00:00Today's Weekly Sanmato Matsuko is approaching the idol group Watashiizumu, which had a total of more than 60 million viewers last time.
00:12Last time, there were only about 5 people, but after the broadcast, there were about 20 people.
00:20Is the power of TV that weak? Is the power of TV that weak?
00:24The one who supports them to continue their activities is...
00:29Family management by producer Wakagyan Family
00:34The one who earns most of their activities is...
00:37Wakagyan Mama's fake money
00:42Kitchen in the middle of a fake?
00:45This is terrible
00:47There is a ridiculous menu. Don't be surprised
00:50Oden is 2,500 yen. Churros is 1,000 yen. Fish & Chips is 2,500 yen. Karaage bento is 3,000 yen.
00:56Oden is 2,500 yen.
00:58If it's 2,500 yen, it's probably a fight.
01:01What's the sales?
01:04It's a kitchen card.
01:0830 minutes before the fake bubble
01:13What is Watashiizumu, an all-female idol group?
01:18It's an idol group produced by a beauty influencer, Wakagyan, who made a total of 25 million yen.
01:27Watashiizumu has been doing more plastic surgery and updates since the last time it appeared.
01:36I've already done two.
01:39What's changed?
01:42To tell you in detail, the width of the double eyelid has been narrowed a little.
01:48I just made it cute.
01:51How old are you?
01:523 years old
01:56Do you still smoke?
02:02I cut the right eyelid and made it a little bigger.
02:06Only the right eye?
02:07Yes, only the right eye.
02:08What do you mean by only the right eye?
02:10The left and right were asymmetrical.
02:13Did you match it to the left?
02:15Yes, I matched it to the left and made it bigger.
02:17Make the same face and smile.
02:20It's cute.
02:22It doesn't change much.
02:25I'm doing a cat surgery.
02:30I put protease in here and make a beautiful E-line like a cat.
02:37Does love-chan have a long philtrum?
02:42That's right.
02:43It's a surgery that lowers the middle part of the nose.
02:46It's beautiful, but the Eros you have is gone.
02:55Love-chan had a strange eroticism.
02:59That's why I said I liked San-chan.
03:01I see.
03:03My feelings don't change.
03:07I had a full nose surgery.
03:11I also had a fat reduction surgery.
03:13It's different.
03:15It's quite different.
03:17It's a full nose surgery.
03:20What is a full nose surgery?
03:21A full nose surgery can make the nose higher or smaller.
03:29What I did this time is that the position of the nose is lower.
03:34I see.
03:35I made the space between the mouth and the nose smaller.
03:41How did you do it?
03:43It's like a rib.
03:44It's like a bone.
03:48It's like a rib.
03:50That's right.
03:52I make the nose beautiful.
03:55It's refreshing.
03:57That's right.
03:58Did you have a full nose surgery?
04:00I made the nostrils round.
04:05Did you make the nostrils round?
04:07You can change the shape of the nostrils.
04:10If you have a thin triangle, you can change the shape of the nostrils.
04:15If the nostrils are round, it's cute.
04:17If the nostrils are vertical, it's beautiful.
04:22I made the tip of the nostrils round.
04:25Did you bring the tip of the nostrils?
04:27I'm going to put the pig's cartilage in here.
04:33Pork bone is ramen.
04:37IZUMO was living together in a house in Nakanoku during the plastic surgery period.
04:45This year, the living together was canceled.
04:49However, the reason for this is that the gap between the members' wealth has increased.
04:55How are the two members living together?
04:58They live alone in a house worth 170,000 yen.
05:01That's amazing.
05:02170,000 yen?
05:04That's more than 150,000 yen.
05:06It's a good place.
05:08They live alone in a house like this.
05:13The reason is this.
05:15They receive 300,000 yen in allowance from their parents every month.
05:18A three-year-old child?
05:21I'm three years old, so I get 300,000 yen.
05:23That's a lot of money.
05:25This is how VIVI lives now.
05:27She lives alone in a house with her parents.
05:30Do you live in a house?
05:32I don't have a rent.
05:33I don't have to pay rent or food.
05:38I don't have money, so I work part-time.
05:41I buy clothes and cosmetics myself.
05:44Do you work part-time?
05:45What do you do?
05:46I work part-time at a bar and sell grilled chicken skewers.
05:50That's amazing.
05:51You sell grilled chicken skewers.
05:55On the other hand, there are three poor members.
05:59There are 13 people living in a mysterious Southeast Asian house.
06:03They live in a share house with three people.
06:05They live alone in a house like this.
06:07The number of members of the share house has increased.
06:10There are 13 people living in a mysterious Southeast Asian house.
06:13Is there a room for one person?
06:15That's right.
06:17I was surprised.
06:20That's right.
06:22What are you doing?
06:24I was surprised.
06:26I'm fine.
06:27I don't go out in the corridor.
06:30There is a shared space in the kitchen.
06:33There are three rooms in the room.
06:35I recently became friends with a person from Myanmar.
06:41I'm glad.
06:43I don't want the people of Myanmar to think that Japanese people are like this.
06:48I'm Japanese.
06:51You live in a house with savings.
06:54I worked part-time at a curry shop.
06:57Did you work part-time at a curry shop?
06:59I worked part-time at a curry shop.
07:01I made a living by selling curry.
07:06I made a living by selling curry.
07:09However, I was fired.
07:10Did you get fired?
07:12I was fired.
07:13There is only squid.
07:15This is delicious.
07:17You don't have a dining table.
07:19You are eating the leftovers of your sister.
07:21That's right.
07:23Thanks to that, I don't have to be a homeless idol.
07:27I live in my sister's house.
07:29Your voice is small.
07:32I'm sorry.
07:33I can't speak because I haven't eaten.
07:36That's right.
07:37I haven't told you this.
07:40I gave my sister a piece of sushi.
07:46I haven't told you this, but your sister knows this.
07:49You moved it like this.
07:51I put the crab in a good position.
07:53I see.
07:54What is the operation of WATASHIZUMU?
07:59It's a loss of 35 million yen.
08:02It's better to disband.
08:04I didn't know if I would disband.
08:08I didn't give up.
08:10I tried to start over.
08:12I made a big move.
08:14It's a family business expansion.
08:18That's right.
08:19A new member joins the family business.
08:26Let's hear about the family business.
08:35This is amazing.
08:41What kind of article is this?
08:44It's like a fly.
08:47I will introduce the WAKANYAN FAMILY.
08:51Wait a minute.
08:52I'm in this group.
08:56I don't know this group.
08:59I'm in charge of this group.
09:02You look like a member of this group.
09:06This is the WAKANYAN FAMILY.
09:15My mother is a strong woman.
09:19She is a strong woman.
09:22She is the strongest woman.
09:25Your mother is amazing.
09:27Look at her.
09:30She is a strong woman.
09:33Your mother is amazing.
09:35Your mother is amazing.
09:38I don't want to go home.
09:41Your mother is amazing.
09:44Do you run a sushi restaurant in Hokkaido?
09:47I don't run a sushi restaurant.
09:49I run a sushi restaurant in NISEKO.
09:51She is a strong woman.
09:54She is a strong woman.
09:56You are a strong woman.
09:58I'm doing this.
10:03I'm in charge of the song.
10:05I'm not in charge of the work.
10:08I'm in charge of the work.
10:10I'm in charge of the work.
10:14I'm a professional composer.
10:21IMACHI DAISUKE, the husband of producer WAKANYAN.
10:26He is a professional composer who offers songs to many artists.
10:32He also composes songs for WATASHIZUMU.
10:36You don't seem to be familiar with me.
10:41Do you have any complaints as a professional?
10:44I want to support young people.
10:50Is this an order from your wife?
10:52This is an order.
10:55I may be a brainwashed person.
10:57You are a brainwashed person.
10:59WATASHIZUMU's maximum monthly income is 40,000 yen.
11:03I recently got a part-time job at TAIBI.
11:06He is my manager YUA.
11:08I will give YUA more money.
11:12This is 40,000 yen.
11:15He is amazing.
11:18His manager is amazing.
11:20He is the person I am most interested in.
11:24What is he?
11:28He doesn't talk, he just moves.
11:32He hasn't said a word yet.
11:34What kind of work do you do at TAIBI?
11:37I work at a pickles factory.
11:39I peel the radish.
11:43I don't know how far the radish is peeled because it's white.
11:47Can YUA be a good manager?
11:51He is not a good manager.
11:54Is that so?
11:56When I started YOUTUBE, I was the manager of YOUTUBER.
12:00I can do anything on YOUTUBE.
12:04I received the order and received it.
12:06That was the main job of the manager.
12:09I came to TAIBI without a computer.
12:12At first, I was fired once.
12:16That is 40,000 yen.
12:19You can only earn 40,000 yen now.
12:23Isn't that a great punishment?
12:26He earns 40,000 yen.
12:29That's a great punishment.
12:31How much do you earn every month?
12:33I earn about 50,000 to 60,000 yen.
12:35Do you live in a house?
12:37Do you have a house rent, heating, and food expenses?
12:40You have a lot of things.
12:44I can't live as soon as I leave the house.
12:47You have a chain on your foot.
12:51Do you have a dream in the future?
12:53I want to be an idol manager like J.Y. Park.
12:56How old are you now?
12:57I will be 28 years old.
12:59When J.Y. Park was 28 years old, he couldn't put his feet on his feet.
13:04He was very popular.
13:07YUA is aiming for J.Y. Park.
13:10In fact, he was connected to a famous entertainer.
13:14YUA is a relative of KINSHI HAGIMOTO.
13:19You are his relative, right?
13:20That's right.
13:21He is my father's grandmother.
13:24He is my father's grandmother.
13:27Is it okay to announce this?
13:29Is this okay?
13:30Can I sue you?
13:33If you say no, it's over.
13:38If you ask me, you can't ask me.
13:40What should I do?
13:42After this, we will move on to the new member of the management team.
13:46The picture I took is in the shape of a heart.
13:49That's great.
13:50It's a bubble.
13:54This is the new member.
13:57The atmosphere is different.
14:00He is a veteran of glasses.
14:03Did you notice?
14:04He is in charge of accounting.
14:07He is a friend of WAKANYAN MAMA.
14:09He is a member of SUSUKI-NO-ONO.
14:12That's terrible.
14:13He is MAMI HIRANO.
14:15He is a member of SOSUKI-NO-ONO.
14:18He is a friend of my mother.
14:20This is the picture I took at that time.
14:26The picture I took is in the shape of a heart.
14:28That's great.
14:31It's a bubble.
14:34Everyone in the back is smoking.
14:38He smokes for a long time.
14:40He smokes for a long time.
14:42He is a member of PARLAMENT.
14:44He is a member of PARLAMENT.
14:46I see.
14:48He orders 50 beers at 5 o'clock.
14:54The karaoke monitor is a brown can.
14:58He opens the GOLDEN WEEK on May 8th.
15:02He is excited.
15:03He opens the GOLDEN WEEK on May 8th.
15:06He is excited.
15:08He is a new member.
15:09He is in charge of dancing.
15:13He is a member of HIRANO HANNA.
15:15He is a member of HIRANO HANNA.
15:18What is this?
15:24He is a member of HIRANO HANNA.
15:26He participated in many dance world competitions.
15:28He won 3rd place in the world when he was in elementary school.
15:30He won 2nd place in the world when he was in junior high school.
15:32He won 1st place in the world in a group battle.
15:36He is a serious person.
15:38He won a dance lesson once.
15:40He won 3,000 yen.
15:42He is a member of HIRANO HANNA.
15:44Is this a simulation golf?
15:51He is not a member of HIRANO HANNA.
15:53He is not a member of HIRANO HANNA.
15:57Why am I a member of HIRANO HANNA?
15:59I am the best member in the world.
16:03He is a member of HIRANO HANNA.
16:08He is a member of HIRANO HANNA.
16:12You are a member of HIRANO HANNA.
16:15Don't talk about adult idols.
16:18Don't talk about mama.
16:21The theme is mama.
16:24I will change the theme.
16:25I am a member of HIRANO HANNA.
16:29He is a member of HIRANO HANNA.
16:34He is a member of HIRANO HANNA.
16:39Luxury hotels from overseas are coming in.
16:44It's a fake bubble.
16:48WAKAYAMA MAMA runs a restaurant.
16:53They make a lot of money in the summer and winter.
16:57There are a lot of fake restaurants.
17:00That's right.
17:01That's bad.
17:02That's bad.
17:03That's a terrible thing.
17:04This is a take-out restaurant in the summer.
17:16I am WAKANA.
17:20That's right.
17:21This is a take-out restaurant.
17:22This is a small coffee shop.
17:24This is the station on the way to KYOBUKUCHO.
17:28This is the shop.
17:30This is a park.
17:33That's a good name.
17:36There is spring water in the back of the shop.
17:39I use that to make ice coffee.
17:43I also make shaved ice with that water.
17:45Do people from overseas come here?
17:47That's right.
17:4890% of them are inbound.
17:50Tourist buses stop about 50 times a day.
17:53Is this water free?
17:55That's right.
17:56That's right.
17:57You make a lot of money.
17:59You make a lot of money.
18:00Shaved ice costs only 500 yen.
18:03That's terrible.
18:04That's amazing.
18:05This is almost free except for croquettes.
18:09How much is this?
18:11Please enter P.
18:13That's amazing.
18:15That's about it.
18:17That's a good place.
18:20I've been doing this for over 10 years.
18:21I've been doing this before the NISEKU bubble.
18:23I've been running this shop for about 25 years.
18:26Did it become a bubble without permission?
18:28That's right.
18:29This is a summer story.
18:32NISEKU is a winter story.
18:34That's right.
18:35After this, the winter NISEKU bubble is approaching.
18:39How much is the sales?
18:41That's about it.
18:42This is a kitchen card.
18:46This is FURANO and HAKUBAN.
18:48I'm coming soon.
18:50If you want to see it again, please come to TVER or YOUNEXT.
18:55He runs a restaurant in NISEKU, HOKKAIDO.
18:58He is a young man who makes a lot of money in the summer and winter.
19:03He makes a lot of money on the road in the summer.
19:06What does he make money on in the winter?
19:09How about this?
19:11It's a kitchen card in the middle of NISEKU.
19:14That's amazing.
19:16It's a kitchen card.
19:17That's amazing.
19:21In fact, there are few restaurants in NISEKU.
19:25The kitchen card, which aims for customers who cannot enter the store, is very popular.
19:29Most of the customers are foreigners.
19:32There is no menu in Japanese.
19:34This is English.
19:36This is not English.
19:38This is not Japanese.
19:40This is not Japanese.
19:41There is an amazing menu.
19:42Don't be surprised.
19:43This is it.
19:44This is ODEN for 2,500 yen.
19:46This is CHIRUSU for 1,000 yen.
19:47This is FISHER'S CHIPS for 2,500 yen.
19:49This is CHIRUSU for 3,000 yen.
19:51This is a good deal.
19:54This is ODEN for 2,500 yen.
19:56If this is 2,500 yen, I will have a fight with you.
20:01You are going to have a fight with me.
20:05That's sad.
20:07Are you going to have a fight with me?
20:10I'm going to have a fight with you.
20:13This is the most popular fried chicken bento.
20:17This is fried chicken bento for 3,000 yen.
20:19This is 3,000 yen.
20:20There is no place to eat at night.
20:22The convenience store is also closed.
20:24I'm hungry, so I can't help it.
20:27How much is the sales?
20:29It's about 600 yen a month.
20:31This is a kitchen carpet.
20:33I can't buy it.
20:35You shouldn't look at such a place.
20:37I bought it late.
20:39Do your best to laugh.
20:43If you do your best, you can beat a fake.
20:46I think this is the limit.
20:56They are sensitive to each other.
20:59Their relationship is not good.
21:02GORIKEN is exaggerating.
21:04That's not true.
21:05Look forward to it.