• last week
00:00Oh, she's so pimpin'.
00:01Oh no, I spilled all the spaghetti on my shirt.
00:04Oh no, her dress is stuck in the thing.
00:08That's gotta was what?
00:12Okay, don't worry.
00:13Her friend has covered her up in a red ghost costume.
00:15Yeah, and she just appears from nowhere.
00:19In the middle of nowhere.
00:20That's how friends should be, honestly.
00:21They should just appear out of nowhere.
00:23Okay, one hole for the arm.
00:25Oh, dang.
00:25Another hole for the arm.
00:27And now we have a house.
00:30Still a ghost.
00:32Kind of not bad, but what about that dress
00:35which was left on the car?
00:38Oh no!
00:38Oh, she got pooed on!
00:41Come with me!
00:42I have exactly the thing for getting pooed on.
00:44It happens to me every day.
00:46Okay, let me just cut off your clothes.
00:50Okay, don't worry.
00:52It's actually, have you ever pooped by a bird?
00:55I have pooped.
00:57Have I ever been pooped on?
01:00No, I've never been, but my stuff on the table
01:03has been very upsetting.
01:04When I was studying in school,
01:05I remember having one of my books open
01:07and a bird just, on chemistry.
01:13It was.
01:14That's how I felt about it as well.
01:16Wow, that was crazy.
01:19What about you guys?
01:21You ever been pooped on by a bird?
01:22Yeah, there is nothing to shame.
01:24There's nothing, yeah, you shouldn't be ashamed of it.
01:26It happens to all of us.
01:28But for my surprise, I have never been pooped on.
01:32You've never been pooped on?
01:34Not by a bird anyway.
01:38Oh my gosh.
01:40Okay, so.
01:43She just had her clothes cut off,
01:44so you didn't miss anything that hasn't already happened.
01:47Okay, so more clothes being cut off.
01:50I'm kind of, it's like a trigger for me
01:52that the scissors are so close to her body.
01:54Me too.
01:57Okay, so.
02:01Here we go, she's so pimpin'.
02:03Oh no, I spilled all the spaghetti on my shirt.
02:06What do I do?
02:07I don't care.
02:09And now it's on my phone, that's disgusting.
02:11So, her boyfriend's calling her like,
02:13let's meet up.
02:14She's like, ah, I won't step five feet
02:17into my dressing room to get dressed.
02:19No, I'm gonna cut off my clothes.
02:21Okay, this is just like.
02:26She just, okay.
02:28She seems to be really enjoying this process.
02:31Now we know, the whole lady's doing this thing before.
02:36Exactly, before a date, this is exactly what happens, yeah.
02:39And we're like, okay, see you there.
02:41They're like, I need to cut everything.
02:44Ah, let me just get all this spaghetti off of me.
02:47And when she didn't came.
02:51It was like, you know, something bad.
02:53It was a spaghetti explosion.
02:56Okay, good job-y.
02:58Don't worry, bro, you didn't get stood up.
02:59She just was in a freak spaghetti explosion.
03:03All right, pretty good.
03:04Did you like any of these outfits?
03:06Or are these a waste of time?
03:08Let us know in comments.
