• last week
00:00there's way too many steps see this is I would have a million you know phone
00:04cases by now I think everybody everybody's a little afraid of these
00:08yeah like if they're in your face a little bit and we should be afraid yeah
00:13even beekeepers wear things to keep the bees away from them think about it if
00:19they really like these they would just let the bees all over them like those
00:22guys who put beards of bees and stuff those are the true bee lovers
00:29yeah yeah exactly yeah and the Guinness Book of World Records they have like
00:34people who like cover their whole bodies and bees basically as long as you don't
00:38like move too fast or anything and annoy them you'll probably survive maybe
00:44actually they wouldn't bite you if you wouldn't you know yeah if you're not
00:49moving or anything yeah and they feel comfortable sometimes they do just
00:52randomly but what can you do it's all right carbon yeah that's cool it looks
01:04like fish scales a little bit right now when it's wet
01:08tilapia okay yeah yeah that's the the fish scale that they use when you're
01:15when you have burns they put it on your skin and it heals the burns faster
01:19mmm I hear about yeah but I didn't know so if you're ever burned we'll get you
01:25I'll go fishing for you okay okay how long should I wait I don't know all I
01:32can do is fish okay die but no don't die all right so we have this nice carbon
01:44looking phone case I think it's very strong one it looks pretty strong you
01:50have to go through with a Dremel W they made they made a magic out of rain yeah
02:01W for win winning winner winner winner such a nice cut looks pretty good all
02:12right and then you just glue it on your I thought that was on the phone okay good
02:17thing this is just a metal plate right okay hello this is whoa this is mr.
02:24whoa what what do you mean I'm being audited oh no no no hey another phone
02:42another day another phone epoxy resin what are we doing here
02:54yeah I don't know if I like that I kind of like it I kind of wonder what it
02:58would be like to put in your mouth do you think it would taste good no don't
03:09tell that to me I will thank you you will dangerous it's dangerous to do that
03:13okay so we have it looks like it mmm it might taste like if you want so if you
03:21know fruit roll-ups mm-hmm it's kind of like a fruit roll-up texture to me oh
03:25like that's what I'm gonna I'm gonna bite into it it's gonna be like
03:28raspberry blueberry together I feel a kiss yeah the blueberry right blueberry
03:34right now yeah yeah just blueberry but it won't obviously but I can dream just
03:44let me dream
03:51okay let's come to the video all right so we have a blue phone case so far
03:59which is tasty my taste like blueberries we don't know that's just speculation at
04:04this point okay ah it's a pocket pocket your pocket for your phone what can you
04:15put there you get nothing Oh for your card maybe your credit card yeah
04:22we're so yeah 5 billion IQ people here okay yeah it looks good okay I don't
04:32know if I like jeans enough to do that but yeah like hmm we've upgraded from
04:37wood to boom all right okay I don't like how the blue is a different color than
04:44the other blue you know it's like two different mm-hmm we can work on that
04:48yeah it could be much better okay yeah it's not a phone case what do you think
04:58do you like it no if I saw a person in all denim how would you pull out their
05:03phone and it's denim I would run away no why no phone yeah why really we're
05:14taking your SIM card are you crazy and the SIM card came from behind if you
05:19rewind they didn't pull it out of the phone it was cinema magic just to grab
05:27our attention just to make me react that way all right so is it the way how to
05:32get a salt gold and look maybe you're maybe they're mining for some gold using
05:36old SIM cards okay it's actually possible I know that they in a micro
05:42computers yeah they have a little bit of gold right there is some gold yeah all
05:47right you probably have to break down a lot of them to get a worthwhile amount
05:52of gold well what are we doing here what is this mold mold of gold we'll see now
05:59are they making is that jewelry it's an ugly thing yeah it looks like an alien
06:05jewelry yeah so what a waste of gold not to hurt your creativity or anything
06:11but what's going on here I don't I actually have no idea guys if you know
06:22right now let us know right it looks like a honeycomb a little bit yep maybe
06:27a honeycomb honeycombs so would be necklace or what any guesses perhaps a
06:32bee necklace bee necklace bee necklace be yourself be don't pee yourself be
06:38yourself that's that's an Archie five quarter of the day yeah okay ah all right
06:50gold plating but not real gold just paint gold okay be wax beeswax mind
06:59your own beeswax buddy where I I'm just what's the point of I don't know so many
07:06words action oh all right oh it's some of them store you know mystery box or
07:14something it's a phone case oh it's a phone case it's actually nice they start
07:19from the phone and finished it it's structural unity it's beautiful it's
07:23it's recycling beauty I mean it's kind of cool if you really like these yeah
07:31come on that was some some BS all right water in Gibson yeah they made an ice
07:40mold it's a weird decision it's it's not the most practical one but it makes for
07:47interesting content glue stick heat it up we're making a cast now there's way
07:58too many steps see this is I would have a million you know phone cases by now
08:02it's just the effort it's just the effort guys if you've ever made a phone
08:07case let us know what was it what did it look like did you enjoy it did you
08:11enjoy it or do you do what we do and we just watch it be made we don't actually
08:15do it and that's completely fine because sometimes just just watching
08:23it that's why we like to watch internet content it's because we feel like we're
08:26living through it ourselves we're doing something when we're really just sitting
08:29on the couch eating a bag of Doritos crying about our ex I would actually can
08:36you mention the person sorry can you mention the person who would repeat
08:43every crafts which five-minute crafts did oh yeah just the person who oh such
08:50a turbo fan that they're like yeah I need to do everything that would cost a
08:54fortune you would no way no way everybody knows that five-minute crafts
08:59owns all of the everything everywhere that's why they have the money to do
09:03this yeah have you ever seen five-minute crafts and the most wealthy people in
09:13the room together exactly have you ever seen five-minute crafts and Bill Gates
09:16in the room together exactly same thing it's my conspirator baby they're all
09:22around the five-minute crafts is in all of us okay it's good for a kid I think
09:30for like a little kid making their own thing it's cute and you can change any
09:35yeah you can change the stitching and stuff the details that'd be a fun arts
09:40and crafts project for your your middle school class save it save it you know
09:46teachers save it okay he seems to like it you like all right yes I'm calling to
09:56check up on that heart surgery okay he it's it's funny because it's like he
10:05made himself a Valentine's Day but I'm sure he has a Valentine's Day he made it
10:11for her
