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Make sure you subscribe for more FUT and football videos!!! This is the home of Squad Builder Showdown, EA Sports FC Ultimate Team / Fifa Ultimate team, real life football videos and more!!!hl
00:00What's up everybody, welcome to Tom's brand new series, the series without a name,
00:06or at least that is what I'm pretending because Tom has named it and I've decided
00:10it's now the Tom Riddle series Tom, he who must not be named, and I want you guys to let me know
00:14down in the comments section a better name for it because it was unnamed on Tom's channel for ages,
00:18it's 4 to 1, I don't like it. So that's your job in the comments section, our job is to build a
00:25squad around Erling Haaland, however, we're going to be combining ball knowledge and FC25
00:30knowledge. Tom's got a wheel to spin, you pick a player who fits the criteria that the wheel
00:35selects and into your squad they go. Sounds very simple, the twist is your opponent writes down
00:41who they think you're going to put and if they get it right, out they go. A very tic-tac-toe
00:48squad builder showdown, Pingu's trivia series, Tenable, all that stuff combined into one series
00:54and it's good fun. Shall we just jump into it Tom and the people can see how it works as we go?
00:58Absolutely, absolutely. I'd like to play a 4-3-1-2 today Andy, what would you like to play?
01:02Oh I haven't even thought about that, we just pick whatever formation we want. I'm going to go
01:064-3-3-4 so Haaland can be my lone striker. Haaland is our marquee player today, foot birthday,
01:12looks quite the madman. 99 finishing, shot power, finesse plus,
01:19unbelievable. I'm excited, foot birthday is here, foot birthday Andy is on the wall.
01:24We need to design my cards because I've got stickers to make my own stats, I've got the
01:28foot birthday top on. It's all going off Tom, do you want to spin the wheel? Shall I go first?
01:32Indeed, go on, you can lead the charge mate if you want. Here we go, spin for me.
01:36Spinning on the wheel, your first one is that you need a nation dot, so you need a Norwegian
01:42outside of the Premier League so you're only allowed to provide a Norwegian link to him.
01:47Okay, that is interesting. I'm going to write down this. Okay, I think I know what you've
01:56written. Right, what do you think I've written? Guru writing. Okay.
02:03So I'm now trying to think of different Norwegians and obviously my brain is just
02:07going Urtegaard, Urtegaard, Urtegaard, Urtegaard, Urtegaard, Urtegaard, Urtegaard. Thanks brain,
02:12thanks a lot. That is unfortunately how brains work. As soon as you think of something you're
02:16like... Norwegian, Norwegian. Okay, Hansen is another one. So now we've got a 50-50 for my
02:26wingers or my camera if I wanted to play Guru writing there. Tom doesn't know where I play my
02:30players, just who they are. Yeah, I can try and make a guess. I'm going to write a little table
02:35of where you're putting them. So it gets harder to guess your players the further in you go
02:40because there's... Sorry, harder to get your players easier to guess because there's less
02:44positions left. Yeah. So ideally you want to get a goalie early but I'm really struggling to think
02:48of a Norwegian goalie. I can think of one but I don't even know if he plays football anymore.
02:52I'm going to gamble not on the 50-50 but on a different player and this is where
03:01my ball knowledge or at least ball knowledge as football twitter would have you think of it
03:06which involves memorising every club, nation and players number for every club ever.
03:13Doesn't actually have anything to do with your comprehension or like understanding of football
03:17and how it works. It's just memorising stuff. It's like being in school. This guy is definitely
03:21Nordic but I don't know if he's Norwegian or Danish but I'm going to gamble. If I get it
03:29wrong it's a bronze. If Tom guesses it, it's a bronze. Ryerson? Yep, you're good mate. You can
03:39have him. Is he Norwegian? He is Norwegian, yeah. I didn't write him down either. Nor did I write
03:44down your first two. Who did you put down? Osnes. You've just made that up. No, that's the guy from
03:51Benfica who plays centimere right back. You've definitely just made that up, Tom. All right,
03:57your ball knowledge is awful. Right, spin of the wheel for me. Don't worry, you won't see that lack
04:01of knowledge on my side, guys. Same club, so a player from the same club as Erling Haaland.
04:09Can be women's clubs as well for the people guessing along. Yes, indeed.
04:17So this is where it becomes a little bit tactical. We did one of these on Tom's channel,
04:20go and check it out. My next spin will be based on Ryerson. Tom's next spin will be based on
04:26whoever he chooses now. So if he picks city women's, if he picked Bunny Shaw, for example.
04:32Yeah, I'm looking at Jamaican. Yeah, it could be quite difficult. But she's really good,
04:36so maybe it'd be worth it. She's very good. And you won't have written her down? No.
04:44Wait, Tom, I'm just debating, mate, just debating. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Fire away.
04:51Right, Phil Foden, please. Yeah, I mean, that's just classic, isn't it? Let's not pick something
04:56stupid and make it hard for ourselves. Let's go Prem English. You may have it. I thought you
05:00might try and double bluff me and put a kanji. I can play right back as well, so you don't really
05:05know where he's going. Same for this Ryerson. What am I doing? You'll never know. All right.
05:12All right, let's spin the wheel for you, mate. Here we go. Oh, blooming heck, you're getting
05:18tricky straight off the bat, mate. You've got tic-tac-toe. So you're doing Man City,
05:25and you're also doing Dortmund. And unfortunately, the only player that I know
05:30is already in your team is Haaland. That is ironic, isn't it? That is ironic.
05:40Okay, let's have a think. So I have to think of a player who's played for Dortmund and City?
05:45Yes, exactly. Have you written one down? I have, yeah. This is actually really,
05:50really annoying because I've just said them out loud. So I don't know if I want to go for it
05:55because it's probably on your whiteboard because I've literally just told you a kanji.
05:59So now I'm trying to think of a different one. Oh, oh, I think I've got another one.
06:04All right, ball knowledge might be coming in clutch here. I've also got Gundogan.
06:08And a kanji, and a Haaland. Oscar Bob is also Norwegian from City. I don't think he played for
06:18Dortmund as well, although that would be quite funny. See, I think you're going to have written
06:22down a kanji because I just said them out loud. So I'm going to say Gundogan, even though his
06:27card's not very good. I don't have the Winter Wild card on. Yeah, yeah. And yeah, there's two
06:31special versions of them, and you can get neither of them, sadly, unless you play the game a lot.
06:37Yes, you can have Gundogan. I did write down a kanji, of course.
06:41And just to double check, Gundogan did play for Dortmund. I'm not just making that up
06:44incredibly confidently. Oh, yeah, yeah, 100%. Yeah, 100%, mate. Yeah, yeah, 100%.
06:49Right. OK, spinning for me on Phil Foden. And I've got nation dots. I need to go outside of
06:56the Prem English. Who might I go for? And just so we are aware, are we doing the
07:02gentleman's rule that you don't pick the other person's marquee player, so I don't need to write
07:05down Bellingham? No? Yeah, go on then, why not? Why not? OK, sure. That's who Tom's video is on,
07:14so there won't be a foot birthday Bellingham in this video. OK, tell me when you're ready.
07:20English, not in the Prem. Yes, exactly that, mate. Does Tom go sneaky and do English WSL
07:28just to be a pain in the arse and pick Lauren Hemp? I wouldn't be able to pick Lauren Hemp.
07:35Oh, she doesn't fit in your formation. Doesn't fit in that formation. Also,
07:38she is Man City, so that would be more than a nation dot. Oh, because it wouldn't give you
07:42just an English dot. Could go Kiera Walsh. Could go Lucy Bronze. There are things, there are many
07:49things I could do, mate. I'm going to put this. Who do you want, Tom? Conor Gallagher, please.
07:57Good pick. I put Tamori. Very good pick, Tom. Yes, Tamori is a classic, mate. Gallagher is the one
08:03that flies under the radar, so happy with that. Happy, happy. And I think he's just got a fancy
08:09FC card. Can I purchase that? Have a quick look at him on foot then, just to double check that
08:14he's purchasable. Nope. OK, I'll be using his other card, the Thunderstrike. Still good. Right,
08:20spin it for you on Gundawan. You've got ex-league, so you're allowed to take a player
08:27from any of the ex-leagues he's been in. It's quite a generous one for you.
08:31Oh, wow. Yeah, so I just need to pick a Bundesliga or La Liga player? Pretty much,
08:37yeah. I've just dropped you the ball knowledge if you forgot that he played for Barca,
08:40but I assume you knew that. You're not that bad. Yeah, I knew, I knew. You're not that stupid.
08:45Although you might be second guessing that if you watch Tom's video. Go and
08:48check out the goal he picks there. OK, I'm going to write down this. Who do you like, mate?
09:00I want to pick one that is easy to go off, like link from, when you spin on them. Yeah.
09:09Oh, I don't know what to do, Tom. I'm going to pick... I really want to go for a goalie,
09:16but they all feel really bait. Trapp feels bait. Neuer feels bait. Tostegan feels bait. Courtois
09:22feels bait. Oblak, what if you spin Slovenian? Is he even Slovenian? He could be Slovakian. I
09:28don't know. I'm going to say Schlotterbeck. You know what? I was so close to getting it. I've
09:37written down Sula, but Schlotterbeck was my next guess. You wrote the other perfect link.
09:43I've done it for the chemistry, is why I've done it. Yeah. Because of Ryerson and then the German.
09:48I'm trying to be... I'm trying to have a functional squad because we play on classic,
09:52not max chem. Exactly. Exactly. All right. Spinning for me, mate, on Conor Gallagher.
09:58I've landed on nation dot again, so I've got to go English outside of La Liga. Oh, come on. That's
10:02so easy. So easy. You're so lucky. Who will I take, though? I can't have chem breakers, so
10:11I'll be careful. The couple that you could end up trying to put in and then having to use a
10:15gold on rare version. So I'm ready when you are, mate. Hit me. I'll have James Madison, please.
10:24Oh, that's stinky. That's not stinky. He's 88 rated. Nah, stinky that time. No, not stinky
10:30at all, mate. Roy Keane would disagree. Really? What does he know? I wrote Kyle Walker. Yeah,
10:38smart. Because then do you have to tell me which Kyle Walker? I guess you do because you spin the
10:42league. Yeah, I probably would. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Can't be writing down players
10:46and you've got Kyle Walker. Exactly. That's mean. It's hard enough as it is. Right. OK. So you have
10:52got a good one here, Andy. You've got a chem breaker. So it has to be either a German chem
10:57breaker or a Bundesliga chem breaker or both into your team is what we're looking for. OK. Who am
11:04I going to write down for you? Have you got your guess before I ask you a question? Yeah. Yeah.
11:09I've got my guess. I won't change it. When you say chem breaker. Yes. Can they be an icon? Yes.
11:16OK. Just because when you then spin a league or something, that's. Yeah. We do is we usually end
11:23up putting them at the most prolific club. Sure. OK. In which case I'll have Matthias.
11:32No, you won't. No, you will not. How do you know I've got Matthias, Tom? I didn't know you had
11:38Matthias, but he seems like the best one that you might want to put in. So it's a bloody fortune.
11:42I know. I was so close. I know it doesn't matter so much. OK, now it was loaded. All right. OK.
11:50Also, it's a bit versatile because you can actually play centre back. I believe. Yeah. So
11:55you son of a gun. That's a good one. That's a good one. That's going to save you some chemistry
11:59there. Having to have a bronze in his place. Right. For me, we're going off James Madison.
12:04I've got opposite gender, so I must choose any woman I want in the game. In the whole game? In
12:12the whole game, mate. So who am I going to pick? I don't really know. I don't really know. OK,
12:23I'm ready. All right. This is an absolute shot in the dark. If I get this, I feel like I should
12:27get three of your players. OK, well, you probably won't because we talked about earlier and I'm
12:32feeling like I've had it too easy up until now, so I'm going to give myself a bit of a challenge.
12:35I'm going to go Bonnie Shaw. Oh, wow. OK, you're nuts. I wrote Alex Greenwood because lots of
12:41English players and all she sees is City. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've used her plenty of times because
12:46I've actually got her best card in my club ready to go. But yeah, bruiser plus, she's good. I mean,
12:51team of the year, Bonnie Shaw seems like a pretty good player. Yeah, that card's pretty fair. How
12:55much is that? Probably like 600k, isn't it? She doesn't come up when you're typing Bonnie. Let
13:01me type in Shaw. 350,000 coins. Made the market in the mud. Are you messing? That card's insane.
13:08Yeah, that is insane. I'll take it, though. Right. OK, I'm going to spin the wheel for you,
13:13mate. We are currently on Mateus. His most prolific club is either Inter or Bayern Munich,
13:18isn't it? I'll check his icon profile. Bayern. Bayern. OK, so you've got a league dot,
13:26so you have to choose a non-German, non-Bayern Munich Bundesliga player.
13:32I can do that. Surely I can do that. Yeah, I can do that, Tom. OK, who do you want? You ready?
13:40Yep. Baino Gittens. Oh, very nice. Yeah, yeah, you can have him. You can indeed, sir.
13:49That card is unbelievable. Really expensive. But I am assuming really cheap now, actually,
13:58because the market's crashed. Yeah, the market crashed and now he's cheap. Yeah,
14:01fair enough. 91 rated. He's a fantasy card, I think. Yeah, future stars. 710k.
14:13I mean, he does also have a pro life that I could just pick instead. Yeah, but you know.
14:19Yep. YOLO, I believe the kids say. All right, this is where I put myself in a bit of hot water.
14:25Will I get away with it? Come on, Will, don't fail me now.
14:30League dot, WSL non-Man City, non-Jamaican player.
14:38Oh my God, I don't have enough coins. All right, he's a concept for now.
14:42You might have to use his pro life card, mightn't you?
14:45Yeah, exactly that, mate. Exactly that.
15:00Who am I going to take? Okay, I know who I want. And who is it? Jansen from Manchester United,
15:08please. She's good. Yeah, she can play CDM. Yeah, good card, good card. Dutch though. Dutch
15:18though, yeah. And Man U, I put Kiera Walsh. Okay, yeah, it's smart. Because you need another
15:22centimeter and she's cracked. Yeah, she's crazy good. Right, okay, we're going to spin the wheel
15:27again. You've got no defenders, Tom. Are you all right, mate? Well, I do because I just took
15:31Jansen. You've got nation dot, so you're going English outside of the Bundesliga.
15:38Easy. Yeah, it does seem easy, doesn't it? Who am I going to put down? No.
15:48Yeah, no. Yeah, no. Yeah, I'm going to write this. I'm going to write this.
15:53Okay, who is he like? I want a goalie, Tom.
15:57Pickford then, makes perfect sense. No, he's so bad on the game is the problem.
16:02I used, you know, we had that squad builder showdown a couple weeks ago where I was like,
16:05I was actually freaking out how bad he was. I did one of these with him in goal the other day
16:10and he was five times worse. Really? Imagine how bad he was. Imagine how bad he was. Oh my God.
16:18See, I was going to pick him anyway, just for a laugh. And also because when you then spin like
16:21ex-teammates and stuff, I've got a big advantage. Yeah. But that also was either you've written him
16:27and this is a hundred percent, you're just baiting me like an absolute genius. Or to be honest with
16:31you, you probably haven't written him because he's so bad on this game. I'll pickford.
16:37Okay. Yeah, sure. You've your own funeral mate. You can have him. I write Lewis Dunk.
16:43Big Jordan. Actually Everton's best player on this game. Probably Everton's worst player.
16:50Do you have to use him in your like Everton road to glory?
16:53So luckily for me, Tim Howard also played for Everton. Oh, of course. Yeah. So you've got him
16:58instead. Yeah. And then I also packed for birthday Yashin from my
17:02champs rewards one week. So I also just play him. Okay. So it's not a really,
17:07yeah. Last year when I was running past and present Everton, I as gold Jordan Pickford.
17:11Yeah. Fair enough. This year I've got a really good Tim Howard's card.
17:16Fair enough. I have spun myself league dot. So I can't, it's got to be WSL again. Can't be Dutch.
17:23Can't be United. Only one guess so far, but it's getting trickier. It's getting trickier by the
17:28minute, man. Yeah. Getting really tricky. Who do you want Tom? I think I need more enders. Maybe
17:36such a meme in this series. Why do I always end up having this player in? I'll take power Thomas,
17:43the Spanish girl from Villa. That's the one. Yeah. I wrote Kira Walsh. I thought you'd try
17:49and be clever. Yeah. I'm not that clever mate. I wish I was that clever. Right. We're going to go
17:55and spin for you, mate. And we are on clubs or something. There you go. Look at this X team, mate.
18:05Okay. I genuinely, I don't know who he played for. If they're not a top flight team, you don't. And
18:11they haven't got gold players. You don't know. Oh, but obviously he's had loads. Okay. There's
18:14loads of players that have played for Everton that have moved on. Who can you fit? Yeah. That's
18:19the thing. Chemistry is a bit of a tricky one because there's loads of good cards that used
18:24to play for Everton. Yeah. Because I've been on a bloody road to glory around. Quite a lot of them
18:30actually were objectives and on tradables and stuff that I don't necessarily have on this
18:33account or had and discarded. Yeah. There's someone that would fit perfectly into my team
18:37because as I'm sure you are aware, I don't have a right wing. Would be Chloe Kelly. She's passed
18:44and present Everton, but obviously never played with Jordan Pickford. It's the wrong gender.
18:48I'm going to go Adam Ola Luckman. Yeah. Nice. He's got 99 dribbling.
18:56And I really, really like that card. But you are now putting yourself. Oh my God. I've just gone
19:01Nigerian with no chemistry. We're three spots left. Can we pretend Luckman is still English?
19:10No, we can't. What did you put? I put John Stones down. I'm assuming he's one of the cards you had
19:17and you lost. No, I've got him still. I was going to go because versatility, Ben Godfrey.
19:23Oh yeah. I know that I discarded the card, so I couldn't do it. Right. Yeah. I also lost that
19:28card a long time ago. Right. Okay. Spinning for me. I was thinking Hammers Rodriguez,
19:31but I thought screw that. He's Colombian. And then I picked Adam Ola Luckman anyway,
19:34because I'm an idiot. Northern Paola Thomas for me. Opposite gender. Opposite gender.
19:42That's so easy. Any player I want. And who is the player that I want? Who do you want?
19:50Because it's a meme, Eddie. I want Pickford. Oh, I was going to write him and I wrote Eddison
19:53instead. I thought you might take the piss. Oh, but then I looked at Buddy Shaw,
20:00Haaland Foden and thought one more city player gets Buddy Shaw, Toucan.
20:05Yeah. Yeah. But no. Ah, Pickford. Battle of the bronzes.
20:14All right. When a stoppable force meets a movable object.
20:19Right. Oh, you've got quite lucky here. You've got league dot. So any Serie A player that is
20:25not Nigerian and not from Atalanta. So no. No. Exactly that. Right. Who might you use?
20:37I know who I want. I don't know if I have the card on this account.
20:41Right. Okay. I assume I'm not allowed to look. No. No looking in the club. Get information.
20:48Okay. So I'll tell you the name. This isn't necessarily who I'm going for. I don't know
20:51Belanova. Right. Okay. But now that I think about it, I think Belanova actually plays for Atalanta
20:57because that's why I did his SBC on my road to glory as well. Oh, I shouldn't say that. Shut
21:00up, Tom. Shut up. He could have put something stupid in. Yeah. You could just let me choose it
21:03and then I would have been wrong because it doesn't comply with the rules. But don't worry.
21:06I was onto it anyway because that's why I did that SBC on my road to glory. Okay. So we'll
21:10avoid that. I should probably pick a centre back because I've got so many options that I could go
21:15for. Hmm. But my brain is blanking. I can't think of a single one of them. There's Tamori,
21:22but he's so bait. But then is he so bait that I just get away with it. I'm going to go for a,
21:30oh, now I'm getting, now I'm really second guessing myself as to whether he plays for
21:32Begamo Calcio, Atalanta. I don't think he does. Oh, Andy, where's the ball knowledge? Right. I'm
21:41going to go Mancini. Mancini. Yeah. He's Roma mate. I think he's Roma. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're
21:46good. Really stinky card. Was he a team of the week for a vote? No, he's got like a bandage
21:50around his head. He looks like a legend. Oh, fair enough. I wrote down Loftus cheek. I didn't write
21:54Tamori. I was too bait. You're right. Loftus cheek. Oh, cause I could be playing Matthias
21:59centre back. Spinning for me on Pickford and I've got a rival. Okay. So again, we did this on my
22:06video, but, um, a rival club of Everton, any player from one of those, um, Tom's going to use
22:15chat GPT to ask for the top three rivals. Yes. So if it's, if it's, if it's in doubt, we'll check
22:20it. But obviously that is, uh, be decided. Um, all right. I've got a player. I've got a guess as well.
22:31Who do you want, Tom? Ryan Gravenberg, please. Oh, that's a very, Oh, Dutch. Clever. Well done,
22:37Tom. That's really good. I knew you'd have to write a Liverpool because to be honest with you,
22:41I can't even name two more like super obvious rivals for Everton. Yeah. Like what the people
22:46would in a relegation ball with this season. But yeah, I mean, GPT was trained on data up to 2021.
22:52I think. Yeah. Do you want me to, do you want me to see what they say? The free top just out of
22:56Yeah. Do you want me to, do you want me to see what they say? The free top just out of it? Yeah.
22:59Go on. Tell me what chap GPT thinks Evans top three rivals are. I'm going to guess
23:03Everton FC, Liverpool, obviously. And then who would we have been in a relegation battle with
23:11in 2021? Maybe like, and see if it does that, maybe it got down to like Southampton or Wolves
23:17or something, but then maybe you go West Ham or Newcastle. Yeah. It's because you haven't had
23:21like any like long standing rivalries. Like now people start like chap GPT puts Man City as one of
23:29Liverpool's top three rivals, the third highest rival because they've been in like this promote,
23:33well, this championship battle. Yeah. For like 10 years. Yeah. The primal. Yeah. Yeah. So Everton
23:39city United would be Liverpool. So Everton, obviously Liverpool, then it said a Manchester
23:44United historically matches between Everton and Manchester United have been competitive.
23:48Both clubs having rich history and strong following the rivalry. Isn't as tense as the
23:52Merseyside dive Derby, but there has been several significant crashes over the years. And then third,
23:57it gives you Aston Villa. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Villas are historical. Good one. Yeah. Yeah. So
24:02there you go. Chat GPT is smarter than us. There we go. Right. Okay. Spinning for you, mate. And
24:07you are currently on who are you on? You on Mancini Mancini. Aren't you? Yeah. Okay. You've
24:14got two positions left. I've done quite well. Yeah. For my second go, I have lost my tires.
24:20That was a very good guess from you. I haven't guessed one of yours. You've got Ken breaker.
24:26So any Italian, any sorry, Ken breaker, you are allowed to put into your team. My friend,
24:34there's a few options. If I'm going icon route, I can play Zambrotta on either side.
24:40So you've probably written it down that I think that'd be the most sensible thing to write.
24:44I could move Ryerson to write back. I'm not being a Maldini would be a good one, but I'm trying to
24:54think of like a Saria Ken breaker to get Luckman full camp, but I'm really struggling to I've not
25:03paid massive amounts of attention to the promos whilst I've been away in Spain and then away in
25:10Spain. So for birthday, barely got a clue where there is. And the previous one was
25:13grassroots. Great. Wasn't it? Was it, or was it fantasy thoughts? Ah, my head's gone. I don't
25:17know, Tom. I I'll tell you what I would guess as a Ken breaker. And I think it's right wing
25:24as well. Is there a, I'm not going to pick this because I'd probably lose the player,
25:27but I feel like grassroots greats, Politano. That's what my brain wants to say. However,
25:32at the expense of my own coins and sanity, I'm going to pick Maldini.
25:38Yeah. Fair enough. You can take Maldini mate. I wrote down Del Piero. Can you play right wing?
25:45I'm giving you information here. Shut up, Andy. You know why you'd need him to play right wing.
25:48Oh, I see. That was silly. Oh, maybe. Oh, okay. Maybe Luckman doesn't play a right wing.
25:55That was silly. Oh dear. I'm going to check Politano just because for my own sanity.
26:03It's kind of one of those series where you can't help but verbalize everything you're thinking,
26:07because it's really good context. Because it's really good context. Your opponent's just sat
26:11there like, uh-huh. No, I had no idea that that's what you were looking for. Okay, cool. We'll work
26:15on that. Okay. Right. Spinning the wheel for me on Ryan Gravenbert. Here we go. I have got nation
26:23dot. So just a Dutch player not in the prem. Dutch player not in the prem. Exactly that Andy.
26:30Exactly that. I've got two things written down. Okay. You're only allowed one. Yeah. And I'm
26:36going to cross this one out. Can I have Daily Blind? Ew. Yes. Sure. What's wrong with Daily?
26:48What's wrong with him? Terrible, isn't he? Well, he has got a special card, which I do have, so.
26:53I mean, you're getting slandered by a man who picked Mancini who doesn't have a playstyle plus
26:57in March. But, I mean, Blind doesn't have one either, so. No. Yeah. I wrote Frimpong and levels.
27:03Yeah, nice. Yeah, no. And then I crossed out levels because I thought if you picked it and
27:07then it spun like League. Yeah. It's like Oberdorf or Bust. Yeah, exactly. All right. One player left
27:16for me. You've guessed my Matthias. I've not guessed a single one of yours, Tom. Is this quite
27:20rare? Yeah, it's usually. It's quite messy. I love being quite. All right. So, we are going off.
27:27You. Who are we going off again? Maldini. Maldini. So, you need to choose a rival from Maldini's
27:34most prolific club, which will be obviously AC Milan. Yeah. So, you need to pick a rival player.
27:42And it's down to chat GPT. It is, yeah. And my ability to think of one. Okay. Well,
27:50I've got a player written down. Now, your whiteboard's full. I'll talk the people through my
27:56logic. Obviously, a rival is Inter. They share a stadium. Then I've gone maybe Juve.
28:06Because they were the dominant force in this area for quite a while.
28:10And I don't really know who the third one would be. Maybe Napoli. So, I'm just going to ignore
28:14that and just pick someone from Juve or Inter. And now I'm struggling to think of a right wing
28:20from Juve or Inter. And I think one of the worst parts is I'm pretty sure...
28:27Is it Poglietano? But I don't want to say that because I've literally just verbalized it.
28:32A Juve right wing. Okay. Oh, does he still play for them? I'm not sure. My brain was just about
28:38to say Cuadrado, but then I know he's got a special card. I don't know if I can actually get it.
28:42Why has my brain gone so blank, Tom?
28:45Panic. Blind panic. That's what it is.
28:47It is panic. And my brain's just going, Luchman, Luchman, Luchman. Because you've written Luchman
28:51for right wing. Do you know the other thing I picked on Tom's channel? Little spoiler, Timothy
28:57Weah. And my brain's just going, Weah, Weah, Weah, Weah. Okay. Who plays for Juve? Vlahovic
29:07is the striker.
29:09I know who you're thinking of, but I'm not actually going to say anything. I don't want to ruin it.
29:15My head's so gone. I genuinely can't think of another Juve player apart from Vlahovic because
29:19my mind's gone so blank. Oh, okay. Bremer and Danilo. And then in midfield, oh, we got Barella
29:31for Inter. I feel like there should be a time limit on this, Tom. So I genuinely
29:36vote for you in the comments, Timothy Weah. You're actually going Timothy Weah? I'm going
29:41Timothy Weah. Does he actually play right wing as well? He's a right mid, so I assume so,
29:45because EA says every right mid can play right wing and vice versa. Silver.
29:52He's not bronze. It's better than bronze. I did write down Politano so you can have
29:56Timothy Weah. Yeah. It would have been, you could have had Inter, Juve or Roma according to AC,
30:03according to Chats UBT. Yildiz? Yildiz. Conce. Ah, Conce Sao. That's the obvious one.
30:13You can't be looking. You've got another round coming up. Not for me, I don't. I've got a full
30:17team. You've got your super sub. Oh, God, so I do. Sorry. I forgot about that. Anyway, here we go.
30:24I thought you couldn't be linking Conce Sao to Daily Blin, so I thought I was free to have a look.
30:28I've landed on, I've landed on for the last round, League Dot. So not Dutch and not
30:37Gatafe? I don't know what club you're talking about. No, it's Girona. Girona. I'll give you
30:40that. I'll give you that, yeah. Because we've just been there. We did just go to their golf course.
30:47Go and check out Andy Castell Golf. There probably will be a golf video on there.
30:51Me against Tom and Oakley. I know. Not 2v1, that would be too one-sided.
30:56Well, there is 2v1, but you guys are playing alternate shot and I'm playing just my own ball.
31:00It was good fun. Lots of golf videos coming. Check out the golf channel. It is back for the
31:04new sunny season. There were some good laughs, I won't lie. Mainly at Oakley's expense. Yeah,
31:10he did that by that time. It was very enjoyable to watch. Me and Tom were sharing a buggy and
31:13we were absolutely loving it. Even though he was on Tom's team, it was just hilarious. It was so
31:17funny, man. It was so funny. All right, are you ready for my final pick? No, sorry, I got
31:22distracted. I think you need a right back and you think you need, did you say a league dot?
31:27A league dot, yeah. So not Dutch or Girona. Anything else is golden. It's good that you
31:32said that because I was just about to write down a Serie A right back. All right, I'm ready.
31:37I'll take Azpilicueta, please. Oh, nice. I put Jesus Navas. Oh, fair enough. Damn,
31:43I could have had Marcus Llorente as well. That's frustrating. All right, so we do have a
31:48potential super sub or... A super sub, yeah. So you've got a bronze in your team at the moment,
31:54haven't you? So I can bring them in from the start? You can bring them in from the start.
31:57I've actually got a full team, so I can take someone, take a player and then, you know,
32:03bring them on at halftime if I want to. But I need someone for Matthias. Someone for Matthias
32:09would be good for you. Right, OK. And we're spinning on Timothy Way, which I wouldn't have
32:12picked if I remembered that because the bloke's from America.
32:18League and nation dot, mate. League and nation dot. League and nation. Yeah, it has to be
32:26an American from the Serie A.
32:31Jesus. I was writing one down. I've just rubbed it out and wrote something else.
32:36Have you got your guess? I have. Well, I mean, the logic dictates that you've written down
32:43Pulisic because then I don't have to play a silver. However, I do actually need a centre mid.
32:55Do you remember Weston McKennie? But I swear he played for Juve.
33:00And I don't know if he still does. And then I'm trying to think, is there any other Americans
33:04in Serie A or do I just? I've got a bronze centre mid anyway, so do I take the punt on McKennie
33:12being like actually in a different Serie A club and get myself a centre mid? Or do I take the
33:18punt that you haven't written down Pulisic and get a stick with a bronze centre mid,
33:23but maybe get myself a better player for White?
33:27Do you have any questions? I feel like I need to take the punt on McKennie.
33:31Weston McKennie. That's who I wrote down first, mate.
33:36And then I rubbed them out because he played for Juve.
33:38Because he played for Juve. And I have written down, of course, Pulisic. So you can't have
33:43McKennie because he's not on the board. McKennie's not on the board.
33:48Oh, sorry. You can't have Pulisic because he's not on your board.
33:51There was another one. I've just had a look for you. He's only 74. He looks pretty OP though.
33:58Oh, he's a good Evo player.
34:02All right. To finish me off on Azpilicueta, here we go.
34:12So when you say ex-league, someone who used to play in La Liga or someone who plays in a
34:16league that Azpilicueta used to play in?
34:18So a league that Azpilicueta used to play in. Any player from that league.
34:27Who do I want?
34:30Um, I've got to guess.
34:34Obviously, I can only bring this on as a sub. I can't start them because I've got a full team.
34:37You can't start them?
34:39Oh, I might change my guess then.
34:41I thought you could.
34:43Okay. I can bring them on as a super sub from half time. Because I've got a full team,
34:46it feels like I should go. I should roll with that.
34:48Oh, all right. Sure. Oh, maybe. Would you still do that? That seems mental.
34:53Do you know what? I'm going to stick with it. Why not? I'm going to write the name back on
34:56just because maybe you will do. It's funny. Who do you want?
34:59I want Alison.
35:03I wanted to play Al just in case he was having that bad a game that I was losing my mind.
35:09I've rubbed them out and then put them back.
35:16You stick with your pick for top.
35:19No, you will join me in the depths of hell.
35:22And you will love it.
35:23Oh, that is funny.
35:24That is funny. Fair play, mate. Fair play.
35:28Right. In goes Sing.
35:32Oh, that won't.
35:32Does he get chemistry?
35:33No. Do you know what? I've got 24 out of 33, Kem.
35:37That's not bad. I've got way more.
35:39But if I had Matthias, I'd have 31.
35:43Yeah. You were almost up there. You were almost in the upper echelons. I'm currently on 29.
35:48That's good.
35:49Should have taken a Man City player at some point just to get Bonnie Shaw and Kem, but
35:52it is what it is.
35:54I've got to somehow afford. Wait, is Maldini extinct?
35:59It's coming.
35:59Oh my God. You might be able to snag his loan off the store.
36:03I think there's a loan Maldini to make it even more expensive.
36:07He's 900k.
36:16Should have chosen Del Piero.
36:18Should have picked Sam Brotter.
36:20Holy moly. Oh my God. Right. Let me go by everyone else,
36:27then Maldini, and then see which version of Bino Gittens I can afford.
36:31And then we'll get into a game with discords on the line.
36:33I'm a bit scared, Tom. I'm going to be honest with you.
36:36But is it because we've got Pickford and Gold?
36:38It's not. It's because I've got Maldini and Haaland and Weijer and Dobronz.
36:45There's a fair bit on the line, isn't there?
36:48Pickford with Haaland finesse shots is surely not going to go well.
36:55You also have Punishaw finesse shots.
36:59Oh dear. I've white-timed that as well.
37:01Okay, this is a problem. At least you can't sub on Alison,
37:04and I could do the same back to you.
37:14Oh, he's looking for a pen. Look at you.
37:17Just spam attack all the time for me, Tom. Oh my God. Sing, please, bro.
37:22Oh, no way.
37:23Even Tim, if you weigh, I can score past Jordan Pickford, Tom.
37:25Why did I pick him?
37:30It's all over now. Oh, oh.
37:46Oh, don't tackle it back to the goalie, Erling.
37:54Oh, what a save.
37:56Schlotterbeck just playing the entire world onside there.
37:59I don't want him to get on one. That's the thing.
38:01I don't want this Erling Haaland to start getting,
38:03or this Pickford to get his gloves warm. I need him to stay cold.
38:08How cold?
38:10Oh my God.
38:11Oh my God.
38:12Mine's cold. Mine's cold.
38:13Oh my God.
38:19No, why is Azpilicueta so bad?
38:22What is Azpilicueta doing?
38:26It's not 2018 anymore, Tom. Picking Azpi.
38:28I mean, his cards are decent,
38:29but he's played like he's right-wing all game, and he's playing everyone on.
38:38Oh, you dirty dog.
38:46You dirty dog, Tom.
38:48I can't use Pickford and then...
38:51Not die for me.
38:54I use Pickford and then not try and get him to do a bit better than what he wants to do.
39:07That's a ball.
39:10I've scored a header.
39:11Scoring crosses in March on this patch, Tom. Fair play.
39:18Oh, a bit like there.
39:22Oh, it's all the jam.
39:24I love it.
39:25Oh my God.
39:25I love it. I'll take it. We'll take it.
39:33Oh, stay on side.
39:34He's off. Please be off.
39:35Oh, I was so close.
39:37I was tramping as well, by the way.
39:39I wanted to be on the record that I was going to tramp here.
39:41Just so that I'm aware.
39:42Okay, thanks, mate.
39:43Engen is having a great time over there, isn't he?
39:45I wish it was Engen. Ingra's Engen.
39:48Yeah, sadly not.
39:54That's actually Phil, to be fair.
39:56That makes up for the stinker that you scored to be a fair goal.
39:58That was beautiful.
40:07Oh, why is it Timothy Weyer?
40:10He can score. It's only Pickford.
40:12You're a sweat, mate.
40:14You are such a lucky little sweat.
40:19Yeah. Yeah.
40:21Can't even argue.
40:22Yeah, I am. And I love it.
40:27Got that then.
40:31Have him.
40:32Oh, I thought he'd gone in.
40:33Oh, that dude's so jammy.
40:36Come on, Jeremy.
40:37Oh, you're such...
40:42Oh, I would have given a penalty anyway.
40:45Tried to block it and just took him by the...
40:47Just crippled Timothy Weyer or Luckman or someone else in the box.
40:51Yeah, fair enough.
40:54I'm feeling sweaty, Tom.
40:58It's just criminal assault, by the way.
41:02Slow motion replay of Timothy Weyer getting killed.
41:08Oh, no.
41:16Space it in.
41:19Oh, that's a huge save.
41:20Pickford's actually not been in, though.
41:20Where's Maldini going?
41:22Crows running the 400 metres round the bend.
41:30Oh, no.
41:31Oh, it has as well.
41:33Didn't even green it.
41:34Come on.
41:36Maldini, bro.
41:40He's playing on your own side.
41:43Oh, he's done well, though.
41:45He played poorly, but then has made up for it.
41:47Slide tackle plus has saved him.
41:51I thought I was going to run in front of him and just bed it in.
41:54Jesus wept.
41:54What's he done that for?
41:59This is ridiculous.
42:00Honestly, Connors needs to be nerfed, man.
42:02Fucking useless game.
42:04Useless game, mate.
42:05It's so boring to concede corners or goals like that all the time.
42:09It's just counter-attack Connors over us.
42:11You concede from your own corner.
42:13I'd rather just kick it out of play because you can't score from him.
42:16So what's the point?
42:19Oh, yeah, of course.
42:20I'm sure he tackled me like that whilst I was mid-hill to hill.
42:26Now he's playing it around the back.
42:28This guy is the worst.
42:30He's not.
42:31He's going to score against you again, Tom.
42:35I mean, oh my God.
42:38What is this game doing?
42:40Get out of the field.
42:44Oh, come on.
42:45You literally blew it on 92-01.
42:51Oh, I got this card.
42:52Christ, that was scary.
42:54Buddy Shaw, by the way.
42:55What a card for 300k.
42:57Oh my God.
42:58I'm not really looking forward to this.
43:01I am so happy.
43:02We had to wait before filming for me to sell stuff in my club before filming the game
43:08because I literally muddled myself picking that team.
43:14I don't even know how much Graven Birch is nowadays.
43:17I mean, I'm assuming by the fact that Buddy Shaw is 300k,
43:20he's gone down and quite cheap.
43:22That is crazy.
43:23That is crazy.
43:24I've shuffled, mate.
43:26Where do you want to go?
43:26He was 500k like a week ago, four days ago.
43:30Yeah, massive market crash for birthday.
43:32Don't worry.
43:32I lost hundreds of thousands.
43:36Yeah, my team shuffled.
43:37What do you want?
43:39Right striker.
43:40Oh, Jansen.
43:41Oh, I'm so close.
43:44I'm surrounded.
43:44I'm surrounded by big players.
43:46Buddy Shaw at left striker.
43:47Harlow at cam.
43:49And it's Jansen that has to go.
43:50Oh, quick seller, mate.
43:51She's got quick seller.
43:52She's worthless.
43:53I hope you guys have enjoyed this series.
43:54If you've got any better names, then we'll build a battle.
43:57Pop it down in the comments section.
44:00We'll see you guys next time.
