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Skibidi toilet is next..

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00:00This is a public toilet in Japan.
00:02Not only is that face incredibly creepy,
00:05but once you sit your sweet cheeks down,
00:07that face begins to yodel.
00:08Yodel, yodel, yodel, yodel, yodel, yodel, yodel...
00:11And to make things even worse,
00:13the entire wall begins to close in,
00:16inch by inch,
00:18it kisses your knees.
00:20But that's not the only weird toilet that exists in Japan.
00:23In fact, there are dozens of even crazier public toilets
00:26that you can poop in.
00:27And I'm gonna find the perfect one.
00:29I'm here in Japan. Oh, there's a fire engine
00:33I'm here. I'm here spell I cup because I see you peeing in these transparent toilets. Look at that
00:41Wonderful. I haven't been able to take a poop anywhere, but my own home in like 10 years
00:46But I'll explain more about that later for now. Just know I'm here to all right quick little turn
00:51We got a sink a urinal a toilet pretty normal stuff
00:55If you ignore the fact that everyone can see you drop a hot steamy
00:59Luckily for me, there's a little bit of privacy in this one some high-tech stuff right here. Look if I lock this I
01:09Don't know how that works. I don't even know why this exists when it came to Japan
01:14I didn't think that I would be pooping quite so public. I'm not actually sure if I will be able to poop in here
01:19Most likely because I have a new fear unlocked which is that this technology feels at any moment
01:26The whole of Japan will see my butt cheeks. I
01:30Got stage fright it's time to undo the magic. Oh
01:34When I everyone and including them can see me
01:39pooping so
01:44Totally unsuccessful, but there's a toilet coming up that I've only heard rumors about a 1 million dollar toilet at this point
01:51I should probably tell you that I consumed
01:55120 bowls of noodles last night. That is not a joke long story short
01:58I lost an eating competition to a small Japanese lady
02:01My intestines are more backed up than MKBHD's hard drives if there's one thing that I know that induces a poop. It's coffee
02:09I don't know where to get coffee. Everything's in Japanese. So I think something may have got lost in translation
02:14I asked for a cappuccino. I
02:17got a
02:19Cappuccino I
02:21Got a cat. I just want to ham on the latte art. I was filming it. It's really sweet
02:27It's time to set my sweet cheeks on another toilet. Okay, this might look like a giant white ball
02:32And that's because it is this is actually a voice control toilet. I just hope I understand English
02:38Okey-dokey toilet extract. Oh
02:45Think there's someone in there. Oh
02:47I think there's someone in there. It's very awkward. I just looked in and asked the toilet to extract my poop
02:51Hopefully they don't speak English. Oh, okay. I realize that this one's also available. It says hi toilet. Hi toilet
03:00I'm technology. This toilet is designed so that you don't have to touch anything
03:05Everything is controlled by your voice more pressure less pressure. That sounds terrifying. Hi toilet
03:16Hi toilet
03:24We've done something wrong, I think I figured out okay, I had to scan my phone
03:31Play music
03:40Different kind of ball movement that I was thinking of
03:49Hi toilet, hi toilet. Hi toilet the screens gone off. I
03:56Think I broke it
04:02I'm gonna walk away
04:05I just broke a really expensive toilet
04:10It was time to take things up a level my next plan to help induce a poop was to head to get some traditional
04:17At 7-eleven. I've assembled the ultimate poop inducing meal. We've got coffee obviously a laxative and then we've got a chicken bar
04:26Which I'm least looking forward to but it does look like a poop. So maybe it goes out the way it goes in
04:33Um, that makes it sound like I'm gonna deep throat this I'm not I'm gonna chew I'm gonna bite it and shit
04:44Is it I think
04:46On to the next toilet, I guess and when I arrived at the next toilet, I bumped into a fellow toilet tourist
04:54Richard that's not his real name. But as you're about to see I'm way too socially awkward to even ask someone their name
05:01So he's Richard
05:07Yeah, I was there earlier today, yeah
05:10It exists
05:12So apparently I'm not the only one doing the toilet tour which makes me feel so much better because every single one of these
05:17So far is right beside a kids park as you can probably hear try not to film the kids
05:23Because I don't want to be put on a list in Japan. Not that I'm on a list anywhere else
05:28This next toilet is inspired by nature
05:32No, it might not look like much from the outside
05:34But as my mom always said it's what's on the inside that matters and now that I think of it
05:39I think she was calling me ugly. Hopefully one is available. This one is for women with large
05:49We got the theme going
05:51Lots of wood
05:53Is it just me or no matter where you go?
05:55You kind of lay like toilet paper around the edge of the seat
05:57Just you know, that thin layer of paper is enough to like ward off evil spirits and some kind of STDs
06:07On my way to the next public dumping grind I caught something out of the corner of my eye something I could not turn down
06:15When you're videoing a video about poop and you see poop ice cream, you can't refuse it comes in a toilet
06:21Let's hope it isn't actual poop, that would be a disaster
06:24It turns out Japan actually built a bunch of these toilets as part of the Tokyo toilet project
06:30Which is insane to me considering that you'd be lucky to even have a toilet seat in a public toilet where I'm from
06:36But what's even more insane is where I'm going next
06:43I definitely shouldn't be inside this hotel. Thankfully, the people of Japan are way too nice to kick me out
06:48This place is so fancy has an artificial beach
06:52I passed through the murals, through the indoor river, past the seven levels of the Kandakeyan forest and made it to the
07:001 million dollar toilet
07:03Okay, I have to be really quiet because I'm in a 1 million dollar toilet
07:09Sounds like a Mr. Beast video
07:11I do not have enough money to stay in this hotel, but I'm here
07:17Anyway, the entryway to this toilet had a bridge. That's how fancy we're talking here, people
07:22A literal bridge. It's almost as if it's like a metaphor for me overcoming my fear of pooping in public
07:31It was time to see what 1 million dollars gets you
07:40It's just a normal toilet
07:43It's just a normal toilet
07:45Wish me luck
07:47Apparently they spent all of the money on the golden ceiling and the bridge
07:52So yeah, if this video taught me anything, it's with enough time and enough effort you can live your dreams
08:04What I'm trying to say is that I pooped
