Today, Johnny's friends try to see what Johnny is thinking about in Minecraft! Will Johnny be thinking Marty is fat? Or will he be thinking about Marrying Daisy? Watch to the end to find out!
#minecraft #johnny #minecraftmod
#minecraft #johnny #minecraftmod
00:00Gooby, Daisy, Johnny, I need you for dinner!
00:03Dinner is ready!
00:04What are we eating?
00:05Oh, that's a good question. What do you think we're eating?
00:08Bread with some meat.
00:09And apples, because we're getting the veggies, we're getting the carbs, the meat.
00:13Where's Johnny?
00:14An apple is not a veggie.
00:15An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Have you ever heard that?
00:18Yeah, but it's a fruit.
00:19Eat it! I don't care!
00:20I want to sit down.
00:21An apple a day keeps the dragons away.
00:24No, there's no such thing as dragons. That's dumb.
00:26Pretty sure I heard that on TV.
00:28Yeah, well, TV's a lie.
00:29Johnny, where are you?
00:32Johnny, what are you doing?
00:33Oh, nothing, guys.
00:35All right, just gonna go sit here.
00:37All right, nice. Finally, it's dinner time.
00:39Now we get to hang out and talk like a family.
00:41So, uh, what is everyone up to today?
00:43I played Fortnite.
00:44All right, we got a Fortniter. Gooby?
00:45Oh, I just looked up into the sky and just tried to find all the clouds that look like swim.
00:51That's not weird at all. Okay, Johnny, what about you? What are you doing?
00:53Hold on, Daddy.
00:55Daddy, do you think this food will taste good in my room?
00:58Uh, yeah, I'm sure it would, but you're eating here with us.
01:00But, Daddy, I want to go to my room.
01:02Why do you want to go to your room so bad?
01:04Nothing. I just can't tell you.
01:06Why can't you tell us? Hold on now.
01:07Now you gotta tell us. What are you hiding?
01:09Okay, fine. I'll just eat it here quickly.
01:10Hmm, very strange. Did you do something wrong?
01:14No, Daddy, I didn't do anything wrong. I can't tell you.
01:16Ooh, I bet he broke something.
01:19Nope, I didn't break anything.
01:21I bet he got a bad grade on his report card.
01:24Nope, Gooby, I have all straight Fs right now.
01:27I'm doing pretty good in school.
01:28That's not good at all!
01:30You need A's, you dummy!
01:31Daddy, for me, that's really good.
01:33Yeah, it's more about improvement.
01:35It's not improving. What's improving about getting all Fs?
01:37Alright, Daddy, let's just eat our food really quick.
01:39I have something to do after this.
01:41You're acting very strange, Johnny.
01:43You know what? I'm sick of these questions.
01:45I feel like I'm at an interrogation right now, okay?
01:48I'm going to my room, and I'm not eating.
01:49Johnny, don't be like this. Come on!
01:52We're supposed to eat like a family.
01:53Look what you guys did. You asked him too many questions, and now he ran away.
01:56That wasn't us. That was you.
01:57What? You asked him questions too?
01:59Okay, yeah, sir. I was a part of it as well.
02:01Now, I wonder what Johnny's hiding from us.
02:03Like, what did he do?
02:04I don't know. I haven't seen him all day.
02:08If only there was a way to, like, look into his brain and see what he's thinking.
02:13That would be awesome, Gooby!
02:15That would be a crazy idea, but there's nothing that could make us do that.
02:19Yeah, that's not possible.
02:20I actually just got one of those.
02:21What do you mean, you got one of those?
02:23What is one of those?
02:24Yep, that's what I got.
02:25Mind Weedle Helmet and Mind Weedle Remote.
02:29Is that even... Well, hold on a second.
02:30Is this, like, a new thing, or are you just making this up?
02:33No, I got it. It's right here.
02:34Oh, my goodness.
02:36Well, maybe we could use that on Johnny when he goes to sleep.
02:38Maybe we could use it on Becky and find out why she doesn't like me that much.
02:42We're not going into Becky's brain. That would be so scary.
02:45That would be suicide, okay? We don't want to die in her head.
02:48Alright, well, then I guess we could use it to see why Johnny's acting all sus.
02:52We can go to his room right now. Maybe he fell asleep after he ate.
02:54You can't.
02:55Okay, we need to go upstairs. It'd be very, very sneaky.
02:57Yes, we have to go ninja mode.
02:59Guys, I hear him snoring.
03:00It means he's asleep.
03:02Oh, yeah, he's out.
03:03Alright, Gooby, I need you to go next to him and put the helmet on him.
03:05Alright, let's go.
03:07Be careful.
03:09Wake him up.
03:10Try to put a little helmet thing on you.
03:15I mean, Gooby, you just woke him up.
03:18I did it.
03:19Okay, how do we make it work?
03:20Yeah, it's like a special remote thing I gotta use.
03:23Okay, well, hit that start button.
03:24Okay, like this?
03:25I think it's this one.
03:27Oh, my God!
03:30Where are we?
03:31Did you ever test that thing before?
03:33Because we're kind of in an abyss right now.
03:35Uh, no.
03:36I don't remember this happening.
03:38I think we're in Johnny's mind.
03:39Is this what his mind looks like?
03:41I think so. There's a bunch of doors.
03:42I thought it would be more colorful.
03:44It says block.
03:45These are all probably memories that are blocked.
03:47Well, that one's open over there.
03:48Oh, no, it's blocked.
03:49They're all blocked.
03:50Wait, they're small.
03:51Oh, my gosh.
03:52There's a hallway.
03:53This keeps going.
03:55Blocks, blocks, blocks.
03:57Whoa, whoa, whoa.
03:58Where do you guys think you're going?
03:59Back up.
04:00Who say that?
04:01Guys, I'm right here behind you.
04:03Look up.
04:04What the heck?
04:05It's a fairy.
04:07I'm the fairy that lives inside Johnny's mind.
04:10Oh, my gosh.
04:11Oh, my gosh.
04:12You're the Johnny fairy?
04:13Yes, but I have a bigger question.
04:15What are you guys doing inside Johnny's mind?
04:18This is not allowed.
04:19Oh, um, we just live here.
04:21No, you do not.
04:23I live here.
04:24I've seen you around before.
04:25I live in Johnny's head one foot, don't you know?
04:28OK, you guys are lying to me.
04:30You need to leave right now.
04:31OK, OK, we'll tell you why we're here.
04:33We'll tell you why, right?
04:34Daisy, you can tell him.
04:35OK, so basically, we think Johnny's hiding something,
04:38and we're trying to figure out what it is.
04:40Ooh, he's hiding something from his best friends.
04:44Well, I think that something that you're looking for
04:46is going to be very difficult to find.
04:49Well, where would it be?
04:50I don't know.
04:51I got to figure it out.
04:52Um, let's see.
04:53So we're over here.
04:54Oh, yeah, you're going to have to do a lot of challenges
04:56to get to where you got to go.
04:57Challenges, right?
04:59I thought this was going to be easy.
05:00Buddy, we can do it.
05:01What kind of challenges are inside Johnny's brain anyway?
05:05Well, let's go figure it out.
05:06Come on, guys.
05:07Everyone follow me to the first challenge.
05:09You guys are really going to like this first one.
05:11All right, everyone inside.
05:12All right.
05:13Let's see.
05:14Open the door.
05:15What the heck?
05:17Oh, yeah, this is where I live.
05:19It's a bunch of hulks and pink and purple and hulks.
05:23I wouldn't think it's a giant head.
05:24Welcome to the questions of love, your very first challenge.
05:28All right.
05:29So what do I have to do?
05:30Stand on the stage and ask us questions?
05:32Everyone go on the stage.
05:33I will be asking you guys questions
05:35about Johnny's love life.
05:37And if you get all three wrong, then guess what?
05:41You die.
05:41This is going to be so easy.
05:43I'm not trying to die.
05:44You guys will get kicked out of Johnny's brain
05:47and never be able to come inside his mind ever again.
05:50You'll be banned.
05:51I don't want to be banned.
05:52We'll start asking us questions.
05:54All right.
05:54Well, here we go.
05:55The first question is what does Johnny like the most food wise?
06:01Pick me.
06:02Pick me.
06:02OK, Daisy in the middle.
06:05Is this thing on?
06:06Yep, we can hear you.
06:07OK, the answer is chocolate cake.
06:09OK, you got it right.
06:11OK, good job.
06:12He does like his chocolate cake.
06:14You guys currently have three hearts still,
06:16but there's plenty more questions coming your way.
06:19And this next one is going to be for Marty.
06:21Oh, no.
06:22Who is Johnny's favorite person?
06:25Me, me, me.
06:27You actually think it's his daddy?
06:29Guess what?
06:30That is wrong.
06:32Put an X up there.
06:33What the heck?
06:34No, there's an X.
06:37You guys have two hearts remaining.
06:39Get two more questions wrong, and I'll be seeing you later.
06:42All right, moving over to Gooby.
06:45Time to X you a question.
06:47Who is Johnny in love with?
06:51Oh, I know this one.
06:54Don't get it wrong, Gooby.
06:55It's Becky.
06:56It's Becky.
06:57No, it's not X.
07:00We're going with Becky.
07:01Another X.
07:03It's not Becky.
07:05It's me.
07:06How was I supposed to know?
07:07Everyone knows.
07:09You're going to ruin this.
07:10Wow, Daddy, you're really folding the team over here.
07:13All right, I won't answer any more questions.
07:15OK, I'm zipping it.
07:16Guys, I have one more final question.
07:19And if you get it wrong, then that's
07:21the last one of your three hearts.
07:23Are you guys ready?
07:24OK, I'm ready.
07:24We're ready.
07:25All right, the final question is, how many fingers
07:29am I thinking of out of 10?
07:31That's rigged.
07:32That is rigged.
07:33How are we supposed to know that?
07:36Oh, ding, ding, ding, ding.
07:37Daisy got it right.
07:39You guys did it.
07:39How'd you guess that?
07:40How'd you just guess that?
07:41Johnny and I are like links in the brain.
07:44You're in his brain right now.
07:45So yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
07:47And we survived.
07:48Well, guys, you didn't fold on the last second.
07:51And you got a bunch right.
07:53So OK, you guys will move on to the next challenge.
07:56Come on, follow me.
07:58Follow the Johnny fairy.
08:00All right, guys, welcome to your next set of challenges,
08:03Johnny's Funhouse.
08:04What the heck?
08:06I see a lot of Johnnies.
08:07Of course you do.
08:08This is so cool.
08:09Like Johnny statues.
08:10Like a Johnny amusement park.
08:11Well, everyone step on up to this chest right here.
08:14For your first challenge, you're
08:16going to be using these big balls
08:17and trying to get them across this very scary pit.
08:21Can we step on these cool things?
08:23I'm sure.
08:24Stepping on it.
08:24Whoa, look at that.
08:25Hey, come back here.
08:27Uh-oh, it's leaving you.
08:28It's so spherical.
08:30All right, guys, good luck pushing it
08:32across this very scary wooden bridge.
08:35This is hard.
08:37Kind of feels like it's alive a little bit.
08:39Hey, come back here.
08:40It's running the other way.
08:42Rolling around a little bit.
08:44Did it just bite you?
08:45It's biting me.
08:46Let me just give it a little hit for you.
08:48Come on, you stupid spheres.
08:49There you go.
08:50All right.
08:51Still biting me.
08:52What kind of messed up game is this?
08:54Daddy, you got to hit it with your fists.
08:57Come on.
08:58Let's go.
08:58Let's go.
08:59On the way.
08:59Good job.
09:00Now you have to go left.
09:01Uh-oh, you're getting a little close to the edge there.
09:03No, I'm not.
09:04Good job, guys.
09:05This is kind of a messed up game.
09:06This is very hard.
09:07You're almost at the end.
09:09Oh, good job, Daddy.
09:11Oh, yeah, I did that.
09:12That was impressive.
09:13Oh, what the?
09:15We all saw that.
09:17I'm going to beat Daisy.
09:19Gooby's almost at the end.
09:21You got this, Gooby.
09:22I'm going to beat this challenge.
09:23Good job, Gooby.
09:24You pretty much did it, bro.
09:25Oh, yeah.
09:26Oh, yeah.
09:28All right, let's see if Daisy can do it.
09:29This is too easy.
09:31I don't know, Daisy.
09:32We just saw you fall and die in a spike before, so.
09:34I had to while receiving the ball.
09:37All right, good job, guys.
09:38First challenge completed in Johnny's Fun House.
09:41Now let's move on to the second one.
09:43You guys are really going to like this next challenge.
09:45Ooh, I wonder what it is.
09:47I hope it's chocolate pudding eating contest.
09:50Whoa, why are we in a volcano?
09:52Why is it really hot?
09:53Well, here, let me show you what's going to happen.
09:55Everyone go into this water.
09:58What the heck?
09:59He's flying.
10:00Fly like a Johnny Ferry.
10:03People high up.
10:06You guys, this next challenge, you're
10:08going to be taking on some difficult parkour.
10:11So good luck.
10:14OK, well, I know Daisy's not good at parkour.
10:17So Gooby, we're going to have to carry.
10:18All right, here we go.
10:19I'm speed running this.
10:22See, see.
10:23And he just died.
10:25Out of my way.
10:26Sorry, sorry.
10:27Just want to help you out a little bit.
10:28Is this helping?
10:29I'm going to do this.
10:30Uh-oh, uh-oh.
10:30Let me do this, big boy.
10:31Dang it, he actually is doing good.
10:33Good job, Daddy.
10:34Come on, guys.
10:34I'll wait for you.
10:35OK, OK.
10:36I'm doing good, too.
10:37Nice, Gooby.
10:38Good job.
10:40Ooh, Daisy's having some difficulties.
10:42I told you this was hard parkour.
10:44Daisy, I'm going to give you a little cheat.
10:46What is it?
10:47Here you go.
10:48Now try jumping.
10:49But this is so easy.
10:50Now you have jump boost.
10:51Will you just give her?
10:53Are you serious?
10:54All right, I'm moving on.
10:55Yeah, me too.
10:55Just keep going.
10:57Me and Gooby will do this.
10:58Someone's got to complete the parkour.
11:00We know it's not going to be Daisy.
11:01Let's see the next checkpoint.
11:02Some of these jumps are getting very hard.
11:05Ooh, wouldn't it just suck if you guys
11:07got some potions of slowness?
11:09That would really not be good, right?
11:10No, I'm running.
11:11I'm running.
11:12I'm not saying that's going to happen.
11:13I'm just saying it would really not be good.
11:16Oh, God.
11:18Why am I slow?
11:19What the heck?
11:20Oh my God, there's invisible blocks.
11:21This is going to be difficult, Gooby.
11:23Oh my God.
11:24There he goes.
11:25Have fun with that one, Daddy.
11:26I have to wait a minute and 30 to even try a jump.
11:28I'll give you a boost.
11:29You ready?
11:29Jump in three, two, one.
11:33Oh my God, how'd you make that?
11:34This is not fair.
11:35Oh my gosh.
11:36Oh my gosh.
11:36Oh my gosh, I'm doing it.
11:37I'm like the god of parkour.
11:41See you later.
11:43I needed not to have slowness.
11:44All right, I'll allow you guys to do it for real now.
11:47No, I was so close.
11:49I got up to the invisible block part.
11:51Jump boost, I'll take that.
11:52I'm going to give you some boost.
11:53There you go.
11:53Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
11:54I was not ready for that.
11:55You guys are getting very close to the end.
11:58Only a few more obstacles that are in your way.
12:01I made it to the next checkpoint.
12:03Good job.
12:04And it looks like Daisy's starting to catch up as well.
12:06How many checkpoints are there?
12:09You still have like three more.
12:11My gosh, hurry up.
12:13Oh my gosh, I'm on invisible blocks
12:14and like this pattern is equivalent to where I got to jump.
12:18Yep, Gooby had a problem with that.
12:20Oh no, I missed it.
12:22Wow, that was really embarrassing.
12:23No, it was not.
12:24You're embarrassing.
12:26All I'm going to say is that you guys better start hurrying up
12:28because I think that Johnny's going to be waking up from his nap soon.
12:32Oh no, no, no, no.
12:33What is he going to think when he can't find his friends and his daddy?
12:36I don't know.
12:37He's going to think we left them.
12:38Well, you guys better hurry up.
12:40I am hurrying up.
12:41I'm putting so much pressure on Johnny.
12:42Once he wakes up while we're still in his brain, then we all die.
12:46I did it.
12:47I did it.
12:47Good job.
12:48All right, now get your reward that's in the chest.
12:50Oh, an arrow.
12:51What is this for?
12:52Yes, a bow and arrow.
12:53That's going to be helping you out on the next challenge.
12:56Daisy, hurry up.
12:57We're already on the next challenge.
12:59Can the three of you use their powers or something?
13:02Yeah, please.
13:02Oh my gosh.
13:03Okay, well, that's only fair.
13:05Since two out of the three of you made it here, I guess that's fine.
13:08Yeah, I'll just TP all of us to the next challenge.
13:13Oh God.
13:14Oh God.
13:15Okay, I'll just fly there and TP you guys.
13:17Like I said before, this is the last and final challenge before I show you where Johnny's deepest thoughts are.
13:25But this is not going to be a normal challenge because instead of versing each other, you're going to be versing me.
13:33What even is the challenge?
13:34You guys are going to have to shoot these little targets in between just like this.
13:39And then once you shoot them, they're going to light up.
13:42Okay, that's pretty easy.
13:43So try to get three in a row before I do, but that's not going to happen.
13:47Three, two, one, go.
13:49Hey, hey, hey!
13:50All right, looks like you guys lost the first round.
13:52No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
13:54All right.
13:55I think we have to do one at a time.
13:57Nope, nope, nope.
13:58I did not say go yet.
13:59Stop your fires.
14:01Stop your fires.
14:02We're just practicing.
14:03I think three.
14:04Okay, here we go.
14:05Daddy, me versus you.
14:07Are you ready?
14:07I'm ready.
14:08Three, two, one.
14:08You have to go behind this line.
14:09You have to go behind this line.
14:10Oh, come on.
14:11That's boring.
14:12Make it fair.
14:13Come on, you can fly.
14:14It's ridiculous.
14:15Three, two, one, go.
14:16Oh, yeah, I'm faster than you.
14:17I'm faster than you.
14:18No, no.
14:19Yeah, that's why you didn't hit that one.
14:20I hit it.
14:21No, we hit it at the same time.
14:22Yes, I hit that!
14:23I hit that.
14:24I'll give you a pass.
14:25You go over there.
14:26Four arrows.
14:26I didn't have four arrows.
14:28I missed once.
14:28That's how good I am.
14:29All right, Gooby.
14:30It's me versus you now.
14:31You ready?
14:32Eat this pie.
14:33Three, two, one.
14:34Boom, boom.
14:35Oh, no.
14:36No, no, no, no, no, no.
14:37No, no, no.
14:37Come, Gooby.
14:40Oh, yeah.
14:41That's not fair.
14:42Gooby, get out of my way.
14:43I'm the best cheater in the West.
14:45Me versus you.
14:45Good job, Gooby.
14:46But I'm sick of being behind the line,
14:48so I'm going to go over here.
14:50But if you get to go over there, so do I.
14:53Three, two, one.
14:56I'm the winner.
14:57I won.
14:58He cheated.
14:59You cheated.
15:00You cheated.
15:00You're a big cheater.
15:01Plus one.
15:02Looks like you can't go to Johnny's Deepest Thoughts.
15:04I'm sending you back home.
15:06Hey, everyone.
15:06Hey, hey, hey, hey.
15:07Do not kill me.
15:08Take us there now.
15:10Take us.
15:11OK, OK, OK.
15:12Fine, fine.
15:13I'll take you to the Deepest Thoughts.
15:15You lose.
15:16I hate you guys.
15:17I hope Johnny does not stay friends with you.
15:19He will.
15:19He just needs to figure out what he's hiding.
15:21Check out those powers.
15:23I just TPed you guys here.
15:24Whoa, what's in my hand?
15:26That is a Johnny Sword.
15:28And that's going to be pretty useful,
15:30because you're going to have to stop the Johnny Ogre.
15:34Johnny Ogre?
15:34Is that him, Shrek?
15:35Wait, is that it right there?
15:36The chest with all of Johnny's thoughts?
15:38See that red chest?
15:39That holds all of Johnny's darkest secrets.
15:42Can I just go and get it now?
15:44Yeah, you can.
15:45But just, you know, there might be something in your way,
15:47is all I'm going to say.
15:48Oh, yeah.
15:49Oh, no.
15:50Get him, Johnny Ogre.
15:51Get him.
15:52Go, go, go.
15:53There it is, Shrek.
15:55Ew, it's so ugly.
15:57Oh, this looks like this is going to be way too easy.
15:59So, Daisy, look out behind you.
16:01Oh, my god.
16:01I'm going to get you.
16:02Hey, hey, that's cheating.
16:05Oh, no, I got her.
16:07So fierce.
16:07That's like bow and arrows.
16:09Goobie, look out behind you, bro.
16:11Another one.
16:13This is so much fun.
16:14Goobie, guys, stop that.
16:16He's acting as if he's God.
16:17OK, OK.
16:18This will be the last one.
16:19You guys can kill him.
16:20Oh, my gosh.
16:21They did some weird punch ability to the ground.
16:23Congratulations, you guys made it to Johnny's darkest secrets.
16:28I guess I'll go crazy.
16:29We have to open it.
16:32There's a bunch of pictures.
16:33Wait, guys, what does it read inside?
16:34Not even me, Johnny's fairy, is allowed to look in there.
16:37I got a book.
16:38Wait, read that one.
16:39Read that one.
16:40This is Johnny's current thoughts.
16:41Oh, so this is like his dream right now as he's sleeping.
16:43Man, I wish I could marry Daisy and we could live happily forever.
16:47Why is my daddy so fat?
16:48Can't he just not eat everything he sees?
16:52Does Scooby have to change his shirt every 20 minutes
16:54because of all the drool coming out of his mouth?
16:56Oh, my gosh.
16:58He really thinks this?
16:59We're going to have to have a talk with him when we hop out of his head.
17:01Now I have Johnny's deepest thoughts.
17:03Oh, here we go.
17:04This is what we came here for.
17:06Johnny has currently spent $150,000 on Marty's credit card
17:11for Fortnite and Rocket League skins.
17:13Hold on a second.
17:14Oh, my God.
17:16That's my money.
17:17Are you guys in on that?
17:18Are you guys in on that?
17:19Actually, no.
17:20Maybe like $5 of it is me.
17:23Oh, my God.
17:25I'm going to sell the house.
17:26Oh, here we go.
17:27The second one.
17:28This better be juicy.
17:29Johnny replaces all of the sugar in Daisy's baking kit with salt
17:32and that's why all of her food has been tasting horrible.
17:35Ha, ha, ha.
17:37That's why your things have been tasting bad
17:39like your cakes, your cookies, your brownies.
17:41I told you it wasn't me.
17:43Yeah, I didn't want to tell you, but those have tasted very bad recently.
17:47Oh, now it's up for Gooby.
17:49Oh, no.
17:50We can skip mine probably.
17:52Johnny has been slowly replacing Gooby's shrimp juice stash with apple juice
17:56because Johnny hates the smell of it.
17:59He's replacing the liquid.
18:00I knew it was much more liquidy and clear.
18:02Oh, my gosh.
18:03This is why Johnny didn't want to talk to us today at dinner.
18:06Are you sure?
18:07I feel like there has to be more.
18:09No, I think that's it.
18:10There's just a bunch of random pictures of just dreams that are happening in his head.
18:13Oh, should we put this back?
18:14No, we're going to keep this.
18:15We're going to show it to Johnny when we hop out of his head.
18:18We're going to show it to him, and then I'm going to get my $150,000 back.
18:20Uh-oh, guys.
18:21I just got word that Johnny is trying to wake up out of his sleep right now.
18:26Let's get out of here.
18:27How do we go through that door?
18:29We can use this mind control thingy.
18:31That's a good idea.
18:32We still have it?
18:33It's going to take way too long to get back to the beginning.
18:35Gooby, try that.
18:36Ah, boo.
18:37Oh, my gosh.
18:38Oh, my gosh.
18:39We're back.
18:40Oh, I can't see anything.
18:44You idiot.
18:45Take the helmet off.
18:47I'm dead.
18:48Johnny, wake up.
18:49I'm not dead.
18:50Ow, ow.
18:51Who's hitting me?
18:52Where are you?
18:53Take the helmet off.
18:54Put the helmet on your head.
18:55Why do I have a helmet on my head?
18:57Hey, who put that there?
18:58Gooby did.
18:59It was Gooby.
19:00It was us.
19:01What is wrong with you?
19:02Why would you do that?
19:03Well, we found out some very interesting things about you today.
19:07What do you mean?
19:08What are you guys talking about?
19:10Let me just read from Johnny's deepest thoughts.
19:13Johnny has currently spent $150,000 on Marty's credit card for 49 Rock-A-League skins.
19:17That's you?
19:18That's not real, Daddy.
19:19I mean, some of it's a little real.
19:21And you replaced my sugar with salt?
19:24Wait, how'd you know about that?
19:26I mean, I didn't do that.
19:27Someone else did.
19:28I think it was like a raccoon or something outside.
19:30Oh, yeah.
19:31And let me go get some swimsuits from the fridge.
19:33Or should I say apple juice?
19:35Oh, gosh.
19:36You guys actually do know my darkest secrets.
19:39Daddy, put that sword down.
19:40Not to mention, you want to get married.
19:42Wait, what?
19:43It says that in there?
19:44You were just dreaming about that.
19:45Okay, well, sometimes I have these thoughts, okay?
19:47You guys are not allowed to go inside my head ever again.
19:50But we just did.
19:51And now we know why you weren't talking at dinner.
19:53Oh, gosh.
19:54This is not good.
19:55Okay, I think I need to get some fresh air.
19:57I'm just going to go get some fresh air.
19:58I'm just going to move over here.
19:59Johnny, you're going to time out!
20:01He can't come here!
20:02I want to show you the cool Johnny sword I have in your face!
20:06Well, if you guys enjoyed watching this video,
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