• yesterday
Today, Johnny and Marty are part of the fire kingdom and Gooby and Daisy are part of the water kingdom! Both of their elements hate each other until Johnny and Daisy fall in love! But all of that changes when the Ice King decides to come and take Daisy... Watch to the end to find out if they can rescue her!

#minecraft #johnny #minecraftmod
00:00Mr. Prince of the Water Nation, you have to cooperate in these discussions!
00:03We want to split the land between the two kingdoms!
00:06Why should we? My father will never give up any of his land!
00:11Because we are the Fire Nation! We are superior to all other elements!
00:15Come on! You should know this!
00:17Pfft! Your little candle act is no match to my waddle!
00:22Oh really? Making bubbles is scary?
00:24We control the entire ocean!
00:26Guys, guys! Stop arguing for once, okay?
00:29What if you guys just combine your elements and then you guys can be friends?
00:36What is that?
00:38Giant, Giant! Please, don't talk! You're gonna embarrass me!
00:41Alright? That was so stupid!
00:42One thing we can agree on is that we will never combine our elements!
00:46Yeah, never! It doesn't work like that!
00:48You know what? That's it! I'm leaving! I'll let you guys discuss this!
00:51I'm gonna go get some fresh air!
00:52Oh my gosh! You guys are so annoying!
00:55Why can't they just be friends?
00:57Fire, Water, it's all the same thing!
00:59Wait a minute! Who is that over there?
01:02Oh my goodness! I think that's the Princess of Water!
01:06I'm gonna go up there and talk to her!
01:09Hello! Hello, Princess of Water! Is that really you?
01:13Yes, it is me! Hi, my name is Daisy! What's your name?
01:16I am the Prince of all Fire!
01:19Oh yeah, I'm really cool!
01:20Oh, it's nice to meet you!
01:21Yeah, well, it's nice to meet you too!
01:23Did you know that our elements are fighting inside?
01:26Yeah, that's why I'm not in there!
01:27Yeah, my daddy is really annoying! No one likes King Marty!
01:31No one likes my brother either!
01:33I think we should change their names to King Farty and King Doobie!
01:37I agree! That'd be so funny!
01:39You know what? Even though you're the Princess of Water,
01:42I think I really like you and I'm gonna give you a gift! Are you ready for it?
01:46Wait, a gift?
01:46Yep, just give me one second! Let me just get it over here!
01:50Oh yeah, check it out!
01:51It's a fire flower! Boom! Boom! You like that?
01:56But you know I like flowers!
01:58I don't know, I just think all girls like flowers, so here you go!
02:01It's a present from the Fire Element!
02:03Thank you! This is beautiful!
02:05Yep, it's pretty awesome!
02:07You know what, Daisy? I think that we should hang out more often!
02:11I don't know! Our elements hate each other!
02:14Who cares if our elements hate each other? It doesn't matter, Daisy!
02:17My brother would be so mad!
02:19I mean, my daddy would probably be really angry!
02:22Especially the way he's talking to your brother inside!
02:25It's getting really crazy in there!
02:27But it doesn't matter! We could just keep it on the down-low!
02:30I don't know, but before I go, I need to give you a present!
02:33Um, okay! Is it a water flower? Or a water gun that goes pew-pew?
02:39No, turn your head the other way!
02:41Um, okay!
02:43Oh! Did you just kiss me?
02:45Oh my goodness!
02:47No way that the two elements that aren't supposed to mix are mixing!
02:53What the? What is happening?
02:55Oh my god, they're fighting!
02:57Daisy, they're fighting!
02:58You little hot-headed!
03:03Yeah, this is what you get for using abilities at the table!
03:06Guys, guys! Stop! Stop!
03:08No fighting! No fighting!
03:09You and your bubbles!
03:10We will never be an alliance!
03:12Sonny, you stop it! No, you stop it!
03:14You're older, so you need to be-
03:15Stop it for us, buddy!
03:17Let me stop!
03:18No! I will never, ever talk to that guy!
03:21You guys need to stop this fighting, okay?
03:23Just so your different elements doesn't mean that you gotta turn into animals like that.
03:27Yeah, well-
03:28Hey, daddy, that was a cheap shot!
03:30He started it! He started it!
03:32Yep, you get started, daddy.
03:34Oh my gosh, Johnny, come over here, we're leaving!
03:36We're not discussing any more trading terms with these people!
03:39But daddy, I wasn't done talking to Daisy!
03:41Oh, you weren't talking to Daisy? Well, guess what?
03:44I'm sending you home!
03:45You're getting sent home to your room right now!
03:47Come on, daddy!
03:48Oh, don't come on daddy me!
03:50Why are you talking to the princess of water?
03:52You're taking all your anger out on me, this is not fair!
03:55Oh, we need to walk.
03:56We need to walk and talk!
03:57Walk and talk with the king!
03:58Bye, Daisy! I'll talk to you later!
04:00Yeah, what'd you say to me, buddy?
04:02I said I'd walk with you, lava walk!
04:04Oh my gosh!
04:06Yeah, nice job, iceberg!
04:07You microwave head!
04:09You did not just say, okay, that's it!
04:12Okay, you know what?
04:13I know something that'll stop this!
04:14Daddy, get over here!
04:14You're a dolphin talker!
04:16Come over here, daddy!
04:16Oh, you like this?
04:17You like that?
04:18Stop! Stop!
04:19Where'd you get this water from?
04:20You like that?
04:21You're a fire element!
04:22This should be lava!
04:23Go that way, go!
04:24I am going this way!
04:25If you don't, then I'll put water right in your butt!
04:27All right, all right, relax!
04:29Making sure you keep going!
04:30Yeah, well, guess what?
04:31You're gonna keep on going back home to your room!
04:33Fine, daddy, I don't care!
04:34You don't care?
04:35You don't care?
04:36Well, guess what?
04:36You're gonna fly there too!
04:37Because I'm not taking you there!
04:39Wait, fly there?
04:40Yes, you're gonna learn to fly right now with your fire powers!
04:42Yes, we could fly!
04:43But daddy, I don't really know how to fly!
04:44I've only done it like once, off a roof!
04:46You gotta harness your energy, all right?
04:48From your heart with the fire, all that nice, you know, beautiful stuff!
04:52Daddy, I have an idea!
04:53You're gonna fly away!
04:54I could use my new love powers!
04:56Wait, what did you just say?
04:57I could use my new love powers of my heart!
04:59Just like you're talking about!
05:01Love powers?
05:02What do you mean by love?
05:03Anyways, daddy, it's time for me to fly!
05:08What were you talking about, love?
05:08Oh yeah, daddy, check this out!
05:10I'm flying!
05:12I see that!
05:12Now fly to your room!
05:13Okay, bye, daddy!
05:16Ah, home sweet home!
05:18The fiery castle!
05:19Now that I know how to fly, I don't have to walk up a thousand stairs!
05:23I could just fly right into the window of my room!
05:26Here we go, and boom!
05:28That was sick!
05:30Oh, well, I guess there's nothing else to do besides go inside my bed!
05:34I'm gonna think about how angry my daddy and Gooby made me today!
05:38Me and Daisy were really getting along, and then they ruined everything!
05:42Oh gosh, I wonder where Daisy is right now!
05:44I need to think of a way where I can see her without my daddy or Gooby getting angry!
05:49I guess I'm just gonna go to bed and dream about her!
05:53Is that Daisy, or is that me dreaming?
05:55Ah, wake up!
05:58Hello, friend here!
05:59Oh my god!
06:00Oh my god, Daisy!
06:01What the?
06:02What are you doing here?
06:03How did you even know that this is where I live?
06:05Everyone knows this is where you live!
06:07Oh my goodness, well, I'm so happy you're here!
06:09Listen, I missed you and all, but there's something major happening!
06:13What something major?
06:14What's happening?
06:15My brother, the Prince of Water, is on his way here right now!
06:19What do you mean he's on his way right now?
06:21Oh no, this is not good!
06:23Is he doing what he think he's doing?
06:25Yes, he wants to take over the Fire Kingdom!
06:27Oh heck no, that is not gonna happen!
06:30You gotta go stop him!
06:31What are you doing here?
06:32I can't do anything!
06:33Oh no, what are we gonna do?
06:35Are we gonna have to try to fight your brother and kill him?
06:37You cannot kill him!
06:38He's my brother!
06:40I don't know, I might need to kill him a little bit!
06:42No, there has to be a way to stop him!
06:43We just need a plan!
06:45Let me think, let me think!
06:46Ooh, okay, Daisy, I have a crazy plan!
06:49Okay, what is it?
06:51So, the reason why my daddy and your brother are fighting is because one's fire and one's water,
06:57They don't mix!
06:58But what if they did mix?
07:00Kind of like me and you, how we're mixing!
07:02What are you saying?
07:04What I'm saying is that we need to get married so it shows them that water and fire can be
07:08mixed and then they can't fight each other because they'll be one nation!
07:12That's a perfect idea!
07:13Boom, I just dropped the mic!
07:15Now, all we need to do is plan this wedding and invite both of them!
07:19Exactly, Daisy!
07:20Uh oh!
07:22Um, Gooby, you didn't hear anything!
07:25Like I got here at the perfect time!
07:27You didn't hear anything and why are you even in my room?
07:30Because I need to take the princess back to our kingdom!
07:34Oh yeah?
07:35Well, guess what?
07:36You can do that but you're not touching this kingdom!
07:38This is all ours!
07:39This is all fire, baby!
07:40Yeah, it's disgusting!
07:42And it's way too hot in here!
07:43Gooby, we're getting married!
07:45Oh gosh, she said it!
07:46No, you're not!
07:47Yes, we are!
07:48You're not going to stop us, Gooby!
07:50We're going to show you that fire and water can mix!
07:53Absolutely not!
07:54They are opposites!
07:56Daisy, let's go!
07:57You're coming in right now!
07:59No, you're going to have to catch me!
08:01Oh my god!
08:02She's running!
08:02She's running!
08:03Get back here!
08:04No, you get back here, Gooby!
08:05Get over here!
08:06No, I don't want to hear it, Gooby!
08:07Boo, boo, boo, boo!
08:08What the?
08:08What water power was that?
08:09Get over here, Gooby!
08:10It's my bubble beam!
08:12Oh, which way do I go?
08:13Let's go!
08:14Do not chase the princess!
08:15She wants to stay here with me!
08:18You can't get me!
08:20You are putting a disgrace on the entire Water Nation!
08:23No, I'm not!
08:24I'm trying to help it!
08:25How dare you talk to these fire heads!
08:27Gooby, stop it right now!
08:29Or I'm going to have to do something I'm going to regret!
08:32Okay, fine.
08:32Let's see how you like this!
08:34Oh, you like that?
08:35Like those fireballs?
08:36Get over here!
08:37I'm getting fireballs!
08:38Get over here!
08:39Yeah, oh yeah?
08:39Water ball, water ball!
08:41Gooby, you need to leave!
08:43Yes, I agree!
08:44We need to go back to the Water Nation!
08:46No, I don't want to go back!
08:48Well, Gooby, look behind you!
08:49What is happening here?
08:51Oh no!
08:52It's a big fire elephant!
08:54Are you kidding me?
08:55Why are you here in my kingdom, Gooby?
08:58Prince of water farts?
09:00Oh, it's you, Malty!
09:02You big, hot-headed meanie!
09:04Good, I'd rather be known as that than playing with bubbles!
09:07Well, for some reason, I think your prince kidnapped my princess!
09:12Not true, Gooby!
09:13That did not happen!
09:14That's not true!
09:14She flew into my room on her own will.
09:17I did not kidnap anyone.
09:18Thank you very much.
09:18Uh-huh, you see?
09:19You see?
09:20Is that true, Daisy?
09:21Of course, Gooby!
09:22I told you that!
09:23She doesn't like you!
09:24She doesn't like your own family!
09:26Well, we're going to have to have a talk with our daddy when we get back.
09:29You're probably going to have to go to prison.
09:31No, we're going to prison!
09:33Hold on a second.
09:35Prince Gooby, why were you here, then?
09:37If you didn't know she was here, huh?
09:39Um, I did know she was here.
09:41That's why I came.
09:42Daddy, what you were trying to do was take over the fire castle.
09:46Oh, is that so?
09:47Big boy!
09:48That's his plan.
09:49No, no!
09:50Why would I want the sticky plates?
09:52Johnny, get your abilities ready.
09:54We're going to make you dust!
09:56Daddy, come on.
09:57Are you serious?
09:57See, Daisy?
09:58This is what these vile people do.
10:00Johnny, let's just get out of here.
10:02Yeah, I have to agree.
10:03Daddy, this is your battle.
10:04You guys can fight it out.
10:06No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
10:07You are not going with her!
10:08You are not going with her!
10:09Hey, Daisy, get back here!
10:10We have something very big we want to plan, Daddy.
10:13So we'll see you later.
10:14Wait, what do you mean by big?
10:15What are they planning?
10:16I mean, we need to go discuss nations and how important fire and water are.
10:22That's me and Prince Gooby's job!
10:24Oh, no, Daddy.
10:24They're trying to get married to each other!
10:28Oh, no!
10:28Should we run?
10:30Oh, no!
10:30No, no, no, no, no, no, no, Daddy!
10:32It's not what it sounds like!
10:33Take that, Daddy!
10:34Take that!
10:34That doesn't do anything to me!
10:36Go, Daisy, go!
10:37We need to run!
10:38Which way?
10:39Um, this way.
10:40These guards just not do anything?
10:42Oh, shut up!
10:43They're not your guards!
10:44They listen to me!
10:46All right, Daisy, I think we're safe up here.
10:48It looks like they're really far behind.
10:50They're not a good team.
10:51Hey, stop doing that!
10:53You Fahenheit fatty!
10:54Are you kidding me?!
10:56You can't call that to me on my lands!
10:58We're in lava, okay?
10:58I get certain buffs.
11:00I get big!
11:01Oh, yeah?
11:01Well, I'm ahead of you!
11:04Not for long before I shoot my fiery flames at you!
11:06Daisy, they can't even walk up a hill together.
11:09What is wrong with them?
11:10Let's just go back to the Water Kingdom.
11:12Oh, good idea!
11:13I don't want to stay at the Fire Kingdom any longer.
11:16Let's just walk this way.
11:17It's way too hot here.
11:19It's not too hot.
11:20Come on.
11:20Um, Johnny, what's above us?
11:24What the?
11:24No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
11:26Are those dragons?!
11:27Oh, gosh!
11:28Those aren't my dragons!
11:30They look like ice dragons, though!
11:32Oh, this is not good.
11:33Oh, heck no!
11:34This is really not good!
11:36Oh, Daisy, behind you!
11:38Oh, my God!
11:39Oh, my God!
11:40No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
11:41Daisy, please!
11:42I got you!
11:43I'm gonna shoot a fireball!
11:44No, I can't reach!
11:48You have to save me!
11:50No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
11:52Guys, you just missed it!
11:53I got you!
11:53All right!
11:54We're going back!
11:54God, I know!
11:55Back to the kingdom!
11:56You see those dragons right there?
11:57They just stole Daisy!
11:59Oh, man!
12:00That stinks!
12:01All right, let's go.
12:02What did it say?!
12:02The princess just got stolen by ice dragons,
12:05and I don't know why!
12:07Ice dragons?!
12:08Oh, no!
12:09Guys, we gotta go save her!
12:10This is really not good!
12:12Well, if they're ice dragons,
12:13then that means that she's going to the Ice Kingdom.
12:15That's all I'm gonna say,
12:16and the Ice Kingdom is not a very nice place to be.
12:19But, Daddy, what if she's in danger?
12:21I was gonna get married to her!
12:23You're not getting married to her!
12:24Yes, I am, Daddy, if it's a blessing, I do.
12:26Get that through your fiery skull!
12:28It's not happening!
12:29So, wait, Gooby, you know nothing about the ice.
12:32Oh, I know the Ice Kingdom, all right.
12:34They're all sworn enemies.
12:35Yeah, but isn't ice like water?
12:37Like, why are you not friends with them?
12:39You would think so, but, um,
12:41the fact that he just freezes it into a solid rock, ew.
12:45Wait, what do you mean solid?
12:46It's the same thing.
12:47It's just, okay, you know what?
12:48That's so crazy you guys aren't friends.
12:50That's liquidy, you know?
12:52Well, guess what?
12:52That's where we're going because that's where Daisy is.
12:55So, I go where Daisy goes.
12:57Oh, my gosh, you leave me no choice.
12:59If you're gonna go, then I have to go
13:00because I need to protect you
13:01because this fire, this ice guy, ew, he's no good.
13:04Gooby, are you coming along?
13:05I'm coming too!
13:06My cat will be really mad if I don't bring back the princess.
13:10All right, well, guess what?
13:10If you guys are both coming along,
13:12then you guys are gonna have to turn into friends.
13:15Fine, we can be friends for now.
13:18No saying-
13:19It's so hot in it, he burned off all his hair, it's bald.
13:22Nope, nope, Gooby, see?
13:24No saying bad things about my daddy
13:26and daddy, no saying bad things about Gooby.
13:28He's got a river poured out of his mouth.
13:30Hey, he can't help it.
13:32I can't control that.
13:33Yeah, he can't control it.
13:34I mean, you would think he could
13:35because he's, you know, water,
13:36but obviously, it's not working out.
13:38You know what, daddy?
13:38Listen, I'm gonna take the king role in this mission, okay?
13:41You're gonna follow me.
13:43Yes, I am.
13:44No, I'll lead, I'll lead.
13:45Nope, I'm leading because I was the last one to see Daisy.
13:48You follow me.
13:50Daisy and Gooby, you follow me as well.
13:51Come on, hurry up.
13:52We have to hurry up, guys.
13:53This is for Daisy, not us.
13:55All right, guys, I think this is the final path
13:58to the ice kingdom,
14:00but it looks like we have some enemies down ahead of us.
14:03Ooh, polar bears.
14:05I could just burn them to a crisp.
14:06Uh-oh, there's no ice skeletons.
14:09Yeah, those do not look fun.
14:11They have, like, arrows that'll, like, freeze you to death.
14:14Oh, isn't that great?
14:15Well, maybe I could just burn them to a crisp too.
14:18Maybe your belly's strong enough to just bounce them away,
14:21but I think Johnny's probably gonna get destroyed.
14:24What do you mean I'm gonna get destroyed?
14:25No, I'm not.
14:26I'm not gonna get destroyed.
14:28They, like, cancel out all the heat in the world.
14:30Okay, so then what do you think we should do, Gooby?
14:33Um, hold on, let me try something.
14:36What are you, waterbending?
14:37I'm walking.
14:39What the, ah, Gooby, what is wrong with you?
14:42Sorry, you just did half of my health.
14:44Wait, what?
14:47Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Johnny, don't put that stuff on!
14:50Oh, yeah, this looks so awesome.
14:52Thank you, Gooby.
14:53What the hell?
14:54Like a proper Water Nation soldier.
14:57No, he's got some, some fiery colors in there.
15:00This is gonna help protect us against the scary enemies.
15:03Come on.
15:03All right, then you lead, then.
15:04You're gonna be our shield.
15:05Oh, oh, here's one right here.
15:07Mess him up, mess him up, mess him up.
15:09Oh, you like that?
15:10Burn you to a crisp.
15:11He did no damage to me with this armor on.
15:14Actually overpowered.
15:16Oh, watch out, Gooby, sorry.
15:17Oops, misfire, misfire.
15:19Ow, ow, ow.
15:20Oh my goodness, this castle looks insane.
15:24Gap, I haven't been here in a long time.
15:27It's really cold.
15:28Whoa, there's mines!
15:29Where, Daddy?
15:30Oh, what the heck?
15:30What do you mean, where?
15:32How is there mines?
15:34Oh, God, run!
15:36Oh, oh, God, this is not good.
15:39How do you walk out of these single mines?
15:41Very scared of intruders.
15:43Yeah, well, clearly they have a bunch of guards and a bunch of these mines.
15:47Don't step on them.
15:48Daddy, the thing is, the ice is very slippery.
15:50And don't slip into them.
15:51Oh, gosh!
15:52That's fine, that's fine.
15:54Just broke the bridge a little bit.
15:55That's all right.
15:55Don't fall in.
15:56You gotta be more careful.
15:58Gooby, now you're walking into them.
16:01Um, guys, I think we have a dragon issue again.
16:05Watch out for the mines!
16:06Oh, gosh, we need to run.
16:07We need to run right now.
16:08Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
16:10Uh-oh, uh-oh.
16:10We're coming.
16:11They're gonna pick us up like they picked up Daisy.
16:13Oh, no, we're good.
16:14We're protected.
16:15Guys, I don't know where they went.
16:16I don't see them anymore.
16:17Bobo, shoot them out of the sky!
16:20Oh, there's one.
16:21Yep, there they are.
16:22Oh, no.
16:22Get over here.
16:23Hi-ya, hi-ya, take this!
16:24Blowing fire on me!
16:26Keep shooting fireballs, Daddy.
16:27Keep shooting fireballs.
16:28The ice is neutralizing me.
16:31Gooby, you gotta do something with your water powers.
16:33Ow, ow, ow, ow.
16:34All right, fine.
16:38Are you kidding me?
16:39Do not fart like that.
16:40Fart noises?
16:41Ow, ow, ow!
16:42That's what the Water Nation gives you, water.
16:43It's raining fire.
16:44I got one, I got one!
16:45It's raining fire.
16:46I got the other one, Daddy.
16:47I got the other one.
16:49Good job, guys.
16:50See, look what happens when we're a team.
16:52We can destroy ice dragons.
16:53Yeah, the Fire Nation did all that.
16:55We did all that.
16:55No, Gooby helped.
16:56He did nothing.
16:57He was making farting noises.
16:59Um, I got rid of their exterior ice almost with my water powers.
17:04I don't want to hear it.
17:05We need to find Daisy.
17:06Oh, now you want to find Daisy, huh, Daddy?
17:08Well, yeah.
17:09The sooner I find her, the sooner I can leave.
17:10Weird switch-up.
17:12Oh, no.
17:14Who the heck is this guy?
17:16It's the Ice King.
17:17That's the Ice King?
17:18Are you serious?
17:19He's huge.
17:20Oh, my God.
17:21Why did no one tell me he was actually Hercules?
17:23Dude is actually built like a tank.
17:25Who dares enter my castle?
17:28No, no, no, no, no.
17:29We're not entering.
17:30We're just, uh, we're walking in slowly.
17:33Oh, hey, Ice King guy.
17:34Um, long time no see, bro.
17:37Remember me and my dad came for your birthday that one time?
17:41I'm closer.
17:42Let me see you.
17:43Oh, gosh.
17:44Go up there, Prince Gooby.
17:46Do I have to?
17:47Yes, you do.
17:47Oh, yes.
17:49I remember you from the Water Nation.
17:53Water Nation.
17:54Yeah, that's me.
17:55Oh, guys.
17:56It's in that cage over there.
17:58Oh, I see her.
17:59Oh, wait.
18:00She's frozen.
18:00Oh, gosh.
18:01You guys try to get her out.
18:02I'll destroy the king.
18:04All right.
18:04It sounds like a plan, Gooby.
18:05I dare you.
18:06She's going over here.
18:08He sent me here to give you a present.
18:11A present?
18:12But it's not my birthday.
18:15Come on, guys.
18:16You're trying.
18:16When we came, we just forgot to bring you a very special gift.
18:21Um, it is a, uh, this candle.
18:25I mean, this candle.
18:27I mean, this, um, sofa right here.
18:30Wait, you guys did it.
18:31Come on, Daisy.
18:32Get out of there.
18:33Use your water, Billings.
18:34Now you don't have to be frozen any longer.
18:37I mean, we can kill the ice king now.
18:39No, we're not going to kill the ice king.
18:40We're trying to escape.
18:41I mean, maybe.
18:43No, we're not doing that.
18:44I don't want to marry him.
18:46He wants to marry you.
18:48Oh, God.
18:49This got very weird.
18:50Come on.
18:51We're going to sneak you out.
18:52He's trying to merge the powers.
18:54We're just going to go over here.
18:57You're giving me my own sofa as a present?
18:58Uh oh.
18:59This is yours?
19:00What are you talking about?
19:01Come on, guys.
19:02You're trying to escape with the prisoner.
19:04No, we're not.
19:05No, this is not a prisoner.
19:06Oh, my God.
19:08Oh, God.
19:08Watch out, guys.
19:09Watch out.
19:10Oh, God.
19:10Hey, guys.
19:11I got this.
19:14What the?
19:14Oh, my God.
19:15You're actually fighting back.
19:17You just hit me with your water power.
19:19That's why I need to marry you.
19:20Oh, God.
19:21Powers combined will be amazing.
19:23What is this?
19:23Oh, my God.
19:24Oh, my God.
19:25What is that power?
19:25It's tornadoes.
19:26Oh, heck no.
19:27So I'm going to shoot you with some fireballs.
19:31You will not escape.
19:32Yes, we will.
19:33Oh, my gosh.
19:33I'm shooting more fireballs, Daddy.
19:35Ice fire.
19:36I've never seen that before.
19:37Yeah, Daddy.
19:37One of them just hit me.
19:39Freezer burn.
19:41Take that.
19:41Guys, I think Gooby died.
19:44Where's Gooby at?
19:45Is Gooby dead?
19:46I don't know, but you're burning me.
19:48Oops, sorry.
19:49Stay behind me.
19:50Oh, yeah.
19:51I'm doing damage.
19:52You will not escape my kingdom.
19:53You can blow him up on the bridge.
19:54Give me the princess.
19:56Get behind me.
19:57Take this.
19:58Come here.
19:58Everyone, over here.
19:59Oh, you like that?
20:00Oh, you like that?
20:04Come on, Ice King.
20:05Come on.
20:06I see you get a little bit closer.
20:09You like that?
20:12Oh, my God.
20:13Guys, I think it actually worked.
20:15We killed him with his own minds.
20:17That's embarrassing.
20:19Oh, my goodness.
20:20We did it.
20:21We defeated the Ice King and we saved Daisy.
20:24Oh, yeah, we did that.
20:26Yeah, that is super weird.
20:29It's really cold here, guys.
20:30You probably don't wrap it up and go back to the fire kingdom.
20:34Daddy, just hop into some fire.
20:35It really does warm you up.
20:37Feels so good.
20:39It did work.
20:40That Ice King killed me.
20:41I'm coming back.
20:42I'm going to kill him.
20:44Yeah, Gooby, let's back up.
20:45Relax, sir.
20:47Wait, what?
20:48We killed him?
20:49Before you go in there and hurt yourself for your own powers,
20:52the Ice King is dead.
20:53So you don't need to go in there.
20:54Oh, okay.
20:55Well, maybe this will just solve all the problems.
20:58Morty, are you just trying to split this place down the middle?
21:01Oh, yeah, obviously.
21:03But we definitely need a lot more fire on one half.
21:05More water.
21:06All right, so there you go.
21:07Now you guys can split this entire kingdom and me and Daisy can get married.
21:12See, everything works out.
21:15What do you mean you don't know?
21:16I think we need to get to know each other more.
21:18What do you mean we need to get to know each other?
21:20But Daisy, I thought we did know each other.
21:23I met you like 12 hours ago.
21:24But then I gave you a really cool fire flower that burnt up.
21:28It was cool.
21:28Yeah, I know.
21:29Come on, I want to get married.
21:31Guys, it's not fair.
21:33Give it a year or two.
21:34This is actually turning into the worst day ever.
21:37Literally nothing can make this day more worse.
21:40Also, Johnny, I need that armor back.
21:42Wait, what?
21:43The super cool water armor?
21:45Yeah, I gotta give it back to my daddy.
21:48Fine, take it all.
21:49You know what?
21:49I'm just gonna fly away.
21:51I'm going back to my room.
21:52See you losers later.
21:54Bye, Johnny.
21:55Well, if you guys made it to the end of this video,
21:57then make sure to leave a like and subscribe right now.