• 3 days ago
В этой серии мы встретимся с самим ДЬЯВОЛОМ... Ооооо, какой же он бюрократ!
👽 Мой Мерч: https://mirohodec.ru/ (Доставка в любую точку России и не только)
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru

Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.

Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...

Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru

• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt

Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
00:00What the...
00:03Is it the Moleskine again?
00:08Oh, save me!
00:14What the...
00:16Oh, oh, oh, to run through time.
00:18A phrase that, fortunately, can not even be imagined.
00:21Here it is!
00:22The spoon literally runs where the watcher pointed.
00:25And the watcher, at the same time, helps me for some reason.
00:28Or was it not help?
00:29As for me, the watcher clearly sympathizes that I did not deviate from time.
00:33But it is interesting to find out why this is so important to him.
00:36And it is also interesting to find out what will happen next.
00:38Oh, and by the way, by the way.
00:40As it turned out, Laia is not the only employee of the organization
00:43who took part in some internal clashes, again, of the organization.
00:47Something is clearly not so sweet there, as Moleskine describes.
00:50Let's dig further.
00:51In general, hello everyone, dear friends, I am Lolo Lozhka.
00:54Welcome to the point of no return.
00:57Let's go!
01:12And again, hello everyone, dear friends, I am Lolo Lozhka.
01:16Welcome to the point of no return.
01:19The season in which we learned a lot.
01:221. Moleskine has never met someone tied to time like me,
01:26who can pass through time.
01:282. There are many other dead branches that continue to close
01:32by killing the survivors.
01:34For example, like Noctyr in the previous episode.
01:363. There are various kinds of clashes in the organization itself,
01:39which Moleskine cannot explain.
01:41But at the same time, he says something like
01:43100% because of a salary story.
01:46Yeah, overthrow the organization because of the salary.
01:50So I believed her.
01:51And finally, the fourth most important thing.
01:53We signed a damn contract.
01:55As you understand, the coordinates of some live time branch
01:58will not be given to me now.
02:00And they wouldn't have given it before,
02:01because, again, I signed a contract.
02:04Let me remind you, the organization keeps a secret about itself.
02:07That is, if I try to tell someone about it,
02:10I'm clearly fucked up, because I will violate anonymity.
02:13In short, okay, in any case, I was not going to go against the organization yet,
02:17but I was definitely going to make emergency batteries.
02:20All things are already assembled.
02:23Take one, take the second. Thank you.
02:28So, okay.
02:30I still feel terrible.
02:33It turns out that it is very difficult to move through the wasteland.
02:36It feels like energy is being sucked out of me,
02:39and as if it's not just about the costume from the antiskint,
02:42but also this task.
02:46I still remember that nasty sound when I flattened it.
02:49Was there really no other way out?
02:52Couldn't we help him anymore?
02:56I didn't even try, and ...
02:59No, okay, no.
03:00I can't think about it now.
03:02I just need to try to distract myself.
03:04So, what else happened in this search?
03:08I found out that there are dissatisfied people in the organization,
03:11and that you can't get back to time.
03:14Yes, I need to write it down before I forget.
03:17And while there are at least some forces.
03:20Oh, listen, I don't like it.
03:23It is obvious that using antiskint during teleportation is anti-cool.
03:28And here, you see, not just teleportation,
03:30but also moving through time.
03:32That is, when he runs super fast,
03:34do you see how many sparks are pouring out of him?
03:37When combined with antiskint, it is mega-destructive.
03:40And this is a spacewalker in front of us,
03:42who is the first, and not just an ordinary spacewalker.
03:46Let's register Prunus.
03:51Thank you very much.
03:52So, Laia, Laia ...
03:54No, she's not here.
03:56Okay, let's write then.
03:58Use the board.
04:05Why are you filming?
04:08No, damn it, there was such information needed.
04:11Well, why?
04:12No, well, the order is also good,
04:14because there were really a lot of sheets.
04:17Now it seems to be cleaner.
04:19Oh, only ...
04:21My head is still splitting from these jumps between the lines.
04:24But ...
04:25No, no, no, now I don't want to think about it.
04:27And morally, and physically hard.
04:29I just want to take and rest.
04:31Damn, yes, rest is of course a good idea,
04:34but you don't just need rest,
04:36you need to get some strength somewhere.
04:38Let's first see what we have here.
04:41And we have a lot of branches on the seats.
04:43Department of decision-making.
04:45Read, stormtroopers, recruits.
04:47Laia was a stormtrooper.
04:49No, well, in general, as if it is already obvious.
04:51Next, what do we have here?
04:53Archey, what happened?
04:55By the way, I would really like to know
04:57about the report with Tadmavriel.
04:59Will there be anything about the father or not?
05:01And what do we have here?
05:03Oh, and this is something new.
05:05Louisa will come when the branch is cleaned.
05:07What to do?
05:08What to do when we have to leave here?
05:11The organization will obviously not leave me here.
05:13And I don't have the same bunker anywhere.
05:15Maybe we should re-equip the Prunus?
05:18It sounds cool, but how?
05:21Laia was with them.
05:22You can't tie yourself back.
05:24Three exclamation marks, wow.
05:26Elimination of survivors in the finished branches.
05:29Displeased with the organization.
05:31Those who could not withstand the detachment.
05:33There is a synclete, what is happening to them?
05:35Yes, by the way, I wonder
05:37how they live?
05:38The detachment is not suitable for everyone.
05:40Detachment from time.
05:41Branches suffer from the end of time.
05:43Good questions.
05:44Each time they are cooler and cooler.
05:46But Laia still does not appear.
05:48Okay, then we just prescribe Maluma.
05:53We undress, put on the charger.
05:55And again, Louisa says,
05:57I want to rest.
05:58Like, go to sleep?
05:59Oh yes, look, really.
06:00Lie in bed.
06:03Oh, finally.
06:07What is it?
06:09Again, crutches, or what?
06:13Okay, now.
06:14Oh, stop, it's not me who controls.
06:20Guys, it's not me who controls now.
06:24Cool done.
06:27Hey, hey, stop!
06:30Where are you going?
06:41What's going on?
06:43My savior!
06:45Thank you!
06:47Finally I am free!
06:51Wait, how did you get here?
07:02Your torment is finally over.
07:06All this is thanks to you, Louisa.
07:11You did not let this nightmare last any longer.
07:16But I don't understand.
07:18I didn't do anything.
07:20Nothing at all.
07:22I didn't even try.
07:24You let me go quickly and painlessly.
07:29I've been waiting for this for so long, Louisa.
07:37Let the others go as well.
07:41Do you hear, Louisa?
07:43Stop their torment.
07:47Stop their torment!
07:48Okay, I got it.
07:52What was that?
07:56How long did I sleep?
07:58Wait, wait, Louisa.
07:59This is just a nightmare.
08:00Just a nightmare.
08:01Who is knocking?
08:02Come on.
08:08I'm sorry, Mr. Louisa.
08:11What is this?
08:13You haven't opened for a long time, and I needed to talk to you urgently.
08:17I'm sorry.
08:20Who are you?
08:22Yes, that's right.
08:23My name is Steel Banner.
08:25I am the head of the payment department.
08:28Nice to meet you, Louisa.
08:35Who are you?
08:37A demon?
08:38A devil?
08:40Okay, shake my hand.
08:42Do you know, Steel Banner?
08:45Could you wait until I open you?
08:47Why are you in such a hurry?
08:49Are you all like this in your organization?
08:51I just came to discuss your salary issue with you.
08:58That's right.
09:00After all, we can't not pay you.
09:04By the way, why can't you?
09:06Well, because we have a contract with you in the exchange of services.
09:11No, I'm not talking about that.
09:13I think you don't understand.
09:15Why should I pay you?
09:17I won't be able to spend this money anyway.
09:19I can take everything I want for free and...
09:22Yes, yes, of course.
09:24But our contract with you implies that you fulfill the instructions of the organization,
09:29and in return you receive a reward.
09:31Even within the framework of an internship for a position in the assault squad.
09:35We cannot violate the terms of the contract.
09:38Well, okay.
09:40And what reward can there be?
09:43Oh, well, I just came to you to discuss the details.
09:47What would be useful for you in the current...
09:53That is, I understand correctly.
09:55You want to say that you are ready to pay me not only with money, but with anything?
09:59That's right.
10:01Anything can be a commodity.
10:03The question is only in its liquidity.
10:05Well, your request must correspond to the cost of the work done, of course.
10:10So, how can we pay for your work?
10:13Well, I...
10:16That is, they really watch even the salary?
10:19It's nice, because I honestly forgot about it.
10:23Cool, I would never have expected to see the devil of a bureaucrat.
10:26And what is the internal currency in the organization?
10:28Let it be useful.
10:30Let you pay me with food and medication.
10:33There will be no extra.
10:35Let me get the information I need from you for my work.
10:38Either the second or the third...
10:40Well, probably information, because it's somehow more valuable or something, right?
10:46What kind of information?
10:48Well, what kind of information can you provide?
10:50Hmm, interesting.
10:52What information can a non-temporary organization provide,
10:55which has access to all existing timelines?
10:59Well, Banner, I thought so, that any.
11:02So, by hand?
11:04Well, to be honest, this is the first time I have encountered such a case.
11:08This is very unusual.
11:09Well, yes.
11:11I think we could agree on such an option for the development of our cooperation.
11:15True, I will need to understand what information you may be interested in.
11:21Of course, we will not be able to provide you with confidential information about the organization and the people working in it.
11:28Well, you know, no one said that it would be easy and cheap for you.
11:33But you still need to pay me somehow, right?
11:36These are the conditions of our contract, Mr. Banner.
11:39Hmm, this is a very, very sensitive question, Mr. Spoon.
11:45Well, okay, okay, I understand what you mean.
11:47I understand that my request has limits.
11:50Yes, specifically now I am interested in what happened to this world?
11:55With Archeia?
11:56Oh, even so.
11:58Maybe you can tell me in advance what happened here?
12:01How did Archeia become like this?
12:04Like this.
12:06Well, I understand.
12:08I'll see what we can do with this, Mr...
12:10Yes, yes, yes, you can do it all the same, Spoon.
12:12Okay, Spoon.
12:14So, from what historical moment would you like to receive information?
12:19Oh, you know, from the moment...
12:22From the moment when Tadmavriel freed himself from his imprisonment.
12:26Oh, I...
12:28You know, I'm not familiar with the history of this world.
12:30Let me discuss this issue with the management and come back to you.
12:35It turns out...
12:38Please wait.
12:44Hmm, yes.
12:46It seems it's time to get used to the fact that my bunker has turned into a passage yard.
12:49I hope they just agree to pay me at least with information.
12:53Gradually, I will start asking more questions about their inner kitchen.
12:57I will expand the boundaries of what is allowed, so to speak.
13:00Oh, listen, smart, smart.
13:02It's good that I didn't say medicine and food there.
13:05It would be stupid.
13:07Specifically, now I am interested in what happened to this world, to Archeia.
13:10This is a very cool question.
13:12From the moment when Tadmavriel freed himself from his imprisonment.
13:15Oh, oh, oh.
13:17Damn, if they tell me, it will be the most fierce cool information that I wanted to know for a long time.
13:21It turns out that all I need...
13:23So, stop.
13:25And if seriously, because of the sudden appearance of this style, I...
13:27I didn't even have time to think about my dream.
13:28Well, after it, it should have become easier, but...
13:33I rather became creepy.
13:35My nails are already associated with strange dreams, but this time...
13:38It was somehow strange in a special way.
13:41He thanked me for death?
13:44Is this my unconsciousness trying to calm my sense of guilt?
13:48That nail is barely alive, he looked so...
13:51Pity or what?
13:53Such a powerful creature and in such a state.
13:55This is not the sun to extinguish, it turns out.
13:58Okay, that nail couldn't help either, like Hit and Tap.
14:03Is it possible to help anyone at all from these survivors?
14:06Not through murder, but somehow otherwise.
14:11I can't stop thinking about it.
14:13It seems that there must be some way, there must be!
14:16But in practice, everything proves the opposite.
14:19Well, it's good that you thought about it.
14:21In fact, I was also surprised that it was somehow strange.
14:23Unconscious, as LowLogic expressed himself,
14:26is trying to calm LowLogic himself.
14:29Like, in fact, you're helping.
14:31And it's very cool that LowLogic, as if contrary, goes further.
14:34His thought is developing.
14:36Is it possible to help them somehow?
14:38Not through murder, but otherwise.
14:40It seems that there must be some way.
14:42But in practice, everything proves the opposite.
14:45Let's see, as they say, what we have left.
14:47So, in the end, nothing is broken here, okay.
14:50And you know, I thought here.
14:51We improved the farm to level 2,
14:53and now it gives all sorts of different plants every time.
14:56For example, glowing berries, wolf berries.
14:58Cool, right?
15:02What if we improve it to level 3?
15:04I'm sure that sooner or later we will reach the level
15:06when the food will flow like a river.
15:08I can't endlessly hope for canned soups.
15:10In short, greenhouse module, materials, track.
15:13Oh, and by the way, you need about the same as for level 2.
15:16Okay, it will be now.
15:17Okay, it will be now.
15:47Oh yeah!
15:49The greenhouse module 3 task is completed!
15:52It was faster than I thought.
16:04Oh, wow, here it is.
16:08Finally you can store it.
16:10Am I understanding correctly?
16:12Yes, exactly.
16:15Finally you can store it.
16:17Am I understanding correctly?
16:19Yes, yes, yes, I can finally store it.
16:21And even the compost has appeared.
16:23This is already imbecile.
16:25But it will be necessary to pump more.
16:27Now I will have 4 beds at once.
16:29I already have as many as 3 ...
16:31By the way, what is it called, I forgot.
16:33Oh, right, cloche.
16:35So, from here we take the seeds, put them here,
16:37and here you can even store.
16:40Oh my God!
16:41So, Mr. Spoon.
16:43I, yes, discussed your request with my direct manager.
16:48And what did they tell you?
16:50Well, I will be honest with you.
16:52The management had some doubts about such a transaction,
16:57since the cost of information has never been calculated in a specific equivalent.
17:03But you know, they were very inspired by your non-trivial request.
17:11Well, of course, of course.
17:13After all, you could ask for anything,
17:16but you only wanted to get answers to your questions.
17:20This, you know, is a very unusual gesture.
17:23It positively characterizes you.
17:26We are ready to agree to such a format of cooperation.
17:30But, of course, during the course of your temporary contract.
17:36Sign here, please.
17:38Wait, but this is...
17:40Oh, don't worry, don't worry.
17:42We indicated these conditions through the DOP agreement.
17:45With a note that confidential information about the work of the organization
17:49is not subject to disclosure and is not a form of payment.
17:53Oh, how foresightful you are.
17:57Sign the DOP agreement.
17:59I like it so much!
18:01I don't know, it's so cool for me to feel myself in this bureaucratic world.
18:06That is, I believe, I believe in this huge machine
18:09that works only through paper.
18:12Only in this case, of course, not through paper, but...
18:14Yeah, okay, sign.
18:18Well, spoon, this is great.
18:23You know, I hope you will be satisfied with the advance.
18:28Here you go.
18:30What is this, the history of the archaeology?
18:32I'm sorry, what is this?
18:33Well, of course.
18:35Here is the answer to your question.
18:37So that you don't get bored reading,
18:39we made a special artistic and sound accompaniment
18:44using artificial intelligence.
18:46All subsequent questions, please,
18:49write in the installed application.
18:51We will process all your applications, but keep in mind
18:55that some of them may be rejected due to our...
19:00What do you mean?
19:01What other considerations?
19:03Point 2.1 of your DOP agreement on Temporary Employment.
19:08The organization has the right to refuse employees
19:11to provide payment for specific requested information
19:15without explaining the reasons.
19:17Yes. See you, Mr. Spoon.
19:20Yes, of course, see you...
19:22See you...
19:24Yeah, what a stingy...
19:29I wonder what he brought.
19:30Wait, what?
19:34I want to find out what it is.
19:36Lack of simplicity and naturalness.
19:40Well, in general, yes, yes, everything is correct.
19:42As a result, what is it?
19:44A tablet of an organization employee.
19:46At least something in this world does not require a charger.
19:48Come on, how did they do that?
19:50Okay, let's see.
19:54This video was generated using neural networks
19:56based on various sources.
19:57The image may look real,
19:59but do not forget that this is a simulation.
20:02The history of the Archea in this line
20:04can be divided into several major eras.
20:07The Age of Silence,
20:09the Age of Awakening,
20:11the Age of Fall,
20:13and the Age of Resurrection.
20:15In the Age of Silence, the Archeans lived in a separate dimension
20:18directly related to the world itself.
20:20According to some sources,
20:22it was called Somnos.
20:24Somnos was created artificially
20:25by one of the mages of the Ages of Silence
20:28as a refuge and protection from the danger
20:30that prevailed in the world
20:32before the Age of Awakening.
20:34Creatures could move from this dimension
20:36to the Archea with the help of a skint.
20:38This was allowed only by separate,
20:40specially trained warriors.
20:42After all, in the original world
20:44there was terrible evil
20:46that subdued itself
20:48through physical
20:50and mental illness.
20:52This is what the Archeans called
20:53the deity that existed
20:55in that era.
20:57One of the names of this deity
20:59was Father.
21:01However, we do not have
21:03exact information
21:05on why this is so.
21:07The Archeans left Somnos
21:09only to fight the Father.
21:11The Age of Silence was over
21:13when the deity was defeated
21:15and deprived of its power.
21:17But according to some sources,
21:19the deity did not die,
21:21but left the Archea.
21:23Moving from the Archea
21:25to other worlds was never possible.
21:27With the death or disappearance
21:29of this deity
21:31the Age of Awakening began.
21:33The need for Somnos
21:35was lost during this period,
21:37and the dimension itself
21:39was gradually forgotten.
21:41One of the fundamental factors
21:43for the development of the Archean civilization
21:45in the Age of Awakening was the skint.
21:47The skint and its particles,
21:49the sparks,
21:51were used in daily household needs
21:53as a source of heat, light
21:55and commodity exchange.
21:57Skint mining
21:59was one of the main
22:01production processes of the Archea.
22:05this resource was depleted
22:07and gradually its universal use
22:09began to decrease.
22:11At the end of the Age of Awakening
22:13the skint turned into a status symbol.
22:15Only representatives
22:17of the Archean elites
22:19could afford to use it.
22:21During the Age of Awakening
22:23the Archean warriors
22:25fought for the skint and the sparks.
22:27It was impossible to produce the skint artificially,
22:29so it gradually disappeared.
22:31Also, the disappearance of the skint
22:33was associated with the regression
22:35of the social-economic development of the Archea.
22:37This period can be called
22:39the Age of Fall.
22:41In general,
22:43the disappearance of the skint
22:45is associated with the disappearance
22:47of the magical abilities of the Archeans.
22:49It is during the Age of Fall
22:51that magic gradually disappears
22:53and the social regression
22:55reaches its apogee.
22:57Gradually, the Archeans
22:59were forced to rely on themselves
23:01to rebuild the society.
23:03The Archea went through
23:05some cycles of its development again
23:07from the agrarian
23:09to the high-tech.
23:11That is why in the Age of Awakening
23:13the Archea reached
23:15its scientific-technical peak
23:17until the line
23:19was erased.
23:29a lot of information,
23:31I agree, Lolo.
23:39what can I say?
23:41This information looked
23:43really more believable
23:45than what was in the museum.
23:47However, their image
23:49of this maurel
23:51really confused me.
23:53The father looked
23:59Everything else was more or less real.
24:01But the figure of the maurel
24:03was deliberately distorted.
24:05Or the organization
24:07just doesn't know what he looked like.
24:09Anyway, now I know
24:11that the skint disappeared
24:13not because of some disaster
24:15and not because of the end of time.
24:17The skint disappeared
24:19because the Archeans
24:21really gave us all the light
24:23that was in it.
24:25And I also noticed
24:27that there were twilights
24:29even after the supposed
24:31death of this maurel.
24:33It is still not clear
24:35where the father went.
24:37It is unlikely that the Archeans
24:39really killed him.
24:41And yet now I have a feeling
24:43that with this video
24:45I learned more about the organization
24:47than about the Archea.
24:49The information they gave me
24:51was that some Archeans
24:53knew about the end of the world
24:55and were preparing for it.
24:57And the owner of my bunker
24:59prepared perfectly.
25:01Although, apparently,
25:03it didn't save him.
25:05The maurel was deliberately distorted
25:07so that I didn't know
25:09what he looked like.
25:11That is, they assume
25:13that I don't know what he looks like.
25:15Oh, and by the way,
25:17how did the Elvish race recover?
25:20the very moment when after the monologue
25:22I don't know what to add.
25:24These are good questions,
25:26but I have already asked them.
25:28And the fact that we were given
25:30a generated video
25:32that was filtered
25:34where the maurel was deliberately distorted
25:36only asks more questions.
25:38If this was done by the organization,
25:40then why do they need it?
25:42Damn, these questions, questions.
25:44Okay, what do we have on the task?
25:46Find out what happened.
25:48In Archea and other worlds,
25:50this is literally
25:52time concentrated in the air.
25:54And now I know
25:56what exactly happened to Archea.
25:58The maurel disappeared,
26:00although it is not known how it happened.
26:02The skin, too,
26:04because the Archeans
26:06used it unwisely
26:08and everyone died
26:10because this line was erased.
26:12But I still don't understand,
26:14they didn't answer me
26:16why in their last days
26:18at the same time who spread
26:20this information?
26:22Did they know about the end of time
26:24or maybe they were preparing
26:26for another disaster?
26:28We remember that in one memory,
26:30when people, elves and orcs
26:32were talking to each other,
26:34they said that
26:36some psychopath warned.
26:38We understand that it was more likely
26:42or maybe not.
26:44Okay, the most important thing
26:46that needs to be understood
26:48I can't take it away,
26:50it's a shame.
26:52Just in case,
26:54I concentrate your attention.
26:56Dictor said in this line.
26:58That is, this whole video
27:00is about this line
27:02in which I am now.
27:04And the fact that we were given
27:06such a clear distortion
27:08of this maurel
27:10suggests that
27:12the end of the world
27:14happened because of it.
27:15Canned soup.
27:17Bitter experience taught me
27:19to stock up on canned food.
27:23Finally, I can create.
27:25So, tomatoes, bone broth.
27:27What is bone broth?
27:29Oh, right, these are bones.
27:31And we don't really know
27:33where to get the bones.
27:35Maybe I need some kind of module
27:37where I will get these bones?
27:39Here is a slime farm,
27:41a medical module,
27:43a module of processing,
27:45a kitchen pot,
27:47a kitchen.
27:49Let's just put on a spacesuit
27:51and teleport to Prunus.
27:55And Lai is still not here.
27:57Well, where...
27:59Oh, stop.
28:01So, I...
28:03I can't interact, come on!
28:05She left the same piece of paper.
28:07What is it?
28:09Maybe, I don't know,
28:11maybe she just draws
28:13and it doesn't mean anything.
28:15I have a 90% feeling
28:17that Tadmavrel is alive.
28:19I really think so.
28:21For now, anyway, Malus.
28:24Just in case, let's go check the slime.
28:27Hey, Slimey!
28:29Listen, how much slime did you get?
28:31Oh, wow.
28:33Listen, wait, I have an idea.
28:35281 slime.
28:37Wait, but I can make
28:39a brother or sister, right?
28:41Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, look,
28:43you need 256.
28:46That's it, finally!
28:48Damn, he made 256 slime
28:50in so many episodes.
28:52How many episodes have passed?
28:56Well, yes, he had to try hard.
28:58Slimey, you are great,
29:00you are a real hero.
29:02Sweet jelly is still not clear
29:04why it is used,
29:06but probably we need to improve
29:08this module and then we will find out.
29:10Organization, clashes in the organization,
29:12Tadmavrel and Aganis,
29:14all this is powerful.
29:16Let's see what happens next
29:18and, of course,
29:20let's not forget to like.
29:22Please note, guys,
29:24I really won't forget to ask for likes
29:26and subscribe, because,
29:28damn it, as it turned out,
29:30for the first time in the history of the channel,
29:32I learned that this is very important,
29:34because, as it turned out,
29:36the very boost of motivation
29:38that you give with these clicks
29:40is the best fuel
29:42that the whole team lives on.
29:44If you haven't done this yet,
29:46well, if you are here for the first time,
29:48then you can also call your friends,
29:50and with you were Loloshka, Devil
29:52and a video with a distorted Tadmavrel.
29:54Good luck to everyone,
29:56bye, bye, bye, bye.
