(Adnkronos) - “Tra i temi e le sfide del futuro del giornalismo c'è sicuramente l'intelligenza artificiale, ma non solo: per esempio, come essere sostenibili dal punto di vista economico sulle piattaforme. Senza dimenticare il fermento creativo, all'interno di questi ecosistemi, dove anche grazie alla tecnologia rischiamo di fare tutti troppe cose simili". Sono le dichiarazioni di Francesco Oggiano, fondatore Digital Journalism Fest, in occasione dell’omonimo festival al centro culturale Base di Milano. Una giornata ricca di incontri per parlare del futuro della comunicazione, tra giornalismo social, creator, piattaforme, Intelligenza artificiale e consigli per creare contenuti.
00:00The first idea that comes up is the pandemic, when we all stay at home and we almost want to learn together, so already then I had tried to do online meetings on Zoom, then I had various attempts and this time we are finally in a live event.
00:20Surely there will be a second edition, I have already thought of it as the first of a series of editions, there are many topics to talk about, artificial intelligence, there were super curious people about what was happening, so the challenges are not missing, so the appointments will not be missing.
00:36From the point of view of the challenges of journalism, on the one hand there is artificial intelligence, on the other hand the platforms, how a journalism manages to be sustainable on the platforms economically and also how to maintain the creative ferment within ecosystems in which even thanks to technology we sometimes risk doing too many similar things.
00:55We must avoid making the mistake we made in the 2010s with AI. In the 2010s, drunk by the numbers and by journalism on the internet, we started to do a whole series of articles, I was the one who did them, of doubt, value, maybe not of very high quality, in an attempt to make numbers.
01:13Then we used precarious strategists and I was a precarious one, now we risk making the same mistake but using AI, so if we do that we do not have a great future in the long term.