• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “L’Italia deve tutelare la cosmetica e promuoverne gli interessi, è
settore trainante a livello mondiale”. Lo ha dichiarato l’eurodeputato di Fratelli d’Italia, Michele Picaro, a margine dell’evento organizzato
a Bruxelles dalla Value of beauty Alliance, che ha chiesto alla Commissione europea l’avvio di un dialogo strategico per affrontare i
problemi relativi all’impatto legislativo sul settore.


00:00Let's start with a fundamental fact, that this sector represents 1.5% of the Italian GDP,
00:12this sector represents 50% of the products that are used in the world,
00:18so Italy must preserve it, protect it and promote it in the various activities
00:23and on this there will be my maximum attention,
00:27especially in the commissions of which I am a member, public health and environment,
00:31so that the Italian system can be further enhanced,
00:36which in cosmetics is the leading axis worldwide.
