• 2 days ago
The Rookie - Season 2 Episode 13


00:06Hey. How are you?
00:07Great. I was just, um...
00:08I haven't seen you. Yeah, I know.
00:10Well, I just was swamped with work
00:11and, uh, the kitchen renovation.
00:13How was your vacation with Oliver?
00:14Great. You know, we went to Utah.
00:16We hit all the state parks.
00:17So beautiful up there.
00:18Seriously. I mean, stunning.
00:21I've been thinking about you.
00:22Really? Yeah.
00:23Would you be interested in coming over
00:25and helping me test out the new kitchen?
00:27You want me to cook for you?
00:29I would cook.
00:30I wouldn't say no to a co-pilot.
00:31My use of vegetables has been described
00:33as a crime against humanity.
00:35Kids can be so cruel.
00:37Sure. I mean, I'd love to.
00:42Why are you holding a towel?
00:4340-year-old male.
00:44Traumatic amputation of right hand
00:45in construction accident.
00:46BP 100, over 70, heart rate 110.
00:49Get him into trauma two,
00:50page four or so, and order an X-ray.
00:52Start an IV with two liters of saline.
00:54John, is that that?
00:56Yes. Yeah, that's his.
00:58Hey, um, what time?
01:00Uh, seven o'clock?
01:01It's a date.
01:21So, what are you gonna cook her?
01:22A couple of big-ass steaks
01:24and a lovely baked potato.
01:27You know her in L.A.
01:28She's at least a pescatarian.
01:29And she definitely doesn't eat carbs.
01:30So, no potato?
01:31Your safest bet is a kale salad
01:33with a nice piece of salmon.
01:35Food used to be so easy.
01:36There was only two kinds, fried and other.
01:38Okay, Grandpa.
01:39Nolan, there's a lawyer looking for you
01:41at the front desk.
01:42Uh-oh. What'd you do?
01:47Are you John Nolan?
01:48That depends on,
01:49are you here to serve me with a subpoena?
01:51No, I'm a trust and estates lawyer.
01:53Susan Banker, I'm here to inform you
01:54about what your father left you in his will.
01:57What? Wait.
01:58My father's dead?
01:59Yes, I'm sorry.
02:00Did no one tell you that?
02:01I haven't spoken to my father in 35 years.
02:04He left me something in his will?
02:06Was it a lot of something?
02:07$14 in his 1971 Chevelle.
02:09You're kidding.
02:11There's the check.
02:12The car will be delivered later today.
02:13And what if I don't want the car?
02:14Then get rid of it.
02:15Just sign the bottom
02:17from your receipt of the check.
02:19Hey, how did he die?
02:21Heart attack.
02:22Or drowning.
02:23He was in the pool at his house in Tempe when it hit.
02:25I'm sorry.
02:27What's going on?
02:30We're celebrating Smitty's last day as Mr. Irrelevant.
02:33The sergeant's exam happens once every two years.
02:36Whoever scores the lowest gets called Mr. Irrelevant
02:39because they got no chance at getting promoted.
02:41So if this is Smitty's swan song,
02:43that means the new scores are gonna be posted soon.
02:46That's exciting.
02:47You're gonna do great.
02:48No doubt.
02:53You all right?
02:56My dad died.
02:58I'm so sorry.
02:59Are you okay?
03:01I honestly never knew the man.
03:03It's just a little unexpected.
03:05All right.
03:06Well, if you need anything.
03:07I'm fine.
03:09I'm good.
03:11All right.
03:12Party's over.
03:13Officer Smitty.
03:14These past two years,
03:15you have handled your irrelevance
03:17with the poise and dignity I expect from a man of...
03:21of little ambition.
03:23Thank you, sir.
03:25To business.
03:26Today is follow-up day.
03:27Detectives have several cases
03:29that are on the edge of being back-burnered.
03:31You're gonna take the day to see
03:33if you can breathe new life into them.
03:35Sir Bradford and Chin,
03:37you have a three-day-old home invasion.
03:39The victim is a former gang member,
03:41Nevin Cooper.
03:42No forensics, no suspects.
03:44We're on it, sir.
03:45Lopez and West, you're going to Hancock Park.
03:48A statue was stolen from a homeowner's front yard.
03:51Looks like a giant turd.
03:54Well, that turd is worth a half a million,
03:56so track it down.
03:57Yes, sir.
03:58Which brings me to Harper and Nolan.
04:00Actually, sir,
04:01Robbery Homicide requested that Officer Nolan and I
04:04follow up on one of their cases.
04:06And how much did you pay for them to request that?
04:08That's a very cynical question, sir.
04:10Seems fair to me.
04:12What do you think, Officer Nolan?
04:19On it.
04:20Yes, sir.
04:22Hey, you sure you're all right?
04:24There's no shame in taking a break from all day.
04:26Oh, yeah, I know.
04:27I just seem disingenuous.
04:29You know, the last time I saw my dad,
04:31I was tanned.
04:32I was driving away in that Chevelle.
04:34The car he left me.
04:36Sounds like the plot of a bad first novel.
04:38No offense.
04:39No, not at all.
04:40You're not wrong.
04:41Hey, listen.
04:42It's one thing to lose focus during a roll call,
04:45but out here, you get lost.
04:47It's one thing to lose focus,
04:49but out here, you get lost.
04:52And out here, you get distracted, you get killed.
04:54So I need you sharp.
04:56I am.
04:57I will be.
05:02We're closed.
05:04Uh, we're following up for Detective Calderon.
05:06We're just checking in to see if you've thought of anything new
05:09that might help us catch the guy who robbed you
05:12and killed your wife.
05:14He came inside, hit me right away.
05:16I couldn't do anything to stop him.
05:19It's safer.
05:21We're very sorry for your loss.
05:23You told detectives the man was wearing a mask?
05:26And he took several hundred dollars from the register
05:28and a case of whiskey?
05:30Uh, another thing.
05:33I didn't notice it until this morning
05:35when I started to clean,
05:36but there was a new roll of scratchers under the counter.
05:40They're not there now.
05:41He must have taken them.
05:42Scratch-off lottery tickets?
05:44Um, like these.
05:46High value.
05:47500 tickets a roll.
05:48Did you report those as stolen?
05:51I'm gonna go.
05:52That's how we're gonna catch this guy.
05:53Uh, sir, the lottery office will flag all the serial numbers
05:56and cancel the tickets.
05:57If he tries to redeem a winner, it'll get flagged.
06:01I hope you catch him.
06:02And I hope he gives you a good reason to kill him.
06:07We will keep you posted.
06:09Uh, if anything else occurs to you, just give us a call.
06:13Why did you stop me?
06:14It is not our job to police his grief.
06:24Morning, officers.
06:25What can I get you?
06:26We're looking for Nevin Cooper.
06:28Oh, he's a little busy right now.
06:30Can I help you with something?
06:39Hey, everything okay?
06:42It's just some confusion in our order.
06:45Sorry for the misunderstandings.
06:51Markel, right?
06:53I know you.
06:54I'm the guy who put Key on in Pelican Bay.
06:57Heard you filled the void.
06:58Ah, what can I say?
07:00Some are born great, some achieve greatness,
07:02and some have greatness thrust upon them.
07:07Twelfth Night.
07:08Smart for a cop.
07:12I read you weren't one of these guys anymore, Nevin.
07:14Found a different path in prison.
07:16Bitch binge-watched too much British bacon.
07:18Got himself rehabilitated.
07:21It's not every day that you see a gang be so forgiving
07:23to someone who's left the flock.
07:25That's inspiring.
07:26Unless you're here to sweat him.
07:28You guys wouldn't happen to know who broke into Nevin's house
07:30a couple nights ago, tied him up?
07:32I sure don't.
07:33But I tell you, what I hear anything,
07:35you will be my first call.
07:37I'll see you around, Nevin.
07:45You all right?
07:47Got a lot of work to do, and it's tight in here,
07:51so I'll give you some donuts on your way out.
07:52I know you're scared, but we can help.
07:54I'm not scared, I'm busy.
07:55I got things handled.
07:56Okay, so why call the cops if you got it handled?
07:58I didn't.
07:59Let me guess.
08:00Sasha did.
08:01Before you could tell her not to.
08:05I appreciate what you're trying to do.
08:07Turn your life around.
08:08I know it isn't easy.
08:09It is what it is.
08:10You can't handle Markell and his crew on your own.
08:12I don't know what you're talking about.
08:14They just came to buy some pastries.
08:16Now I gotta get back to work.
08:22You change your mind, you know where to find us.
08:28Looks like that's where the statue was.
08:30You're gonna make a great detective.
08:34Why haven't you guys found my statue yet?
08:36That's why we're here, sir,
08:37to see if you have any new information.
08:39If I have any new information?
08:40This is your job.
08:42I've been calling you every day.
08:44Yes, sir, we're aware.
08:45That's why we're here.
08:46Did they find it?
08:49I read over the initial police report.
08:51What exactly did you mean when you said
08:53that whoever took it should get a reward?
08:55What the hell?
08:56I did not say that.
08:58Did I?
08:59Mrs. Nithercutt,
09:00did you have anything to do
09:01with the disappearance of the statue?
09:03Of course not.
09:04No, I just, I'm not as sad as Roger is that it's gone.
09:08What are you saying?
09:09I thought you loved that piece.
09:11It looks like a dinosaur copped a squat on our front yard.
09:14I bought it because it reminded me of our honeymoon.
09:19Maybe I don't want to know.
09:21Look, you want to find the thief?
09:23Talk to the members of the homeowners association.
09:25They hated that thing as much as I did.
09:29You ever played the lottery?
09:31Only when the jackpot goes to a billion.
09:34Every week for 20 years when I lived back in Foxburg.
09:37I had to get to the gas station on the way home on Friday night,
09:40spend the time it took me to fill my tank
09:42just fantasizing what I would do with the money.
09:45Well, see, I would just think about
09:48what life would be like
09:49if I never had to worry about money again.
09:51Oh, yeah, that would be nice.
09:53I can barely see the edge of the hole I'm in.
09:557-9-0-15, give the bridge a call.
09:59Yeah, this is Officer Nolan, I was asked to call.
10:03Right, thank you.
10:06My inheritance has arrived.
10:15Nice car.
10:16It's classic.
10:18Yeah, it has a matching .354 barrel
10:20with an original turbo trans.
10:22You drive it all the way in from Arizona?
10:25No, I actually drove it to New York,
10:27and then I got it on a cargo ship,
10:28and then we went through the Panama Canal.
10:32I need to be honest about it.
10:34What do you think I could get for it?
10:36I don't know, man.
10:37You want to sell it?
10:38I don't know.
10:39A guy left it to me.
10:40It's bad news.
10:41Oh, piece of crap.
10:44Talk about my dad!
10:45Hands behind your back!
10:48Your dad?
10:50That would make him your...
10:51He was my brother.
11:00Wait, just wait.
11:01Just, just stop.
11:03What is your name?
11:06And your father was...
11:08He had a beer belly,
11:09he had blue eyes,
11:10a Marine Corps tattoo.
11:12I don't know,
11:13he liked to take his teeth out at parties.
11:15He was quite a character.
11:16You got me on that last one.
11:17He was 35 when he abandoned my mom and me.
11:21All right, what do you want to do?
11:25Take off the cuffs.
11:26You gonna let me go?
11:28Are you sure?
11:29Because the last cop I punched
11:30was not that cool about it.
11:31How many cops have you punched?
11:32Like today?
11:33Or like ever?
11:35I'm kidding.
11:38I punched five times.
11:39Look, before today,
11:40I didn't even know I had a brother.
11:42Half-brother, all right?
11:43And I was just as surprised
11:44when the chick read the will
11:46and said that you were getting the car.
11:47I don't know why he did that.
11:48Yeah, I don't know why he did that either.
11:50Now, if I'm free to go,
11:52I'm gonna go.
11:53Back to Arizona.
11:54All right?
11:59Look, this has all been a bit of a shock.
12:02But if you'd like to wait around
12:04until after my shifts,
12:05I don't know, maybe we could...
12:07Hang out and get to know each other
12:09and become best friends?
12:12I'll pass.
12:13Enjoy the car.
12:14Nice meeting you.
12:18It's a push.
12:24So, how does it work?
12:25It's a Sargent's exam.
12:26Do you get the stripe right away?
12:29Passing the test is the first step.
12:30You only get promoted when a spot opens up.
12:32If you're at the top of the list,
12:33it might take a month or two.
12:34The lower you are,
12:35the longer it's gonna take.
12:36And for some,
12:37they'll never get a shot.
12:38You're taking the test again in two years.
12:41Your home invasion victim
12:42was just assaulted.
12:43He's on his way to the ER.
12:47We just saw him.
12:48And Markell must have doubled back
12:49after we left.
12:50Is he hurt bad?
12:51Fractured right arm,
12:52bruised ribs,
12:53couple of loose teeth.
12:54He's gonna be in pain for a few weeks.
12:57Do you guys know who did it?
12:59But we can't do anything about it
13:00unless Nevins makes an official ID.
13:02Which he's not going to do.
13:05But maybe his girlfriend will.
13:09Good luck.
13:14How is he?
13:16He's tough.
13:17Didn't want me to call 911
13:18even though the bone was sticking out.
13:20I'm sorry.
13:21That sounds upsetting.
13:22He's trying so hard to make up
13:23for the things he did.
13:24Why can't they just leave him alone?
13:26Because they're predators.
13:27But we can help.
13:29He's here because you came around this morning.
13:31Markell had to make sure
13:32that Nevin wasn't snitching.
13:33Snitching about what?
13:37No way.
13:39You walk away,
13:40he ends up back in prison or dead.
13:42Without us,
13:43Nevin either gives in,
13:44gives Markell what he wants,
13:45or he doesn't and Markell kills him.
13:47We're his only hope at a different outcome.
13:50You promise you can protect him?
13:52I'd be lying if I said yes.
13:54But he's got no chance without us.
14:03Markell wants Nevin
14:04to launder drug money through the bakery.
14:06Said he had 24 hours to decide.
14:11Now you know.
14:14So, what's the play?
14:16Arrest Markell for assault?
14:19If we do that,
14:20Markell's guys will kill Sasha and Nevin.
14:22Then what?
14:24I don't know.
14:26Neighbor said she didn't witness the theft,
14:27but, quote,
14:28that statue was the real crime.
14:30The woman I talked to said
14:31that she wished she had the balls
14:32to steal that thing years ago.
14:33And whoever took it
14:34should have a statue erected in their honor.
14:36All right.
14:37One more house and I'm calling it.
14:40I'll be right back.
14:42All right.
14:43One more house and I'm calling it.
14:48There's a car in the driveway.
14:54Just have a few questions for you.
14:58We can follow up tomorrow.
15:01Did you hear that?
15:03Hear what?
15:30Think how I feel.
15:31I've been lying in it.
15:32I have a brother.
15:34My father is dead
15:35and I have a brother.
15:36Yeah, we've been through all of this
15:37at some length.
15:39I mean, yesterday I didn't have a brother
15:41and today I have a brother.
15:43That is a serious shift in the universe.
15:45Is it?
15:46Look, I mean,
15:47real siblings are people
15:48that you share your childhood with.
15:50That guy shares some DNA.
15:52Doesn't make him your brother.
15:54Got your suspect in interrogation.
15:56Northeast Division caught her
15:57trying to cash in
15:59on one of the stolen scratchers
16:01at a 7-Eleven in Los Feliz.
16:05Smitty, our killer is a six-foot,
16:06200-pound male.
16:08Which is none of those things.
16:10I didn't know the scratcher was stolen.
16:12Okay, I swear.
16:14Where'd you get the ticket?
16:16And work is?
16:17The Red Angel.
16:19Strip club.
16:20Yeah, I've had some
16:21pretty pathetic tips before,
16:22but this is the first one
16:23that's landed me in jail.
16:24Relax, you're not under arrest.
16:26We just need the name of the guy
16:27who gave you the ticket.
16:28I don't know.
16:29From the stage,
16:30it's just a sea of losers.
16:31No offense.
16:32None taken.
16:33I don't really frequent those.
16:34I mean, I've been.
16:35I just don't make a habit of it.
16:37Does the club have cameras?
16:39Not officially.
16:40That's a yes.
16:41I'll call the club
16:42and get the footage sent over,
16:43and then you and Chastity
16:44can go through every frame
16:45and find the guy
16:46that tipped her the ticket.
16:49As in,
16:50she'll be watching me
16:51as I watch her?
16:52As in,
16:53you're solving a murder.
16:57Stealing that statue
16:58was a public service.
17:00It almost got you killed.
17:01Still worth it.
17:04Excuse me.
17:07Is this your station?
17:09What a funny little world.
17:11Who's that?
17:12Wesley's mom.
17:15What's she in for?
17:16They found an unlicensed gun
17:17in her car
17:18during a traffic stop.
17:27Oh, wait.
17:29I'm about to do
17:30one of my signature moves.
17:32How is that even possible?
17:34Uh, the key is
17:35core strength
17:36and pride
17:37in my dancers,
17:38which is why
17:39I'm in the dancers' area.
17:40Well learned.
17:44Got somewhere else to be?
17:47kind of.
17:50I have a date.
17:51It's not for a few hours.
17:52Oh, good for you.
17:53Dating is challenging,
17:54especially towards the beginning.
17:55Well, this is
17:56an old girlfriend,
17:59Making what's old new again.
18:02You seem a little nervous,
18:05when we were together before,
18:06it was,
18:08Have you talked to her
18:09about your fears?
18:14you are incapable
18:15of communicating
18:16with someone you care about,
18:17but have no problem
18:18being explicit
18:19with some stranger
18:20in a thong.
18:23Oh, there he is.
18:24Scratch-off guy.
18:26Right before we went upstairs
18:27for our private.
18:28That is a nice,
18:29clear image.
18:30We should be able to get a match
18:31off facial recognition.
18:33I, like,
18:34cracked the case?
18:36Yes, you did.
18:39Walk him out.
18:41if you ever want to
18:42come by the club,
18:43I'll give you
18:44free lap dance.
18:45Oh, thanks.
18:46That's very sweet.
18:47We should probably
18:48just keep this
18:49professional, though.
18:51Hey, man.
18:53Hey, I, uh,
18:54I just want to stay
18:55sorry for earlier.
18:56I, I know things
18:57got a little out of hand.
18:58You know,
18:59it's pretty normal for me,
19:00but, uh,
19:01I know you don't
19:02know me that well, so...
19:03You were going through
19:04some stuff,
19:05so it's okay.
19:06Like I said,
19:09Where are you staying?
19:10I'm renovating a house
19:11on Beachwood.
19:12You're welcome
19:13to use the guest room.
19:14Uh, it's okay, man.
19:15I'm staying
19:16at the Starlight Motel.
19:17Plus, I got to catch
19:18this bus to Tempe
19:19in the morning.
19:21I love Tempe.
19:22I did the, uh,
19:23the Iron Man competition
19:24there twice.
19:25Oh, cool.
19:26I've never been
19:27to the gym.
19:28Uh, Pete,
19:29this is Chastity.
19:34do you want to, like,
19:35go get, uh,
19:36sushi or something?
19:37I'm sick.
19:38All right.
19:39Hey, man.
19:41do you think I have some money
19:42for that sushi today?
19:45It's LA sushi.
19:46Don't worry about paying me back.
19:47I won't.
19:48Have a good one.
19:49That was weird.
19:50What are you doing here?
19:51They had a trouble.
19:52Maybe I can.
19:53This is serious.
19:54They found a gun
19:55in my car.
19:57I don't know.
19:58I don't know.
19:59I don't know.
20:00I don't know.
20:01I don't know.
20:02I don't know.
20:03I don't know.
20:04I don't know.
20:05I don't know.
20:07They found a gun
20:08in your car.
20:10you know how dangerous
20:11this city can be.
20:12A woman who has to be able
20:13to protect her self.
20:15where did you even
20:16get the gun?
20:19the tennis instructor.
20:21we're dating now.
20:22Don't say it.
20:23I know what you're
20:24going to say.
20:25He likes me for me.
20:26It's not my money.
20:28come on.
20:29Don't tell Angela
20:30about Christian,
20:32I don't want him
20:33to get in trouble.
20:34Promise me, Neil.
20:36Lawrence. Oh, how nice to see you.
20:39Patrice. Wesley.
20:41It's been far too long.
20:42Uh-huh. You called the family lawyer?
20:44I thought I was gonna handle this.
20:46Oh. Oh, sweetie, I love you, but you work above an Ethiopian restaurant.
20:50And you need a real lawyer.
20:53I knew you'd understand.
21:01My mom fired me.
21:04Did she say where she got the gun?
21:07Yeah, but it's privileged. I can't tell you.
21:09Well, she's gotta get the guy up.
21:11Ballistics came back.
21:12The gun in her car was used in an armed robbery six months ago.
21:15Homeowner was shot.
21:16She's looking at accessory after the fact.
21:27Come on.
21:30Something to drink?
21:33Your place looks great.
21:35Oh, thank you.
21:38I hope you like white.
21:39Did someone punch you?
21:40Yes. Um, I have had a day.
21:44Do you want to talk about it?
21:45If I start talking about it, the whole night's gonna be about that, and I want tonight to be about us.
21:53So what do I do?
21:55The smart thing would be to get Nevin to launder the money.
21:58Use him as a CI to roll up Markell and his whole crew.
22:01Um, Nevin's trying to go straight. We'd be destroying that.
22:04Yes, in order to put some pretty bad people behind bars.
22:08Look, it's a tough call, but you're gonna have to get used to making those as a sergeant.
22:15Scores are in.
22:16Let's just ride. You're number eight out of 140.
22:19Yes! I knew it!
22:24Congratulations, Sergeant Bradford.
22:27Not a surgeon yet. Eight on the list, it'll probably take six months or so.
22:30Actually, there's a position opening in North Hollywood.
22:33Captain there owes me a big favor.
22:35And if you want, I can make it happen.
22:37You'd start in two weeks.
22:39Two weeks?
22:40Can I think about this overnight?
22:43Yeah, of course.
22:44But there's no guarantee you'll get a better opportunity if you pass this up.
22:49Uh, more wine?
22:51No, I'm good.
22:54The food was to your satisfaction?
22:57It was great.
23:04This is weird, isn't it?
23:06No. Yes.
23:09Yes, it's weird.
23:10You know what? I got some advice today from sort of a relationship expert, and I think we should try it.
23:18Okay. I'm gonna tell you exactly what I'm thinking.
23:23Is that even possible?
23:24Well, here goes. I'm gonna give it a try.
23:28When we were together, it was so easy.
23:34It was so good.
23:36And now here we are 20 years later, and I'm worried that maybe I'm trying to recapture something that could potentially already be gone forever.
23:46Does that sound crazy?
23:47No. I mean, I feel the same way.
23:50Okay. Because I really like you, Grace. I like having you as my friend. I really like having you in my life, and I'm terrified of screwing that up again.
24:02Is this a mistake, trying to open this door?
24:07I don't know. I mean, maybe. But...
24:13But what?
24:16I really want you to kiss me right now.
24:28What was that?
24:37Someone just stole my inheritance.
24:40Shouldn't you call it in or something?
24:42No. I'm pretty sure I know who did it.
24:52Yeah, I've been here all night.
24:53What a completely natural way to answer a door.
24:56Oh. Hey, John.
24:57Hi, Chastity.
24:58You know her?
24:59Yeah. Long story. Chastity, have you been with Pete all night?
25:03Did you at any point in time witness him stealing a car?
25:04Oh, yeah. I for sure saw him do that.
25:06I don't lie to a cop or a guy until at least the third day.
25:12Why don't you and I go for a walk?
25:14Oh, okay. Yeah.
25:20So, you gonna arrest me now?
25:21No. We have to talk.
25:23What? There's nothing to talk about?
25:24Our dad is dead, and I don't know what to do with that. And I got a feeling you don't either.
25:29But maybe together we could figure something out.
25:32All right. Maybe that could help, you know?
25:34My head is spinning around right now.
25:35Exactly. And if you're anything like me, you've got to be wondering, why would he leave this car to me?
25:41Yeah. I mean, you know.
25:43We did work on it every day after school, you know?
25:46He would save up money and try and get all the parts, slowly build it up.
25:50I mean, it took four years to build the whole car, and then two to get it to look like this.
25:54At least you had those moments with him. You know, that's more than I got.
26:00Sorry about that.
26:01I, uh...
26:03I think maybe he was a little over the top and overcompensated with me because of how he bolted out on you.
26:09It wasn't all good, though, you know?
26:11Like, he came to my games, but, like, he drank a lot by the seventh inning.
26:14He was, like, trashed and embarrassed me in front of my friends, you know?
26:18Didn't sound very fun.
26:20He gave me my first beer when I was 13, and then my first joint when I was 15.
26:25So, I turned out great.
26:28I grew up thinking I did something wrong.
26:31You know, if he loved me, he wouldn't have left, right?
26:34I'd stay up late at night, listening to my mom cry herself to sleep, coming up with crazy plans,
26:40how I was going to track him down and, I guess, win him back.
26:43But now I'm thinking I dodged a bullet.
26:46You dodged a huge bullet.
26:50Still love him, though.
26:53Is that weird?
26:54No, it's not weird. It's human.
26:59You know what? You should have the car.
27:02It's all he wants. We should honor it, right?
27:04You sure about this?
27:05Plus, I know I'm nuts and everything, but I'll figure it out.
27:07You know, maybe me giving you this is my closure, or whatever they call it.
27:14I don't know if it's what Dad intended, but by leaving me the car, he actually connected me to you, so...
27:23Stay in touch, Pete.
27:25Just come visit. You can make sure she's running right.
27:30Oh, I have something for you.
27:33Come on, I...
27:35Come on.
27:47That's not...
27:49I figured, you know, maybe...
27:50Pop the lid.
27:51I figured maybe, you know...
27:52Oh, you really don't have to...
27:53Hey, man, it's our dad. You deserve to have a half, right?
27:56All right.
27:58Look at that.
27:59You're a chunky guy.
28:00Yeah, I get a lot of that.
28:01All right.
28:03Got some more beer.
28:04Oh, that's right. Hey, do you, uh...
28:06Do you want to come in for a nightcap?
28:08I'm gonna braid her hair and watch a fight.
28:10Very sweet. We really do have to go.
28:12I have to be at the hospital early.
28:15Cool, cool. Okay, well, it was very nice meeting you.
28:17And, uh...
28:20Should we hug?
28:21Yeah, hell yeah.
28:22All right.
28:23Thanks for not arresting me.
28:25Stay out of trouble.
28:26I will.
28:32I like him.
28:35I just can't believe I have a brother.
28:40We're half brothers.
28:41Sorry, the walls are thin.
28:43All right.
28:44They're brothers.
28:47So, um...
28:49I guess...
28:50We're driving ourselves home.
28:53Not exactly how I pictured the evening.
28:57I'm sorry for spoiling our date.
28:59Are you kidding me?
29:01I mean, this goes down in the unforgettable column.
29:04Well, um...
29:06Lest we forget, before all this happened,
29:09I think we were interrupted.
29:11I think we were right about it.
29:24What's in the bucket?
29:26Half my dad.
29:30Like I said.
29:44See you soon.
29:46Yes, you will.
30:25Can we talk for a minute?
30:26Unless you gotta get permission first.
30:28Nah, man, I'm good.
30:32You would've threatened me, Officer Bradford?
30:34Stay away from Nevin and Ralphs?
30:36Nah, we both know you don't scare.
30:38So what, you here to play to my better angel?
30:40Yeah, something like that.
30:41See, here I thought you were a hard case.
30:43A man who put Keyon and Pelican back.
30:46Nevin did his time.
30:47He gave your crew a chance.
30:49He's a good guy.
30:51Nevin did his time.
30:52He gave your crew a decade of his life.
30:54Took the fall like a good soldier.
30:56Let him walk away.
30:57And what's that do for my rep?
30:59Letting people slide.
31:00Reputation is an idol and most false imposition
31:02off God without merit and lost without deserving.
31:05You have lost no reputation at all
31:07unless you repute yourself such a loser.
31:11A fellow.
31:13That was a nice pull.
31:15But Shakespeare didn't know nothing about
31:17running a gang in the 21st century.
31:19You don't want to go down this road.
31:21Trust me.
31:23Ain't no off ramp here, Bradford.
31:25See, I got plans for Nevin.
31:28There's nothing you can do to stop him.
31:33What do we do now?
31:34I don't know.
31:35We made our plan, we failed.
31:37Wow, I never thought I'd see you give up that easily.
31:41You gotta pass the victory boot, I'm all ears.
31:43No, I don't.
31:44But you're the king of subversive tests and tricks.
31:46There's gotta be some way to win
31:47by coming at this sideways.
31:54Ah, Manolo.
31:56It's your ramp pocket with the scratch off guy
31:58from the strip club video.
31:59Tucker Novak?
32:00Is that the guy you put a bow line on?
32:02Yes, sir.
32:03Then yes.
32:04He's in cell three.
32:06I'm innocent.
32:07Of what?
32:08Of whatever you're about to accuse me of.
32:09You went to the Red Angel Strip Club two nights ago.
32:14Can I have that?
32:16You stole those tickets from the liquor store on Pico
32:18and then you killed the owner.
32:19Whoa, whoa, whoa.
32:20I had nothing to do with that.
32:21Not sure I said I didn't kill anybody.
32:23Then who did?
32:25I want diplomatic immunity.
32:27Yeah, see my father, he was born in Spain
32:29and they're members of NATO, I think.
32:33So, yeah, I want diplomatic immunity.
32:38You got it.
32:39Wait, really?
32:40Spanish father means you were solid.
32:43Alright, check this out.
32:44My boy Cole gave me a call the other day.
32:46Said he needed help scratching off 500 lottery tickets.
32:49But hey, he didn't mention no murdered woman.
32:51And he just let you keep the winners?
32:53I mean, only the small ones, like I gave to that stripper.
32:55No, he kept the big one.
32:57The big kahuna.
32:58Worth 250 grand.
32:59And where can we find Cole?
33:00I don't know.
33:01He told his roommates he was moving up
33:02once he scratched off the big winner
33:03and last I heard of him, he was still trying to cash in the ticket.
33:06Lottery doesn't pay out prices that size at convenience stores.
33:09Either you have to mail it in or go up to Sacramento.
33:11I'll call Sacramento PD.
33:12Have them sit on the lottery office.
33:14What about me?
33:15You're under arrest for accessory after the fact.
33:17But what about my immunity?
33:19Some bad news.
33:25You'll never believe,
33:26I met the most fascinating people in here last night.
33:30Lawrence, give us a minute.
33:31Well, we're discussing my legal strategy, dear.
33:33He does DUIs for rich kids,
33:34which is why you spent the night in jail.
33:36This is a criminal matter.
33:38You need a criminal lawyer.
33:40Okay, thanks, Lawrence.
33:47I know why you want to protect Christian,
33:50but you do not understand who he really is.
33:53I ran a background search.
33:55He's been to prison for armed robbery
33:58and the gun he gave you,
33:59he used it in a crime after he got out.
34:01He shot someone.
34:02They almost died.
34:04God, I had no idea.
34:06He took advantage of you,
34:08but you will be charged in his crime
34:10unless you tell Angela that he gave you the gun
34:13so that she can go arrest him.
34:20Christian Roberts!
34:21We need to talk to you.
34:23Damn, I was really hoping he wouldn't run.
34:24Told you not to eat that meatball sub.
34:39Oh, my God!
34:52Where'd he go?
34:53I don't know.
34:55Why are you wet?
34:56I don't want to talk about it.
34:58Seven, Adam Seven,
34:59send additional units to our location.
35:01Look for Suze Loftin.
35:05Council request.
35:06Suspect in custody, code four.
35:12Colt Henry.
35:13Just tried to cash in a stolen scratch-off
35:15at a store across from Union Station.
35:17You must be trying to grab a train to Sacramento.
35:19Feel like some overtime?
35:20Hell yeah.
35:23Check the board.
35:24Where is it?
35:26Train to Sacramento, platform three.
35:27Okay, that is in 20 minutes.
35:29Let's split up.
35:30Hey, hey, listen.
35:31So far this case has been strippers and idiots,
35:33but this guy,
35:34he killed a woman in cold blood.
35:36Don't lose sight of that.
35:37I won't.
35:54I went to the far end of the concourse.
35:56No sign of Colt.
36:03we need to get to platform three.
36:05Police, turn around very slowly.
36:24He got a gun!
36:25I don't have a gun!
36:26I don't have a gun!
36:27I don't have a gun!
36:28He's got a gun!
36:31I don't have a gun!
36:41Where is he?
36:42I don't know.
36:43Did you see him?
36:46Someone help me!
36:48Go, go.
36:57Back up.
37:01Don't do this.
37:03Get back, lady.
37:05It's not gonna happen.
37:07Show me your hands, and they better be empty.
37:09I didn't mean to kill that woman.
37:11She grabbed from my gun.
37:13Why'd she do that?
37:15There's only a few hundred in the register.
37:17There's nothing we can do about that now,
37:19but you can control what happens next.
37:21My whole life, I never wanted anything.
37:23But I got that big ticket now,
37:25and I want to cash it in.
37:27It's worthless, Colt.
37:29Just like the one you tried to cash in across the street.
37:31They were all canceled the moment they were reported stolen.
37:33This is...
37:35This is not fair.
37:37I never wanted anything in my life.
37:41But I won that.
37:43You can't take that away from me.
37:45The only thing you are winning is a body bag
37:47if you don't give up right now.
37:49You think I care?
37:51I'm looking at life in prison.
37:53So I'm calling the shots here.
37:55So turn around
37:57and walk away
37:59right now.
38:01Or else...
38:03Or else what?
38:05Your last act in life is gonna be murdering a child?
38:07The world doesn't owe you anything, Colt.
38:09Not a winning lottery ticket,
38:11not a happy childhood, nothing.
38:13We all gotta do the best with what we got.
38:15And for you, right now,
38:17that means giving up
38:19and getting on the ground.
38:37I'm pulling my hand out.
38:39I let go
38:41of the gun.
38:43Just don't shoot me.
39:01Suspect in custody. Code four.
39:17I handled your father's
39:19leaving very badly.
39:21And his death.
39:23And I've spent the past few years
39:25trying to get over myself.
39:27Look, it's my fault, too,
39:29for not being around more.
39:31I've been a little selfish.
39:33A little?
39:37Look, I promise to try harder
39:39to get over myself.
39:41Be there for you.
39:43And the good news is,
39:45the DA's not pressing charges against you.
39:47So we could all use this as, um,
39:49a learning experience.
39:55Genius move,
39:57making Nevins the go-to donut shop
39:59for the LAPD.
40:01Markel wouldn't dare launder money here now.
40:03North Hollywood's lucky
40:05to have a sergeant like you coming in.
40:07Actually, I, uh...
40:09I told Gray that I'm not interested
40:11in moving up just yet.
40:13What, are you holding out for the Malibu?
40:15Tim Bradford finishes what he starts.
40:17I haven't finished training you yet.
40:21You haven't.
40:23You are gonna move up at some point,
40:25though, right?
40:27Because I put a lot of time
40:29into those books on tape.
40:35I had
40:37a great
40:39time last
40:43Great time
40:45last night.
40:49No exclamation point.
40:51Great time last night.
40:53Let's do it again
40:57Let's do it again
40:59soon? Let's do it again soon.
41:01Why don't people just
41:03call anymore?
41:07I was, I was just
41:09trying to text you.
41:11There's an art
41:13to it. I'm just messing with you.
41:15I just spent the last half hour rewriting a text
41:17to you, and I just, you know, I, um...
41:19I figured that I'd just call.
41:21I'm glad you did.
41:23What was that?
41:25Uh, that was the sound of my
41:27inheritance being stolen again.
41:29Can I call you right back? Sure.
41:31Tell Pete I said hi.
41:33Will do.
41:39I thought you said you needed me to have the car
41:41so you could have closure.
41:43Yeah, no, I don't really believe in closure.
41:45Plus, Jasity loves the car.
41:47Hi, John!
41:49Hi, Jasity.
41:51So, Pete, listen.
41:53I know you don't believe
41:55in closure, but I do, and
41:57you've given me some.
41:59Closure I never thought I would have,
42:01so thank you.
42:03Anytime, man. Hey,
42:05did you do me a favor and maybe mail me the keys?
42:07Because I had a hotwire of this in your driveway.
42:09Sure thing.
42:11Stay safe, Pete. Keep in touch.
42:13You got it. Hey, man, having a brother cop
42:15is pretty sick. That means a lot to me,
42:17Pete. Even from you.
42:37Damn it.