• 6 hours ago
She BROKE IT & NOW we're fighting ( caught ON camera.! )

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Business 📧:sisterforever@cesddigital.com


00:00It's just the bacteria. Exactly, that's why it's not that deep. No, it is that deep. I just got that.
00:09Good morning, good morning guys. Welcome back. I think I'm gonna be connecting yesterday with
00:13today and using the same dress. Why? Because I only used it for three hours and I said,
00:19why not? I have an appointment with Emily that is only going there for 30 minutes. They're gonna do
00:24the cleaning on her teeth and we're coming back home. She's gonna skip school today. She's gonna
00:29spend the day with me. We're gonna be filming for Sister Forever because yesterday we were planning
00:34to do turning Allison in a cheer girl but we couldn't and today we can but we cannot because
00:43Allison has her nails appointment after school and then Emily has practice so we're planning to
00:50do like Emily's gonna do my makeup blindfold. I think that's how you say it. This kitchen is
00:56a mess. I have to come back and clean everything but it's 7.58. The appointment is at 8.30 and you
01:04know that I'm very punctual so let's gonna go there and then we can start with our day. So we
01:10will see you later. Emily's ready. She's in her room so let's do this. Oh, she's right there. Are
01:15you okay, mommy? You look so beautiful. She's using her present. Her twin friend gave her that Boston
01:22sweater. So let's go. Guys, I'm back from the dentist. Got my teeth cleaned. Everything's good
01:29but now I'm gonna make myself some breakfast. I got these waffles the other day at the fresh
01:34market. Um, they're peanut butter banana bread and but they're mini waffles and they're supposed
01:38to be gut healthy so we're gonna try them. I just saw banana bread and I was like yes please.
01:44I'm just gonna make them in the air fryer. This is what they look like. Oh, they smell just like
01:50peanut butter. I feel like peanut butter is a very overpowering flavor so I feel like they're
01:55gonna mostly taste like peanut butter but I hope they mostly taste like banana bread. We put it in
01:59the air fryer for about six minutes so let's do that. Okay guys, the waffles are done and I just
02:05cut up some strawberries to go with it. They smell really good so let's taste test them. I just took
02:12them out so they're gonna be kind of hot. They don't really taste like anything. Well, that was a fail.
02:22Guys, we're about to film a video where I'm gonna be doing my mom's makeup blindfolded so I'm gonna
02:26take over some of my makeup products. She brought over some of hers but I'm also gonna bring over
02:31some of mine. Okay, I'm gonna bring over a lot of my Rare Beauty because because all their packaging
02:35is the same so obviously I'm gonna get confused. We have a red blush also because you know a lot can go
02:42wrong with this and then we have the highlighter and contour. I'm also gonna bring over a lip liner,
02:47some mascara, some lip gloss, and then I think just some highlighter and I think that should be good.
02:53So let's head over and film the video and then after I'm gonna go take pictures with this dandy
02:59hoodie that I got. There's this really pretty tree that we have like I think I'm gonna try to go take
03:05pictures with that so yeah and then I need to edit and do some school work and then I have practice
03:10later tonight so yeah. But I'm also gonna check the UV and see if like the UV is good because if it is
03:15I might want to tan later. Let's actually check the UV right now. It's four right now but like it's also
03:2110 in the morning. Okay, it's going up to seven so I might have to go tan. Guys, I bet you saw this
03:29video already because you know us. We are a little bit behind with the vlogs but everything is fine
03:36because we have a good relationship and you don't care. And now you know what she wants me to do?
03:42Walk the dog around the neighborhood. No, Emily. If people from Amazon or something see me, no. So she
03:50used all of this. This is part of my makeup plus her makeup and we did a video for Sister Forever.
03:57I'm gonna link it here. We answered some questions and now we are ready to do
04:05something with our life because she skipped school today and now we have free time. Well, not too much
04:12because you have to edit for your channel, go and see her video and help her to reach
04:19100k because she wants her play button soon. She's taking her makeup and I'm taking mine.
04:30Emily, are you sure you want to go for a walk like this? No, I don't. No? I'm tired. Oh, okay. I think we won't go.
04:37Thanks God. Thanks God. Well, we will see you later. Let me clean all of this, okay? Good morning guys and
04:43happy Thursday. We are almost done with the school week. I have low key guys. You guys are always on me
04:49about how much school I miss and I have been like concerned because I'm like what if I like can't
04:55graduate because I miss too much days of school. But so I literally like I started looking at how
05:01many days I miss and like the other years like in my other years of high school I honestly did not
05:06miss that much school. Like I think the most in my previous years was like maybe like 17 and now I'm
05:12at 20 and it's only February. Yes, um that's really bad. It's okay because like I talked to my teacher
05:18and stuff and she was like it's gonna be okay Allison like you're not gonna not graduate because
05:21there's kids who like literally don't go to school for like 50 days and like my grades are good like
05:27I think I'll be fine. But it's because I literally just like miss like one day a week like every week.
05:34No, I am. But oh so like I missed on Tuesday because senior summer but I got a paper for us
05:41because when we go for spring break we're missing two days when we come back. So I got a paper that
05:46we just get signed by all of our teachers and we give it to the office and they'll become excused
05:50so that we don't have to like get more unexcused absences. I mean they're gonna sign it like
05:58what do I say though? Because we have a planned trip that my parents um are making us go on.
06:05I fully planned the whole thing. I literally yeah I already have like I counted how many days
06:11right now that I have I like already planned to skip because I have other things going on and
06:17I have still nine days of school that I plan to not attend to. I can't smell the chicken and it's
06:24literally only it's pretty much large. I hate the smell of chicken. So yeah I've been a little bit
06:30concerned with that but after talking to my teacher I feel a lot better and after talking
06:37like some kid that like my friend knows he literally missed like 60 days of school and
06:42graduated with like a 2.0 and he was like fine. So like that gives me hope that like I will be okay
06:47because I literally have like a 3.8 GPA. Like I do good in my classes I just happen to skip
06:55a good amount of school. But like I don't promote it. I go to school kids. I just sometimes it's
07:00like more beneficial for me not to go to school than to go to school which doesn't make sense
07:04but it makes sense to me. Okay but go to school. You guys go to school. Me? Sometimes I just don't.
07:10It's not like I skip school and lollygag all day. Like I skip school and I'm like productive. So
07:15it's like in my mind it's like beneficial. Okay 7.8 grams of or ounces of chicken. I can't stand
07:25this smell. But we're gonna make my go-to recently. It's actually the best. I think you guys have
07:32obviously seen me do this but it is grilled chicken with rice and it's so good. And I'm gonna go get my
07:42nails done. So I have to be kind of quick. I need to leave here by 12. It's currently 11.25 so like
07:48I feel like I have enough time. And then Maddie wants to go to Sunset tonight but I think I'm
07:54gonna have to pass on that because of how much I have to do today. I don't know what time I'll be
07:59able to go to the gym because of my nails. And it's like 30 minutes away and like it's gonna take a
08:05while. And I'm getting like a new style of nails because right now I have acrylic but I'm not
08:12liking the way it looks at all actually. So she told me that I can switch it out for a different
08:18style which is the one that my mom uses which is more of like it's like your natural nail pretty
08:23much. So that's what I'm gonna do. So she's gonna do that so ask her how much it's gonna be so I can
08:29send her the money. Yeah. But they're gonna look better because. It'll look better because right
08:34now these are like. That's my natural. Look the difference. Show yours. Like mine looks so chunky
08:40like I don't like it. Yeah and mine yeah. Yours are so much more smooth. Yeah and you know what else I
08:47like? You know when you have the acrylic in the back when your nail grows you can see the
08:53difference here in the back and can get dirty. Yeah. With this one no because it's your nail
08:58so it's always clean. My nail is always the same length as my acrylic. You can't see the difference.
09:03Yeah because you do refills. Yeah. No but you're gonna love this one. Yeah so it's gonna take a lot
09:08longer because she has to like. Just the first time. Yeah yeah just because she has to like take these off and
09:13like do everything again so I don't think I'm gonna have time to go to sunset because I also have to
09:17film a video that needs to go up tomorrow so we shall see. Planning out my month of March for
09:24YouTube videos and all that fun stuff and also we are starting Senior Assassin not this upcoming
09:31Monday but the following one. It's like March 11th. We're starting Senior Assassin which if you
09:36aren't from the U.S. or like you just don't know what that is it's pretty much a senior activity
09:41where everybody has like a target and there's actually apps for it now the app's called like
09:47Splashin and so you make a group everybody gets the code they put in the code and then you're
09:51all put into this app and everybody's assigned a person and that's your target and pretty much you
09:56have to wear like floaties or goggles and if you have that on then you're safe but pretty much your
10:02target is supposed to try to find you and shoot you with a water gun and if you get shot with
10:06a water gun and like it's recorded then you're out and when you get into it everybody puts like
10:11ten dollars in so the winner at the end gets like a boatload of cash because there's like so many
10:17players and we don't have that many kids at our school our like rival school is like so big like
10:22it's like double the size of our school not literally but it's a lot bigger than our school
10:28and they have like a hundred kids doing it I think we have like maybe 40 maybe 50 I don't know like
10:35it's not as many yeah it's gonna be fun and if you have like your goggles on or your floaties
10:42then you're safe and but there are some times where it's like free-for-all like even floaties
10:46and stuff and so pretty much when you get the app you have to allow your location so whenever you
10:52get assigned a target you have your target's location so you know where to find them and you
10:57can be like on high alert at all times so it should be really fun I'm really excited about it and yeah
11:04that's one update of today another update I think I talked about this a little while ago but I
11:12accidentally took the wrong class for dual enrollment and usually dual enrollment pays for like your high school pays for your college classes through dual enrollment
11:22it's like you don't have to ever pay a dime but unfortunately the class that I took was a new class
11:28so in the college system it didn't do like a block saying like no you can't take this class
11:33it doesn't fit the requirements so it let me take the class and then I got billed $1,500 and I was
11:38like what is this for like I didn't know I wasn't allowed to take that class because it let me take
11:43it and typically if you sign up for a class it's not allowed it doesn't let you even sign up for it
11:48so I took the whole class it kicked my butt like it was like an accelerated course so like it was
11:53just so hard I had like 50 assignments a week like it was not enjoyable like if I didn't have to take
11:59it I literally just wouldn't have but it was the only class that was available because I had to drop my other class so then it was like a whole thing
12:08but pretty much they billed me $1,500 and I was like literally for what please tell me and so I texted
12:16them and they were like it's because you took this class and I was like okay well like why did you let
12:21me take it then because you're not supposed to like you're allowed to take it if it's not allowed
12:25you know like common sense but they were like you have to pay for it and my my high school was
12:30like you also have to pay for it because you did that by yourself like we didn't tell you to take
12:34that class you should have known not to take it and I'm just like okay whatever but originally the
12:40$1,500 was because the college charged me like if I was an out-of-state student which obviously
12:47I'm not like I go to school in Florida so they charged me like if I was an out-of-state student
12:53and the fact that one college class and when I tell you the course was literally elementary
13:00level vocabulary and reading like it was not beneficial to me in the slightest and I was about
13:07to pay $1,500 for that that just like made me like it put into perspective how much college is and
13:14how like unworth how un how much I don't want to do it pretty much like I don't know how to put
13:19into words but like the fact that like that's how much one singular class costs and I learned
13:24nothing from it that all that stuff I already knew like it was like literally common knowledge
13:28it was like vocabulary words I ended up only having to pay 400 but still like that's still
13:34so crazy to me because like $400 I could have literally put into so many better things but
13:41it went to that and I am just never getting that again I'm measuring out my rice so I can put it
13:50in the pot and then I'm also gonna do some broccoli with my broccoli I don't like it when
13:56they're like super big so I'm gonna like I'm gonna cut them a little bit because I like like
14:02little broccoli not like this size broccoli like I think that's just a little much so I literally
14:07pick out the little broccoli but yeah guys don't make the same mistake I did thankfully I was just
14:12able to like pay it but like you're about to put it into like collections bro like are you kidding
14:18I literally haven't even graduated high school yet I was already gonna be in debt here are my
14:22nails right now I'm gonna go for like I think coral and yellow that's my vibe because these
14:26will these are gonna be my spring break nails so they need to be cute so anyways I'll see you guys
14:31after all right so I brought Emily's water bottle to church last night and I was getting out the car
14:40and it fell no I literally got that I know I'll literally buy you another one because I really
14:47like it but like it fell out of the car I was literally holding it I literally got that the
14:54other day it's like four days old I'll buy another one oh come on let's go this is the reason we have
15:02100 water bottles because somebody she broke my other hydro flask the pink one has no handle okay
15:07but that was like not even yours I bought it so I got this one they actually all belong to mom
15:13it's just the bacteria exactly that's why it's not that deep no it is that deep because I just got that
15:18yeah but it doesn't it's not okay I'll buy you another one I never said I wanted okay it's 44
15:23stop buying water bottle let's go well and I did my makeup again after Emily did mine you know how
15:33and look this is how I look my makeup very simple very amazing and let's gonna see how far
15:40is that place to our house because when we walk in the neighborhood like a mile and a half a mile
15:46and a half so it's gonna take us like 30 minutes something that you can do in the car in two minutes
15:51but it's okay because it's gonna be our cardio and I'm just gonna walk it like that what is wrong
15:56with it oh she has sweater and is 11 53 that mean it's gonna be hot do you want to bring the dogs
16:06guys we made it back home I'm sweating I'm about to make us some food because I'm really hungry
16:12but we got a package left right as we were leaving so we're gonna open it up it's some PR
16:17it's addressed to sister forever so we're gonna open it I just took some photos for my IG so go
16:22check them out we don't really know what this is so let's see if I can figure out how to open the
16:27box oh look at that pink this is where it's from this is from how do you say can you say it my mom
16:36said she used to shop from there but we got a couple things let's see oh look at that it looks
16:42so pretty wow this is a primer but look the bubbles inside how cute oh and then we got a lip
16:50oil I love me some lip gloss yes that's your favorite product and then we got two I think
16:57highlighters no this is a bronzer I wanted a powder bronzer and then we have some highlighter
17:06really these look so cute this is gonna be perfect for like cheer competitions
17:11when I worked as a CNA years ago I love to coupon it and this brand I used to use my coupon
17:21the physician formula and at CVS I bought so many product of them so I know they are
17:27really good not this one exactly because I was like six years ago and they create new formulas
17:34but I remember they are good and look this one how cool Emily
17:42look it has like a diamond inside it's so cool the packaging is so fancy and this is so cool
17:51so thank you very much physician formula and I have another package let me show you
17:56and I have my package from Sacha Fitness the makeup they send it to us we didn't pay the
18:02Sacha Fitness I paid and it's not cheap but I love her product and I use it for months maybe
18:10years so at this point maybe years so you know my collagen I usually buy the unflavored one
18:19because I can put it in my caramel protein shake with papaya and it won't change the color the
18:28flavor like this you see this one is the one that I'm using and it's almost gone so I have
18:34the next one waiting for me the other thing that I drink as a pre-workout that is almost gone too
18:41I don't know if I bought the same flavor yeah pineapple flavor look I bought the new one and
18:47it's my best and look maybe I have four today and that's it and my bliss that I take three every
18:57single day and help with inflammation support normal gut microflora help with occassional
19:06bloating support glucose metabolites and body fats and body fat management and fit night hormonal
19:16balance support energy support support collagen regeneration well it's like nine things that
19:23they are very beneficial for you so I love it and I spend my money in this product because I know
19:31they are good we will see you later Emily's preparing this pasta so it's our first time
19:37trying this we don't know if you're gonna like it we bought it at fresh market fresh market yeah
19:43the fresh market guys I just finished making the pasta and I just taste tested it and it tastes
19:47really good that is how it looks guys I've never tried this like brand of pasta before we've always
19:55we've always gotten like the bonza just like protein pasta just added our like own sauce
20:00but the noodles it's good I'm back from the gym we did arm hard hard my arm are like shaking and
20:11I have here a protein shake with papaya caramel protein shake salt and my collagen oh we have
20:18some package here but I'm tired I'm gonna drink this so I will show you that later we have a bunch
20:23of Amazon packages so we're gonna open all of them I'm really excited for all of these oh wait I
20:29think I have an idea of what this is I know something in all these is I ordered and then
20:35the rest is like a combination of just like stuff we've all ordered because guys
20:42the amount of things we order on Amazon is kind of bad but most of this stuff we are able to get
20:50for free because I use fetch rewards and I'm able to get gift cards for everywhere I mostly get
20:57Amazon because clearly we have a little bit of a problem with Amazon but if you guys want
21:04to download fetch rewards you guys can use my code and you guys can get gift cards there's actually
21:10two things that I'm waiting for in these and one I'm really excited for okay oh never mind I have
21:18three things this is for me I ordered some makeup brushes because I don't really have any in the
21:25ones that support are just like I'm not trying to spend 50 bucks on a makeup brush so I ordered
21:31this pack but look at this comes with a line it comes with a little thing to put them all in and
21:37they're all well not all of them but most of them are double-sided look how good those look I have
21:43to try them out the bristles feel really soft but yeah I'm gonna have to try those out and see if
21:48they're good I actually need to clean the brushes that I have now I kind of need to clean them
21:53they're kind of dirty love that then we have a big box I'm pretty sure we're waiting on more stuff to
22:00come to first we have a nyx eyebrow pencil and shade caramel this is definitely for my mom
22:07because as you guys know she's getting her eyebrow laser removed so she's kind of running out of
22:13eyebrows so she got that next we got some mushroom coffee I'm pretty sure my aunt recommended this
22:20to my parents and she got this big bag because I swear they drink like three coffees a day
22:27and then this is for me I got an eyelash serum I heard really good things about this one
22:32and my lashes are kind of falling out and it's making me really mad so I got an eyelash serum
22:37because my other ones were basically like out I ran out of like all of them we got this one to
22:42try out hopefully it works and then last thing in this and yeah we're definitely waiting for
22:48more stuff I ordered a Dubai chocolate kit guys and it's supposed to come today but I think it's
22:53gonna come later tonight so we could probably make it tomorrow next thing we got is a tripod
22:58stick for our phone we have one of these already but we got another one this is just what it is
23:04I'm pretty sure it's like the same brand of like our camera one but this one's just in white and
23:10it's for your phone we just got a phone tripod for when we're making tts that's everything we
23:15got right now we'll get the packages later I have to get ready for practice because I have practice
23:22yay I didn't go to school today so it felt like like a weekend but I actually have to
23:27go back to school tomorrow but it's Friday so that makes it better
