• yesterday
In this episode, I stumbled across my friend @slogo's secret loot chest in our #minecraft world, Cherry Island!

Cherry Island Discord: https://discord.gg/fSTcqTCWhu
Cherry Island Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/cherryisland/

Fan Laws:
1. No Mining Diamonds.
2. No Damaging Cherry Trees.
3. No Killing Pets.

My Discord: https://discord.gg/crainer
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Crainer
Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/crainer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Crainer
00:00Well, welcome back to Cherry Island Season 2!
00:04Yeah, it's the middle of the night. I'm surrounded by monsters, and I'm in the middle of absolutely nowhere because this is where I
00:13locked off. Let me just put on my gear before I die and
00:18take everything out of my chest real quick.
00:21Okay, let me try to bring you up to speed a little bit. In the last episode, we took down the wither.
00:27That's what happened here, and that's why I'm here.
00:30We did that because Rishi promised us a reward in the next group video if we took down the wither. Now, I
00:38kind of had to actually promise
00:4275% of my reward to slow go. Otherwise, I wouldn't have this gear, and I couldn't have killed the wither. Now,
00:49there's a slight catch. Actually, there's a major catch in that promise.
00:53Let me just sleep before I continue telling you guys what's been. What the hell?
00:58Isn't that the state? Oh my god. What happened to Finn's house?
01:02Okay, as I was saying, there's a major catch in me promising Josh
01:07rewards because he took in Humpy. That's right, my lovely pet camel as like a
01:14collateral so that if I don't pay Josh what I owe him,
01:18he will probably kill Humpy. So Humpy's locked away in Josh's house right now,
01:24and I don't have a house. Rishi
01:28blew my house up. Okay, I think you're caught up now. Jesus Christ. So first things first,
01:34I have a lot I want to do today, but in order to start anything up, I am going to need food.
01:41So let's just hope there's a little bit here that I can eat. Who's been planting potatoes?
01:45I swear, Finn keeps messing up this perfect wheat field with this dumb potatoes, dude.
01:51I am going to freak out on him soon.
01:54Let me just replant this for the 50th time because the only thing you're supposed to plant here, Finn, is wheat.
02:01Why do you keep planting
02:03potatoes here, Finn? Sorry, I might be a little bit angry about the whole Humpy situation,
02:08and I'm letting it go over the potatoes now.
02:10All right. Also, I'm a little bit upset because every time I get a house on this server, I do something stupid and they take away my house.
02:18It's my own fault, really, but I still get to be mad about it.
02:23Let's first investigate what the hell's been going on with Finn's house. Why is there a kid
02:29running out of Finn's house? And why is there just a bunch of lava here? Isn't this where he lived?
02:35Are you Finn's kid? Does Finn have a son? Okay, I mean, he's still got some items here, right?
02:40Let me just put away some of my trash. I think it's safe to say that he probably doesn't live here anymore.
02:46I don't have anything to do with this lava, and I have no idea who would do this to Finn, but it wasn't me.
02:52So did he just straight-up move? Like, where did he go, dude?
02:57Nothing really looks out of the ordinary except for the lava tower coming out of Finn's house.
03:03So I really can't figure out what happened. I kind of have an idea, right?
03:07I'm thinking, since we don't have a house anymore,
03:11why don't I just turn this old arena into my crib for now?
03:15But I really wanted to find out where Finn lives because I wanted to steal his cat.
03:21But he doesn't live here anymore, and how am I gonna find out where he lives?
03:26There's like absolutely no sign of it anywhere right now. Take it, Finn!
03:30Are you really gonna escape my troll? I was gonna steal your cat, dude!
03:35I guess I can look around a little bit more, but I don't have time to spend the whole episode looking for Finn's house,
03:42unfortunately. So if I don't find it now, after the next group video, and don't tell anybody I told you this,
03:48but I'm gonna steal his cat, it's my plan at least. And I do have a reason why,
03:52I just can't let you guys in on that yet. Okay, so this is where I used to live. As you can see,
03:58it's absolutely blown to pieces, and I am not moving back here. Nope.
04:04It appears Finn has just disappeared off the face of the earth, dude. I don't know where to look for this guy.
04:09Ah, I was gonna finally get my revenge on that dumb Finn, dude.
04:14He's been trolling the heck out of me, and now I can't even do it. Well, that's disappointing.
04:19We now have to get a new plan for today's episode.
04:23My episode was mostly gonna be about stealing Finn's cat and finally getting him back,
04:27but you know what, we're gonna have to put that on the back burner for now then.
04:31I'm gonna have to just get a crib again. All right,
04:34I know I built a lot of houses in this series, but what the hell am I supposed to do when I keep losing them?
04:40What am I supposed to do?
04:41But I actually do have kind of a cool plan to this. See, I want to be more part of the village.
04:47I know I moved away to sort of like distance myself, but I regret my choice. Okay, I want to be
04:53closer to the boys, and
04:56apart from my plan about stealing an innocent cat, I do actually want to reform myself a little bit.
05:01I know I've been kind of a bad boy in this series, and I want to do better.
05:06Okay, and that starts today by stealing the arena. First of all,
05:11I'm gonna need a bunch of furnaces, and we're gonna need to cook so much freaking cobblestone, dude.
05:18It is going to be insane. Let me put that there, and
05:22well, we just need to get to work, dude.
05:24And there's a lot of work to be done if I want to convert this old arena into something where I can live.
05:28What we do need is a whole lot of cobblestone, and
05:34well, a whole lot of work needs to be done.
05:43All right, cobblestone in there, cobblestone in there, and that's basically gonna be my life for a little while right now.
05:51Whole bunch of grinding, all right? And I also need a bunch of wood, too. I have a lot of plans.
05:55Oh my god! It's a guy riding a guy!
05:59Stop that right now, sir! All right, I think that's a very rare find and everything, but you guys are being weird about it,
06:05all right?
06:07By the way, I swear I saw Josh have, like, enchanted armor,
06:12and I'm thinking, does that mean that he's got an enchantment table?
06:16Because I could really use some enchantments? Because if I can enchant this bad boy here,
06:21I might have an easier time getting all the work done that I need to get done. Okay, that's not even, like, the real Humpy,
06:28that's Ipme, which is Humpy spelled backwards, I believe, isn't it? Yeah, real smart. Ipme, dude.
06:34Haha, Josh, so funny. Where are you hiding your enchantment table? You gotta have one, dude.
06:40I think I've seen you have some enchanted stuff on. Could he be hiding it, like, down here?
06:46This does look suspicious, doesn't it? No?
06:52I just know he's hiding something, dude. I know I'm not allowed to be in here, but at this point, I mean, who cares?
06:59Maybe he's, like, hiding it under his farm? That's, like, a kind of Josh thing to do, isn't it? Like, under the water, maybe?
07:13God. That's my creeper head!
07:16And he does have an enchanted diamond pickaxe, dude!
07:23I'm in your head, Josh! I now know where you're hiding your valuables, buddy!
07:31It was just right here? This is his secret enchanting room? It wasn't even secret!
07:37I can't believe I just found his biggest secret. When I was looking for- what?
07:43I was just looking for the enchantment table, and that's right there!
07:45Well, you know what? I'll use your diamond pickaxe for a little bit, buddy, because I'm definitely gonna need it,
07:51but I'll put it back. And because I'm a nice guy, I won't even tell you that I found your secret.
07:56That's how nice I am. I guess I could cook some potatoes? Bro, I am so tired of being low on food, bro.
08:03I should really be over this chapter by now, but I'm not. I'm still hungry all the time.
08:08Well, let's get some more wood, let's eat up, and then continue our cobblestone grind, okay?
08:14Okay, well, we can put the bad pickaxe away for now, and just use the really good one that we are borrowing, right guys?
08:21We're just borrowing it. Nothing wrong with that. It's not even against the rules to steal either, okay?
08:26I could technically steal everything I just saw in that chest. I'm just not doing it.
08:31I just realized something while I was, like, terraforming, that I shouldn't be terraforming.
08:36I should be making, like, a mine.
08:38Kinda. So, like, if I
08:41go like this, I should just kinda, like, make a- make a little- make a little mine that just goes down.
08:47I think that's, like, the best way to do this anyway.
08:49Two hours later.
08:51So far, so good, everybody! We can now begin on our next project.
08:58Let me just think. I think I need, like, a little bit of a shovel.
09:03Then I need to tear down all of this, basically, and replace it with, like, some prettier building blocks.
09:10So, let's start with the wood.
09:13I really wish I could just burn it right now, but I don't have a flint and steel.
09:17I don't even have any iron, I think.
09:24Bro, I should have just- I should have stolen some iron or something.
09:27I don't know why I didn't do that, but it's too late now.
09:29I've almost torn it all down with my frickin' axe now.
09:33I just need to actually make this thing look a little bit more like a house.
09:38And I think I know how to do it.
09:40My axe broke, but I'm not stopping.
09:43My plan is simple.
09:45Okay, I'm gonna take this stone that's been cooking, and I'm gonna turn it into bricks. There we go.
09:51And this.
09:53And that.
09:55Now, if we kind of, like, follow the design, because I do like that it's sort of like a round house,
10:00what I want to do is basically just make it a little bit prettier
10:07around the sides.
10:09Yeah, yeah, I'm kind of liking it. I'm kind of liking it.
10:13Like I said, I'm gonna need a lot of stone to make this happen,
10:17but I think this is actually gonna end up being pretty cool.
10:20What I've noticed is that it was probably a bad idea to make most of my house out of wood,
10:25last time, because people are trolling each other on this server.
10:28So I want to make it out of something a little bit more durable this time,
10:31which is where the stone comes in. Now I just got to figure out how to, like, continue this.
10:37Now we sort of have an idea of where this is going, right? It's gonna look kind of like a fortress.
10:43Kind of. I am definitely going to need more stuff, though. A lot more stuff.
10:48I also, by the way,
10:50I really want to make a path to Cherry Island this time, because I feel like we sort of need a path system soon.
10:56Like, me not knowing where Finn lives is sort of a problem.
10:59You know what I'm saying? Like, I couldn't kidnap his cat, and I personally think that's an issue, dude.
11:04He might not think that's an issue, but I sure as heck do. Back to the mines I go.
11:09This is a lot of work, dude.
11:11But we're making it happen, and at least, at least I've got Josh's pickaxe to help me get some of the way.
11:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
11:22Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap! I forgot I was too focused! I was too focused on mining!
11:28Oh, no, that shouldn't have happened.
11:31Mmm... Okay, I'm trying to think, what do I do?
11:33Crap, dude! I'm really trying to take this seriously, but also I got to keep mining because I got a lot of work to do,
11:39so let me think while I'm mining. Okay, I broke Josh's diamond pickaxe in a chest
11:44That he's not supposed to know that I know about how do I?
11:49What do I oh?
11:51I should have been looking at the durability dude. This is really bad. This is bad bad news for us guys. Maybe he won't notice
12:00Like right away, maybe it'll take a little bit of time before he notices
12:06Panicking a little bit panicking a little bit. Okay. You know what let me just
12:10Okay, let me try to fix this somehow because he did have a lot of diamonds
12:17So okay listen. I'm not gonna give him my diamond pickaxe. This is like the only diamonds
12:22I have Josh is freaking rich, dude
12:25So what if I just take some of his diamonds make a diamond pickaxe?
12:30Put the diamond pickaxe back in the chest and hope that he doesn't notice that it's not the same one
12:37Like I could just go in here right and I can take
12:41three diamonds and then I can I
12:44Don't know make a diamond pickaxe out of those three diamonds. I just put it in
12:49That just put it in here, and then hope that he doesn't see anything right?
12:56Okay, I mean it's
12:59It's it's a long shot
13:01But maybe it'll buy me enough time to figure out how to fix the situation in the before we get to the group video. Oh
13:09I'm in trouble. I'm in trouble if he finds out dude
13:12I will build this a little bit taller
13:14But this is going to have to be like a multiple project like a multiple episode project
13:19That's what I wanted to say it won't be done today. I also have another idea of something really cool
13:25I want to begin with see now
13:27This is kind of like my part of the land right and I really want to make like a bridge over to that pot
13:33I think that would look sick
13:34So I could maybe start it from like from like here down here ish
13:39And then it sort of just goes like a cross, and I really freaking need some food, dude
13:44So maybe if there's like some wildlife over there that would help me out a lot
13:48I guess I'll go fishing with my diamond sword real quick. I'll eat some salmon, bro
13:53You know it's been a while since we've had fish anyway. Whoa that was an easy way to get a bunch of food, dude
13:58I need to fish more and let me cook some fish. We've got some more stone as well
14:04I mean things are moving forward, bro. Oh
14:07finally some food and
14:10We have made contact to the other side
14:13Okay, that's also a working project
14:15We've got a lot of balls in the air right now, but it's gonna end up amazing when we're done with it
14:21let's put the finishing last touches on our house for the day and
14:25Then call it a day cuz geez I've got a lot to think about guys
14:29I really do I just want to make this a little bit taller
14:32And then we've done everything that I wanted today at least
14:37My backup plan now that I couldn't find that stupid cat to kidnap and there we go all right
14:44That's a lot of progress for one day, dude
14:46Let me just put a sign up so that if anybody stumbles upon it. They know who lives here
14:55Heck yeah, dude well
14:57It's the beginning of one anyway now make sure that you little snitches don't tell Josh about anything, okay?
15:04He can't know that I found his base and secret chest in his base
