• yesterday
I Found My Friends Secret World in Minecraft…

This video Dash finds Rubys secret minecraft world on a USB stick that she forgot about! With access to creative, Dash plans on pranking her whole world... But will he be caught? Watch to the end to find out!

#Roblox #Dash
00:00Okay, no way this works. Come on. Come on. Let me in. Let me in. Here we go. Oh, I'm in. Oh my goodness
00:06I cannot believe this actually worked pretty much
00:08I was snooping around and I found this USB drive that was titled Ruby secret world
00:13So I plugged it in and I found a Minecraft world inside and this is that Minecraft world. Whoa, look at this place
00:20So this is Ruby secret world, huh? What the is that a snail on the ground? Uh-huh. Okay, this is kind of strange
00:25It looks like Ruby's got some mods installed. Whoa, this is crazy, though
00:28I didn't know that Ruby had a single-player world. That was a secret from everyone
00:32It looks like she's got a little farm over here. Is that a giraffe? Okay, I'm not even gonna question it
00:37But anyways, I'm here for one reason and one reason only I want to mess around and prank Ruby when she gets back and loads
00:43Into this world. Everything is gonna be completely different. I'm gonna set up a bunch of traps around here
00:47Ruby's not at the house right now. So we should have a little bit of time to snoop around
00:50Anyways, whoa first things first. I want to check this place out
00:54It looks like Ruby's got a little house over here Ruby's house. No dash or cam Wow
00:58Why would she even put that on the side if this was supposed to be a secret world that I would never be on?
01:03Yeah, I'm not gonna question it. But anyways, let's see. What does Ruby's house look like on the inside?
01:07Looks like is that a toilet? What the she's just got a toilet right next to the window. Alright, I'm not gonna question it
01:13That's um an interesting choice. Wait, why is the toilet seat a cushion? That seems you what if it gets wet?
01:20That's strange anyways, what the heck is this super secret gaming room? Whoa, hold on actually I should check this out later first
01:26I want to see what we've got upstairs. It looks like she's got a bed lectern. Yep. This looks like a pretty standard Ruby house
01:31She's got a fridge with nothing in it. Of course, no chests around here. That makes sense. Wait a second
01:36There's a lectern. Does this lectern have anything in it? Oh, whoa. Wait, there's five pages of stuff in here
01:42What does this say day one? This seat is awesome. Oh, she's probably talking about the seat of the Minecraft world
01:48You know how every Minecraft world has a seed which determines how the world is spawned in anyways
01:52It says I'm excited to not have to try hard now that dash and Kim aren't here. What? Okay, Ruby's kind of a noob
01:58I guess every time I'm around or Kim is around she has to carry her weight and try hard
02:02But hold on, what does it say next but I'm not great at building and there are monsters. So dirt hut it is
02:08Wait, what's dirt hut? This doesn't look like a dirt hut. Oh, wait a second. I see a dirt hut over there
02:13Wait, wait. I think this diary is like, oh, yeah, we got day one day two day three
02:17I think this is like all of the different days of the Minecraft world
02:20Wow, that is totally a Ruby thing to do to put a diary entry for each day that you live in your Minecraft world
02:25Anyways, I'm gonna go check out this dirt hut over here. What do we got here? It looks like a pretty standard dirt hut
02:29Okay, she's got a crafting table and a furnace. Okay, everyone when they start a Minecraft world
02:35They always say that the first starter house that I make is a dirt hut
02:38But I've never actually met anyone who's actually built a dirt hut other than Ruby. She didn't even build it, right?
02:43There's literally just random dirt blocks here. Okay, I should probably put those back for now
02:46Anyways, hold on this gives me an idea since Ruby likes dirt hut so much
02:50What if I replace her entire house over here with dirt that could be kind of funny. Hold on
02:54Does Ruby have cheats enabled? Oh, she does. Okay, that means I can go into creative mode
02:58Let me go ahead and quickly grab a magic wand and if I select this position over here
03:04And then also this other position what in the world? Okay, we're gonna get to that
03:08Let me select this other position right over here. And now if I run the command slash slash replace dirt
03:13Actually, hold on that's gonna replace everything in the house with dirt
03:16I don't want to replace everything because I still want to read what's inside of this book
03:19Let's just do slash slash replace oak planks with dirt. There we go
03:23Let's replace all of the cobblestone stairs with some dirt and hmm. What else?
03:28Oh, I guess all of the cobblestone as well just on the ceiling. There we go. Nice
03:31I think this place is looking much more Ruby like now. Anyways, I want to go check out this drone thingy over here
03:36What in the world is this thing? Oh, whoa, I can fly it. What the heck?
03:41How was Ruby smart enough to set this up? Usually she always asks for help with stuff that involves mods
03:45I don't know. Maybe this was like a really simple mod to set up
03:48Anyways, I'm gonna go read the rest of the diary now
03:49Let's go see what else we got day number two
03:51This dirt hut isn't really going to cut it, but I seriously cannot build. Do you think anyone will care if I just use a tutorial?
03:58That makes a lot of sense day three new house is done. She used a tutorial to build this this house isn't even that impressive
04:05Well, I mean, I guess when you're playing single-player you can just do whatever you want
04:09But anyways, what does this say this new house is done, but it's kind of missing something pets new mission unlocked
04:14And then that's where the pets come in. Okay. Okay. I see. Wait a second. I got a funny idea
04:19What if I replace all of the pets with upside-down dogs? Wait, I think I can just make all of the animals upside-down
04:25Actually, they don't even have to be dogs
04:26Now if you don't know there's this trick in Minecraft where if you get a name tag and then you name it
04:31I think it's dinner bone underscore just like that. I think this is what it is. Wait, wait, wait. No, hold on a second
04:36There's no underscore. It's just dinner bone with a capital D
04:39If you get a name tag that's named dinner bone and then put it on an animal it makes them go upside down
04:44Oh, there's gonna be great. Let me just go ahead and uh dinner bone up all of Ruby's animals
04:49Oh, yeah looking delightful. Wait, is it gonna work on the horses? Wait, these aren't even horses. These are zebras Wow
04:54It looks like it works on the zebras though. What about the giraffes? No way. Oh, we've got upside-down
04:59Oh, this is great. This is actually just great. Let's go ahead and flip over the turtles to nice
05:04Ruby is gonna be shocked when she comes back and sees this any other animals around here. Wait, can I name this drone?
05:10No way. I don't think I can. Oh, man. All right. It's a quadrocopter. That's a fancy word for a drone
05:15Anyways back to the diary. I want to go read the rest of the pages
05:18I think there's like two left pet sanctuary done now. It's time to explore
05:22Maybe I should go to the end dash likes to speedrun. So maybe it's a good idea to practice
05:27Wait a second. Wait a second. Ruby tried to go to the end. No way. She actually made it. I'm not gonna lie
05:32I don't think she's good enough to make it all the way to the end by herself. Hold on
05:35It says I'll make a trail of cobblestone there so I don't get lost. Yes. The quadcopter is super fast
05:41Huh day four must be the day where she got the quadcopter. Wait, did I call it a quadrocopter earlier?
05:46I don't know what I called it. Oh, wait a second
05:48She said that she left a cobblestone trail to go to the end. Um any cobblestone trail around here
05:52I want to go see if she actually made it to the end and what she's got a balloon
05:56Okay, we're gonna get to that. I'll check that out later. But uh, hold on a second. I see a cobblestone trail
06:02I want to see if this actually makes it all the way to the end and wait, wait, wait
06:05I want to do it Ruby style. I want to take the quadcopter there
06:07I guess this is what Ruby used to navigate to the end. Anyways, this thing is pretty sick
06:11Let's go ahead and just uh fly. Wait, I thought Ruby said this thing was fast. This thing is so slow
06:16I would have been faster running. Okay, I guess on water. Maybe it's a little faster
06:20Anyways, she said she left the cobblestone trail. Wow. This is um, I have a question for her
06:25How did she put cobblestone in the middle of the water here? You can't place blocks on water
06:29So she must have built a pillar of cobblestone and then broke the pillar so that there's just one block
06:34That's kind of questionable. Anyways, I guess let's continue going. I wonder if the end portal is far away
06:38Wait, how did she even go to the end without um, I'm sniffing some cheating going on here
06:43How did she go to the end without going to the nether first?
06:45You know in order to go to the end you need to get eyes of ender and in order to make eyes of ender
06:49You need blaze rods and the only way you can get blaze rods is by going to the nether. I don't smell another portal nearby
06:55The cheats were also enabled I was able to go into creative mode something fishy is going on here
06:59All right. But anyways, did we make it there yet? Uh-huh. It looks like we're gonna have to go a long way
07:04You know what? I'm putting the quadcopter down. I'll pick this thing up later
07:06Um, I gotta make sure to park it back at Ruby's house
07:09Let me just drop it off over here at this tree and I'm just gonna fly all the way to the rest of this
07:13Cobblestone, it looks like there's a really really long trail of cobblestone. It goes all the way into the forest here
07:17This is this is very long. No way Ruby used the quadcopter to navigate this entire thing
07:22Actually, maybe she did she probably was riding the quadcopter while listening to music or something just slowly going spreading flowers
07:28Just dropping them from the quadcopter. Anyways, I'm going in spectator mode. This cobblestone trail is really really long
07:33I'm just gonna speed this up. Let's go all the way to the end
07:36This is a really long cobblestone trail and did we reach the end? Is this the end of it? Hold on a second
07:41There's a little hole down here. Is this is this where Ruby used to go to the end?
07:44Um, let me go and Ruby shoes real quick. I'm just gonna stand here in creative mode
07:48Where would Ruby go after standing right here? This is the end of the cobblestone trail, right? Oh wait. No, it continues
07:54I might be blind. All right back to spectator mode. Looks like we got some more running to do
07:57All right, it looks like it's continuing this way. This is a really really long trail. Oh and hold on
08:02I think this is where it ends. There's a big cobblestone pillar
08:05All righty, this seems pretty promising and of course Ruby dug straight down breaking the first rule of Minecraft
08:10Oh, at least she left some water at the bottom. All right, let's go survival mode and drop in. Wee
08:15All right, we're in the end. Whoa, what is this leaving stuff here if I die it can die ten times
08:23Yep, that makes it what the okay. There is definitely some cheating going on
08:26There is no way Ruby got all of this stuff legit. Anyways, it looks like she made it to the end
08:30Wow, she literally dug straight on top of the portal. Oh, wait, wait
08:33I want to go inside at the end and see if she actually killed the Ender Dragon
08:35Let me go creative mode real quick and let's check this place out. Let's see
08:39Are you kidding me? The Ender Dragon is still alive
08:41It hasn't even taken a single bit of damage Ruby probably damaged it a little bit and then it healed up from all of these
08:47End crystals. Okay. Um, this is this is kind of sad. I'm not gonna lie
08:51Did Ruby even try going up to any of these end crystals?
08:54I don't think she even has a single cobblestone pillar or anything to climb up one of these end crystals
08:59Okay, you know what? I kind of feel bad now. She died ten times and didn't even kill the Ender Dragon
09:03Wait, actually, I just got a really funny idea for a prank
09:06Does Ruby have this mod installed that lets you make things super big? Oh, she does
09:10She's got the mod that lets you grow in size. This is actually perfect. Hold on
09:14I've got a really funny idea for a prank
09:16What if I go ahead and set the scale of the Ender Dragon to like 10 and just make it huge?
09:21We just go ahead and run the command slash scale set 10. Actually, wait, that might be too big
09:25Let's start with 5 and then at e type equal Ender Dragon. Okay moment of truth. Let's see if this works
09:33Here we go. Oh my goodness. It actually worked. This thing is huge. Wait, this is only scale 5
09:37I wanted to do scale 10 earlier. Okay, you know what? I think um, I think scale 5 is good enough
09:42This is insane. Okay. Well, as soon as Ruby comes back to the end, this is gonna be what she sees first
09:48All right, this is perfect. And you know what since the Ender Dragon is bigger. We're also gonna need some bigger towers
09:53We're gonna need some more end crystals on these things. Yep. Yep. Just gotta go ahead and put that a couple extra over here
09:58I'm just trying to make Ruby's Minecraft experience harder. This is this is actually good
10:02I'm being a nice friend because um, you know, normally beating Minecraft is too easy
10:05So if I put more end crystals down and make it harder, then she's gonna have more fun because you know
10:10They have more of a challenge. You know what they say. It's not about the destination
10:14It's about the journey and if I make the journey of killing the Ender Dragon harder, that's gonna be more meaningful or something
10:20Anyways, let's go ahead and put some more end crystals down here. All right, I think that's enough. This is great though
10:25Wow, this was um, this was such a good idea
10:27Anyways, I think it's time to head back to the overworld and the only way I can think of doing that is by what the heck
10:32Are these things? Okay. Ruby has got some really crazy mods installed cosmic cod. All right. I'm just gonna jump into the void
10:38I gotta go back to the overworld. I wonder if Ruby has keep inventory enabled
10:41Oh, okay. Phew. She didn't have keep inventory enabled. That would have been like mega cheats. Wait a second. Why did I respawn here?
10:48I never sent my bed here. That's kind of fishy
10:49I guess now we have to go all the way back to the house though
10:51Let's go back up this cobblestone pillar and alrighty back this way. I think yeah. Yeah, there's where the cobblestone is
10:58All right. Let's just keep following the cobblestone trail until we get back to the house
11:01There was still some stuff around Ruby's house that I wanted to check out. She had a hot-air balloon. That looked kind of cool
11:06She also had something that looked like a slide. I think I want to go look at what that was
11:09Anyways, I think we're almost back to the house. Oh wait, hold on. We got to bring the quadcopter back
11:13We don't want anything to look too suspicious. We don't want it to look like someone actually joined her world
11:17I just broke the quadcopter
11:18Let's go all the way back to the house now and let's place it right here and wait a second
11:22It was called a quadro copter Ruby spelled it wrong down here. I read it right the first time boy
11:27I'm pretty sure there was one page left on the book
11:29What does this say the end was a bad idea? I'm going to log off until tomorrow. Of course. All right
11:34Hold on a second. I got to flip this lectern all the way back to page one
11:37That's how it was before so I can't make it look like I did anything
11:39Oh, and wait a second. We haven't checked out her super secret gaming room yet. I wonder what's down here. Okay, she's got a
11:47Monitor and then goals practice daily beat dashing rivals. Is she talking about the roblox game and then victory?
11:53Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Hold on. You know what? I think I'm just gonna go ahead and change the sign for her defeat
11:58There we go. That seems more right and what the what is Ruby's obsession with drones?
12:02She's got a bunch of drones around here. Wait, she's also got one of these old-school music players. Can I fly this drone?
12:07How does this thing work? I don't think I can fly it, huh?
12:09Maybe I have to use this computer or something. Can I open this up? Okay, I don't think it's opening
12:13All right. Well, anyways, this gaming room is kind of cool
12:15I want to go check out the rest of the stuff that we haven't seen yet, though
12:17I want to go check out this hot air balloon. Can I climb this rope? Is that what this rope is?
12:21Oh, you can't climb it. That's cool. Looks like there's a chest up here. I wonder what we have inside of this chest
12:26It's an elytra and some fireworks she definitely got these from creative mode
12:30There is no way she got exactly one stack of firework rockets and wait
12:34You can't even get an elytra if you don't beat the ender dragon. Okay. Yep. She 100% got this from creative mode
12:39Okay, but hold on there was also that other thing. I wanted to check out this slide over here
12:42She's just got a random slide into the water. What's this a bubble blower?
12:46What the heck who makes a bubble blower when they first joined into a Minecraft world?
12:50She's got a bubble blower a trampoline and a slide. Wait a second. I got a funny idea. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on
12:56What if I go ahead and replace all of the water in the slide with some lava instead?
13:00Let's just go ahead and drain this water slash slash drain five. Boom. There we go. And now let's put down some
13:07Oh, hold on a second. There's a bunch of water in this slide. I gotta get rid of all of it
13:09There's more than just one water source block. There we go. All right now all the water is gone
13:13Let's go ahead and just replace the water with a little bit of lava. Mmm. There we go
13:16I think there's looking much better. Hopefully the wooden part of the slide doesn't catch on fire
13:20But anyways, I want to do something. I got a really really funny idea for another prank
13:23I want to set up one of those slime block armor stand traps in front of Ruby's door
13:26This is gonna be so funny Ruby's like super scared of jump scares
13:29So if I set up a jump scare in front of her door, that's gonna be perfect in order to set up one of these
13:34Piston slime block traps. I just got to grab a sticky piston slime block a little bit of obsidian
13:38And then if I dig down here, oh gosh, I'm gonna have to dig into her secret gaming room
13:43I need to put down a slime block here and then put down a little bit of obsidian so that the slime block doesn't connect
13:47To the blocks around it just like that
13:49And then let me go ahead and grab a pressure plate pretty much the way that this prank works
13:52Is that whenever you step on the pressure plate you activate the slime block and then that's gonna send an armor stand with a scary
13:58Looking head on it flying in front of your face and it's gonna make a scary jump scare. Hold on a second
14:02I think I can move this a little bit higher. I think I can move it about here. Yeah. Yeah, this looks good
14:06We can move it one block higher. So we interrupt Ruby's gaming room a little bit less
14:09Let's just replace all these blocks around here with obsidian. There we go. Alright, that's looking pretty good
14:15Now we just got to put down the armor stand grab a little bit of redstone and then just connect the redstone to the
14:20Pressure plate. Let's see. How are we gonna do this?
14:22Let's go and dig right down to where the piston is right over there
14:26And then we should be able to just make a simple little redstone line that goes this way
14:30Yeah, hold on a second, but one more redstone block. All right, boom. There we go. Let's see. Does this work? It works
14:35Perfect. Well, this looks pretty good. But now we got to make it scarier
14:38Let me go ahead and grab a crafting table and some black die real quick and in order to make this armor stand look more
14:44Like a jump scare. Let's go ahead and put a bunch of just black dyed leather armor on it
14:48So here we go. Come here armor stand. I need to put your outfit on. There you go
14:51That looks pretty good. But hold on. I'm not done yet. We need to give this thing a scary-looking head. Oh
14:56Wait, I think I found a really good one
14:58Let me just go ahead and run this command and chat real quick to grab the head and boom
15:02Look at that. Tell me that doesn't look terrifying
15:04All we got to do is just put it on the armor stands head like this and alright now the trap should be pretty much
15:10Done at least the basic setup of it. Hold on. I want to test it out
15:12So I'm just gonna pretend to be Ruby walking into my house to do just doing my thing and then
15:18Scary jumpscare pops up in my face
15:20Okay, that wasn't that scary for me, but I guarantee that Ruby's gonna scream as soon as she sees that but um
15:24We can make this scarier. I'm not gonna lie right now
15:26It's only like 50% scary as it could be. We need to add some sound effects to it
15:30Let me go ahead and just give myself a command block real quick
15:33And let's go ahead and connect some command blocks to this redstone
15:36So as soon as Ruby steps on the pressure plate, not only are we gonna have the thing pop up
15:40Let's also go ahead and just summon a lightning bolt real quick, you know
15:43Get a little bit of sound in there and then let's do slash time set midnight. It's actually perfect
15:47Usually I joined Ruby's world while she's in it to prank her this time
15:50I'm gonna be pranking her without even being in the world at the same time as her
15:54Anyways, let's go ahead and test this out. So I'm just gonna pretend to be Ruby
15:58And then the thing pops up that was actually awesome. Anyways, I gotta reset this let's do slash time set day
16:04There we go. And alright, I think this trap should be about done. Anyways, let me see. I want to do some other pranks
16:09What else can I mess around with inside of her world? Hmm. Let's see. Let's see. Let me go back inside of her house
16:14I gotta go through the window so I don't activate the trap
16:16I wonder if Ruby has added any scary mods
16:19Let me look through all of these mods that she added. It looks like she's got um a lot of animal mods
16:23She can spawn in lions elephants and um zebras. Okay, that's cool. She's got an aircraft mod. That's interesting
16:30She's got electronic devices a lot of furniture stuff. Hmm. Is there anything scary? There's got to be something scary in here
16:37Oh, wait a second. Um, I think I know a scary mod that she's got
16:43She has this mod called Alex's mobs, which adds this one monster
16:47Oh, I think one of Ruby's snails may have walked over the trap. Oh, oh didn't mean for that to happen
16:53All right slash time set day. Let's reset it again
16:55But what I was saying earlier she's got this mod called Alex's mobs
16:58And I'm pretty sure this mod has a monster called the void worm. Yep the void worm right over here
17:04Let me go spot it in really far away to test it out. I'm not gonna lie
17:07It's been a while since I've used this mod
17:08So I don't know exactly how this is gonna work
17:10But I'm pretty sure the void worm is like a super scary monster that just spawns in every now and then it's it's like a giant
17:16Worm that I don't even know how to describe it
17:18I'm gonna fly all the way over here though
17:20So I don't mess with any of her stuff too badly at least and let's go ahead and just spawn in one of these void
17:24Worms, let's see what this thing looks like. Oh, yes, that is delightful. Look at that. That is scary
17:30Okay. Now I kind of want to spawn one next to Ruby's house
17:33But I don't want to just spot it and leave it there. I want to set up some sort of trick
17:36I want to make it so that Ruby flicks a lever and then it spawns in let me go ahead and kill this void
17:40worm real quick slash kill at e type equal Alex's mobs and then
17:45Void worm. There we go. I think I just killed it. Alright, let's cut back over to Ruby's house now
17:49Well, look at that thing. It made the entire sky look dark for a moment
17:52Let's go all the way back over here
17:54And I want to figure out some sort of prank that we could do to make it so that Ruby flicks a lever or like
17:58Presses a button and then the void worm spawns in let's see. Where was Ruby's house again? It was somewhere here
18:03Ah, yes, here it is
18:03Alright, does Ruby have any buttons or levers or anything around here that we could use for this troll?
18:08Um, it looks like she doesn't have anything. I don't think she's very good with redstone. I got an idea though
18:12What if we go ahead and put down a button right over here and then we can put a sign next to it that says
18:17Feed animals we can make it look like there's an automatic animal feeder that just magically appeared
18:23Let me go ahead and grab a magenta sign for Ruby and then let's go ahead and put down the text press
18:26Hold on. Hold on press that I cannot type button to feed
18:31Animals, there we go. That looks good. And now beneath this button
18:34Let me go ahead and give myself another command block and let's just go ahead and put the command slash summon
18:40Alex's mobs void worm. There we go. That looks pretty good. So whenever Ruby hits this button, it's gonna spawn in a void worm
18:45Wait, um, this also gives me another idea. What if we actually go ahead and make Ruby some animal feeders?
18:51We can have some dispensers and we can have them go above each one of these animal cages so that they feed the animals except
18:57They're not actually gonna feed the animals except inside of these dispensers instead of actually putting animal food
19:01What if we put a bunch of TNT that's gonna be pretty funny
19:04Okay, let's go ahead and set up these things in each one of these animals cages. There we go
19:08Okay, I think I might have to build the giraffe one a little taller cuz these things are huge
19:11Wait, I think one of these giraffes was a baby when I first joined now, it's grown up Ruby
19:15Miss the baby giraffes first steps. Anyways, we got this thingy set up here
19:18This can look like the automatic animal feeder that we built now
19:21We just got to set up some redstone to power the whole thing
19:23I'm thinking we could go ahead and set up some of these, you know
19:26Redstone torch tower thingies the way that these work is whenever you turn off the redstone torch at the bottom like that
19:31It flicks the redstone torch on the top so we can control it easily
19:34Let's go ahead and build one of these things just like that put some redstone down
19:38We can do this for all of the animal tower thingies. So there we go. That looks pretty good
19:43Let's put one over here too. And now we just got to connect all of these up to this lever
19:46So not only is this lever gonna spawn in a void worm. It's also gonna kill all of Ruby's animals
19:51Anyways, this is gonna take a little bit of redstone wiring. We're gonna need to break this command block. We'll put it down later
19:56Let's put some redstone down over here
19:58And then I'm pretty sure the way that we can make this work is if we just have a torch there whenever I hit this
20:02Button boom, there we go. It activates the dispenser
20:04Now we just got to connect this redstone to each one of these little power tower things that we've got. There we go
20:10This is looking pretty good. Okay, I'm starting to feel kind of bad for Ruby, but don't worry
20:14I saved a backup of her world. So once this world gets fully destroyed, I'll just give her the backup. So here we go
20:20Let's just hook up all of this stuff. We got to make this look all good
20:23I think this looks good so far. All we got to do is hook up this last redstone torch right over here
20:28Let's put some redstone down. There we go. And alright, I think everything is hooked up
20:33So now if I hit this lever all of these dispensers get activated and wait, wait, wait, hold on a second
20:37I also got to put the void warm command block. Let's put it down right over here like that
20:42There we go. And alright now the trap should be fully done. We just go ahead and cover all of this up
20:48There we go. And alright, this is looking quite delightful. Anyways, I wonder what other stuff we should mess with
20:53We still got a lot of time before Ruby get
20:56Oh, hold on. I think that was Ruby. I gotta leave the world
20:59That was pretty crazy
21:00And if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now
