• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Le autonomie strategiche nel nuovo scenario globale, ovvero la capacità dell’Europa, e dei suoi Stati membri, di agire in modo indipendente nei settori chiave come salute, energia, difesa, tecnologia e industria sono stati al centro del primo appuntamento di ‘Future Callin - dialoghi di policy’. Promosso dal Comitato Public Affairs di AmCham nella sede di Lilly Italia a Sesto Fiorentino, l’evento vuole avviare un confronto costruttivo tra istituzioni e imprese sulle grandi trasformazioni in atto.


00:00The role of Europe and Italy in a world that is rapidly changing is to make our country more competitive, resilient and attractive, especially in one of the strategic sectors such as Life Science.
00:15This is the aim of the meeting of strategic autonomies in the new global scenario, hosted in the seat of Lille Italia, 6th Florentine, with the participation of institutional, European, national and regional representatives and the Consul General of the United States of America, Florence, Daniela Ballard.
00:31The initiative is the first meeting of the Future Calling cycle, policy dialogues, with the aim of starting a constructive comparison between institutions and enterprises on the great transformations in action.
00:40I think that never, as in this historical phase, Europe has a visceral need for strategic autonomy.
00:47Europe, so far in many sectors, has been dependent on third countries, has linked its destiny to that of third countries, we have seen it during the pandemic, but we have also seen it in moments not strictly related to the medical-sanitary field,
01:04which, when a third country makes different political choices from those made so far, I think, for example, of the US government, this has suddenly very serious repercussions on the economy and on European strategy.
01:19The central theme of the meeting is strategic autonomies in the new global scenario, that is, the ability of Europe to act independently in key sectors such as health, energy, defense, technology and industry.
01:30Autonomies that are not equivalent to closure, but have a greater ability to make structured synergies to guide choices and reactions through dialogue with trusted partners.
01:40It is important to establish synergies with those who can make innovative and high-value investments in our country, which make the economy and our community grow, give jobs, guarantee exports. The case of Alililli, from this point of view, is exemplary.
01:58This first meeting has deepened the challenges and opportunities for the sectors linked to the strengthening policies of strategic autonomies, as well as to promote concrete proposals to face global changes in action.
02:08Having a comparison between companies and institutions, both at the local and national level and at the European level, is fundamental for a greater reason in a historical moment such as this, in which we are talking about scenarios that are also worrying scenarios, especially with regard to taxes and many other issues that can seriously challenge companies in our territories.
