We're back in #Minecraft Cherry Island as one of us breaks a server rule and faces the consequences...
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Cherry Island Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/cherryisland/
Fan Laws:
1. No Mining Diamonds.
2. No Breaking Cherry Trees.
3. No Killing Pets.
Cherry Island Discord: https://discord.com/invite/fSTcqTCWhu
Cherry Island Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/cherryisland/
Fan Laws:
1. No Mining Diamonds.
2. No Breaking Cherry Trees.
3. No Killing Pets.
00:00Welcome back everyone to Cherry Island!
00:02It's gonna be a good day!
00:04All of my friends are online
00:06and the admin Rishi is here!
00:08And I'm guessing he's gonna be messaging
00:10us soon. Uh, before we do
00:12that though, let's get our gear
00:14and get ready to go.
00:16If you guys saw my last solo episode,
00:18today's gonna be quite interesting because, um,
00:20not only did we troll Crayna,
00:22but we also set up a rather cheeky little
00:24troll at the meeting place with Rishi,
00:26so I'm curious how that's gonna go down.
00:28Oh, look at that! Rishi's already messaged us!
00:30Welcome everyone! Come see me in the Cherry Forest!
00:32Oh, and bring your...
00:34pets? Crayna said bring Humpy.
00:36Do we bring Spot with us as well?
00:38Or do we bring Yupma?
00:40Ah, no. Yupma is
00:42on their own. Finn said I have a
00:44cat and a horsey. Okay. Alright.
00:46Spot, Bork, let's go.
00:48Guys! Guys!
00:50What has he done?!
00:52What has he done?!
00:54He exploded my base
00:56because what I did
00:58was totally reasonable!
01:02Get control of yourselves.
01:04Rishi said are you guys done? Come on.
01:06Respect Rishi. He's here. Okay.
01:08He's also got a bigger sword.
01:10What do you want, Rishi?
01:12Wait, is this your pet, Finn?
01:14Oh, it's a kitty!
01:16Does it not have a name?
01:18Oh, wait. Rishi said I'm going to add
01:20a new fan lore.
01:22Wait, do you think it's got something to do with his lever?
01:24They're killing each other's pets. Wait, that's a new fan lore!
01:26That's good that you said that
01:28right now while I almost killed a pet.
01:30Can you spank
01:32Crainer for hitting my cat, please?
01:34Guys, do you think that the lever
01:36is like a present or something?
01:38Can I press the lever?
01:40I mean...
01:42Oh! What just happened?
01:44Finn! Why did you put
01:46fire on the tree? Finn, you just set
01:48fire to a tree, dude! I didn't do that!
01:50Wait, there's a dispenser here
01:52with a fire to charge!
01:54That wasn't me! I just saw you break a leaf,
01:56Finn! That's crazy!
01:58No, I didn't, bro! You just clicked that
02:00lever, dude! There's more fire here!
02:02That's not me!
02:04Crainer, I know you just pressed that
02:06lever! Holy crap!
02:08Who's to say it wasn't me or you?
02:10It wasn't me!
02:12Finn, I'm not dealing with your problem, dude!
02:14You're burning an entire tree down!
02:16Dude, that wasn't me, I promise!
02:18I quite like this right now,
02:20By the way,
02:22I need you guys to take a look at my house,
02:24because there's a bunch of freaking pressure plates in there!
02:26Wait, wait, wait! Hang on a second!
02:28Does that mean that Finn just broke a law?
02:30Did Finn break a law?
02:32Finn, did you press the lever?
02:34It wasn't me! It was Crainer!
02:36I definitely didn't do it!
02:38I think we saw
02:40you do it, Finn!
02:42I definitely did not pull the lever, I swear!
02:46Can I ask why there's a lever there in the first place?
02:48Yeah, why is it there?
02:50Uh, I think I should probably tell you guys
02:52I put it there.
02:54Why did you put it there?
02:56Because I knew that one of you two idiots would pull the lever
02:58and burn a tree down!
03:00Wait! You're setting up a trap!
03:02So, Rishi,
03:04if the rules are correct, right,
03:06Finn needs to be punished now?
03:08No, no, no!
03:10Josh! No!
03:12That's a roundabout way of getting somebody punished, Josh!
03:14Why is he doing that?
03:16Is that a prison for me?
03:18Wait, what?
03:20Get in, Finn!
03:22It wasn't me!
03:24I mean, you definitely did press it, Finn.
03:26It wasn't me, guys!
03:28He's got to drop an anvil on him!
03:30Is that it?
03:32Oh, he's putting sand in there!
03:36I'm suffocating!
03:38Wait, I can break the sand!
03:40He's breaking another law!
03:42Rishi, he's making you look like kind of a fool!
03:44Oh, he's dead. I just heard him scream.
03:48Also, there's no rule about taking anybody's items, right?
03:50I am very poor!
03:52That's kind of a douche move, Craner, to be honest.
03:54Dang it! He didn't even bring his diamonds, dude!
03:56I don't need this stuff, honestly.
03:58Wait, can we just keep track
04:00of what's going on here?
04:02Now that we are here without Finn,
04:04I do have something to admit to you guys.
04:06Wait, what?
04:08I was the one that pressed it.
04:10Wait, were you actually?
04:12I actually thought
04:14it was genuinely Finn.
04:20I mean, you could just stand in there and TP him, I guess.
04:24I can hear Craner screaming.
04:26What's going on?
04:28Finn, I've got to apologize to you.
04:30Did he admit to it?
04:32Yeah, he did.
04:34I told you it wasn't me! He stole all my stuff!
04:36Oh, okay.
04:38Craner, are you done running now?
04:40I realize that it's probably
04:42kind of useless to run.
04:44Wait a second!
04:46Wait a second!
04:48He's not doing anything!
04:50I know, he just keeps running and screaming.
04:52It's kind of dark.
04:54Okay, I'm ready! Give me my punishment, daddy!
04:56Wait, where did all his armor go?
04:58Yeah, hold on a minute.
05:00Oh, Finn! Finn, come here!
05:02Yeah, you can get all his stuff!
05:04Rishi, stop him!
05:06Stealing is not against the law!
05:08Hey, Craner! Craner, guess what?
05:10I got some eggs for you. There you go.
05:12See you later, Craner!
05:14Bye, Craner.
05:16I want the eggs.
05:18Oh, nice.
05:20Please, address the elephant in the room.
05:22Your mum's not here.
05:26There are pressure plates
05:28in my home,
05:30strapped with TNT,
05:32and I need to know who did it.
05:34Can you guys for one moment
05:36have some respect for Rishi, okay?
05:38Oh, I thought he was done yapping.
05:40What's up, bud?
05:42Finn? Yes?
05:44I want you to name your hat.
05:46Wait, your hat? I don't know why I said hat.
05:48I don't have a hat.
05:50Well, I did have a name tag, but it's disappeared.
05:52Oh, funny that, now that the admin is here
05:54who can give you a name tag.
05:56Okay, right. Any names?
06:04That's what Craner says, because then he'll claim that he named it.
06:06What about Ferb?
06:08Or Felix?
06:10Just name it something, Finn.
06:12Can you give me a bottle of enchanting?
06:14A bottle?
06:16There we go.
06:20Why are you digging Borg into a hole, dude?
06:22I was just gonna...
06:24He's in the sun.
06:26Rishi just made a law
06:28that you can't kill pets.
06:30Kill him!
06:32Rishi, you need to stop Borg!
06:34You need to stop Borg, Rishi!
06:36Just let Borg kill you.
06:38Bro, it's gonna kill me, Josh.
06:44I think it's pretty clear that Rishi follows the law right now.
06:48Oh my god!
06:50See? I can do it at any moment!
06:52You better watch out!
06:56Rishi, can you just help get some water here?
06:58Because this is just a mess, dude.
07:00Rishi, if you don't want me to kill that dog,
07:02get him off of me!
07:04That's it. Good boy.
07:06So, did you see what
07:08Craner named his... I mean, Finn named his
07:12Where is it?
07:16That is...
07:18That is the worst name ever, dude.
07:20And guess what?
07:22I've got Craner's mom!
07:24Craner's mom lives with me!
07:28Craner's mom!
07:32That's what you get
07:34for naming it Craner's mom.
07:36I think I am within my rights there,
07:40You just killed it!
07:42You just broke the law!
07:44You get a do-over, Finn,
07:46because that's not even a name.
07:48You gotta actually name it something.
07:50Is that all we're doing?
07:52He just killed a cat.
07:54My Creeper X!
07:56Bigger punishment than that.
08:00What I think, right, is that
08:02Finn should get a new cat, but he actually needs
08:04to name it something.
08:06Craner, you killed a pet when
08:08Rishi just made a law
08:10that it is against the law to kill pets.
08:12Did I kill it, or did a Creeper kill it?
08:14Rishi, how about
08:16we spawn a new cat?
08:18Fresh start. Plus, we punish Craner.
08:20I will not kill his cat again.
08:22Talking in general, and just let Rishi decide.
08:26He named it Craner's mom!
08:30Wait, where did...
08:32Where's he going?
08:34Why is he in the direction of my home?
08:36Oh, it's a cat! It's a black cat!
08:38Larry! Larry!
08:40Come back!
08:42I mean, I'm all ears, Rishi.
08:44What's going on at my house that you want?
08:46Oh, by the way,
08:48I trolled you with landmines.
08:50That was you?
08:52I just built
08:54this place, dude.
08:56Can you please get rid of the obsidian? That would be nice.
09:00Larry! Larry!
09:04Oh, bro!
09:06Okay, no, I think this is
09:08an overreaction!
09:10I think this is an overreaction!
09:12Rishi, this is an overreaction, dude!
09:14Wait, Larry's in there!
09:16Get him out, quick!
09:18Get out!
09:22Wait, I heard Larry! I heard Larry!
09:24Where is he? Where is he?
09:26He's okay!
09:28Let's just keep him sat, okay?
09:30Let me just see...
09:32I just made that place!
09:34I just made it!
09:36I've got to see this!
09:38This is the first time ever that I was actually
09:40settling in on Cherry Island!
09:42And it's all gone now!
09:44Can you just give me a base set of iron items?
09:46I don't want to go mining again!
09:50Man, I need to
09:52stop yapping! Can I please move in
09:54with you now, Josh, that I'm homeless?
09:56No way, dude, no!
09:58Can I move in with you now that I'm homeless?
10:00Well, I would say you could, dude, but my
10:02barn has been blown up!
10:04That was you, Craner!
10:06That was me, yeah!
10:08I tell you what, you can move in if you rebuild it.
10:10Oh, that's not too bad.
10:12Okay, maybe I'll do that.
10:14I would, I think, right?
10:16Thank you very much.
10:18Let me go get Larry.
10:20No, you can just go back.
10:22The realisation that
10:24there wasn't any ladders!
10:26Never mind!
10:28Craner, you can move into that.
10:30There we go.
10:32I'll take the cobblestone.
10:34No, Josh!
10:36So you got Larry now?
10:38Yeah, where's he gone?
10:40He's up there, Finn.
10:42Larry! Hey!
10:44Come and say hello!
10:46Behold, Larry!
10:50Don't kill him again, Craner.
10:52It's almost like he lives here.
10:54Meet me in the Cherry Forest for your task.
10:56Wait, we still have to do a task today?
10:58Come on, guys.
11:00Your task is to beat a Minecraft boss.
11:02You will be rewarded
11:04handsomely for it next week.
11:06No, can we do it this week?
11:08Can I get a load?
11:10Does Rishi do...
11:14What boss are we going for?
11:16We can't do the Wither, that's for sure.
11:18We can't do the Ender Dragon.
11:20What can we do then?
11:22Should we maybe Google what constitutes
11:24as a Minecraft boss?
11:26What about a Blaze?
11:28That's not a boss.
11:30So I looked it up and basically it's the Wither or the Ender Dragon.
11:32Ender Dragon!
11:34That's easy enough, right?
11:36You have no idea, Vindy.
11:38Bro, I don't have any armor, Finn.
11:40I fought him once and won.
11:42Josh, what do we do?
11:44I mean, we could just not do it
11:46and then we won't get a reward.
11:48I'll tell you what, Craner.
11:50Maybe the reward is bigger
11:52than the diamonds.
11:54Can you shut up? I'm talking.
11:56No, you shut up. I've got an idea.
11:58I'll make you a full set of diamond armor.
12:02You can do that. You have enough.
12:04Yes, I can do that.
12:06But with the reward for next week,
12:08you have to give me like 80%.
12:10Whoa! Finn's making moves, dude!
12:12Yeah, brother.
12:14If you give me
12:16a full set of diamond armor
12:18but also a diamond pickaxe,
12:20shovel, and axe, and sword,
12:22then yeah, I'll do it.
12:24I don't think you could do that, Finn.
12:26If you've got 20, that's not enough.
12:28I think what he's saying is he'll give you
12:3020-odd diamonds worth of armor.
12:32But then I want
12:34armor in iron.
12:38Okay, I can do that.
12:40Come on, baby!
12:42Am I really giving this guy 80%
12:44of my reward? Actually, Craner,
12:46can you help me find my horse?
12:48Just walk around a little bit, okay?
12:50Down to the right, Craner.
12:52Backwards. Right.
12:54I'm going to cut to the chase.
12:5875%. And I'll give you
13:00more diamonds.
13:04But is it take it or leave it offer?
13:08Of course I'll take it!
13:10Let's go, buddy!
13:12You'll give me more diamonds than 20?
13:14Yeah. And you get 75%
13:16Oh, Jesus Christ, that's a lot of creepers.
13:1875% of
13:20your reward from next week.
13:22Yo, you kept that camel?
13:24Yeah, it's Yupma. It's what now?
13:26Yupma. Yo, Yupma!
13:28What's up, buddy?
13:30Do you want me to put Humpy in here
13:32then as security?
13:34Yeah, but you promised I could just get him back, right?
13:36He's still mine? Well, security means that
13:38if you don't give me a 75%
13:40If I don't pay the... Yeah.
13:42I don't have a home anyway, so I mean if you can
13:44He'll be safe. I guarantee
13:46his safety, okay?
13:48You stand right here, okay, buddy?
13:50I may as well actually just reveal
13:52my hiding spot real quick.
13:54Am I standing here?
13:56Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:58Okay, so here we go.
14:00Here is your...
14:04So what I'm going to suggest, make what you
14:06can from that. More than 20.
14:08And... Ah, that's one
14:10more, bro! Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:12I'm putting it all outside. And then you let me know
14:14what's left over,
14:16okay? Why?
14:18Because I'll help you with the last
14:20bits of iron.
14:22Thank you. Thank you very much. Well, it's
14:24been a pleasure doing deals with you,
14:26Josh. Do you mind just, uh...
14:28I'd just like a bit of, uh...
14:30formality here. Could you just chuck it on a sign?
14:32Just write it on there.
14:34Okay. Can I cry now?
14:36Deal has been
14:38signed. Hey, Finn.
14:40He made a better offer than you did, Finn.
14:42What am I supposed to do? What was the offer?
14:44Finn, I'm proud of you for doing what you did,
14:46but number one of
14:48a deal is take a deposit. Otherwise,
14:50you'll get screwed, and you did.
14:52What was the deal? Well,
14:54it was better than yours, Finn. What can I say?
14:56What can I say?
14:58I mean, I'm not bothered that
15:00much, but...
15:02You can see all of Cherry Island
15:04up here.
15:06Yep. That's been successful.
15:08We have single-handedly, uh...
15:10managed to get Crainer to pay us
15:1275% of his reward.
15:14We've also managed to get Finn to use
15:16up almost all of his current diamonds.
15:18And it did cost us our,
15:20like, a portion of our diamonds,
15:22but we're gonna be getting
15:24a lot back now, depending
15:26on what that reward is. I just kinda hope that
15:28the reward is bigger than what we've spent.
15:30And that's a risk, but we're gonna take
15:32a risk. Yo!
15:36I've got six obsidian.
15:38That's not enough. We need one more obsidian.
15:40Oh, bro. Have you not got one more?
15:42I've got three. We need... Oh.
15:44Crainer! Hey, what's up?
15:46Have you got any obsidian? No.
15:48Well, you should have. Was there any left in your house?
15:50Because we... Okay, I'm actually...
15:52I can go and check, because I need to get bought back anyway,
15:54so I'll... Hey, look, look, look. Take this.
15:56Hey, you guys...
15:58No, I'm... Why did you just throw obsidian to each other?
16:00No, you guys can start the portal, and then
16:02I'll bring the last one back, okay? Okay.
16:06Hey, guys. Hey!
16:08And then we just need, like, one here.
16:10So, we're just missing one, I think.
16:12Is this right, Josh? Boom.
16:14Boom, baby!
16:16Oh, I forgot my shield.
16:18Oh, I don't have a shield.
16:20Can you make me one?
16:22Yeah, I'll make you one. Be right back.
16:30There we go.
16:32How am I not surprised that you guys would do something
16:34dumb like that?
16:36Well, we... Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
16:38Okay, so we need three wither skulls,
16:40and we need soul sand, right?
16:42How do you get wither skulls?
16:44We have to kill wither skeletons.
16:48Uh, guys?
16:50What is that down there?
16:52That's what we're looking for!
16:54Oh, wait, there is one. Fortress. Wait, where are you going?
16:56Well, I've got to go towards it.
16:58Dude, what do you think?
17:00What are those creatures, though?
17:02Oh, those are striders.
17:04You can ride them. There's also soul sand over there.
17:06Guys, remember, we're all working
17:08for a common good here, guys, okay?
17:10Just to be clear.
17:12Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're not trolling each other right now, okay?
17:14We all want that prize, okay?
17:16I want 25% of my prize,
17:18or whatever that math is now.
17:20Hello, wither skeletons!
17:22I have come to kill you and claim
17:24your heads!
17:26Okay. Oh, I've definitely
17:28been in this spot before.
17:30I think we need three.
17:32Watch out! Watch out!
17:34Okay, Crainer.
17:36Did you do it or not?
17:38Well, I mean, there's a wither skeleton here!
17:40Yeah, but did you kill it?
17:42No, it's right there!
17:44Okay, you're now killing the pig.
17:46Yeah, but the pig is sort of in the way.
17:50You can get food from the pigs.
17:52Alright, there's another one here.
17:54Well, I need them cooked, Finn.
17:56Oh, there's a spawner here.
17:58Yeah, probably not the wither skeleton
18:00spawner, dude. Alright, nothing from that one.
18:06Okay, have you killed any more?
18:10Wow, I actually have a skull, dude, look!
18:12Okay, yeah, that's still just one,
18:14Crainer, and we still need to get two more,
18:16and there's a bunch of... Guys, why are you
18:18posting up here?
18:20I think I can find some wither
18:22skeleton this way.
18:24Come here, withies!
18:30Oh, Finn got one!
18:32Wait, guys!
18:34I'm kind of separated.
18:36Okay, that's good.
18:38That means we still need one more, though, guys,
18:40so we're going to be here a bit longer,
18:44I'm tired of this, Grandpa!
18:46Let's do this, Finn!
18:48Buckle up, buckle up!
18:50Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
18:52I got it! I got the final one!
18:54You've got it?
18:56Josh! I've got it!
19:00How do we get this
19:02slither guy?
19:04It's not a slither.
19:06Okay, we're at minus 48,
19:08okay? And then what was the other
19:10one? Minus 48,
19:12then it's 63,
19:14and then it's minus 34.
19:16Oh, I found my old path! Is this the right way,
19:18Josh? Yeah, I think I went through here.
19:20Hey, get away from me, you pig.
19:22Hey! Oh, found it!
19:26Okay, now we've just got to kill
19:28the actual wither, which
19:30I'm not really sure we can do, but
19:32we'll give it a try.
19:34So, I still don't know
19:36where we're going to put this guy, because he's got to fly
19:38all over the place and explode it, you know?
19:40It's somewhere where we're not worried about causing some damage,
19:42but, uh... It needs to be
19:44on another island, then. It can't be on
19:46Cherry Island. Yeah, but then again,
19:48I feel like doing it on Cherry Island is, like,
19:50part of the history. I suggest
19:52over there, Josh.
19:54Right, you see that? Yeah, yeah.
19:56We could do it over there. I mean, should we just...
19:58No. Let's just wait until...
20:00Let's just wait until it's daytime,
20:02okay? Alright, now
20:04let's go over here, summon
20:06that stinking guy, and kill him!
20:08Yeah, I still don't know...
20:10Crainer, you're the one with the diamond pickaxe, right?
20:12Yeah. I mean, diamond
20:14sword. I've got one as well. Does anybody
20:16have arrows? Because I have a crossbow, which does
20:18a lot of damage. Well, no, I mean,
20:20it does... I have a diamond sword.
20:22Can you give me arrows? No, I barely
20:24have enough for myself. Okay, well, let's summon
20:26him over there by the cobblestone.
20:28I... This is going to go bad, guys.
20:30This is going to go terribly wrong, but
20:32I believe in us! Can somebody
20:34give me arrows? Because I've got a crossbow and all. No!
20:36Dude, I'm not giving you arrows. You've got
20:38the diamond sword. I'm shooting. Are we doing it?
20:40Ready? Yeah, I'm ready, guys.
20:42One more. Three. I've got... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
20:44Two. I've got a lava pot.
20:46Will that instantly kill it? No. No.
20:48Three. Oh, my sweet child. Two.
20:50One. Good luck,
20:52everybody! Okay.
20:54I'm running. I'm running. Finn,
20:56get away from it, dude. Yeah, you make
20:58me want to step too close to it right now, Finn.
21:00It's going to explode soon. It's getting
21:02a bit dark. There it is!
21:04Alright, here we go, boys. Now,
21:06just make sure you guys hit him or something.
21:08I think he's after me. He's kind of too
21:10high up, guys. What is he doing?
21:12How do I get him down?
21:14You've got to keep shooting him, huh?
21:16Oh, my God.
21:18I'm waiting. I think I hit him once.
21:20I'm waiting for him.
21:22Why is he so high up, dude?
21:24Bring him towards me!
21:26He's a terrible guy.
21:30Alright, guys. Get on the stools.
21:34There we go. This is it, Finn.
21:36Oh, that's actually working really well.
21:38This is the most awful fight
21:40I've ever done in my life.
21:42Get him, Finn. Get him. We're killing him.
21:44This is it, dude. This is it.
21:46I've never been so excited in my life!
21:48Get him, Finn!
21:50Oh, no. I'm just healing up.
21:52I'm really trying to fire him up.
21:54He's shielded. He's shielded.
21:56But he gets closer. Fight!
21:58Guys, fight!
22:02You guys have diamond swords.
22:04Why am I doing everything?
22:06I've got an iron sword.
22:08Oh, my God. He's dead. He's almost dead.
22:10Come on! This is it!
22:12We've got this!
22:14We're doing it, Lachs!
22:16We're doing it, Lachs!
22:20Wait. What do we win?
22:22Well, we...
22:24Did someone get the star?
22:26I didn't get it. Oh, I got it. I got it.
22:28Let's see it, Finn. Congratulations, Finn.
22:30What does it do? I'll show you.
22:32You want me to show you? Yeah, give it to me and I'll show you.
22:36I wouldn't even know how to use it, Josh.
22:38You're going to have it, honestly.
22:40That's mine.
22:42Maybe we can use it on the village.
22:44Why didn't we put it on an item frame?
22:46We might need to give it to Rishi. I don't actually know.
22:48Oh, yeah. We might have to.
22:50Maybe we took down the wither, though.
22:52I can.
22:54And this guy...
22:56Yeah, that's true. Is that the first wither you've ever killed, Finn?
22:58Yeah, bro. That was exhilarating!
23:00In that case, I guess
23:02I will see you guys
23:04next week.
23:06Love you! Remember, Craner,
23:0875%, okay?
23:1075%, boy.
23:12Wait, wait, wait. Kisses, kisses.
23:14No, I'm good. I'm going to...
23:16Come on, Josh!
23:18Come on, Josh!
23:20Boys that wither together kiss each other!
23:22We got to kiss each other now on the lips!
23:24No, you stay away from me.
23:26Go back with Finn.
23:28No, dude, this is not good.
23:30You want to make out, dude?
23:32Well, guys, I will see you in the next video.