• 3 days ago
00:00so use the whole bottle okay that seems excessive waste okay so this is a coin
00:12eater a piggy bank yeah problem I actually yeah when I have a big jar for
00:20it really yeah I used to just throw it on the floor and then I would make a
00:23wish every time ah what why why would you do that what what else can you put
00:38there don't put anything else there don't put anything else there only coins
00:44no fingers oh what are you doing they just make fun of this gadget doesn't
00:55work like so I guess no I think no I think it works seriously yeah you can
01:00take it out yeah I think you people have lost a finger with that what do you
01:03think which okay so coffee gross stinky coffee maker some DNA stuff I don't know
01:11that wasn't DNA that's like bacteria okay so you lather some of this stuff on
01:19your hands and try to touch it no you don't do it hygienic finger hygienic
01:24finger so you can use it to pick your nose and not be judged by society I
01:35prefer to be judged by society no but wait can no oh you can use it to do
01:47everything okay we got a pregnant lady okay putting on some long socks this is
01:55having some trouble only going over the toes don't worry you have the slug
02:00slider sock slider gets the socks right on there oh I saw this gadget it's
02:05actually awesome look at me but I'm okay okay but you could also just like put
02:11them on normally with lady English he can't reach his toes so you need this
02:17gadget which was born with extra long legs so you can't actually touch his
02:21toes he's been judged ever since birth and you can take it off afterwards
02:26really easily you asked for not bad and here's the
02:31butch it's the not bad guy yeah okay so what yeah we got some gadgets going on
02:39here let's see what happens so she's getting out a sponge soap pump with a
02:45sponge holder okay so they're pouring some soap into it mm-hmm
02:50high-performance okay that means it does really well we'll see how far our
02:55yeah they could be lying so what does it do exactly oh you know
03:01dang it was good okay it looks pretty good but I found a fight okay that's
03:07that's pretty good what is this problem now okay so we got the spaghetti duster
03:17what's a duster I've never heard of that before it's okay
03:24I always have a trouble with this really when you open the package and needs go
03:28everywhere I just dig my hand into it and just like pick out as many as I can
03:32you know I'm a hungry boy okay so they're going into their fruit fridge
03:39storage thing all right so this is so they don't have so many messy fruits
03:43a little bit all over the place you know okay it's kind of not bad right bush
03:47okay so it's okay okay which gives it fair enough fair enough
03:52Wow okay so that's the best way to compartmentalize your your fruit eating
03:59that's true have you ever touched like a really gooey sponge I don't think they
04:03put yeah it's got a relatable thing oh boy so there's a sink base what does
04:09that mean ah so all the goo rushes to the sink
04:15how about you just use a hand pump soap like normal people you know but I don't
04:20know maybe you have some fears about this that's true yeah but you old-fashioned
04:25guy who need this yeah who is yeah it's very old-fashioned I feel like what you
04:29ever use this see it's very old-fashioned so it's too steamy to use
04:35she uses the shower glass wiper okay I feel like this is not like a rare
04:42invention this is like something that's been around for a long time oh you can
04:47bake that's cool okay so we can't get away craft it okay they're gonna take
04:56some sponges and put them down the toilet for what I think why is your hand
05:01so close to the to the stuff it's too close to the chocolate
05:07chocolate some Dallas stuff and some mouthwash yeah it's like so easy oh coke
05:22yeah oh yeah in case you're feeling thirsty while you're doing useless
05:25things to your toilet always use a coke so use the whole bottle okay that seems
05:33excessive they're gonna clog the toilet with the with the sponges at the bottom
05:42why your hands in the dirty water oh why bush what do you do stop what is wrong
05:53with what what wrong with this lady just like I'm I'm gonna clean this stuff and
06:02by cleaning it I'm gonna put my hand right on it and in it and I'm just gonna
06:05rub it with my hands do you know the best way to clean that stuff from your
06:10toilet is actually rubbing it on your face oh yeah yeah and then eating a
06:14little bit Oh Mentos okay thanks right no oh she just what even if it is
06:24chocolate it's not worth to do what is wrong why that's so gross what is this
06:31vinegar vinegar yeah okay are they gonna put some baking powder in there you
06:48were right Wow baking soda oh okay a little too much baking soda chill on the
06:54baking soda oh boy what what is this a bubble bath what are you doing this is
07:04playing with this she's gonna step in it at some point and just like start
07:15dunk your head in it so okay you take it out yeah I take the sponges out and what
07:27was the next now it's time to flush it Wow it's safe now after you touched it
07:34with your hands even not that clean look at yeah some chocolate was left look it
07:44up our poop I don't know I think it's chocolate we'll say chocolate for the
07:49sake of yeah oh perfect yeah we can get car wipers and do a little one yeah
07:54butch can we do this okay now we got a fanny pack with some
07:59soap sheets okay a convenient container ah it's mini soap see this is the future
08:08that's like it's not too much that it gets all slimy and stuff it just goes on
08:11and off okay okay so we got some tooth toothpaste oh yeah I always have a
08:21bunch of hair in my toothbrush seriously yeah cuz I it's also you it's not the
08:28craft hasn't been shown yet there's no gadget here's the gadget okay what are
08:38slick design okay and it dispenses toothpaste on them I guess I don't know
08:46this seems like a waste of resources that's excellent yes okay okay approved
08:57by butch okay so there's a speaker it's falling over shower speaker so that you
09:04can actually touch it when you're wet okay it's kind of useful that is good
09:09actually yeah so what I do is I get a plastic bag and I put it over my phone
09:13okay and I use it in the shower like that it's also not bad yeah it works it
09:18works not bad hack okay so we got a loofah you got some some extra skin on
09:26there mm-hmm exfoliating sponge it's ten bucks that's a kind of expensive yeah
09:33expensive for a sponge right pretty expensive but how it works I don't think
09:42that's real skin you yeah I'm not sure as well but reusable you can reuse it
09:48reuse it for what I mean okay I don't think so yeah that was that was a one
09:53out of ten for me so we have a Hawaiian pizza or just a normal pizza it's the
10:00best you like yes what no yes no way it's glorious it's like it's dessert
10:06and it's lunch at the same time Hawaiian with pineapple and ham
10:10pirani Oh Pizza Pocket okay that seems kind of useless you have one piece of
10:22pizza and that's it okay which I guess is you know healthier than a whole pizza
10:26yeah it's always with me it is a fashion statement it says I don't know what
10:31fashion is
