And I also believed
17:22like you do now.
17:24Like Malecki.
17:28to be honest,
17:29he was
17:30a great boss.
17:32just a good person
17:33no matter what.
17:34But he is completely
17:35under their influence
17:36as a low-life.
17:37Maybe someday
17:38I will be able
17:39to talk to him.
17:40I will be able
17:41to convince him,
17:43I understand that
17:44at the moment
17:45it is simply impossible.
17:48That's all.
17:49I told you
17:50everything I could,
17:51and even more.
17:52The decision is yours.
17:54And now leave me.
17:56I have things to do.
17:58Yes, yes.
18:02Bye, Laia.
18:15What are you drawing?
18:17What is it?
18:19And the most important thing
18:20is that I got it
18:21right in front of me.
18:22What, I can't ask?
18:24Let's be honest.
18:25Like Roma,
18:26my weight scale
18:27of Malecki and Laia
18:28was equal again.
18:29If Malecki
18:31with moments,
18:32now I...
18:34I believe Laia very much.
18:36everything she said
18:37she believes in it.
18:38Just like
18:40Everything he said
18:41he also believes in it.
18:42We have such
18:43a cool dilemma
18:44in this season.
18:46this is a dilemma
18:47of life and death.
18:48It's so cool.
18:49Not a single season
18:50has risen like this,
18:51and it's...
18:52it's all so well served.
18:54In short,
18:55the hope that Laia
18:56will come up with something there.
18:57Maybe she's really
18:58making up some kind of plan.
18:59But, but,
19:00you know what I noticed?
19:01Malecki and Laia
19:02have gray hair.
19:03It's like
19:04everyone who
19:05gets away from time
19:06gets this
19:07little strand
19:08of gray hair.
19:09Oh, and so,
19:10my costume is more than half charged,
19:11so it's probably
19:12time to write
19:23I've been waiting for you
19:24for a long time.
19:26kind of.
19:27I don't remember
19:28how it's defined
19:29long ago, by the way.
19:30Where have you been?
19:33what did you forget here,
19:36I was walking around the world,
19:37and I saw Laia.
19:39I was trying to track
19:40the main headquarters.
19:41I was walking around the world,
19:42yeah, yeah.
19:44I see.
19:47why did I come here?
19:48I, uh,
19:50how are you?
19:51I don't understand
19:52how much time has passed,
19:53or how little.
19:54Did you have time
19:55to get away
19:56from that sight?
19:58I really feel sorry
19:59that you had to
20:00go through this.
20:01We all
20:02really have to.
20:05It's hard work.
20:06It's hard work,
20:07but it's necessary.
20:10how are you?
20:11How do you feel?
20:13how do I tell you,
20:15I don't feel
20:16very well.
20:17But don't worry,
20:18I'll manage somehow.
20:20You're hardly
20:21going to help me here.
20:23By the way,
20:25what's your name?
20:26I keep calling you
20:27by your last name,
20:28by your last name.
20:31that's true.
20:32For some reason,
20:33everyone likes
20:34calling me by my last name.
20:35My name is Kasper.
20:37nice to meet you,
20:40No, no,
20:41don't worry,
20:42you can call me
20:43by my last name,
20:44I'm used to it.
20:48I have a couple
20:49of questions for you.
20:51One thing
20:52bothers me
20:53after what I saw
20:54in Misra.
20:55Is there
20:56no other way
20:57to end
20:58the suffering
20:59of these poor people?
21:00Is there no medicine,
21:02a way to transfer them
21:03to another branch?
21:04Or is there
21:05no other way
21:06to keep them
21:07from time to time?
21:09I got it.
21:10You were talking
21:11to Lai,
21:13I can feel
21:14her handwriting.
21:17I was talking to her,
21:18but I had all these
21:19doubts even before
21:20talking to her.
21:22where do you
21:23meet her,
21:28waiting for
21:29an answer from me?
21:32let me explain
21:33everything that
21:34I know myself.
21:35Our research department
21:36has this problem
21:37as an absolute
21:39At general
21:41our scientists
21:42regularly give
21:44So I'm absolutely
21:45sure that they
21:46are actively looking
21:47for an answer
21:48to the question
21:49of how to
21:50help these
21:52without killing
21:56not yet.
21:57We couldn't
21:58find the answer.
21:59You really
22:00think I like
22:01killing these
22:03don't you?
22:05very painful.
22:06But you
22:07gradually get used
22:08to it,
22:09because you
22:10understand that
22:11it is necessary.
22:12No matter
22:13how scary it
22:14may sound.
22:15By the way,
22:16as for the
22:17detachment of
22:18your question,
22:19you see,
22:21the detachment
22:22is not suitable
22:23for everyone.
22:24According to the
22:25research department,
22:26less than one
22:27hundred percent
22:28of creatures
22:29successfully go
22:30through the
22:32You can go
22:33to the research
22:35yourself and
22:36ask them.
22:39I know for sure
22:40that some
22:41go crazy.
22:42If you ever
22:43end up in
22:45I will take you
22:47I will show
22:48you the place
22:49where those
22:50who did not
22:51cope with the
22:54went crazy.
22:55You just
22:56don't think
22:57that we
22:58keep them
22:59in bad
23:03the detachment
23:04from time
23:05is not suitable
23:06for everyone.
23:08recruiting is
23:09a delicate
23:11Very rarely
23:12do we get
23:13creatures suitable
23:14for the detachment.
23:15And then
23:16they need to be
23:17properly prepared.
23:19And also,
23:20you know,
23:22do not forget
23:23about the
23:24secrecy protocols.
23:25Believe me,
23:26the organization
23:27really has to
23:28keep the fact
23:29that we will not be able
23:30to perform
23:31the most important
23:32mission imposed
23:33on us.
23:35we detach
23:36from time
23:37and accept
23:38only those
23:39we can
23:44what will happen
23:45if we
23:48all survivors
23:51and bring
23:53to Sinclity.
23:54There are no
23:56that they
23:57will behave
24:05the existence
24:06of the organization.
24:07And I
24:08understand that
24:09there were
24:11The organization
24:12could barely
24:13get out
24:14and replace
24:15the traces.
24:17we help
24:18the survivors
24:19as much as
24:20we can.
24:21At the moment,
24:22there are
24:23no other
24:27You will return
24:28to us
24:29and you will see
24:30with your own eyes
24:31that everything
24:32I'm telling you
24:33is true.
24:37I'm not sure yet.
24:38I would join
24:39if it weren't for
24:40the detachment
24:43Come on!
24:44This is,
24:45on the contrary,
24:46the coolest thing!
24:47Just imagine!
24:48You never
24:49need to be afraid
24:50of death again!
24:51At all!
24:52You will have
24:53an infinite future
24:54to do
24:55your favorite hobbies.
24:56We have a lot of them,
24:58but you will always
24:59have time to rest.
25:00You will live forever!
25:03just imagine!
25:04You will be able
25:05to get yourself
25:06a pet robot!
25:07You and I
25:08will walk them
25:09in the Sinklit Palace!
25:11you can't even
25:13how many
25:14different entertainment
25:15there are at the headquarters!
25:16And you don't
25:17have to
25:19about anything at all!
25:20When you get rid of it,
25:21you understand
25:22that all the problems
25:23are actually
25:24due to a lack of time.
25:26No time?
25:27No problems?
25:29what do you say,
25:33The viewer's
25:34icy gaze
25:35is alarming.
25:41What's up?
25:42What's up, Lulushka?
25:47where are you?
25:48Have you decided something?
25:51So you don't see the viewer?
25:53Because those who are
25:54in time
25:55cannot see the viewer.
25:56That is,
25:57if I leave,
25:58I will not only
25:59lose everyone,
26:00I will also lose
26:01the viewer.
26:05let's do it this way.
26:06As if the fact that I don't want to
26:07became more obvious.
26:08Well, like,
26:15Agree to join the organization
26:16with a suspension of time.
26:17Agree to join the organization
26:18on the condition that
26:19it will be possible
26:20not to be suspended.
26:22this is good,
26:23on the condition that
26:24it will be possible
26:25not to be suspended.
26:26In my opinion,
26:27this is good.
26:29the main thing for me is to stay in time.
26:32let's do it this way,
26:33I'm sorry,
26:34but I absolutely
26:35don't want to be suspended.
26:36But I would not mind
26:42but I have an idea.
26:43I'm a peacekeeper,
26:45So I can move
26:46between worlds on my own.
26:47Can I join the organization
26:48without being suspended?
26:50as an exception.
26:51You are so desperate.
26:52You are so desperate
26:53to call me
26:54and all that.
26:55I know my price,
26:56by the way,
27:00you gave it away,
27:01of course.
27:02But you understand
27:03that we don't really need
27:04an employee in one branch.
27:06you know,
27:07don't really move
27:08between worlds,
27:11you don't understand.
27:12I seem to be able
27:13to move in time.
27:16you know,
27:17I got here
27:18after the end of the world,
27:19so maybe
27:20this problem
27:21won't arise.
27:27it sounds pretty reasonable.
27:28Maybe it could work.
27:30But I, of course,
27:31am not authorized
27:32to make such decisions.
27:33I need to
27:35to the higher authorities.
27:37You offer
27:38very unusual
27:39working conditions.
27:40Very unusual!
27:41I'll go to the headquarters,
27:43I'll give them
27:44your option,
27:45and they'll contact you soon.
27:46Just don't
27:47go anywhere,
27:49don't go!
27:50Or maybe
27:51you should leave,
27:52but not far away.
27:53Just don't change your mind,
27:56I'll go.
27:58Bye, Lolochka!
28:04he's on fire!
28:08Lolochka was able
28:09to move in time,
28:10but only once
28:11throughout the story.
28:12That's when he ran
28:13super fast
28:14through the Outer Time Void.
28:15The point is
28:17we won't even be able
28:18to move
28:19through the Outer Time Void
28:20without the Mother,
28:22In short,
28:23it all sounds like
28:24some kind of
28:26Nonsense not in the sense
28:27that it doesn't work.
28:29it rather works,
28:30but for that you need strength.
28:31And nonsense in the sense
28:33we won't be able
28:34to prove it to Maletsky.
28:36We're teleporting
28:37between worlds
28:38and Skintonite is
28:39hitting us hard,
28:40and here, in fact,
28:41it's suggested
28:42to go through
28:43the Outer Time Void
28:44through time.
28:47what I'm saying now
28:48is that it's cool
28:49that they started to reveal it,
28:50and it's just
28:52but that's what confused me.
28:53We won't be able
28:54to tie them again
28:55to time.
28:56The binding process
28:57is irreversible.
28:58According to the research department,
28:59less than one hundredth
29:00percent of creatures
29:01successfully go through
29:02the procedure of binding.
29:03Where does such confidence
29:04come from
29:05that I will be the one
29:06to be bound?
29:07I didn't go into details
29:08because I don't want
29:09to hear such terrible things.
29:10It's just that
29:11he's telling me all this
29:12as if he's sure
29:13that I will definitely succeed.
29:14And let's take my opinion
29:15as Roma's.
29:17At the moment,
29:19after the information of Lai,
29:20doesn't really
29:21convince me.
29:22But if he can agree
29:23that I can take part
29:24in the organization
29:25without the binding,
29:26it will be interesting.
29:27Really interesting.
29:28But how will it look like?
29:29And why am I so interesting to them?
29:30The most important thing
29:31is that they are going
29:32in my direction
29:33with too big
29:35It's obvious
29:36that they know
29:37something about me
29:38because of which
29:39they agree.
29:42let's see.
29:44The task is
29:45to urgently
29:46reset the water.
29:48What do you mean?
29:49I don't get it.
29:50It is necessary
29:51to urgently reset the water
29:52otherwise the system
29:53will close.
29:59a fly.
30:00Oh my god.
30:01Oh my god.
30:02Oh my god.
30:03Oh my god.
30:05what's going on?
30:08The critical water level
30:09requires manual reset.
30:10In order to manually
30:11reset the water,
30:12it is necessary
30:13to open the lock valves
30:14in the lower part
30:15of the water reservoir.
30:16This operation
30:17must be carried out
30:18as quickly as possible
30:19to avoid short-circuit
30:20of the central system.
30:24the water really rose.
30:28why is it so sharp?
30:30let's eat.
30:31Do I understand correctly
30:32that I need to go here?
30:33I remember there
30:34was something
30:35to do with water.
30:37come on.
30:39what do I need?
30:45and twist.
30:51was fast
30:53and not so dangerous
30:54as if.
30:56let's get out.
31:06what is it?
31:07I, by the way,
31:08already fixed everything.
31:09And no,
31:10I'm not going to go through
31:11this procedure.
31:12I promised Lai.
31:15In short,
31:16the viewer,
31:18I don't understand,
31:19does he care
31:20what I think
31:21about the twist
31:22or not?
31:23Something is somehow strange,
31:25what did he say there again?
31:26No time,
31:27no problems.
31:28Here it is,
31:31the viewer
31:32is a representation of time.
31:36it's interesting,
31:37in short,
31:38what kind of organization is this?
31:39I do not know.
31:40We certainly can not
31:41take a picture of it,
31:42because it works
31:43something like this.
31:47finish the series
31:48for the first time
31:49together with the viewer .
31:50It was really powerful,
31:51I really liked
31:52this series,
31:53so much information.
31:54If previously I thought
31:55that in other series
31:56we were given a lot of information,
31:57now this information
31:58begins to synergize
31:59with itself
32:01most importantly,
32:02to slightly refute
32:03and unwind
32:05That's why
32:06we have this
32:07weight bowl.
32:08And how it is served in this season is awesome!
32:12So far, I have not had such a thought in any season that I do not know what to choose!
32:16Again, we will see, I hope you enjoyed it, please do not forget about the like, do not forget about the subscription!
32:21Your support is the best boost to motivation!
32:24Write something good to certain people in the team if you want, it's also interesting to read.
32:29Well, if you are here for the first time, you can also call your friends!
32:32And with you were Loloshka and the viewer who is clearly a little worried about something.
32:37Good luck to everyone, bye everyone, bye-bye!
