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KVARADONNA AT PSG!!! #aj3 #fc25 #squadbuildershowdown vs @CapgunTom
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00:00What's up everybody welcome back to another video today we're doing squad builder showdown on PSG
00:06Cavaradonna very very exciting card and one that probably by the time you guys are seeing this
00:12video will have already been upgraded because he got an assist in the first game since Fantasy FC
00:18came out against Leon and will be getting himself a if we head over to the profile tom player
00:24achieves a goal and assist another play style plus oh dear jesus okay well that's exciting
00:30oh dear is that is it necessary is it really necessary that's the question is it really
00:37necessary he's only got one and a half because i always slander trickster plus so i get them up to
00:42two and a half give them rapid plus maybe that's what they're waiting for that's why he hasn't got
00:45rapid normal i'll tell you what they can do give them a dynamic image come on EA what is this
00:51oh mine's got a dynamic image not for me he's not i bought a duff one maybe maybe
00:59just the EA service i think okay okay he looks really good they've won one match already he
01:06needs to win two out of four and he'll get another oh plus one and a roll plus plus 10 goals they've
01:12already scored three i like this promo it's cool that the cards can get upgraded we talked about
01:16it in the last one when we did malin he's already got five star five star which is just absolutely
01:21filth i'm just very excited to do a squabble show to be honest with you tom he's a psg now
01:25which is kind of mad to be honest i can see why he's got finesse plus mate and you are i do love
01:30you are a merchant you are a merchant for finesse plus it's disgusting i love it he is still from
01:38georgia yes but now in the league earn so equally as difficult to build a squad round but a bit
01:44different than usual not just putting in napoli players to try and get them full camp yeah i mean
01:50i don't really understand what's happened to the gun he's been pretty good and now it's uh
01:54having just tried to put together a squad for future rounds to make sure i don't put myself
01:58in a situation where i have to use bronzes to get chemistry like i did i think in the last episode
02:03against you um or non-red golds i think it was um i just wanted to make sure and it's extremely
02:11extremely difficult to get yourself chemistry it's top five leagues is what it's called isn't it
02:16but you got like ronaldo slandering it and saying that actually the saudi league is the fifth best
02:21league now i mean i'm not sure i agree with ultimate team league ain't cooking like it used
02:30to no mbappe no messy no namor no sergio ramos no tiago silver you know what that means andy
02:36just means plenty of guesses plenty of bronzes plenty of goals for kovar skelia that is very
02:42true tom what formation you're gonna play him in mate well the question is and is whether you've
02:46guessed it or not because i would like to go super attacking but you might have written this down
02:51i've gone four two four okay you're a nutter did you do this last time probably i feel like 44 is
03:02just my go-to when i need a winger and um i want to play the winger up the top and i don't want the
03:07formation guessed you are a nutcase you can actually play left wing and right wing and left
03:13mid you can play right oh god this squad would be so much easier to build if i knew you could
03:18play right wing yeah i'm gonna play him left wing hopefully are you well hopefully
03:26i've worked well you've already committed and i've written down a formation that has a left
03:29wing in it so come on andy
03:35four three three four oh my god you went so big so bait so big so great it's actually
03:41it almost flies under the radar the four three three four nowadays that's for australia i've
03:46written the the you know the ratty formation four two one three oh yeah so did i yeah you're a
03:52sweaty man i'm not sweaty man what do you mean i'm gonna sweat on fifa mate got no time for that
03:59i'm here for the vibes immaculate vibes only um i mean this does represent like 99% of my
04:04coin balance so um i will sweat it a little bit today you'll be turning sweaty we'll actually
04:10start panicking when the finesses are flying oh dear has you got two strikers in the right wing
04:17you're a nutcase mate all right let's jump in and let's guess the forwards
04:22as we move into the first pick stead tom has just informed me that he's a fat freaking scum of
04:26bastards apparently in the last squabble of shenanigans you were cheeing through your back
04:32teeth tom i did see a little bit i think it was just by accident what did you do um i i used two
04:38illegal position changes it's been happening a lot harry did this as well harry hescoff but i
04:43guess the second illegal position change i didn't even realize that he'd done it because i wrote
04:47down one of them i'm gonna say now andy it is on your shoulders to spot and root these things out
04:53it's not i'm trying to guess people's stuff tom i can't be the rules official as well no you've got
04:58to be the rules official too people always say oh andy cheating but he wouldn't allow that if
05:02somebody else did it i barely even notice when people do like well that's just here to have a
05:07laugh and hopefully discard tom's cavaradonna to be honest well that's good because you know what
05:11i've got a whole bunch of position changes i've got a whole bunch of position changes i've got a
05:16whole bunch of position change i'm thinking cheating and sweating today is the only way
05:22you may as well cheat every time yeah exactly once a cheater always a cheater yeah and if you
05:28want to support an honorable man like myself instead of a big cheat like tom you can use my
05:32creator code whenever you're buying anything on this game aj3fc if you're on pc or down in
05:37description there's a link that will take you to the playstation website or app depending on what
05:41you click on a device clicking on that and being signed in to playstation will sort of activate
05:46your playstation account to support me for a week so then anything for the next week that you buy
05:50i get five percent of the money instead of ea on fc obviously not every game that would be mental
05:54you know what it's a shame that they didn't give you this code just when fifa launched or
05:58just before yes so if you guys would be so kind as to use it and show that you guys are interested
06:04in support and creators that will hopefully convince ea to give it give us it during team
06:09of the season give us it during pre-orders give us it during team of the year maybe just put it
06:13in once and then it lasts it connects to you forever yeah exactly it's on a trial at the
06:18moment they've just extended the trial so i assume that means it's going quite well
06:21and they're trying to make it easier for you guys to do initially you had to buy it through the
06:25website now you can use the website to authenticate your account and then buy it on the game for a
06:30week afterwards and everything will count towards me so i'm optimistic yes i would love a five
06:37percent slice of ea's pre-orders instead of it going to ea when the game launches so if you guys
06:42would like me to have that money instead of ea make sure you use that code or they think of
06:46doing it for the actual game i thought it's just fp yeah no it's the game it's the points it's
06:50literally anything you buy wow okay yeah yeah so very optimistic hopefully that we will have a
07:00line at the aj3 residence yeah literally i've got golf balls to buy ladies and gentlemen
07:07fc26 hopefully you know pre-orders game launch team of the year team of the season i might that
07:14they're not having a coin sponsor for the last 10 years might finally finally pay dividends
07:21so support the channel anyway tom what players do you want all right well andy you know that i like
07:28to start a school build a showdown building a hybrid firstly and getting absolutely no chemistry
07:33for any of the players you're not getting a link to kavara's honor what are you doing
07:38i'll give him i'll give him two thirds of a dot will that make you happy
07:42it was one leaguer and player is that yeah not from the same team i'm gonna go with
07:47balligan balligan balligan i've got a load of him as well it's a tilt merchant move
07:55you see him scoring he's american tom i know i you're a nutter um i will give one chemistry dot
08:03not out of choice just purely because they happen to be the same nation the next two players um
08:08since i've used up a lot of my coins andy not on balligan i'm gonna have a good night
08:16i might have to dig into my uh into my club a little bit just to get this thing popping up
08:20so we're gonna go with what's going on future stars eka tk i think that's how you say his name
08:27the guy from frankfurt this winger you can't play wing what and then i'm gonna go with
08:34a fellow player from his league and i'm gonna go with thunderstruck elisa
08:40oh you're finesse merchant he's on the wrong side to finesse it mate he's right footed and he
08:45oh no he's left
08:49brilliant the logic kind of follows that you've put some french players in and you've started
08:54with a french league team except he's not french he's georgian and then you've added an american
09:03are you all right tom uh no probably not good
09:08honestly when you put balligan in i was expecting you to say miyaha
09:11so eka tk sure knock yourself out miyaha i've got no coins mate how's miyaha getting added in
09:18i don't know you might have packed her or something i'm taking the complete opposite
09:21route to you right okay you've gone slow and steady yeah i've pulled out the driver
09:27okay right i'm just smashing it and hoping for the best right i mean this this card isn't amazing
09:33but there's a logic to it i'm going lacazette with his technical plus because i thought kola
09:38needs a bit too but you might have written him down but then i'm going to pick a bait one and
09:41i'm going to pick dembele yes i made the right scramble do you know what do you know the worst
09:49part is i've just looked at my team where i planned something and i that's actually got
09:53bark holder and i was meant to use my special position change there but you've already
09:57committed and i've written down yes brilliant you're a moron
10:08it's such a pain in the arse to get chemistry for oh i know i've made sure i've got him full chem
10:13do you what's there bradley bar cola well it could have been bradley bar cola but it's not
10:18not his future stars because i'm not a psycho and it doesn't matter which version does it
10:21really because i'm getting a bronze goal yeah brilliant well let's not let's not rush things
10:26andy are we not are we not getting ahead of ourselves oh you know what i'm feeling feeling
10:30pretty saucy actually you know what since you've already got your psd link and you're quite clearly
10:35going to go at least five dots worth of lead chemistry because you've got lacazette in there
10:40as well i think i'll have to give you the goalie now just in case did you put colo moani not yeah
10:46i did put colo moani of course okay sure i was just begging that you hadn't i was just praying
10:50that you'd not put in um what's the name mary katoto she's very good to probably should have
10:56done yeah i was just praying i was praying um you can have uh don and rammer up top mate
11:03you little snake in the grass why because i can't put him in goal i know exactly i'm not a sweat
11:10i'm not a sweat hey listen it's just smart if i didn't do this
11:20yeah no there you go yeah you go there you go you wait until i pull out my lab putter in spain
11:26next week you'll be in trouble then there you call me a sweat as well i'll see how it is i'll
11:31tell you what say you've got something on the line as well you can use the special card you can use
11:34the centurion you can shut up tom i'll do what i want mate no i don't want you to have a regular
11:38don and rammer that you can just chuck into an svc for no punishment pull in this guy's a little
11:43rat with a full front line with a full front line fine you're only allowed to use brand new
11:50pro v1s in spain how about no that's ridiculous i don't have any of them i find them all shut up
11:56there and let's move on to the midfield all right tom you're off your heads you've rattled me
12:05already i've picked my wrong players i've double checked this time what i'm gonna go for and then
12:09it gets me full chemistry okay so i'm just gonna tell you okay i'm gonna go for another new fantasy
12:15fc card okay but this one's a hero a hero yeah so i'm intrigued to see this guy's show
12:25it doesn't say on here he hasn't got a profile thing let me have a look on foot gg i'm going
12:29francis scully oh francis is uh he's in league isn't he yes and he's linked to marseille so if
12:36they win two games he gets a overall and a plus roll if they score 10 goals he gets a 99 face stat
12:42okay so he's less eligible for upgrades if they win the league he'll get a playstyle plus
12:48and if they win a cup he'll get a playstyle plus all right fair enough well either way
12:52into my squad he goes that's an interesting way okay cool like it i like it are you actually
12:59being nice or you're being suspicious by being like oh that's an interesting one oh no no genuinely
13:03haven't written him down the main of come on now don't worry you're all good okay gonna use his
13:10link yeah yeah i just knew it was coming i was like well that's it i'm in trouble here i'm in a
13:16little bit of trouble i'm just stuck with alverde yeah which one you take you taking camavinger or
13:22too many with him i'll have too many i think tom because camavinger costs about a billion quid yeah
13:26yeah yeah okay fair enough yeah no well difficult to really know where you're going to go in that
13:31situation and unfortunately i'm still going to be in a situation where i've got a bloody
13:35clue what you're doing because you've got to done that thing where you've got the two strong links
13:38with the clubs um and you could pretty much branch off and do whatever the heck you want after this
13:43um i wrote down cherky as one of the best cams nice and affordable uh zachariah and zeh emery
13:51nice oh yeah you're good you're golden you're golden could say you're going real smart if it
13:55wasn't for the fact that i've got donner on my right wing smart yeah i mean yeah yeah there's
14:01you're only as good as your last performance the last performance you managed to get through
14:04without losing any player you probably smashed it mate absolutely which of our verdict did you
14:08get an expensive one nice he understruck oh okay i mean he's still expensive but he's like
14:14reasonably affordable he's 400k instead of a null all right you want to you want to hear it yeah
14:19you ready i'm ready all right you know you have you have you worked it out do you know what i'm
14:25doing you do don't you you do know what i'm doing don't you you already know what are you doing tom
14:31okay well i'll start off one with with one that i'm pretty sure you won't have written down
14:35because it's no icon i'm gonna go with my freshly packed thunderstruck zidane
14:42freshly packed we sbc no no thunderstruck no but like in a s in an sbc oh yeah yeah no no no
14:51store pack come on i was that i was confused because you packed a thunderstruck icon but
14:55yeah no there was a pack it was like you think that um one icon in a pack alone from the store
15:00would probably be too many well now they're doing two one of them is uh one of them is from one of
15:04the promos and the other one's potentially it's just a base and they're all 88 plus and my main
15:09one was zidane in that pack so yeah pretty happy about that 1.3 mil or something bloody hell yeah
15:16right here we go you've made comments about the american already i'm going for it i'm heading
15:22into d1 or gamer getting a psg link with the newly transferred fantasy crystal done
15:29i'm so stupid how have i not spotted that you have spotted it you're slow rolling me
15:35stop it just stop it now of course you spotted it i don't know how however not got that right
15:44does she have not a psg kit on she does that is a psg kit isn't it it's just a weird psg kit yeah
15:51no you've written it down i'm not i refuse to but it's just too bait it's too bait an american
15:56a psg brand new card i've got a loan of it of course it's got to go in i wrote
16:02vitinia okay i thought you might do vitinia paulina vitinia paulina vitinia paulina
16:09and an american lady tom yeah of course get her out horror aldi
16:13oh the icon oh you wrote down you wrote down foul day
16:19that is rogue i'm an idiot i genuinely looked at americans and just scrolled past that crystal
16:27done card my brain was just like she's in the nwsl yeah that's unfortunate no i i was like
16:34i was trying to toss up between her and horan ran horan how do you say it horan horan you know
16:43the american from a leon but yeah i had to get that link and i've managed to get my psg link
16:48without losing the player that is big that is huge i am tilted i'm so mad
16:58let's move into the fullbacks
17:04all right i've got your top 100 i know what you're doing now
17:07no no i do no i do no who oh tell me no no i see you over in la liga having so much fun
17:16with their real madrid players you know what i think i'll have some real madrid players for
17:20myself mate i'm gonna have from liga f olga carmona are you doing the carmona and she or
17:28whatever she's called perfect link i am indeed i was on my team screen over here that i've built
17:35i was gonna do the demarco darmian but that means i'd have to use a position change i feel like
17:40maybe saving that for the end is a good idea so this way doing tom just building me don't worry
17:46you don't don't concern yourself with what's going on over here you've got no chemistry
17:55don't worry buddy i'll get there in the end like we just gotta build it up build it up right until
18:02the last round everyone's excited to see how tom's team is going to fall apart and then bam
18:06uno reverse card and he gets away with all of them i'm gonna be magical apparently because
18:11you shouldn't have got away with that crystal done i'm an idiot so you never know fair enough
18:16crack on mate yeah you crack on all right car then what we said now don't get too ahead of
18:21yourself and start getting giddy and giggling and stuff when i say this card because it's not like
18:26the den belly one all right right
18:30georgia have kind of but they have two they've got this miko tadze but he was an objective
18:38intimidate i don't have that and then they got a play of the month but there's a play of the
18:42month and he's got a winter wild cards and stuff like that and the winter wild cards is actually a
18:44left back davintash villi and i was gonna go for it because it's also from liga so it's just like
18:52just i don't need it but i just thought that's nice in it i've got cavaradonna let's get another
18:56george in the squad can't he's extinct uh yeah no that is actually quite a big problem right now
19:01i've gone to buy a lot of players and a lot are extinct like it's lucky that i had that shay card
19:05in my club because she's extinct on the one hand i respect ea for bringing out really good evos that
19:11makes people want to buy cards and make them good but can we please have a bit of foresight and
19:16update the price ranges for the ones that are better because they're just all going extinct
19:21from evos it's so annoying yeah stupid anyway with that in mind i can't pick him so i'll have
19:32a nun mensch okay yeah it's all right nun mensch tell me your other player and then i'll let you
19:42know i want i don't want to spoil it if you think if i'm gonna get a double do i this is where i'm
19:48not a hundred percent sure what to do i do have i've got the capacity to do that i just don't
19:55know if i want to risk that many more coins he's another mill
20:05should i just use play a team of the year in buffet really should they
20:08if i wanted to go stupid i've got 1.3 mil left
20:18oh i feel like i'm getting baited by the comment section tom because oh another
20:23stinky squad from andy like are there so many coins just on tax
20:35yeah see kunday's 500k if you're gonna spend 500k you may as well spend a mil
20:41i'll have team of the year car for hell tom come on baby
20:45oh my goodness andy you're building a stinky team because you can't have that car for hell
20:53get him out another stinky squad from andross maybe this is the ultimate double bluff this
21:00is why you don't listen to the comment section and you don't let them bait you
21:04you guys another stinky squad from andy when i pick carvel i lose my players and then i lose
21:11more coins and then i discard cabaradonna and then i build more stinky squads and it's a vicious
21:15cycle no i know this is the ultimate bait from andy he's like comment section look i'm trying
21:22to build expensive teams knowing that everyone's writing down the bait team you did it on purpose
21:30but now you're not risking him why would i write kunday bro come on he's french and then you leave
21:35the option to just put an extra french player in like a tin foil chemistry and you go to a
21:38different league and whatever bro i'll write down sergi gomez and i'll write down carvel
21:44get him the hell out of there it's a good job i got valverde right center mid because
21:50he can play right wing sentiment and right back all at the same time
21:54you my friend oh who did you have at least you have to give me a right back
21:58you do yep yep yep yep yep we can do that um you can have a ginger mate you can have sergeant
22:06from uh yeah look at that that is strong put me and uh jack 54 to shame i think jack puts
22:14himself to shame with his performance on this game these days to be honest with you
22:17he does get battered unfortunately yeah gingers get battered everywhere they go
22:24everywhere they go
22:26i'm excited
22:31it's got me shimmering it's got me worried my friend as well
22:37it's so bad oh dear oh dear but you need crystal dunn chem you need eka tk chem you need a lisa
22:46chem you need balligan chem you need cavaradonna chem you've got no icon don't worry let's get
22:52into the final picks the final stage then tom where it all comes together for you first of all
23:01i'm going to tell you my place okay yeah and i need both my center backs because yeah i don't
23:06have a right back or a right wing valverde's got a lot to do and i've got four attackers
23:10yeah you've got four forwards yeah so yes i found in my club a pretty sneaky one eric bay
23:19hmm sure you ain't writing him he's ivorian
23:26now i do think actually now that i've said that
23:30will you go parejo with him well that was the plan but i don't know why you're saying that
23:33that's a bit weird this i could go agbadoo if i wanted to who's that from he's from
23:40yeah yeah unusable then unusable mate it's almost march you always use a player
23:48about a play style plus i feel sick just thinking about it yes i'll have parejo tom
23:53okay and then in goal this is the part where i'd go ha ha donnarumma screw you tom
24:01but i've stunk up the gaff you've stunk up the gaff so i'll have chevalier
24:06uh can you even purchase chevalier i don't know i hope so otherwise i'll use this gold card
24:12the thing was i yeah yeah yeah yeah you can you did a smart thing by actually getting out a legion
24:18because for some reason all of the goalkeepers are extinct really chevalier his inform is extinct
24:27the person he's extinct the other guy from the same club extinct why i don't know just all extinct
24:33why i don't know just all extinct mate it's not there not purchasable i know why why the new
24:42cup would be my i say i know why i'm guessing the new cup would be my guess because you have
24:47to build like a mad squad where you've got like one player who's over 87 four players who are 85
24:51to 86 seven players who are 82 and they've got like 82 and 83 in form so it's quite good for
24:57the new cup yeah but even the more more advanced that who's the other guy who's got two informs or
25:02something french goalie because he's the person no yeah yeah he's they're both extinct there's no
25:09goalkeeper he's coming he can't evo goalie so i don't really care i don't really know what's going
25:13on to be honest it just makes sure it's that new cup though all i can hope is that when it gets to
25:18my turn that you haven't really looked into this because yeah otherwise i might be in a bit of
25:23trouble because here you go 0 91s 189 387s team rating 84 players from the same league max three
25:30bronze players zero and then we've got this one 90 0 87s 3 82 7 78 11 so i want you to build like
25:38a mostly 82 and below squad right gotcha so that's that makes sense for ruley being extinct
25:45and chevalier and leon's first informant stuff and a person i don't really care i mean you've
25:50had a real good crack at getting a team together for that tournament mate putting so many players
25:54so low rated in wow okay because you see that eric buy get him
26:04you're such a snake in the grass tom i was gonna say you've saved me so many coins because i can't
26:09buy what's his face i know so i'm gonna get the really expensive barcelona future stars yeah no
26:15yeah no you can't nope nope eric by was on my list um i just scattered i scattered this one i went
26:21eric by longley and john john john garcia for his english name oh good old john
26:30how are you most of your time crack myself yeah it's not over yet andy because you have
26:38the ultimate opportunity to just completely rock my entire existence right now
26:44before you do that chuck uh coveney in it's not a cough medicine kind of like misspelled
26:50coventry but yeah uh coveney he's uh he's uh mostly from australia and what do you reckon
26:59is the meta player i never know what to do do you commit to having both of your stinkers on the same
27:05side because if you put like say i put parejo there you're just going to run past the right
27:10back anyway and now parejo's not covering the cut back okay what you've got what you've got
27:17you got valverde he's already taking care of right wing right back might as well take care
27:21of right i don't know what the matter is because then parejo tries to cover but you're already
27:27past them because you've run past sergeants and now coveney's not marking anyone or you leave
27:32parejo to mark the other side and then cover you've run past sergeant to cover he's just like
27:36see you mate have a nice goal
27:40oh dear i mean i will have to see we'll have to see how the whole thing pans out but
27:46should i tell you who i want before we go any further yeah okay so leagon is unbelievably
27:54frustrating to find a smart way to finish off your team because there are no special french
28:00centre-backs in leagon how on earth has that happened like genuinely how has that happened
28:06it's mental not only that but then if you try to do like a goalkeeper to like a player in the same
28:15team there really is not much option like if you pick a good goalie the centre-backs are terrible
28:21if you pick a good centre-back the goalie is terrible yeah exactly i mean there's one that's
28:25really bait and that would be alexandra into chevalier who you've got so no doubt you've seen
28:30it i mean there's psg into obviously donnarumma but i've already got psg sort of like covered
28:38and then after that it just becomes a bit of a nightmare like i think i went down and i looked
28:43at borrell but balerdi and then looked at rooney but balerdi is not a thing you can't get him
28:49danzo you could get him going into samba but samba's extinct it's just it's a bit of a
28:54nightmare i won't lie uh so the way i'm gonna remedy mate i'm gonna go total rush marquinhos
29:03i'm gonna go for a french goalkeeper that isn't extinct and i'm gonna go gorgelin
29:12who'd you win gorgelin i think he's like the newest informed goalkeeper and he actually
29:17exists on the market so yeah not brilliant but it is what it is and then to finish it off
29:26i do need a woman a woman from the d1 arcana now i'm really hoping that you put your eggs in the
29:36basket of bombito and the smart one would be straight into i think it's jilly's i'm hoping
29:44you've done that because that would be a big play from andy and it would mean that my team of the
29:49year renard can just go in happy day you have team of the year renard i have team of the year
29:53renard yeah interesting and that's who you're going for yes i was gonna write old hoss in a
29:59renard and then i put new mens instead of renards as if you've got it that's just so good oh you're
30:07so really good mate and i did look at that canadian giles into bombito thing it didn't
30:12get full chem because then you need lopez in goal oh right full chemistry and he's portuguese not
30:18french oh yeah because the reason i'm getting so much chemistry for renard is because i've
30:21got about a billion french people in here you're not saying i've got it all so you've full teamed
30:27it tom no i refuse to nibble no you have this is absolutely terrible let's get into a game
30:34how on earth have i got away with this how have i got away with this
30:43look at this
30:46oh i see oh i like that did you see the way you like whipped it yeah you got a little
30:51me oh look at me oh my god it's got a bit of autumn with the left as well
31:00he's got five star week for tanny
31:05oh no finesse plus he's no cavaradonna no i just need to get it to cavaradonna don't i
31:11oh no oh he's absolutely ridiculous oh my god
31:25there he is oh my god you're so lucky i was scared i tried to finesse it as well
31:33oh dear oh why not good luck oh hello that's not very good that was quite the tackle from zidane
31:44though that was an angry one we'll say i actually scored my first free kick of the game do they
31:51i scored a free kick oh that was nearly my second right on george lynn
31:57and she's gone oh let's go back to the back stick
32:06oh no yes oh no i can't believe it what a shake no no don't lose it
32:16oh no
32:20what the hell that's right the keeper he's absolutely broken
32:27oh of course my first one won't go in sure thing game it's a great touch i'm actually
32:36getting a little bit tilted i won't lie have you just got sent off probably game's so bad man
32:44literally it's buzzed into his feet and it's bounced off him by about six miles get off the
32:48pitch stupid game you take another finish i'll actually scream here look at you oh my god
33:01it's not even nearly going in gorge come on bro come on gorge
33:10surely not another one tom
33:12what a great game
33:20this guy's head is on the moon what are you talking about lino
33:28just give me the ball it's not a card for that one okay
33:34okay that's a talking to oh my god this guy's head's absolutely
33:38gone do you hate finesses what about travelers oh for christ's sake
33:47okay right well it looks like i will be discarding everything i own right now
33:52in that gap between them
33:55oh he's done him no i want to go i want to get near your goal please no what have you stepped
34:04up like that can't gorge live one time all right wendy's got it yes oh wendy clearance
34:13what are you doing on the floor you had that ball oh it's the internet
34:22feeling like jack 54 all of a sudden
34:27oh i might just be overtired but that has absolutely tickled me
34:31what a bolt on rumour
34:38please don't miss of course please put it in the back of the game look at it how is that not going
34:45in i've got nine men i've got nine men i don't even have the marquee player anymore
34:51come on please cut it back oh my god yes come on oh my god i'm crying ea5
34:59tom one will take it as a victory at the end of the day
35:05hey referee that's another one another what
35:09come on come in find him oh you are actually so oh my god this goalkeeper has actually battled
35:14my head my head is wobbled my head is literally i am so so done with gordon he might be the
35:24most two-wing player on the entire planet
35:27bro come on what are you doing
35:34oh yeah just just press shoot and you're going from bloody anywhere
35:39we need one yeah yeah yeah a real goalkeeper that's a real goalkeeper there
35:45three rating tire is unbeatable
35:49oh my god he's even jumped it
35:54oh i've really wanted to go oh no i'm giving it back please
35:59no like that wendy no no no he can't look it's sure as glitch you know
36:08it goes too fast
36:18i really was the score pasta with chevalier that was a performance from chevalier's oh by the way
36:23i'll wait to discard everything oh dear all my coins all my everything uh yeah right
36:32oh god mine oh yeah i mean zidane cavaradonna you hit all three i'm losing five million coins
36:39right who's the third one cavaradonna zidane wendy renard oh yeah i forgot to put her in the
36:44team when i was building along let me just add her in just to get you your full team team value
36:49five mil yeah i don't know what okay right i've got my uh done sorted please just hit gordon
36:58and for the love of god you've got five he does deserve it to be fair
37:05right wing okay i'm gonna have to put them on the bench because there's a lot of them
37:10yeah you got five yeah yeah no i know i've got five mate all right back okay
37:18left striker yes gorgelin get the heck out of here okay that's gorgelin then that means
37:25balligans and goal maybe
37:31so let's go left back and left center back no
37:41what is it
37:41you got wendy reinards
37:46oh man you got crystal dunn marquinhos gorgelin olga carmona and wendy renard i do keep zidane
37:57god thank god you went for that ballot you you thought that thing with the balligan
38:01meant that balligan was it not because it was zidane in goal zidane was in goal and
38:05skelia the only defender you didn't take was quark shelia so
38:13all right i gotta do an sbc all right well there's an sbc um with uh wendy reynards team of the year
38:20plus some other players as well goodbye gorgelin lovely i will never use you ever again
