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00:00Hi guys, welcome to another video by myself, BatesIn87, where today we are opening everything.
00:05You opened everything.
00:07You guys open store packs, you open rewards, you open your save packs,
00:11and today we're going to compile it, because you guys love major pack openings,
00:14and we're mixing it with the rewards, we're mixing it with your packs as well,
00:16and hopefully you guys do enjoy it.
00:18This is where it means more though, because they're your packs, they're not mine.
00:22Mine are good sometimes, sometimes they may be good, sometimes they may be bad,
00:25but these is where you want the good stuff, and hopefully
00:27some of you guys in the community can pack some amazing things,
00:30and if you have opened packs for Footbirthday Kingdom 2,
00:32let me know your best pack pull, because we were seeing some big players
00:35getting hit by everyone yesterday.
00:37Feel free to leave a like rating if you enjoyed this content,
00:39subscribe if you haven't already and you enjoyed this content,
00:41and hit the bell button so you miss no uploads to the channel,
00:43and leave a comment guys, because we do read every comment, and respond to some as well.
00:47So with that said, let's get into today's video.
00:49You opened everything for Footbirthday.
00:52So the first video today, the first packs today guys,
00:55are Dil's account, and he said he's going to be doing some of the Sweet 16 packs,
01:00which we have been seeing a juice, he's got the mixed campaign as well,
01:03and let's hopefully see if he gets some of it, yeah.
01:05That huddling card's mental by the way, I hate playing against him.
01:09He is a beast. So he gets a Billy Gilmore to start off with,
01:12but we want to see major Footbirthdays, 93 pluses,
01:18and he's got, he said he's going to do a player pick,
01:22oh he's doing the Sweet 16s guys, he's doing a few of the Sweet 16s.
01:27Oh no, EA no.
01:33We got, guys, we got to see a hero at least here.
01:40Wow. That, that Gemini guys, usually is the best pack in the game.
01:46He got shafted, yeah. That's a rare pack though, you don't really see that.
01:50Next Sweet 16 pack.
01:53Wahey, there we go, we get one.
01:58I don't know who this is, Spanish striker from Liga F.
02:03Real Madrid, wait what?
02:05Alba Redondo, team of the week.
02:09Ari Maguire!
02:12Not really what you want to be seeing today, is it guys?
02:15Not really what you want to be seeing from that pack.
02:19And, no, you keep him.
02:21I don't know guys, maybe he goes into your team, maybe he doesn't.
02:24So he gets a bit slabbered.
02:25Right, so this has not been good, the Sweet 16s at the moment.
02:28Hopefully, the more we do for people, the better they get.
02:30And the last Sweet 16 pack for him, it's another birthday card.
02:39I can't, this is, I can't remember what this is guys, who's this?
02:44A French, Cascarino, wait, she's French, oh wait.
02:49Who's that? And a Martinez, 92.
02:52I didn't realise Cascarino's French.
02:55It's not bad guys, you just got to hope there's a big hero popper at the back, and there isn't.
02:59Haaland, Messi, Kato, Hernandez was there though.
03:02There was a player you guys might not have seen, he had a Hernandez chilling there.
03:06Right, and the last pack he's doing is a 90 plus player pick, I believe.
03:11Wait, which one guys, guest list, or the 90, doesn't really matter, does it?
03:20Doesn't really matter, I don't know, which one would you do?
03:23He's doing the 90, no, he's even doing the guest list, he's gone for the guest list.
03:29Guaranteed one.
03:37Okay, maybe the 90 plus one was a bit better guys.
03:40The guest list honks.
03:42For Gloopy we have got a deluxe birthday guarantee pack.
03:47Which I don't know if I've opened that guys, and there's no heroes or icons in this.
03:5291 rated though, 91 rated to start is quite nice.
03:58What is it, can we get better?
04:01Hasegawa with Alaba 93.
04:05That isn't bad, is it?
04:07There's no icons or heroes, unless it can be at the back.
04:14No, that isn't that bad, that isn't that bad at all.
04:17Alaba and Hasegawa, that's a really good pack.
04:20Guys, EA have dropped a new pack.
04:25And we've got it for Clarky today.
04:27And it is the historical birthday guarantee.
04:30Which includes one guaranteed foot birthday icon or hero from week one or two.
04:33And there is some beast out there, there's also some disgusting stuff.
04:37But we get to see what it's like today for Clarky.
04:39Good luck my friend.
04:42Hopefully he gets some monsters from this week as well.
04:46Oh hey, Ruben Diggs, he was popular last week though, wasn't he?
04:50Wait, have they got this last week's?
04:53Oh wait.
04:59That's not a good start.
05:03It's just the icons or heroes which were last week.
05:07Oh no, he's already got whoever it is.
05:11Hmm, not good.
05:14Lox has got a 93 rated Ibarbo guys, he's done him already.
05:19And he paid 150k for that as well.
05:22Wait, no he hasn't, he's packed him.
05:26He's packed him, because he can only go to 90.
05:29You've already packed Ibarbo, wow.
05:3293, he's past thinking.
05:34And he's got Dumbia and Xavinio, so he's doing some games with that, nice.
05:38And Musiala.
05:40Damn, your luck is in.
05:42Now what we've got for Lox is a PP, which is, is it an icon PP, Lox?
05:49Yeah, so we've got an icon pick first, which have not been good, which I've seen.
05:56Daglis, not bad, but he's already got him.
05:59Xavi's not bad, but he's already got him.
06:02And then Ian Rush, do you want Xavi for Fodder?
06:07And he's got the 4k pack straight after this as well guys, so.
06:10Not bad, he's taken Xavi, 91 rated Fodder.
06:14Well, I think so, there we are.
06:1591 rated Fodder for Xavi.
06:18Now, the last pack was horrendous for that 4k pack.
06:23Hopefully it's not the same again.
06:26And it is that one.
06:27The historical birthday guarantee, we saw Ledley King in the last one.
06:31The Clarky.
06:33We've got an icon though, icon.
06:35Icon guys, repeat icon.
06:38And Steve.
06:40We've got an icon, we've got big Steve as well.
06:44Great start.
06:45So Steve is the walkout.
06:48And the icon is Van Basten.
06:53And Carvalho.
06:55Mixed, it's mixed.
06:59Yeah, it's mixed.
07:00He gets an icon though, which is what it says on the packet, isn't it?
07:03Yeah, it's a bit of a weird pack this one guys, I won't lie.
07:06For OG, we have got another pack guys.
07:08We have got the 315 coin pack.
07:13Which gives you two guarantees to be at 8.
07:15So this is the new week.
07:16And we get to see what he gets from his.
07:19Hopefully better than what we just did in them 4k packs.
07:21Good luck.
07:25It is very bright.
07:28A centre back, Spanish.
07:32He's got one player I think.
07:34Unless it's a hero hiding at the back.
07:39Oh no.
07:41Oh no.
07:45You got to hope there's not a massive at the back of this.
07:52No, there's not.
07:57315k for that guys.
07:58Right guys, here we go.
08:00We have got some rivalry.
08:02Champions of the Champions Awards for today.
08:04And it's Fee, who is one of the worst Rush players.
08:07You guys know that teammate in Rush when you go into drop-ins.
08:10That one teammate, actually it could be all three of them.
08:13But that one teammate who does your head in.
08:15Well this is Fee.
08:17He can't shoot, he can't pass, he can't defend.
08:22But he plays with me every week, so I can't complain about that.
08:26Now with Fee, he got 11 wins last week.
08:31And, what else did he get last week guys?
08:33He got Elite last week.
08:34And then he's hit 8 wins.
08:37And I said guys, I think someone else is playing this account.
08:42But we never know.
08:43We'll never know guys, we'll never know.
08:46And whether he gets a reward or not, we'll have to find out, won't we?
08:49So he gets a Kukurella, a Luka Modric.
08:54No Kevo, you're also quite bad at the game.
08:58To be fair, Rush is a weird game mode anyway.
09:00Right, what have we got guys, reward wise?
09:02We've got 83-10, Team of the Week.
09:03We'll go for the 82-21st.
09:07No sign of a birthday card, which is a rip.
09:12Nothing there.
09:14But he has got Fodder.
09:16But saying that, if he can get something from the 83-10 tradable,
09:20which he has not.
09:24He gets Ronaldo, so weak.
09:26He has got some tradable stuff there, right.
09:29So it looks like it's going to be the guaranteed two Pats guys to save this.
09:32So the foot birthday guarantee.
09:33This is from 8 win rewards.
09:40Oh, you can get...
09:41I just remember guys, you can get last week's, can't you?
09:45And he's got last week's.
09:48He's got himself a Sam's.
09:50Hey, to be fair, she's a very usable fee for Rush when you place defence for us.
09:57Is he going to get a Team 2?
10:01He has, he's got Zubamendi.
10:02He gets a Team 2 guys.
10:06So there we are.
10:07Champs rewards for Team 2 birthday.
10:10An 88 and an 89.
10:1210 win rewards guys, courtesy of Price.
10:15So we get to see the Team 1, Team 2 Pat now.
10:19But hopefully he can get a fantastic player in these beforehand.
10:23As he starts off with...
10:24Oh, bloody hell.
10:25We're there.
10:26Lineker and Hasegawa.
10:29Garo Lineker with the new play style plus as well.
10:31Oh wait, it's two of...
10:32Guys, it's new, aren't they?
10:34You get two of them.
10:39I just remembered you get two of them.
10:43Oh, we can get a repeat of that all the time.
10:44That'd be amazing.
10:4587, 87, two 87s there.
10:49I'll do a take the inform guys.
10:50Two informs in it.
10:51Two informs there.
10:54That was a lucky one.
10:57The player picks.
10:59I think if anything like two-week problems in the past guys, these are going to be worse.
11:10Well, he gets Harry Maguire.
11:13Not bad.
11:16He gets a Team Week 2.
11:18That's a Week 1.
11:21That's a Week 1.
11:24And a Week 1 as well.
11:29High rated at least.
11:31Not the greatest packs, but he has got tradable pinks at the moment.
11:36Take that.
11:37Yeah, it's not bad, is it?
11:38I'm not a fan of when it's mixed between two weeks.
11:43So, we've got an 82 times 20 with a pink.
11:48With a pink.
11:50A tall pink, by the way, as well.
11:52Is that Tah?
11:56Imagine if we see someone get...
11:57Guys, I would love to see someone get any Barba or Doombia today.
12:02Semenu, not really.
12:05Not really.
12:06Anything else?
12:08He's already got Semenu as well.
12:10So, tradable fodder.
12:1484, 10 tradable.
12:17These are not bad.
12:18Price, you've been getting some good stuff out of each pack at the moment.
12:23As you get Raytan 88 and a tradable.
12:27It could be a Honka, but it could also not be.
12:31Is it?
12:33It's her again.
12:3491 rated, Hasegawa.
12:38Which he can sell on.
12:40Right, last pack.
12:41The 88 times 2 for him.
12:44Let's see what we get there, guys.
12:45And he gets another one.
12:48Maybe even two.
12:51Right, so he gets a Martinez 89.
12:57Come on here, one big player.
13:00Ella Toon.
13:02It's a strong link to Harry Maguire.
13:05He's shouting United, so he must be happy.
13:08Ella Toon.
13:09She looks pretty good as well.
13:10She does look very good in-game.
13:12I bet she's cheap though, isn't she?
13:16Beast pull.
13:17Not bad rewards.
13:1810 wins prize.
13:20So this is one which is new for me, guys.
13:216 wins rewards.
13:23To be fair, you still get the foot birthday packs.
13:25Which isn't bad, is it?
13:28You still get the foot birthday packs.
13:30Which isn't that bad.
13:31You can't complain.
13:32Yeah, but you never know.
13:33There could be a massive Griezmann.
13:35Or something huge in that pack.
13:3783, 10 to start.
13:40You haven't got any pinks though.
13:45And some Fodder.
13:48No, I think 6 wins, guys.
13:50And you do get some alright packs.
13:5181, 2.
13:5220, sorry.
13:54Nothing there unless it's a hero at the back.
13:59Nothing there either.
14:01Fodder though.
14:04Guaranteed birthday packs.
14:07We might see the swap-up this week as well.
14:09You might drop the trade-off SBC.
14:12French centre-mid, weren't there?
14:15Is that Rabiot?
14:1991, Rabiot's not bad, is it, guys?
14:22He's already got him.
14:23But that's not a bad pull compared to what we've seen so far.
14:26He's a 91-rated player.
14:28And the last one.
14:31Imagine if that was Emery.
14:35And that's...
14:37That's an 88, I think, isn't it?
14:38Yeah, Grul from Team 1.
14:41There's 6 wins.
14:42Some more rewards, guys.
14:44Two foot birthday guarantees again.
14:46Some player picks as well.
14:49You know, we might get lucky in these.
14:50I doubt it, though.
14:51Let's skip.
14:52Yeah, 84s across the board there.
14:56I suppose I believe Ibarbo still plays.
15:01I don't think Ibarbo's retired.
15:04Which is why I was confused how he's still playing.
15:06Which is why I was confused how they got him into the game.
15:11And he gets an 88 Lewandowski.
15:13Not bad.
15:16It's basically the guarantee packs, guys.
15:17Let's have a look at these bad boys.
15:24So he's got...
15:25Oh, he's got loads of foot...
15:2682, 21st.
15:27He's got three of them.
15:28What's up, Gama?
15:30Let's hope for a hero.
15:36Straight up into the club.
15:37Happy with the win tonight?
15:40What win, Gama?
15:43This must be from the objective, is it?
15:44This one.
15:47Neves in bad.
15:4890 rated.
15:50He's not got him either.
15:53We beat...
15:54Oh, wait.
15:55Is that the female team, Gama?
15:59The United team are on it as well at the moment, aren't they?
16:02Cam Argent.
16:03Cam Argent, that's Acosta.
16:08Guys, I'm not liking the look of this.
16:11Right, last pack.
16:15Any winners about centre back?
16:18Hey, he has.
16:19He's got a win.
16:21Guardian with his eight wins has walked away with Darryl Dalibor.
16:2393 rated.
16:24Can play left back as well.
16:27Not bad.
16:28Not bad at all.
16:30I'd say that's a win, guys.
16:31Don't know how much he is, anyway.
16:33But, GGs.
16:34We've got some seven win rewards, guys, courtesy of Aaron now.
16:37This is on PC or Xbox, I'm unsure.
16:40That's Aaron's team.
16:41Looking absolutely brilliant.
16:44With his Rafinha at left wing as well.
16:46So, good luck, Aaron.
16:48On Xbox, there you are, guys.
16:50Hopefully, he can get at least one big pull today.
16:54That's what we can hope for.
16:57Maybe from this as well.
16:58That'd be amazing.
16:59He's going to get a white pop-up.
17:0185, 84, 85.
17:04Cole Palmer.
17:06Not the best of stats.
17:08And the last player pick.
17:17Oh, he's a free agent, is he?
17:18Is that all they've got away with it?
17:20Oh, he played on Wednesday.
17:2283-10 tradable to start.
17:24He's got a tradable pink.
17:26El Dico Fancorchino Prime for 45 months, dude.
17:29That's Redondo, isn't it?
17:35Redondo with a Cascarina.
17:40Not bad.
17:42Not bad.
17:43I don't think she's worth much.
17:45Lots of fodder there for Aaron.
17:46Things you love to see.
17:48What else has he got?
17:50I think...
17:52Team of the Week's...
17:54We'll have a look at it, guys.
17:55Team of the Week's pretty meh anyway.
17:57Team of the Week's pretty meh anyway.
17:58It's just tokens, isn't it?
17:59Inigo Martinez.
18:01Inigo Martinez before.
18:02He looks...
18:03Sorry, I've got stuff in the wrong screen.
18:06He looks good, yeah.
18:07I've done an Evo on him this week as well.
18:09Yeah, again, guys.
18:10Bateson got sucked into doing an Evo.
18:11And guess what?
18:12Boombet card comes out straight away.
18:16Lots of fodder there.
18:19Let's have a look at his guarantee packs.
18:21After the two times...
18:23Oh, nothing there either.
18:24Damn, Aaron.
18:25Your look's not in today, is it, dude?
18:30A few of us.
18:33Guaranteed birthday.
18:36We want Team 2.
18:38Not Team 1's.
18:39Left wing.
18:41That's a Team 1.
18:43We all remember who this guy is.
18:49Team 1.
18:55And the last pack...
19:01Left mid this time.
19:02And that's an 88 as well.
19:04Oh, guys.
19:05Bad, bad rewards today.
19:07And to break it up, guys.
19:08We have got a guest list guarantee pack.
19:11Which we've proven is better.
19:13Oh, no.
19:14We haven't actually.
19:15I think the other player pick's better, haven't we?
19:16The 98 one was better.
19:18So, we'll see what he gets from it, guys.
19:19Hopefully, he gets a win.
19:22Wait, what's he opening, guys?
19:24He's gone for the player pick.
19:25He's gone for the player pick.
19:28Alright, good luck.
19:30We saw two 88s last time.
19:32An 88 or an 89.
19:34And he gets...
19:35A 91.
19:37So, it's higher rated.
19:39And the last one is...
19:43I know which one I'm picking.
19:44Right, we've got a psycho, guys.
19:46He's sending the pack with coins.
19:49Which I don't mind.
19:50I personally wouldn't take the risk.
19:52But he's taking it.
19:53And to be fair, this has not been good.
19:54So, we're looking for a player worth over 525,000.
19:59Oh, wait.
20:01Wait, what?
20:04I get Salah.
20:05That's not a good start, though, is it?
20:09But he's got an icon.
20:11And the icon has to be a massive...
20:20Guys, we have not seen anything good from this pack.
20:25At all.
20:26Guys, we have not seen anything from these packs.
20:30These are a swift avoid, in my opinion.
20:33Right, we have got Nick's...
20:3510 win rewards, guys.
20:36We get the player pick, which is unreal.
20:39And we get two of 85s.
20:40Now, what we've seen at the back...
20:45Last time.
20:46So, two...
20:47Two 87s.
20:48Actually, wait there.
20:49I think the 85s are worth more than the 87s.
20:51So, we'll take Bruno and Llorente.
20:54And two again.
20:56Go on.
20:57Give us a pink in here.
21:02Not bad.
21:0389, 88.
21:05That'll do.
21:06And Nick, hopefully, can get something good here.
21:10And team...
21:12He gets a team two in Hasegawa.
21:14Hey, a team two in Antonio Silva.
21:18I think that's a full team two one, right?
21:22And how much is she, guys?
21:25That's a full team two player pick.
21:26Just a shame it's nothing major.
21:29Hasegawa again.
21:33This is a full team two.
21:35Hey, he's got a full team two.
21:36We'll take...
21:37Who do you want here, Nick?
21:38Do you want Paradez or do you want Hasegawa, who is very popular?
21:44You can choose.
21:48Do you want Fodder?
21:49Pick any.
21:50I'll give you Hasegawa.
21:54Right, packs.
21:58EA, payout, please.
22:01A beast untradable or a beast tradable.
22:04Let's go with the 82-20 untradable.
22:08No pinks.
22:13And nothing at the back.
22:15Nothing at the back either.
22:17Right, tradable.
22:23That 88 is when I have a pink in.
22:27Three informs there, though.
22:29And the last pack for Nick, guys, for 10 wins is an 88x2.
22:33And he's got the informs on pink.
22:35Okay, maybe not, guys.
22:36And I shouldn't have skipped that because he could be a hero at the back.
22:39Or not.
22:42Welcome to rewards, guys, on a Friday evening.
22:44Guys, we are back with a player pick.
22:47Oh, wait, is he doing a player pick or is he doing something else?
22:49Wait there.
22:50He has 11,000 FC points.
22:51So, purple chicken.
22:53Don't know what he's doing.
22:55I personally would say avoid this one.
23:01And do whatever, mate.
23:02Do whatever.
23:03But that historical pack has been horrendous.
23:07Right, he's gone for the 90-plus player pick,
23:09which I think is better than the other player pick.
23:12Because I think…
23:17See, I told you it's better, guys.
23:18Harry Maguire.
23:21Look at that.
23:23See, guys?
23:24That's better than the other one, right?
23:26So, he's done a player pick and he gets a Harry Maguire.
23:29And then he's going for the historical,
23:32which I personally wouldn't do.
23:34But you guys like to see the historical.
23:37We've all…
23:38And Kevin with 10 gifted.
23:43He gets an icon.
23:44Oh, no, you're guaranteed an icon, aren't you?
23:45No, you're not, actually.
23:46You're not guaranteed an icon.
23:48Is it going to be a Vieira?
23:52You know, a big icon from last week
23:54who isn't Van Basten or Lineker?
23:57It's Lineker, guys.
24:01It's Lineker.
24:03Now, there could be some other stuff in the packs, though,
24:05at the back.
24:07And hopefully that is the case.
24:12Or not.
24:13It's not bad chicken, is it?
24:15It's not bad.
24:19I don't know.
24:20It's not good, though.
24:21It's not good.
24:23Will he be in the video?
24:24Yes, he will be in the video.
24:25What a team that is.
24:26Cody Gatpo, what a player.
24:28And Ikeaza, as well.
24:29Nice team.
24:30Right, let's have a look, guys.
24:33Let's see what he gets for his rewards today.
24:37One of four player picks.
24:38People are struggling in the weekend league this week,
24:40though, I've noticed.
24:42Ooh, Paradez.
24:4390 rated, tradable, right?
24:46Not a bad start.
24:47Nice 92, yeah.
24:4892 rated.
24:4992 rated.
24:51I've got him in multicolour.
24:52He's all gone now.
24:53I bloody hope.
24:54I bloody hope he goes to a 92.
24:56And the last pick, boosh, is an Inform85.
25:02Right, let's see what he gets from the packs.
25:08Guys, we have to put a limit on this in a minute.
25:12Right, let's have a look what we get here.
25:13So, we've got loads of packs.
25:15There's the 83, 10 tradable, pink.
25:23Right, 82 times 20, guys.
25:26Here we go.
25:28And he's got nothing in there, which is disgusting, isn't it?
25:31Absolutely disgusting.
25:35And loads more fodder.
25:36And then, Sadio Mane, which is nice.
25:40And then, the two foot birthday packs, guys.
25:44Let's see what he gets from them.
25:4891's the best we've seen, isn't it, at the moment?
25:52Okay, 88.
25:54Guys, nine wins is going to have to be the aim, I think.
25:57Anything else?
25:58For me, personally, I'm not going to do main account champs this week.
26:03But, yeah.
26:04I think the aim has got to be nine wins plus because this pack is bad.
26:08And we'll skip it, guys.
26:09And guess what?
26:10It'll be a really low rate of playing again.
26:13Antonio Silva's not bad, though.
26:16Apparently, guys, we've got an icon pick to start off with.
26:19Now, I've done loads of these tonight on the main account and got nothing.
26:24And that is not a very good start.
26:28That is not a very good middle.
26:32Well, it is what it is, guys.
26:34He gets Van Nistelrooy, 90 rated fodder.
26:36And he said he's doing…
26:38Which pack is he doing, guys?
26:39He said he was doing the pack with coins.
26:42I'll let him move it over to which way he wants to go, guys.
26:46Which was the pack he wanted to do?
26:48I'll let him pick it.
26:50I think it was that one.
26:52No, it wasn't.
26:53I'll let him pick which pack he wanted.
26:55He said he was doing one pack with coins.
26:57And I think it was a historical one.
27:01You do whatever.
27:02He said I can do whatever with the 500k.
27:04Well, I wouldn't be doing packs.
27:06It's historical.
27:07It's that one, guys.
27:08It's that one.
27:09Right, that's the 525k pack.
27:13There we go.
27:15We've not seen a win from this yet.
27:18Who's that?
27:32He's pinning it.
27:35It's Pichon.
27:36Pichon, sorry.
27:37It's Pichon.
27:38It's one we've not seen before.
27:40It's not what you want, though.
27:43Yeah, Jimbo.
27:44These have been bad.
27:45Absolutely horrendous.
27:47Potentially worse.
27:50It is what it is.
27:51The risk you take, guys.
27:52I personally would stay away from this pack, though.
27:54Right, guys.
27:55We've got some rewards from Kieran.
27:56And I believe it's another one under nine wins.
27:59Which does mean we're going to see the guarantee pack.
28:01So, good luck in your packs, Kieran.
28:04And your picks for champions on this fine Friday night.
28:08Good luck, my son.
28:10Oh, he gets a Nerdy Guard.
28:1289 rated.
28:13Can't complain about that one, can you?
28:16You don't think that's the worst pack?
28:18I don't know.
28:19Oh, isn't it?
28:20He gets a Rutila.
28:21Yeah, that historical pack, I think it's a swift avoid.
28:24In my opinion.
28:27But saying that, we will do it and upgrade our team for someone who gets Noosa.
28:30So, he does get some pinks from his packs.
28:34I would hold on to them and sell them later on, though.
28:37Just in case he dropped that repeatable thing each day for a trade-up.
28:42So, he's got an 83-10.
28:44No pink from that.
28:48Fodder, I hope.
28:5084s across the board.
28:51That is crazy.
28:54He's taking the coins.
28:57He's got the A.
28:59A's in the foot birthdays.
29:00I read it, guys.
29:02Please be a beast.
29:03Just one player.
29:04It's her again.
29:05Oh, no.
29:0889, not an 88.
29:11Not bad, I suppose.
29:15Better than what we've seen so far.
29:17Now, can we hit a 93 in the last one?
29:21I don't think we have.
29:22I think that's the other centre-back.
29:26He's got a double Woobamoy.
29:2989-rated Fodder.
29:32In the last pack, he's 82-20.
29:36And he doesn't even get a pink, guys.
29:37It's a rough day.
29:38It's a rough day.
29:40Unless he gets a hero at the back.
29:45He has not.
29:48Guys, some SharePlay rewards, courtesy of Greg.
29:52Oh, with a PlayStation Pro, by the looks of that.
29:54That is clean, isn't it?
29:56I get two of four picks here.
29:59Oh, there's a 90.
30:01Two of five.
30:0287, was it?
30:04So, he gets Paradez and Gundo.
30:05Greg's already sent the packs, as you can see, guys.
30:08Not bad.
30:11And the last player pick, give us a big Saliba.
30:17Double 87, isn't it?
30:19Inform and that.
30:22Good luck, Greg, on these ones.
30:26He's already got him, though.
30:27Already got Trent.
30:2892 is a beast.
30:31Already got Kelly.
30:32Greg, you opened too many packs, mate.
30:34And a Carvalho.
30:37That would have been...
30:39I don't know.
30:40I got a lot of storage place.
30:42Yeah, Greg opens loads of packs, guys.
30:44We'll take the 92 for Fodder.
30:46He's got two spots for Fodder, guys.
30:50And the last one.
30:51Ledley King.
30:53Greg, you're literally packing everyone, mate.
30:55You've got two heroes there.
30:58Right, so he's got two players for it.
31:00Greg's just got everything.
31:02Yeah, he opens too much.
31:05And he's got loads of stuff in here as well.
31:06What's he got going on here?
31:09He opens everything.
31:11Right, Greg.
31:12I'm going to open the 85-10 tradable and the 88.
31:15I won't open the other...
31:23Yeah, this is bad.
31:24This is bad, Greg, isn't it?
31:26Loads of cards.
31:27I'm going to show you Greg's team as well, guys.
31:28Because we like to see what people's teams look like.
31:30I bet Greg's looks mental.
31:33All we want is Gavia, Aaron.
31:35Right, we'll open the 88 times two.
31:37And that could be potentially the last pack.
31:40Unless it's two non-dupes.
31:41But I can't imagine it is.
31:42And he gets two.
31:43Right, so I'm going to open the 88 times two.
31:45Two non-dupes.
31:46But I can't imagine it is.
31:47And he gets two golds.
31:48Wow, yeah.
31:50And he's definitely already got these, hasn't he?
31:53Right, there's Greg's packs, guys.
31:55For 12 wins, I think that was.
31:57And his team...
32:00Is mental.
32:03Wait, have you packed Van Dijk tonight?
32:10He paid seven million for him.
32:13Greg is on it, guys.
32:14Greg is on it.
32:16And he's on Yaya's foot birthday as well.
32:19We have some nine win rewards now.
32:20Look at that for a team, by the way.
32:23Disgustingly good.
32:24Disgustingly good.
32:26He's got 485k.
32:27Hopefully he can get at least some brand new players, guys.
32:30Which could help him with his team.
32:32So let's see the player picks first.
32:34Bosh, 89.
32:37Not the worst.
32:39Tradeable as well.
32:40Number two, any pinks?
32:42No pinks.
32:43He gets an 88.
32:46She hasn't had a promo card, has she yet, guys?
32:50And the last one.
32:51He gets an 88 rated.
32:55Not bad.
32:57Not bad.
33:01These have not been good so far.
33:05Kelly from last week.
33:0988 Kelly.
33:1092 Kelly, sorry.
33:12An Arsenal player.
33:13And then the last one.
33:15Last week's have been this.
33:17The second week's always a bit meh.
33:19I don't think they should have weak ones in there.
33:23But then again, there is some good.
33:25Oh, wait there.
33:26Let's take.
33:27Actually, who would you want?
33:28Do you want Rabiot?
33:29Or do you want Antonia Silva?
33:34Who would you like, LFC?
33:37I presume anyone will give you Rabiot.
33:3991 Rabiot.
33:40And then Kelly to the club.
33:43Let's have a look at his final few packs.
33:46He's got an 84-10.
33:49Let's do that.
33:51No tradeable pinks.
33:59I don't know, guys.
34:00At the moment, this isn't.
34:01Champions isn't looking the greatest, is it?
34:02Apart from the objectives, which everyone's doing.
34:06And he's got an 82-20.
34:08He gets a pink.
34:10With hair.
34:12I get Sommer.
34:16Come on.
34:1795, 94.
34:19Give him Virgil.
34:20We're not seeing a Virgil today.
34:25He gets Antonia Silva, who he didn't take from the pick.
34:28So that's worked out quite well.
34:31And loads more fodder to burn into SBC.
34:36Last pack is a guarantee pack, which I think is from doing the weekly objective, right?
34:39A foot birthday guarantee from that.
34:42And he gets.
34:46Ella Toon.
34:48That's, I think, Ella Toon, right?
34:51Ella Toon, 92 for the guarantee pack.
34:53So that's not a bad one.
34:54It's a week two one as well.
34:56Ella Toon, I think, is a potentially good player for future Evos.
34:59Tidy As.
35:00Hey, congrats, LFC.
35:02On to Paul's account, guys.
35:03Look at that for a team.
35:06Absolutely mental.
35:08And he's on tour already on the same night.
35:10Smaller rec as well.
35:12He's got a lot of the new players.
35:13So I don't.
35:14I don't know.
35:15You need a monumental win to get into that team.
35:17Anyway, I want to.
35:21I'm trying to think.
35:22He's not even playing Gabby either.
35:24It's a nice team.
35:26Let's see his rewards, guys.
35:27The thing is, the most wins we've got tonight on on rewards.
35:30Everyone's fine.
35:32Even me.
35:33I just played some games now.
35:34And they've been rough.
35:35So it's two or five.
35:36Eighty five rate plays is a new rewards for this week.
35:38If you guys didn't know.
35:40So good luck, Paul, in your picks.
35:47Eighty five in form.
35:50One pink.
35:55We got an 88 and an 86.
35:59You get two of them.
36:01He's taking the inform as well.
36:04Don't know.
36:05You guys like these new rewards or not?
36:08They worked out for the first person.
36:09We did it because he got to pick two players.
36:13Eighty nine in form.
36:14Eighty five.
36:16There's a pink.
36:1888 rated.
36:22And the last one.
36:24So you're going to go for the pink and Erdogan, I reckon.
36:28There we go.
36:29What's up, Marius?
36:32There we go.
36:33New rewards.
36:36Heroes and the icons.
36:41Actually, guys, these say foot birthday heroes and icons.
36:43Last week, they didn't say this, did they?
36:45First one.
36:58Gets saved a little bit.
36:59Just with a rating.
37:01And the last one.
37:05Go on, give him.
37:07I don't know who you'd want, guys.
37:08Who do you want from this?
37:15Hasegawa from this week.
37:18And a Nabri from this week.
37:20Not a bad card.
37:21New play style plus as well with a load driven shot.
37:24Not bad at all.
37:26Let's have a look at his packs, guys.
37:27And hopefully, you can get a bit of tradable beast to send him on his way.
37:32You got Schneider, yeah?
37:34All right.
37:37Untradable first.
37:39Yeah, not bad.
37:41No pink.
37:46Anything at the back?
37:53He's getting rid of the 83s, guys.
38:00Marius, thank you very much for the two months, dude.
38:02All right.
38:038510 tradable.
38:04Big player.
38:06He gets a foot birthday.
38:09Centre back.
38:12Wait there.
38:14I thought that was going to be Harry Maguire.
38:16We've been mulling it.
38:18A double.
38:20Wibemoy and...
38:22Hager Sauer.
38:28And a Declan Rice as well.
38:31A lot of Arsenal theme in here, isn't there?
38:34Right, last pack for Paul will be the 88.
38:36Is it 88 times two?
38:39Good luck, Paul, in that one.
38:42And hopefully, you get a pink to finish and go into your club.
38:46Which he doesn't.
38:5019 and 88.
38:51Not bad.
38:52So there we are, guys.
38:53At first, we opened your everything for foot birthday.
38:56Hopefully, you guys have enjoyed it.
38:57A mixture of rewards ranging from different champs finishes,
39:00from like six wins to whatever it was.
39:0211, 12 wins for some people.
39:04Store packs and picks, as you guys have seen.
39:06And if you guys enjoy the pack content, check out the first video on Friday
39:09as there's some big pulls in there and loads of 50Ks about
39:12with Beckham coming tomorrow and the Roma trio from yesterday.
39:16Or early on today, sorry.
39:18I'll be back, guys.
39:19I'm going to a Wembley.
39:20But I should be back on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
39:23to be able to do another upgrade to our team.
39:25So make sure you check out the streams on Twitch.
39:26Guys, feel free to leave a like rating.
39:28Hit the bell button.
39:29Check out all the other content on the channel.
39:30Have a fantastic day, whatever you're doing.
39:32And enjoy the football, guys.
39:33See you all later.
