00:02Ah, it's white.
00:04Smurfs do have souls.
00:08Love heart.
00:10What was the point of that though?
00:12It's just that.
00:14I found a new thing.
00:20Okay, not that bad.
00:22This looks like heart goo.
00:24Okay, but it's melting.
00:26It looks like cheddar cheese.
00:30I want to eat everything in this video.
00:32I just want to put it in my mouth.
00:34You'll probably die.
00:36Do not eat it.
00:38I want to put everything in this video in my mouth.
00:40Oh gosh, man.
00:42We need you.
00:44Not to do that.
00:48That glitter, that goo, those hands.
00:50Everything in those hands.
00:54Oh gosh.
00:56It doesn't look
00:58that nice though, this one.
01:02Please don't put egg in the goo.
01:06What are you doing?
01:08What are you gooing?
01:10Just imagine the smell.
01:16Oh, I like this one.
01:18This is some ASMR stuff, isn't it?
01:20It's like a horseshoe crab.
01:22Horseshoe crab?
01:24It's one of those crabs that are on the beach
01:26and they're like this big.
01:28You flip them over and they have all these...
01:32There's a Pokemon after it called Kabuto.
01:34Kabuto? Yes, I remember Kabuto.
01:36The ancient Pokemon.
01:38And then he evolves into the one with the Kabutops.
01:40Really cool.
01:42It kind of looks like Alien.
01:44What are you talking about?
01:46First generation.
01:48Can we bring it up on screen, please?
01:52That's all cotton candy
01:54mixed with
01:56pearlescent love.
01:58I would be eating
02:00this one. I want to sleep in that.
02:02I want to crawl into it and just like suffocate.
02:04I just want to squash my face in that.
02:08Not that soft.
02:10Damn, my nose.
02:12Foam rubber.
02:14It's really not foam rubber, guys.
02:16It's just foam.
02:18There is no rubber there.
02:20That's a really sharp knife, though.
02:22You've been lied to!
02:24Good job on that knife, buddy.
02:26Oh, we're putting it in there?
02:28It's going to look like a potato salad.
02:30She's making a little
02:32slime glitter cake
02:34with foam.
02:36Have you ever been to an adult party
02:38when you were younger?
02:40Not that way.
02:42What kind of adult party?
02:44Have you ever been at a party when you were younger
02:46and there's jello there and it has all these chunks in it
02:48and you're like, what is in those chunks?
02:50Oh, yeah? Did it have a mosquito in it?
02:52Yeah, it had some bug
02:54that was attached to it.
02:56Did you give it to some
02:58old guy with a big white hat?
03:00Yeah, he gave me ancient powers of
03:04Oh, I thought it was dinosaurs.
03:06Jurassic Park. Watch the world.
03:10It's all like...
03:12We get the point, guys.
03:14The point. You're poking it.