• 2 days ago
00:00taste good yeah and the colors like rainbow orbeez we have to be careful
00:07meanwhile i try to draw one straight line and it doesn't work it just goes
00:12you know some people were just gifted yeah or some people just worked a lot harder than i did
00:19i think it's that we're all gifted yes in a different ways yeah in different areas but
00:26yeah like we were gifted with the ability to react to content which not many people can do
00:31right right guys you can tell about yourself yeah let us know down below what is your gift
00:38yeah are you also a reactor or maybe your gift watch watching reactions yeah yeah
00:45and judging the crap out of them okay so now we have a nice
00:49oh wow that's gonna be really nice
00:55that is a big pancake oh okay nice i i want to eat it for some reason
01:00okay so we have some nice lawn mowing action he made it professional he did it pretty well oh oh
01:10oh my god yeah this is a little bit more gross than the other one
01:16i wasn't expecting it to go weird that fast ew
01:21gross imagine if they had like a pimple popping video and right afterwards they had that yeah
01:27that'd be so gross wow what is this it's just a layer of paint which yeah the old paint is
01:34going underneath the new paint nice wow okay i love it interesting and now oh we use this tool
01:40you know that tool a bit different it's not great but this yeah no this this one's different
01:47yeah it has a multi-tool for because you really need a multi-tool for watermelon you don't just
01:51need a spoon exactly soap cutting nice oh it's uh like so creating yeah my mama makes soaps
02:02yeah they're really cool uh you know i'm always what is this
02:08oh it's a a for a oh that was interesting oh my gosh
02:19i need it once is not as strong as need if i want it
02:25you'll get it i'll get it that's creepy okay let's move on so we have that cool thing as well
02:31whoa wow i love this thing what does it do why is it what it's some chemical thing oh it gets rid
02:38of paint yes nice yeah i don't know wow whoa i like how his whole body flew up in the air
02:46that's cool okay i love this this reminds me of like teeth cleaning but it's a car you know how
02:52they have those yeah all the plaque exactly i that's that's true it's nice i love it to get
02:58rid of such a thing when i yeah my car when i wow
03:09whoa here's those are cool knives actually they look like csgo knives
03:14okay we got some slime action whoa hey whoa i know that's what i'm talking about
03:23oh what kind of fruit is that is that no papaya oh maybe yeah i think it's papaya
03:30nice wow i didn't know that they are have these seeds in them milk oh yeah neither did i yeah
03:40that's what they're feeding you at mcdonald's that's what's in your burger
03:43i i would try it your burger king burger okay uh so we have like an orbee mix with slime
03:52oh and it foams it's getting foamy i like it foamy it's getting foamy homie
04:00we're the whitest people in the world we can't say that okay so
04:08and it's a nice iron for your stuff oh it's perfect and what's the hex and they're dying it
04:18look nice and whoa wow that's a beautiful blue and oh it's gonna be a tie-dye
04:27tie-dye okay yeah well so because kids play with it a lot but what do you mean
04:33eatable if after you touching this a lot and yeah it's not edible yeah yeah but if it's
04:41potentially i mean kids put their you know their fingers in their mouth so if their fingers touch
04:46it and then afterwards it goes in their mouth i guess it's the same thing who cares it's better
04:51if it's edible than non-edible okay i i'm actually oh i'm not sure wow that's so cool
05:02i want to do that so bad i'm gonna remove all the plastic in the studio
05:08actually we have such food yes you can ask butch okay i'm gonna take it from butch
05:12but to be honest it takes it not happened like so i mean not for the seconds it takes some time
05:23release the balloons yeah it's a bunch of work to pump it up oh yeah i mean yeah yeah
05:32that looks fun though yeah it's a lot of fun wish we were invited weren't invited again i guess
05:40oh that was cool i love this pen i love this pen too yeah more than a friend i love it as a love
05:47partner i would spend the whole life with this pen i would put it in my mouth
05:54oh this i want one of these so bad i have such a thing you have it that's so cool that's
06:00that's actually a really i love it pewdiepie has one as well that's why i want it
06:05nice wow but what is this for
06:19this is some fancy painting style going on here
06:23minions okay now i'm now now no now it's over you ruined it snapchat that's it we're done this
06:30wasn't working even from the start i was flirting with instagram while i was also with you just saying
06:41oh damn what is this i don't know it's expanded it looks like it's turning into slime or like a foam
06:50it's like the the powder in the diapers
06:54yes that's exactly what it is yeah i think so yeah thanks
07:00what is this uh oh forbidden spaghetti
07:07wow it looks really strong yeah
07:11snake snake oil more more
07:17i really feel hungry i want to put it too yeah it looks like tapioca pudding or something or not
07:22not tapioca pudding but some kind of pudding yeah the point is i want to put it in my mouth
07:27and the color matching my therapist said i shouldn't do that anymore but
07:32don't even get me started on butts now
07:35all right so we have a nice insertion into this goo you got some jelly beans some sugar
07:42okay so this looks like it's gonna be a dessert some sprinkles
07:45but it's not a dessert because you can't eat it because it's slime and slime is not edible
07:48do not eat your slime yeah
07:51so we're gonna put the slime in it and then we're gonna put the jelly beans in it
07:56and then we're gonna put the slime in it and then we're gonna put the jelly beans in it
08:00because you can't eat it because it's slime and slime is not edible do not eat your slime yeah
08:05please i think there are types of edible slime but at the same time for what i mean cool actually
08:13yeah yeah it's designer it looks like one of the those things that look cheap but they're
08:17actually like five thousand bucks per pillow yeah okay we got some slime and some or some
08:24yeah that looks like cough syrup
08:31nice can we order that i just want to order that yeah we don't need it for anything we just want it
08:37not even for the video not even for a video we're just gonna play with it yeah
08:45oh my gosh i would eat that i would put that in my mouth for sure yeah
08:50even me it just looks like it tastes good yeah and the colors like these rainbow orbeez
08:55we have to be careful oh wow it looks beautiful
09:04where did like so where does slime go after people are done with it you know like there's
09:09it's not a liquid it's not really a solid does it go in the trash or does it go down the sink
09:13i don't know i well i feel like there are slime graveyards with just like
09:18piles of slime that people have discarded but there is also i think they're like getting dry
09:25and after they're getting dry then you can send through yeah like a yeah dust or sand nice
09:32this is weird bubble painting i love it i think it's cool oh i love such videos when they're
09:40mixing i still didn't get for what they're mixing this thing but it's still satisfying
09:46maybe easier transport homemade our house that's a mini pot nice wow oh my gosh that's so cool i
09:55wanted it we should make that yeah wow look at this that's awesome wow wow oh it looks like french
10:04toast a little bit yeah is it this this i have to say the the title might be right this might be
10:12the most satisfying video yeah oh my gosh now it's white
