• 4 days ago
00:00Just genius, I have nothing else to add. Yeah, that's that's gonna be really fun to sit on
00:05I don't think I'll do it first. Yeah, it'll pull off. Yeah, you gotta glue it or something. Whoa. Hey, what did that toilet ever do to you?
00:13It's not taking your shit anymore
00:17All right, so
00:21What are we doing to this toilet? Wow, okay, we're like totally pimping out this toilet
00:26What is this?
00:30If it will you know like a drain system, you know, then you just get to see your poop go around no
00:37That's so gross. Don't do this five-minute crap. Well, they gotta do this. I guess to me. I
00:43Don't want to see my poop. Yeah
00:54Every day no
00:56One thing if you live alone, okay more or less fine
00:59But if you lives with someone never hire a five-minute crafts to do your plumbing
01:05This is what they'll do. Are they serious? I don't know. I don't know anymore. I really hope not
01:11Well, it will it it went right through this
01:15Your poop will go
01:18Are maybe it's just in the aquarium it will not use that's for I mean, I'm gonna be disappointed if I don't see a big
01:32It's an aquarium thing. All right, we love our five-minute aquariums toilets
01:42Want to see the poop flush through it now. I know it's disgusting, but I just think it's something I have to experience
01:47We wanna see we need to see the poopy, please
01:56It looks cool
01:58It does look it doesn't look kind of cool
02:01But I feel bad for any fish that has to witness their whole life is just looking at you poop
02:06Pete that's that's true the pressing for a fish, but it's a faster exit for them like in finding Nemo. Yeah
02:17Not your poop
02:20Why is it that's already not clean, you know
02:28Okay, yeah, you're gonna understand what kind of color it could be right after a while I mean
02:40The fish have to swim at the poop now
02:43Yeah, it's CG, of course it's CG
02:47This would be a form of torture or cruelty if it was actual fish
02:52The fish is like one of them sans guard at the toilet and he's like guys another one's coming through
03:03Yeah, I thought I was gonna be instantly canceled there, all right, what are we doing here?
03:07We get the sock we fold it up, what are we doing with the panties? All right
03:13She just didn't want to wear socks anymore, I guess all right. No, she she has bad days
03:18Oh, no, I pulled off all the toilet paper again. I would do that
03:22Silly me and now you know the time exactly. Come on. This is uncomfortable to yeah. I don't like that. Oh, we sweep
03:30That was all right
03:32But it's clean in there it's like what if yeah, what if what if yeah, that's that's five-minute crafts model. What if
03:44Okay, so if your poops too messy it doesn't flush but if you use shoe protector it'll just what let's go down there easy
03:52it's like if you use
03:55It's like before you eat food if you use a shoe protector, it'll just go down there. It's like
04:02If you oil your mouth with some olive oil, you can just look look look, you know
04:11Okay, where are we just me and the boys enjoying a couple blizzies, you know, all right, so we're in the bathroom
04:18There's a privacy problem
04:25Hold that then you're comfortable, right? Yeah. Okay sponge food
04:33Alright, okay. Oh how you can divide it your two layers toilet paper
04:41Just boy. That's that's how like people like really cheap
04:46Restaurant owners and stuff save on their toilet paper. They're like
04:50They will have to use half apply
04:56Bacteria on your yeah, that's why you have to change your brush after like every two weeks or something. What? Yeah, I know, right?
05:02Every who has money for that. Jeez every two weeks. Yeah, I'm using my almost the top of the year
05:11Serious yeah, I've been meaning to tell you about your breath
05:15Hold on for your dear lives
05:20We lost Billy
05:30Okay, do you think that works with a balloon I think if it will cover
05:41Even if you will take them in our film, you know for the
05:48Genius just genius
05:52That's gonna be really fun to sit on
05:55Sit down, you know the toilet of danger
05:59It's a challenge
06:06Spikes going through. Yeah. No, it's not. Okay. It's the punishment scene
06:14We got cleaning goop, all right, this is like Billy Mays here, okay, but wait there's more
06:22You can make it an aquarium and poop on your fish. All right, so
06:31What is this video I just I can't anymore five-minute crafts, what are you doing?
06:41It's a tea bag, it's a big tea bag and a with acid with the dog this that's so gross. Yeah, it's a gross
06:45Yeah, but that is so gross. What is wrong with the world?
06:53Okay, interesting
06:59I know me too. I'm like, I don't know how to react to this anymore gross. What is happening multicolored poop?
07:04So do you eat a bunch of Skittles or something?
07:17Okay, this is kind of cool
07:21That's fun. That's fun. That's cool. That's
07:24totally, I mean
07:26Something something at least something that's not horrible. I
07:29Think we're our standards have just dropped so low now that anything that's not horrible is just like I actually
07:35That I know we should like this. What is this? What are we doing the first curse?
07:43Thanks toilet paper, this is a romance between a lady and her toilet paper
07:50Those are cool
07:57No, how often do you change your like every I think every like two months or something but you should do every two weeks
08:05Cuz you get so much a lot of bacteria on there
08:08Whoo, that's that's you know, good if you want to ruin your towels, I feel like girls normally wouldn't want to ruin their towels
08:16Yeah, if my if my ex saw me doing that she'd probably you know be my ex much sooner
08:23Know how to clean up there is Wow dissolving hair
08:28This the special. I don't know how it calls Queen that you are from your hair. I wonder what it tastes like
08:36After it after you did all the hair what is dissolved hair tastes like
08:45What is this
08:48For your soap so it doesn't stick and make gross splotches
08:53All right, clean up your business
08:58Also doesn't stick to the sponge and brushes a little bit more
09:03more exfoliating
09:10Whoa, whoa, hey there buddy, okay
09:13Yourself bro, nice beard
09:17Pretty respectable when you see a guy with another beard
09:19Do you share like a moment of looking at each other and just like sharing respect? Yeah, nice
09:25Always I saw a guy with like a really cool beard at a restaurant once and I was like
09:29I wish I could like, you know, I had a cool beard like him so I could look at him
09:32We could just like share that connection. Yeah
09:35All right. So using your old bottles to have a new faucet
09:40It's pretty smart
09:42If you if you don't have like his faucets are expensive, so I
09:46Mean like a fast solution, you know, yeah, it's a quick solution. Yeah, you really need it
09:58All right, I like how we give a compliment to one of them and then it just follows up with a
10:03All right, I can't reach you back
10:06Okay, you're tired you're tired but what do we do now? Oh, okay
