Today, Johnny and Daisy get married in Minecraft! But watch until the end to see who shows up to the wedding...
#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod
#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod
00:00Alright Gooby, are you ready to record this video for our school project here? Come on in gooby get over here
00:05We need to get a 100 on this project because if we don't then that means I'm gonna fail science class
00:15Okay, are you ready do not say anything weird or mess it up okay, and I'm recording I'm recording um hi teacher
00:22It's us Johnny and Gooby and today. We're gonna be showing you how to make
00:31Why'd you say that
00:35Oh my god, let me restart it bro listen. I need this hundred do not mess this up for me Gooby
00:40I didn't realize how nervous it was being on camera
00:43You're just let me do all the talking and when I ask for stuff to make the potion you're gonna hand it to me see
00:49What's in your head? You're gonna hand it to me
00:52All right here. We go number two hello class and teacher
00:56It is I Johnny and Gooby and today
00:59We're gonna show you how to make some potions all right Gooby the first step
01:04Is that we need to get all the ingredients together to pass over what you got?
01:11Say the worst
01:14Give me the resources come on just to hit Q pass them over
01:18I got a spider. I here you go nice. Oh a spider. I whoa that's gonna make a cool potion
01:27Yeah, I could be what else do you got to make this potion?
01:32Okay, whoo a slice a slice of strawberry cake
01:37Baby, okay, ha ha that was a funny little joke, but now that's over the next ingredient for the potion not for your belly
01:54My goodness just what else do you got that's actually good we need that
02:04Okay, you know what I'm cutting the camera who me why why do you have all these weird items?
02:11Well guess what we're cutting all that out, and we're gonna take it from me just making the potion we're skipping all this
02:17You're ruining the video
02:19You want me to fail all right, then stop acting stupid, okay?
02:24Let me just do that real quick all right Gooby here. We go um
02:28Watch out. Let me just take over here all right teacher on this side. Okay teacher now
02:33I got a bunch of resources. Let me just grab some water bottles from this chest all right
02:39Give me blaze powder give me nether warts and a few other things now
02:42We're gonna go right over here to this scary-looking machine, ooh
02:48All right put the blaze powder. Oh my god. It's doing it. It's doing something look at the little smoke Gooby. You see that
02:56It is making a really awesome potion right almost done. It's literally almost done. Come on hurry up hurry up
03:04Whoa what did we make here wait? What the heck potion is this we made a mystery potion?
03:13Let's go, I don't think this potion even existed in Minecraft
03:17We just made a new potion look at that and that is what science is all about can we hit the camera end it?
03:30What's happening to me I think the potion just splashed on me, and we don't know what it does
03:35You got some pink weird goo coming off of you
03:50Wow she looks really good
04:01I just want to be close to you Daisy
04:04Are you sure he's okay?
04:11No I guys I don't have a crush. I just like to be very close to Daisy
04:19Oh my god, I'll do anything. What do you need help with? I'll do anything you need are you hungry right now?
04:25What else do you want? Do you wanna? You want to go on a date?
04:30My god, that's so romantic. Did you hear that she wants to eat cake with me?
04:37Okay Daisy, I'm gonna go downstairs right now and get you the freshest piece of cake all right. I'll be right back, okay
04:46Come on where's the cake yet? No the fridge is empty no Daisy needs her cake anything over here
04:52Oh, this is all stale and old my daddy's been keeping these out for days
04:57No, this is not good enough for my love Daisy, so guess what I'm gonna
05:01Go to the bakery and get her the freshest piece of cake in the world
05:05Sorry guys. I'm going to the bakery. I gotta get you cake Daisy
05:10I'll be right back. Give me like five minutes five minutes goobie
05:14Right almost at the bakery and here we are at the bakery. Let's see what type of cakes they got
05:22Hello there sir or singular pumpkin, that's a very weird name
05:27Hi, I'm looking for some cake we have lots of cake here
05:34Unfortunately we had a lot of orders this weekend so a lot of these cakes have already been sold, okay
05:40Well guess what these cakes won't even do they're not good enough. They're not grand enough
05:44I need a cake that looks like a
05:46Wedding cake yes for me and my girlfriend. Oh
05:50You're going to pop the question and have a nice wedding yes
05:54I'm gonna ask her if we could get married, but I need you to do it right now. It's urgent right now go go go
06:01Senor Dean don't you want to ask her before you get the cake? No no I need the cake right now
06:07She needs it right now. She's literally gonna die if she doesn't get this cakes in your pumpkin, okay, okay?
06:12No, no, okay. See I will get it for you. Yes. Yes. Yeah, you start my baking process
06:17I also have an idea can you put me on top of the cake with her next to me?
06:21That would be like really romantic and she'll like that of course I can okay
06:25She's like pink and she likes daisies her name is Daisy. Would you like me to put some flowers on the cake?
06:30Oh, yes, yes, she loved flowers do that a perfect. Oh, I do it this cake is going to be rather expensive
06:37Are you sure you can pay for it? Oh? I gotta pay for it. I forgot about that. Oh, I have an idea
06:43I got my daddy's credit card. Yep. I got a credit card ready for you to swipe perfect. Oh, yeah
06:49I guess I'm your take the credit card swipe it early once you swipe in get that moolah. Thank you all right
06:56It's the cake almost ready. Can you kind of hurry up? I need to go like right now, and we'll be in it is finished
07:01Oh my god. May the masterpiece
07:05My god
07:08Mwah you are amazing. This is perfect. She's gonna. Love this. Oh my god. I can't wait to show
07:14Please tell your friends if they need any kind of baked goods come to me senior pumpkin. Thank you senior pumpkin
07:22This is gonna be the best day ever I gotta go show Daisy this cake
07:25I'm finally back home, and I'm ready to show Daisy this amazing cake here. We go Oh Daisy check it out
07:33Look at your cake
07:37On top of it yep look how fancy we look
07:43I mean maybe
07:48Yep, it's gonna be the most delicious cake in the world, and it sounds like Daisy really loves it
07:54Yep, I did that I did all that Daisy. What else do you need help with?
08:01You need diamonds
08:03Okay, how am I gonna get diamonds Oh gooby you want to help me get diamonds
08:14Yes, daddy you want to help me go mine diamonds for Daisy she needs something to help repairing her tools
08:19Well, maybe not for Daisy, but for me
08:21I need some more money cuz someone has my credit card, and they keep spending it on weird stuff. Oh
08:27I don't know daddy probably one of those scammers dang always getting those credit cards
08:32I gotta cancel that credit card, but yes, let's go mining
08:38Nice I got tools all right Daisy. We're gonna be right back all right
08:42We're just gonna go get the diamonds all for you. All right. You just enjoy this cake
08:47Remember today is all about you. It's the I love Daisy day every day, and I want to get married to her okay
08:53Come on guys
09:03Look at the Sun doesn't that remind you of something hot very hot exactly
09:08Later spaghetti it reminds me of Daisy cuz she's so hot. Oh my god. That's so cringe Gooby. Please just go to the mine
09:27Where are you taking us?
09:32Oh my gosh it goes so far down daddy got skeleton cross signs everywhere
09:40Cool adventures that want to keep it for themselves
09:43We'll grab a sword to pickaxe daddy will do anything for Daisy. I'm going in
09:49Why is it always for Daisy?
09:52You know you have been very obsessed with Daisy after I spilled that person on you by accident
09:59This creeper this stuff down here. Oh my god. This is not safe. This is not safe
10:09Do not let them explode oh
10:12Okay, I think we're safe. Oh my god guys look around look at the diamonds guys. We are rich
10:18Oh my gosh doesn't look like anyone's been in this cave since like 30 years ago. It looks like it's abandoned
10:27What god Daisy's gonna love them, they're so perfect and shiny every single one of them is actually beautiful
10:34Problem you know that you're like obsessing over Daisy. Hey watch out. I gotta get more for Daisy out of my way fat bald guy
10:44Watch out for the Enderman they teleport we took every need to keep moving down
10:47It looks like he's very bad at me. Just hug the wall. We do not get them angry at us, bro
10:52I don't want to deal with any of those well one's angry. Look what you did
10:58Gosh, you just walk past me to get you. Oh my gosh
11:01We got like so many diamonds where we could probably make diamond blocks make a whole diamond house
11:05Whatever you do, bro. I need you to stay alive because you're gonna be my best man at our wedding
11:09You know what that means?
11:12Yes, that means you guys stand next to me while me and Daisy kiss what you're getting married
11:18Yeah, did you not see the wedding cake yeah, you what did you answer um? I mean no exactly okay?
11:24You're not getting married. That's good. No
11:26That must be what you want these diamonds for you're gonna make a little diamond wing exactly
11:31Daddy after she sees all these diamonds. No way. She's gonna say no to getting married. Oh
11:37We have enough diamonds. Oh yeah, daddy. I think there's way too many monsters in here. I think we go back up guys well
11:43Uh those creepers kind of destroyed our way up. We what yeah, we kind of need a different way out
11:48Oh, okay, whoo daddy over here. Maybe there's a way out over here. No, okay. It's just more diamonds
11:58Guys I think the cave might be collapsing. No. I mean it's been here for like a century
12:03Oh gosh blowing up with the creepers guys. There's explosions. Okay quick. We need to run right now daddy follow me
12:10I'm following I'm following whoo. I think I see the parkour out of here. What does parkour yep, daddy
12:16There's parkour right up here parkour. This is gonna be the only way to escape
12:21We hurry up bro, you guys get oh gosh guys. This is not good. Oh, there's a lot of explosions
12:34Take it out by the cave whoo daddy look one last diamond right here. Let me get that nice nice
12:38Not my diamond. He needs one more okay?
12:42Guys we made it out of the cave safely somehow. I don't know how but we did how many diamonds you guys get?
12:48I have 41
12:50Diamonds, I got 36
12:5426 oh my gosh. This is insane. Okay. We need to run home right now actually wait before we do that
13:00I make crafting bench. I gotta craft some stuff for Daisy. Okay. Oh my gosh. You have a crazy obsession
13:05It needs to needs to end now now. It's getting annoying hold on daddy. Hold on. I see one more
13:09I gotta get a sword. Oh my gosh here. We go here. We go all day to be worth it. Okay, all right
13:15Let me just make her diamond sword. Let me just make her a
13:19Diamond pickaxe and a diamond axe and for funsies
13:23I'm gonna make her a shovel as well, and she has eight diamonds left over all for Daisy. Let's go. Oh great alright
13:30Look can we go back to the house now? Yep, daddy. I just don't know which way to go. It's this way
13:34I remember where we went daddy hurry up
13:37Okay, okay, I'm ready. Oh my goodness. Thank God. We're finally back. We are back at the house, okay, okay?
13:45Into me guess what Daisy we got diamonds for you and check out what I made. I made you all this armor
13:52I made you all these tools, and you have eight extra diamonds. Just whatever you want to do with them
13:59Let's just say Gooby found a really really awesome mind, so do you love me now?
14:06Let's go. Oh my god. I think we're getting married
14:11What is it Daisy anything anything I'll do anything
14:14There's this princess toy that I want and it's really really rare a princess toy, okay?
14:21I could probably get that for you
14:25Yes, I'll pay for them using these diamonds
14:27You have to go quick so it doesn't sell out
14:31All right Gooby you want to go together, yes, let's go. Let me go get me a princess toy
14:37I'll be right back Daisy with your princess toy
14:40Wait daddy. Do you want anything from the store daddy or no? No? I don't want a toy
14:44You just laugh do you even like want to hear what I say how's the joke daddy?
14:48I was supposed to ask you a question not say anything back
14:51All right, come on. Give me this way. It's time to go to the toy store
14:55Oh, yeah, I've never had this much money for the toy store before we're back. Oh crazy. Let me check it out
15:00Look what that says up there looks like we're in the right spot
15:07It says toys, that's that's literally what we've been talking about
15:13Sometimes I think you got nothing up there in that little head of yours just air
15:19Okay Gooby, let's just look around for the princess toy
15:21All right, do not get distracted from any of this other stuff
15:27You're distracted no distractions
15:32I don't know. Which one is the toy that Daisy's looking for? You know, I'm just gonna X the worker. Excuse me
15:37I toy miss miss toys
15:40We're looking for the popular princess toy that apparently is really expensive and really rare
15:45Do you guys have it in shop? Aren't you like too old to my princess toy?
15:50No, it's not for me. Okay, it's for someone that I really really love and I do anything for so, where is it?
15:56Well, that's like right over there. Where oh, oh my god. Look at this toy
16:02Oh, yeah, Daisy's definitely gonna love it. All right. How much is it? It's like totes expensive like a thousand dollars
16:11$1,000. Um, okay. Well, I have eight diamonds. Will that do yeah, we are a card only
16:17Establishment no diamonds allowed hard only but oh no, I threw out my daddy's card earlier. Oh god, that was stupid
16:31Ruby I don't care about that. I'm trying to pay for Daisy's toy, but we're having an issue. They don't take diamonds
16:40Card only
16:47Um totes not happening
16:52My god, there it is the princess toy. Yeah, I just want to put it in my hand a little bit
16:58$1,000 right in my hand gooby. You like totes should put that down. Um, but I don't want it though
17:04Well, you totes cannot have it. Please. No totes, please. Give me your card and you can take it. Oh
17:12my god
17:14I have an idea. What's your idea bro? You say that you want to look at it one more time. I'm gonna distract. Oh
17:21So we're gonna steal the toy
17:23I'll do anything for Daisy even steal stuff. Okay, that's a little weird. I just want to get free stuff. Okay, go distract
17:35Anyway, there's a nice weather we're having um, obviously it's not
17:56Drink like four coffees a day
18:08This is not good gooby. Oh, I got a report this we got a 438 robbery in progress
18:14No, no, it's not what it looks like. No, no, no
18:19Help me do me help me
18:24I don't care. You're following me get over here
18:33Please someone help me. Let me out of this stupid prison
18:38This is terrible. How am I supposed to give this princess toy to Daisy? I was able to hide it my pants
18:44They stole everything else besides the toy. Hey, man, my quiet and down some people got bigger problems
18:50Sorry, bro. I just really gotta get this toy to my girlfriend. Ah, it's about your girl, huh?
18:56Yes, you know way out of here. Only way out is by sitting here and waiting 20 years. No, not 20 years
19:03I don't I don't deserve 20 years. Please someone let me out
19:06I was almost out once then my cellmate looked at me funny and I beat him up. Oh
19:13Wow, that's weird. That's a crazy story. I'm just gonna look over here now. Oh look at the sink
19:18Johnny Johnny would sell you in
19:22Daddy yes, just the person I was looking for daddy. You gotta get me out of here. What did you do?
19:27I didn't do anything daddy. No, Johnny. I already know you did go. We told me that's why I'm here
19:32Wait, you know about the princess toy. Oh, and there it is the reason why you're in this prison cell your daddy
19:37I was gonna hand it to you. You got to get it to Daisy. So it's not
19:41Won't go through can't pass anything through those bars. Oh, come on
19:46Well, daddy, can you like bail me out officer?
19:49What do I have to do to get him out of here gonna have to fill out some paperwork in the front?
19:53I'm not doing that. How about 36 diamonds 36 diamonds?
19:58Okay, fine. You're free to go. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Uh, see you later em. Hey, no, he's gotta stay in there
20:04That guy that guy was gonna beat me up. Hey, let me out of here. I'm with him. No, you're not
20:09I don't even know who you are. That's a real criminal. Not me
20:12Oh, okay. This guy wants to get out too. No gooby. No, I'm free. Oh my god. What have you done? You fools?
20:21That guy's a dangerous criminal gooby. You just let out a criminal. What is wrong with you? Oh
20:28My god, I'm out in a prison. Okay. Well, you know what guys this is not our problem
20:33Our only problem is that Daisy doesn't have this plushie. So we gotta get home right now. Not this again
20:39I just I just really love Daisy. I'm sorry Johnny your love for Daisy cost me 36 diamonds that I mined in that mine
20:46Well, thank you. Daddy. Thank you. All right, Johnny. Come on. Let's just go home. All right, I'm sick and tired
20:51It's Daisy talk. Come on guys. Let's go
20:54Daddy, watch out there. She is
20:58Daisy guess what is in my hands? Nothing. No. No, you have to guess. I'm about to put it in my hands. You ready?
21:05Okay, it's an egg roll. No, it's not an egg roll
21:10It's the princess toy that cost a lot of money
21:14There you go
21:15This is crazy. I've always wanted this
21:18Yeah, it's super rare
21:20Let's just say I had to go through a lot to get that toy like a lot went to prison for it went to prison
21:26Yep, I'd do anything for you Daisy anything. Well, thank you. I was going to start a painting
21:31Well, um daisy, you know, I was like thinking a lot and I was like wondering to like ask you like this question
21:38But I don't know if you're gonna say yes or no to it. But uh, i'm just gonna ask you anyways
21:45Daisy um, uh, would you marry me?
21:49Of course johnny. Oh my god. She said yes. Oh my god
21:54You've done so many nice things for me
21:57I'm being married. What you're too you're too young
22:01Nope, daddy. I'm getting married right now. Daddy. We gotta get dressed up for the wedding. Come on guys
22:06This is the best day ever
22:18The union of these two lovebirds
22:23That's me and daisy the lovebirds johnny
22:25Do you take this goal to be your wife in sickness and in health till you both die?
22:32Um, am I supposed to say I do? Yes
22:34Um, I don't want to die. I do I do I do I do I do
22:39Go be okay. I don't want to die
22:41It's okay. It's just it's just what he said. Oh, okay. Okay, and daisy
22:46Will you take this guy to be your husband all day and all night until he poops his pants?
22:54What the heck goobie, what was that ending? I just tried to spice it up a little bit. Okay. Daisy just say I do
23:01What the heck oh my god, oh my god, what is going on here? Oh, oh, it's becky
23:11Oh god
23:15What is going on
23:17You are ruining everything johnny is only supposed to love me I just gave him a negative potion
23:23What the heck? He's never gonna love you. You smell like meat loaf. No, I don't
23:27Well, uh daisy, I I don't love you and I don't know why i'm at this wedding. What is going on?
23:32You said it's I love daisy day. Yeah. No, it is. It is definitely not. I love daisy day
23:37I'm gonna go somewhere else now. This is really weird. I don't know what's happening. Johnny. We spent money on this wedding
23:42No, no, no, I don't like daisy
23:45I'll come with you. I don't I don't like daisy no more. I'm, sorry guys
23:49I gotta get out of here
23:52I don't love anyone day
23:54Well, if you guys enjoyed watching this video, then make sure to leave a like and subscribe right now. Bye