Today in #minecraft cherry island, we are given the opportunity to buy some OP items, but it comes at a cost...
Fan Laws:
1. No Mining Diamonds.
2. No Breaking Cherry Trees.
3. No Killing Pets.
4. No Stealing From Shops.
Fan Laws:
1. No Mining Diamonds.
2. No Breaking Cherry Trees.
3. No Killing Pets.
4. No Stealing From Shops.
00:12Don't know but I'm looking for him Josh. Why did you just punch me dude?
00:16I have aggression problems right now because well, he took hubby and I don't know what he did. Yeah
00:22I don't know what he did with him just because I stole his cat. Okay, you're you're kind of info overloading me right now
00:28Let's just wait for Finn to get here. Okay
00:40Listen I don't know what you're talking about. He's in my stables
00:44I left you a note a man
00:46Okay, but I'm not gonna pay a diamond to get my old camel when all I did was I didn't even steal your cat
00:52Okay, bro, it's storage costs. Okay
00:54You guys talking about
00:57To me right now or you die right here Finn again. Okay, kind of a got a bit more armor
01:02Yeah, I'm kind of naked. I just realized I looked at my sorry
01:07Okay, but you're not getting a frickin diamond for it, all right
01:10Well, yeah, sorry, right the whole reason why I did this okay was because you did what you did to Larry
01:17All right, so I didn't do anything Larry was in your base
01:21Going to kidnap him and he told me that he felt very claustrophobic being you can't talk to cats
01:26I actually can okay, right. He is just
01:32Bid he is
01:35Craner Craner caught camels jump this. Yeah, that's a good point. He's probably just
01:42Wait, did you really? Oh crap?
01:45Did you just break it
01:50Rishi by the way
01:55Welcome everyone to Cherry Island
01:57That's not that's not. Okay. Let's not tell Rishi about that. I'm already kind of okay
02:01Well, I've honestly forgot for like, oh, yeah, you killed my pet in the line
02:05Let's not
02:11Mistake what is this?
02:16We're gonna have a castle siege, I'm hungry Rishi. Can you give me some food? Don't go inside yet. Okay. Oh, yeah
02:28Can I ask you to take your clothes off so I can see you whoa
02:33Whoa, oh, there we go. That's right. Okay. Why I'm naked like it looks better like yeah
02:39Fins nippies, dude before we enter the Emporium. There is something we need to take care of right, right. He took
02:47Hubby, no, he's now God mostly about
02:55This is in reference to the law that says no killing pets, okay
03:02Rishi also
03:04To my defense if we duck in was egging me on dude
03:08He was like should we kill the camel and then at the last second at the last death blow he pulled out of it
03:14I'm gonna take your stuff or destroy your house. Oh
03:20So you're being let off, okay, however, I don't think so Josh the viewers aren't happy. Oh
03:27Sorry viewers
03:29It feels like Reese is going easy on you here do you what is this and I have something to fix that? Okay
03:40Why am I small
03:46Get your underwear video you're gonna be tiny greener
03:57Wait, can you jump up a block crater come here? Oh you can
04:15For an OP pickaxe, what the
04:20French fries
04:23Lucky egg
04:27There's so much stuff here, isn't this like a dog, you know, wait, this is Borg's girlfriend
04:35Yo crater be careful
04:39Breakfast in one bite baby. I can't wait. It's right there crater. Wait. No way. No way. No
04:53Like floppy you can buy whatever you want
04:56Yes, but tiny crater would be extremely upset and crawl up your bum when you're sleeping. Oh, all right. Okay
05:06She said but before that I have another announce
05:14Diamonds bro, you must make a sacrifice for diamonds. I am done. I kill is it Finn?
05:19Oh, you don't kill me in that size darling. I am down to kill Finn. Oh, no. Don't tell me this is where what is this?
05:28Don't tell me this has anything to do with the humpy, right? Wait, I'm gone. Wait, what do we say? Is this about hubby?
05:35Your sacrifice will decide your reward I
05:43You can't sacrifice each other
05:46Thank you for telling me all my thing late
05:48I think what he's saying is we can't we can only sacrifice our things like that's not it's not a sacrifice to kill
05:53Someone else can we have some time to go gather our sacrifices?
05:56I've got
06:01I want to see what I think. I think we should just do it all together so we can compare our sacrifices. Okay, okay
06:12That's my sacrifice I should shut Craner up for a little bit I think I actually have no idea. Oh, hello
06:22Great Oh Craner Craner. Hey, oh, you're too small. I didn't see you. Yeah. Hi
06:27So did you have stuff on you? Yeah. Yeah everything. Oh, yeah. Why do you keep keeping everything you own in your inventory?
06:37Let's just quickly go to sleep. Okay, get up child something from the museum you think
06:48All right, wake up boy
06:50Wake up child. Okay. So yeah, I was thinking cuz I feel kind of bad for you. Wait, what is this?
06:56Oh, that wasn't me. I told him to me. Wait, you could donate this the creaking axe
07:02I feel like that's kind of a big you think you can donate from the museum
07:06That feels like a cheat, but like it's not against the like glory like it. What's Rishi gonna do?
07:11All right, I'll sacrifice my mom. That's gotta count for a lot. I love her
07:16You know what?
07:16I feel like this should be my height all the time and then people would actually like forgive me for a lot of the dumb
07:21Things I do. Yeah, I also just feel a bit bad. I feel like you've had a hard time recently. Oh, yeah, bro
07:27Tell me about it. Also nightmare. I low-key kind of want to flex my iron farm on you. Yo
07:33Josh do you love your horse a lot?
07:35Damn, that's it. Oh my god. What would I get for sacrificing my horse? I actually really like my horse
07:40I should give it a name tag. So it's like even more of you know what I mean?
07:43Oh, yeah, look how much I and I've got in here
07:46She do you mind? Oh, no, there's some available to buy in the shop. Yeah, but I don't have
07:54So I've got the nether star. Okay, the nether stars not really mine. I'm gonna sacrifice my horse
07:59I think cuz I
08:01Want to find out what I could get for this
08:03What do you think I should sacrifice my hard-earned cobblestone or should I keep that up for sale?
08:07What do you think's gonna give me more? I'm gonna name the horse sniff
08:11Niff yeah, cuz it's Finn backwards. Oh
08:15You have something with backwards names don't you can you just close your eyes a sec so I can get my secret diamonds out
08:23Well, I'm bringing them with me so it's you know, you didn't really give me a second to turn around
08:29I'll move it. I'll move it. Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. It's fine. All right the horse
08:34Look at me. Oh my god. All right, I'll let you take it but you gotta stay with me
08:38I feel like I'm like one of those kids that get to like ride around on a pony at the park, you know
08:44Oh wait, I can put the lead on you to like
08:52Finally where are you guys? Oh, yeah. I'm taking my son out for a horse
09:06Am sacrificing
09:0936 and a side
09:11Seriously, six dirt one stone pickaxe one wouldn't pickaxe three leather
09:19One sign and last but not least and I'll let you verify this Rishi. I'm sacrificing
09:25Craner's mom
09:28That's from the museum
09:35Like that was my sacrifice
09:38Who's going next? Oh
09:41All right, I'm sacrificing. Oh, this is big
09:48Genuinely might be one of the fastest horses. I've ever had dude. You can't sacrifice your pet
09:53What's wrong with you? Oh, so I'm here to play things. I'm here. Oh, yeah, niff is Finn back. Oh, that's a nice name
10:00I like it. All right, let me get nearly. All right one more that even got to make a ball
10:05He doesn't want to die. Josh. He doesn't want to die
10:20No, Craner Rishi, what do we do that was
10:28Bruh maybe I'll go I'll go check on him. Oh
10:32my gosh
10:34Did I just sacrifice myself?
10:37Whoa, buddy, do you hear me yet?
10:42Do you want to ride niff on the way up there?
10:44Cuz uh, yeah, I just wanted to soften the blow for you a little well, don't leave me behind immediately. What the heck?
10:50Oh, oh Josh Josh
10:53Technically speaking. I just sacrificed 72 diamonds now that was
10:59Extreme that was a big set now whether I meant to do it or not is one thing
11:04I will also I will also sweeten the deal by chucking my horse in there as well. Just get in there you stupid thing
11:18That's kind of smart actually, oh god you are a horrible person. Okay, what do you have?
11:28Actually what I was gonna do, okay, you ready ready? Okay. Oh
11:36More armor more armor all of my weapons diamond sword steel
11:41I and this I and that a golden apple throw
11:45resin cup a TNT
11:48And well actually guys I've got 37 diamonds and
11:54Wait, oh
11:56My god. Yeah crater. What's up? Yeah. Yeah
12:00Come up. Yeah me over here
12:03Please don't stand on the okay. Wait, how did you get?
12:12How many did you get 10? Oh, okay. Come on. Come on. I
12:25Wait, is this a hundred?
12:34Hey, oh, thanks. That's actually really nice guys. It's getting dark. Yeah, Rishi. Can we have a camp out, please?
12:44I'm sharing with Josh tiny in the bed. I probably
12:53You can now head into the apartment spend your diamond I am holding on to my diamonds
12:59I have for the first time. What are you gonna buy?
13:04Probably nothing dude. What's up? Can I take some off the signs and see what they do? What is the big stick?
13:09Do hang on ask. All right. Good. Did he say yes after you?
13:14Sorry, sorry. What does the big stick do?
13:17Maybe it does a lot of damage. I want to buy the big stick. Oh, wait, there's a lucky egg
13:22What does that even mean French fries a bug like a lucky block or something? Oh
13:29What thing what goes down on this
13:43Wait, if this is what a stick does for 20 diamonds the rest must be really good
13:47I really look you know what?
13:49I just noticed you can get a dirt permit for 69 diamonds or food permit for 20
13:54Imagine being the only person that can sell food. I'm gonna buy the food permit. Ah, I gave him good ideas, dude
14:00Yeah, where do I put the diamonds 20 diamonds? There you go food permit. There we go
14:06I now have the monopoly on the food industry. Thank you everyone for coming. What is a lucky egg?
14:11Is that I don't really have to buy it to find out. I'm gonna buy the speed boots
14:17Diamonds feels like a lot. I hope I don't get scammed by this
14:19I well, I mean, is it even good to be able to run far fast? I don't really know
14:24That is really good. We try him. It doesn't say anything hungry. Whoa
14:31You can get around the town real quick like that it's like replaces my horse that is actually pretty sick
14:38Wait, wait, I could just be like I try him. Nah
14:43I'm curious what the heavy boots that do now that these what these ones are really good
14:49All right heavy boots, all right, okay
14:57The unbreakable, oh they're stuck I'm stuck with the heavy boots. Are you serious?
15:04You're moving you're moving you're moving do jump jump again jump again. Are you actually?
15:10Can I can I can I ask you to hold on to some things for me, please? I just I want to just give you some
15:18Just just hold on to that for me. Thank you. Right? I'm gonna just go to the lava pit and
15:23Try myself. No
15:26the boots
15:30I'll beat you to death. I don't want the boots
15:33No, I still want him. I just don't want him on me. You were about to throw him in the lava
15:38I'm not gonna let you out. Okay, if I don't get the boots in this deal, I'm buying
15:44The lucky egg. I would like to buy the lucky egg
15:48No, I'm just gonna be
15:50You can't just take my stuff
15:53Josh come here. All right. I got some
15:56Josh I bought the lucky egg. You did. Yeah, you want to come see what it does?
16:00Well, wait for Finn to get here wait for Finn to get no, I don't want to wait for bit. No wait for Finn
16:05No, no, no, they are his diamonds Josh. He doesn't know I have them
16:09He accidentally threw them to Rishi, but I picked them up guys. Yeah
16:14Right first things first Josh Craner's, please Craner has your diamonds, dude. What do you mean? He has my dog?
16:31Retreat I take it
16:59Okay, you know, I'm sorry I'll give you back I'll give you back there you go
17:0416 diamonds Egypt
17:18Look guys look what the hell
17:26Where's Josh yet, I keep getting attacked by the big monster
17:30Look I just take you out
17:39Listen what order in the card? Yeah, this is getting outrageous
17:45Listen can you just have you dig a hole to keep the monster believe you spend how many of my diamonds did you spend?
17:52Right now all of them pretty much. Okay, that should be enough. What did you buy?
17:57Everything I could really y'all look I can walk beneath this. That's kind of cool. I have a proposition
18:02Are we done sacrificing because I think I want to sacrifice hobby. What is a french fry do wait what?
18:12If I sacrifice humpy I get the fish and
18:16Diamonds this camel has been with me for many many years now
18:21no, probably not but you know a couple of months and
18:25I just want to say he's done a great job of being my pet
18:29But I am ready to move on and if it means that I can be richer in the process
18:34Then so be it I hereby sacrifice hubby to the great on dope. He's too big. He's too fat
18:42I hereby sacrifice hubby a little bit bigger. He's a big boy, dude
18:55So I just want to say I think I made the biggest sacrifice
18:58Hoppy's been a big deal for a long time for me. So, all right
19:02I'd like to say a few words first horsey has been a real friend to me when my wife passed away
19:08You don't have a wife
19:12Diamonds are more important if she said it reminded her of me
19:20Why are they so hard to sacrifice horsey you need to die horsey, come on, let me help you
19:37Goodbye horsey. Goodbye. I love you
19:41All right. Anyway back to diamonds
19:43Did not realize the diamonds would go to your heads that big by the way Finn. Yeah
19:48How much did you get? Oh, oh
19:51I got it. I got a stack and a half. Yeah, I got in. I got let me tell you something
19:56What I didn't actually spend your diamonds. They're just in in the Emporium dude. I'm not that mean what well, you know, I might be
20:10I'll take the food
20:13No, bro, bro, Rishi. Is this allowed? Okay, you can always feel that just keep the diamonds Josh. Keep the time
20:19It's so good. Oh, you know what? Actually, you know what? Oh wait, I have a big announcement. We'll go halfs for your stupidity. Oh
20:27I want to buy first of all a cheeseburger
20:31Because I'm hungry lunchtime. Yeah, so no one can get the pickaxe, right? No, can I just test the pickaxe?
20:40You good I should not have eaten
20:45I'm so strong. I can destroy everything with my
20:49Wait, what is this? Oh
20:52Did you just
20:54Did you just it's a kill him, bro. I am
20:591 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Give me the fresh fries
21:05I'm keeping these for later date now because that is a she the diamonds are behind you. Give me my diamonds back
21:11Give me my things. I'm get you're annoying me now crying out. You're really annoying me. So I want my stuff back
21:22I'm gonna kill that Danish boy. I really am so
21:27My big announcement. Do we wait for Finn? Yeah
21:30My big announcement is that I will now
21:34be purchasing
21:38I'd like my stuff back, please
21:42Says favorite pet. I don't yes. It's floppy, dude
21:48Wanted to make what right and the rest, please and the rest of the day. Yeah. Thank you
21:53I actually don't remember how many diamonds I had. Okay. Well, I'm done shopping. Oh
21:58shit, ah
21:59Cheers, bro. Yeah, I probably I
22:03Probably still had some of yours though. Yeah, that's fine. That's nice
22:08Everybody done buying things or bought the french fries. Oh, yeah, I'm saving it for a boss fight this time
22:14So you just sacrifice one pet to get a pet wait, what is this? No, no, no, no, no, you're getting it all wrong
22:20Don't I buy cat? Is that possible? Hey, let me investigate. I'm tiny. Okay. Here you go. Wait go down
22:31Okay, press it again go
22:36Wait, did you just get did you just buy a cat?
22:38Yeah, yeah, oh
22:42Okay, I mean I'm not that too upset about that that's fair
22:46My god, give him a purple collar by the way, oh my god
22:53Hang on hang on hang off it needs to I'm actually kind of happy that you've got cap
23:00Okay, just wait a second do
23:09Me you better not be messing with me dude. I am actually not this is insane
23:15Look at what's for sale down here. Josh. What is this place? Oh a thousand diamonds
23:26That will become like admins if we get a thousand diamonds, basically
23:31What wait, what if we like pulled all of our diamonds together and we don't have enough right? I have 50
23:36How do we get thousand diamonds? Well, clearly we're not getting it today. Oh
23:42Okay, I hate I hate when he does that. What is this?
23:47Set the way out
23:49Where does that even go? Oh, we can't go back. Wait, can't we just get the items that he left in here?
23:56It's gone
23:58So, hang on. Can we just have a bit? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm actually upset about that
24:05Bone-cooled cat. I'm happy back Josh. Do you want the bone?
24:09Wait, how do I if three she's left, right? How do I become not tiny again? Oh, yeah. Wait
24:17I don't have the answer to that right now. Wow. I'm flabbergasted guys
24:23Well, you know, I guess we need to try and get a thousand diamonds now
24:26And do are we gonna try and team up to get it though?
24:29Cuz technically gets creative mode also technically speaking if we get creative when we can spawn diamonds
24:35So we have unlimited diamonds. It's a time for us to work together fine
24:38I don't appreciate you guys looking down on me like this
24:46Is that it's a time for us to work together
24:52I guess yeah, we want to get crazy. All right. Well, I guess I'm gonna head back now
24:58Yeah, yeah cat. Let me show you. It's a very fun today guys. Thank you. Can cats and dogs make?
25:05Nevermind. All right, seriously. What are you talking about? Anyway, I'm going back. Bye