GERVINHO IS BACK IN FUT!!! FUT Birthday has brought back him, Doumbia and Ibarbo and we are doing SBSD on him #aj3 #squadbuildershowdown #fc25 vs @ThisIsFg
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Make sure you subscribe for more FUT and football videos!!! This is the home of Squad Builder Showdown, EA Sports FC Ultimate Team / Fifa Ultimate team, real life football videos and more!!!
00:00What's up everybody, welcome back to Squad Builder Showdown. Today, it is on
00:06Giovinio, the forehead, a rather fast blast from the past. Hello, FG.
00:12Hello, Mr. AJ3. Yeah, this is so, so good that these three are out.
00:17This is like the
00:19infancy, the start of my career, basically, watching KSI make videos on
00:26Giovinio, and Doombeer, and Road to Division One, and all of that craziness, and they're back.
00:33Giovinio, foot birthday hero in FC25. I actually can't believe they've done this. This is so good.
00:39It's actually class. All of them, all three of them, it's actually mental, isn't it?
00:43It's so sick. Do you know what? There's been a lot of good stuff this year, to be fair.
00:48I feel like FC25 definitely got off on the wrong foot, and there was kind of a mass exodus of people playing it.
00:54And I think it gave EA a kick up the arse, and
00:57since Team of the Year,
01:00they did the new patch, they had Team of the Year, we've got like Builder and Evos, we've got Giovinio,
01:04we've had Zidane, we've had Maradona. There's actually been so much good content, actually.
01:07Yeah, there actually has, you know, to be fair. I mean, I'm still not a fan of how many packs there are in the store, though.
01:12No. Like, I'm still not a fan of that, but this is, I can get behind these, the giant load, the magic trio coming back,
01:18I can get behind it. And you can build them with Evos as well, which is kind of crazy.
01:22This one is 1.3 million coins. 5-star, 5-star.
01:26Rapid Plus, Trickster Plus, which the more I use, the less I hate, to be honest with you.
01:30I was a certified Trickster Plus hater, and it's not my favorite one, but you know, it's pretty good.
01:34I think all the play styles are good. You know what else is really good? Load-driven.
01:38Yeah, has he got the normal one? He's got the silver load-driven shot, yeah.
01:42Oh, new play style, new play style plus in the game. We'll talk about that in a little bit. First things
01:47we need to talk about, FG. Yeah, we do need to talk about AHA3, because I know what you're gonna come to, and I hope
01:52you are gonna come to what I think you're gonna talk about. Previous Squad Builder Showdown, which I'm now looking at,
01:56I'm wearing the exact same fleece, so shout out to Andy for varying the wardrobe, but there we go. It's a nice fleece. Anyway,
02:03I thought it'd be a good idea to just remove guessing the formations and just jump straight into the action, guess some players,
02:09quicken the video up a bit, remove some of the waffle. I got slandered. Just, if I may,
02:16as a man of the people, I don't represent anyone who watches Squad Builder Showdown, but what are you doing?
02:21Bring back the formations right now.
02:25There was a lot of comments. I saw them, and I was with every single one of them.
02:31Basically just saying bring it back. So, all right, fair enough.
02:35What, bring it back? Fair enough, yeah, fair enough. What, formations are back? Yeah, fair enough.
02:41All right, fair play. So you were wrong. I don't want to say wrong.
02:46What went through your head to not pick the formations?
02:49No, I still think- Formations are heritage. Squad Builder Showdown heritage is the waffle at the start and then the formations, and when you got rid of that, honestly, mate, I was sat there, genuinely, I was cheering on Curve so much.
03:03Which then, actually, I mean, what we should probably do is bring back comments of the day as well.
03:08Because I like comments of the day. I always talk about the comments on my road to glory. Yeah, I like that. Let me find them. Let me find them.
03:15I mean, the best comment was, there's nothing wrong with the formations. Andy just loves to waffle so beep much.
03:2485 likes, and I'm one of them.
03:30Good guy, Curves, let Andy score the last three goals on purpose. Are we actually discrediting my FC ability that much?
03:39Are we saying Curves throws Squad Builder Showdown? Surely not.
03:41I think Curves just switches off.
03:45I mean, I'm guilty of doing it sometimes, and you can't always please everyone, because sometimes, like in the last comment section replying to stuff about Curves conceding three goals, there's people calling me an asshole for just carrying on sweating and scoring loads of goals.
04:01I agree. I agree with that. I've been on the end of that.
04:04But then there's also the same people saying Curves is wrong for not doing that.
04:08I didn't see when it was 7-2, and it was like the 80-something minute. I didn't think you'd score that many goals, but I looked at the gameplay and didn't think Curves actually threw it on purpose, like genuinely.
04:23It was also a lot closer than 7-2, to be fair.
04:26Well, yeah, I know, but you went 7-2 that one.
04:27I was getting absolutely rigged in that match. I don't know how many of the highlights made it in, because there was...
04:32Curves battered you, mate.
04:33No, he didn't.
04:34Well, based on Marius' editing, Curves battered you.
04:36Yeah, I know. That's what I'm saying. There was 12 goals. We would have had a 45-minute highlight montage.
04:41I did watch it, though, as well, and it was very close that game, to be fair, yeah.
04:46Either way, you can't please everyone. So maybe we're going to bring back Comment of the Day. So get some nice comments down in the comment section. Get some fun, interesting discussions.
04:52And what you'll do, mate, is you'll end up just doing Comment of the Day with someone calling me bald, and I'm literally not bald anymore.
04:58That wouldn't be Comment of the Day, mate. That'd be like Comment of the last 12 years, since you were 26 years old.
05:04Oh, mate, thank you for bringing back formations to Squad Builders Showdown. What a silly idea to get rid of it, it was, in the first place.
05:10You're getting old, mate, because you're making bad mistakes.
05:13What formation do you want?
05:15No, what formation do you want?
05:16What formation do you want?
05:23What did you guess?
05:26Oh, I'm lucky then. So one of us can have a formation.
05:29Welcome back to Squad Builders Showdown Formations. Am I joking? I put 4-3-3.
05:33I had you in the first half, though, didn't I?
05:35Oh, you see that panic that you just had? That is what Squad Builders Showdown is all about.
05:41That is Squad Builders Showdown heritage, that two minutes where you were just absolutely bottling it.
05:48Let's move into the first picks.
05:49Good to be back.
05:55Into the Strikers, we go.
05:58Into the Strikers, we go with an FG.
06:00Who do you want? Well, striker and right wing.
06:02Forwards, who do you want?
06:04Foot birthday to Ram.
06:08That's actually really annoying.
06:10Oh, why is that annoying?
06:11Because I've rubbed them out.
06:12Did you really?
06:13Who do you want on right wing?
06:19Well, I've rubbed... I wrote two normal guesses and then thought, hang on, hang on a sec.
06:26I wrote two Ram and a Quadrado.
06:32And then I rubbed them out and wrote Doombeer and a Barbo.
06:39Okay, okay, okay.
06:41Alright, nice.
06:43I like your thinking. I'm not stupid.
06:45Yeah, because Doombeer is like mad expensive.
06:49And so is a Barbo, to be fair.
06:51But you can get three versions in a minute.
06:53Yeah, true.
06:54Which one was your favourite back in the day?
06:57Probably a Barbo.
06:59I think I was a Doombeer fan.
07:02Was it CSKA Moscow, Doombeer?
07:04Oh my God, Doombeer is so sick, bro.
07:07This is like actual heritage EA Sports.
07:11You've done really well.
07:12Doombeer, FIFA 12, 82 rated in the Russian League.
07:1894 pace was actually 99.
07:2077 shooting was actually 99.
07:23A 65 strength was actually 99.
07:26It's just disgusting.
07:28What a card.
07:30It's just, it's football heritage, mate.
07:33Jovino was class as well.
07:35So good.
07:36Do you want to know what I want?
07:37Yes, please.
07:38At right wing, I'm going for his Irish compatriot.
07:47Oh, I'm at Diallo, nice.
07:50St. Paddy's there, yes, Steve?
07:55I'm on the Irish.
07:56Look at the Irish.
07:58Guess all the expensive players for FG.
08:01And then at striker, you pointed out low driven.
08:08I did.
08:10I'm going to have low driven plus.
08:12Oh, okay.
08:15Gary Lineker.
08:17Has he got low driven plus?
08:19Has he?
08:20Quick step and low driven plus.
08:22It's over for you, mate.
08:23All right, okay, yeah.
08:24That's going to be really annoying,
08:26because I'm going to concede a lot of them.
08:27But okay.
08:28You can have them both.
08:30You can have them both,
08:31because I wrote Dumbia and Ibaba.
08:33Oh, damn, mate.
08:34Did you actually?
08:36Yeah, you can have them both.
08:39I thought one of us would have a bit of heritage in us,
08:41but never mind.
08:43That's funny.
08:44Well done.
08:46You can have them both.
08:49Oh, God's sake.
08:52Let's get into the midfield.
08:57Into the midfield we go then, FG.
09:00I am forever being accused of building stinky squads.
09:03I agree, to be honest.
09:04I mean, I have just put a 60,000 coin icon up front.
09:08But he does have to know play style plus.
09:10That's fun.
09:12And I've picked Diallo, who's 500k.
09:13And he's like, United have got two good players.
09:18His name's Diallo, and the other one's Bruno Fernandes.
09:20So I'm going to pop him in my team as well.
09:21Bruno Fernandes is really good, by the way.
09:23He's really good.
09:24I've said this for ages.
09:25Like, why does he get so much grief?
09:28Well, again, I've said this for ages.
09:30Bruno Fernandes is probably not a very good captain.
09:34To be...
09:36He's just always moaning and stuff,
09:37and he doesn't strike me as somebody who, like,
09:39inspires the players and, like, goes,
09:41come on, and, like, geesed them up on the pitch.
09:43He's just always rolling around on the floor grumbling.
09:45He is well-class.
09:48But no-one's inspiring the players there, are they, mate?
09:51Well, yeah, but...
09:52Yeah, even Roy Keane couldn't outman United currently.
09:55What I've always said about Bruno Fernandes is
09:57there's different types of petulant.
09:59Some people do, like, dirty fouls
10:01and professional fouls and stuff like that.
10:04Like Rodri, for example.
10:05Bit harsh on Rodri, that, to be fair, but all right.
10:07And then other players dive.
10:12Anthony Gordon used to wire me up for diving all the time.
10:14Yeah, true.
10:15Bruno Fernandes does both,
10:17and that's when it becomes really annoying.
10:19Like, if you're going to dive, whatever,
10:21you're a bit of a knob.
10:22If you're going to do petulant fouls, whatever,
10:24you're a bit of a knob.
10:25If you're going to do both, you're just a hypocrite.
10:27Look, I don't like Manchester United,
10:29but I don't think he dives a lot.
10:32I think he goes down, like...
10:34Bruno's one of them players who you could, like,
10:36pat him on the back of the head as you walked past him
10:38and he'd jump on the floor and hold his face, 100%.
10:41But would also go into a tackle, studs up,
10:43and then be like, why are you even rolling on the floor,
10:45whatever you've even done.
10:46But is that football heritage?
10:47It's the hypocrisy that annoys me.
10:49I've always said that for ages,
10:50but he is absolutely world-class.
10:52Yeah, I agree.
10:53Anyway, he's in my team.
10:54He's not world-class.
10:55I'd say he is world-class, to be fair.
10:57He is. He's better than LeBron.
10:59Oh, for me.
11:05Right, yeah, you could have him,
11:06but right, Mbappe, yeah.
11:08Ethan Mbappe, obviously.
11:09Yeah, obviously, yeah.
11:10Good one.
11:11And link them both together with João Neves.
11:15João Neves.
11:17How good are PSG, by the way, FG?
11:19They are really good, yeah.
11:21We played them, and I thought they were good,
11:24but I think the way that they played Liverpool...
11:27The way they played Liverpool, particularly at home,
11:29was terrifying.
11:30They're just...
11:31That João Neves is some player, by the way.
11:34He's mad, isn't he?
11:35Annihilated us as well.
11:36He's so good.
11:38You are a bit in the mud here for Kem, though.
11:40Nah, it's fine.
11:42Who do you want to come, mate?
11:44Bruno Fernandes.
11:49Not so mudded anymore.
11:51I wrote down Rice, Toon and Bruno Fernandes.
11:56I'll tell you what that Bruno Fernandes can do, mate.
11:58He can dive out of your team,
12:00and this is where I'm going to cook,
12:01because that front three looks very good of yours.
12:05Very good of yours.
12:07So I'd like to put a goalkeeper there, of course.
12:11Bruno Fernandes.
12:12I did write Ella Toon, to be fair.
12:14I was thinking you'd take Ella Toon, but...
12:16We are not cooking.
12:19I would like you to please have...
12:26That's your cam.
12:27There you go.
12:28Thank you very much, mate.
12:29Much appreciated.
12:30Have a great day.
12:33I need an instant bounce back.
12:35Yeah, you do.
12:36I got slandered by the Real Madrid fans in the last video
12:38for calling them vaudevilles.
12:41I'm going to get slandered by the Man United fans
12:43for calling Bruno Fernandes a bad captain and petulant,
12:46even though he is well-classed.
12:47I don't think he's a bad captain, honestly.
12:49I think he leads by example in terms of his performance on the pitch.
12:52He's the one... I don't know.
12:53I don't watch them all the time,
12:54and some of my mates hate him and some of them love him,
12:56so I don't know.
12:57I like him, though.
12:58I don't like him.
12:59I hate United, but...
13:00Roy Keane wasn't United's best player, was he?
13:02No, but he's a leader, yeah, I get that.
13:04But Roy Keane was unbelievable, though, to be fair.
13:06Well, yeah, so is Bruno Fernandes,
13:08but I'm just saying he's not the leader, you know?
13:11I mean, I'm not being funny.
13:12They've not really got much there, have they?
13:14And he's been there for all the years, and he's put in...
13:16He's given everything.
13:17Joe should be.
13:18Harry Maguire.
13:19Put some respect on Harry Maguire's name.
13:21That man gets bullied by the media,
13:23he gets bullied by football Twitter,
13:25he gets dropped by his managers,
13:27and he's still there, he's still grafting,
13:29and to be fair to him, he's actually quite good.
13:31I don't think he's as bad as everyone says.
13:34And the amount of extra abuse that he gets as well.
13:36And he's still just putting a shift in and playing decent.
13:38Shout-out to Harry Maguire.
13:40And he's got a foot birthday, what a guy.
13:42That's, of course, the number one defining moment
13:45of a footballer's career,
13:46is whenever they've got a foot birthday.
13:48I've had him 11 times in a row.
13:49Players, FG.
13:52Who are they?
13:53Yari Lipmanen.
13:56Fantasy FC hero Lipmanen.
14:05You've probably written Tewa Meni down here, haven't you?
14:07Because that's really obvious, because of Turan.
14:09I'll have Gavi, foot birthday.
14:13And then...
14:16I'll have Zouba Mendy, foot birthday.
14:19Just not a single bit of Sarri Akem,
14:21when I've wrote Hamsik and Paredes.
14:26And Bellingham, you can have them all.
14:29I should have used Tewa Meni, he's so good as well!
14:33I get called Stinky Squads,
14:35and you're picking Lipmanen, Zouba Mendy.
14:37I've got two foot birthdays and Lipmanen.
14:41Zouba Mendy's really good.
14:43Five star, five star on that.
14:47Team's looking good!
14:49All right, cool.
14:52Nomi Gustaf.
14:54Oh, you're in trouble for Kem here, aren't you, lad?
14:56Bit of trouble there, you, mate.
14:57Oh, you are in trouble!
14:59Trouble, Ethan, and that pays on life support!
15:03Let's get into the fullbacks, shall we?
15:09All right, FG.
15:10It's just hit me that I've got 2.3 million coins on the line
15:13and no Cam.
15:16You've got a good front three, though.
15:18And a good midfield, too.
15:19And a closet.
15:20Yeah, interesting.
15:22Couldn't give me a Matt Turner, could you,
15:24after his masterclass against Bateson?
15:26Absolutely not, and that's the reason you didn't get him.
15:28What a man.
15:29What a man.
15:30Yeah, people slander me in the last video.
15:32Oh, Kev's let you score some goals.
15:34I beat Bateson.
15:35I'm good now.
15:36People were saying in the Bateson video,
15:37was Bateson just bad?
15:38Yeah, you actually did beat Bateson,
15:40which is pretty impressive, to be fair.
15:42Yeah, come on, guys.
15:43Put some respect on me.
15:48Got your board up.
15:50Who do you want?
15:51Sergio Gomez.
15:52Who now?
15:54Sergio Gomez.
15:55You know your turnaround's got no chemistry?
15:58I'll worry about that when I get to the centre-backs.
16:00All right, you'll carry on, then.
16:03Who's the next 20k player you're putting in?
16:09He's 400k!
16:11Yeah, I know.
16:12Should have wrote him, really, because I put DeMarco.
16:17But then I put Pavard.
16:18Oh, my God, as if I've got away with that.
16:22By the way, Turan's on full camp now.
16:25Who do you want, mate?
16:26Dumfries, isn't he?
16:28Yeah, no, he's not...
16:30Oh, that's not good, that, actually.
16:36Who do you want, mate?
16:37I want some more FIFA YouTube heritage.
16:43Didn't you?
16:45OK, nice.
16:47This card is so good, by the way.
16:48I hope you did it.
16:51Actually insane.
16:52He's had two upgrades.
16:53He's 90 rated.
16:54Quick Step and Jockey Plus.
16:56I used Theo Hernandez, mate.
16:58They're going to beat PSG
17:01and get to the semis
17:02and he'll get another overall
17:03and another role plus.
17:05Oh, that's kind of crap.
17:07Oh, no.
17:08No, no, no, he's already got that, sorry.
17:09Qualify for the semis
17:10and he's going to get another overall
17:11and five star week for...
17:15And then when they beat Madrid
17:16in the semis,
17:17he's going to get another play style plus.
17:19I used Theo Hernandez, mate.
17:21Didn't you? He's clear.
17:22Anyway, on the other side,
17:24this is actually really bait.
17:25And to be honest with you,
17:26I was kind of expecting to get my midfield
17:27and then this might just be
17:28a bit of a sacrificial lamb.
17:31I'll be honest with you,
17:32if you haven't written Claws,
17:35I'm going to be very surprised,
17:36but that's who I'm going for.
17:38He's got Power Shot Plus
17:39and Long Throw Plus out right back.
17:40Arguably the two deadest play styles
17:42of all times.
17:43Who? Claws?
17:45You're an idiot.
17:47You're getting really old
17:48because obviously I've written Claws down.
17:50Let's go, that's Claws!
17:52I wrote Batcher as well.
17:54You're so shit at this.
17:56Right, okay.
17:57I'll give you...
18:00Who have we got to go up against?
18:05My camera's just unfocused
18:07and is unfocused on my face
18:08and honestly, it's probably for the best.
18:12Look at my nice foot birthday card,
18:13by the way.
18:14How cool is that?
18:16Yeah, I got one as well.
18:17I want you to find...
18:18I want you to have the lowest rated
18:19right back on the game.
18:24You're really bad at this,
18:25by the way.
18:28Do you know what it is?
18:29It's because I don't spend
18:30an hour and a half
18:31designing a team
18:32that I want to build
18:33whilst Andy sits there
18:34in Discord when you say
18:35let's film at half nine
18:36and you said
18:37I'm ready at 11am.
18:38Maybe you should spend
18:39that much time.
18:40Maybe I should
18:41or maybe we should just
18:42get on and film
18:43and I could be...
18:44we could be doing Tevez now
18:45on your channel
18:46and this would all be in the past
18:47and it wouldn't matter
18:48and I'd be a happy guy.
18:49But I'm having fun right now.
18:50Are you not entertained?
18:51We could be 11.45
18:52and this is just
18:53a distant memory, you know.
18:54And we're just doing Tevez
18:55on your channel
18:56and I'm having a nice time again.
18:57But actually,
18:58I sat there for an hour and a half
18:59listening to you
19:00type player names in
19:01to foot GG
19:02and then you finally said
19:03I'm ready and guessed
19:04all my players
19:05and I'm not very happy
19:06about it to be honest with you.
19:07Alright, cool story.
19:09Should we move on
19:10to the Xenophants?
19:11I don't really want to
19:12to be honest with you.
19:13I've got nothing to talk about.
19:15How about the fact
19:16that you've got two bronzes
19:17in your team?
19:19Maybe something else.
19:20What's been going on
19:21in football?
19:22Oh, well done Newcastle.
19:23That was good.
19:24That was actually really good.
19:26Shout out to Dan Byrne.
19:27That's a cool moment.
19:28Shout out to Bateson
19:29who watched PSG
19:30and Newcastle beat his team
19:31in a week
19:32and should probably stop
19:33watching Liverpool now
19:34because the Bateson curse
19:35actually exists.
19:37It's quite funny to be fair.
19:39Quite funny.
19:40That's pretty funny.
19:41Enjoy your bronzes, mate.
19:44Women's Champions League
19:45quarterfinal this week.
19:46That's going to be pretty cool.
19:47Yeah, I'm going to that
19:49Man City, Chelsea.
19:50That's going to be a spicy game
19:52It's going to be an interesting one
19:53after the cup final, yeah?
19:54Madrid, Arsenal,
19:55Bayern, Lyon.
19:56Has the draw already been done?
19:58Well, I think we played
19:59Barcelona that side.
20:00I think we're that side
20:01of the draw.
20:02Yeah, so
20:03feels bad to be you.
20:04You're out.
20:05Yeah, I think so as well
20:06to be honest.
20:07You're going to be out
20:08for Chelsea.
20:09I did watch Barcelona
20:10and they were a bit rubbish,
20:11you know?
20:12No, come on.
20:13I watched them last
20:14I watched them when they played
20:15City at the Joy.
20:16Hey, did you see they lost
20:17a game for the first time
20:18in about three years?
20:19We beat them, mate.
20:20You did beat them.
20:21I did watch that game.
20:22Yeah, and I was so disappointed
20:23with Bob Matty and that.
20:24But then they battered you
20:25in another game
20:26and topped the group.
20:27Yeah, alright, mate.
20:28There's no need for that.
20:29It's a red injuries.
20:30They've actually lost a game
20:31for the first time
20:32in the league,
20:33I'm talking.
20:34I mean, it's actually mad
20:35how we're celebrating that.
20:36They're so good.
20:38They're so good.
20:39Yeah, first time in two years
20:40that they lost a game
20:41in the league.
20:42It is actually insane, isn't it?
20:43They've lost two games
20:44since 2021.
20:46No, they haven't.
20:47They have.
20:482021-22 season.
20:50Does that not just get
20:51a bit boring, though?
20:52Apparently, they went 30-0.
20:54They won all 30 games
20:55in 21-22.
21:00It's like watching
21:01Tex play foot champs
21:02or something.
21:04The season after,
21:05they had a stinker
21:06and got 28 wins,
21:07one draw, one loss.
21:1023-24, they went 29 wins
21:12and a draw,
21:13so they didn't lose
21:14last season.
21:16And then 24-25,
21:18they've lost a game.
21:19So in the last four seasons,
21:20they've lost two matches.
21:22That's actually insane, that.
21:23How mental is that?
21:25They lost two.
21:27I'm pretty sure the team
21:28that's going to get relegated.
21:29No way.
21:30They lost 2-1 to Levante.
21:32Mate, if you go to Barcelona,
21:33you're guaranteed
21:34to win everything.
21:35Levante are one point
21:36above the relegation zone.
21:38I hope Levante stay up
21:39because that's heritage.
21:40That rematch will be spicy.
21:43Do we have to move on now?
21:44Or can we carry on
21:45just talking about
21:47Yeah, we have to move on, mate.
21:48You've got two bronzes.
21:50Cheers, pal.
21:54I'll be honest with you, FG.
21:56It's potentially the most scared
21:57I've ever been in my life.
21:58That's good.
21:59It's great to know.
22:00Other than one time
22:01where I drove around the bend
22:02on a country lane
22:03and someone was overtaking
22:05someone around a blind corner
22:06on the opposite side of the road,
22:07which made them on my side
22:08of the road
22:09and was driving straight at me.
22:10That was pretty scary as hell
22:11and is forever engraved
22:12in my brain.
22:13Yeah, it seems that way
22:14because that's the most
22:15maddest story I've ever heard.
22:16I'm glad that you're okay.
22:17Going around a corner,
22:18some guy's just in my lane
22:20driving straight at me.
22:21And what happened?
22:22We both slammed on
22:23and he dived back in
22:24behind the car
22:25that he was trying to overtake
22:26going around a blind corner.
22:28It's actually mad
22:29how many people can't drive.
22:30It's actually mad
22:31how bad I am at
22:32Scobbler showdowns,
22:33to be honest with you,
22:34considering how many of them I've done.
22:35Yeah, I mean,
22:36this is your full-time job.
22:37In fact, there's some guy
22:38who comments every now and again,
22:39this is Andy's,
22:40and he knows how many
22:41Scobbler showdowns there's been.
22:42Oh, can we have a moment, please,
22:43to speak about Lucas.
22:45SPS Data.
22:46He's stopping
22:47at the end of this game.
22:49He has been going
22:50for absolutely ages,
22:51to be fair.
22:52I respect the grind.
22:53He is an absolute legend.
22:57At some point,
22:58you've got to say.
23:00There's only so many stats
23:01you can make, you know.
23:02Lucas, you are valued.
23:04Maybe we should bring back
23:05stat of the day
23:06for one last run.
23:07Exactly 200 days
23:08that you will publish
23:09the last Scobbler showdown stat.
23:10This means that my last
23:11stat of the day
23:12will be released
23:13on the day of my 28th birthday,
23:15the 28th of September.
23:17What an absolute legend.
23:20Yeah, he's an absolute legend.
23:21I stopped going on Twitter,
23:22so I stopped seeing them very much,
23:23I'll be honest with you.
23:24He's the reason
23:25that I cook you every time.
23:26Yeah, because you just
23:27use that data.
23:28Yeah, I do.
23:29You're going to be missed.
23:30If there's any SPS
23:31Data 2s coming out,
23:32let us know.
23:33I'll follow you first.
23:34But yeah,
23:35shout out Lucas,
23:36what a man.
23:37And at 9,700,000 coins
23:41will be discarded
23:42in Scobbler Showdown
23:43on FC 25.
23:45Which means you could tip me
23:46over the 10 mil mark today.
23:47Oh, right.
23:49Okay, then.
23:50All right.
23:51Who do you want, mate?
23:52Or is it my go?
23:53Tell me who you want.
23:54I only need one Serie A player.
23:57So I'll start
23:59with a very modest
24:11And then
24:14I'll put Rudiger next to him.
24:18And then I'll just pick
24:19a goalkeeper from.
24:20I mean, look,
24:21I could put my nan
24:22that would get me full cam.
24:23I put Pepe Reina
24:24five star five star bit bait.
24:26Those probably won't do that.
24:27I could even put you on summer
24:29who's probably never
24:30going to get picked ever.
24:31And we just play for the team
24:32is done for his own.
24:33So I'm not going to do that.
24:34And then I can also put.
24:35Yeah, it's pretty much
24:36all I could put really.
24:39My nan, Pepe Reina or summer.
24:42How you feeling Andy?
24:44Just get this over with.
24:46Pepe Reina.
24:53Can we not just like read
24:54through Lucas's stats or something
24:55instead of doing a scoreless showdown?
24:57What have you written down here?
25:00You wrote Giggott, didn't you?
25:02Oh, this is a nice stat.
25:04Comparing the amount of goals scored by Andy.
25:06Did you write it down?
25:07I averaged 2.69 in 2020.
25:10Then 2.96 in 21.
25:122.79 in 22.
25:13Regressed a little in 23 with 2.74.
25:18I'm getting good, FG.
25:19I'm getting good.
25:20Who did you write down?
25:21You sure you don't want to go Rüdiger
25:23but then use a German link to Serie A?
25:26With T or whatever he's called.
25:28No, I don't know what that is.
25:31Sure you don't want to use Danilo?
25:34No, thanks.
25:37You sure you don't want to use Kiki Pickett?
25:42Wait, so who have you written down here, mate?
25:44Because you are using Kiki Pickett, mate.
25:46Get her 5-4-4-11 frame in your goal.
25:52Pepe Reina was on my wi-fi, my friend.
25:56Never mind low driven shots.
25:57That's probably the only one she can bloody reach.
25:59Sorry, Gary.
26:00We're going to be at Vanessa's, mate.
26:03How the tables have turned.
26:06I should have said by now.
26:08Oh, baby.
26:09Right, I just need to make sure I get my players now.
26:11Let me get this up so I can make sure they get full cam.
26:15Okay, you ready?
26:16Who am I using in that?
26:18Kiki Pickett.
26:19Okay, nice.
26:21You'll finally be able to see eye-to-eye with your goalie.
26:27Right, I'm getting a bit carried away
26:28for a man who hasn't picked his own.
26:30And I get slandered in the comments section.
26:32Now, we haven't done comments of the day for a while
26:34but I do read the comments.
26:35I get slandered for picking this guy
26:37because people keep guessing it.
26:39I'm just going to do it again.
26:40One day I'm going to get to use him.
26:44Then I'm going to get him full chemistry
26:46with Trackstar's Van Der Ven.
26:49Because, you know, let's just have 90 pace over there
26:51to make up for my bronze.
26:55Very nice.
26:56So they're all on full cam.
26:58Prem players are on full cam.
26:59I just need one league earned player.
27:03Wait, am I doing this right?
27:06Why does he have full chemistry there?
27:08Oh yeah, I'm stupid.
27:09It's because Klaus is not in my squad.
27:11But obviously I need him there for chemistry.
27:12Yeah, yeah, I'll have Alex Sandro, please.
27:16So if I just got all them
27:17and you've got a guy who doesn't even know
27:19how Scrabble the Showdown works
27:20and chemistry
27:21and he's giving you Kiki Piquet,
27:23say yes.
27:25And we get to finally upgrade
27:27to COVID Vicario.
27:29I do have to put Closet
27:31and Paré in my squad.
27:34But I've got a goalkeeper.
27:35Kiki Piquet.
27:37I'm excited, FG.
27:39See you in the game, mate.
27:44Zero diving, zero handling, zero kicking,
27:47zero reflexes, zero speed,
27:49zero positioning.
27:54Oh, God.
27:56Oh, it's so nice to see Gervinho in the flesh.
28:00Go on, hit it.
28:04You asked for it.
28:05Oh, yeah.
28:10Dumfries is really good.
28:14I've got a goalie there, you see, FG?
28:16Good save.
28:17Yeah, good save.
28:18I let you off first.
28:20Must be nice.
28:21Can't relate.
28:24Oh, my God, Gervinho's actually really good.
28:33That is actually a really good goal.
28:35I can't remember the last time I touched the ball.
28:37That was actually a really, really good goal from Thuram.
28:40I mean, there's not much to celebrate, though.
28:42He's paused it again.
28:43I've had one bit go over the ball, FG.
28:45Are you just going to keep pausing it, mate?
28:47I'm trying to make a video here, mate.
28:48Let's have a bit of fun.
28:49Right, yeah.
28:50There's nothing fun about the fact
28:51I haven't got a goalkeeper.
28:52Have a shot from the halfway line
28:53if you've got your balls.
28:54Go on.
29:00He's good, isn't he?
29:02It's just pointless having a keeper here.
29:04I touched the ball twice in 22 minutes, FG.
29:07It's just the hope that kills you, isn't it?
29:09Both times it's gone in the back of your net.
29:11Yeah, I know, because I've got no goalkeeper, Andy!
29:15It's it from there, go on.
29:18Why are you not shooting from there?
29:19I don't understand.
29:20You can do it if you want.
29:27We should stop picking goalkeepers.
29:29Do you want to bring the formation guests back
29:31but remove the goalkeeper guests?
29:32Yeah, like I've lost this game
29:34because you picked my keeper
29:35and everything else is perfect.
29:38Oh, Giovinho, even he's losing the plot now.
29:42What a ball from Closet.
29:52What a joke, mate.
29:53What a joke.
30:03Did you know that was going to happen?
30:04It's something like weird E-PREM FC Pro BS rubbish nonsense.
30:10That is the worst goalkeeper I've ever seen.
30:20Oh, what is the problem?
30:21What is the problem?
30:22What is the problem?
30:23What is the problem?
30:24What is the problem?
30:25What is the problem?
30:26What is the problem?
30:27What is the problem?
30:28What is the point, honestly?
30:47I can't believe I've deliberately fouled you
30:48to stop a kick-off goal
30:49and then you've scored anyway.
30:50Fair play.
31:01Andy, I'm sorry.
31:02Andy, that is...
31:03I actually hate this game.
31:07You're doing it wrong here, you know.
31:08You should just be shooting.
31:11I don't understand why you're trying to get so close
31:12when I've got a keeper.
31:15It's worked five times.
31:18Oh, my God.
31:23Not again.
31:24This game's so stupid.
31:25Do you know that that's a thing?
31:26There's no way you...
31:28Was that a shot or a pass?
31:29That was a cross.
31:31No, it wasn't.
31:32I promise you, it was a low-driven pass.
31:34Oh, my God.
31:38Oh, I love Domenico.
31:41Oh, I love him.
31:47Oh, that was good.
31:49Come on, Van Der Ven.
31:50Good touch, lad.
32:00I'm very stressed.
32:01Very stressed.
32:03Oh, it's so pointless.
32:08I've got time for that one.
32:16I've tackled you.
32:17Oh, my God.
32:20Shut up!
32:21You called Domenico.
32:22I just tackled you.
32:25It's a great goal.
32:26I'm so tilted.
32:27It's actually unbelievable.
32:29It's in there.
32:30It's a video.
32:31I'm so tilted.
32:37You actually are because you're not...
32:38Oh, well, it was good loss at City then.
32:43Oh, my God.
32:45I genuinely would be 6-0 up if I had a goalkeeper.
32:47And I'd be 7-6 up if I had players.
32:50I wasn't getting scanned by EA.
32:56I actually can't be arsed.
32:59That was a good goal.
33:00Was it?
33:10You are taking the...
33:13You're lying.
33:16What are you lying for?
33:20Please, for the love of God,
33:21can I not concede a kick-off goal just once?
33:24I even professionally fouled you one time to stop you scoring,
33:26and you scored it anyway.
33:32Oh, stop watching FC Pro Live!
33:44I actually can't be arsed.
33:45This is mental.
33:47Your only score kick-off is when EA gives you a stupid rebound!
33:50I don't want to disqualify my players, FG!
33:52That was a great goal again!
34:01No way.
34:04Oh, go on, girl.
34:11You're so bad!
34:13Oh, my God.
34:14You've just lost.
34:15You've just...
34:16Literally, you have failed to beat a guy with no goalkeeper.
34:21I put eight goals...
34:22This is arguably the most tilted I've been in Scubbler Showdown in ages,
34:24I'm going to be honest with you.
34:29I've just been personally victimised by EA Sports FC.
34:32Hey, come on.
34:34Andy, come on.
34:35Let's not play the victim in this situation.
34:37You were shocking, mate.
34:38I feel like the victim, FG, I'm going to be honest with you.
34:40You were shocking,
34:41and you deserved everything you got in that game.
34:43You were shocking, mate.
34:44I'm sorry.
34:45You were genuinely, genuinely awful.
34:47You actually scored a few nice goals looking through the replays,
34:49like the little roulette wave.
34:50Yeah, I did.
34:51You were awful.
34:53And then you also scored this.
34:56What happens?
34:57Let's not talk about your goals.
34:59You scored a goal off the post!
35:01You hit the post!
35:03Right, and rebounded it in,
35:04and I was just smiling all throughout it.
35:07I'm sure you were.
35:08All right, I'm ready.
35:09I'm shuffling my players up.
35:10Maybe I just need a better night's sleep,
35:12because that is the most fuming I've been.
35:15Yeah, I've got another Scubbler Showdown to call off this, buddy.
35:17You get a man's goalie.
35:18You enjoy it.
35:20You score Green Time Travellers from 40 yards out.
35:23EA goes,
35:26Hang on a second there, pal.
35:27We need to tip you over £10 million in discards.
35:30Yeah, OK.
35:31I'm actually going to cry.
35:35I can't afford this FG.
35:37Yeah, neither can I, mate.
35:38It's pretty peak, innit?
35:44Please use Crater Code AJ3FC
35:47if you're on PC,
35:48or buy your games or FC points
35:50at the link in the description,
35:51or sign into the PlayStation thing
35:53to approve me as your creator for a week
35:55in the link in the description,
35:56and I'll get some of the money instead of EA,
35:57because they're shafting me.
35:59Let me shaft them.
36:00Let me take their money.
36:01Brilliant, right.
36:02I'm sure you're getting a re-sign with that.
36:03Great ad.
36:07I've got so many good players to lose here.
36:09Ambassadorship Lost.
36:12Please Not Jovino Lost.
36:14Hashtag Not Jovino.
36:15Hashtag Not Griezmann.
36:17Hashtag Not Rudinger.
36:18Hashtag Not...
36:19Oh my God.
36:20Right, you go first.
36:30Right centre mid.
36:33Oh my...
36:37It's Alaba.
36:40And what formation are you?
36:41From BFD?
36:45How much is that?
36:47I don't know.
36:50What formation are you?
36:52The same one.
36:53You've got 140k.
36:54I'm going to say you've got away with that
36:55for a man with a kinky picketing goal.
36:56He conceded eight goals.
36:58I'm the same as you.
37:04Left centre mid.
37:06Oh my God.
37:09Who was it?
37:10My heart stopped,
37:11but also actually I'm still kind of tilted
37:12because it's Dinier.
37:15Who was it?
37:16Where was Jovino?
37:17Left centre back.
37:18Oh my God.
37:19Oh my God.
37:21I thought,
37:22all right, okay, right.
37:23You know what?
37:24I'll take that.
37:25I'll take that,
37:26get rid of that Alaba.
37:28I'll happily put him into a gold upgrade.
37:30Now that I'm not in danger
37:32of losing my livelihood.
37:35I can objectively say
37:36what a mental game.
37:38It's a very good game,
37:39it's quite well done.
37:40Thank you for having me Andy.
37:41Thank you for bringing formations back.
37:43Formations are back.
37:44Dinier is gone.
37:45And I mean...
37:46And Alaba is also gone.
37:48Yeah, but also...
37:50What have you just...
37:51Were you...
37:52Right, now that it's over,
37:53tell me honestly,
37:54were you doing shots?
37:55No, bro.
37:56That was passing.
37:58You passed it into the back of the net
37:59with Jovino through McKeeper.
38:00Oh, that was a low driven, yeah.
38:02I thought you meant the one
38:03where it rebounded off him.
38:04We're not too afraid
38:05when it rebounded off him.
38:07Jovino's really good.
38:08I want to keep him.
38:10I want to keep Dinier.
38:12I said now that I'm
38:13no longer Discord,
38:14no more coins,
38:15I wouldn't be tilted.
38:16I'm still tilted.
38:17I'm losing Dinier.
38:18Discord will turn around
38:19on Carlos Tevez now.
38:22At least I've still got you
38:23on my road to glory, mate.
38:25Love to see you.