• 2 weeks ago
00:00ah this is so gross why would you put that in your hair how are you gonna get rid of it i mean
00:06pretty good okay buttermilk and moss okay worst soup ever it looks what does it do
00:18maybe stuff's gonna grow on it yes no way that was fake this this was fake but it looks cool
00:25maybe that works in real life yeah they just speed up the process and wanted to show us the
00:30everything but maybe it could work yeah but i have doubts i have doubts as well
00:35eggshell saplings very interesting yeah that's i guess not bad
00:44ew my shovel's all gross we're gonna use some olive oil to lubricate it lubricate it and make
00:51sure nothing sticks on it okay yeah i guess so that's why before i swim in the sewers i always
00:58cover myself completely from head to toe in olive oil that way nothing sticks on me
01:08plastic pipe to perfect yeah that makes sense protect it from the
01:12leaf trimmer what is that called the grass trimmer
01:15weed whacker yeah
01:23all right yeah water makes plants grow who knew
01:28they ate tomato there right ah okay so some tomato
01:34and what is this oh it's a support for a vine that's pretty cool yeah hey
01:46um all right yep just making holes for your your plants to go in it's looked obvious right
01:54yeah to me it looked pretty obvious so we saw it right yeah this one's
02:03what is happening i don't know what happened it's all happening so fast archie
02:10oh my god okay what is happening okay so they're putting goo in a glove yeah it's
02:18uh why uh why i don't know okay i thought you would know no you're a five-minute crafter you
02:26should know oh it's not about me but this could be helpful i guess that's true that actually works
02:32yeah but not immediately like that you know to put this everywhere
02:42freezing aloe vera i've never even i didn't even think that was a possible thing that's possible
02:47it's kind of liquid right you use it underneath your eyes to remove dark circles that's useful
02:54is it the old video about it
02:57easy removal okay give us more then what else you can do to make a coconut smoothie
03:08to get your protein up i guess what or not i don't know what that is
03:14why is it like why does that help okay that makes them grow i guess okay another thing
03:24oh oh that looks kind of fun yeah and the shape the same as the lips yeah
03:30brush i don't know i don't know about that one not a big fan vitamin e what does that do
03:39huh to make something helpful
03:45this is so gross why would you put that in your hair how are you gonna get rid of it i mean
03:50you're never gonna get rid of it
03:54looks good to caffeine
03:57they are yeah snails everybody yeah decaf coffee
04:03okay so we got what is it looks like a balloon
04:06type thing oh it's like a scarecrow i guess so yeah
04:11yes in a wedding dress a wedding scarecrow getting married is scary
04:18nice is it a message i think it's a message from five minute crafts
04:22that they're not ready to commit yet i don't agree with this message
04:26oh okay interesting i believe in marriage you believe in marriage yeah that's cute
04:31oh no insect catcher this gadget wow that looks kind of cool oh i like it i love it i love it i
04:42want one i want it i want it i need to buy beer everyone knows that they're raging alcoholics
04:50snails everyone knows that
04:55snails are like riding but also kind of weird you know they did a little uncomfortable yeah
05:02it looks like they were but i don't know liquid marshmallow
05:08it's a glue trap that makes sense okay wow okay it's like a massage table it's like how to be
05:17a farmer and also be lazy at the same time yeah it looks good i don't see anything wrong with that
05:23me too yeah i don't okay we're putting saplings inside ice trays nice basket
05:32oh what what are we doing to the basket now another trap maybe another trap i don't know
05:40me too it looks like a mini greenhouse or something i don't know it looks like he's
05:44ruining the purpose of having oh okay it's a mini greenhouse greenhouse the one so you can
05:50control the light and stuff that's good and easy to make it all right it looks pretty easy oh if
05:56you guys ever want to grow any uh any i don't know tomatoes in your house outside your house do it
06:07that's the proper way to take it out so you don't ruin any of the soil
06:11you don't ruin any of the roots don't take out your compost like this take it out like this
06:16make a cross and here we go for some reason that's better i don't know why
06:23but if they say the bottom of a bottle for making but i don't know i need to try it yeah you should
06:29try it maybe it'll like make it even more heavenly hair maybe okay we're picking this up
06:35okay we're picking this up maybe that that kind of makes sense i guess maybe maybe guys if you're
06:42aloe experts tell us below do any any of these work waste because i'm just kind of unsure
06:51get rid of dark underarms okay i don't mind having dark underarms
06:57blue maybe you do but they don't nice aloe ice cubes okay
07:06aloe just doesn't have a nice texture it's just
07:10but it's really helpful i mean no i guess you can make makeup with
07:20as we can see you can do everything yeah you can also make makeup with the sharpie
07:26i wouldn't recommend it
07:30what is this ah making a face mask all right okay leave for five minutes and it does nothing
07:38agar chia in a boiler what are we making here okay
07:48i'm speechless i have i have gotten no information from this the only one i know is true is the one
07:54if you have like a a scratch or something and you put some aloe on it it's going to take down
07:58the inflammation wow that was cool it was yeah i don't know i don't know i don't know
08:05that was cool it was yeah how's the name of this uh venus flytrap
08:15okay we got some tape around the hand
08:21get rid of some icky pests all right okay a nice snail
08:28for what i don't know just to show a snail i guess oh so that they can't vastly stop snails
08:34okay oh what is that it's it looked like a mole yeah mole it's small ah who is this guy who is
08:42this he's there oh scary dog orange soda okay is this like a cockroach prevention tip i don't know
08:54it's like it's a trap trap yeah yeah they could go in they smell the sugar they're like
09:04it's good work and another thing to protect from insects
09:12we got a rat
09:16run run safe rat trap okay so far it looks like a toilet
09:24we'll see now and so it's for one rat yeah
09:33someone should say but it will not someone should have told uh tom from tom and jerry how to do that
09:39yeah would have had a lot of a shorter career is it cgi yeah it looked like cgi insects okay
09:46yeah oh we know we know this one as well huh yeah we know her interesting write us in the
09:52comment if you recognize her yeah who is she coffee
10:02everyone knows that
