00:00thanks God they want to do it right there on the spot yeah yeah okay
00:06glue gun right?
00:10superhero punch
00:12it's a rocky football
00:16okay so
00:18we're WD-40ing
00:20we're lubing up this wall
00:22what are we gonna surprise it with?
00:24what are we gonna fill it with after we lube it up?
00:26with foam
00:28oh to get a shape again
00:30ok Vaseline, lube it up even more
00:32ok Gibson
00:34cover it with a nice saucy
00:36white juice, liquid
00:40excuse me
00:44what is the cloth?
00:48let's let it dry
00:50I like how they use different techniques to get a mold
00:52that's true
00:54guys let us know the techniques
00:56that you use to fill holes
00:58how do you fill holes?
01:00what's your main go to when you're thinking
01:02hmm I need to fill this hole
01:04how do I do it?
01:08alright so we have this inside part
01:10what are we gonna fill it with?
01:12I don't know
01:14I hope epoxy
01:16I love the epoxy thing
01:18when you do installation
01:20with the colors
01:22I think epoxy
01:24can you change?
01:26yeah like
01:28when I see someone has epoxy coasters
01:30I'm like why?
01:32we made this ourselves in art class
01:36but come on
01:38there is a lot of stuff out of epoxy resin
01:40you bet it will be awesome
01:42I bet it's going to be ok
01:44just ok
01:46we'll see in a moment
01:50what do you think guys?
01:52I think
01:56they think
01:58I think they think it's going to be awesome as well
02:00it kind of looks like
02:02it looks cool
02:04it's like ice
02:08what is this for?
02:10oh for the background
02:12to show that it's beautiful
02:16under the sea
02:18under the sea
02:20can't sing anymore
02:22of that song because copyright issues
02:26they didn't do the outside of it very nice
02:28they just kind of cemented it in
02:30to be honest I expect it will be
02:32better but it's not bad
02:34fill it up
02:36fill it up
02:38fill it up now
02:40so he's cleaning it out first
02:42before he can fill it up
02:44it's got a bunch of grody stuff in it
02:46it's not going to be good
02:48oh the vacuum
02:50that's a fancy looking vacuum
02:52he came prepared
02:54it's like a futuristic one
02:56I'm ready for anything
02:58he has all the answers in there
03:00if he sees world hunger
03:02he's got it sorted out
03:04he's got provisions
03:06so we have
03:08some nice film to put around
03:10I guess we're making
03:12a mold
03:14we're popping that baby in
03:16just some Gibson
03:18some Gibson Les Paul
03:20some nice little water
03:22mixing it all together
03:24why does he have a drill
03:26how does this man have everything possible
03:28it just seems like this might be staged
03:30I don't know maybe it is
03:32guys let us know is this staged
03:34so we have cement in your bag
03:36I have cement in my bag always
03:38because you never know when you're going to need to use cement
03:40yeah sure
03:42I have two packets
03:44alright so we're making
03:46some mold of the thing
03:48oh they're going to make it a mold
03:50and maybe somehow to put some
03:52stuff in it
03:54they could just put
03:56like the normal mold in it or just cement
03:58I guess
04:00what was the point of doing it twice
04:02you took it back home to pour the same amount of cement in it
04:04what a waste of
04:08I don't get it but to each their own
04:10this guy is taking the time out of his day
04:12he's taking the time out of his day
04:14to solve a crisis
04:16for the community so we should just
04:18really give him a leeway
04:20but what is the reason really
04:22why he couldn't fill it in with the cement and leave it there
04:24guys let us know is there a reason
04:26for that maybe it's because it wouldn't fill the cracks properly
04:28or something
04:30or maybe you need some time to dry it off
04:32where you know some garage
04:34not on the street
04:36it's true
04:38to make it better stronger
04:40guys let us know if you know things
04:42or if you don't know stuff let us know that we don't know things
04:44when you also don't know that would be really helpful
04:46thank you
04:50some drawing part
04:52what it gonna be
04:54what are we gonna do here
04:56it looks like teardrops
04:58they've been to prison they've seen stuff
05:00oh it's like teeth
05:02yeah you're right it's a crater animal
05:04it looks like oh it's like that pit
05:06from star wars
05:08where they go on the meteoroid and they're like
05:10I think we're safe in here and then they're like no we're inside a worm
05:12and they fly out
05:14that's that one
05:16but you need to avoid such a thing right
05:18you should probably avoid something like that
05:20what's the point then to cover the hole on the street
05:22maybe he's worried about it cracking again
05:24so he's like don't step here
05:26oh huge big and subjective though
05:28my ex told me that
05:30so anyway we have this pothole what are we gonna do to fill it
05:34we're gonna melt more stuff
05:36oh it's a winter outside
05:38oh it's ice
05:40filling it
05:42that's a problem
05:44I mean is it
05:46wow big hole
05:48that is a big hole subjectively
05:50but is it ok
05:52to fix some holes in the winter time
05:54usually I have never
05:56saw them people fix
05:58road you know
06:00in the winter
06:02I think you shouldn't fix
06:04in the winter because
06:06usually they don't because it's more likely to rain
06:08and if it rains on it's gonna like unsettle the thing
06:10before it's dried up properly
06:12so that's I think that's the reason why if I'm
06:14wrong let me know you will let me know as
06:16you always do
06:18for your constructivity
06:22I like it
06:24ok we have
06:28what they want to fill it
06:30in the hole with the brakes
06:32it looks kinda cute I don't know
06:34it could be interesting it looks like it might be uneven
06:36you know I think it's wrong
06:38it's wrong
06:40I mean
06:42is anything right with you
06:46because it's wrong
06:48you can't fix
06:50the road using brakes
06:52you're like lord business in the lego movie
06:54you can't fix everything with legos
06:58I'm an adult
07:02it would be nice to fix it with a lego
07:04yeah it would be very fun to fix it with lego
07:06we should do it
07:08we should fill a pothole with lego
07:10jumpy jump
07:18that's how you pronounce piblez
07:20of course
07:24alright so we're filling it in with some stones
07:26it looks like it's still gonna be not that even
07:28some car is gonna go over it
07:34of course it's
07:36better than it was before
07:38come on man
07:40come on
07:42it's what I said, it's wrong
07:44that looks so
07:48I mean it's better than the hole
07:50I don't even think it's better than the hole
07:52you're behind it
07:54another hole
07:56another problem, another solution
08:00let's see if this guy is as prepared
08:02is it the same guy?
08:04he's like the
08:06lamest superhero ever
08:08he just solves potholes in his neighborhood
08:10I mean, pretty cool anyway
08:12so the same to me
08:16flaming it up
08:18flame on
08:20some glue sticks
08:22just glue that maybe in
08:24I have no idea actually why you would even do that
08:26to get a shape or what?
08:28yeah, something like that
08:30thanks god
08:32they wanna do it right there
08:34on the spot
08:36wow, it's a lot of glue gun
08:40I kinda wanna put it in my mouth
08:42it looks like it would taste
08:44like honey or something
08:48honey, right?
08:50okay so we have some sand
08:52sand for what?
08:54it looks like they're gonna
08:56make a mold with it again
08:58I don't know how
09:00oh boy
09:02you made a mold out of
09:04glue gun sticks
09:06which is incredibly cool
09:08that is incredibly cool
09:10on the list of things that are incredibly cool
09:12it's probably number 5
09:14okay so we're
09:16it looks like a mountain now
09:18I kinda wanna cancel the whole project
09:20a volcano
09:22that's actually a nice idea
09:24it's actually the shape and everything
09:26but I think they're gonna
09:28fill it in
09:30he's gonna be a good Samaritan
09:32he's a good person
09:34but the question is from what
09:36they're gonna fill it in now
09:38this mold with a gibson or something else
09:40I don't know
09:42it would be hard to fit a guitar in there
09:44so I don't know
09:46just cement I guess
09:48what do we do with that cement
09:50that's just boring if we're doing normal things
09:52we have to mix it up a little bit
09:54it actually looks tasty
09:56now I got it
09:58you totally get it now
10:00it took time but we made it
10:06looks pretty good but now we just have to
10:08judge his art
10:12it's a little contemporary honestly
10:14you think so?
10:16the color on that
10:20it reflects our reality
10:24it's slightly derivative of
10:28you know what I mean
10:32it looks cool though